Download - THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The Voice · Welcome to another New Year of Grace in His name. May His blessings to you this year make you a blessing to others this year! Grace

Page 1: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The Voice · Welcome to another New Year of Grace in His name. May His blessings to you this year make you a blessing to others this year! Grace

Dear Disciples in Christ,

A Very Blessed New Year 2016 in His Name!

As we enter this New Year, there will be at least 366 days of Blessings ahead of us (Yes, it is a leap

year!). These blessings will include the Installa*on of a new pastor whom the Lord has chosen to care

for and lead you in the years that lie ahead. There will be changes in the ministry here at LCOS which

will challenge and build up the kingdom of God in this place. As Isaiah proclaims – “How beau*ful are

the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good *dings, who proclaim

salva*on, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’ ”

God has blessed each of you in the past, He does so today, and He will do so in the future. The

challenge in this New Year, as it always has been, is to LISTEN to His voice in serving – however that

voice may speak to us – whether directly through His Word; or spoken or encouraged by a small s*ll

voice through another disciple; or through the need we see as we interact in the communi*es into

which God has placed us.

In the second lesson for The Epiphany of Our Lord (January 6) St. Paul writes in Ephesians 3 –

“Although I am less than the least of God’s people, this grace was given to me: to preach to the

Gen*les the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administra*on of this

mystery, which for ages was kept hidden in God, who created all things. His intent was that now,

through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known …” (Ephesian’s 3:8-10a,

NIV). These words were not only wri@en for the people of Ephesus but for us in this New Year 2016.

The blessing of each Epiphany season is that we are to bring the Good News of the Christmas angels,

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town

of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10 & 11, NIV), to ALL those we

are blessed to contact – both within our faith community and the community where God has placed

us to live. We live and proclaim our faith through our words, ac*ons, and deeds. “For it is by grace

you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the giD of God – not by

works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good

works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:8-10, NIV)

Our Bap*sm empowers us by His Spirit that dwells within us. “We were therefore buried with him

through bap*sm into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of

the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4, NIV)

Welcome to another New Year of Grace in His name. May His

blessings to you this year make you a blessing to others this year!

Grace and Blessings in His Name,

Pr. Les

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THANK YOU EVERYONE for your thoughts and prayers aDer

my recent accident. It was all greatly appreciated. -Kathy


THANK YOU ALL for your cards and giDs for Christmas. My

family and I really appreciate all of it! Kelley Mallon

SOCIAL MINISTRY would like to thank those people who

helped Dale Dunning with her Thanksgiving dinner at the

soup kitchen. The LCOS turkey cookers were: Pastor Les

and Carol Stano, Joyce and Elmer Brown, Karen and Jim McDonald, Carole Peterson, Georganna

D’Archangelo, Linda and John Crawford, and PaJ and Bill Brown. Well done, everyone!

MANY THANKS for your expressions of apprecia*on and Christmas wishes. I and our family are

thankful to serve among and with you at LCOS! Sister Deb

THANK YOU to all who helped with baking and packing the Christmas cookies for the inmates at

Sussex Correc*onal Ins*tu*on. The total number of cookies from all of the churches was 2,292.

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The Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class is taking a break for the month of January. Please take ad-

vantage of our other opportuni*es for Bible study and spiritual growth:

♦ Men’s Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 8am.

♦ Women’s Bible Study meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10am

♦ Crossways Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 1pm. We would like to invite you to join in as

we begin our study of the New Testament on Wednesday, January 20.

If you have ideas or sugges*ons for a study or would like to start a new group, please contact Jim

McDonald, Director of Adult Educa*on.

60 people joined in the online Advent study this year, working through the devo*ons found in the

book, Expec�ng Jesus by Danielle Tummino. The group received daily emails with Scripture readings,

a devo*onal thought, and ques*ons for reflec*on. This allows each person to work at his or her own

pace and read the devo*ons whenever they wanted to.

We will do this again for Lent. Think about joining us!

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LCOS Book Club News

We have a great list of books that we will be discussing in 2016! Our

mee*ngs consist of discussing the book and then we enjoy a meal together,

either a potluck, something provided by one or more members, or dining

out at a local restaurant. We have members of all ages and backgrounds

and new members are always welcome. If you’ve ever wanted to be part of

a book club – why not give us a try?

Here are our mee*ng dates and books for 2016:

Jan 18 The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown

Feb 29 Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Mar 21 Missing Le�ers by Stephen Hayes

Apr 25 The Dressmaker of Khair Khana by Gail Lemmon

May 23 Plainsong by Kent Haruf

Jun 27 The Wind is Not a River by Brian Payton

Jul 25 The Reunion by Dan Walsh

Aug 29 The Forever Bridge by T. Greenwood

Sept 26 Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

Oct 24 The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman

Nov 28 Some Luck by Jane Smiley

Dec 19 The 13th Gi- by Joanne Huist Smith

Women’s Bible Study

We will resume our mee*ngs on January 5. If you

haven’t been part of the group before and would

like to see what we’re all about, please join us.

We gather on the 1st

and 3rd

Tuesdays of each

month for about an hour to study God’s Word and

to share *me together as women of LCOS. New members are always welcome at any *me. Our next

study will be on the book of Acts.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Join us on Tuesday, January 12 at 9:30am for our Prayer Shawl

mee*ng. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn to crochet or knit,

but never did? Here’s your chance! Or, just come and share in our

devo*on *me and fellowship with our group. You’re always welcome

to a@end.

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A New Year – New Opportuni*es

Each new day brings promise of a new start. For many, the start of a

new week is the �me to begin that diet, get serious about exercising, or forego

TV viewing. For a vast majority, though, there’s something especially mo�va�ng

and invigora�ng about seeing the JANUARY calendar on the wall. This is the year we’ll accomplish

great things.

God doesn’t necessarily call us to do great things, however. He asks that we be trustworthy in small

things (Luke 16:10-11). To that end He gives us giDs to use to build up the Body of Christ and to

reach out to the lost.

Some of us have many giDs. People like Michelangelo – painter, sculptor, and poet – and Thomas

Jefferson – architect, statesman, and scien*fic farmer – come to mind. God, the Giver of giDs, knows

that the number of giDs each of us has varies. Jesus told the Parable of the Talents poin*ng up this

fact and teaching us that success lies in using what we’ve been given, not in having the greatest


Our giDs also differ in degree. There are many sculptors but few, if any, compare to Michelangelo.

Yet their art can bring sa*sfac*on and inspira*on to others. You may not be able to sing opera, but

you can sing God’s praises. You may not be a great orator, but you can witness to the love and grace

of God in Christ. You may not be a mechanic, but you can provide transporta*on for someone

needing to get to an appointment or to church.

That’s why God gives us giDs and abili*es – that we may be equipped to serve others. The start of a

new year offers us an opportune *me to assess those giDs and see how we can use them for God’s

glory and the good of His people. The mo*va*on to do this comes from the same One who gave the

giDs! Just as He was mo*vated by love for us to give us, not just our giDs, but His greatest giD, His

Son, so we are mo*vated by love for Him to serve those He calls us to serve.

The Lutheran Church of Our Savior has many ministry programs that offer its members with the

opportunity to “give back’ for all that God has given us. We are SERVANTS ALL and that means that

each of us has a giD that can be used for God’s glory and service. This past fall, we asked you to

assess your giDs, talents, abili*es and passions and indicate on a Time & Talent matrix which

ministries of LCOS that you would be willing to serve in. If you haven’t yet heard back from the chair

of a ministry area you would like to serve in, please contact them. The names and phone numbers of

all board chairs are found in the front of the church directory.

May God bless you and LCOS in 2016 as we serve our Shepherd King!

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SAND DOLLARS Women’s Group meets Tuesday, January

26 at 10am. This month’s program is *tled “Where Do I

Come From?”. You are asked to bring a paragraph, de-

scribing where you are from and telling something unique

about the place. You are welcome to bring pictures as

well. All women are welcome to join us.

The project for the month is the Immanuel Homeless Shel-

ter. Dona*ons of the following are requested:

• Knit hats

• Gloves

• Scarves

• Heavy socks

• Thermal underwear

• Thermal shirts

• Toiletries

• Hand warmers

• Candy bars

• Peanut bu@er crackers

• Cheese crackers

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! On Saturday, January 23 at

10am we will be washing windows in the church. This

will be an INDOOR project, so everyone can help out. If

you have ques*ons, please contact Merv Nester at 945-



volunteers who provide food, help with set-up, serving,

and clean-up. We always need people to help out. You can share the job with others

too. Please consider volunteering to help. Contact Hester Chinchar if you would like to

sign up.

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Lutheran Church of Our Savior Council Minutes December 14, 2015

For Approval January 11, 2016

Shared Ministry Review and Preview

Board of Congrega-onal Life: Submi�ed by Connie Knollinger

A@endees: Hester Chinchar, Shirley Nester, Linda Crawford, Connie Knollinger

Absent: Ann Leister, Marilyn Davis

The mee*ng of December 2 opened at 9:30 with a prayer by Shirley Nester.

She reported that she had received numerous posi*ve comments on the Thanksgiving dinner. The Christmas

Dinner will be catered by Big Fish on 12/20 at 12:30. We will need 4 – 6 servers. We need to supply beverages

and desserts. Beverages will be coffee, tea and punch. Shirley will purchase supplies for punch & make it.

Desserts will consist of cookies and cakes.

We will meet on the 19th at 10 AM to set up for the dinner. Hester will call for volunteers to help set up on the

19th and also for people to clean up on the 20th. Shirley will call for dish washers. They will both include new

people who have signed up to help. The centerpieces for the tables will be the globe, candle & table

decora*ons we used last year. We will set up the buffet table at the same place we had Thanksgiving dinner

and have the dessert table to the leD under the windows with the beverage table by the small wall leading

into the main hall.

They don’t need our services for the mee*ng and Call Service on December 13th at 4 PM. State of the Parrish

plans are not finalized.

Congrega*onal Life received $153.25 dona*ons for the Congrega*onal Mee*ng Luncheon held on Dec. 22nd.

Hester checked into purchasing bagels from Surf Bagel but the price is $48.00 versus $30.00 form K&H so we

will not be changing.

Hester also stated that the Lewes Center has called for volunteers to clean the kitchen and thought we might

do the same. We agreed and she stated that we need to come up with a date and specific things that we

would have people do.

The mee*ng ended with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next Mee*ng will be January 6th at 9:30 am

Board of Elders: Submi�ed by Lou Jones

The Elders met Nov 19 at 5pm. We discussed the Shepherds and how the Elders will work with them. Darlene

gave each of us the shepherds that we will be responsible for. We also looked over the list of new members

and decided that we would all make an effort to call or send cards to each of them.

The mee*ng closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Board of Educa-on:

No report submi�ed.

Board of Property: Submi�ed by Merv Nester

The month of November we had no mee�ng.

Board of Social Ministry: Submi�ed by Carol Peterson

November, 2015

New members were introduced. We now have 9 members and always welcome more.

Funds were sent to 2 recipients: Dakota Indians--$100 and Rehoboth Fire Dept. ---$50.

Several fundraisers were discussed for 2016. Plans will be finalized soon. There will be a Flea Market in early

May. Watch for details.

There will be no December mee�ng.



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Thank you to all who provided so generously for the opening of Immanuel Shelter. They were very happy to

receive your dona*ons. About 30 bags containing toiletries and a wash cloths as well as dental supplies were

packed and delivered to the Community Resource Center. Two large shopping bags of the same type of items

were delivered to the Code Purple Shelter in Milford.

With the assistance of Thrivent Ac*on Teams, we were able to purchase coats, hats and gloves for the

children of our ESL students. Another Ac*on Team purchased smoke alarms for those needing them. Thank

you to Ken Steinmann for handling the project and installing the alarms.

Social Ministry will prepare 25 bags of cookies to be given to our shut-ins during the Caroling event on

December 19.

A Blessed Christmas to you all from your Social Ministry folks!!

**FYI Social Ministry (Thanks to Thrivent) will be providing smoke detectors to our ESL students at their Fiesta

Day --Nov, 19. Addi�onally, again, thanks to Thrivent money, we will be providing ESL children with coats and

hats. If there are any LCOS folks who could use help for their children in this way, please let me know.

Thrivent has a program called Ac�on Teams which makes available $250 to each Thrivent member twice a

year to help out with many types of projects. Please keep this in mind when we have needs at LCOS which

could benefit from this money. It can be used as seed money for fund raisers or, as in the case of the coats

and hats; it can be used for helping folks with definite needs. Contact me any �me with help in using these

funds. **

Board of Stewardship: Submi�ed by Pastor Bob Mordhorst

Update on Time and Talent Sheets: J. McDonald reported that over 60 people responded to the Time and

Talent effort. Each board head was given names indica*ng interest in their par*cular board, we will be

following up to see if people were contacted.

First & Best GiD for Jesus: The Board of Stewardship will sponsor a special Christmas offering above and

beyond regular giving during Advent/Christmas. A le@er will be mailed to all members with an enclosed

special envelop for this offering. There will be blurbs in each week’s bulle*n and a write up in the Newsle@er.

Extra envelopes will be placed in the pews. There will be a crèche placed in front of the Altar, where people

may place their envelopes during the month of December. A celebra*on/dedica*on of these giDs will take

place in the one service scheduled for December 27.

Planning for the Lenten Consecrated Stewards effort: Pastor Art Scherer, author of the Consecrated

Stewards Program has updated the program and will be doing retraining of facilitators in the New Year.

Pastor Bob, a trained facilitator will a@end, if possible. There is a cost for program materials (ca. $400)

involved and ordinarily an honorarium for the CS Facilitator of $750 which Bob will waive as an LCOS


Dates for program: Consecra*on Sunday has been set for March 20 (Palm Sunday). This will be the day for

bringing our commitment cards to the Lord's altar and celebra*ng the results in a congrega*onal luncheon

aDer services. The program phase will run from Sunday, February 28 with a 4 week prepara*on phase

preceding it during which the CS Commi@ee will prepare for the program. There is a two-week fulfillment

phase following Consecra*on Sunday for thanking all involved, reviewing the process and repor*ng to the

congrega*on and Lutheran Church Extension Fund, the sponsors of the program.

Board of Worship: Submi�ed by Donna Egolf

The board of worship had a discussion about moving the praise service to Saturday as was suggested for

discussion by a council member.

The consensus of all board members was that we should not change anything un*l we have a new pastor.

Mel reported that she and Carole Peterson are training some new ushers for 8am and 11:15am services.

She will find out who trains the acolytes and crucifers. There have been some issues as to what they are

supposed to do. She will find out who does this and see if we can do more training.

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Marcia reported that things are going smoothly on the altar guild, although they s*ll can use more people to


Hester informed us that the flowers for Christmas Eve (poinseJas) will be here on Dec. 23rd and Bruce will

construct the poinseJa tree that day.

Jerry discussed about the upcoming music for Christmas and the children's play on Dec. 20th,

We will have only 1 service on Sunday Dec 27th at 10am.

February Mee�ng Cancelled

Call Commi1ee Report: Submi�ed by Sco� Freber

Call commi@ee met several *mes with visi*ng candidates. Had a separate mee*ng to finalize candidate list for

call service.

Pastor’s Report

The ministry we share here at LCOS con*nues to serve the Lord and His people in many ways. I con*nue to

give the Lord thanks for sharing this ministry with you. I especially give thanks to the Lord for the ongoing

shared ministry of all the ministry staff - Sister Deb; Kelley, Jerry, Tim, Meldene, they are so faithful and

dedicated; I am honored to be in ministry with them. On a personal note, your ongoing prayers and support

have con*nued to bless Carol and myself. I am con*nuing with what they call Phase 3 of cardiac rehab. This is

similar to Phase 2 except no monitoring. I am trying to stay to a Monday, Wednesday & Friday schedule,

usually between 3-4 pm.

The busy *me of the year is here! The staff and the various Boards are planning and execu*ng plans for

Advent and Christmas. What a blessing for us to share these *mes together. The service schedule includes our

a mid-week Advent worship series, a Family/Children’s Christmas Service on December 20, our regular

Christmas Eve schedule, and ONE SERVICE on Sunday December 27 at 10 am. I hope and pray you will join us

in all these celebra*ons of the “Word Become Flesh.”

As the vacancy Pastor, I con*nue to make visits to the hospitals, nursing and rehab centers and home visits.

These are shared in conjunc*on with visits made by the Board of Elders and Sister Deb. I also am working

closely with the Call Commi@ee and Pr. Keith Less and we progress through the Call Process, including the Call

Service of Sunday December 13. It has been a li@le over a year but I feel the Lord has provided wisdom to the

members of the Call Commi@ee and that His Will will be accomplished soon.

As we gather this month and look at the opportuni*es for ministry for 2016 as you Call and prepare to

welcome a new Pastor, I would share these words – Jesus says – “Where your treasure is, there will be your

heart also.” In this text He reminds us that we invest in those things that are most meaningful to us. For

Chris*ans the treasure is not a program; it’s not a specific ministry; it’s not a pet project here or there – our

treasure is Jesus and His work within us, among us, and for us.

Deaconess Report

Mee*ngs a@ended: New members class, candidate mee*ng (2), Sand Dollars, Book Club, call commi@ee

A@ended the Lutheran Deaconess Associa*on Board mee*ng in Valparaiso, IN 11/5-11/7

Assisted with welcoming new members on 11/8

Crossways 11/4

Women's Bible Study 11/3

Adult Sunday School 11/1, 11/8, & 11/29

Worship assistant 11/1, 11/8, 11/25, & 11/29



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Financial Review

Financial Secretary’s Report: Submi�ed by Dick Steinle

General Funds: $44,119.28

GF Weekly Goal: $9,500.00

Average GF Received Weekly $8,823.86

Designated Funds: $2,281.72

Memorial Funds: $890.00

Monthly Total: $47,291.00

A@endance for Month: 8 AM - 320; Praise - 314; 1115

AM - 379; Wed. 7 PM - 43.

A@endance for Adult Educa*on - 48

Total Worship A@endance - 1056.

Old Business

LCOS’s revised Bylaws have been approved by the Southeastern District’s Board of Directors. They will now

need to be presented to the Congrega*on for approval.

New Business

Sco@ Freber passed out a list of Plusses and Needs that the Board Chair people are to review before the next

Council mee*ng. This list of Plusses and Needs were taken from the papers that people filled out while

interviewing one of the Pastoral candidates.

Fund Raising Efforts

Sand Dollars are having a pork and sauerkraut dinner Saturday, January 9th.

Things Needing Publicity and Coordina-on

Al D’Annunzio has placed some ar*cles in the local newspaper on our Advent and Christmas ac*vi*es.

2016 Next Council Mee-ngs

The next 3 Council mee*ngs will be Mondays, January 11th, February 8th, and March 14th at 6:00 pm.

RespecYully Submi@ed

Shirley Fleegle, Recording Secretary

The next meeng will be Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:15 pm.

Council MeetingCouncil MeetingCouncil MeetingCouncil Meeting

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Mark your calendar!

January 9 4pm-6pm

New Year’s Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner


Pork Sauerkraut

Mashed Potatoes Veggies

Deviled Eggs Rolls

Dessert Beverage

Cost: $15/person

Any ques*ons, please call

Willa Jones, 610-742-0161

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For Our Prayers– January 2016


Suzanne Sanford

Debbi Combs

Kurt Fe@erman

Bill Emery

Duke Slusser

Joe Eibling

Cindi Grayer

Paul Hoepfl

Richard Hoepfl

Donald Leister

Clark Hamm

Brenda Neighbors

Bob Smith

Joan Hansel

David Wood & family

Rich Hellwege

Ester Klima

Kathy Holstrom

Judy Barton

Elizabeth Gucshall

Patrick Spinosa

Roseanne Spinosa

Jean Kiefer

Rebecca Thompson

Cathy Le@rice

Heather Desto

Marge Du@

Kris Dorka

Bob Siemaszko

Janet Hofman

Gladys Oliver

Raisa Shuster

Rudy Johnson

Marian Spayd

Robert C. Smith

Dylan Ewing

Folker Sco@

Jim Wya@

Tom Harden

Kay & Francis Righter

Mary Lou Frost


Bob Kardash

Brooke Steinle

Candy Todd

Jean Kiefer

Moe Lewis

Francis Heck III

Nancy Richardson

Lisa Hayden

Rebecca Smith

Nancy Friedl

Carol Maneckshaw

Pamela Piontek

Chuck Saponski

Bradley Egolf

Anita Simmons

Duwayne Pemper

Todd Conn

Nancy Mann

Jim BriJngham

Ma@hew Schmale

Sharon Rice

Anna Brown

Ed Rickenbach

Ellen Brady

Ann Kellner

Joe Fricia

Armed Forces:

Brian Akerstrom

Richard Ashton

Robert Ashton

Brandon Bartle@

Ryan Bo@s

Taylor Bo@s

Robert Canario

Joey DeComo

Jeffrey Fleegle

John Gellert

Kyle Hamm

Levi Jacobson-Haga

Ma@hew Hubbard

Ben Johnson

Cody Johnson

Brad Leary

Davonte Lilly

Dan Lorenz

Shawn Morgan

Ma@hew Murray


Melly & Linus Adams

Jean BiJng

Fred & Kris Dorka

Deanna Haines

Ron Johnson

Mike & Eleanor Kardash

Carole Garwood

Please update us when those you have

placed on the prayer list can be removed.

Names remain on the list for 6 weeks. If

there is an ongoing need, please let us know

and we will keep the name on the list for a

longer *me.

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The Lutheran Church of Our Savior

Those Who Serve - January 2016

Worship Assistants Crucifers

Jan-03 8:00 Lou Jones & Bob Fellows Jan-03 11:15 Pat Campbell-White

Jan-10 11:15 Mel EJnger & Marge Kunkle Jan-10 8:00 Joe Billger

Jan-17 8:00 Darlene Bo@s & Lana Browne Jan-17 11:15 Marcia Pokoyski

Jan-24 11:15 Jim & Karen McDonald Jan-24 8:00 Jan Effinger

31-Jan 8:00 Lou Jones & Beverly Tridente

11:15 Deb Lennox & Marcia Pokoyski


3-Jan 8:00 Conor Tomlin

10-Jan 11:15 Maddie Sekscinski

17-Jan 8:00 Christopher Dean

24-Jan 11:15 Skylar Parnell

31-Jan 8:00 Grace Sekscinski

11:15 Colby Skelly


Jan-03 8:00 Shirley Fleegle

9:45 Donna Egolf

11:15 Bill Ettinger

Jan-10 8:00 Darlene Botts

9:45 Bill Martin

11:15 Lloyd Wismer

Jan-17 8:00 Karen Fricia

9:45 Yvonne-Anderson-Kreitzer

11:15 Mel Ettinger

Jan-24 8:00 Beverly Orledge-Tridente

9:45 Teresa Paulsen

11:15 Karen Moody

31-Jan 8:00 Shirley Fleegle

9:45 Louise Dasler

11:15 Jack Richter