Download - The Life Coaching Conspiracyenvironment. Rush hour traffic is nonexistent and dressing up into corporate uniforms is not needed. C. Life Coaches enjoy the terrific feeling each day

Page 1: The Life Coaching Conspiracyenvironment. Rush hour traffic is nonexistent and dressing up into corporate uniforms is not needed. C. Life Coaches enjoy the terrific feeling each day

The 5 Dark Secrets of UK’s Top Coaching Companies Revealed Inside...

The Life CoachingConspiracyThe Life CoachingConspiracy

Page 2: The Life Coaching Conspiracyenvironment. Rush hour traffic is nonexistent and dressing up into corporate uniforms is not needed. C. Life Coaches enjoy the terrific feeling each day

Quite frankly I’m disgusted. As an experienced, professional coach of almost 10 years, I’ve travelled the world doing what I love, helping people make profound changes in their lives and achieve their dreams (and being rewarded very handsomely for it) However, there has been some foul play that directly affects YOU... Certain well known Life Coach Training companies (who shall remain nameless), have been up to some very unethical marketing tactics to manipulate lots of genuine, hard working people out of their hard earned cash! Let me explain... Most people are drawn to becoming a coach because they are caring souls and coaching gives them the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others and so they wonder if they can really do what they love and actually get paid for it! So they look around for a suitable coaching school... The coaching schools then tell them all the following reasons why the should part with anywhere in the region of £2,000 to £10,000 to train to become a coach with them;

A. Life Coaches do not have to spend more than 25 to 35 hours a week to earn a significant income.

B. Life Coaches work best out of their home in a very familiar and comfortable environment. Rush hour traffic is nonexistent and dressing up into corporate uniforms is not needed.

C. Life Coaches enjoy the terrific feeling each day of having contributed something positive to the world.

D. Life Coaches are their own boss and are free from politics and responding to the whims of bosses.

E. Life Coaches will be blessed with meeting a lot of very neat and interesting people.

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F. Life Coaches get to assist people to do good and positive things for themselves, and will experience the joys and satisfaction of seeing their clients improve their lives.

G. Life Coaches join one of the most enjoyable groups of people in the world who would much rather help each other than compete.

H. The life coaching profession is a very credible and accepted profession that appears to double in size almost every year.

However, there is one, very significant point that’s notably absent from the above list (taken from a well know coach training website by the way)... Can you guess what it is?

PAYING COACHING CLIENTS!!!! You see the sad fact is that the coach training companies are just that, training companies (i.e. they make money by selling you training), they have literally no clue when it comes to getting clients. Let me give you some cold hard facts about the life coaching industry that the training companies DON’T want you to know...

• The average FULL TIME coach makes less than $18,000 (about £13,000) per year

• It takes a newly qualified coach 24 months to find their first paying client – ON AVERAGE!

• Over 86% of attendees to a coach training program don’t make back the cost of the training from coaching

• More than two thirds (68%), never get paid one penny for their coaching services despite calling themselves ‘committed’ or ‘very committed’ to finding paying clients

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I could go on and on... The bottom line is the top companies make MILLIONS of pounds every year selling you the dream of being a professional coach, and when you come back complaining you can’t find any clients, guess what they will tell you the answer is.....


They think the answer is by you learning more ‘advanced coaching skills’ you will miraculously attract some clients! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Now the saddest thing about all this, is most of the training companies really do have good intentions, it’s just they can’t help you. Why? BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT COACHES AND THEY’VE NEVER HAD A PAYING CLIENT THEMSELVES! They work in an office, they are speakers and trainers, and whilst they might understand the ‘theory’ part of being a coach and perhaps even coached the odd person (the ones on the training course!), they’ve never had to go out there in the real, recession hit world and find a real, genuine paying clients. However... It’s not that it’s not possible to have your dream job helping people, working from home only 25 hours a week (far from it), it’s just that they don’t know how to do it. But here’s the good news... In this report, I’m going to expose to you all of the biggest coaching myths the training companies preach and then I will share with you, step by step exactly what you need to do to attract all the coaching clients you’ve ever dreamed of... less than 60 days from now

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If you pay attention for the rest of this report, I guarantee both you and your bank manager will be thanking me in 60 days time! So who the heck am I and why am I able to share this with you? My name is Dan Bradbury and I’ve been a professional coach for going on 10 years. But... More importantly than that, I’ve made literally millions of pounds for myself and my clients in the NLP, Coaching and personal development markets. And here’s the really interesting bit... For the first 6 ½ of those 10 years I made virtually no money! In fact I was clientless, in debt and depressed. Then something magical happened... I came across a tatty and unusual book that changed EVERYTHING!

In less than 12 months I went from practically zero income (I was working in a bar to make ends meet) to over £100,000 in income, all from coaching! And ever since that time, my income has continued to skyrocket... In 2009 here’s what my coaching client rosta looks like: I have 400+ people pay me between £27 and £197 every single month for group coaching via teleconference and my printed materials 25 people in people in my ‘Platinum Mastermind Group’, a face to face group coaching program that costs £5,997 per year (that’s £149,925 from this group

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alone!) Plus I have up to a maximum of 5 clients (I have 3 currently), who pay me up to £100k per year, each to private coaching from me. Why Am I telling you all this? Because if I can go from flat broke to more clients than I can possibly handle, so can you! And here’s the really exciting bit... You don’t have to ‘figure it out’ like I did, I’m going to tell you exactly how I did it And here’s the bit that will truly shock you... I’M NOT EVEN GOING TO TRY AND SELL YOU SOMETHING!!! I’m going to give you it all in this report, FREE! ‘Why would you do that Dan?’ you might ask? Good question! It’s quite simple, I’ve bee fortunate enough to live the life of my dreams thanks to coaching and I want you to do the same. Secondly, I belief there’s more than enough... Did you get that? THERE’S MORE THAN ENOUGH! There is more than enough coaching clients to go around, in fact with all the change and stress going on in the world right now, there’s never been a better time to be a coach...

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IF YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND CLIENTS... So let’s get straight down to business. I’m going to bust the 5 biggest myths about being a successful coach and then tell you exactly what you need to do to find more paying clients who want your coaching immediately....

Page 8: The Life Coaching Conspiracyenvironment. Rush hour traffic is nonexistent and dressing up into corporate uniforms is not needed. C. Life Coaches enjoy the terrific feeling each day

Big Myth Number 1 ‘There are lots of people out there looking for life coaching’ What a load of B.S.! If I could only get one thing across to you in this report, let me make one thing perfectly clear... NOBODY WANTS LIFE COACHING! People don’t want coaching, what they want is a result, an outcome, a feeling. They either want to move towards a goal or away from a problem, that’s it, period! And to make it even worse... The more coaches the training companies ‘qualify’ (I use the term loosely!), the more commoditised and thus poor quality life coaching becomes. 10 to 15 years ago if you were to say at a networking meeting you were a life coach, people would be intrigued and it would be a conversation starter, but if you do the same thing today, you get looks of ‘I’ve heard all this before’ or worse! So what’s the solution? It’s quite simple. You MUST niche yourself into a specialist area so you can be looked at as an expert in that particular field. Now, I want you to print off the following quote and place it above your desk... 'The Narrower My Niche, The Broader My Profits' You must differentiate yourself and make yourself stand out with an idea or

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concept for your coaching business that instantly grabs attention. If you have ever read the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, you will appreciate that it needs to be something that you can get in an instant. A fantastic example of this is Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin. The book title sums up what it's all about in a nutshell, and the same for his other most successful books, I Can Make You Sleep and I Can Make You Rich.

It's a key concept, and more importantly, a key pain that people can connect to. They understand what it's about, they get it. Another good example is Jason Vale, The Juice Master. Instantly you understand what Jason is about. He's about juicing; he's about showing you how to get more health, energy, and vibrancy in your life using the power of juicing. You MUST find some way of differentiating yourself. Here’s just one way to do that; (3 other ways featured later in this report) Pick a niche. There are two easy ways to do this, you can either a) go with your passions, hobbies, interests or relevant experience, or you can b) go after the most lucrative markets. If you choose a), you use the two P's. What is the person that you're looking for and what is their pain? If you understand what the type of person is going to look for your products and services and you understand what their biggest pain is, you know where to go to look for them, to find them, and to turn them into clients. This immediately specializes you and marks you out as different from all the other generic coaches out there. You become a specialist. If you choose b), I'll tell you right now that by far and away the most profitable

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niche for coaches right now is coaching small business owners. Not only are a lot of business owners in pain right now and desperate to make a change, but also being entrepreneurs they are more open to trying new things and taking risks. Consequently, if you know what you're doing it's relatively easy to get half a dozen small businesses each paying you a monthly retainer plus a percentage of the growth you help them create.

Whichever way you choose, you must niche, if you don’t you have virtually zero chance of building a coaching business that gives you the lifestyle you want, especially in the current economy.

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Big Myth Number 2 ‘Give away free initial coaching sessions to get new clients’ I have a feeling I might ruffle a few feathers with this one... Giving away free coaching sessions is a bad idea for 2 reasons; 1. It devalues your time (thus unconsciously setting a low expectation for your ongoing coaching fees) and you are likely to get a lot of time wasters who were never going to buy coaching to begin with 2. It requires you to be comfortable with (and competent at) switching from ‘free coaching’ mode to ‘sales pitch’ mode by the end of the session. Let’s face it, the vast majority of coaches are both uncomfortable and consequently very bad at selling. This means the transition from coaching to selling comes across awkward and stilted and you end up with a client who feels ‘sold to’ and can’t wait to get off the call. Now am I saying that giving free sessions is always a bad idea? No, far from it. They can be extremely effective if done the right way and in the right circumstances, but there is a far easier way to achieve the same result with less effort...

In fact, this strategy alone accounts for approximately 80% of all the coaching clients I receive Best of all, you only have to do it once, and it’ll keep working forever! What is it? Giving away stuff for free on the internet

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Wait, wait, wait! Before you panic, what if I told you it could all be done for you, for less than £200 and in less than 24 hours? Then you will have an automatic system that sends you new coaching clients every single week! Interested? There are just 3 things you need to do... 1. Create something of value that when people see/hear it, it will naturally spark their interest in your coaching. At its most basic level, you can create a free report (like this one), a series of emails (like the ones you’ll find at or a free mp3 recording (like the one at ) It needs to be short, to the point and give some great info. Don’t worry about the formatting/layout, we’ll come to that in a minute. Just type something up. If you wish to record something, buy a cheap microphone that will plug into your PC or Mac, there’s tons of free recording software out there (I use audacity – just Google it) and record 30 mins of great information. 2. Go to (it's an online market place for freelance web programmers, designers, writers, etc) and post a job asking for someone to take your free report and ‘spruce it up’, add graphics and convert into a pdf. You could also ask someone to write/rewrite the report for you to make it more powerful and easier to read. It’s free to post a job and then the potential providers will ‘bid’ to do your work. You can check out their work and feedback (kind of like eBay) and then pick the provider who’s a combination of the best price and best quality. (If in doubt, just hunt around the site and read some of the other postings for ideas, etc) You can expect to pay around $50, and within 72 hours you’ll now have a fantastic freebie to give away!

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3. Go back to Elance and post a second job, asking for a web programmer to build you a basic two page website (like or ), explain that you need to capture peoples emails (and phone numbers if you want to phone them) and send them your free gift when they sign up. Simple! For between $100-$200, your site will be up and running within a week! The experienced programmers on Elance will let you know if they need anything else from you or answer any of your questions. The only other thing you will want to do is write the email that the person gets with the freebie to encourage them to contact you for coaching. For example: Dear <FIRST NAME> Thank you for downloading my free report ‘How to become a successful writer’, you can download it here: <LINK> In it you will find lots of useful information to get you started. However, if you would like to get moving quicker, I specialise in taking people new to the profession from square one, all the way to being a well paid, professional writer within 3 months through 1-1 mentoring. If you’d like to know more about this, please contact me on <INSERT CONTACT INFO> Please note, I can only work with a maximum of 10 clients at any one time to maintain quality, so please get in touch asap if you’re serious about becoming a successful writer./

Yours <YOUR NAME> Obviously that was a very brief example, but you get the idea... Now you’ve got a website that you can direct people to that will automatically

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funnel much more highly qualified clients in your direction. Clearly, there are many, many options for you to take the above system to the next level (e.g. sending them multiple emails over a set amount of days via an autoresponder, selling them products, etc) but we’ll save that for another time!

The only point you need to understand is once you’ve set up your system, you’ll never have to worry about wasting your time with free sessions that don’t anywhere or in fact have to find your own clients ever again!

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Big Myth Number 3 ‘Change is with the client’ This commonly preached myth is a sure fire client repellent! Listen, I’m 100% in agreement with giving the responsibility for change to the client, I think it’s highly important for them to be at cause for making changes in their own life, however... It’s is pure stupidity to adopt that belief yourself as the coach! Here’s why... It makes it virtually impossible for you as the coach to stand in front of a potential client and congruently tell them that coaching with you will absolutely, without any shadow of a doubt, get the result their after. I can hear people arguing after that paragraph already! Let’s get real for a moment shall we? Would you go to a doctor who could ‘maybe’ help with your knee surgery? Would you go to a mechanic who could ‘possibly’ fix your car? Would you go to a lawyer who ‘might’ be able to help you with you court case for your kids? Of course not! You want somebody who can look you square in the eye and say congruently ‘I have seen this all a hundred times before, I absolutely can help you get the result you are after, work with me and I promise you’ll be exceptionally happy with the results’ The bottom line is, you need to learn how to be able to ethically influence and persuade others in order to effectively sell yourself as a coach. If you can’t, you will always struggle to find clients, end of story.

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Big Myth Number 4 ‘Go to networking meetings to find clients’ Ah, yes, good old networking! Personally, I don’t do it, because there is a far quicker and more effective way to attract clients (which I’ll cover in a minute), but if you insist on doing networking, here’s how to do it successfully... The problem is most coaches go to business networking meetings without a specific objective in mind. Then if by luck somebody expresses an interest in coaching, your mind goes blank and you end up having a very generic discussion about coaching, rather than if you can help them and making them a client. How do you overcome this? One of the concepts that I teach is "Have one good default thing to do in common situations". In other words, it sounds to me like you just haven't taken the time to work out a basic system for yourself that will allow you to naturally engage and convert potential clients you come across in one of these situations. Here's your homework: Take out a piece of paper right now, and write down just one way to take a conversation with a potential client from 'interested' to free initial session, arrange a meeting, or whatever your outcome would be. Next, plan out EXACTLY how it should go in your mind. Next, mentally rehearse this scenario over and over and over until you have it clearly in your mind. Finally, go to your next potential networking meeting and use this one

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introduction to engage 10 potential clients. The next day, sit down again for a few minutes and think about how it worked for you. Think about ways you could improve your approach, and if you come up with some good innovations, go ahead and do the same process of mentally rehearsing the new ideas until you have them down. One thing that really makes me cringe is that MOST COACHES SPEND MORE TIME REHEARSING THEIR VOICEMAIL MESSAGE THAN THEY DO REHEARSING SCENARIOS WITH POTENTIAL CLIENTS. You need one good, solid, default thing to do in each common situation with potential clients. So pick one, and refine it until your mind no longer goes blank! Now, having said all that about networking, wouldn’t you like to know a far more effective way? I call it the ‘Pyramid of Power and Profit’, it’s my slant on a model from marketing guru Dan Kennedy and it looks like this:

Fundamentally, the higher up the pyramid you go, the more clients want your services AND the more you can charge for them

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Needless to say, 80% of coaches are stuck at the bottom level, with no differentiation and ultimately no clients! About 15% niche in some way to become a specialist, here they are typically able to make a living, albeit not a good one. Approximately 4% reach the next stage and become a publish author of their own products. This could be books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc, but what it does is, apart from bringing you an income stream and allowing you to spread your message through your products, it also marks you out as the ‘expert in your field’ and consequently you will have clients actively seek you out just to do business with you. At this level, price becomes largely irrelevant. Finally, less than 1% of coaches ever reach ‘celebrity’ status. Celebrity status does not mean on the front page of The Sun, in this context what celebrity status really means is instant name recognition in your chose market. If I said, name a well known NLPer, most people would say Richard Bandler, John Grinder, etc, that is because they have celebrity status in their chosen field, even though the general population has no clue who they are. What you are looking for is to create brand awareness, so that if someone is looking for whatever your niche is, you are the name that pops into mind. How do you do that, well let me ask you this, what do Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn, John de Martini and any other ‘famous’ coach, speaker or trainer have in common? They all have products! Sadly we don’t have time to come into it in detail now, but it’s exceptionally easy for anyone to create their first CD product and have it on sale via a website where people can go online and pay with their credit card within an hour, and you won’t have to pay for any stock or design work or even have to ship it yourself!

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How cool is that!!! (Read on and I’ll tell you how you can find out more...)

Big Myth Number 5 ‘Visualise and you’ll attract clients to you’ Wow, this is a biggie. This is without doubt, the myth that kills more people’s coaching dreams than any other... Now, I’m good with the law of attraction, I visualise, set goals, do incantations and all the rest of it, but that alone WILL NOT CUT IT! Even worse, being the best coach around won’t do it either. Let me prove it to you... Do you know someone who’s a fantastic coach who really wants a coaching business, but just can’t find clients? Now ask yourself this; Do you know someone who’s not a particularly great coach who has lots of clients! In my seminars, 95% of the audience typically answer both questions with a resounding YES! So quite clearly then, it is not how good you are as a coach that determines the clients you get. (How good you are determines how many clients you KEEP, but you need to get them first!) Shall I tell you the secret to having a super successful coaching business? If you follow this one piece of advice, your coaching business will prosper where the vast majority fail

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You’ll never have a problem finding clients ever again You’ll have a joyous, fulfilling business beyond your wildest dreams, work anywhere in the world and get paid very well, all through helping others achieve their dreams Can there be any better business? The secret to having a super successful coaching business is... RUN IT AS A BUSINESS! Put a little more bluntly, you must do what most coaches refuse to do and master the skill of marketing yourself. If you know how to market yourself, you can find as many clients as you want, as quickly as you want. You can charge whatever prices you want You can fill your own seminars and workshops easily You won’t have to waste time trying to get people to show up for a free coaching session You can choose who you work with (just think, you can work only with the most motivated, easy to work with and best paying clients!) And you can live the life you always dreamed... When I was dead broke and in debt with no clients and no income, I realised, it wasn’t because I wasn’t a good coach and it wasn’t because I didn’t want to help people. It was because I did not yet know how to market and sell myself...

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The tatty and unusual book I came across was a marketing book that set me on a path of learning that has changed my financial life and ultimately my ability to reach and help other people’s lives forever. I strongly recommend you do the same. And that’s why I’d like to give you another gift... On the 26-27th September 2009, I’m bringing together some of the smartest and most successful Coaches, NLPers and Trainers in the country together for a very special, one off event. It’s called the NLP & Coaching Business Conference and it’s 2 solid days with the most successful people in our field sharing;

• How to create products quickly and easily • How to fill seminars and workshops effortlessly • Creating a powerful web presence for miniscule cost • Building a massive database of raving fans of your work • How to get lucrative coaching and training contracts with huge companies • Plus so much more...

If I had to sum up this unique event in one sentence I’d say ‘This event will show you how to make a massive contribution to the lives of others and create the life of your dreams in the process’ Want to hear something even more exciting? It’s completely FREE! That’s right, even though this event should clearly sell for hundreds or even thousands of pounds (which I have done countless times in the past), I’ve decided to give tickets away completely free of charge, if you are willing to do just one thing for me... On 17th June this year, my daughter Summer was born with a rare condition

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called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. It’s very serious with almost 50% of babies born with this condition surviving.

Fortunately due to the incredible care and skill of the staff at Birmingham Women’s hospital neonatal unit where she was born, she survived and is alive and well today. Frighteningly though, after her birth I found out that the unit is always full and the sometime have to turn patients away I have tears welling up as I write this just at the thought of it. As soon as I heard this, I knew I had to help. I’m running the NLP & Coaching Business Conference as a way of helping raise the £2 million pounds needed to build a bigger neonatal unit at Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

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I am personally taking on all the costs of running the event, paying the speakers, etc to give you the most inspiring experience I can create for you and your business. All I ask in return is a small donation (less than £100) to this special charity that saves the lives of children every day. To find out more, please go to the link below immediately I look forward to seeing you there and helping you to make a positive difference in lives around the world. With much love and appreciation

Dan Bradbury

P.S. Please help me spread this message and forward this report on to anyone you feel would benefit.