Download - The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Page 1: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results.

What’s in this issue?

News and Views 1

Fruity Friday Roster 2

Wishing Tree 2

Working Bee 2

OSHClub 3

Election Day Jumble Stall 4

Prep-2 Christmas Concert 4

Expert’s Tips To Stop



News and Views...

Soirée Evening 2014 Well done to each and every student involved in our annual Soirée evening. I am very proud of the talent dis-

played but even more impressed with the effort and application each student demonstrated to prepare for and

perform on the evening. A huge thank you goes to our excellent hosts Maya and Peri and to Mrs Leticq-Cromb

for her excellent music program. I’d also like to thank the instrumental music teachers Jed and Luke as well as

parent volunteer Nicole Gailis who helped out on the evening. Thank you also to the many people who baked delicious cupcakes and to the Fundraising Committee for operat-

ing the canteen during the intermission.

It was a wonderful community event and was thoroughly enjoyed by both the performers and the audience.

Working Bee this Thursday 3.30pm to 6.30pm. We need you! Our last working bee for the year takes place this Thursday evening. Our major job is to prepare the vegetable

garden beds for planting in the upcoming weeks. We also have a number of other small jobs that need to take

place as well. Please bring along brooms, rakes, secateurs, shovels, wheelbarrows and any other tools that may

be useful. Richard Bellemo will be leading a group of volunteers in the setting up of the garden beds in a sustaina-

ble manner. Like me, you might find this to be a great learning opportunity.

If you have some newspaper we can use in the garden beds please bring that along too.

Please come along and join in this very important community event.

Food Stalls and Jumble Sale This Weekend This year we are taking advantage of the state Election by holding a Jumble sale combined with some food stalls.

Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to conduct their vote at Mt Dandy Primary and visit our

stalls. The fundraising committee are still looking for some volunteers to help out at the stalls so please check

the advertisement in this newsletter for further details.

Dogs in School Although we realise that the majority of dogs are safe, we ask that parents tie their dogs up outside the school

grounds when picking up and dropping off their children. Some children have a fear of dogs (of any size) and

should not experience this in school.

Thank you for your understanding.

School Magazine Cover Competition Each year we encourage students to design a magazine

cover for our annual School Magazine. All entries need

to be on A4 paper and should depict school life at Mt

Dandy. Students from Prep to 6 are welcome to enter.

Entries close Tuesday December the 2nd at 4pm. One

entry per student please.

Thumbs Up To: Our wonderful, musical students and music cap-


Our Fundraising Committee who have been

working tirelessly this term for a number of


Michael Nepoleone of Red Rich Orchards for

donating our apple bins for the Enviro Centre.

Thank you, Mike Leonard.

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

What’s On


November 25th—Billy Slater Shield – 5/6

Girls team

26th—Remembering at Christmas Service—

William Angliss 2-4pm

27th—Working Bee

28th—SLU Market 29th—State Election/Jumble



2nd—Prep Information Evening

8th—School Council


9th—Whole School

Orientation Day

11th—Nativity Play

12th—Presentation Night

16th—Grade 6 Graduation

16th—P-2 Christmas concert &


Purpose Statement Mount Dandenong Primary School values our unique environment and close community. It is a place for creative opportunities and academic

excellence, nurturing respect, happiness and independence.

Issue 235 25th November 2014

Thank you. The

Musical Soiree

Evening was a

huge success.

We raised $600 from the cup-cakes and gold coin entrance fee!! The money raised will be put to-wards to large dun-dun (base)

drums to enhance the collection of drums we already have.

Mrs Leticq-Cromb wishes to thank everyone who supported the night, assisted in any way and to the students who per-

formed so very well.

Page 2: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

Page 2 The Mount Dandy News

FRUITY FRIDAY ROSTER—TERM 4 Pick up Fruit from Pelligrino’s Jackie Monteith 0403 861 558 or Tara Tonkin 0403 256 956

Meet in the staff room at 9am (If you’re unable to attend please swap with someone). * An extra pair of hands is ALWAYS welcome if anyone has a spare ½ hour on these days. Thank you to all the people who

have volunteered.

Date Name

Friday 28th November Sarah Davy, Bianca Robertson & Sharyn Johnston

Friday 5th December Jackie Monteith & Vanessa Veal

Friday 12th December Jackie Monteith & Vanessa Veal

Friday 19th December Last day of term 2—NO FRUIT

Wishing Tree There is only 4 weeks until Christmas! Each year we set up our own Wishing Tree in the foyer. The tree will be

in our foyer on Tuesday 24th November. The Wishing Tree provides an ideal way to teach our children to think

of others, especially those less fortunate.

Simply choose a tag from the tree:

YELLOW for children in Grades P–2. GREEN for children in Grades 3&4. RED for children in Grades 5&6. Purchase and wrap an appropriate gift, attach the tag and place it under the tree. Including your child in the

choice and wrapping of the gift is a great idea! The gifts will be collected on Monday 15th December and will be

passed on to “ Steps Outreach Service” (Concern Australia) which provides support for young homeless people.

Thank you for your support.

This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree

Any NEW items that you think are suitable would be appreciated.

0-5 years: a strong plastic toy, Duplo, cars, dolls, books, dinosaurs, Bob The Builder, Thomas the Tank Engine,

Wiggles etc toys. Look in the pre-school section in any of the major stores.

5-12 years: Girls – Barbies, Lego, tea sets, books, Smiggle products, stationery

Boys – Lego, cars, football/soccer ball/basketball, books, torch

Teenagers :

Girls – make-up or body lotion set (Body Shop gift set or Dove travelling set), nail polish, diary/journal,

soap/bubble bath set, candles, perfume, backpack.

Boys – cap, sports equipment, wallet, drink bottle, backpack, Lynx travelling set, sports socks and art equip-


WORKING BEE We have our final Working Bee planned for this

Thursday 27th November form 3:30—6:30pm. The focus of the working bee is planning and preparation for the vegetable garden in our new

Enviro Centre. Lots of preparation is required for proposed planting by students.

Page 3: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

Page 3 The Mount Dandy News

OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program

This week in OSH we had our cricket frenzy week!! We

not only played cricket, instead we immersed ourselves in

the rules, skills, equipment and the cricket lifestyle.

We learnt the skills and rules of cricket in our Active After

School Care- cricket day. We can see Poppy on the Left

learning how to hold the bat.

During arts and craft we got creative making recycled mate-

rial cricket bats, we even design a new cricket uniform for

the Australian cricket team.

They were amazing!! Some of them should be submitted for

the cricket

World cup!!

Next week we are joining in on the Christmas spirit, with

one month until Christmas!! With lots of arts and craft, cooking and fun themed games, we will definitely be getting

into the festive holiday spirit.

So come along and join the fun and make some awesome

Christmas toys/decorations to take home.

This Week’s Activities – Term 4,Week 8

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Before Care Activities

Christmas balls Pop up cards Christmas colouring Christmas memory Christmas games


Cereal & Milk, Juice (No

sugar), Toast (White/

Wholemeal) & Spreads,


Cereal & Milk, Juice (No

sugar), Toast (White/

Wholemeal), Spreads &

Milk & Milo

Cereal & Milk, Juice (No

sugar), Toast (White/

Wholemeal), Spreads &

Raisin Toast

Cereal & Milk, Juice (No

sugar), Toast (White/

Wholemeal) & Spreads,

Fresh fruit

Cereal & Milk, Juice (No

sugar), Toast (White/

Wholemeal) & Spreads,

Milk & milo

After Care


‘Construction Day’

Making advent calendars

4:15 – 5:15pm



‘Get Creative’

Art/Craft Club!

Christmas angles

4:15pm – 5:15pm


Tail tiggy

‘Cooking Club!’

Carrot cake

4:15pm – 5:15pm



‘Active After school

sports games’

AASC Handball

4:15 to 5:15pm


Christmas cards

‘Friday Fun Day’

3D ornaments

4:15pm – 5:30pm


Christmas signs



Jam, vegemite and

fresh cheese sandwich-

es with a plate of wa-

termelon, apple and


2 minute noodles with a

plate of apple, and wa-

termelon, apple, orang-

es and pear

Nachos and a plate of

pineapple, oranges, wa-

termelon and apple

Fruit smoothies.

Along with a plate of

watermelon, mango

and orange.

A plate of cherry to-

matoes, carrot, cu-

cumber with crackers

and dip. Along with a

plate of watermelon,

apple and orange.

Parent Information

Make sure your child/ren bring their hat as: No Hat = No outside play.

Ensure all enrolments are to be signed in and out when your child arrives and is collected at the end of the day.

OSHC program phone: 0419915649 OSHClub Head Office: 03 8564 9000

Coordinator: Samantha Clarke Assistant: Kerrie Jones All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancella-

tions can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.

Page 4: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

Page 4 The Mount Dandy News

Prep-Gr 2 Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday 16th December at 9.30-11am in the Multi.

This is a lovely way to end the year and we hope to see as

many parents and friends as possible. Limited seating!!

Your assistance would be much appreciated for a couple of hours at the

Election Day Jumble Sale

Saturday 29th Nov 2014

If you are available please let Julie know at the office

or email Kylie at [email protected] or text on 0439 553 371.


Canteen BBQ Jumble Sale

8am - 10am

10am - 12noon

12noon - 2pm

2pm - 4pm

Mt Dandenong Preschool is happy to announce we will be running an extended program for 3 year olds in 2015.

3 year old kindergarten hours will now be:

6 hours (2 days of 3 hours)

There is a limited number of places still available for 3 year olds so if interested, please download a registration

form from and return to the kindy as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you have any queries please contact Alanna Deering on 0404 863 503.

Page 5: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

Page 5 The Mount Dandy News

Expert’s tips for parents to stop cyber-

bullying Publication Date:17/11/2014 5:00 PM

Social media is more accessible than ever – with the rise of smartphones and tablets, it has never been easi-

er to jump online.

For young people, it means being more connected than any other generation – friends are never more than

a tweet away.

Unfortunately this has also led to a rapid increase in cyberbullying – to the point that at least one in 10 chil-

dren are cyberbullied each year.

Cyberbullying can be very different from traditional bullying, and many parents can feel ill-equipped to re-

spond if their child is being cyberbullied.

Susan McLean a former police officer and Australia’s leading cybersafety expert, said even if parents have no

experience with social media, by following a few basic steps, parents can effectively support their children to

be safe online.

'Parenting in the 21st century requires you to be able to parent in the digital space,' Ms McLean said.

'Technology is firmly entrenched in our lives and that of our children so we need the tools to deal with is-

sues as they arise.

'It’s really important that if your child is being cyberbullied, you don’t cut them off from social media and

take their technology away - the vast majority of kids won't tell a parent if they are bullied and harassed

online for fear of losing access. They would much rather put up with the bad to keep the good.'

Ms McLean said when confronted with their child being cyberbullied, parents should follow the cyberbullying

quick response checklist:

Reassure and comfort

Don't respond

Block and delete bully

Report to the site

Keep a copy

Tell school (or relevant place) and seek action

If ongoing inform police

Support your child as they have done nothing wrong

The Department’s Bully Stoppers website has a range of advice for parents, students and teachers about

how to respond to all types of bullying.

Susan McLean is Australia's leading cybersafety expert and was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years.

She was the first Victorian Police officer appointed to a position involving cybersafety and young people. She

was one of several experts who authored the Bully Stoppers Resource and is a published author. Her

book Sexts Texts and Selfies - how to keep your child safe in the digital space is available now.

Page 6: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

Page 6 The Mount Dandy News

30 Day Training

Experience Passes available at

the Office

For $20 All proceeds go to





Hot shots tennis available for juniors

Adults $5 to play BYO drinks and food

Electric BBQ available Xmas Hamper Raffle Draw

6 hampers of homemade goodies- Xmas cakes, puddings, wine, chocs etc

Enquiries call Colleen 97512190

SuSunil Christmas Sale

INDIAN IMPORTS All goods from $10 - $40

Saturdays and Sundays Dec 6th & 7th, 13th & 14TH 11am to 5 pm

1 Old Mountain Road Kalorama Park at 5 ways car park

Enquiries call Sue on 9728 1369

Page 7: The Mount Dandy News Top of the mountain, top results....This is a list of suggestions if you are unsure what to buy for the Wishing Tree Any NEW items that you think are suitable

Mount Dandenong Primary School Farndons Road, Mount Dandenong 3767

Telephone—03 9751 1136 Fax—03 9751 2332 [email protected]

Page 7 The Mount Dandy News