Download - The Logic of Effective Employee Communication · Electronic Newsletter Existing Publication 5C-15. STEP 6:Timing Communication objectives documented in Step 3 are generally in a ...


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The Logic of Effective Employee Communication

James Hanley, CEBSPresidentEeComm, Inc.Muskegon, Michigan


“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”

–Herbert Simon (1916-2001)


Employee Communication Pitfalls• “I had these constant nagging thoughts, like

‘Have we covered all the bases?’”• “It seems my boss had a different vision of what

communication success would look like”• “Employees just didn’t care about/read/see the

materials”• “We simply ran out of time to do it well”


Employee Communication StrategyAppropriate communication strategies help . . .• Minimize information overload• Ensure everyone can deliver consistent and

appropriate messages• Capture and hold attention• Coordinate with messages emanating from

elsewhere in the organization


Employee Communication Logic

Individuals will beinfluenced to do, sayand believe thingsin a timely manner

by effectively conveyingappropriate information


STEP 1: Organizational ObjectivesDISCUSS AND DOCUMENT . . .

Why is the success of this communication effort

important to the success of our organization?



Whose understanding, beliefs or actions will we influence as a result of our

communication and education efforts?

What do we know about these audiences?


STEP 2: AudiencesDISCUSS AND DOCUMENT . . . Corollary questions:• Who are the primary audiences? • What subsets exist for this primary audience?• Who might have influence on the primary

audiences? • Whom might we want to keep apprised—even if

not directly affected?


STEP 3: Communication ObjectivesDISCUSS AND DOCUMENT . . .

For the campaign to be deemed successful, what must the primary audience members

do, say or believe as a result of the communications?


STEP 3: Communication Objectives

1. [Audience] will be aware that ________________.

2. [Audience] will understand __________.

3. [Audience] will accept _____________________.

4. [Audience] will take action to __________.


STEP 3: Communication Objectives

1. Ees and spouses will be aware that enrollment is required for all benefit-eligible employees this year.

2. Ees and spouses will understandthe enrollment process and deadlines for enrollment.

3. Ees and spouses will accept it is in their best interest to actively enroll in a timely manner and thereby avoid default coverage.

4. Ees and spouses will take action to enroll in a timely manner.


Can you answer “yes” to these questions?

• If these communication and education objectives are achieved, will the communication campaign be considered a success?

• Can communication and education, alone, cause these objectives to be attained?

STEP 3: Communication Objectives



For each objective, what is the most important message(s) that must be

effectively communicated for the given objective to be attained?


STEP 4: Key Messages

Communication Objective:“HR Representatives will be aware all benefit-eligible employees must complete a timely annual enrollment for next year’s benefit coverage.”

Corresponding Key Messages:“This year’s benefits annual enrollment period will begin at 12:01 a.m. on November 1 and will close at midnight on November 15.”

“All employees must successfully complete an online annual enrollment during the annual enrollment period.”


STEP 5: Elements/VehiclesPossible Communication and Education Vehicles

Opt-In Text MessagePersonalized StatementsPlasma Display PPT/VideoPosterPowerPoint BriefingRecurring Mtg. Agenda ItemReview/Challenge Team

FAQsFlierFloor ClingFocus GroupGrapevineGroup DiscussionHome MailingLetter/MemoManager ToolkitOnline “tours”

Special MeetingSurveyTalking PointsTargeted E-MailVideoWallet CardWebinar/E-LearningWebsite/Microsite

Advance Copies to Management Annual/Periodic Town HallBrochureBrown Bag PresentationBulletin Board PostingCascade AppElectronic NewsletterExisting Publication


STEP 6: Timing

Communication objectives documented in Step 3

are generally in a chronological order


Develop a detailed project plan documenting work steps for each vehicle• Example: Postcard to mail to homes

Sept 1, 2019 First draft of Postcard TomSept 3, 2019 Review of first draft of Postcard SallySept 5, 2019 Second draft of Postcard TomSept 7, 2019 Approve Postcard Draft SallySept 11, 2019 Initial graphic layout of Postcard VelmaSept 13, 2019 Review initial graphic layout of Postcard SallySept 15, 2019 Second graphic layout of Postcard VelmaSept 17, 2019 Approve Postcard layout SallySept 19, 2019 Postcard to printer TomSept 21, 2019 Postcard printer proof PrinterSept 23, 2019 Review and approval Postcard print proof SallySept 30, 2019 Printed Postcards finished and mailed Printer

STEP 6: Timing


Shaded items will be developed by the client’s internal team.

STEP 6: Timing


Employee Communication StrategySTEP 1: Organizational ObjectivesSTEP 2: AudiencesSTEP 3: Communication ObjectivesSTEP 4: Key MessagesSTEP 5: Elements/VehiclesSTEP 6: Timing



Thank You!

