Download - The Medical News Report, July, 2014 #28 Sam La Monte, M.D ...

Dear Friends, thank you for continuing to be loyal readers.
There are some very interesting subjects I am reporting on, so
get ready to learn some new “stuff” including the various causes
of pelvic pain, part 1. I am still working on the VA and prostate
cancer and should be able to start reporting soon.
July is the month to celebrate the birth of our country, and we
continue to pray for freedom, our troops, our veterans, and those
that serve us in our cities and states. It is very important that we
make sure our voice is heard in Washington D.C. as this has been
a very disappointing year for those that represent us. It is time to
clean house, in my opinion.
B. Triglycerides—the other fats
C. Medical Marijuana—why is medicine and the
government dragging their feet?
E. The government’s recommendations for screening
the public for Hepatitis B
F. Cosmetic surgery for men—before and after photos
G. Testosterone-FDA warning
A. Do you trust your primary care physician?
We can all define what we want and need in a primary care
physician. There any attributes we are looking for, but with the
constraints on the physician’s time, it is becoming a real art for
physicians to “fill the bill”. Here are some thoughts from Dr. Stephen Schimpff, MD, who has written a book on healthcare
delivery. It is available if you are interested. His research has
given us the 10 most important attributes we are looking for in a
doctor. I am sure you could add your own personal attributes.
Bottom line, we want a smart, caring, attentive doctor that treats
us like we are his only patient, really caring for our health
outcomes, and follows through. Access is another commodity
that is becoming increasingly valuable in this era of healthcare
reform. I predict this type of physician will become harder to
2. A doctor who connects with you.
3. A doctor who listens. ( a 1999 study stated that doctors
interrupted the patient in 23 seconds on the average)
4. A doctor who makes eye contact and does not turn away
from you to enter information in a computer.
5. One who is not judgemental.
6. One who asks questions and gives you their full attention.
7. A sense that the doctor is telling the truth.
8. One who educates you about your disorder or illness.
9. One who makes you feel there is a sense of trust with the
11. I will add another….A doctor who has a
vigilant caring and courteous staff. Without positive vibes
from the doctor’s staff, it will be hard to attain the above.
Disease—the other fats
We all know about cholesterol, but there are other fats in our
blood to consider….trigylcerides
There are 3 classes of fatty acids a) saturated b)
monounsaturated c) polyunsaturated. Trans-fat is not a
naturally occurring fat. It is created industrially and can be any
of the 3 above fatty acids. It is bad stuff. The body can store
energy for longer periods of time in the form of fatty acids. These
acids are carried in the blood by proteins (beta-lipoproteins).
These are stored in fat cells as triglycerides or neutral fat,
which are converted to glycerol for energy. Certain types of
lipids make up the cell membrane (walls of a cell) in the form of
phospholipids, which maintain cell integrity, cell signaling
processes, and construction of cellular receptors.
Fatty acids provide a source of concentrated energy for cellular
metabolic needs.
Oxidation of fatty acids creates 9 kilocalories of energy per gram
of fat.
Saturated fats account for the largest source of fat in the Western
diet from animal derived foods. Unsaturated fats come from
plant sources. Fish especially salmon, Albacore tuna, sardines,
soy, and nuts (walnuts) are natural sources of omega fatty
These are the source of the best of these fats called Omega 3 & 6—
DHA, EPA, ALA. Our body does not produce these Omega fatty
Many studies have proven that artificial supplements of Omega
3s do not prevent heart attacks or heart failure and even in post-
MI patients. Ref. NEJM, 2013
Omega 6 fatty acids also come from green leafy vegetables and
nuts. The specific acids DHA and EPA are the most valuable
Omega fats to our health.
The medication,Vascepa (iso-pentyl-ethyl fatty acids), is now
approved by the FDA for elevated triglycerides and its source is
from wild deep water Pacific ocean fish, but I can’t find one
study to prove it prevents disease. Other well- known drugs,
such as Lovaza (concentrated Omegas—1000mg twice a day is
equal to 24 caps that is OTC) and Fenofibrate, and nicotinic acid
(Niacin) can lower triglyceride levels, but it is still not clear that
they will actually reduce the incidence of vascular disease. Most
people with high triglycerides, that are not able to maintain
normal levels with diet, will be prescribed these medications.
This is in addition to the statins for the treatment of cholesterol,
which I have reported on extensively.
Reports 4 and 5!
A Lipid Profile blood test checks for total cholesterol, LDL, HDL,
and triglycerides. Inflammatory markers are also becoming
more important in monitoring patients with vascular disease as
well. These have been reported on as well in Reports 4 and 5.
In the 70s and even 80s, triglycerides were not considered
necessarily bad, but over the past 20 years, as predicted,
research has proven that these elevated fats also increase the
incidence of vascular disease, and they are part of the
LIPIDS, TYPE 2 DIABETES), which signals a high risk for
cardiovascular disease.
hypertriglyceridemia, which require more aggressive therapy.
There are 4 types of Hyper-beta-lipoproteinemia, this
lipoprotein carries the triglyceride molecule. With increased
levels of these proteins, more triglyceride is bound to the protein
thus raising the levels in the blood. Correlation with type 2
diabetes makes these particularly dangerous. Heredity plays a
huge role in vascular disease, so the only way for the public to
address the risk factors we can control is to maintain an ideal
weight, normal blood levels of fats, getting daily exercise,
keeping low levels of stress, getting 8 hours of sleep, and
keeping a normal blood pressure, not smoking and drinking
minimal alcohol. This will provide us the best chance of living
into our 80s.
already is generic.
C. The issue of Medical Marijuana
There is increasing support for legalizing marijuana as a
medicine. The US Federal Government has continued to rule that
the sale of marijuana is illegal in the US. 21 states and D.C. have
approved the medical use of pot and 20 states now will not
prosecute you for possession and or selling marijuana.
The benefits of the compounds of the cannabis have been well
studied because of the addictive qualities and psychoactive side
effects of THC (tetrahydrocarbinol). It made our government
have tunnel vision about possible benefits. The important issue
of providing medical marijuana for patients could have
benefitted patients decades ago. Once the government labled it
illegal, research funds were not considered. The clinical value
of THC (tetrahydrocarbinol) is just one of 80 compounds in
marijuana leaves that may have clinical value. This report is not
meant to discuss the pros and cons of legalizing recreational
marijuana. I am interested in helping patients with any
substance that has proven medical value (not antecdotal
claims—BEWARE of the internet). There is a groundswell of
misinformation out there. The latest touted for multiple diseases
is hemp oil (which is hash oil, a concentrated potent oil).
What is tragic is that research has not been performed much
until the last 10 years. The possibilities for medical use could be
endless, and research is under way but not ready for prime time.
Let’s wait for the proof. Too bad we have to, but we are in
an era when clinical medicine has to have evidence based proof
before we can prescribe these compounds.
Until recent years, cannabis has been properly promoted as a
benefit for nausea caused by chemotherapy, pain, spasticity
(MS, Parkinson’s Disease, paralyzed patients, etc.), as an
appetite stimulant and improving a sense of well-being in
severely ill patients. Only a small number of doctors are
comfortable in prescribing it, but in the states that allow it,
patients can get medical cards allowing them to purchase
medical marijuana. This issue has to be resolved quickly.
Recently, valid studies have reported that there are certain
strains of cannabis plants that contain low levels of THC, but
have a very valuable compound called cannabidiol or CBD
(Marinol) which causes very little psychoactive side effects.
Cannabidiol has been proven to be a valuable medication to
treat a variety of disorders without the psychoactive side effects.
However, there are other potentially harmful side effects such as
hypotension (low blood pressure and tachycardia), therefore
cardiac patients must be very careful. Another study reported
that when CBD is added in higher doses to THC, it actually
counteracts the “high” of THC. This could be very valuable in
allowing patients to drive, not have memory problems, or other
cognitive issues when consuming these chemicals.
House Bill 843 in Florida is addressing the legalization of CBD as
a medicinal product. I suspect many other states will follow
used by pain management specialists and could potentially
prevent thousands of patients from getting addicted to more
potent narcotics. One study reported that 25mg of THC was as
effective as 60mg. of codeine for pain relief.
Other benefits have been shown in pediatric seizure patients,
and studies are beginning to show some possible anti-cancer
effect, but it is too soon to get on the band wagon and rush to
assume it will be effective. Here is what is allowed legally by
certain states (I hope all states will follow suite).
It has been around forever and never studied well until
the last 10 years. Note the date on the photos.
If you go on the internet, cannabis (hash) oil is being sold by
many sights without regard to the percentage of THC in these
product. Federal regulation, from the FDA, is the only way to be
assured of what the substances contain. Most plants today have
as much as12% of THC concentration in the leaves (in 2002—3%).
This oil can be very potent and potentially very dangerous,
although I have not read of any fatalities. Do not use these
products without your doctor knowing that you are taking it!!
Beware and be patient! Wait for the quality research! I will report
on cannabis again when reliable information is available.
Reference—Dr. Gergory L. Gerdeman, Asst. Professor of biology
at Eckerd college, St. Petersburg, Florida; WebMD; Wikipedia;
NEJM June, 2014
D. Causes of Pelvic pain
Every woman suffers from pain in the lower abdomen at one
time or another. When a physician sees a woman with this
complaint, the history from the patient is critical to narrow down
the possibilities. The time, the position of the pain, associated
symptoms, time of the month, etc. Tests include a physical
exam, ultrasound, CT, MRI, blood tests, urine and laparoscopy.
The following is a list of possibilities that should be considered
in a differential diagnosis:
2) Appendicitis
6) Endometriosis
7) Fibroids
9) UTI-Urinary tract infections
12) Pelvic organ collapse
13) Pelvic congestion syndrome
previous surgeries)
16) Pain induced by sex
17) Menopausal symptoms
To address this subject will require several reports to adequately
cover such a vast array of possible causes.
Each month, I will report on 3 possible reasons for pelvic pain.
This month:
ovulation pain
1) Digestive abnormalities
This one is easy, because I have already reported on this. In
review, the primary digestive disorders are some type of irritable
bowel syndrome or disease. Celiac Disease is caused by gluten
sensitivity, which is a true allergy to this protein found in most
grains. There are actual intestinal changes in the lining. This
can be associated with mild to severe symptoms of cramping,
gas, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. This is controlled by
elimination of gluten in the diet, but in my reading, many have
some sensitivity to lactose (intolerance) in milk products as well.
There is no specific curative medication to take for this disease,
but there are many products for quieting the gut and treating the
symptoms of these types of GI problems. For an extensive report
refer to my website--#14.
Probably the most common disorder is not a disease but is a
syndrome…irritable bowel syndrome. This is caused primarily
by stress, but your doctor must rule out the above diseases with
colonoscopy, biopsy, and even cultures of the gut bacteria.
There is some evidence that patients who remove gluten and
lactose from their diet improve. Even fecal transplants of
bacteria are being used effectively to treat these GI disorders.
Having the right balance of normal bacteria in the gut plays an
increasingly larger role. I have discussed this in the previous
report # 14 found on my website under archives.
2) Appendicitis
We are familiar with some of the classic signs and symptoms of
appendicitis. Appendicitis should be considered at any age,
although it is much more common in younger patients. It can
easily be overlooked in adulthood.
The classic signs and symptoms are right lower abdominal pain
or around the navel, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal
swelling, low grade fever, and an inability to pass gas. However,
almost half of patients present with more subtle signs and
There can be pain anywhere in the abdomen, painful urination,
vomiting that precedes abdominal pain, severe cramps,
constipation, or diarrhea. An ultrasound can diagnose the
problem, and appendectomy is the answer, although, there are
recent studies implying some cases can be cured with
antibiotics alone. The complications of misdiagnosis or delay in
treatment include peritonitis, rupture, and abscess.
The female monthly cycle is governed by the levels of estrogen
and progesterone, as pointed out by this diagram. Premenstrual
cramps start as these hormones start to drop. During that time,
the pain can be more generalized and even in the flanks. In some
women, this can be more severe at times, and it could be
confused with other abnormalities. PMS is a real syndrome and
can be very severe (premenstrual dysphoric syndrome). The
cramps come from the uterus contracting beginning to shed the
inner lining of the uterus.
Ovulation pain (Mittelschmerz) occurs when the ovum ruptures
from the surface of the ovary, causing bleeding, peritoneal
irritation, and cramps. If a woman does not keep a calendar,
they may not realize ovulation pain could be the problem.
Next month, I will report on 3 more causes of pelvic pain to
consider. Anytime symptoms increase rapidly with a fever and
increasing pain anywhere in the abdomen, it is time to call the
doctor or go to the emergency department.
Ref: WebMD
the Federal Task Force
Hepatitis B continues to be epidemic in the world, but with
vaccination, it should not be the problem it is. Addicts, gays,
those travelling in endemic areas of the world, are all at risk. The
mass entrance of illegals, on our borders, are going to be a
public health nightmare and will cost millions in extra
healthcare dollars. There are other groups who should be
routinely screened for this disease. I have previously reported on
Hep B in the #6 report back in 2012.
This disease can be silent for years or one can be a carrier
exposing their friends and family. Vaccination is quite effective
and early treatment of this form of hepatitis can reduce the
chances of chirrosis, liver failure, cancer, and even death. All
pregnant women are now routinely screened, but there is a huge
population that is not. Read carefully the information from the
USPSTF below. If you have been exposed, or you have parents
who lived in endemic areas of the world before coming to this
country, you should be screened. Doctors are likely to check you
if you have any abnormalities of liver function studies. This
disease will make you very sick in most cases, but what concerns
everyone are those who think they may have just had a stomach
flu and in fact had Hep B.
adults have an 81% reduction in the risk of diabetes!
F. Cosmetic Surgery in Men
The last 15 years of my practice, I developed a large cosmetic
practice after having had a successful ENT, head and cancer
practice. The versatility of the current ENT-Facial Plastic
Surgeons is tops. There is a board certification for facial plastic
surgery, and you should be sure your doctor is board certified in
either facial plastic surgery or general plastic surgery. Below are
some of the popular cosmetic procedures men (and women) can
consider in facial rejuvenation. It is very important that you
know exactly what bothers you about your face before seeking
consultation. Don’t let surgeons talk you into procedures you
really don’t want. Less is better, especially for men. No one
wants to look like you have had cosmetic surgery, rather you
want to look rested, perhaps even younger. Be realistic about
your expectations.
Over a million men a year are having cosmetic surgery. Men are
living longer and feel better than they look. Men often have
younger wives, meet with great competition in the workplace, or
just want to look younger. In my practice, 20% of my cosmetic
patients were men.
the result of injury, including sun damage, and aging issues
(sagging from loss of collagen in the skin).
The most common procedures are rhinoplasty for nasal
deformities, with both congenital and traumatic deformities.
This is frequently accompanied by repair of the nasal septum.
Septoplasty to improve the airway
Otoplasty for ears that stick out too far!
Facial harmony requires all facial features to “fit”, and when
they don’t, with one feature overshadowing the others, a face
does not look its best. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the
beholder, and certain ancestries are accepting of larger noses,
male gynecomastia, caused by hormonal abnormalities, side
effects from medications, or congenital. Liposuction can be
performed to improve the look.
Liposuction of “love handles” is very popular. I performed
liposuction on the cheeks and under the chin in almost every
facelift, I performed. Abdominal lipo requires good abdominal
muscles to get a good result from liposuction alone.
Men even have chest implants to augment their “pecs”, calf
implants to create better looking legs, and yes, butt implants.
These procedures are performed on body builders and in men
very self-conscious about their flat chests.
Above is an example of calf implants before and after
Before and after of pec implants
Augmentation of the facial bones can make a huge difference in
facial surgery. Chin implants are frequently placed at the same
time as a rhinoplasty or face lift, if the chin is weak. It is
particularly helpful to make the neck looks its best including
lipo under the chin. Many of the face lifts I performed included
some type of facial augmentation— flexible implants, fat
injections, etc. The chin/neck angle will be deepened with these
Chin implant alone Chin implant with lipo and lower lift
Finally, Botox is probably the most common procedure today
because of its ease and lack of major expense or downtime.
Botox is created from a very poisonous bacteria Botulinum, a
fatal form of food poisoning. This toxin creates temporary
paralysis of nerves. This is commonly used to rid the forehead of
wrinkles and “crows feet”, which is caused by squinting.
Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are injected very carefully
into the muscles of these areas. It needs to be repeated about
every 4-6 months.
I emphasize to every patient that the smile is the most important
addition to facial cosmetic surgery. Straight, white teeth are a
must for creating the best looking face. Look at the difference it
can make.
will come next month.
The goal for any cosmetic procedure is to make the patient
look good, rested, but not “operated” or over-
corrected. The interview is critical to make sure what I see
wrong with a face or body is what the patient sees. A stable
psyche is mandatory for cosmetic surgery, and expectations
must be realistic. I turned down many patients for a variety of
reasons, mostly because of a concern that the patient did not
have realistic expectations. Right after a death of a spouse or
after a divorce is not a good time for cosmetic procedures.
Facial rejuvenation is the medical term for plastic surgery of the
aging face. The face can be separated into thirds. 1) the forehead
and brows 2) the midface-primarily the eyelids 3) the lower face.
Surgery must be performed most of the time if you wait ‘til your
60s to start considering cosmetic surgery. Of course, financial
and personal preference issues frequently make you decide to
choose only the worst part of your aging face. That is a critical
phase in the consultation with a plastic surgeon.
Forehead lifts are not recommended very often on men, so direct
brow lifts and eyelid lifts are improvement enough for most
men. Blepharoplasty is probably the most common rejuvenation
procedure on men.
The eyelid surgery is quite easy and makes a huge difference.
See the hooding of the upper eyelids? Skin has been taken from
the upper eyelids. The incision is hidden in the crease. If bad
enough, insurance might cover it. You will need a “visual field
test” that shows a 40% obstruction of vision. The neck waddle is
removed by making incisions around the ears and under the
chin. The jaw line is tighter and the smile line is less deep. The
cheek area is tighter. The lower eyelids and a laser peel have
been performed as well. Forehead and brow lifting in men
should carefully consider those procedures, since the look of
surprise is not what you want.
The lower face lift will make a tremendous difference along the
jaw line and neck. The turkey neck is relieved and the cheeks
and jaw line give a much more youthful face. It is frequently
associated with facial liposuction or fat injections if the facial
skin does not have a deep fatty layer.
An example of over-correction would be Kenny Rogers. His
surgeon over-did his face and it has taken years for him to look
close to normal. Be sure, you see before and after photos by your
doctor and tell him not to over-correct even if he has to come
back and do a little revision in the future. Mr. Rogers had a
forehead lift, which made him look weird. Without that, the
eyelid and face lift would have made a nice “natural” look.
From the side of this man’s face, you can see what you can
expect in a lower face lift. The jowls are gone, and the neck sag is
corrected. Notice the smile line is still present. It takes fillers in
that line, and I prefer to limit that to women. Also notice no tell-
tale scar in front of the ear. You can look good in about a month
or less.
In the future I will report on female facial plastic surgery and
body refinement surgery. Skin care and skin resurfacing will
require a third installment.
August, I will begin reporting on the Endocrine System (thyroid,
parathyroids, adrenals, reproductive glands, and portion of the
pancreas that controls glucose. It all starts with the governor of
all these endocrine organs—the pituitary.
Stay healthy and well, my friends, Dr. Sam