Download - THE LION’S GATE



© Composition & Some Graphics by

Luis B. Vega

[email protected]


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The 3 specific and consecutive celestial alignments, beginning and ending with the 1) the Star of David, (Twin) 2) the Pentagram and 3) Grand Cross alignments appear to function as a sort of ‘combination key’ that perhaps is set to open the Lion’s Gate. In the Biblical context, the key is Jesus Christ. The Bible does emphatically state of Him

that ‘no one can go to the Father, if not by Him.’ –John 14:6. In principle, a key is designed to either close or open a door.

The Timing

Perhaps these 3 celestial key combinations during

the summer of 2013, the Star of David, the Penta-

gram and the Grand Cross are all a sort of a

combination to this celestial Lion’s Gate or door that

may be at the point of being turned and unlocked.

According to some interpretations of Biblical

Scripture, Christ promised to come and usher those

that ‘follow the Lamb wherever He goes,’ His Sheep

through a gate -that is a segment of humanity

through the portals of Glory. Christ did declare,

‘I am the door -of the sheep pin’, -John 10:7

A New World Order (Religion) What is significant about this possible Celestial portal

or Lion’s Gate in comparison to previous ones is that

it is combined with the ‘Birthing of ‘Venus.’ Many

speculate that it could be like such a time when the

possible Rapture of the Church might occur. Perhaps

it will related to events on Earth that will somehow

push for the worldwide veneration of a New Age or

Order in the vacuum of Christianity. It might be the

time when the worship of Venus or Lucifer will be the

only dominate world religion allowed. Perhaps it will

be a fusion between the veneration of Mary worship

of Catholicism and Islam’s Moon God Allah that is

attributed to Venus.

The Mazzaroth

Astronomically speaking,

there are 4 constellations -Virgo,

Leo, Cancer and Gemini that make up the

celestial Lion’s Gate configuration spectrum. This celestial gate is accented

by 2 ‘pillars’ that are bookended by the Giant planets of Saturn and Jupiter.

Together, they make up the door or portal that is known as the Lion’s Gate.

The center point of the door or where the ‘gate’ is situated is in the

constellation Leo, thus the name Lion’s Gate.

It is precisely on July 29, 2013 that the Sun

will be stationed directly over the Bee Hive of

Cancer. The symbolism of the ‘Sun’ getting

the Sheep from the pen could not be more

stricking, Again, this symbolism is not to set

a possible date for the Rapture but that the

celestial planetary configurations due to their

alignments strongly suggests at least a

picture or type of what is prophetically has to

be in place as described in the Bible.


The Bible figuratively describes

Christ having set aside a Sheep

Pen or cluster where the sheep

are kept safe until He calls them

home through a ‘gate’ at the time

of the Blessed Hope or the

Rapture perhaps. Many ascribe

this location it the Heavens as

the sheep pen corresponding to

the celestial ‘Bee Hive’ of the

constellation Cancer.

The Celestial Pentagram planetary alignment of July 29, 2013 also thus

provides the celestial concept of a spectacular opening of a ‘gate’, a celestial

portal if you will. This ‘gate’ is known as the Lion’s Gate in which Venus

traverses along the Ecliptic during that time but specifically on July 29, 2013,

Venus will be at the heart of the constellation Leo. This imagery is as though

Venus is coming out and perhaps others will go in. The constellation Leo is

associated with Kingship, Royalty, a man, a King, Messiah, Christ, the Divine

Male, etc. What is striking is that the major Giant planets Jupiter and Saturn

flank the ‘gate or portal at which time, will be illustrated by 2 pillars.

In the 3D illustration of the Solar System, the imagery

of the Celestial Pentagram is that of a ‘birth canal; but

along the Ecliptic from Earth’s perspective, that makes

for a ‘gate’, door, or portal with the constellation Leo. Why

the Lion’s Gate? Well one interpretation is strikingly

Biblical. It is the door into Mt. Zion. It is the ‘Gate of the

Great King’, the Messiah. As this principle and concept

is mirrored on Earth in Jerusalem, Israel, perhaps the

corresponding and actual celestial one is about to be

opened perhaps. This is only a correlation.

and opened.


The Celestial Key Combination

July 29, 2013 July 22, 2013 Aug 17, 2013

Starting around Aug 17, 2013 - Aug 27, 2013

It is from Solar System 3D perspective that there is an

illusion of a ‘birthing’ canal that protrudes from Earth

where Venus is traversing the birth canal to be born

in-between the 2 legs of the Celestial Pentagram. The

Earth functions as this ‘womb’ of sorts at this juncture

according to the celestial configuration -at this time.

This Pentagram can be anthropomorphized

as a ‘women in labor’ giving birth.


- 2nd planet from the Sun

- 224.7 Earth day orbit

- 3,760 mile radius

- 67,240,000 miles to Sun

- 177.7 million sq/m surface

- 116d 18h 0m Days

- 8.87 m/s² Gravity

July 29, 2013


July 29, 2013

The purpose of this illustration is to highlight several celestial occurrences during the summer of 2013 and present a depiction of the unique and cosmic planetary alignments specific to the

date of July 29, 2013 called the Lion’s Gate alignment. This concerns the celestial imagery of the ‘Birthing of Venus’. It is set to occur in the midst of the start of the Star of David planetary

alignment of July 22, 2013 and the Grand Cross alignment starting around Aug 17, 2013 What is of interest is that this ‘Birthing of Venus’ occurrence features the formation of a Celestial

Pentagram in the Heavens. There are 3 celestial signs of the Hexagram, Pentagram and Cross are but a continuum of the same event back-to-back as if they were the required ‘combination’

that make the wards of a key that perhaps will unlock the Lion’s Gate. It maybe a sign at this time, a type of Venus –as in a woman or ‘Bridge’ that might will go forth to the other side. Not only

does it appear that the planet Venus is being ‘birthed’ out of the Celestial Pentagram, but that on July 29, 2013, Venus will be dead center on the ‘Lion’s Gate’.

The Earth and Venus celestial birth canal is aligned with Neptune, thus having a possible Aquarian New Age connection as well. Aquarius is one of the 4 cardinal points of the universe and that of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac. Perhaps this conjunction is alluding to the coming of the New Age or as some would rather state, New World Order.

Six-Day War Jun 7, 1967

IDF passing through Lion’s Gate

to Mt. Zion. Jerusalem, Israel.

Aug 25, 2013

NOTE: The ‘Star of David’

alignment is actually a ‘Twin’

occurrence as the one in 1996,

7-years apart. The initial

composition staring in July 22

will gradually rotate to mirror its

‘symbol’ around Aug 25.