Download - The Magician's Nephew


The Magicians Nephew

The fictional story by C.S Lewis named, The Magicians Nephew is a magnificent story plotted in the 1800s in London. This story is about a boy named Digory and a girl named Polly; they later meet Jadis and Aslan. Digorys mother is sick and Polly disappears to a different world when she touches a yellow ring Digorys Uncle gave her.

First, this story begins with Poly and Digory venturing in the attic over Digorys Uncles room. When they get in in, his Uncle gives Poly a yellow ring and she touches it then disappears. Digory then grabs two green rings, to get back, and one yellow ring, to get to Poly. When he wakes up with Poly they find ponds which are portal to different world and they jump into Charn. They find a castle and ring a magic bell and accidentally summon an Evil Witch named Jadis. They try to use the green ring but then brings Jadis with them to London.

Next, when Andrew, his uncle, sees he freaks out and Jadis goes after him. In the end of the chase Jadis steals a cab and leaves it just for the horse and Andrew and the Cabbie are chasing her. Eventually, Digory grabs Jadiss leg and transports Digory, Jadis, Polly, the Cabbie, and Andrew to a dark world. Then, they see grass appear and the sun comes up. A lion comes out of nowhere and starts to sing. Jadis throws an iron bar and runs when it bounces off of him. The iron bar becomes a lamppost and springs from the ground. The lion make stalking animal spring from the ground and calls this place Narnia. When they hear the animals talk they figure that the lions name is Aslan. Aslan tell them the only way to stop Jadis is to grab an apple from the land of eternal youth. Aslan then ask the Cabbie if he wants to be ruler of Narnia and he says yes. After he said yes Aslan brought the cabbies wife to Narnia. Aslan then turns the horse into a horse with wings and the two kids leave for the apple.Finally, Digory finds the tree and is tempted to take the apple to his sick mother but doesnt and listens to Aslan to take it to him. When he takes it to him he has to plant the apple in the ground. When he does it becomes a large, full-grown tree. Aslan allows him to grab an apple for his mom at home to heal her from her deadly sickness. When they get home he gives the apple to his mom and she recovers. After that, he and Poly bury the ring and the rest of the apple in a secret place. In the end he gets a mansion on the countryside and builds a wardrobe with the wood from the tree, many years after, grows from the things that Poly and Digory had buried.