Download - The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Page 1: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

The Leadership Tree Growing yours from Stem to Stand

Keith Pancake

Page 2: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Do you have the Discipline to do what’s right?

Page 3: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 4: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Adversity defines us

Page 5: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes


Page 6: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes


• Effective or ineffective • No bad teams, only bad leaders • Right to fail, not right to make others fail.

Page 7: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Theodore Roosevelt • “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong

man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”

Page 8: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 9: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Napoleonic Wars

Page 10: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

The Nelson Touch

Page 11: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 12: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Abraham Lincoln

Page 13: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Originators of the “Org Chart”

Page 14: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

The Original Organization Chart

Page 15: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Mr. Efficiency

Page 16: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 17: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Walls, Floors, Silos

Page 18: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 19: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

…I never said anything about not using confusing graphics slides…

Page 20: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 21: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 22: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

NFL- Nelsonian Football League

Page 23: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Team of Teams concept

Page 24: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Operation Eagle Claw- Command of Teams

Page 25: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Operation Neptune Spear- Team of Teams

Page 26: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes
Page 27: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Were they onto something?

Page 28: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Common Threads

• 4 Laws of Combat • Cover and Move

• Shared Conciseness • Trust and Respect

• Simple • Communication with Leadership

• Prioritize and Execute • Decentralized Command

• Localized Authority • Empowered Authority

Page 29: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Be where your feet are

• The enemy gets a vote • Murphy is an early riser, and stays up later than you

Page 30: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Referenced Reading • Team of Teams- General Stanley McChrystal • My Share of the Task- General Stanley McChrystal • Extreme Ownership- Jocko Willink, Leif Babbin • The Dichotomy of Leadership- Jocko Willink, Leif Babbin • Nelson’s Trafalgar- Roy Adkins • Seize the Fire- Adam Nicholson • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes Care of Itself- Bill Walsh • The Road Less Traveled- M Scott Peck, MD • Saban: The Making of a Coach- Monte Burke

Page 31: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

Additional References

• Echelon Front: Lead. Win •

• CrossLead


• The McChrystal Group •

Page 32: The Leadership Tree · • The Extraordinary Coach- John Zenger, Kathleen Stinnett • Delta Force- Charlie Beckwith, Donald Knox • The Operator-Robert O’Neill • The Score Takes

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Keith Pancake 603-496-8504 [email protected]