Download - The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Page 1: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is to protect the public's health and safety by assuring that the people who practice medicine or as an allied health professional are competent,

ethical practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills appropriate to their title and role.






President: Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A., Board President 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2 2. Draft Minutes of the May 11, 2019, Board Meeting 3-11 3. Public Comments 12 4. Physicians Serving Physicians: Addressing Physician Burnout & Suicides

Presentation on Behalf of Twin Cities Medical Society by Ryan Greiner, M.D., Board Chair, and Ruth Parriott, MSW, MPH, CEO 13-21

5. Report of New Credentials, April 27 to July 3, 2019 22-84 6. June 13, 2019, Licensure Committee Report 85

a) Meeting Minutes 86-87 b) Respiratory Therapy Advisory Council Appointment 88-94

7. Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) Program Committee Report 95-104 8. September 14, 2019, Greater Minnesota Board Meeting Update 105 9. Executive Director’s Report and Legislative Update 106-109 10. New Business 110 11. Corrective or Other Actions 111-118 EXECUTIVE SESSION – CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC

a) Proposed Disciplinary Actions b) Attorney-Client Privilege Items

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NAME DISTRICT FROM TO RASMUSSEN, Allen G., M.A. (President) 8 9/29/14 1/22 STATTON, Maria K., M.D., Ph.D. (Vice President) 8 10/15/12 1/21 LOMBARDO, Kathryn D., M.D. (Secretary) At large 3/11/17 1/22 BAILEY, Cheryl L., M.D. 4 9/19/18 1/21 BURKLE, Christopher M., M.D., J.D., FCLM 1 3/11/17 1/21 LINDHOLM, Patricia J., M.D., FAAFP 7 10/30/13 1/20 MANAHAN, John M. (Jake), J.D. 3 9/19/18 1/22 RENIER, Hugh P., M.D., FAAFP At large 9/19/18 1/22 SPAULDING, Kimberly W., M.D., M.P.H. 6 6/06/16 1/20 TOWNLEY, Patrick R., M.D., J.D. 5 6/06/16 1/20 WILLIAMS, Stuart T., J.D. 5 9/19/18 1/22

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Approve the Minutes of the May 11, 2019, Board Meeting SUBMITTED BY: Kathryn D. Lombardo, M.D., Secretary


REQUESTED ACTION: Approve the minutes of the May 11, 2019, Board Meeting as circulated. MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: See attached Minutes.

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MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414-3246

May 11, 2019

Draft Minutes The Minnesota Board of Medical Practice met on May 11, 2019, at its offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The following Board members were present for both Public and Executive Sessions, unless otherwise indicated: Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A., President; Maria K. Statton, M.D., Ph.D., Vice President; Kathryn D. Lombardo, M.D., Secretary; Cheryl L. Bailey, M.D.; Christopher M. Burkle, M.D., J.D., FCLM; Irshad H. Jafri, M.B., B.S., FACP; Gerald T. Kaplan, M.A., L.P.; Patricia J. Lindholm, M.D., FAAFP; John M. (Jake) Manahan, J.D.; Hugh P. Renier, M.D., FAAFP; Patrick R. Townley, M.D., J.D.; and Stuart T. Williams, J.D. PUBLIC SESSION Agenda Item 1: Call to Order and Roll Call The meeting was called to order by Board President Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A. Roll call was taken by Board staff. Mr. Rasmussen asked Board members to speak into the microphone and place their cell phones on vibrate. Agenda Item 2: Draft Minutes of the March 9, 2019, Board Meeting The draft minutes of the March 9, 2019, Board meeting were received and approved as circulated. Agenda Item 3: Public Comments Mr. Rasmussen opened the floor to public comments on the current Board agenda. Public comments are limited to one minute per speaker.

• A licensee of the Board and member of the public addressed the Board regarding correspondence he received from the Attorney General’s Office.

• A member of the public addressed the Board regarding a complaint she filed with the Board. She informed the Board that she has filed a Writ seeking an Order for the Board to enforce a section of law. She provided a copy of the Writ for review by the Board.

Agenda Item 4: Minnesota Association of Medical Staff Services: Overview of Services On behalf of the Minnesota Association of Medical Staff Services, Shelly Berg, Medical Staff Services Manager for Carris Health; Stefanie Frank, CPCS, CPMSM, Medical Staff & Accreditation Specialist for Hutchinson Health, and Allison Peterson, CPCS, Medical Staff Provider Liaison for United Hospital in St. Paul and Regional Hospital in Hastings, and River Falls Area Hospital in River Falls, WI, provided an overview of services they provide and the relationship between hospital credentialing and Board’s processes. The speakers provided brief introductions.

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The Minnesota Association of Medical Staff Services (MAMSS) is an independent, non-profit association of Medical Staff Service Professionals in Minnesota. One of the key services of MAMSS is credentialing of medical providers. The Board and MAMSS have very similar processes and goals to ensure that practitioners are safe to practice. MAMSS welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with the Board on reducing the redundancy of processes performed by both the Board and MAMSS. Board discussion included:

• The Board and MAMSS may collaborate to work on state legislation to improve the process for prescribers to register an account with the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP). Extended time between password changes (currently requirement is every 6 months) was also suggested.

• The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding the PMP into the electronic health record system would increase PMP use. Hugh Renier, M.D., FAAFP, noted that there is an organization called Minnesota EPIC Users Group (MEUG), comprised of large multi-specialty clinics that utilize EPIC (a heavily utilized electronic health record system) across Minnesota and the Dakotas. Dr. Renier was the Chair of the organization from 2010 through 2012. The goal of this organization is to lobby EPIC to incorporate the PMP into their system. Dr. Renier encouraged Board staff and MAMSS members to engage with this organization.

• There are legal barriers to sharing data between medical staff services and the Board, due to state and federal laws protecting licensing data and criminal background check information. Regulators and medical staff service providers are regulated separately under state and federal laws and the Joint Commission.

Ms. Martinez appreciates the open communication and desire to collaborate. She hopes to continue communication about parallel processes and ways to stay engaged with one another. MAMSS presenters provided an informational sheet “Fast Facts” about Medical Staff Professionals for Board members and meeting attendees. Agenda Item 5: Report of New Credentials, March 1 to April 26, 2019 An informational report was provided of licenses issued on a weekly basis by Board staff between March 1, 2019 and April 26, 2019. Agenda Item 6: April 11, 2019, Licensure Committee Report Dr. Renier summarized the Licensure Committee’s discussions and the following recommended action: Advisory Council Appointment:

• Respiratory Therapy Advisory Council Appointment The Licensure Committee’s motion to reappoint Christine Hill as a public member on the Respiratory Therapy Advisory Council passed unanimously.

Additional Agenda Item: Introduction of Physician Assistant Advisory Council Member Mr. Rasmussen introduced Paul Haller, M.D., who was appointed on March 9, 2019 as a physician member of the Physician Assistant Advisory Council. Mr. Rasmussen thanked Dr. Haller for attending the Board meeting and for serving on the Physician Assistant Advisory Council. Mr. Rasmussen pointed out that the advisory councils are very important to the function of the Board. Agenda Item 7: April 9, 2019, Policy & Planning Committee Report Stuart Williams, J.D., Chair of the Board’s Policy & Planning Committee, summarized the April 9, 2019, Policy & Planning Committee meeting.

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• Developing a Board Newsletter

Committee Chair Stuart T. Williams, J.D., explained the value of a Board newsletter and described the format of the newsletter published by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy (of which he is a member). Although the Board does not currently publish a newsletter, Board staff and Board members are working together to develop a newsletter. Dr. Cheryl Bailey has volunteered to assist in the process.

• Minnesota Statute § 151.37, subd. 2(c): Required Practitioner Statement

This section of the Board of Pharmacy statute requires that practitioners provide a statement to the appropriate licensing Board if they dispense medications for profit. The Committee discussed how to enforce the requirement. Board staff suggested that distributing educational material could be an effective way to communicate the requirement to practitioners.

• National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) Letter, forwarded by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB): Federal Opioid Funding threatens Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs NABP is concerned about a federal policy shift toward a national interstate data sharing hub, which parallels prescription monitoring programs around the country. The Governor’s Office has communicated to Minnesota’s Congressional delegation about the issue.

• Development of Opioid Specific Continuing Medical Education There is legislation that is expected to pass this session which would mandate 2 hours of continuing medical education for practitioners about opioid prescribing. Ms. Martinez and the Minnesota Medical Association policy counsel, Becca Branum, agree that the language of the bill is vague.

• California Patients Right to Know Act The Committee reviewed recent California legislation.

The Board discussed the Committee’s minutes.

Agenda Item 8: Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Information Release (IMLC) Patrick Townley, M.D., J.D., IMLC Commissioner provided a brief summary of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact study of de-identified data from 2018 and 2019. Dr. Townley congratulated Ms. Martinez on her election to serve as Vice Chair of the IMLC Commission. Agenda Item 9: Executive Director’s Report Ms. Martinez summarized her executive director’s report and provided a legislative update. 2020-2021 BIENNIAL BUDGET On May 3, 2019, a Legislative Conference Committee convened to negotiation H.F. 2414/S.F. 2452, the Health and Human Services Reform and Finance appropriations bill, which includes the Health Licensing Board (HLB) budgets. On April 29, 2019, Senator Abeler amended the Senate file on the floor to insert language reducing the clinical training requirement for foreign medical graduates from two years to one year. The language was previously supported and offered by the Board of Medical Practice during the 2018 legislative session. STRATEGIC PLANNING The Executive Directors Forum, including executive directors of the 16 Health Licensing Boards, along with the Boards of Barber Examiners and Cosmetology, initiated its strategic planning on May 2, 2019 with facilitation from the Bureau of Mediation Services. Planning initiatives, including assessment of the efficiency of shared services through the Administrative Services Unit, the

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Criminal Background Checks Program, and the Health Professionals Services Program, will continue through the end of the fiscal year. INTERSTATE MEDICAL LICENSURE COMPACT The next full meeting of the IMLC Commission is tentatively scheduled for September 17, 2019, by teleconference. An in-person IMLC Commission meeting will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 19 – 20, 2019. IMLC Commission committees will meet on November 19 and the full IMLC Commission will convene on November 20. The IMLC meetings are public and Board members are welcome to attend or call-in. ENGAGEMENT/OUTREACH/CONFERENCES/EVENTS The Board continues its engagement with internal and external stakeholder groups. Administrators in Medicine (AIM) Annual Meeting Ruth Martinez and Elizabeth Huntley attended the April 24, 2019 AIM Annual Meeting in Fort Worth, Texas. AIM is the national association of medical board executives. The AIM Annual Meeting is always held the day before the start of the Federation of State Medical Boards’ Annual Meeting. Meetings with Professional Associations Board representatives have been invited to meet with members of the Minnesota Psychiatric Association. Board representatives have also been invited to meet with lobbyists and representatives of the Naturopathic Doctors, Athletic Trainers and Physician Assistants professional associations. Board representatives also meet regularly with the Minnesota Medical Association and the Minnesota Hospital Association. Ms. Martinez stated that the Naturopathic Doctors and the Athletic Trainers Associations may propose legislation during the 2020 legislative session. State Opioid Oversight Project (SOOP) Kathryn Lombardo, M.D., noted that she did not receive an invitation to the March 25, 2019, SOOP meeting and requested that Ms. Martinez ensure that she is on the SOOP distribution list; Ms. Martinez agreed. Ms. Martinez attended the last SOOP meeting by phone and provided a brief summary of the meeting. Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Dr. Lombardo also serves as the Board’s representative to the Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Work Group. Dr. Lombardo stated that the PMP has not meet yet met this year. Minnesota Healthcare-Associated Infection Prevention Advisory Group Kate Van Etta-Olson continues to represent the Board at meetings. The group is working to formalize and advance its priorities related to care transitions, antimicrobial stewardship, patient and family education and legislative initiatives. Ms. Van Etta Olson stated that they met and continue to work on a strategic plan. 2019 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE SF 584/HF 636: BMP renewal cycle conversion for allied professions The Board’s bill converting to birth month renewal cycles for the Board’s allied professions successfully passed in the House and the Senate and was signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on April 11, 2019, chapter 8 of 2019 session laws.

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SF 583/HF 637: HLB modifications to chapter 214 and 364, related to temporary suspensions and criminal background checks On April 8, 2019, an amended version of the bill passed in the House and, on April 11, 2019, the Senate, through administrative rule, substituted the House bill for presentation in the Senate on General Orders. A Senate vote is anticipated in the near future. This bill is important for all of the Health Licensing Boards. This bill will, in part, allow the Board of Medical Practice to participate as a State of Principle License in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. Ms. Martinez encouraged participants in the Interstate Healthcare Collaborative Group to contact senators in support of the bill. SF 751/HF 400: Opioid Addiction Advisory Council, opioid stewardship fund and other requirements, including mandatory PMP use and mandatory opioid education The language is being negotiated. Ms. Martinez will keep the Board updated of any changes in legislation affecting the Board. Other relevant legislation: The Board continues to monitor legislation that may impact the Board or its regulated professions. OTHER BUSINESS Staffing On April 8, 2019, the Board was pleased to welcome two new staff members, Licensure Specialists Alex Gardner and Sharon Hollinrake. The Board is in the process of hiring new front desk staff in the Administrative Unit, and is also filling two analyst position in the Complaint Review Unit and a professional level position in the Licensure Unit. Minnesota Opioid Prescribing Guidelines: First edition, 2018 Ms. Martinez directed Board members to the below links. Minnesota Department of Health Opioid Dashboard Restructuring of the Board’s Website Within the next year, the Board plans to contract with a vendor to restructure, organize and clean-up the Board’s website. Update of Board Forms We are continuing to review and update forms. This will be an ongoing project.

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Automated License Information Management System (ALIMS) Update The Board’s customized ALIMS database is approximately thirteen years old. The Board is in the process of upgrading its database to a new version of ALIMS. It is a significant upgrade and we are approximately half-way through the three-year project. Most of the Health Licensing Boards have also, or are in the process of, adopting the new version of ALIMS. Agenda Item 10: Federation of State Medical Boards’ (FSMB) Annual Meeting Review The Board discussed the annual meeting of the FSMB.

• The Minnesota Reception was a success and many attendees expressed their gratitude. Mr. Rasmussen thanked the Board’s Operations and Administration Manager Wendi Clark for her oversight of the event.

• The Board discussed the Sexual Misconduct, Public Member, and Communication (speaking to the press) educational sessions.

• Joseph Willett, D.O., was elected to a three-year term on the FSMBs’ Board of Directors. Board members congratulated Dr. Willett at the FSMB Annual Meeting and also at the Board meeting (although he was not present at the Board meeting).

• The 2020 FSMB Annual Meeting will be held In San Diego, CA. The 2021 meeting will be held in Minneapolis. This will be the first FSMB Annual Meeting held in Minnesota and we look forward to hosting our fellow state regulators.

Included in the agenda is a listing of Minnesota Board members who served as Chair of the FSMB Board of Directors, beginning in 1925. Minnesota has had more Chairs of the FSMB Board of Directors than any other state, from1920 to the present. Also included in the agenda is reference to a book, Medical Licensing and Discipline in America: A History of the FSMB, written by FSMB staff member David A. Johnson and FSMB CEO Humayun J. Chaudhry, D.O. Mr. Johnson and Dr. Chaudhry personalized a copy of the book for the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice. Agenda Item 11: Greater Minnesota Board Meeting Hugh Renier, M.D., FAAFP, provided an update on the September 14, 2019, Minnesota Board meeting scheduled to meet in Duluth. Essentia Health will host the September 14, 2019, Board meeting. The public portion of the meeting will be held in the atrium of Essentia Health 1st Street Building and the closed executive session will be held in the Aurora room. A Board dinner will be held on Friday evening, September 13, 2019, at Pickwick Restaurant & Pub. A presentation at the Board meeting is being planned with the assistance of Paula M. Termuhlen, M.D., Regional Campus Dean of the University of Minnesota, Duluth, on the current medical education curriculum. The presentation will include a panel of students and administrators from Minnesota’s medical education programs to discuss how the medical curriculum has evolved and what students feel they are obtaining through their medical education. Former Board President and current CEO of Essentia Health, David C. Herman, M.D., is also participating in the planning process and will attend the meeting. Because there is an event in Duluth the same weekend as the Board meeting, Board members are urged to reserve hotel rooms at Fitger’s Inn as soon as possible. Additional information will be provided at the July 13, 2019, Board meeting. Agenda Item 12: New Business

• Mr. Rasmussen thanked Irshad H. Jafri, M.B., B.S., FACAP, and Gerald Kaplan, M.A., L.P., for their Board service, leadership and dedication, and noted that this is their last Board meeting. The Board gave a round of applause.

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• Ms. Martinez shared that Administrators in Medicine (AIM) is preparing to offer a certification and training program for licensing staff in Minneapolis, in July 2019. The Board plans to send its entire Licensure Unit staff to the training. Minnesota’s leadership team has been invited to present at the training.

Agenda Item 13: Corrective or Other Actions Corrective and other actions were presented for Board information only. Mr. Rasmussen adjourned the public session. After a short break, the Board reconvened for executive session.

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The following Board members were present for both Public and Executive Sessions, unless otherwise indicated: Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A., President; Maria K. Statton, M.D., Ph.D., Vice President; Kathryn D. Lombardo, M.D., Secretary; Cheryl L. Bailey, M.D.; Christopher M. Burkle, M.D., J.D., FCLM; Irshad H. Jafri, M.B., B.S., FACP; Gerald T. Kaplan, M.A., L.P.; Patricia J.Lindholm, M.D., FAAFP; John M. (Jake) Manahan, J.D.; Hugh P. Renier, M.D., FAAFP; Patrick R.Townley, M.D., J.D.; and Stuart T. Williams, J.D.

ALFRED V. ANDERSON, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for voluntary surrender signed by Dr. Anderson. Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Rasmussen recused.

JONATHAN C. HAAS, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Amended Stipulation and Order for stayed suspension, restricted and conditioned license signed by Dr. Haas.

HERBERT W. JONES, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for indefinite suspension of license signed by Dr. Jones.

MATTHEW KAMPER, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for reprimand and conditioned license signed by Dr. Kamper. Dr. Statton recused.

DANIEL M. LILLQUIST, P.A. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for stayed suspension and conditioned license signed by Mr. Lillquist.

JANET M. SCHMITT, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Order of Unconditional License.

DEIDRE J. JOSEPH M.G. SIERRA, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for reprimand, restricted and conditioned license signed by Dr. Sierra.

DEIDRE J. SOLBERG, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for suspended license signed by Dr. Solberg. Dr. Townley recused.

PAUL W. SPERDUTO, M.D. On recommendation of the Complaint Review Committee, the Board approved the Stipulation and Order for reprimand signed by Dr. Sperduto.

Date: July 3, 2019 Kathryn D. Lombardo, M.D. Secretary MN Board of Medical Practice

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Public Comments

SUBMITTED BY: Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A., Board President


REQUESTED ACTION: For information only MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: At each public Board meeting, time is allowed for comments from members of the public regarding the current Board agenda. Each member of the public is allowed one minute for comment.

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Physicians Serving Physicians:

Addressing Physician Burnout & Suicides SUBMITTED BY: Patricia J. Lindholm, M.D., FAAFP, Board President


REQUESTED ACTION: For information only. MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: On behalf of the Twin Cities Medical Society, Ryan Greiner, M.D., Board Chair, and Ruth Parriott, MSW, MPH, CEO, will present on Physicians Serving Physicians: Addressing Physician Burnout & Suicides.

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Physicians Serving Physicians: Addressing Physician Burnout & Suicides

Ryan Greiner, MD – Board Chair, Twin Cities Medical Society Ruth Parriott, MSW, MPH – CEO, Twin Cities Medical Society

Presentation to the Board of Medical Practice

July 13, 2019

x• ;.i• TwIN CITIES ••• :\ l f DJ tt\l SOC! ~ l'I ......_

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Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide

• Physicians have the highest rate of suicide of any occupation.• Each year, approximately 400 physicians commit suicide in the U.S.• Physician burnout has reached epidemic levels, although burnout in

other occupations is stable or decreasing.• Burnout rates are up 10-15% since 2011 and are contributing to

physician attrition and provider shortages.• One of every 50 physicians plans to leave the profession altogether in

the next two years.

Sources: Medscape (2019) National Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide Report. Mayo Clinic Proceedings (2017) Professional Satisfaction and Career Plans of US Physicians.

x• ;.i• TwIN CITIES ••• :\ l f DJ tt\l SOC! ~ l'I ......_

Page 16: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

• An independent nonprofit serving physicians in Minnesota.• Established in 1981 by a group of physicians in recovery to help other

physicians with substance use disorder and their families.• Confidential, physician-led, peer-to-peer support for physicians

recovering from substance abuse disorders.• Collaborates with Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and Health

Professionals Services Program (HPSP).• The only physician support group in Minnesota.• Helped over 1,000 physicians individually in their recovery.• Provides a safety net for the profession of medicine.

Physicians Serving Physicians (PSP)

x• ;.i• TwIN CITIES ••• :\ l f DJ tt\l SOC! ~ l'I ......_

Page 17: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Expansion: “PSP 2.0”

• Expanded programmatic focus to serve broader mental health needs of all Minnesota physicians, residents, medical students, and their immediate families.

• Free• Confidential• 24-hour access to support

• Immediate aim: To increase physician well-being in order to reverse the trajectory and negative impact of physician burnout.

• Long term goal: to decrease the prevalence of substance use disorder, maladaptive coping methods, and suicidality.

x• ;.i• TwIN CITIES ••• :\ l f DJ tt\l SOC! ~ l'I ......_

Page 18: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

• Introducing Physicians Serving Physicians LifeBridge Physician Wellness

• Utilizing a proven framework and trusted OAP wellness resource – SandCreek

• A confidential, third party provider • 24-hour a day availability by telephone or web• Mental health support, wellness services, referrals,

assessments, and a comprehensive library of online resources

• All services are confidential, and up to the first four sessions are free of charge to the physician

• Continued access to peer support and mentoring

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• Expanded Program Offerings• Facilitated meetings for mental

health support and coaching• Explore meeting expansion to

outstate Minnesota

• Building sustainable support• Continue to grow philanthropic

support• Develop a sustainable revenue


• Outreach and Engagement• Communicating the availability of

services• Collaborations• Marketing to member

organizations• Presentations to organizations and

health entities

Next Steps in Expansion

x• ;.i• TwIN CITIES ••• :\ l f DJ tt\l SOC! ~ l'I ......_

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x• ;.i• TwIN CITIES ••• MED ICAL SOC I ETY ......._

Physicians Serving Physicians

Substance Use Wellness

We Help Physicians Thrive

Discrete peer support for physicians affected by substance use disorders &

independent, confidential wellness resources for all Minnesota physicians, residents,

and medical students


Support PSP

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Thank you. Questions?

www.psp-mn.com1300 Godward Street NE, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55413

[email protected]

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Report of New Credentials

SUBMITTED BY: Licensure Committee



For informational purposes only.



For information only, attached are listings of new credentials issued from May 1, 2019 to July 3, 2019.

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary in May and June 2019

AQQlication Name License# Date Grant Date ExQire Date SPL

License Type: IMLC Physician & Surgeon

Ebuoma, Lilian Olubukola M.D. 65416 4/30/2019 5/1/2019 6/30/2020 SD

Schnell, Frederick John M .D. 65443 5/2/2019 5/2/2019 4/30/2020 TN

Nuttleman, Peter Roy M.D. 65444 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 5/31/2020 WI

Robinson, Shannon Liane M.D. 65445 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 3/31/2020 KS

Prusa Flores, Jessica Elaine M.D. 65446 5/7/2019 5/7/2019 12/31/2019 NE

Bond, Allyn Leigh M .D. 65480 5/8/2019 5/9/2019 2/29/2020 MS

Louis, Joey Vinoj M .B., B.S. 65481 5/9/2019 5/9/2019 5/31/2020 MT

Omar, Hesham Rashad M.B., B.Ch. 65482 5/9/2019 5/9/2019 10/31/2019 IL

Dall-Winther, Kristen Marjorie M.D. 65483 5/10/2019 5/13/2019 1/31/2020 WI

Hughes, Patrick Joseph M.D. 36161 5/10/2019 5/13/2019 2/29/2020 WI

Ward, Nathan John D.O. 65484 5/13/2019 5/13/2019 8/31/2020 ID

Holtz, Andrew Fredrick D.O. 65485 5/14/2019 5/14/2019 6/30/2020 ID

Larson, Katherine Ann M.D. 65486 5/13/2019 5/14/2019 9/30/2020 UT

Won, James M.D. 65487 5/15/2019 5/15/2019 10/31/2019 WI

Stanley, Michael Ian M.D. 65519 5/15/2019 5/16/2019 12/31/2019 WY

Holm, Peter William M.D. 65520 5/19/2019 5/20/2019 4/30/2020 WI

Neher, Timothy James M.D. 65521 5/20/2019 5/21/2019 6/30/2020 WA

Pappy, Matthew Saji M.D. 65522 5/21/2019 5/22/2019 11/30/2019 WI

Garg, Rakesh K M.B., B.S. 65523 5/22/2019 5/22/2019 8/31/2020 IL

Ahmad, Hamad 65576 5/27/2019 5/28/2019 5/31/2020 TN

Eckrich, Sheila Ann M.D. 65620 5/29/2019 5/30/2019 11/30/2019 SD

Musumbi, Martin Sua M.D. 65621 5/30/2019 5/31/2019 4/30/2020 TN

Scarborough, Norman Avery M.D. 65622 5/30/2019 5/31/2019 7/31/2020 TN

Hagen, Catherine Elizabeth M.D. 65623 5/31/2019 6/3/2019 3/31/2020 WI

Hartley, Christopher Pierce M.D. 65624 5/31/2019 6/3/2019 10/31/2020 WI

Rapp, Richard William D.O. 65625 5/31/2019 6/3/2019 10/31/2020 WI

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Crepps, Joseph Thomas M.D. 32023 6/3/2019 6/3/2019 6/30/2020 co Durkee, Binu Maria Philip D.O. 65626 5/31/2019 6/3/2019 11/30/2019 WI

McCall, Tracy Evelyn M.D. 65627 5/31/2019 6/3/2019 10/31/2020 WI

Durkee, Russell Louis D.O. 65628 6/3/2019 6/4/2019 9/30/2020 WI

Ollivierre Agard, Rachael Veronique

M.D. 65629 6/4/2019 6/4/2019 10/31/2020 TN

Maxwell, Abigael Nyanganyi M.D. 65673 6/10/2019 6/11/2019 10/31/2020 TN

Weller, Christin Louise M.D. 65711 6/11/2019 6/13/2019 9/30/2020 KS

Kahn, Allon M.D. 65712 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 10/31/2020 AZ

Nasrin, Mubina M.B., B.S. 65713 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 4/30/2020 NH

Tucker, Cynthia Snoww Bunick M .D. 65714 6/13/2019 6/14/2019 4/30/2020 co Kerley, Spencer Wells M.D. 34029 6/13/2019 6/14/2019 6/30/2020 KS

Krishnan, Meghna M.B., B.S. 65715 6/17/2019 6/17/2019 1/31/2020 IA

DeRouen, Erkeda Lacherish M.D. 65716 6/17/2019 6/18/2019 8/31/2020 WA

Usman, Muhammad Umair M.B., B.S. 65717 6/18/2019 6/18/2019 4/30/2020 SD

Saremi, Adonis Siavash M.D. 65718 6/18/2019 6/18/2019 1/31/2020 WY

Enweluzo, Chijioke Uchenna William

M.8., B.S. 65754 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 4/30/2020 NE

Vadlamani, Indira Upamaka M.B., B.S. 65755 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 8/31/2020 KS

Hoertz, Maria Joan D.O. 65756 6/24/2019 6/24/2019 5/31/2020 WI

Ahmed, Shaheen lftekhar M.B., B.S. 65757 6/21/2019 6/24/2019 3/31/2020 KS

Phelan, David Michael M.D. 39188 6/27/2019 6/28/2019 1/31/2020 WI

License Type: Faculty Physician

Fernandez-Bussy, Sebastian M .D. 1009 3/11/2019 5/30/2019 3/31/2020

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/02/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Archual, Anthony Joseph M.D. Backer, Elliot Dean M.D. Brueske, Kevin Anthony M.D. Dabit, Jesse Yacoub M.D. Fortney , Michael Scott M.D. Frank, Matthew Richard M.D. Go , John Raymond Uy M.D. Gruner, Marc Philip D.O. Hevesi , Sara Ann M.D. Kanj , Amjad Nadim M.D. Kaufman, Stephen Charles M.D. Li, Heyi Mongia, Aman M.D. Ogbonna , Chioma Pearl M.B.B.S. Oler , Paul Robert II M.D. Pedersen, Mark Reeve M.D. Phimister, Ashley Noreen M.D. Putbrese, Bryn Elizabeth M.D. Rao , Vijay M.B., B.Ch. Sae-Kho , Tiffany Marian M.D. Schwartz , Eva Kathleen M.D. Shemshedini , Teuta M.D. Sherwood , John Marshall M.D. Song, Kevin Yizhou M.D. Streitz , Matthew Jay M.D. Thomas , Ian Dykins M.D. Tomfohrde, Shannon Denise M.D.

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65417 65418 65419 65420 65421 65422 65423 65424 65425 65426 50022 65427 65428 65429 65430 65431 65432 65433 65434 65435 65436 65437 65438 65439 65440 65441 65442

Expire Date

11/30/2019 05/31/2020 03/31/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2019 10/31/2019 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 10/31/2019 12/31/2019 04/30/2020 03/31/2020 02/29/2020 04/30/2020 01/31/2020 05/31/2020 11/30/2019 05/31/2020 01/31/2020 10/31/2019 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 10/31/2019 05/31/2020


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/02/2019

Name License# ExDire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Jensen , Christine Marie MPAS 13018 06/30/2020 Millikan , Taylor Christine MPAS 13019 06/30/2020 Townsend , Taylor Jacquelyn MPAS 13020 06/30/2020

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28 29 30

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/02/2019


License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Robison , Jeff J AAS

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License# Exoire Date

2504 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/02/2019


License Type: Acupuncturist

Wendler-Burke , Rebecca Rachael M.OM

Page 4 of 5

License# ExDire Date

1911 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/02/2019


License Type: Traditional Midwife

Wilde , Ann Marie Degree

Page 5 of 5

License# ExDire Date

1074 06/30/2020



Page 30: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Ahn , Joseph Chol Ha M.D. Ali , Mays Tahseen M.D. Anwar, Ali Syed D.O. Avendano, Carmen Gloria M.D. Azuar, Keri Leigh M.D. Basiaga, Matthew Leigh D.O. Boe , Christopher Thomas M.D. Cabrera Svendsen, Matthew Erik M.D. Choudhury , Parichita M.D. Clutter, David Joseph M.D. Doran, Tzvi Yosef D.O. Egan , Aoife Maria MB, BCh, BAO England, Kristin Marit M.D. Fosselman, David Douglas M.D. Greenberg, Ethan Ross Falk M.D. Hughes , Peter Delp M.D. Kneeland , Rachel Elizabeth D.O. Lal , Amos M.B.B.S. LoVerde, Zachary Joseph M.D. Macielak, Robert James M.D. Meroueh, Chady M.D. Movitz , Blake Ryan M.D. Paci , Philippe M.D.C.M. Rioux-Forker, Dana M.D. Rocha, Jorge Eraclio M.D. Radel, Rachel Leigh M.D. Rusk, Ann Marie M.D. Sakala , Kellen Christopher M.D. Shah , Meetul Vibhakar M.D. Simone , Amanda Marie M.D. Smith , Ashley Laine M.D. Swanson , Leah Anne M.D. Thomas , Christopher David M.D. Yeung, Darwin Francis Tiu M.D. Zhang , Jenny M.D. Carlson, Kurt William M.D. (Emeritus)

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65447 65448 65449 65450 65451 65452 65453 65454 65455 30419 65456 65457 65458 65459 65460 65461 65462 65463 65464 65465 65466 65467 65468 65469 65470 65471 65472 65473 65474 65475 65476 65477 51451 65478 65479 26206

Expire Date

07/31/2020 11/30/2019 05/31/2020 08/31/2020 10/31/2019 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 06/30/2020 11/30/2019 02/29/2020 12/31/2019 07/31/2020 09/30/2020 01/31/2020 03/31/2020 04/30/2020 12/31/2019 06/30/2020 11/30/2019 07/31/2020 06/30/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 12/31/2019 12/31/2019 07/31/2020 11/30/2019 04/30/2020 09/30/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2019 04/30/2020 09/30/2020 05/31/2019


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019


License Type: Physician Assistant

Carlson , Amity Alice MSPAS

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License# Expire Date

13021 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Day , Chad Lee AAS 4714 06/30/2020 Eagen , Victoria Ann AAS 4715 06/30/2020 Hale , Brenda L. AS 4716 06/30/2020

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38 39 40

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019


License Type: Acupuncturist

Gregory, Erin Marie M.OM Laney , Carolyn June M.OM

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1912 1913

Expire Date

06/30/2020 06/30/2020


41 42

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019

Name License# ExDire Date

License Type: Genetic Counselor

Magner , Jacquelyn Elizabeth M.S. 1263 10/31/2019 Shepard , lrelyn Jaz M.S. 1264 08/31/2020 York , Kayla Ann M.S. 1265 02/29/2020

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43 44 45

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019


License Type: Naturopathic Doctor

Eischens , Shawna Kay NMD Lao, Pa NMD

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1103 1104

Expire Date

12/31/2019 12/31/2019


46 47

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/09/2019


License Type: Traditional Midwife

Stinnett , Amber Horlacher Degree

Page 7 of 7

License# ExDire Date

1075 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/16/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Anderson , Kristina Kay M.D. Androga , Lagu Alfred M.D. Antolick , Ashley Ann M.D. Ashkar, Motaz Hamzah M.D. Baher, Alex Ali M.D. Budhram , Adrian M.D. Chochol , Megan Durata M.D. Corajod, Jeffrey Michael M.D. Corsini Campioli , Cristina Gabriela DeWeerth , Jacob Cooper M.D. George , Elizabeth Susan M.D. Hartigan, David Edward M.D. Hoffman , Ariana Joy Williams M.D. Holzhauer, John Russell M.D. Howard, Jason Richard D.O. Kaiser , Jennifer Erin M.D. Karrar, Yusuf M.B.B.S. Kastl , Erin Nicole D.O. Khan , Nauman Ahmad M.B.B.S. Liu , Andy M.D. Lundberg , Andrea Beth M.D. Matin , Aasiya M.B.B.S. Nwasike , Chinedu M.D. Okoro, Tinuade M.B., Ch.B. Pasha , Amirala D.O. Risma , Cameron James Stohler M.D. Salinas, Abraham Francisco M.D. Sattar, Adil M.D. Scheckel , Caleb Josiah D.O. Thekkekara, Romy Jose M.B., B.S. Yeager, Christine Elizabeth Chuck M.D. Zanotto , Sally Breining M.D.

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65488 65489 65490 65491 65492 65493 65494 65495 65496 65497 65498 53022 65499 65500 65501 65502 65503 65504 65505 65506 65507 65508 65509 65510 65511 65512 65513 65514 65515 65516 65517 65518

Expire Date

09/30/2020 06/30/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 09/30/2020 11/30/2019 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 01/31/2020 08/31/2020 01/31/2020 02/29/2020 10/31/2019 12/31/2019 12/31/2019 12/31/2019 03/31/2020 02/29/2020 11/30/2019 07/31/2020 10/31/2019 11/30/2019 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 05/31/2020 02/29/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2019 11/30/2019


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/16/2019


License Type: Physician Assistant

Peterka , Mitchell David MSM Wray , Alexander Gustav MPAS

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13022 13023

Expire Date

06/30/2020 06/30/2020


33 34

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/16/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Ayad , Girgius AAS 4717 06/30/2020 Hannen , BreAnna R. AAS 4718 06/30/2020 Martin , Kathleen Elizabeth AAS 4719 06/30/2020

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35 36 37

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/16/2019


License Type: Athletic Trainer

Green , Wade Anthony NATA Approved

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License# ExDire Date

3239 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/16/2019


License Type: Acupuncturist

Landry, Jason Michael M.OM

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License# Exoire Date

1914 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/16/2019


License Type: Genetic Counselor

Newlin , Anna Christina M.S. Tucker , Bethany Doris M.S.

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1266 1267

Exoire Date

08/31/2020 05/31/2020


40 41

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Aggarwal , Anjali M.B., B.S. Aggarwal , Nimit Kumar M.D. Amoni , lluonose Nyanda M.B., B.Ch. Baker, Sarah Elizabeth M.D. Berian , Julia Rose M.D. Botsford, Thomas John M.D. Bray , Scott James M.D. Briggs, John Louis D.O. Cha, Yoon-Hee Kim M.D. Charge , Daniel Adam M.D. Cleland, Andrew Jay M.D. Doubeni , Chyke Abadama M.B., B.S. Erani, David Michael M.D. Fate , Bryan Holdermann M.D. Fox, Johanna Kristen M.D. Garrido Sanabria , Emilio Rafael Han , Ma Ai Thanda M.B.B.S. Houlihan, Matthew Daniel D.O. Hromatka, Kathleen Alyce M.D. Javed , Asad M.B.B.S. Jensen , Leif Erik M.D. Jordan , Michael Andrew M.D. Karki, Roshan M.B.B.S. Lee, Jae Eun Lee , Justin Zon-Ern M.B.B.S. Lewis , Katrina M.B., Ch.B. Maki , Sarah M.D. Mansh, Matthew David M.D. Marvin , Joseph Jennings M.D. Metcalf, Jason Andrew M.D. Morris , Erin Elizabeth M.D. Nabzdyk , Christoph Gunther Stanislaw Najarian-Bell, Jessica Lee M.D. Ockuly , Andrew Charles D.O. Okechukwu , Enyioma Chukwuzurum M.D. Oktay , Kutluk Han M.D. Plack, Daniel Lawrence M.D. Rakshit, Sagar M.B.B.S. Rasheed, Sameera M.B., B.S. Rayannavar, Arpana M.D. Roach, Timothy Louis M.D. Rockers, Kyle Matthew M.D. Salvaggio, Daniel Anthony M.D. Samhouri , Bilal Fawzi Ali M.D. Samikoglu, Ali Riza M.D. Sheffield , Jennifer Lynn M.D. Starling, Rebecca Meghann M.D. Sury , Priya Mallika M.D. Thomaier, Lauren Maria M.D. Tseng , Andrew Sean M.D.

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65524 65525 65526 65527 65528 65529 65530 65531 65532 65533 65534 65535 65536 65537 65538 65539 65540 65541 65542 65543 65544 65545 65546 65547 65548 65549 65550 65551 65552 65553 65554 65555 65556 65557 65558 65559 65560 65561 65562 65563 65564 65565 65566 65567 65568 65569 65570 65571 65572 65573

Exoire Date

10/31/2019 05/31/2020 11/30/2019 04/30/2020 10/31/2019 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 11/30/2019 12/31/2019 05/31/2020 07/31/2020 04/30/2020 08/31/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 07/31/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 04/30/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 03/31/2020 10/31/2019 07/31/2020 06/30/2020 11/30/2019 07/31/2020 04/30/2020 01/31/2020 09/30/2020 06/30/2020 10/31/2019 05/31/2020 02/29/2020 11/30/2019 12/31/2019 02/29/2020 01/31/2020 09/30/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 10/31/2019 07/31/2020 08/31/2020 04/30/2020 12/31/2019 04/30/2020 02/29/2020 07/31/2020 09/30/2020


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Visram, Alissa M.D. Zorn , Philip John D.O.

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65574 65575

Expire Date

05/31/2020 04/30/2020


51 52

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Bernstein , Sheila Renee PA Cert 13024 06/30/2020 Johnson , Jaime Eleanor MSPAS 13025 06/30/2020 Owen , Susan Alexis MSM 13026 06/30/2020 Waite , Jennifer Lin MPAS 13027 06/30/2020

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53 54 55 56

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019


License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Kebeto , Gabisa Aman AS

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License# Expire Date

4720 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Athletic Trainer

Draheim, Bailey Lynne NATAApproved 3240 06/30/2020 Tchernev, Daniel Dobrinov NATAApproved 3241 06/30/2020 Waryan , Kiah Mackezie NATA Approved 3242 06/30/2020

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58 59 60

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Acupuncturist

Even , Sonia Christine M.OM 1661 06/30/2020 Trejo-Monson , Christine Lois M.OM 1915 06/30/2020

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61 62

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/23/2019

Name License# Exoire Date

License Type: Genetic Counselor

Platt , Elizabeth Anne M.S. 1268 01/31/2020 Weissman , Scott Michael M.S. 1269 11/30/2019

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63 64

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Ade , Justine Marie Mejia M.D. AI-Yafi , Mohammed Abdul Haseeb M.D. Astafurov , Konstantin Valeryevich M.D. Berglund , Anna Elisabeth M.D. Bhangoo, Sandeep Singh M.D. Dugum , Mohannad Fawzy Fareed M.B., B.S. Erickson, Joel Michael M.D. Fanelli, Matthew Joseph M.D. Fashoyin , Adedayo Olosola M.D. Foster, Trenton Race M.D. Goswami , Julie M.D. Grace , James Michael M.D. Henriquez Feliciano , Andres Fidel lndrelie, Kirsten MargaretAarsvold M.D. Jackson, Derek Cameron M.D. Jelinek, Ryan Alexander D.O. Karumuri , Manasa M.D. Kataria , Nandini M.D. Katz , Matthew Sven M.D. Kauffman , Kathryn Marie D.O. Knorzer, Allison Nicole M.D. Knudsen, Michael Lee M.D. LaNasa, Rachel Marie M.D. Larrieux, Gregory M.D. Lentz , Jacob Francis M.D. lewellis, Stephen William M.D. Liu, Shanglei M.D. Liu , Yang M.D. Lonergan , Daniel Freeburg M.D. Marsh, Benjamin Michael M.D. Messerly , Courtney Lynn M.D. Mohl , Leighton James D.O. Patel , Nital M.D. Patten , Andrea Lyn M.D. Pelc, Gregory Gude M.D. Puthoor, Pamela Raja M.D. Sabtala, Mangwe Christabel M.D. Shah, Shailee Samir M.D. Simon, Howard John M.D. Stadnick , Michael Edward M.D. Suchita, lffatAra M.B., B.S. Swick , Jeffrey David M. D. Watkins, Kimberly Jean M.D. Zeyer, John Charles M.D.

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65577 65578 65579 65580 65581 65582 65583 65584 65585 65586 65587 65588 65589 65590 65591 65592 65593 58959 65594 65595 65596 65597 65598 65599 65600 65601 65602 65603 65604 65605 65606 65607 65608 65609 65610 65611 65612 65613 65614 65615 65616 65617 65618 65619

Expire Date

02/29/2020 02/29/2020 01/31/2020 12/31/2019 01/31/2020 02/29/2020 01/31/2020 07/31/2020 01/31/2020 10/31/2019 12/31/2019 07/31/2020 10/31/2019 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 02/29/2020 02/29/2020 10/31/2019 05/31/2020 01/31/2020 11/30/2019 07/31/2020 12/31/2019 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 12/31/2019 11/30/2019 05/31/2020 03/31/2020 05/31/2020 07/31/2020 09/30/2020 04/30/2020 11/30/2019 06/30/2020 01/31/2020 05/31/2020 10/31/2019 09/30/2020 10/31/2019 01/31/2020 09/30/2020 02/29/2020 09/30/2020


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Bretscher , Jennifer Marie MSPA 13028 06/30/2020 Commerford , Justine Marie Lueck MSPAS 13029 06/30/2020 Fields, Bobby B.S. 13030 06/30/2020 Halaas , Mallory Strong MPAS 13031 06/30/2020

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45 46 47 48

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019


License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Koland , Heather Nicole AAS Vazquez , Noel Jaime BS

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4721 4722

Expire Date

06/30/2020 06/30/2020


49 50

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Athletic Trainer

Kunshier, Jennifer Lynn NATA Approved 3243 06/30/2020 Schaust, Brandon Anthony NATA Approved 3244 06/30/2020

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51 52

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019


License Type: Acupuncturist

Lund , Nicole Lynn M.OM

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License# Expire Date

1916 06/30/2020



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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Genetic Counselor

Ayers , Emily Marie M.S. 1270 02/29/2020 Crowdes , Sophie Rose M.S. 1271 05/31/2020 Zoladz , Jessica M.S. 1272 06/30/2020

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54 55 56

Page 56: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 05/30/2019


License Type: Medical Faculty Physician

Fernandez-Bussy, Sebastian M.D.

Page 7 of 7

License# Exoire Date

1009 03/31/2020



Page 57: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/06/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Agboola , Kolade Muchaili M.D. Ankeny , Jacob Scott M.D. Assi, Mariam M.D. Chipi, Patricia Yolanda M.D. Cubillas Manrique , Raul Eduardo Culver, Stephanie Anne M.D. Dahl , Daniel Wallace M.D. Dermen , Arthur Andrew M.D. Dickes, Jessica Marie M.D. Eggebrecht, Matthew Phillip M.D. Eickenbrock, Andrea Marie M.D. Erickson , Mary Eloise M.D. Fernandes , Nisha Hazel M.D. Harrison, Emily Ruth M.D. Heller, Matthew Thomas M.D. Hottinger , Daniel George M.D. Johnston , Lily Elizabeth M.D. Khan, Sophia M.D. Lewis, Lindsay Marie M.D. Lipatov , Kirill M.D. Mackenthun, Stephanie Marie M.D. Mahon, Joseph Thomas M.D. Martig , Daniel Seong Ho M.D. McBeath, Kristin Marie D.O. Meyer, Teresa Jo D.O. Nazari Khanamiri, Hossein M.D. Neelakantachar, Narendran Mavinakayinahalli M.B.B.S. Nelson , Sarah Jane M.D. Parmar, Harsh Vallabh M.B.B.S. Patil , Allamprabhu Sahebgouda M.B.B.S. Pesonen, Luke Oiva M.D. Salvatore , Kathryn Mary M.D. Shafay , Muhammad M.8 .8.S. Shah , Shefali Navin M.D. Smith, Aaron Andrew Heigaard M.D. Smith , Mark Daniel M.D. Stevens , Dennis Charles M.D. Taddeo, Frank Paul M.D. Tan , Grace Xue-Jun M.D. Theisen Sturm, Kasey Ann M.D. Welborn, Robert Daniel M.D. Wildenberg, Joseph Connell M.D. Wu , Chuanshen M.D. Zioncheck, Maja Teresa M.D.

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65630 65631 65632 65633 65634 65635 51886 65636 65637 65638 65639 65640 65641 65642 65643 65644 65645 65646 65647 65648 65649 65650 65651 65652 65653 65654 65655 65656 65657 65658 65659 65660 65661 65662 65663 65664 65665 65666 65667 65668 65669 65670 65671 65672

ExDire Date

05/31/2020 10/31/2020 02/29/2020 09/30/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 12/31/2019 01/31/2020 06/30/2020 11/30/2019 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 04/30/2020 07/31/2020 08/31/2020 08/31/2020 02/29/2020 08/31/2020 08/31/2020 12/31/2019 11/30/2019 07/31/2020 05/31/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 07/31/2020 08/31/2020 05/31/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 07/31/2020 05/31/2020 08/31/2020 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 10/31/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2020 01/31/2020 03/31/2020


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Page 58: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/06/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Ashley , Taryn Nichole MSPAS 13032 06/30/2020 DeMuri , Meg Elizabeth MPAS 13033 06/30/2020 Dolphin , Emma R. MPAS 13034 06/30/2020 Sattar , Kirsten Marciniak MSPA 13035 06/30/2020 Wee , Alexander F MPAS 13036 06/30/2020

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45 46 47 48 49

Page 59: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/06/2019

Name License# Exoire Date

License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Gittens , Sharon Charmaine AS 4723 06/30/2020 Massman , Lucas Raymond AAS 4724 06/30/2020 Wiles , Talman Robert AS 4725 06/30/2020

Page 3 of 5


50 51 52

Page 60: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/06/2019


License Type: Athletic Trainer

Armstrong, Andres Gabriel NATAApproved Carlson , Amelia Alexandra NATA Approved

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3245 3246

ExDire Date

06/30/2020 06/30/2020


53 54

Page 61: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/06/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Genetic Counselor

Chou , Carrie Lynn M.S. 1273 12/31/2019 Croke , Brook D. M.S. 1274 06/30/2020 Zell , Sidney Stuart M.S. 1275 11/30/2019

Page 5 of 5


55 56 57

Page 62: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/13/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Adrian , Leslie Ann M.D. Aggarwal , Varun M.B., B.S. Babayev, Samir M.D. Burn , Sabrina Carola M.D. Cheeney, Safia Hope Emesh M.D. Condra, Cole Stephen M.D. Cooley, Sean Alexander M.D. Doesken, Sunnah Hope Widger Maki M.D. Dutkin, Max Thaddeus M.D. Faulman, Abigail Elizabeth M.D. Galin, Amy Jo M.D. Hayes, Antony Joshua M.D. Homan , Teresa Lynn M.D. Hong, Yu Chao M.D. Hu , Tiffany Ying M.D. Kanaa, Tarek M.D. Kao, Cyrus M.D. Khurana , Arushi M.B.B.S. Kowlgi, Narayan Gurukripa M.B.B.S. Kurdi , Ahmed Toufic M.D. Maakaron, Joseph M.D. Marino , Anthony Frank M.D. Mehta , Dev Girish D.O. Miller , David Michael M.D. Munoz, Ryan Michael M.D. Paradise, Helen Tang M.D. Rehnstrom, Paul Harold 0 .0 . Rueda , Briana Marie D.O. Sharifmohamed, Fatima Amir M.D. Sharma , Alok M.B., B.S. Steiner, Drew John M.D. Suginaka , Alex Takashi D.O. Thompson , Kyle Jacob M.D. Vellaichamy Manian, Deepti M.B.B.S. Walston, James Michael Sang-Jee M.D. Williams , Kathryn L. M.D. Zaban, Nicholas Benjamin M.D. Sigurdson, D Christine M.D. (Emeritus)

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65674 65675 65676 65677 65678 65679 65680 65681 65682 65683 65684 65685 65686 65687 65688 65689 65690 65691 65692 65693 65694 65695 65696 65697 65698 65699 65700 65701 65702 65703 65704 65705 65706 65707 65708 65709 65710 33647

Expire Date

01/31/2020 11/30/2019 05/31/2020 04/30/2020 01/31/2020 09/30/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 01/31/2020 11/30/2019 09/30/2020 11/30/2019 05/31/2020 11/30/2019 05/31/2020 05/31/2020 01/31/2020 04/30/2020 11/30/2019 10/31/2020 01/31/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 06/30/2020 02/29/2020 03/31/2020 05/31/2020 12/31/2019 07/31/2020 12/31/2019 03/31/2020 04/30/2020 10/31/2020 07/31/2020 06/30/2020 06/30/2020 06/30/2019


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/13/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Darnell , Karen Marie MPAS 1,3037 06/30/2020 Langeness , Adele Michiko MSPA 13038 06/30/2020 Marlatt , Megan Nicole MSPAS 13039 06/30/2020 Samson , Diane Katherine MPAS 13040 06/30/2020 Schoeberl , Jarod Bernard MSPA 13041 06/30/2020

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39 40 41 42 43

Page 64: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/13/2019

Name License# ExDire Date

License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Isac , Nafisa Sharif AAS 4726 06/30/2020 Ruegemer , Michael Alan AAS 4727 06/30/2020 Vang , Candy AS 4728 06/30/2020



44 45 46

Page 65: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/13/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Athletic Trainer

Lindahl, Ashley Kay NATA Approved 3247 06/30/2020 Pinoniemi , Bridget Kate NATA Approved 3248 06/30/2020 Silverson , Oliver Asher NATA Approved 3249 06/30/2020

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47 48 49

Page 66: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/13/2019


License Type: Acupuncturist

Montes-Laracuente, John Lee M.OM Weber , Angela Jean M.OM

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1917 1918

Expire Date

06/30/2020 06/30/2020


50 51

Page 67: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/13/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Genetic Counselor

Duld , Casey Shannon M.S. 1276 10/31/2020 Hair , Jennifer M.S. 1277 01/31/2020 Lemoine , Jennifer Lara M.S. 1278 05/31/2020 Rumbaugh , Malia Catherine M.S. 1279 03/31/2020

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52 53 54 55

Page 68: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/20/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Anderson, Eric Patrick M.D. Badwal , Karun Singh D.O. Benjamin, Terrie-Ann Sanya M.D. Bramblet, Rachel Mansfield D.O. Christnovich , Anthony James D.O. Conn , Doyt la Dean M.D. Duppong , Todd Edmund M.D. Elliott , Alicia Lynn D.O. Engasser, William Mark M.D. Fernandez Sada, Evaristo M.D. Fliss, Peter Michael D.O. Gladstone, Lukas Scott D.O. Green, Lindsay Biggers M.D. Harrison , Grant Preston M.D. Heneghan , Julia Anne M.D. Henry , David William M.D. Hultman, Kristi Lynn M.D. Jensen, Andrew Robert M.D. John, Florence Simon M.B.B.S. Kebed, Daniel Tesfaye M.D. Kebed , Kalie Yang M.D. Kobets, Andrew Joshua M.D. Kuzma, ScottAaron M.D. leetun, Darin Tracy M.D. Li, Wei M.D. Meyer, Hope Elaine M.D. Mix, Doran Stewart M.D. Nalluri , Harika M.D. Norell, Ana Kimberly lien M.D. Nugent, Julia Lynn M.D. Policht, Katherine Theresa M.D. Savio, Kathleen Anne D.O. Sharma, Kristina M.D. Shultz, Paul Albert M.D. Sideras , Kostandinos M.D. Starks, Kenneth Claude M.D. Steubs , John Tyler M.D. Varghese , Alvin D.O. Wolfe, Jenna Rae D.O.

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65719 65720 65721 65722 65723 17533 65724 65725 65726 65727 65728 65729 65730 65731 65732 65733 65734 65735 65736 56598 56599 65737 65738 65739 65740 65741 65742 65743 65744 65745 65746 65747 65748 65749 45859 65750 65751 65752 65753

ExDire Date

04/30/2020 06/30/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 05/31/2020 02/29/2020 09/30/2020 12/31/2019 04/30/2020 08/31/2020 06/30/2020 05/31/2020 08/31/2020 01/31/2020 09/30/2020 06/30/2020 02/29/2020 02/29/2020 08/31/2020 06/30/2020 06/30/2020 03/31/2020 11/30/2019 10/31/2020 08/31/2020 02/29/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 05/31/2020 08/31/2020 03/31/2020 02/29/2020 07/31/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 11/30/2019 10/31/2020


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/20/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Bertsche , Shannon Ashley MPAS 13042 06/30/2020 Clapper , Elizabeth Ashley MPAS 13043 06/30/2020 Grant , Mariah Carly MSPAS 13044 06/30/2020 Hansmeier , Edward Lee MPAS 13045 06/30/2020 Kolenda , Daniel Glen MPAS 13046 06/30/2020 Winter , Kristen Marie MPAS 13047 06/30/2020

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40 41 42 43 44 45

Page 70: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/20/2019


License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Kopacki , Matthew Adam BS Watton , Melissa Marie AAS

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4729 4730

ExDire Date

06/30/2020 06/30/2020


46 47

Page 71: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/20/2019


License Type: Athletic Trainer

Fennell , Nichole Jordan NATAApproved

Page 4 of 5

License# Expire Date

3250 06/30/2020



Page 72: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/20/2019


License Type: Genetic Counselor

Nazario Rosselle, Jessamyn Joanne M.S.

Page 5 of 5

License# ExDire Date

1280 10/31/2020



Page 73: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/27/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Ade, Timothy Andrew M.D. Battista, Christopher Joseph M.D. Bergman , Stuart Michael M.D. Bringe , Kariline Elizabeth M.D. DeLeu, Bradley Phillip D.O. Dillman , Megan Rae M.D. Engebretson, ErikAnders M.D. Frederiksen, Emily Corinne Blomgren M.D. Geffre, Marcus John M.D. Guerry, Christopher Haskins M.D. Hallaba, Radwan Saadallah M.D. Harrison, Richard Lee M.D. Lau , Peter Joseph M.D. Maheshwari , Arvind Kumar M.B.B.S. Mrazek, Amy Ann M.D. Nelson, Martha M.D. No , Gloria Jinny M.D. Noennig , Blake John M.D. Nurkic , Sommer Rae Wild M.D. O'Brien, Patrick Mark M.D. Ortiz , Jacob Robert M.D. Schilling , Spencer David M.D. Simons , William John M.D. Smith , Katherine Ann M.D. Smith , Michael Louis M.D. Soma, Joel Roderick M.D. Stewart, Jacob Ryan M.D. Toye, Leon Robert M.D. Vancura , James Anton D.O. Wilder , Jeffrey W M.D. Zineldin , Islam M.B., B.Ch.

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65758 65759 65760 65761 65762 65763 65764 65765 65766 65767 65768 65769 65770 65771 65772 65773 65774 65775 65776 65777 65778 65779 65780 65781 65782 65783 65784 65785 65786 65787 65788

ExDire Date

06/30/2020 09/30/2020 02/29/2020 02/29/2020 09/30/2020 12/31/2019 01/31/2020 03/31/2020 11/30/2019 12/31/2019 12/31/2019 09/30/2020 05/31/2020 05/31/2020 07/31/2020 12/31/2019 01/31/2020 12/31/2019 08/31/2020 08/31/2020 12/31/2019 06/30/2020 10/31/2020 04/30/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020


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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/27/2019

Name License# ExDire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Acker , Shekitta Lavett MSPAS 13048 06/30/2020 Bohlig , Kristi Michelle MPAS 13049 06/30/2020 Heinks , Maranda Kate MSPA 13050 06/30/2020

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32 33 34

Page 75: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/27/2019

Name License# Exoire Date

License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Friton , Kimberly Gail AAS 4731 06/30/2020 Limbach , Meghan M AAS 4732 06/30/2020 Martin , Elizabeth A AS 4733 06/30/2020

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35 36 37

Page 76: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/27/2019

Name License# Expire Date

License Type: Athletic Trainer

Nelson , Ellie Ann NATA Approved 3251 06/30/2020 Ramirez , Clarissa Alise NATA Approved 3252 06/30/2020

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38 39

Page 77: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 06/27/2019


License Type: Genetic Counselor

Mar , Lisa Shang M.S.

Page 5 of 5

License# Expire Date

1281 12/31/2019



Page 78: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Aakre, Grant Dylan M.D. Adam , Bariituu Ibrahim M.D. Adel , Fadi William M. M.D. Alva-Ruiz, Roberto M.D. Asamoa-Bonsu, Yaw Mensa M.B., Ch.B. Aul , Bryce Jordan M.D. Awh, Mark Hyunchol M.D. Barzee, Brigham Matthew M.D. Bearrick, Elizabeth Namata M.D. Beito , Allison Hart M.D. Bickford, Marcus William M.D. Bies , Michael Matthew D.O. Blank , Madeleine Michael M.D. Boswell, Michael Ralph M.D. Bowen , Andrew Jay M.D. Breen , Thomas John M.D. Breitinger, ScottAdam M.D. Brittain, Todd Eugene 0 .0 . Brown, Andrew Erik Hutchison M.D. Brown , Richelle Nicole M.D. Burczak, Daniel Robert M.D. Carafone , Lindsay Elizabeth M.D. Cardenas Lara, Francisco Javier M.D. Carlson Strother, Courtney Rae M.D. Carter, lmhotep Kevin-Anthony M.D. Chowdhury, Mohammed Andaleeb M.B., B.S. Cirillo-Penn , Nolan Craig M.D. Cohen, Tai David M.D. Colbenson, Gretchen AnneRochelle Hoff M.D. Costello, JoAnna Michele M.D. D'Netto , Michael Edgar M.D. Dahlin, Robert Michael M.D. Day, Serena Jingxi M.D. Delaney, Amanda Sue M.D. Dimou , Anastasios Dunmire , Susan Mitchell M.D. EI-Sabawi, Bassim Rashad M.D. Eli, llhan Mahamed M.D. Eneh, Peace Nnenna M.D. Eschbacher, Kathryn Lynne M.D. Esomonu, Chiamaka Chinenye M.D. Fagnant , Robert John M.D. Falde, Samuel David M.D. Fenner, Joseph Brant M.D. Fiegen, Anthony Paul M.D. Fike , Jessica Marie D.O. Fok, Christina Wai-Ming M.D. Follese , Kate Shelp D.O. Forbeck, Lisa Marie M.D. Francen, Danielle Lee M.D.

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65791 65792 65793 65794 65795 65796 65797 65798 65799 65800 65801 65802 65803 65804 65805 65806 65807 65808 65809 65810 65811 65812 65813 65814 65815 65816 65817 65818 65819 65820 65821 65822 65823 65824 65825 65826 65827 65828 65829 65830 65831 65832 65833 65834 65835 65836 65837 65838 65839 65840

Expire Date

05/31/2020 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 04/30/2020 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 12/31/2019 03/31/2020 10/31/2020 02/29/2020 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 12/31/2019 08/31/2020 11/30/2020 10/31/2020 11/30/2020 12/31/2019 08/31/2020 07/31/2020 12/31/2019 08/31/2020 04/30/2020 01/31/2020 12/31/2019 11/30/2020 05/31/2020 10/31/2020 12/31/2019 10/31/2020 01/31/2020 12/31/2019 04/30/2020 07/31/2020 11/30/2020 05/31/2020 06/30/2020 04/30/2020 05/31/2020 11/30/2020 08/31/2020 10/31/2020 08/31/2020 11/30/2020 05/31/2020 12/31/2019 04/30/2020 07/31/2020 03/31/2020


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Page 79: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Funk, Robert Orman M.D. George, Mathews Lal M.B., B.S. Gerardin, Geoffrey Georges M.D. Gerdes, Harrison John Wissler M.D. Gilchrist, Michael Francis M.D. Gilder , Hannah Elizabeth Purbrick M.D. Gillen , Dennison William D.O. Ginsburg, Alexander David Ritchie M.D. Gleue, Casey Alan M.D. Goates, Andrew James M.D. Granrud, Marc Olav M.D. Greene, Ryan Taylor M.D. Greenwood, Jason Derek M.D. Guilfoile , Forrest Ryan M.D. Harmon, David Martin M.D. Herzog , Tyler Lewis M.D. Heslop, Daniel Leighton Woodrow M.D. Hobson , Sandra Lynn M.D. Huynh , Ellie Tran M.D. Hwang, Steven Ray M.D. Iden , Stephanie Jo M.D. lngulsrud, Eric Brian M.D. Jackson , Candace Lynn M.D. Jackson, Taylor Jeremy Deane M.D. Jacobson , Ashley Ann M.D. Jacobson , Nathan James M.D. Ji, Hyun M.D. Johnson, Keary Lee M.D. Jones , Brian Edward M.D. Julakanti , Raghav Reddy M.D. Kapplinger, Jamie Duane M.D. Khosravi, Mitra Anoosheh M.D. Kimbrough, Bradly Alexander M.D. Kobie, Ajdin M.D. Koch , Adam Taylor M.D. Krippendorf, Benjamin Stuart M.D. Kruckeberg, Bradley Michael M.D. Kumar, Vinayak M.D. Lang, Daenielle Katherine M.D. Lange, Nicholas James M.D. Langford, Brendan Joseph M.D. Lipworth , Roy M.D. Lotfalla , Mira Maher Sadik M.B., B.Ch. Lund, Sarah Brezniak M.D. MacArthur, Taleen Alexandria M.D. Macielak, Robert James M.D. Marigi , Erick Momanyi M.D. Mastin , Murphy Remsen M.D. Matrka , Alexis King M.D. McDowell, Bryan Christopher M.D.

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65841 65842 65843 65844 65845 65846 65847 65848 65849 65850 65851 65852 65853 65854 65855 65856 65857 65858 65859 65860 65861 65862 65863 65864 65865 65866 65867 65868 65869 65870 65871 65872 65873 65874 65875 65876 65877 65878 65879 65880 65881 65882 65883 65884 65885 65886 65887 65888 65889 65890

Ex0ire Date

11/30/2020 04/30/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 05/31/2020 06/30/2020 01/31/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 03/31/2020 03/31/2020 07/31/2020 07/31/2020 03/31/2020 10/31/2020 03/31/2020 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2020 05/31/2020 04/30/2020 07/31/2020 11/30/2020 05/31/2020 10/31/2020 09/30/2020 10/31/2020 05/31/2020 12/31/2019 08/31/2020 01/31/2020 11/30/2020 07/31/2020 09/30/2020 04/30/2020 08/31/2020 08/31/2020 06/30/2020 02/29/2020 12/31/2019 10/31/2020 06/30/2020 07/31/2020 02/29/2020 07/31/2020 08/31/2020 08/31/2020 05/31/2020 12/31/2019


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99


Page 80: The mission of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is ... 13, 2019, Public... · • The Board and MAMSS agree that embedding thePMP into the electronic health rec ord system

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

McKinnon, Kelly Scott M.D. McMahon , Ellen Louise M.D. Meaike , Joshua Joe M.D. Montenegro, Monique Maria M.D. Morris, Lindsay Kaye M.D. Naylor, Ryan Marcus M.D. Norris, Craig Dewayne M.D. O'Dowd, Timothy Raymond M.D. Olson , Emily Marie M.D. Owen, Aaron Ronald Dale M.D. Padkins , Mitchell Robert M.D. Palmer, Allyson Kaitlin M.D., Ph.D. Patel , Shruti Rajesh M.D. Penrice, Daniel David M.D. Peterson , Ashley Ann M.D. Philippe, Carol Gaby Azer M.D. Phillips, Kari Ann M.D. Poole, Lisa Rose M.D. Qarni, Ahmer Hussain M.B.B.S. Rajiah , Prabhakar M.B., S.S. Ralph , Jessika Ann M.D. Rea, Natalie Ann M.D. Riggs, Alexandra Rael Bellone M.D. Rimal, Anisha M.D. Robinson , Nathaniel Lane M.D. Rogalla , Aislinn Ann D.O. Rogers, Charlotte Marie M.D. Ranck, Matthew Keith M.D. Rose, Sherrill Joan Elizabeth M.D. Routh , Gina Ann D.O. Ruan , Gordon J. M.D. Russell, Eileen Mei M.D. Saadalla, Abdulrahman Mohamed M.B., B.Ch. Sahakian, Alexander Joseph M.D. Sanborn , David Michael M.D. Sanchez, Jose Juan M.D. Santilli, Ashley Rebecca M.D. Sara, Jaskanwal Deep Singh M.B., Ch.B. Schmidt, Tyler John M.D. Sen , lndrani M.B.B.S. Shiue , Larissa Taylor M.D. Smith, Caleb Joshua M.D. Sominidi Damodaran, Sindhuja M.D. Southerland, Danielle Marie D.O. Sperl , Michael Alan D.O. Stacer , Amanda Christine M.D. Stewart , Glenn Anthony M.D. Stinson , Wade William Jr. M.D. Strother, Robert Kerwin M.D. Stuart, Michael Brennan M.D.

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65891 65892 65893 65894 65895 65896 65897 65898 65899 65900 65901 65902 65903 65904 65905 65906 65907 65908 42560 65909 65910 65911 65912 65913 65914 65915 65916 65917 65918 65919 65920 65921 65922 65923 65924 65925 65926 65927 65928 65929 65930 65931 65932 65933 65934 65935 65936 65937 65938 65939

Expire Date

09/30/2020 11/30/2020 08/31/2020 06/30/2020 03/31/2020 11/30/2020 04/30/2020 08/31/2020 08/31/2020 12/31/2019 10/31/2020 09/30/2020 12/31/2019 03/31/2020 04/30/2020 01/31/2020 03/31/2020 10/31/2020 07/31/2020 10/31/2020 02/29/2020 06/30/2020 10/31/2020 11/30/2020 05/31/2020 10/31/2020 03/31/2020 08/31/2020 04/30/2020 10/31/2020 12/31/2019 10/31/2020 02/29/2020 11/30/2020 06/30/2020 11/30/2020 01/31/2020 08/31/2020 09/30/2020 12/31/2019 06/30/2020 05/31/2020 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11/30/2020 02/29/2020 02/29/2020 03/31/2020 01/31/2020 08/31/2020


101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019


License Type: Physician and Surgeon

Sun, Qi M.D. Tahir, Absar M.D. Thannickal , Aneesa Mathew M.D. Thorpe , Matthew Patrick M.D., Ph.D. Timothy, Leander Dominic M.D. Torres , Stephanie Yvonne M.D. Traxler, Jake Michael M.D. Tuttle, Scott David M.D. Urquhart, Siri Anne M.D. Venable , Elise Roche M.B.B.S. Verdun , Valerie Ann M.D. Voth , Elida Rose M.D. Walston , Victoria Caywood Park M. D. Wang, Alan Peikang M.D. Wang, Lillian M.D. Watkins , Ryan Davis M.D. Wellings, Elizabeth Partridge M.D. White, Bradley Arthur M.D. Wiemer, Steven John M.D. Wilde, Kim Levi M.D. Williamson , Katrina Ann M.D. Wippermann , Ahren Allen M.D. Witsberger, Emily Margaret M.D. Wojciechowski, Alyssa Rose M.D. Wood , Kathryne Nicole M.D. Young, Riley Jean M.D. Zhu , Rebecca M.D. Dahl , Diane Margaret M.D. (Emeritus)

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65940 65941 65942 65943 65944 65945 65946 65947 65948 65949 65950 65951 65952 65953 65954 65955 65956 65957 65958 65959 65960 65961 65962 65963 65964 65965 65966 24566

Expire Date

10/31/2020 03/31/2020 06/30/2020 06/30/2020 05/31/2020 02/29/2020 09/30/2020 01/31/2020 03/31/2020 11/30/2020 01/31/2020 04/30/2020 07/31/2020 12/31/2019 04/30/2020 05/31/2020 04/30/2020 08/31/2020 09/30/2020 08/31/2020 10/31/2020 09/30/2020 01/31/2020 11/30/2020 10/31/2020 10/31/2020 06/30/2020 07/31/2019

SeQ #

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019

Name License# Exoire Date

License Type: Physician Assistant

Bequillard , Daniel James MPAS 13051 06/30/2020 Bluhm , Rebecca Lenore MSPAS 13052 06/30/2020 Crance , Luke Adrain MSPAS 13053 06/30/2020 Dolezal , Melanie Susan MSPAS 13054 06/30/2020 Edison , Ellen Marie MPAS 13055 06/30/2020 Emlaw , Madeline Sue MPAS 13056 06/30/2020 Engen , Alyse Ann MPAS 13057 06/30/2020 Gagne , Rachel Marie MPAS 13058 06/30/2020 Gemes , Paige Marie MPAS 13059 06/30/2020 Hovden , Elizabeth Carolyn MSPAS 13060 06/30/2020 Lucas , Katherine Melissa MPAS 13061 06/30/2020 Porter , Catherine Lynn MPAS 13062 06/30/2020 Tramm , Seth Allan MPAS 13063 06/30/2020

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179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019

Name License# ExDire Date

License Type: Respiratory Therapist

Agro , Elizabeth Ann BS 4734 06/30/2020 Baumann , Maggie Rose AAS 4735 06/30/2020 Desta , Alemayheu Kebede AAS 4736 06/30/2020 Dwyer , Abbie Nicole AAS 4737 06/30/2020 Kjome , Ben Haakon AAS 3518 06/30/2020 McIntire , Erin Bailey AAS 4738 06/30/2020 Morse , Melissa Marie AAS 4739 06/30/2020 Obert , Leah Martha BS 4740 06/30/2020 Schwab , Brynn Alexandra AAS 4741 06/30/2020

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192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200

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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice New Credential Summary for 07/03/2019

Name License# ExDire Date

License Type: Athletic Trainer

BlueArm, Brandi Tatewin NATAApproved 3253 06/30/2020 Cooper, Tember Rae NATA Approved 3254 06/30/2020 Larson, Daniel James NATAApproved 3255 06/30/2020 Williams, Matthew Lee NATAApproved 3256 06/30/2020

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201 202 203 204

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Licensure Committee Meeting Minutes

SUBMITTED BY: Licensure Committee



Approve the actions of the Licensure Committee.



See attached June 13, 2019 Licensure Committee Meeting Minutes.

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University Park Plaza, 2829 University Avenue SE, Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55414-3246

JUNE 13, 2019


The Licensure Committee ("Committee") met on June 13, 2019, at 1 :00 PM in the third floor Conference Room C.

Committee Members Present: Kimberly Spaulding, M.D., M.P .H., Irshad Jafri, M.B., B.S., F ACP, Kathryn Lombardo, M.D., and Jake Manahan, J.D.

Committee Members Absent: Hugh Renier, M.D., F AAFP

Others Present: Ruth Martinez, Elizabeth Huntley, Jada Fehn, and Elizabeth Larson, Board staff; Greg Schaefer, Assistant Attorney General


The Remaining Meeting Dates for 2019 are scheduled at 1 :00 PM on: • August 8 • October 10 • December 12

The following additional Meeting Dates for 2019 have been added: • September 13 at 3 :00 PM • November 9 at 7:00 AM

Physicians Requesting Resigned/Inactive Status: For information only, the Committee was provided with the list of 47 requests.

The Committee closed the public session and moved to executive session.

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Advisory Council Member Application Review: The Committee reviewed an application for appointment to the Respiratory Therapy Advisory Council, interviewed the applicant, and voted to recommend the following appointment: • Haweya Farah, RT: For the respiratory therapist member seat


• REDACTED: The Committee reviewed REDACTED application and supporting documentation and decided to approve an unrestricted license.

• REDACTED: The Committee decided to request a personal appearance at the August 8, 2019 meeting.

• REDACTED: The Committee considered and approved REDACTED request to waive direct verification of State Exam scores from Nebraska and first year postgraduate training verification and accept verifications received with REDACTED original 1966 Minnesota medical license application.

• REDACTED: The Committee considered and approved a three month extension to September 30, 2019 for REDACTED to complete 24 hours of continuing education (CE).

• The Committee reviewed a sample Triage Ballot and triage summaries. The triage format will be used for future case reviews beginning in August 2019. The Committee approved the addition of meeting dates in September and November 2019 for triage case reviews.

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Respiratory Therapy Advisory Council Appointment

SUBMITTED BY: Licensure Committee



Appoint the following person to a four-year term to the Advisory Council on Respiratory Therapy, with a term ending January 2023:

Respiratory Therapist Member: Haweya Farah, RT.



Advisory Council on Respiratory Therapy members are appointed to four-year terms (Minn. Stat.§ 147C.35). The following Council member's term expired on January 1, 2019.

Council Member Alexander Adams, RT.

Position Respiratory Therapist Member

One application has been received for the respiratory therapist member seat: Haweya Farah, RT.

The Licensure Committee is recommending Ms. Haweya Farah for appointment to the Council.

See attached application.

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Application for the position Respiratory Therapist

Part I: Position Sought

Agency Name: Respiratory Care Advisory Council Position: Respiratory Therapist

Part II: Applicant Information

Name: ms Haweya B Farah Phone: County: Hennepin Mn House District: 40B US House District: 3 Recommended by the Appointin11 Authority: False

Part III: Appending Documentation

Cover Letter and Resume

Type File Type

Reswne application/msworo

Additional Documents (.doc, .docx, .pd£, .txt)

Type File Name

No additional documents found.

Part V: Signature

Si1nature: Haweya Farah Date: 2/25/2019 4:11:21 PM

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Haweya Fa rah MBA-RRT, ens 1610 Irving LN North, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

(612) 599-0098 [email protected]

An accomplished and compassionate Respiratory Therapist with a drive to change the complexity of health care systems. Passionate about an integrated, multidisciplinary approach and applies clear direction, strong technical and critical thinking skills in developing solutions to medical challenges. Leads teams to success and cultivates trusted relationships with clients, peers, and key strategic stakeholders. Committed to patient-centric

models to promote and improve customer service excellence.


• Clinical Skills • Respiratory Therapy • Intensive & General Care

• Project Management • Powerful negotiator • Clinical Education • Tobacco Treatment Specialist • • Team leadership

Chronic Pulmonary Disease • Research & Analysis Management

• Cross-Functional Collaboration • ECMO • Customer Service


MHealth, MN (February, 2016 - Present)

Chronic Pulmonary Disease Specialist, • Provide clinical and education related training to patients and prospects including formal in-service support,

troubleshooting and clinical best practices. • Collaborate with multidisciplinary departments and physicians to drive the reduction of COPD readmissions • Educate patients and families about the disease management and symptoms • To demonstrate expertise in chronic lung disease management, clinical pathways, and respiratory

therapy protocols • Collaborate with Physicians and other care teams to educate and establish goals and participate in

discharge planning. • Working with multi-disciplinary team, I strive to improve overall patient care and satisfaction. • Facilitate and present to health care provider conference, symposiums and physician group medical

education events. • Consult in the creation or update of clinical education materials related to COPD and Tobacco Cessation. • Implement services based on patient's needs and to ensure patients have rights tools and resources

for their care • Review and audit charts to determine desired outcomes • Contributed to the successful establishment and implementation of the best practices hospital-wide COPD

Re-admission Reduction Program, as well as a COPD patient education and discharge system

MHealth, MN (July 2006 - Present)

Registered Respiratory Therapist • Providing respiratory care in adult, neonatal and pediatric care areas including all Intensive Care Units, the

Pulmonary Care, and the Emergency Department • Taking charge assignments and attending physician rounds and discussing treatment plan and ventilator

management • Providing assessment, diagnostic evaluation, treatment and care for patients with respiratory problems. • Precepting and mentoring new employees to gain the confident and skills required to do effective patient

care • Accelerated improvements to patient safety and hospital wide processes as a member of Cardiopulmonary

Services • As ECMO Specialist: Working closely with Nurses and Physicians to provide improved quality care for

Haweya Farah Page 1

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patients and their families.

St. Catherine Univeristy, St. Paul. MN (2008 - Present)

Adjunct Faculty • Teaching students how to apply their theory knowledge on patients and guiding them along the way.


• Volunteer, Somali Outreach Fairview, Minneapolis, MN (April 2017 - present) • Volunteer American Lung Association - Presenting Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence • MHealth Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic, Minneapolis, MN (February 2017) Quality Improvement project for Pre-Operative Assessment Center: Optimization COPD prior to surgery


• Master of Business Administration: Healthcare Management, GPA 3.91 • Concordia University, St. Paul, IL, 2018

Completed Managerial Application Portfolio on Value-based Medicine Reducing COPD Re-admission Readmission Program

• Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN, 2007


• Basic Life Support (BLS) • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) • Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist • Lung in Box Certification


• Member of Fairview Ethics Committee, Minneapolis, MN, January 2018 - Present


• Presented America Lung Association, COPD Conference, 2018


Electronic Medical Records: EPIC, PowerChart, KBC, FCIS

Microsoft Office:


Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Outlook

English, Somali and Swahili

Haweya Farah Page 2

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Subdivision I. Membership. The board shall appoint a seven-member Respiratory Care Advisory Council consisting of two public members as defined in section 214. 02, three licensed respiratory therapists, and two licensed physicians with expertise in respiratory care.

Subd. 2. Organization. The advisory council shall be organized and administered under section 15.059.

Subd. 3. Duties. The advisory council shall:

(1) advise the board regarding standards for respiratory therapists;

(2) provide for distribution of infonnation regarding respiratory therapy standards;

(3) advise the board on enforcement of sections 147.091 to 147.162;

(4) review applications and recommend granting or denying Iicensure or'license renewal;

(5) advise the board on issues related to receiving and investigating complaints, conducting hearings, and imposing disciplinary action in relation to complaints against respiratory therapists;

(6) advise the board regarding approval of continuing education programs using the criteria in section l47C.25, subdivision 3; and

(7) perfonn other duties authorized for advisory councils by chapter 214, as directed by the board.

History: 1997 c 120 s 9; 2001 c 31 s 1; 2003 c 87 s 2; 2007 c 123 s 9; 2009 c 142 art 2 s 8

Copyright© 2018 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.

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Subdivision 1. Application. The terms, compensation and removal of members, and the expiration date of an advisory council or committee shall be governed by this section whenever specifically provided by law. As used in this section "council or committee" shall mean all advisory boards, councils, committees and commissions whose provisions are governed by this section.

Subd. 2. Membership terms. An appointment to an advisory council or committee must be made in the manner provided in section 15.0597. The terms of the members of the advisory councils and committees shall be four years. The terms of one-half of the members shall be coterminous with the governor and the terms of the remaining one-half of the members shall end on the first Monday in January one year after the terms of the other members. If there is an odd number of members, the smallest possible majority of the members shall have terms coterminous with the governor. If the number of terms which can be served by a member of an advisory council or committee is limited by law, a partial term must be counted for this purpose if the time served by a member is greater than one-half of the duration of the regular term. If the membership is composed of categories of members from occupations, industries, political subdivisions, the public or other groupings of persons, and if the categories as specified in statute have two or more members each, the appointing authority shall appoint as nearly as possible one-half of the members in each category at each appointment date. Members may serve until their successors are appointed and qualify. If a successor has not been appointed by the July 1 after the scheduled end of a member's term, the term of the member for whom a successor has not been appointed shall be extended until the first Monday in January four years after the scheduled end of the term.

Subd. 3. Compensation. (a) Members of the advisory councils and committees may be compensated at the rate of$55 a day spent on council or committee activities, when authorized by the council or committee, plus expenses in the same manner and amount as authorized by the commissioner's plan adopted under section 43A.18, subdivision 2. Members who, as a result of time spent attending council or committee meetings, incur child care expenses that would not otherwise have been incurred, may be reimbursed for those expenses upon council or committee authorization.

(b) Members who are state employees or employees of political subdivisions must not receive the daily compensation for activities that occur during working hours for which they are compensated by the state or political subdivision. However, a state or political subdivision employee may receive the daily payment if the employee uses vacation time or compensatory time accumulated in accordance with a collective bargaining agreement or compensation plan for council or committee activity. Members who are state employees or employees of the political subdivisions of the state may receive the expenses provided for in this section unless the expenses are reimbursed by another source. Members who are state employees or employees of political subdivisions of the state may be reimbursed for child care expenses only for time spent on board activities that are outside their working hours.

( c) Each council and committee must adopt internal standards prescribing what constitutes a day spent on council or committee activities for purposes of making daily payments under this subdivision.

Subd. 4. Removal. A member may be removed by the appointing authority at any time at the pleasure of the appointing authority. The chair of the advisory council or committee shall inform the appointing authority of a member missing the three consecutive meetings. After the second consecutive missed meeting and before the next meeting, the secretary of the council or committee shall notify the member in writing that the member may be removed for missing the next meeting. In the case of a vacancy on the board, the appointing authority shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Copyright© 2018 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.

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Subd. 5. [Repealed, 2014 c 286 art 1 s 5)

Subd. 5a. [Repealed, 2001 c 161 s 58]

Subd. 5b. [Repealed, 2014 c 286 art 1 s 5)


Subd. 6. Advisory task forces. If the existence of an advisory task force is mandated by statute, the task force shall expire on the date specified in the enabling legislation. Ifno expiration date is specified, the task force shall expire two years after the effective date of the act creating the advisory task force. If the existence of a task force is authorized but not mandated by statute, the task force shall expire at the pleasure of the person or group which creates the task force, or two years after the first members of the task force are appointed, whichever is sooner. A person or group mandated or with discretionary authority to create a task force may create another task force to continue the work of a task force which expires, unless the enabling legislation specifies an expiration date or creation of another task force is prohibited by other law.

Members of advisory task forces shall not receive the per diem specified in this section but shall receive expenses in the same manner and amount as provided in the commissioner's plan under section 43A. l 8, subdivision 2. Members who, as a result of time spent attending task force meetings, incur child care expenses that would not otherwise have been incurred, may be reimbursed for those expenses upon task force authorization. Members who are state employees or employees of political subdivisions of the state may be reimbursed for child care expenses only for time spent on board activities that are outside their normal working hours. Members appointed to these advisory task forces shall serve until the expiration date of the advisory task force and may be removed pursuant to subdivision 4.

History: 1975 c 315 s ]; 1976 c 149 s 5,6; 1977 c 444 s 2; 1982 c 560 s 6; 1983 c 260 s 5,6; 1984 c 571 s l; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 354 s 2,3; 1988 c 629 s 7-9; 1989 c 343 s 3,4; 1990 c 506 art 2 s 2; 1993 c 80 s 2; 1993 c 286 s 1; 1993 c 337 s l; 1997 c 7 art 1 s 4; 1997 c 192 s 1,2; 1998 c 359 s 1; 1998 c 397 art 11 s 3; 1999 c 86 art 1 s 6; 1999 c 139 art 4 s 2; 1999 c 216 art 2 s 28; 1999 c 241 art 10 s 8; 1999 c 245 art 2 s ]; 2000 c 445 art 2 s 3; 2001 c 61 s 2; 2001 c 161 s 2,54; 1Sp2001 c 10 art 2 s 17; 2004 c 206 s 52; 2007 c 133 art 1 s 1; 2013 c 116 art 5 s 1

Copyright © 2018 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) Program Committee Report

SUBMITTED BY: Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A.



For information only.


Mr. Rasmussen is the Board’s representative and Chair of the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) Program Committee. Attached is his report of the May 14, 2019, HPSP Program Committee meeting.

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HPSP Report

The Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) Program Committee met on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Of the 18 Minnesota Health Related Licensing Boards, 14 were represented at the meeting (meeting minutes attached). Kurt Roberts, HPSP Case Manager, provided an interesting and informative overview of the third party reporting process (presentation slides attached). Tracy Erfourth, HPSP Case Manager, provided a summary of her attendance at the National Organization of Alternative Programs annual conference (see meeting minutes attached). Monica Feider, Program Manager, reviewed her participation in the Federation of State Physician Health Programs annual meeting (see meeting minutes attached). Samuel Sands, the Executive Director of the Board of Psychology and Chair of the Executive Directors’ (ED) Forum, updated the Committee on discussions and actions by the ED Forum from meetings held on March 5, April 2 and May 7, 2019 (report attached). The next meeting of the HPSP Program Committee will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. Respectfully Submitted,

Allen Rasmussen HPSP Program Committee Chair

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1380 Energy Lane, Suite 202 St. Paul, MN 55108

phone: 651-642-0487 / fax: 651-643-2163 website : /boards/hpsp/


MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: P.C.Member Board Present P.C. Member Board Present Jae Hyun Shim Behavioral Health X Randy Snyder Nursing Home Administ. Nestor Riano Chiropractic Examiners X Laura McGrath Occupational Therapy X Ruth Dahl Dentistry X Randy Snyder Optometry Barb Damchik-Dykes Dept. Health James Bialke (MaAI-Allioos\ Pharmacy X Margaret Schreiner Dietetics and Nutrttion X Kathy Polhamus (Vice Chair) Physical Therapv X Matt Simpson EmerQency Services Margaret Schreiner Podiatrtc Medicine X Jennifer Mohlenhoff Marriage and Family X Samuel Sands Psycholoav X Allen Rasmussen Medical Practice X Laura McGrath Social Work X LaurteWamer Nursing X ~ Julia Wilson Vetertnary Medicine X

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Monica Feider, Tracy Erfourth, Marilyn Miller, Kurt Roberts, and Kimberly Zillmer {HPSP staff)

AGENDA: I. Convene and Introductions: Allen Rasmussen convened the meeting at 10:03 a.m. and introductions were


II . Review of Minutes: The minutes from the February 12, 2019, Program Committee meeting were accepted with one correction.

Ill. Review of Agenda: The agenda was approved .

IV. Case Review: Kurt Roberts provided an overview of the third party reporting process. He described that oftentimes third party reports are submitted to HPSP by treatment providers, colleagues, supervisors and occupational health programs, but that anyone and submit a third party report. He stated that reports from third parties are confidential and subject to immunity. Kurt reviewed a fictitious third party report and intake. He described the process from:

a. Initial contact with reporter; b. Letter sent to reporter regarding reporting obligations; c. Letter or call to licensee regarding receipt of the report; d. Paperwork mailed to the licensee; e. Records gathered; and f. Next steps

Committee members were actively involved in a discussion about how HPSP would proceed.

V. Report: National Organization of Alternative Programs (NOAP): Tracy Erfourth provided a summary of her attendance at the NOAP conference, which is an organization that includes monitoring programs for nurses and other monitoring-related organizations. She reported that while she learned a lot, she was also sought out by other programs for her experience.


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VI. Report: Federation of State Physician Health Programs {FSPHP}: Monica Feider reviewed her participation

in the FSPHP annual meeting, which coincides with the Federation of State Medical Boards' annual meeting.

She reported that there was a lot of discussion about physician burnout and suicide. She said there appears

to be an increase in programs that monitor more than one profession. She described a challenge that other

program's face is that some are administered through an RFP process, which means program services could

be transferred from one entity to another. Because HPSP is administered by the health licensing boards,

HPSP has been able to develop consistent processes that the boards rely on. This has also contributed to

HPSP developing strong relationships with community providers, employment groups, professional

associations, boards and occupational health programs. Allen added that he attended the Federation of

State Medical Boards' annual meeting that had great presentations and on subjects unrelated to HPSP.

VII. Executive Director's Forum: Sam Sands, Executive Director of the Board of Psychology and Chair of the

Executive Directors Forum reported that Executive Forum meetings were held on March 5, 2019, April 2,

2019, and May 7, 2019. He provided the following updates:

a. Management Committee: Approved conference room improvement and authorized search for

electronic human resources system.

b. Policy Committee: HLB legislation put forward (primarily chapter 214) for the 2019 legislative session,

and planning on meetings with new staff at Governor's office.

c. CBC: Moving of CBC office is still on hold for the time being. CBC program sent a record number of

fingerprint packets in April (3,500). There has been some new hiring, and conversion of temporary

position to a permanent position.

d. ASU: Getting ready to close out fiscal year 2019. Starting to get the annual plans, and other financials

ready for fiscal year 2020. The building has a new building manager. ED Forum met with his team at the

May meeting.

e. HR: Transitioning staff personnel files from the Board EDs to human resources. Working on auditing and

digitizing personnel files. Continuing to participate in labor relations.

f. MN.IT: Many Boards updated to Office 365. Helped Boards put forward Odyssey Fund requests.

g. MN Attorney General's Office: Met with Attorney General Keith Ellison, met with Assistant US Attorney

and DEA supervisors for work on collaboration in regarding the PMP, diversion, and fraud cases. Upcoming meeting with the AG's Medicare Fraud Unit.

VIII. Adjourn - Meeting adjourned at 11:33am. The next meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2019.

Thank you for your participation on the Program Committee. Minutes respectfully submitted by the staff of

the HPSP.



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Program Committee

Review of Third Party Reporting Process

May 14, 2019

Third Party Report Form

•Third party report forms (#1) can be found on the HPSP website .

• HPSP staff can also mail or email forms

•Oftentimes, those wanting to report a licensee call and talk to a case manager before submitting a report

•While they don't have to be, it is preferred that third party reports are provided in writing

Who makes third party reports?

• Treatment providers • Supervisors • Occupational Health •Colleagues • Family members • Concerned party

Over the past 24 years, HPSP has developed strong relationships with occupational hea lth programs, treatment programs, employers and others ... leading to third party reports or encouraging licensee's to report.

What does HPSP do when it receives a third party report?

• HPSP mails a letter to the third party reporter acknowledging receipt of the report (#2)

• HPSP contacts the licensee • If the report indicates an immediate risk to the public or t he licensee, HPSP contacts the licensee and asks them to refrain from practice and obtain an assessment. • If they refuse, HPSP immediately notifies their board



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What does HPSP do when it receives a third party report?

• If there is not an immediate risk and in follow-up to phone call, HPSP mails the licensee:

• Letter (#3) regarding the report- giving a timeline for contact and returning materials

• Enrollment Form (#4) •Tennessen Warning (#5) • Brochure • Authorizations for primary care, employer, assessments, medical records (depending on content of report)

• Authorization for the MN-PMP


Licensee Calls HPSP

"Hi, my name is Brie Camembert. I got a letter in the mail asking me to call you ..... "

The case manager: • Describes the program

• Provides Tennessen (describes what HPSP does with data) (#5)

• Reviews eligibility requirements (#5)

• Reviews reporting requirements (#5)

• Continues with or schedules intake interview

Vocational History

• Number of years in professional practice: 33

•Current Employer: St Asiago Care Center, 3-llpm, 36 hours per week

• Supervisor: Jack Monterey

•Supervisor's Supervisor: Gouda Havarti

• Previous employers over the last five years: Last 6 years at same job

• Disciplinary action by the employer: Denies formal disciplinary action but states, 111 called in sick a few times so they put me on notice."

• Disciplinary action by the licensing board: Denies



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Social History

• Family Constellation: •"Got divorced in 2017 ..... living with a friend right now."

• 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren - all live near her and they get together about twice a month

• "My boyfriend moved in with me last October .... sometimes we argue."

• 1 sister lives in Florida and they talk about once a month - does not describe relationship as supportive

Medical History

• Acute or chronic medical conditions: High cholesterol. Denies other medical issues.

• History of chronic pain/treatment: Denies

• Medications: Pravastatin

• Primary Health Care Practitioner: Dr Feta x 10 years

• Clinic: Provolone Clinic

• Physician Specialists/Clinic: Denies

• Pharmacies used in the last 12 months: CVS in Muenster

Social History

• Emotional Support System: Family, friends and church/faith

• Current Stressors: •"St Asiago is an awful place to work, understaffed and totally disorganized."

• "Management is trying to get rid of me because I'm speaking up about it."

• "Getting old ."

• Medical Insurance: Yes

Psychiatric History

• Family history of psychiatric disorders: Yes -depression on father's side

• Family history of suicide: Denies

• Personal history with psychiatric disorders: • "In my early 30s after the birth of my first child, my doctor thought I was depressed. He prescribed Paxil, I think it was, but I stopped taking it after a couple months because I didn't' feel any better."

• "Over the years, sometimes my friends and ex­husband thought I was depressed."

• "Until recently I never missed work or had any problems."



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Psychiatric History

• Hospitalization: Denies

• First diagnosed with depression at age: 33

• Personal history of suicide ideation/attempts past and current: Denies

• Current Providers/Clinics: Denies

•Current symptoms: Depressed mood, sleep disturbance and lots of worrying

"I may be a little depressed and a little more irritable, but it doesn't affect my work."

Substance Use History

Upon further questioning ...

• " I tried to drink socially in high school and my early 20's, usually wine, but never really liked it."

• "Alcohol abuse was in my family growing up, so I made sure I would never have a problem."

• "I rarely drank at all during my 30's, 40's, S0's while raising my kids."

• What does "rarely" mean to you?

• "These days I have a glass of wine a couple times a month because my boyfriend likes to go out."

Substance Use History

• Family history of substance disorders: Yes, on father's side


• First use: "As a child I had a little glass of wine at holiday dinners."

• Last use: "Two glasses of wine a couple of weeks ago with boyfriend when we out for steak."

• Progression of use: Denies progression of use or any changes in alcohol use through adulthood.

Substance Use History

• Illicit Drugs: Denies

• Pain Medications: Denies

• Experienced blackouts while drinking: Denies

• Symptoms of withdrawal: Denies

• DU ls: Denies

•Other legal consequences: Denies

•Treatment: Denies



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Diversion History

• History of diversion: Denies • Wrote/Called in RX: Denies •Taken from work: Denies • Used friends/families: Denies •Other: Denies

HPSP Functions

1) Intake a. Describe program b. Provide Tennessen c. Review statutory eligibility requirements d. Obtain brief social, substance,

psychiatric and medical histories e. Determine initial plan (referrals, obtain

records ... ) f. Determine if monitoring is warranted


•Where do we go from here?

•What assessments would you ask for?

•What other information would you gather?

HPSP Functions

2) Develop Participation Agreement (monitoring contract)

a. Standard terms

b. Illness and profession specific terms

3) Monitor compliance with PA

4) Report non-compliance to Board

5) Act as a resource for Licensees, Boards, Associations, Employers ...



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ffll HLB Executive Directors Forum MINNeSOTA

Accountanc I AELSLAGID Administrative Services Unit Administrative Services Unit Attorne General's Office Barbers Behavioral Health & Thera Chiro ractic Examiners Cosmetolo Dentist EMSRB MN.IT MN.IT HPSP

Doreen Frost Marria e & Famil Thera Juli Van sness Lorraine O'Reill David Cullen Thora Fisko Practice Kari Rechtzi el Micki Becker Gina Fast Brid ell Anderson Ton S ector Dan Ross Rick Bostrom Monica Feider

HPSP Program Committee Tuesday,May14,2019

10:00 AM, Conference Room A

1) Meetings held March 5, April 2, May 7

Jennifer Mohlenhoff Ruth Martinez Shirle Brekken Rand Sn der Christina Bourland Cod Wiber Erin DeTomaso Ruth Grendahl

Sam Sands Kate Zacher-Pate Julia Wilson Chardae Kimber

2) system

Management Committee: approved conference room improvement, authorized search for electronic HR

3) Policy Committee: HLB legislation put forward (primarily chapter 214) for the 2019 legislative session. Budgets are going through the conference committee process. Budgets are in the omnibus. Increased reporting access given to the Boards. 4) CBC: Moving of CBC office still on hold for the time being. CBC program sent a record number of fingerprint packets in April (3500). Some new hiring, and conversion of temporary position to permanent. 5) ASU: Getting ready to close out FY19. Starting to get the annual plans, and other financials ready for FY20. The building has a new building manager. ED Forum met with his team at the May meeting. 6) HR: Transitioning staff personnel files from the Board EDs to HR. Working on auditing and digitizing personnel files. Continuing to participate in labor relations 7) MN.IT: Many Boards updated to Office 365. Helped Boards put forward Odyssey Fund requests. 8) MN Attorney General's Office: Met with Attorney General Keith Ellison, met with Assistant US Attorney and DEA supervisors for work on collaboration in re PMP, diversion, and fraud cases. Upcoming meeting with the AG's Medicare Fraud Unit.

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Greater Minnesota Board Meeting SUBMITTED BY: Ruth Martinez, M.A., Executive Director


REQUESTED ACTION: MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: The September 14, 2019, Board meeting is scheduled to be held in Duluth, Minnesota. Lodging is available at:

Fitger’s Duluth Lakefront Hotel 600 East Superior Street Duluth, MN 55802

The Board meeting will be held at:

Essentia Health 420 East 1st Street Duluth, MN 55805.

In April, Board members and staff were advised to make their hotel reservations early due to a limited number of hotel rooms available during the meeting weekend. If you have not made your hotel reservations, please do so immediately at or by calling 1-218-722-8826. On Friday evening, September 13, 2019, a dinner for Board members will be held at Pickwick Restaurant & Pub. If you have not yet confirmed your dinner attendance, including any guests, please contact Wendi Clarke at [email protected] or 612-548-2147. A presentation will be provided by a panel of medical education administrators and students from Minnesota’s medical education programs. The presentation will include an overview of the current medical education curriculum and medical student experience.

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Executive Director’s Report SUBMITTED BY: Ruth M. Martinez, M.A., Executive Director


REQUESTED ACTION: For information only. MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: Attached is the Executive Director’s Report of activities since the last board meeting.

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2020-2021 BIENNIUM Following a regular legislative session and a special session that adjourned on May 25, 2019, the 2019 legislative sessions closed. The 2019 regular and special sessions included a number of bills impacting the Board of Medical Practice and its regulated professionals, including:

• Modifications to the criminal background check (CBC) section of chapter 214.075 became effective May 23, 2019. The bill included technical changes to repeal the implementation language, now that all boards have implemented CBCs; add consistent references to criminal history record information; add explicit authority to request CBCs for current licensees wishing to participate in interstate licensure compacts; remove unnecessary timelines and redundancies; eliminate duplication of fees; allow one CBC within one year for applicants seeking additional levels of licensure with the same board; and allow an alternative method of CBC after two, rather than three, sets of unreadable fingerprints. *We believe certain changes will enable Minnesota to fully participate in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact as a state of principal license. We are awaiting approval of the federal government to receive the CBC results, but we do not have a timeline for the review to be completed.

. • Modification of the temporary license suspension process section of chapter 214.077 became

effective May 23, 2019. The bill increased the timeline from 30 to 60 days for a board to take final action, following receipt of the Administrative Law Judge’s (ALJ) report, if the ALJ’s recommendation was for action.

• Modification of the data sharing section of chapter 214.10 became effective May 23, 2019. The bill explicitly prohibits sharing of criminal history record information.

• Conversion to birth month renewal cycles for allied professions and codification of fees in

statute. Conversion of renewal cycles for physician assistants, acupuncturists, respiratory therapists, traditional midwives, naturopathic doctors, and genetic counselors will begin in January 2020.

• Budget appropriations. The Health and Human Services Finance Omnibus bill (“HHS

Omnibus bill”) became effective July 1, 2019. The bill included the biennial budget appropriations for the Health Licensing Boards, including an appropriation for the Board of Medical Practice, which includes the budget appropriation for the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP). The Board of Medical Practice serves as the administering board for HPSP.

• The HHS Omnibus bill modified licensing requirements for foreign medical graduates, effective

July 1, 2019, to decrease the number of years of accredited clinical training required for licensure from two years to one year and expanded the Board’s authority to accept clinical training programs deemed equivalent to accredited US and Canadian clinical training programs.

• The HHS Omnibus bill also established a pharmaceutical assistance program that requires

boards to inform licensees of resources and programs to assist patients. The Board is working with the Board of Pharmacy to provide the required notice to licensees. The section also requires licensees to provide information to patients.

• An opiate epidemic response bill included several sections applicable to the Board and its

licensees, with various effective dates.

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- Effective July 1, 2019, no prescription for an opiate or narcotic pain reliever listed in Schedules II through IV may be initially dispensed more than 30 days after the prescription was written; identification required before dispensing a controlled substance listed in Schedules II through V; prescriptions of opiates or narcotic pain relievers listed in Schedules II through IV for acute pain shall not exceed a seven-day supply for adults and a five-day supply for a minor (with exceptions); licensee must audit delegated users of prescription monitoring program data.

- For licensed prescribers renewing after January 1, 2020, the licensee must complete two hours of opiate related continuing education during the renewal cycle. This is a one-time requirement.

- Effective January 2021, prescribers of Schedules II through IV opiate controlled substances must review Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data before issuing a new prescription and must conduct ongoing PMP data review for chronic pain prescribing (with exceptions).

The Board is in the process of establishing timelines for implementation of all new laws impacting statutes and rules enforced by the Board. The Board is also developing messages and working with various professional associations and other entities to communicate with licensees and stakeholders about legislation that may impact licensure or professional practice. PROJECTS In addition to implementing new legislation, the Board has several projects underway, including:

• Developing, testing and implementing upgrades to the ALIMS database • Updating the Board website • Continuing hiring and training of new staff • Completing office remodeling • Orienting new advisory council appointees • Updating internal operating procedures • Setting priorities for the fiscal year and the upcoming 2020 legislative session

Board staff anticipates that Governor Walz will appoint new Board members to the five current vacancies. New Board member orientation will be scheduled and new committee assignments will take place, once appointees have been named.

COMBINED MEDICAL COORDINATOR MEETING On June 3, 2019, Board staff met with a combined group of medical coordinators, consultants who conduct records reviews and provide summaries to the Board’s committees. The medical coordinators discussed their review process and engaged with Board staff to clarify their advisory role and expectations of input in various Board processes. INTERSTATE MEDICAL LICENSURE COMPACT (IMLC) On April 30, 2019, the full IMLC Commission convened by teleconference. The IMLC Commission reviewed and approved a budget proposal and conducted other business. A press release summarizing the actions of the IMLC Commission may be accessed through the following link: The next full meeting of the IMLC Commission is tentatively scheduled for September 17, 2019, by teleconference. An in-person IMLC Commission meeting will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 19 – 20, 2019. IMLC Commission committees will meet on November 19 and the full IMLC Commission will convene on November 20. ENGAGEMENT/OUTREACH/CONFERENCES/EVENTS The Board continues its engagement with internal and external stakeholder groups.

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Administrators in Medicine (AIM) Several Board staff will attend a licensure training and certification hosted by AIM on July 30 – 31, 2019 in Minneapolis. Board staff will also serve as presenters at the training. National Tri-Regulator Symposium The Board will send two representatives to the national Tri-Regulator Symposium in Frisco, Texas, taking place on September 26 – 27, 2019. Tri-Regulatory Boards The Tri-Regulatory Boards of Medical Practice, Nursing and Pharmacy plan to meet at the end of July to review recent legislation and identify common goals. Interstate Collaboration in Healthcare Webinar Stakeholders from the Minnesota Health Licensing Boards (HLBs) and other state and national organizations convene on the first Friday of each month for a webinar and teleconference. Meetings with Professional Associations Board representatives continue to engage with representatives of professional associations to discuss implementation of new laws, plan for future legislative initiatives and explore common goals. State Opioid Oversight Project (SOOP) Dr. Kathryn Lombardo serves as the Board’s representative to the State Opioid Oversight Project. The group is scheduled to meet on July 30, 2019. Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Dr. Lombardo also serves as the Board’s representative to the Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Work Group. Minnesota Healthcare-Associated Infection Prevention Advisory Group Kate Van Etta-Olson continues to represent the Board at meetings. The group is working to formalize and advance its priorities related to care transitions, antimicrobial stewardship, patient and family education and legislative initiatives. OTHER BUSINESS RESOURCES The Board continues to participate in a variety of groups and monitors initiatives to facilitate best practices and provide educational resources related to medical practice, including the following: Minnesota Department of Health Opioid Dashboard Minnesota Opioid Prescribing Guidelines: First edition, 2018 See the links, below:

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: New Business SUBMITTED BY: Allen G. Rasmussen, M.A., Board President


REQUESTED ACTION: MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: Any other new business to be discussed.

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DATE: July 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Corrective or Other Actions SUBMITTED BY: Complaint Review Committees


REQUESTED ACTION: MOTION BY:_____________________SECOND:______________________________ ( ) PASSED ( ) PASSED AMENDED ( ) LAYED OVER ( ) DEFEATED BACKGROUND: For information only, attached are copies of Corrective or Other Actions that were implemented since the May 11, 2019, Board meeting.

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Jeneba M. Boakai, RT. 1801 70th Avenue North Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

June 13, 2019

RE: Agreement for Corrective Action Dated June 6, 2018

Dear Ms. Boakai:


The Complaint Review Committee of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice has reviewed your Agreement for Corrective Action and documentation in support of satisfaction of the terms contained therein. The Committee concluded that the Agreement has been satisfied.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Ruth M. Martinez Executive Director

University Park Plaza & 2829 University Avenue SE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55414-3246 Telephone (612) 617-2130 •Fax (612) 617-2166 •www-bmp.state.mn_us

MISC-DA MN Relay Service for Hearing Impaired (800) 627-3529


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In the Matter of the Naturopathic Doctor Registration of William L. Conner, N.D Year of Birth: 1968 Registration Number: 1,055


This agreement is entered into by and between William L. Conner, N.D ("Respondent"),

and the Complaint Review Committee of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice

("Committee") pursuant to the authority of Minn. Stat. § 214.103, subd. 6(a) (2018). Respondent

has been advised by Board representatives that Respondent may choose to be represented by

legal counsel in this matter. Although aware of this opportunity, Respondent has elected not to

be represented by counsel. The Board was represented by Deputy Attorney General, Karen

Olson, 1400 Bremer Tower, 445 Minnesota Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, (651) 296-7575.

Respondent and the Committee hereby agree as follows:


1. This agreement is based upon the following facts:

a. The Board accepted Respondent's credentials to practice as a naturopathic

doctor in the State of Minnesota on March 8, 2014.

b. By letter dated December 29, 2017, Respondent was notified by Board

staff that he was subject to a continuing education audit for the period of January 1, 2017 to

December 31, 2017. In that letter, Respondent was asked to submit supporting documentation of

continuing education credits to verify that he had successfully obtained the required 24 contact

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hours including five hours m pharmacotherapeutics. Respondent failed to respond to the

December 29, 2017, letter.

c. By letter dated September 6, 2018, Respondent was asked to submit a

written response to the Board by September 21, 2018, including documentation of 24 contact

hours of continuing education credits with five hours in pharmacotherapeutics.

d. The Board received a response from Respondent on September 17, 2018.

Respondent provided proof of 26.25 contact hours completed during the audit period including

three hours of pharmacotherapeutics. Respondent did not provide evidence of completion of two

of the required five hours of pharmacotherapeutics.

2. On April 18, 2019, Respondent met with the Committee to discuss the

information set forth in paragraph 1, above. Based on the discussion, the Committee views

Respondent's conduct as inappropriate under Minn. Stat. §§ 147.091 subd. l(a), 147E.15,

subd. 5, 147E.25 subd. 1, and 147E.30 (2018); Respondent agrees that the conduct cited above

constitutes a reasonable basis in law and fact to justify corrective action under these statutes.


3. Respondent agrees to address the concerns referred to in paragraph 1 by taking

the following corrective action:

a. During the next audit period, January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019,

Respondent shall provide proof of completion of 2 7 continuing education hours, of which at least

seven hours must be in pharmacotherapeutics.

4. The agreement shall become effective upon execution by the Committee and shall

remain in effect until Respondent successfully completes the terms of the agreement. Successful


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completion shall be determined by the Committee. Upon Respondent's signature and the

Committee's execution of the Agreement for Corrective Action, the Committee agrees to close

the complaint resulting in the information referred to in paragraph I. Respondent understands

and further agrees that if, after the matter has been closed, the Committee receives additional

complaints similar to the information in paragraph I, the Committee may reopen the closed


5. If Respondent fails to complete the corrective action satisfactorily or if the

Committee receives additional complaints similar to the allegations described in paragraph 1, the

Committee may, in its discretion, reopen the investigation and proceed according to Minn. Stat.

Chs. 14, 147, 147E, and 214. Failure to complete corrective action satisfactorily constitutes

failure to cooperate under Minn. Stat. § 14 7 .131. In any subsequent proceeding, the Committee

may use as proof of the allegations of paragraphs 1 and 2 Respondent's agreements herein.

6. Respondent understands that this agreement does not constitute disciplinary

action. Respondent further understands and acknowledges that this agreement and any letter of

satisfaction are classified as public data.

7. Respondent hereby acknowledges having read and understood this agreement and

having voluntarily entered into it. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the

Committee and Respondent, there being no other agreement of any kind, verbal or otherwise,

which varies the terms of this agreement.

f\(\ I.._) . ) f\. f u Dated: i Ji\ f J I '-- o-,..v I

( - '

4 /.Uu« t ~ Wil1iam L. Conner, N.D



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In the Matter of the Respiratory Therapy License of Allison M. Maneval, R. T. Year of Birth: 1963 License Number: 1,578


This agreement is entered into by and between Allison Marie Maneval, R. T.

("Respondent"), and the Complaint Review Committee of the Minnesota Board of Medical

Practice ("Committee") pursuant to the authority of Minn. Stat. § 214.103, subd. 6(a) (2018).

Respondent has been advised by Board representatives that Respondent may choose to be

represented by legal counsel in this matter. Although aware of this opportunity, Respondent has

elected not to be represented by counsel. The Board was represented by Deputy Attorney

General, Karen Olson, 1400 Bremer Tower, 445 Minnesota Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101,

(651) 296-7575. Respondent and the Committee hereby agree as follows:


1. This agreement is based upon the following facts:

a. The Board accepted Respondent's credentials to practice as a respiratory

therapist in the State of Minnesota on January 15, 1994.

b. By letter dated August 14, 2018, Respondent was notified by Board staff

that she was subject to a continuing education audit for the period of July 1, 2016 to June 30,

2018. In that letter, Respondent was asked to submit supporting documentation of continuing

education credits to verify that she had successfully obtained the required 24 contact hours.

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Respondent was asked to provide all requested documentation to the Board by September 13,


c. The Board received a response from Respondent on August 17, 2018, in

which she provided proof of five contact hours during the audit time period. Respondent was

unable to provide proof of 24 contact hours during the audit period.

d. By letter dated December 17, 2018, Respondent was asked to submit

further documentation to the Board by December 31, 2018. Respondent was unable to provide

farther documentation of the required contact hours.

2. On April 18, 2019, Respondent met with the Committee to discuss the

information set forth in paragraph 1, above. Based on the discussion, the Committee views

Respondent's conduct as inappropriate under Minn. Stat. §§ 147C.25 subd. 1 (number of required

continuing education hours) and 147C.30 (discipline and reporting) (2018); Respondent agrees

that the conduct cited above constitutes a reasonable basis in law and fact to justify corrective

action under these statutes.


3. Respondent agrees to address the concerns referred to in paragraph 1 by taking

the following corrective action:

a. By June 30, 2020, Respondent shall provide proof of completion of

43 hours of continuing education hours.

4. The agreement shall become effective upon execution by the Committee and shall

remain in effect until Respondent successfully completes the terms of the agreement. Successful

completion shall be determined by the Committee. Upon Respondent's signature and the


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Committee's execution of the Agreement for Corrective Action, the Committee agrees to close

the complaint resulting in the information referred to in paragraph 1. Respondent understands

and further agrees that if, after the matter has been closed, the Committee receives additional

complaints similar to the information in paragraph 1, the Committee may reopen the closed


5. If Respondent fails to complete the corrective action satisfactorily or if the

Committee receives additional complaints similar to the allegations described in paragraph 1, the

Committee may, in its discretion, reopen the investigation and proceed according to Minn. Stat.

Chs. 14, 147, 147C, and 214. Failure to complete corrective action satisfactorily constitutes

failure to cooperate under Minn. Stat. § 14 7 .131. In any subsequent proceeding, the Committee

may use as proof of the allegations of paragraphs 1 and 2 Respondent's agreements herein.

6. Respondent understands that this agreement does not constitute disciplinary

action. Respondent further understands and acknowledges that this agreement and any letter of

satisfaction are classified as public data.

7. Respondent hereby acknowledges having read and understood this agreement and

having voluntarily entered into it. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the

Committee and Respondent, there being no other agreement of any kind, verbal or otherwise,

which varies ti e te ms of this agreement.


Jr ~Jl!llVivAY, a Allison M. Maneval, RT. Respondent

Dated: M, ~ ( 2 ii> / 1

~rl~WH ,l~/.f.