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Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19

ThE Messenger Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A

May 28, 2017

Serving the Catholic Parishes of Sacred Heart, Villa Grove, Illinois & St. Michael’s, Hume, Illinois


206 N. Pine Street Villa Grove, IL 61956

Phone Number: (217) 832-8352 Fax Number: (217) 832-8354

E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Parish Priest: Reverend Aloysius Okey Ndeanaefo

PASTORAL STAFF Secretary: Amy Walch

DRE/Youth Coordinator: Mike Stauder Custodial Care: Michelle Albin & Jo Le Mere

Maintenance: Scott Albin & Jim Balmer


Monday — Friday: 8:30 am — 1:30pm (Closed on Holidays and Holy days)


Daily Mass at Sacred Heart Tuesday—Friday: 8:00 a.m.

Saturday Vigil at Sacred Heart: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Mass at St. Michael’s: 8:00 a.m.

Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart: 10:00 a.m.


Saturday at Sacred Heart: 3:15 p.m.

Sunday at St. Michael’s: 7:30 a.m.

Or by appointment

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Mass Intentions Agnes Cler by Michael & Carol Dooley Pat Thompson by Brian & Theresa Smith Mary Adell Parker, by Tony Kramer NO MASS Pat Thompson by Joyce Murray Joseph Bosch by Jerry & Jo Derby John Schweighart by Sharon Wood & Chris Conner Katheryn & Albert Waller by Mary Wal-ler & Sisters Lee Eversole by Margaret Eversole Joseph Bosch by Anna May Partenhei-mer Bud Kappes by Kevin & Janet Breen

4:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am

8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am

8:00 am 8:00 am

4:00 pm

8:00 am 10:00 am

Mass Intentions

We welcome Mass Intention requests for our parishes. Please submit them to the Parish Office. Thank you!

Prayer Requests

June 3rd & 4th, 2017

4:00 pm LECTOR: Sarah Hosler

USHERS: Sarah Hosler

COMMUNION: Terry and Nan Snyder &

Mike Pangburn

SERVERS: Brendan Hosler

GIFTS: Sharon Wilhelm

8:00 am LECTOR: Brian Smith

USHERS: David Smith

COMMUNION: Janet Barrett & Theresa Smith

SERVERS: Lily Brown & Caroline Smith

Gifts: Lily Brown

10: 00 am LECTOR: Ed Cler


COMMUNION: Verna Bennett, Dawn Fulk &

Tom Schuett

SERVERS: Allison and Owen Kneer

GIFTS: Amy Walch

Collection Counters for June 4, 2017: All Eucharistic Ministers

Sacred Heart: 10:00 a.m.; St. Michael’s: 8:00 a.m.

Ministry Schedule

May 27: R1: ACTS 18:23-28 Gospel: JN 16: 23B-28 May 28: R1: ACTS 1:12-14

R2: 1PT 4:13-16 Gospel: JN 17:1-11A May 29: R1: ACTS 19:1-8 Gospel: JN 16:29-33 May 30: R1: ACTS 20:17-27 Gospel: JN 17:1-11A May 31: R1: ZEP: 3:14-18A

Gospel: LK 1:39-56 June 1: R1: ACTS 22:3-; 23:6-11 Gospel: JN 17:20-26 June 2: R1: ACTS 25:13B-21 Gospel: JN 21:15-19 June 3: R1: ACTS 28:16-20, 30-31 Gospel: JN 21:20-25 June 4: R1: GN 11:1-9 R2: ROM 8:22-27 Gospel: JN 7:37-39

Daily Scripture Readings

Week ending Sunday, May 21 , 2017 Sacred Heart Church Envelopes: $1,372.00 Trinity Dome: $65.00 Catholic Communication: $295.00 Building Fund: $520.00 Memorial $5.00 Loose: $197.01. Total Deposit: $2,454.01 St. Michael’s Church Envelopes: $835.00 Trinity Dome: $25.00 Catholic Communication: $145.00 Loose: $24.00 Total Deposit: $1,029.00

St Michael’s ACSA Report

2016/2017 Annual Catholic Service Appeal Goal: $3,171.00. Total Pledged: $3,200 Total Paid: $3,200 Amount needed to meet Goal: $0:00 (Met) Percentage of families pledged : 33% Thank you!!!

Sacred Heart ACSA Report

2016/2017 Annual Catholic Service Appeal Goal: $11,165.00. Total Pledged: $9498.13 Total Paid: $9,498.13 Amount needed to meet Goal: $1,666.00 Percentage of families pledged: 36% Thank you!!!

We pray for the following: Todd Bales, Teresa Balmer, Kay Barrett, Doris Birkner, Dorothy Boyd, John Brown, Martha & Pat Carr, Paul Cler, Jerry Derby, Pat Dillon, Malea Fonner, John Gilles, Faith Grave, Daphne Grise, Greg Gulick, Vicki Harmon, Lois Hart, Julie Harrison, John Hawkins, Hilli Houle, Bob Jones, Marge Koeberlein, Kiley Kramer, Cathy McCollom, Doris Miller, Betty Mulcahey, Alice Osborne, Anna Partenheimer, Millicent Riddle, Jerry Rund, Mary Margaret Rund, John Rotheker, Louise Schmidt, James Smith, Joseph Smith, Glenn Smith, Matt Smith, Rosemary Sprague, John Sullivan, Mary Tipsend, Susan Wilkey, Cathy Weatherford, Mike Webb, and Amy Wolfe.

Weekly Collection

May 27 May 28

May 29 May 30 May 31

June 1

June 2

June 3

June 4

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Pastoral Reflections

Luke carefully connects this second book (Acts) with his Gospel. In both works, Luke stresses the fact that Jesus was a healer and a teacher. He taught before his death; and he did so after his resurrection right up to the time he was taken up into heaven Today’s Gospel leads up to the ascension of Jesus, but does not actually describe the event. Theologians often refer to the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus as “the Christ event.” To refer to one aspect is actually to refer to all three. The background for Matthew’s final ap-pearance of Jesus to his disciples is Daniel 7:14. This is a description of the Son of Man. He received dominion, splendor, and kingship; all nations, peoples, and tongues will serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, his kingship, one that shall not be destroyed. Some doubted. Jesus had designated this final ap-pearance to take place at Galilee. It is reserved for the re-maining 11 disciples. When the disciples see Jesus, their first response is to worship him. But that is immediately followed by the comment that some doubted. That might seem strange, but it also is very real. Their recognition of who Jesus is comes from faith, and all through the Gospel the disciples have been described as being people of “little faith.” Notice that Jesus does not reprimand the disciples for doubting.

Jesus has been given all power. This conviction that all power in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus expresses Matthew’s conviction that Jesus is the son of man described in Daniel 7:14. This becomes a self-revelation of Jesus. While on earth, Jesus seemed to be powerless in the face of his opponents. His death by cru-cifixion was a humiliation reserved for insurrectionists and runaway slaves. However, all of this gets reversed in the Christ event, and Jesus now makes claim to all power in heaven and on earth. Commissioning the disciples. The final event in this appearance of Jesus is to commission the disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. The mission has been expanded from the lost sheep of the house of Israel to all the nations. The commission is to proclaim to all nations what Jesus has commanded them. Many think this is a reference to Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount, which is a summary of all that Jesus taught his disciples. Finally, Jesus promises the disciples that he will be with them to the end of the age. They will not have to carry out this divine commission to all nations alone

Excerpts from “Sunday Homily Helps”, is used by permission of Franciscan Media©2017. All rights reserved.

Prayer for Memorial Day ~ May 29, 2017 ~ Why We Celebrate Memorial Day

God of power and mercy, you destroy war and put down earthly pride. Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears, that we may all deserve to be called your sons and daughters. Keep in your mercy those men and women who have died in the cause of freedom and bring them safely into your kingdom of justice and peace. We ask this though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers

From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things.

From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone.

From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!

Blessed Mother Mary

Feast Day: May 31st

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A Lesson in Service and Sacrifice: By Tom McGrath On Memorial Day we remember and honor heroic sacrifice. We acknowledge those who gave of themselves, even unto death, for a purpose they believed was greater than themselves and we recall, hon-or, and pray for all those we know who have lived lives of service and sacrifice for the good of others. Sacrifice is more than suffering One definition of sacrifice is “the destruction or surrender of some-thing for the sake of something else.” Though suffering is always a part of sacrifice to some extent, seeking suffering for its own sake is not sacrifice. Sacrifice implies giving up one good for a higher good. For example, a child gives up a day of play to visit an ailing grandparent, or a parent sacrifices watching a favorite television program to help a child who is struggling with homework. Life in the family is full of opportunities for service and sacrifice. Jesus: the perfect example of sacrifice What counts in this definition is the phrase “for the sake of something else.” Is that “something else” worthy of the sacrifice we make? True sacrifice is always at the service of life. We learn this from Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice and remained faithful through his Passion, death, and Resurrection. Jesus’ greater purpose for this sacrifice was our well-being—that we might have life and have it abundantly. This Memorial Day, as we remember all who have served and sacri-ficed on our behalf, let us not forget what Jesus was willing to give up for us—and the lessons we can learn from that perfect example of sac-rifice. Edited from

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Announcements, Events and Activities

If you are interested and willing to serve on the Pastoral Coun-cil, we are once again accepting self nominations. The Council meets once a month, 9 months of the year , on the second Tues-day of the month and consists of 9 members of the parish. Please sign a consent form in the pew and return it to the church by May 28th. Elections will be the weekend of June 3 & 4

Memorial Day Office Closing

Please note that our office will be closed on Monday, May

29th in observance of memorial day.

Pastoral Council Elections

May Birthdays

May Anniversaries Brian and Susan Wilkey 5/1 Tom and Gala Schuett 5/16 Tim and Celeste Rogers 5/16 Jeff and Deanna Blackford 5/19 John and Connie Gilles 5/21 Leonard and Stephanie Buchholz 5/22 John and Donita Smith 5/27 Fr Aloy’s Ordination 5/28 John and Particia Sullivan 5/28 Darrel and Millie Griffith 5/30

Living in Love Weekend Retreat

Elijah Carroll 5/1 Zane Hosler 5/2 Mike Fonner 5/7 Tommie Hooker 5/9 Randy Sulga 5/9 Leonard Buchholz III 5/11 Jerrad Zimmerman 5/11 Pete Myhall 5/11 Leonard Buchholz IV 5/12 Amanda Miller 5/12 Ruth Ann Smith 5/12 Pete Eisenmenger 5/13 Jackie Watson 5/15

Marci Howard 5/16 Olivia Wilson 5/16 Brian Smith 5/17 Keneth Wilkey 5/19 Tom Schuett 5/19 John Barrett 5/19 Mike Pangburn 5/20 Kim Keske 5/22 Doris Birkner 5/24 Kurt Zimmerman 5/25 Karen Hettinger 5/31 Darrel Griffith 5/31

Save the date of June 25th as the fellowship committee of the parish council is hard at work planning our First An-nual parish potluck picnic in celebration of our Parish’s namesake The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 23rd. More details will follow , but we are plan-ning activities and entertainment for all ages. It will take place immediately following morning mass at Harrison Park , across the street from the church.

Save the Date/ Parish Picnic Pentecost Sunday is fast approach-ing, June 4th, and we would like to start a new tradi-tion of asking all parishioners to wear RED to Mass that weekend.

Faith in Action Haitian Project Update

Till date, we have collected a total of $415.00, 550 number of plus bar soaps, 425 plus number of took pastes, and 350 plus number of took brushes. We did excess our goal of 330. May God bless everyone who participated in making this project a big success! Thank you.

High School Graduates Congratulations

Please, feel free to collect a copy of ‘I am a Catholic’ ID card at the vestibule of our parishes. The inscription on the ID card states: ‘In case of emergency, please contact a priest’. There is also an option to read a prayer to anyone holding this card. You are encouraged to put this card in your bill folder and carry it with you at all times. God bless!

Four students from our parish graduated from high school this past week. Katelyn and Lindsey Stokes received their diplomas at Heritage High School commencement ceremonies last Sun-day afternoon while Lenny Buchholz and Brendan Hosler re-ceived theirs from Villa Grove High School this past Friday evening. Katelyn is enrolled at Indiana State University and will be pursuing a course of study in the field of psycholo-gy. Her sister Lindsey will be attending Maryville University next fall with physical therapy being her major focus. Lenny Buchholz will be concentrating on a nursing degree begin-ning at Parkland College this fall, and then transferring to Illi-nois State University to complete his bachelor degree. Brendan Hosler will also begin his college career at Park-land with criminal justice being his major field of study. He then plans to transfer to a larger college or university to attain his degree. We are very proud of our graduates. We congratulate them on all their accomplishments and wish them all the best in their new endeavors. And may God’s blessings be upon them, always.

I am a Catholic ID Card

ROCK! The Rotunda for Religious Freedom The public is invited on Wednesday, June 28 at 12 Noon to the

Rotunda of the State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Devote an

hour to music, prayer, and dialog for religious freedom. Join in

prayer with Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Diocese of

Springfield in Illinois. Bring a bag lunch, enjoy some light refresh-

ments in air conditioned comfort. Let’s ROCK the Rotunda for

religious freedom!

This retreat is designed to energize the romance and renew the excitement of being in Love. Couples who stay successfully and happily married make their marriage a priority. They are not content with having a marriage that is just ‘okay’, they want something much more. Living in Love provides an opportunity for couples to reconnect with their own personal love history and gain a renewed sense of purpose, hope and direction for their future. The cost is $150 per couple and this includes all re-treat materials, meals and overnight accommodations. Scholar-ships are available. The retreat begins on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. and concludes on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. The retreat includes Sunday Mass and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday night. Reserve your spot to-
