Download - The Missing Picture

Page 1: The Missing Picture

The M.A.D. Project – is about Making A Difference!

The first project of the M.A.D. Couple is about presenting a

missing picture of the Muslim population of the world aiming at

dismantling popularly spread stereotypes and misconceptions that

lead to general feeling of hostility and ignorance.

For achieving our goal we decided to travel to Muslim majority

countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Palestine, Egypt) and to educate

ourselves about arts and cultural diversity existing there.

The M.A.D. project is not limited to exploring arts and cultures

related to Islam, but rather focus on artistic expression of people

living in those countries, whether they are Muslims, Hindus,

Christians, or non-faith-based groups.

Back to Europe, based on our travel, we hold presentations in

schools, universities, organizations and will also facilitate

workshops about cultural understanding and critical thinking in

order to foster dialogue and social cohesion within Europe and the

Muslim World.



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Our Email:

[email protected]

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012

THE M.A.D. PROJECT "When a butterfly beats its wings the force behind its delicate

vibration has the power to create the greatest of changes!".

Kamal Ahamada

Eugenija Kovaliova

Page 2: The Missing Picture


* Nusantara: unity in diversity (page 3)

* Palestine: culture of resistance (page 4)

* Egypt: art of the revolution (page 5)

II group: Arts in the Muslim majority countries. Each of the

presentation in this group is focused on a specific art form and

covers its different examples through all four countries that we

have visited:

* Art and activism (page 6)

* Architecture of spiritual places (page 7)

* Performing Arts (page 8)

* Islamic art (page 9)

* Visual arts (page 10)

III group: Other topics. Themes that are not related to art

directly, but have caught our attention during the trip:

* Women in the Muslim societies (page 11)

* Architecture of the occupation (page 12)

* Art of noMADism (page 13)



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Our Email:

[email protected]

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



For this first initiative of the M.A.D. Project, the M.A.D. Couple is

taking you to an artistic and cultural journey in South East Asia

and the Middle East. Within the frame of art and culture, we

propose you to explore various themes that are relevant for the

understanding of the Muslim World. Our presentations will

include photos, videos, discussions, workshops about cultural

understanding, breaking stereotypes and critical thinking, and

even live talks with artists and professionals via video conferences

(if possible to arrange technically).

Below you will find a list of the topics for the lectures we propose.

Choose one or several topics that you wish to hear according to the

need of your classroom or organization.

I group: a missing picture of a muslim country - each

presentation in this section focuses on a specific country or region

and will try to present the diversity that exists in that country

through its various forms of arts with the goal to present a

different image than the one dominating mass media. Each

presentation of the first group includes a workshop (if possible

within the given time).

Page 3: The Missing Picture


Nusantara literally means the outer island and today this term is

used to describe territory that includes Indonesian archipelago,

Malaysia, Singapore, part of Thailand and the Philipinnes. These

territories were united in its diversity under the rule of Majapahit

empire in XIV century.

During our travel through Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia we

witnessed the legacy of the uniting power of old empire: tolerance,

peaceful coexistence and maintenance of respect, that were

actively promoted and supported in XIV century, are still a

distinct feature of the region today.

Nusantara is exceptionaly rich in cultures and arts, Indonesia

alone being a home to around 300 distinct native ethnicities, for

example. Within 5 fruitful months we tried to collect as many

examples of different arts as we could, learning on the way how

many of art forms are used to serve unity in diversity.

In this presentation we wish to present rich diversity of the

Nusantara region through various examples of both traditional

and contemporary arts, stories of artists with various religious

backgrounds, and images from different parts of the region.



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Our Email:

[email protected]

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012

I group: a missing picture of a muslim country NUSANTARA: UNITY


Page 4: The Missing Picture


I group: a missing picture of a muslim country PALESTINE: CULTURE


Palestine often receives very negative media coverage with the

focus on suicide bombers attacks, islamist Hamas party activities

in Gaza, and efforts of Israel to defend itself. News of ordinary

Palestinians living their life under the occupation rarely make the

news headlines and thus creates misguiding image of who

Palestinians are.

For about two months, the M.A.D. Couple has been exploring

various peaceful forms of resistance in Palestine, something that

we decided to call - the Culture of Resistance. Palestinians

themselves say “To exist is to resist”, therefore everyday struggle

became a culture. We met with circus artists, musicians, poets,

animation creators, painters, peace organizations, farmers,

entrepreneurs and both local and international activists, christian

and muslim communities, who are all part of the popular

resistance in the occupied Palestine.

This presentation will focus on the everyday struggle of

Palestinians to get freedom, justice and dignity with the focus on

art and other cultural ways for resistance, for example - growing

olive trees.

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 5: The Missing Picture


Egypt’s popular perception is that of grand pyramids standing in

the desert, temples designed for numerous gods and goddesses,

rich history of pharaohs and intriguing hieroglyphs colourfully

scribbled on old papyrus.

During our stay in Egypt we looked at a totally different side of

Egyptian art - the art of the revolution.

Since the start of the revolution in January 2011, the Egyptian art

scene has literally exploded. From graffiti painters to comedians,

artists are playing an important role in the ongoing revolution.

For about a month we have met different artists in Cairo that

keep challenging the social and political situation of their country

and exploring vast potentials of contemporary art, blending it with

well known Egyptian symbols and drawing inspiration from


This presentation will focus on the arts of these revolutionaries by

telling their stories, showcasing their arts and transmitting their

hopes for the future.



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012

I group: a missing picture of a muslim country EGYPT: ART OF THE


Page 6: The Missing Picture


II group: Arts in the Muslim majority countries


From South-East Asia to Palestine and Egypt the M.A.D. Couple

had a particular interest on how various forms of activism use art

as a medium and a way to express and highlight the socioeconomic

and political issues whether national or international in nature.

Throughout our research we gathered interviews and examples of

activists and artists, both men and women from different social,

ethnic and religious backgrounds, expressing their concerns

regarding ecological situation, globalisation, corruption of

politicians, violation of human rights, social injustices and

international issues. Palestine and Egypt are two countries in

particular rich with artistic expression with a very clear messages

in it.

Among the other stories in this presentation we will talk about

cartoon magazine from Bali that focuses on negative effects of

tourism, graffitti artists from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, street art

of Egypt and poetry from Palestine.

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 7: The Missing Picture


II group: Arts in the Muslim majority countries ARCHITECTURE OF


This is probably the only presentation in the M.A.D. Project’s

educational program where questions of religion might be slightly

touched through presenting architecture of spiritual places in the

Muslim majority countries.

Though all four countries that we have visited are Muslim

Majority countries, there is a great diversity of religions in each.

Indonesia is a home to six different religions, whilst Palestine is a

blessed land for three major monotheistic religions - Christianity,

Judaism and Islam.

In our travel we have been exploring various spiritual places of

Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Confucianist

worshipers. This presentation will give you a glimpse of the

religious diversity existing in the Muslim World by telling its

historical background through its different architecture, including

such world heritage places as the biggest Buddhist temple of

Borobudur, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Coptic

architecture of Cairo.

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 8: The Missing Picture


II group: Arts in the Muslim majority countries PERFORMING ARTS

Performing arts are probably the most engaging and

entertaining attraction for the viewer. Contrary to widespread

stereotype that Islam forbids arts, performing arts are

flourishing throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Palestine and


We have collected some of the most interesting examples of

traditional dances, we took a look at unique shadow puppet

theatre of Indonesia and Malaysia, discovered contemporary

theatre in Palestine and Egypt, participated in ceremonies with

religious dances, listened to numerous concerts, including

classical music, hip hop, folk, reggae and traditional.

In this presentation through photos and videos we wish to share

unique performing arts from our travel, each of them being

specific to a place and situation. Be surprised to learn about

enormous diversity of performing arts that are as old as

inhabitants of these four countries and as modern as the

evolutions of its societies.

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 9: The Missing Picture


What is Islamic art? Is it a fair term to describe the arts that are

inspired by the religion of Islam? Or it is a term that should be

applied in broader sense, including artists who are not Muslims?

These are some of the questions the answers to which we have

been trying to find out during eight months trip in South-East

Asia and the Middle East by meeting artists, lecturers, architects


This presentation will give a glimpse of various forms of arts, be it

calligraphic writing or architecture of mosques, paintings or

performing arts, that are inspired by Islamic values and have

direct relationship to religion. Within this presentation we will try

to present the diversity that exists within Islamic art and

“translate” beautiful messages hidden behind ornaments, music

patterns and body movements of artists we have met.



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012

II group: Arts in the Muslim majority countries ISLAMIC ART

Page 10: The Missing Picture


II group: Arts in the Muslim majority countries VISUAL ARTS

Europe has long and refined tradition of visual arts with the

most famous painters and sculptors coming from various

European countries. Interest in Chinese and Japanese visual arts

has been growing as well. However, what we offer to look at does

not often reach European audience - its visual arts from

Indonesia and Malaysia, Palestine and Egypt.

Paintings with calligraphy, drawings combining motives of East

and West from Malaysia, traditional embroidery from Palestine

and numerous graffitis from revolutionary Egypt. These are just

some of the examples to be presented in the presentation about

visual arts from the four Muslim majority countries we visited.

With this presentation we seek to introduce to you diverse

examples of rich culture and artistic expressions so you can be

inspired and curious to learn more!

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 11: The Missing Picture


III group: Other topics



Issue of women in muslim societies often makes headlines in our

media, but unfortunately rarely in a positive way.

From South-East Asia to the Middle East we particularly tried to

look at situation of women and always sought to meet women

artists or other prominent women to ask questions and find out

about their life in Muslim majority countries.

We have met several women of different social and religious

backgrounds playing an active role in their respective society: a

poetess from Palestine, an activist and well known public figure

from Egypt, women from matriarchal society in Indonesia, a

musician in a rock band, etc.

In this presentation the audience will get a glimpse of the

situation of women in the four Muslim majority countries that we

have visited based on the interviews we have carried out.

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 12: The Missing Picture


III group: Other topics ARCHITECTURE OF


The state of Israel keeps being condemned by the international

community for its violation of human rights regarding its

occupation and colonization of the West Bank, Gaza and East

Jerusalem since 1967. United Nations General Assembly has

condemned Israel in tens of its resolutions, Human Rights

Council has passed more resolutions condemning Israel than it

has all other states combined.

The occupation itself has contributed to transform the physical

features of the Palestinian environment - creation of illegal

jewish-only settlements, destruction of Palestinian homes and

villages, movement restrictions, refuggee camps are just some of

the feautures of architecture of occupation, something totally

unfamiliar to most Europeans.

This presentation will focus on the description of the

architectural landscape of the occupied territories and the

narration of Palestinian‘s stories thus pointing out the violation

of human rights of the Israeli administration.

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

Page 13: The Missing Picture


III group: Other topics


In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

noMAD - is a member of a group of people having no permanent

place of residence or home, and who travels from place to place

to find fresh artists that Make A Difference.

The M.A.D. project has started in May 2011 and up until now

has been carried out mostly by us, the M.A.D. Couple, with

enormous help from friends and people that we have met on our


How the project was created, how we managed with the tight

budget, how we decided where to go and whom to meet, what

was the most unexpected encounter, what was the worst travel,

the freakiest place to stay at and the weirdest food to eat? You

will learn answers to these questions and much more in this

presentation about the "kitchen" of the M.A.D. project and the

process of creation of noMAD tribe. A glimpse into 8 months

travel through Indonesia, Malaysia, Palestine and Egypt.

Page 14: The Missing Picture


After a couple of years of working as an

assistant to attorney-at-law in

Lithuania, Eugenija Kovaliova decided

to change her life style and went to

Mozambique in South-East Africa to

volunteer in an educational project for 6


Empowered from that amazing

experience, she decided to remain in the

field. For two years Eugenija was

responsible for training volunteers from

all over Europe who came for a year of

training in Denmark in order to be

qualified to work in development

projects in Africa. This is where she met

her friend Kamal Ahamada and together

they decided to found the M.A.D. Project.



Our Blog and Facebook:

Our Email:

[email protected]

In France, Belgium,

The Netherlands,

Germany, Denmark,

Lithuania, Poland

Europe Educational


From March to

June 2012


Kamal Ahamada was trained as

International Teacher in a college in

Denmark. Since 2005 he had been involved

in educational, development and cultural

projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and the

Middle-East. He was also a mentor for a

group of volunteers from all over Europe,

who came for a year of training in

Denmark before going to Africa in order to

be instructors in development.

In 2011, together with his friend Eugenija

Kovaliova, he founded the M.A.D. Project.