Download - The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Page 1: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

The Key Connection Week of September 21, 2015

Look What’s in This

Week’s Edition

Mark Your Calendars

Public Comments Period Now Open for 2015 Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Standards

Infant Toddler Corner: Social and Emotional Activities to Start a New School Year Right

Keyboarding with Kids

County Exchanges

Conversation with the Key

2015-2016 Community Days

Community Days At-A-Glance

Ask the Key!

Early Childhood Newsletter: Infant Toddler Edition

Benefits of Mindfulness

Get Ready! October is Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children Month

Professional Development Registry Corner: Completing Your Self Assessment on the PD Registry

School-Age Credential Opportunity Online

Professional Development Corner

CoP – Logistics of Routines

Infant Toddler Professional Development – Bradford County

Director’s Circle

Lackawanna County Strengthening Relationships

Information for Families

Here are some important dates to remember

October 2015

6 Conversation with the Key

9 Fire Prevention Day

12 Columbus Day

14 Lycoming County Exchange

20 Director Circle, Bradford County

26 Bradford County Exchange

November 2015

Child Safety Protection Month

Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children Month

3 Conversation with the Key

10 Young Readers Day

17 Director Circle, Bradford County

The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

1520 Hanover Ave., Allentown, PA 18109 Phone: 610-437-6000 or 800-528-7222, Fax: 610-432-5700

Beth Gambone, Editor [email protected], ext. 2391

Ivy Reynolds, AD of Professional Development [email protected], ext. 2328

Kim Bastian, AD of Keystone STARS [email protected], ext. 2330

Raine Neal, Director NE Regional Key [email protected], ext. 2303

Page 2: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Letter from the Northeast Key Director

Greetings Owners and Directors, In this issue you have the opportunity to respond to the Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 standards. I hope you will take the time to share your thoughts. I know this can be a challenge after a full day, more than a full day, of work but the authors are really depending on YOU to help, let’s make sure they feel the support. The comments are due by June 30th.

The NE Key wants to hear from you. We have scheduled Community Days, these events afford you with the opportunity to visit your STARS Manager in your county. This idea was generated from a Director Inquiry. In addition to these county events we have scheduled County Conference Calls which afford us with the opportunity to hear from Directors and Owners in a specific county. I was fortunate to speak with programs in Wayne County recently and they requested a county conference. It was so helpful to have directors on the call ready to make a commitment to an event and share their thoughts on the topics. Watch for your County Call and join in! Lastly, we have a monthly call-in time called Conversation With the Key. These calls afford you and opportunity to speak topics of interest to you. You can ask any question and also make recommendations. Please take time to join in these opportunities, your voice is important and I want to understand your needs and develop activities to support you. I understand that these dates may not meet your schedule needs so we have one more opportunity for you to share with us…..just send your question to us at [email protected] and note Ask the Key in the subject line. A member from the Leadership Team, will respond to you.

The NE Key will receive the Merit and ERA Grants and Awards Applications shortly after the PA Budget has been approved. So I am encouraging Directors to begin to prepare for this prior to the application being released. If you are requesting an item that is approximately $3000 please get your quotes now, pull your staff information for the ERAs including the latest W-2s, think about what you need in your program to enhance the quality of the education the children are receiving. What will make a difference and develop your list of needs including professional development, learning materials, and changes to the environment. Place all the information into a folder so you can easily pull this in preparing your grant. Remember the priority for grantees are those programs not funded the prior year will be sent an application and given 10 days to return the application. The next group that we will process will include the programs that were designated at the end of the last program year and did not submit a grant application to date. These programs will also be given 10 days to submit a complete grant application. Grants that are accurate and complete will be processed, other grant requests will be sent a letter outlining the missing items and this may hold up processing your grant. Again, we have limited funds and will award the funds to programs with complete…accurate applications. Watch for the posting of resources to support you in completing the application.

A special thank you to you and your staff for the educational programs you are offering to children in your community. You and your staff are essential partners in preparing our children for a strong educational foundation.

Thanks so much, Raine NE Key Director

Page 3: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Public Comments Period Now Open for the 2015 Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Standards

Comment period September 15-30, 2015

The Pennsylvania Department of Education's (PDE) Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is pleased to announce the opening of a public comment period until September 30, 2015. Learning Standards for Early Childhood public comment is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide input on the revisions to the Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Learning Standards for Early Childhood.

Pennsylvania's Learning Standards for Early Childhood are research-based according to age and development, and form the foundation for curriculum, assessment, instruction and intervention within early care and education programs. Pennsylvania's Learning Standards for Early Childhood span infant/toddler, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade age groups and include the following domains of learning

Approaches to Learning Through Play; Language and Literacy; Mathematics; Health, Wellness and Physical Development; Social and Emotional Development; Creative Thinking and Expression; Social Studies; and Science.

Partnerships for learning standards are also provided to assist settings in developing a comprehensive approach to early care and education.

The 2007 Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Standards have been revised to reflect current research-based content and integration, and to align with the Pennsylvania Core Standards. The 2014 revised standards mirror the standards found on the Standards Aligned System (SAS) in the learning domains of

English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science (including Environment and Ecology), Social Studies, and Social and Emotional Development

Refinements also have been made to Partnerships for Learning (Family Engagement); Approaches to Learning Through Play; Creative Thinking and Expression; and Health, Wellness and Physical Development

Public comment on the 2015 Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Standards will be a valuable tool for ensuring implementation of effective and appropriate standards. Anyone can submit comments regarding the 2015 standards. Public comment is to be directed at the following content: concepts and competencies, supportive practices, introduction, and glossaries. Comments can also include questions about standard statements, however, there will be no further refinements to the standard statements as they were approved and included in the March 1, 2014 revision of the Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa Code §4.3). Public comment is now open and will remain open for 15 calendar days, closing on September 30, 2015.

Visit the PA Key or PDE website to access standards revisions, review template, and complete guidelines for review submissions. A feedback template is provided for public comment and should be emailed to [email protected].

Page 4: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Social and Emotional Activities to Start a New School Year Right By Masha Levin, Med

ACTIVITY: Imitating Me


WHAT TO DO: Have the child mimic your movements and/or facial expressions. You can follow what the child is doing as well. Infants and toddlers love to repeat the same things over and over and over again.

ACTIVITY: Rocking in a Boat

MATERIALS: Caregiver lap

WHAT TO DO: Hold 2 children in your lap and rock back and forth. You can sing “row, row your boat”. You can also have 2 children sit on your outstretch legs and roll back and forth that way.

ACTIVITY: If You’re Happy and You Know It

MATERIALS: Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (clap twice) If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (clap twice) If you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (clap twice) Sing again using other verses: …sad…say boo hoo (rub eyes) …mad…stomp your feet (stomp twice)

WHAT TO DO: Sing the song with the child including motions

ACTIVITY: Skidamarink

MATERIALS: Song: Skidamarink Skidamarink a dink a dink (roll hands in a circle) Skidamarink a doo (roll hands in a circle) I love you Skidamarink a dink a dink (roll hands in a circle) Skidamarink a doo (roll hands in a circle) I love you I love you in the morning and in the afternoon I love you in the evening underneath the moon…OH! Skidamarink a dink a dink (roll hands in a circle) Skidamarink a doo (roll hands in a circle) I love you

WHAT TO DO: Sing the song with the child including motions.

Page 5: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Keyboarding with Kids By Susan George

What is the practice? Research shows that by age 3 most children are cognitively ready to start learning how to use computers. Computer-based learning is one way that young children can develop their literacy and language skills. What does the practice look like? Experiences with computers need to be appropriate to the child’s age, and should give him opportunities to manipulate words, sounds, or characters, experiment with different activities, and discover new things. The software programs used should have characters and topics that interest the children that you work with. The activities should match their age range and skill level. Research has shown that children learn better from software programs that let the child control the activities and make decisions, use clear instructions, and have increasing levels of difficulty. Keyboards made especially for young children have large keys, color coded command keys and other features that make typing easier for pre-readers. They can be used in place of a traditional keyboard. How do you do the practice? When selecting software programs for preschool children, it is best to select programs that allow the children to work independently. The programs should use familiar objects and words. You can help young children use computers for gaining language and literacy skills in their daily routines: Place the computer within children’s easy reach, on a low table or cart at the appropriate height for

the children. Select a low-traffic and well-lit area foe the computer center, away from direct sunlight to avoid

glare on the screen. Keep software organized in some way, such as a CD album, so that the children can easily flip

through the programs to select the one they would like to use. Provide several software choices that feature animated activities and sound effects and that have

characters that interest children. Sit with the children and show them how to do simple computer tasks, such as keying the letters to

copy a word of the child’s choice or using eh mouse to press a button on the screen. Encourage collaborative work at the computer. Computer games can be a great opportunity for

young children to practice taking turns and working together. How do you know it worked?

Do your children spend time using the software programs? Have they progresses in level of skill difficulty? Do they use more vocabulary or recognize more words?

Adapted from CELLpractices, Center for Early Literacy and Learning

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County Exchanges

Do you have questions you would like answered about Designations, Grants, or Professional Development? Do you have something you would like to share with the Regional Key that pertains to happenings in your county? Each county is unique and has their own needs. It’s your chance to tell us!!!!! It is a time to chat with Raine Neal and Team Leaders. Maybe your county has a specific need that we can work together to

resolve the situation…….

Well here is your chance!

This year we will be offering County Exchange Conference Calls with each individual County throughout the Northeast Region. This is your chance to talk with members of the Northeast Regional Key and get your

questions answered and the best thing is you don’t have to leave you facility!

Check below to see when your County’s Exchange will take place! Share your thoughts about services in the community…what additional needs do you have?

We want to be sure we understand your needs!

If the date of an Exchange needs to be changed we will notify only the individuals who have registered.

County Date Time

Lycoming County October 12, 2015 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Bradford County October 26, 2015 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Susquehanna County November 2, 2015 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Berks County November 16, 2015 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Monroe County December 7, 2015 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Wyoming County January 4, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Columbia County February 15, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Schuylkill County February 22, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Pike County February 29, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Lackawanna County March 7, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Carbon County March 14, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Luzerne County April 11, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Bucks County April 18, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Northampton County May 16, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Lehigh County June 6, 2016 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

How do you join the County Exchange for your area?

1st Register to attend the appropriate County Exchange at

2nd on the day of your County Exchange Call:

Conference Call Number: 712-432-0390 Participant Code: 157031#

We look forward to talking with you and answering your questions!

Check out the Conversation with the Key opportunities on the next page!

Page 7: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

2015-2016 Community Days STARS Managers throughout the Northeast Region have been offering a Community Day in the counties they work in. No need to come to our office we will come to your county! A Community Day is a day that the STARS Manager is available in a public meeting space (such as a library, church, community room, etc.) to meet with Early Learning and School Age practitioners at any time throughout the day. This is a perfect time to review grant applications, enrollment calculation tools, career lattice, STAR level worksheets, discussing clarifications on a specific standard or documentation. In some counties the STARS Manager will offer a Learning Community or discussion group that day as well. You can make an appointment (to ensure you have a meeting time) to meet with your STARS Manager next time they are in your county or you can walk in!

Check out the Community Days At-A-Glance on the next page to see when your STARS Manager will be in your County.

Conversation with the Key

Do you have questions for the staff at the Northeast Regional Key and can’t wait for your County Exchange or your County Exchange already took place?

Here is another chance to talk with the Regional Key!

This is open to anyone in any county. Find out what is happening in the Northeast Regional Key and in the

state. This is also a time to get your questions answered by Regional Key Staff. The Conversations with the Key will be held via Conference Call so you don’t have to leave your program and travel.

Mark your calendars with these dates!

October 6, 2015 – 9:00 am – 10:00 am November 3, 2015 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am December 15. 2015 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am

January 5, 2016 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am February 4, 2016 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am

March 1, 2016 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am April 5, 2016 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am May 3, 2016 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am

How do you join Conversation with the Key?

1st Register to attend at

2nd on the day of Conversation With the Key Call:

Conference Call Number: 712-432-0390 Participant Code: 157031#

Page 8: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Community Days At-A-Glance

County STARS Manager

Location Day Time

Berks Dolores Mary’s Day Care 550 N. 3rd St., Reading (Enter through Playground Area)

10/8/15, 11/2/15, 12/8/15

1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Later Time – By Request Only

Berks Nancy Panera Bread – Use door at Patio Entrance 4395 Perkiomen Ave, Reading

10/15/15, 11/19/15, 12/17/15

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Bradford Dana Blast IU 17 Canton 33 Springbrook Drive, Canton

11/10/15, 2/23/16 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Bucks Alli Wegmans – Food Court 1405 North Main Street, Warrington

10/27/15, 12/22/15 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Bucks Angie Corner Bakery Café 3 West Road, Newtown

11/10/15 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Bucks Liz Panera Bread (meet in the back room) Langhorne Shopping Center 1345 Lincoln Hwy, Levittown

10/13/15, 11/10/15, 12/8/15

9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Carbon Siyheda Palmerton Library – Small Board Room 402 Delaware Ave., Palmerton

12/15/15 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Columbia Dana Bloomsburg Public Library 225 Market St., Bloomsburg

12/3/15 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Lackawanna Kathleen (Even months) Infant Care at Covenant Presbyterian 550 Madison Ave., Scranton (Odd months) Carbondale YMCA Community Room 82 N Main St., Carbondale

10/22/15, 12/17/15 11/19/15

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Lehigh Alli Wegmans – Food Court 3900 W. Tilghman St., Allentown

10/14/15, 11/11/15, 12/9/15

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Lehigh Dolores Community Services for Children 1520 Hanover Avenue, Allentown Room 4B

10/29/15, 11/17/15, 12/22/15

1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Later Time – By Request Only

Lehigh Rochelle Panera Bread 3100 Tilghman St., Allentown

10/14/15 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Luzerne Amber Hoyt Library 284 Wyoming Ave, Kingston

9/29/15, 10/27/15, 11/24/15, 12/15/15

9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Lycoming Claudia Panera Bread 202 Basin Street, Williamsport

10/1/15, 11/5/15, 12/3/15

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. By Appointment Only!

Lycoming Claudia James V. Brown Library Winters Room 19 East 4th St., Williamsport

10/20/15, 11/17/15, 12/15/15

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Join the Lunch at Noon with a bagged lunch

Monroe Kathleen (Odd Months) Coolbaugh Township Building 5580 Memorial Blvd., Tobyhanna

11/10/15 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

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Community Days At-A-Glance (Continued)

County STARS Manager

Location Day Time

Northampton Rochelle Wegmans (Enter at Market Café, located on left in café area) 3791 Easton/Nazareth Hwy, Easton

10/13/15, 11/10/15, 12/8/15

10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Pike Kathleen Pike County Library 119 E. Harford St., Milford

10/5/15, 12/14/15 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Schuylkill Amber Schuylkill County Penn State Coop Ext 1202 Ag Center Dr., Pottsville

10/6/15, 11/3/15, 12/1/15

9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Susquehanna Dana Montrose Public Library 18 Monument St., Montrose

12/7/2015 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Tioga Dana Tokishi Training Center 124 Nypum Dr., Wellsboro

10/15/15, 1/26/16 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Wayne Kathleen CCIS Office Hawley 5 Main St., Hawley

11/10/15 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Early Childhood Newsletter

Infant/Toddler September/October 2015 Edition

is now available!!!

We have attached a copy of the newsletter for your convenience. You can also find this current newsletter as well as past editions on the CSC Website under the Infant/Toddler section.

Ask the Key!

Do you have a pressing question that you think other Practitioners in our Region would like an

answer to?

Don’t want to wait for the Conversation with the Key or Key Exchange to get them answered?

Here is your chance to get an answer to your question!

Email [email protected] and put “Ask the Key” in the subject line. We will include your questions with an answer in an upcoming edition of The Key Connection.

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Benefits of Mindfulness By Allison Hackenberg

Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally. There are several benefits to mindfulness which include some of the following: Mindfulness improves well being

Increasing your capacity for mindfulness supports many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life. Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully

engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events. By focusing on the here and now, many people who practice mindfulness find that they are less

likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep connections with others.

Mindfulness improves physical health If greater well-being isn’t enough of an incentive, scientists have discovered that the benefits of mindfulness techniques can also help improve physical health in a number of ways. Those include:

help relieve stress treat heart disease lower blood pressure reduce chronic pain improve sleep alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties

Mindfulness improves mental health In recent years, psychotherapists have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the treatment of a number of problems, including:

depression substance abuse eating disorders couples’ conflicts anxiety disorders obsessive-compulsive disorder

I have the promise to be a


Thank You for helping me reach my promise!!

Page 11: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Get Ready! October is Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children Month

Did you know that what children learn before kindergarten affects their success in school and in life? The first five years are absolutely essential to brain development and shaping literacy, their mathematical skills, and their social skills – we cannot recreate this opportunity later in life. When it comes to early learning, there are no “do-overs.”

This October, help us celebrate Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children Month and raise awareness the importance providing young children with a quality early education.

Join members of your community to celebrate Pennsylvania's young children and the quality early learning programs and teachers that help them reach their promise every day. Take time during Pennsylvania's Promise for Children Month to show your support for quality early learning and supporting our young children.

Post Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children public service announcements and weekly infographics on your website and share with your facebook friends. The PSAs are posted on the PA Promise YouTube channel

Volunteer to help organize local events throughout the month.

To find out more, visit the Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children website at

Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children is a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of providing Pennsylvania’s young children with access to quality early learning opportunities. Sponsored by the PA Build Initiative, Pennsylvania Early Learning Keys to Quality, The Grable Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, and William Penn Foundation.

Tell us what you are doing to celebrate PA Promise for Children Month! Send your information to Beth Gambone at [email protected] and we will include it in an upcoming


I have the promise to be a


Thank You for helping me reach my promise!!

Page 12: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

PD Registry Tip of the Week

Completing your Self-Assessment on the PD Registry

Have you completed your self assessment for your own professional development on the PD Registry? If not, spend some time reflecting on what Knowledge Areas you are interested in learning more about and use the attached directions to assist you in building your own professional development plan! You will be able to update your plan annually and create your own learning path!

Page 13: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

School Age Credential Online Opportunity!

Directors: Do you have school-age teachers that are interested in taking a higher level professional development opportunity that will also benefit your school-age program? The NE Key is collaborating with all of the Keys in Pennsylvania to offer you an online School Age Professional Credential course that starts October 13, 2015- April 19, 2016. Students will receive 120 hours of professional development and included in those hours and will have 3 Saturdays of live, face to face support! The cost is only $130.00 and this includes books, technology fees, registration and 120 hours of professional development. The content of this coursework is related to exactly what a school age teacher should know and be able to do in a school-age classroom! Students will create a portfolio and resource file that they can apply directly to their role as a school-age teacher.

This experience can assist in building the quality of your teachers and your school-age classroom!

Space is very limited –since this course is open to all of the Keys- so complete the attached Registration Form and send your fee to: Northwest Regional Key 3823 W. 12th Street Erie, PA, 16505

Registration and payment due: October 5, 2015

**For more information and for a copy of the registration form go to the CSC Website. The flyer and registration form are located under the Professional Development section in the Resource and Reference

Library. **

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Professional Development Corner

Professional Development


We have heard from many of you that this has been a very useful tool in helping you locate Professional Development on the PD Registry. Use the key words in the titles on the Calendar to look up Professional Development for you and your staff.

Check out this week’s Professional Development Calendar with events from

October 1, 2015 through November 15, 2015

To Register for events go to the PD Registry at

I am Moving I am Learning!

Directors- here is a great opportunity to participate in a professional development

activity that will enhance the well being of you, your teachers and children in your program!

Receive tons of ideas and activities to integrate easily into your program!

8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Wee Care, 1271 E. Maple Avenue Langhorne

October 20, 2015 I am Moving, I am Learning: Opportunity

Knocks: Reversing Current Obesity Trends

October 27, 2015 I am Moving, I am Learning: Body Language &

Moving with the Brain in Mind-3H

November 10, 2015 I am Moving, I am Learning: MVPA Every Day &

Nutrition Building Blocks-3H

November 17, 2015 I am Moving, I am Learning: Observing and

Evaluating Motor Skills, Creating Home Made Play Materials & Program Planning for


Cost: $14.00 each day

Receive 3 hours of Professional Development

Register on the PD Registry at

** Wear comfortable clothes and footwear and be prepared to have fun! Bring water! **

Space limited- Register Now!!

Northampton Community College CDA Specialized Diploma in Bethlehem

Funded by the Northeast Regional Key

Early Childhood Development & Learning (EARL 106-C2)

October 14, 2015 to February 10, 2016 Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9:30 pm

NCC – Main Campus, Penn 132 3835 Green Pond Rd, Bethlehem

Cost: $40.00 for each course $25.00 New Student Application Fee

Register at


Check out the PD Registry at to find out what other Professional Development

Opportunities are taking place across the Northeast Region

Page 15: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

When: October 13th, 2015 6:30 to 8:30 Where: Community Services for

Children (Training Institute) 1520 Hanover Avenue Allentown, PA 18109 Cost: $7.00 per person

Register in PD Registry by October 10, 2015

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What is a Community of

Practice or a CoP?

Community of Practice or CoP

provides an opportunity for

collaboration, discussion and

exchanges of ideas and

resources on assigned topics

between early childhood


Purpose of this CoP…

This CoP is a specific

professional development event

that allows infant and toddler

teachers to grow in their

knowledge and understanding

through a collaborative learning

approach. Please come

prepared to share your


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DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ((KK22..11 CC22))

GGoott QQuueessttiioonnss??


SSuussaann RRiitttteerr

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Page 16: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Infant Toddler

Professional Development



Community Services for Children/Northeast Regional Key 1520 Hanover Avenue, Allentown, PA 18109



ROAR! Toddler Self-Expression and Milestones

K2.13 C2


Toddler Time Literacy K2.11 C2


Flexible, Fearful or Feisty? Understanding Infant Toddler

Temperament K2.2 C2

October 10, 2015


$7.00 per session


$21.00 for all day

Register on the PD Registry at

Lunch is on your own

Blast IU#17 33 Springbrook Drive

Canton, PA 17724

Page 17: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

Professional Development


Don’t miss out!... This unique multi-session professional development opportunity is designed for directors of early education programs. Directors are the lifeline of the organization and set the tone for the program. We will be addressing real scenarios and practical solutions and strategies that can be implemented at your facility. The first session topic is reflection and self-awareness. Specific topics for other sessions will be determined by participants, based on current needs.

CKC Code: D8.15 C2 12 Hours of Professional Development

Community Services for Children/Northeast Regional Key 1520 Hanover Avenue, Allentown, PA 18109

COURSE SCHEDULE 1:00pm-3:00pm

October 20, 2015

November 17, 2015

December 15, 2015

January 26, 2016

February 23, 2016

March 3, 2016

Location: Blast IU #17

33 Springbrook Drive Canton, PA 17724

Register on the PD Registry at

COST IS $7.00 per session

(participation in all sessions is recommended, not required)

Page 18: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,

October 24, 2015



Carbondale YMCA

82 North Main Street

Carbondale, PA 18407



Professional Development

Community Services for Children/Northeast Regional Key 1520 Hanover Avenue, Allentown, PA 18109

Register on the PD Registry at





Participants will share, discuss and implement best practices that can

be used to develop and strengthen relationships with children,

families and colleagues.

They will leave with a different level of awareness of how their own

experience, temperament and backgrounds influence the

relationships they have or want to build with children, families and


This sessions is applicable to caregivers working with any age group.

Page 19: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,
Page 20: The Key Connection - Community Service for Children Key Connection... · The Key Connection is a publication of the Northeast Regional Key a division of Community Services for Children,