Download - The Lovely Bones - Textual Analysis

Page 1: The Lovely Bones - Textual Analysis


Page 2: The Lovely Bones - Textual Analysis

At the beginning of the trailer it shows the young girl having fun with her mother. This shows that she was happy in a

family that loved her. This shot allows the audience to see that they are in the family home and are relaxed and have nothing

to worry about in life.

Page 3: The Lovely Bones - Textual Analysis

The image above is at the beginning of the trailer it is something that the young girl and her father have made

together. A close up is used to show the small detail and the effort it was to make it. The image below shows that once the girl has been murdered the father smashes it because she is

no longer with him. He is angry that no one is listening to him as he thinks he knows murdered his daughter.

Page 4: The Lovely Bones - Textual Analysis

The police have found a trap door in a field which is very unusual and would have only been put there to murder

someone and keep it a secret. This establishing shot allows the audience to be set in the scene of the murder. Before this clip in the trailer it shows the young girl walking through this

field on her way home from school, so we know that this is the place of her murder.

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These images show the young girl once she has died, in the ‘in-between’. She cannot go to heaven yet as she still knows that

her murderer is walking free and she must help her dad and sister prove that he is guilty.

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This shot shows small details of what her murderer looks like by using dark lighting. This shot is makes the trailer scarier

for the audience as it is dark and is showing as little detail as possible. He is sitting in his basement away from the

hysterics he has caused outside. In the back of this shot we see the young girl watching him out of focus to again make

the shot scarier for the audience as it shows that the murderer does not know that she is watching him.

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Here we see the murderer watching the girl and her sister before she was killed once her dad says it must have been someone she knew who murdered her. The murderer was a

neighbour of hers. The shot below is a point of view shot to give the audience an idea that it was him who murdered her.

Page 8: The Lovely Bones - Textual Analysis

Again minimal detail is being shown of the murderer. He is again in focus watching the young girl’s sister. Here we know

that the sister and the dad of the young girl have a feeling that it was him who murdered her. The murderer is often placed in

the dark as this connotates evil and badness.

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This is the final shot used in the trailer. This establishes that this was definitely the murderer of the girl. Again he is placed in the dark to show that he is bad. This point of view shot has been placed so that the camera is looking up at him to show

that he is the dominant person and he is going to take advantage of the person looking up at him as they are being

shown as being weak.