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M rterReport

JULY 2015


illiam James, American psychologist and philosopher, said back in the late 1800s, “When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” Even if you don’t consciously focus on your choices, your choices are made regardless. How important it is, then, to get into present-time conscious-ness and make the choices now, which will get you where you want to be in the next moment, tomorrow, and the rest of your life.

And, notice we said, “to get into present-time consciousness.” If you have unresolved issues from the past, it is impossible to fully live your life in the present, because you are constantly fighting battles from the past in your mind and body. Choose now to forgive that past and save your life! It’s not too late to make this very powerful decision! You certainly have the leveraging power of your entire Morter HealthAlliance family behind you! This issue of The Morter Report will help you get started, and there is so much more available to you! Free yourself of past hurts and watch your future light up!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report July 2015

Why not get past this . . . right now!Studies support the idea that by showing compassion and forgiveness to the very ones we so despise and wish to get even with, we can actually improve our health and reduce our stress. Think about this scenario. You have been arguing with someone for years over something you feel very strongly about. Finally, after months or years of back and forth back biting and bickering, you finally “WIN” the disagreement; you are victorious; you are triumphant! How did it feel? Were you vindicated? Probably not. Were you satisfied to the degree you expected? Probably not. Did the “winning” make you a better person, help your relationship, or enhance your outlook on life and your ability to set an example for your kids? Probably not! No, it more than likely feels somewhat hollow and empty, for you have further isolated yourself for the mere sake of just being right. How silly is that?

Studies prove that when we forgive rather than hold out for the big win, we actually lower our blood pressure, slow our heart rate, and we live longer. And, the beauty of all this is, forgiveness can be even after someone has passed or is completely gone from our lives. You must remember that the entire process is about you and not the person you need to forgive. Forgiveness will serve to solidify our bonds with family and friends, and studies also indicate that the more social we are, the longer we live.

In fact, people tell us in our Personal Care programs that by doing the Morter Forgiveness Process – The 5 Steps of Forgiveness – they experience decreased levels of self negativity, anger and hostility. They feel increased control over their negative responses like anger and hostility. They are free to experience love, to socialize, and interact with family. All this from simply, but effectively, using the 5 Steps of Forgiveness – forgive yourself; forgive the other person; give them permission to forgive you; see the good in the situation, and be thankful for the experience and the lesson it taught you.

Dr. Ted Morter, III


In celebration of 40 years of B.E.S.T.Announcing the All-New Elite Diplomate 2015Attaining the level of Elite Diplomate is for those wishing to be the very best, for those with desire to really change this world. Elite Diplomate is a very special group of practitioners dedicated to the principles of Morter HealthAlliance, dedicated to technique excellence, and dedicated to a level of training going far beyond the average practitioner.

This year, 2015, the entire Elite Diplomate program is designed to ensure your success with this technique. For two days you will practice your art of B.E.S.T. in comfortable surroundings being helped by the very best of the B.E.S.T. With our new and completely re-designed program, there will be more practical demonstrations, more time to perfect your skills, and more time to “experience the art of B.E.S.T.” Our goal is to help you become the very best you can be!

It’s even more than that! Elite Diplomate is a level of expertise and confidence. It’s a way of “knowing this procedure” inside and out. It’s an understanding of the principles of healing, going way beyond the beginner’s way of thinking. Elite Diplomate is designed to encourage the timid, stretch the competent, and ignite the advanced practitioner to levels never even imagined! Elite Diplomate 2015 is about “Being your B.E.S.T.”

When you complete the requirements of Elite Diplomate, you will be able to exude a level of confidence with the logistics and details of B.E.S.T. like no other. You are on the journey to be the best of the B.E.S.T. Join us September 10-11th.

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ForgivenessHave you ever considered the impact a single word or phrase has on your life? I mean stop everything you are doing, shut down ALL of the brain chatter, and focus for a moment on a single task. Ask yourself again, “Have I ever considered how a single word or phrase could change my life”? It is a great question; one that can put you into a state of mind to allow true healing to take place.

Today I will ask you to spend some time on the word forgiveness. This is an incredibly powerful word and, more importantly, it’s a concept that can change your life forever. As a basic tenet of B.E.S.T., this concept is frequently misunderstood. Often, while people are attending and participating in Personal Care, this is the break-through word and concept that allows them to begin the actual healing process.

Once you understand the Five Steps of Forgiveness and actually OWN the feeling and vibration of them, your ability to heal and move forward expands exponentially. One of the primary roadblocks in this process is to first understand that forgiving someone or something does not mean you approve of their actions. This also applies to you, if you have done something in the past or even if you failed to do something in the past. You do not have to approve of the action or inaction to apply the Steps of Forgiveness.

The second largest roadblock is realizing that forgiveness is all about YOU – the person doing the forgiving. It does not require any action on anyone else’s part; therefore, even if someone has already passed from this physical life, you may still apply these principles.

You can begin by forgiving yourself, then forgive the other person. Next, give them permission to forgive you. Now, you must find a way to see the good in the circumstance or situation and learn the lesson. Unlearned lessons have a way of repeating themselves until you “get it.” Lastly, you must wish them well! Forgiveness is a process. It takes time to understand and realize the benefits of this powerful word and concept. Get started today. Change your life!


The purpose of forgiving is to help your body respond only to currently appropriate stimuli. It’s not to absolve the person who is being forgiven.

Forgiveness changes your physiological responses to the memory of the situation. But, forgiveness is more than a mental exercise – it is a deep down inner feeling. And, that is what I think we too often overlook – the emotion. Your thoughts run your life; your feelings run your body. I believe, that to be effective, forgiveness must include positive emotion. Don’t just say it; mean it.

The positive emotion must be as potent as the original negative emotion. And, conjuring up positive emotions when you are the injured party can be difficult. Positive emotions are the cement that produces lasting upgraded memory patterns – a forgiveness exercise that lasts. - Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr.

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I have, in the past, wrestled with forgiveness, and I am certain that you have as well. But, why is forgiveness so challenging, yet so liberating when done completely? I guess, in life, anything worth achieving takes some focused effort.

I believe the hurdle is our ego. And I always love the acronym for ego, “edging GOD out.” We have this deep seated feeling of being hurt or wronged, and we want the offending party to remove the hurt or correct the wrong-doing. It becomes all about us!

I have discovered that often the offending party does not even see they have wronged or hurt you. And if they do recognize that your feelings have been hurt, they do not understand why you have responded in such a negative fashion. So, it all comes down to what each individual believes is right and wrong. And guess what, not everyone agrees with your point of view for right and wrong! Have you ever been in an auto accident when both parties believe that the other person is at fault? Sure you have! If you haven’t, then you either do not drive, or have yet to be in an accident involving another driver! My favorite accident story involved my youngest son when he was in his first accident ever. The lady changed lanes into his lane and struck the front of the truck he was driving. When the police arrived and took the lady’s statement, she said, “Officer, I had my turn signal on, and he did not get out of my way.” That‘s definitely a new perspective, which I had not considered.

I have learned that forgiveness becomes much easier when you consider there may be, just possibly, a differ-ent perspective than your own. That’s the big secret to moving quickly toward forgiveness. Well, if it were not for our big EGO, it would be simple as pie, right? But, we edge out the great love, patience and forgiveness of GOD to get stuck in our own view of the situation and how we are due justice for this great wrong that has been done to us.

Remember, there is always more than one way to look at a situation, and try not to judge which way might be the “right” perspective. It may just be a different perspective than your own. When you judge, that is when your feelings become hurt.

In a challenging or stressful situation, I try to say, “I am so glad I chose to behave differently.” By the way, I often say that to myself and not out loud. This allows me to see things differently and even laugh at a situation which may have angered me in the past.

I hope this perspective helps you to move to forgiveness more quickly in the future, and possibly even avoid the whole negative experience by removing judgment from the mix. Enjoy the shift in perspective and the new experiences that unfold for you!

Dr. Bruce Phillips

Why is FORGIVENESS so hard anyway?

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All living creatures naturally seek a Perfect Balance Point. This is the point where the system is run-ning at maximum efficiency to produce the highest vitality. Most Eastern approaches to health seek to support each individual in living at this Balance Point as much as possible. Western approaches, on the other hand, tend to seek symptom relief rather than systemic balance.

As a researcher in the world of mental health, it has been surprising to me to see how few people actually live in this Bal-ance Point, including myself at times in my life. Many, and maybe most, people live at what would best be described as one’s Stress Point or Coping Point. This is the place that accounts for all the prior emotional stresses and traumas, and al-lows the individual to survive each day given the accumulation of hurts and wounds in the past. The Balance Point is based on living in the present. The person living in the Balance Point wakes up each day living in the present and looking toward the future. This person has no preconditioned ideas about what the day will bring. The future is, in a sense, a blank slate.

Living at the Stress Point is like being a computer in protective mode. The system is anticipating that something painful will happen based on the fact that something (maybe many things) that was painful, did happen in the past. The person living at the Stress Point wakes up each day in a protective survival mode, attempting to ward off hurtful events. This person often wakes up “knowing” what will happen that day. Ironically, this “knowing” is not based on current reality but on past pain. And, this “knowing” or expecting something painful actually creates more painful events out of expectation. The magnetics of the past pain just create more of the same in the present.

So where do you live your life? Balance Point? or Stress Point? The Balance Point takes the least amount of energy to achieve health and success in life. The Stress Point takes the most energy and often results in a repetition of the past. All effective systems for alleviating distress move people from the Stress Point to the Balance Point.

This is all something to consider. Over the last three decades, many, if not most, people live at what might best be de-scribed as the Stress Point or Coping Point. The members of the animal kingdom probably live in balance more often than people do.

Copyright: Mary E. Miller. All rights reserved.

the perfect balance pointMary E. Miller, MSW

Celebrating 40 years!B.E.S.T. Homecoming 2015

Rogers, ArkansasSeptember 12-13

Become inspired again to the greatness of YOU!

Page 6: The Morter Report July 2015


I would like to share with you a personal story about forgiveness; why for me, it is very special, and why I view it as a life giving elixir.

Years ago, in my early 20’s, my young husband and I shared a dream. We were united in the vision and powerfully moving toward it, manifesting and implementing it piece by piece. As we got closer to the complete physical realization of our dream, Dr. Morter’s Law of Distraction entered my world and I lost my focus and direction.

I made some key choices, which at that time seemed independent, fun and adventuresome. While they did indeed lead to some amazing life experiences, they also created a trail of sadness and heartbreak for many others besides me. At the end of that unfortunate detour, I continued my life as a single woman still holding that same dream, but now it was hidden away in the deep recesses of my heart.

In time others forgave and forgot how my choices had affected them, and my life went on becoming remarkable in so many ways. It did not, however, include manifesting my original dream. Even though that dream occurred for me as being a key part of my life’s purpose, I could not move any closer to it. This was a conundrum that made no sense; it was just a fact of my life until I began my studies in B.E.S.T.

The different certification levels were all exceptional, but it was the 5 Steps of Forgiveness that held the key which unlocked the pattern constricting my life’s dream. It was only when I was able to forgive myself for the choices and actions in my 20’s, which I judged to be negative, could I allow my dream to manifest once again.

I believe, in retrospect, without Forgiveness I would have gone to my grave without realizing a huge part of what I have come to create and express in my life. I would have continued to be constricted and cut off from my dream and would never have understood why or what to do about it. It would have been a half-life instead of a whole life.

Forgiveness has given me access to the part of my life that was being held hostage by guilt and self-judgment. Now that Forgiveness has worked it’s special life-giving magic, I am well on my way to allowing and manifesting the dream of my younger years. For this I am very grateful and thankful.


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by Robbin D’elene

the special elixir of life

Page 7: The Morter Report July 2015


The last two months of my life have been most revealing to me. When I spoke with my dad on my way into the clinic that day, I didn’t know it would almost be the last time I would ever speak with him.

There is a line in General Norman Schwarzkopf’s biography where he makes the statement, “Shined boots save lives.” The disciplined soldiers that acquired the skill of shining boots were the soldiers that – in the heat of the battle, in the fog of war, and under pressure – survived. The undisciplined died.

So the question is, why do we train? The reason we train is for consistency, commitment, and the cultivation of excellence. We train because you never know when you will need the skills. It has been said, “It only takes five minutes to learn but a lifetime to master.” Achieving this level of mastery is the reason we train.

Just as soldiers in the United States Army train, and professional athletes train, so should B.E.S.T. Practitioners train.

You see, the training is not just about understanding the information from a conceptual viewpoint, the training is about understanding the information to the point that you can perform it when the chips are down.

So, whether it is a client that comes into your office, or an experience that completely blindsides you, if you have properly trained your mind and your body, then when the situation presents itself, you will be ready, ready for anything.

You see I can tell you this from experience. I have been that soldier in the United States Army, and I have the privilege of being a B.E.S.T. Master Practitioner and Instructor. However, when a situation arose that stripped me of all logic, and all that I was driven by was raw uncontrollable emotion, it was the training that I had mastered, which kicks in and allows me to regain control.

So, if you have dedicated the time and the effort with commitment and consistency to the training, when any situation presents itself, the information you need will just flow through you.

I am completely thankful and grateful for all of the training, which I’ve received from Morter HealthAlliance over the past 12 years. When I needed to ground myself, control my emotions, be the calm in a storm I had no idea was coming, the training was the very thing that brought me peace, clarity, and grace. Shined boots save lives.

by Dr. Ralph LeBlanc

Shined BootsSave Lives

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All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

July5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX

17-18 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Toronto, Canada

24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August1 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

30 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR

12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR

19 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France

3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November6-7 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia

8 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia

13-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA

14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA

December4-5 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

11-13 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015
