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Page 1: The Journal of Health & Happiness

The Journal of JULY 2011



Preventing hay fever Preventing dehydration

Sleep well &

look attractive Power of

Positive Psychology New physical

activity guidelines

Low calorie diet to cure diabetes

Atul Kochhar's

Health & Happiness Recipe

Page 2: The Journal of Health & Happiness

It has been a rewarding journey. In these last six months

we have touched many hearts and minds and the

feedback has been quite encouraging.

I met a gentleman in Osterley Park, whom I had not

seen for months. After greetings

and exchange of smiles, he told

me that as soon as he recovered

from a major surgery, he began

taking his '3,000 steps to keep the

diabetes away' as recommended

in our last issue.

The magazine was a big attraction in several

community functions that we attended. In a gathering of

prominent Hindi poets a senior Asian community leader

said that after reading our article on Pre-diabetes, she

asked her GP many questions to make sure that she was

not suffering from the condition.

Another reader wrote back: "Unlike most freebies, this

is the first free magazine that stays on our coffee table."

We have received valuable support from many

quarters. Prof Martin Seligman, the world renowned

authority on positive psychology welcomed our effort. Dr

Karan Singh, the chairman of the Indian Council of

Cultural Affairs , Prasun Joshi and Javed Akhter,

Bollywood's two leading lyricists and Smriti Irani, India's

biggest televisions star and now a BJP MP, appreciated

our health and happiness mission as well as the


Vijay Rana



C O N T E N T S July 2011, Issue 3

04 Impact of watching too much TV

on children's eyes

05 Sleep well and look attractive

06 Martin Seligman on the power of

positive psychology

06 Kindness exercise

07 Curing diabetes through low

calorie diet

08 Reducing vision loss with anti-

oxidants and Omega-3

09 New UK physical activity guidelines

10 'Healthy Smiles in Hounslow'

11 Preventing hay fever

13 Atul Kochhar's Health & Happiness


14 Ayurveda: Three dosha

15 Health & Happiness in the community

The Journal of Health & Happiness is a

publication of Ajivan: The Society for

Health & Happiness


Email: [email protected],

Tel: 07850 374 595

Disclaimer: The information available in this

magazine is for general awareness only. It is NOT

a substitute for the knowledge and judgment of

qualified medical experts. We make no warranty

as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of

this information. Should you have any health or

medical condition, you are strongly advised to

consult a qualified physician or other health care

professional. Views expressed by our contributors

are their own and we take no responsibility for

their views.

"This is the first free magazine that

stays on our coffee table." A reader's comment

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The Journal of Health & Happiness

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Page 3: The Journal of Health & Happiness

News in Brief

Global rise in obesity According to a report by the

Worldwatch Institute, Washington

DC, the number of overweight adults

worldwide jumped from 1.5 billion

in 2002 to 1.9 billion in 2010, an

increase of approximately 25

percent. Some 23 percent of

individuals, aged 15 or older, were

overweight in 2002, while in 2010

the figure rose to 38 percent—even

though the number of adults

increased by only 11 percent during

these eight years. Much of this

change occurred in the industrial

world. Economic, cultural, and

possibly genetic factors all played a

part. But in every country where

people have gotten heavier the result

has been the same: an increase in

preventable medical problems. The

U.S. leads all industrialized countries

with 78.6% of the adult population

qualifying as overweight, but the

fattest nations are Micronesia and

Polynesia, where nearly 88% of

adults over 15 are overweight.

India’s level of 19 percent adults

overweight is up from 14 percent

in 2002 to 16 percent in 2005.

In Mexico the figure has risen by

8 percentage points since 2002,

while Brazil is up by 7 points and the

rate in the U.K. is up by 5 points.

East Asia has seen a 4 point increase

over the period.

Convince others @ 3.5 words per second If you want to convince others and

win their heart then do not speak too

fast, pause frequently and do not be

too animated. A study, conducted by

the University of Michigan Institute

of Social Research, analysed

approximately 1,400 calls trying to

persuade people to take part in phone

surveys. The study found that those

who spoke very fast, did not pause or

were too animated were least


The study used recordings of

introductory calls made by 100 male

and female telephone interviewers at

the institute. They looked at the

interviewers' speech rates, fluency,

and pitch, and then at how successful

they were in convincing people to

participate in the survey.

Those who spoke at a rate of

around 3.5 words per second

(moderately fast) were much more

successful at convincing people

than those who spoke very fast or

very slowly.

The researchers, led by Jose

Benki, an expert in the psychology

of language, said people who speak

too quickly are often seen as "out to

pull the wool over our eyes", while

those who talk very slow are seen as

"not too bright or overly pedantic".

Does watching too much TV damage children's eyes? Children who spend more time in

front of television and computer

screens and less in outdoor physical

activity have narrower blood vessels

in their eyes, says a new study

published in the journal

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and

Vascular Biology.

Scientists in Australia studied

1,492 6-year-olds randomly selected

from 34 schools in Sydney. The

children’s parents were asked how

much time their children spent in

physical activities and how much

time they spent in front of a TV or

computer. Then the researchers

examined the children’s eyes.

After adjusting for a variety of health

factors, they found that blood vessels

in the eyes of children who watched

the most TV were slightly smaller in

diameter than those in children who

watched the least amount.

The results for physical activity

were similar: the eyes of children

who exercised the least had the

narrowest blood vessels. The reason

was unclear. ―We don’t know what it

means in children,‖ said Dr. Paul

Mitchell, a professor of

ophthalmology at the University of

Sydney and lead author of the study.

―We have to follow them for much


How to prevent dehydration? Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water In the UK, we should drink about 1.2

liters (six to eight glasses) of fluid

every day to prevent dehydration.

You need more in hotter climates. It

is fine to have drinks that contain

caffeine, such as tea, coffee and cola,

but they are mild diuretics, which

means they make you urinate more.

Drink these alongside non-caffeine

drinks and increase your intake of

water if you experience any signs of


If you are working hard in hot

conditions, you need to drink more

fluid than you normally would. The

health and safety experts recommend

that you drink about 250ml (half a

pint) of water every 15 minutes or

500ml (a pint) every 30 minutes.

Page 4: The Journal of Health & Happiness

A good night's sleep:

The easiest way to look attractive Want to look attractive? Here is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to enhance your looks. You need to have plenty of sleep. Researchers from the Karolina Institute, Sweden say that the concept of 'Beauty Sleep' is real and now has scientific proof. The study, conducted by John Axelsson and his team, was published in the British Medical Journal. The team set out to determine whether there might be a link between perceptions of attractiveness, health and sleep. Their study involved 23, non-smoking, young adult volunteers, aged between 18 and 31. They were photographed twice, each time between 2pm and 3pm. The first photograph was taken after they had had a good night's sleep, while the second one showed what they looked like after sleep deprivation. All pictures were taken in the same, well-lit room, with a fixed camera and at a fixed distance. None of the participants wore make-up, their hair were combed back, and had undergone similar shaving and washing procedures before each photograph was taken. The photographer asked them to assume a neutral, relaxed facial expression on both photo shoots. For a period of 48 hours before the study

began, the participants were not allowed to consume alcohol. The study then recruited 65 untrained observers to rate the photographs for attractiveness, health aspect, and whether or not the person looked tired. The photograph observers did not know the sleep status of the participants they were asked to rate. The authors reported that in the

vast majority of cases, the observers rated those who had had a good night's sleep as more attractive, healthier, and with more vigour. The study showed that sleep deprived people appeared less healthy, less attractive, and more tired compared with when they are well rested

Bayer AG has introduced a new

aspirin that works twice as fast as

existing ones. It uses the Pro-Release

technology which reduces the aspirin

particles into micro-particles. The

micro-particles are about one tenth of

the usual particle sizes. They

dissolve more easily and arrive at the

site of pain quickly. Bayer claims that

'Extra Strength Bayer Advanced

Aspirin' has been clinically proven to

provide pain relief in half the time.

Consumers have been complaining

for many years saying that aspirin

takes a long time to work. The new

product was tested on dental patients

who had had their wisdom teeth taken


According to the Bayer, a 500

milligram dose of new aspirin starts

to work within 16 minutes and brings

"meaningful pain relief" within 49

minutes. Regular 500 milligram

aspirin takes 100 minutes to do the


Bayer says it is aiming to attract

younger customers. It adds that today

aspirin is better known for its

usefulness in preventing heart attack

and stroke than for its analgesic

qualities. Due to currently stagnant

aspirin sales it is important to

revitalize the brand, they say.


Photo: Laura Martindale

Faster Aspirin that works in16 minutes

Page 5: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Meeting the pioneer of

Positive Psychology

My quest for HEALTH & HAPPINESS took me to a remarkable lecture at the Royal Society of Arts. The inspirational speaker was Martin Seligman, the Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been one of our inspirations, while this journal was being conceived. He is widely considered as the founder of positive psychology. After his lecture, he signed a copy of his book Flourish for me and I presented him a copy of The Journal of Health & Happiness. In an exhilarating lecture he outlined the five pillars of his theory of well-being, a theory that might help many of us to develop positive psychology and to create a healthy attitude towards life. Here is a brief summary. 1. POSITIVE EMOTIONS or trying to follow a pleasant lifestyle. 2. ENGAGEMENT is a state of flow where thoughts and feelings are absent. And only in retrospect we realise how wonderful was our involvement in a task that we had just finished. 3. MEANING in life means belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self. 4. ACCOMPLISHMENT for people could also be described as success, achievement, winning and mastery for their own sake. 5. POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS is the fifth element of the well-being theory. It's all about other people. "Very little that is positive is solitary. When was the last time you laughed uproariously? The last time you felt indescribable joy? The last time you sensed profound meaning and purpose? The last time you felt enormously proud of an accomplishment? Even without knowing the particulars of these high points of your life, I know their form: all of them took place around other people.

"Other people are the best antidote to the downs of life..." Vijay Rana

"I want you to imagine Positive Education"

Prof. Seligman on teaching Well-Being to Young People First, a quiz:

Question one: in one or two words, what do you

most want for your children?

If you are like the thousands of parents I've polled,

you responded, "happiness," "confidence,"

"contentment," "fulfilment," "balance," "good stuff,"

"kindness," "health," "satisfaction," "love," "being

civilised," "meaning," and the like. In short, well-being

is your top most priority for your children.

Question two: in one or two words, what do schools

teach? If you are like other parents, you responded,

"achievement," "thinking skills," "success,"

"conformity," "literacy," "math," "work," "test taking,"

"discipline," and the like. In short, what schools teach is

how to succeed in the workplace.

Notice that there is almost no overlap between the

two lists. The schooling of children has, for more than a

century, paved the boulevard towards adult work. I am

all for success, literacy, perseverance, and discipline,

but I want you to imagine that schools could, without

compromising either, teach both the skills of well-being

and the skills of achievement. I want you to imagine

positive education.

Martin Seligman, Flourish: A new Understanding of

Happiness and Well-Being - and How to Achieve


Kindness Exercise: "Find one wholly unexpected kind thing to do tomorrow and just do it. Notice

what happens to your mood."

Page 6: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Low calorie diet may cure Type 2 diabetesBritish researchers have

developed what they

say is a "cure" for Type

2 diabetes, the most

common form of the

disease. And all you

have to do is to

virtually starve yourself

for eight weeks.

Funded by Diabetes

UK, Professor Roy

Taylor of Newcastle

University and his

colleagues studied 11

patients who had

developed diabetes later

in life and those who

had it for several years.

The patients averaged

220 pounds at the

beginning of the study.

Each was put on a 600-

calorie-per-day diet that

included a special diet

drink and non-starchy

vegetables, such as

broccoli, asparagus and

cabbage. The diet was

followed for eight


Taylor reported that,

after one week on the

diet, each of the patients' fasting blood sugar level, i.e.

taken before breakfast, had returned to normal. At the

end of the eight weeks, the patients had lost an average

of 33 pounds and had no signs of diabetes. Three

months after returning to a normal diet, seven of them

remained free of the disease. Average weight gain in

that three months was 6.5 pounds.

Researchers surprisingly found that pancreas regained

ability to produce insulin. Taylor believes he has an

explanation for the results. At the beginning of the

study, MRI scans of the patients' pancreases showed

that they held an elevated level of fat, 8% compared

with the normal 6%. He thinks that extra fat impairs the

organ's ability to produce insulin. At the end of the

study, fat levels in the pancreas were down to normal in

each patient and the pancreas was able to reproduce

insulin. "We believe that this shows that Type 2

diabetes is all about

energy balance in the

body," Taylor said in

a statement. "If you

are eating more

[calories] than you

burn, then the excess

is stored in the liver

and pancreas as fat,

which can lead to

Type 2 diabetes in

some people. What

we need to examine

further is why some

people are more

susceptible to

developing diabetes

than others."

He added, "We

used the 600-calorie

diet to test a

hypothesis. What I

can tell you

definitively is that if

people lose

substantial weight by

normal means, they

will lose their


There are 2.8

million people

diagnosed with

diabetes in the UK and approximately 85 to 90 percent

of these have Type 2 diabetes.

WARNING: This diet should only be undertaken under medical supervision Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes

UK, said: ―We welcome the results of this research

because it shows that Type 2 diabetes can be

reversed ...However, this diet is not an easy fix and

Diabetes UK strongly recommends that such a

drastic diet should only be undertaken under

medical supervision. Despite being a very small

trial, we look forward to future results particularly

to see whether the reversal would remain in the

long term.‖


Page 7: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Reducing vision loss

with a diet rich in beta carotene, zinc,

and Omega-3

Researchers from Netherlands have concluded that high dietary intake of nutrients with antioxidant


reduces the risk of early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in those at high genetic

risk. Therefore,

clinicians should provide dietary advice to

young susceptible

individuals to postpone or prevent the vision-disabling

consequences of

AMD. The study was published in the Archives of Ophthalmology. AMD is a common condition that erodes the retina and causes vision loss often in people aged 40 and older. It accounts for half of all cases of blindness in developed countries. Research teams from the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and some other universities found that people who got the highest amounts of dietary antioxidants, several nutrients,

including zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, in their diet had a lower risk of developing the condition. The authors studied 2,167 people over the age of 55 who had one of the two genes known to contribute to AMD. The researchers studied the participant's eating habits and followed-up for 10 years to track vision loss; participants received eye exams every three years. The researchers found that people who got the most zinc, beta carotene, omega-3 fatty acids or lutein/zeaxanthin in their diet were less likely to develop macular degeneration than those who got the lowest amounts. For example, the rate of vision loss in those getting the lowest amount of omega-3s (about 22 mg per day) was 39 cases out of every 100 people; in people who

consumed the most omega-3s (268 mg per day), the rate was 28 cases out of every 100. But in all cases, the researchers found that it wasn't necessary to eat excessive amounts of the nutrients to see a benefit — getting the government-recommended daily allowances of healthy foods was sufficient. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring and anchovies. Beta carotene is found in a variety of fruits and veggies, including carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, apricots and green peppers. Zinc is available in oysters, red meat, nuts and beans. Lutein and zeaxanthin are abundant in eggs and leafy greens.

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Page 8: The Journal of Health & Happiness

New govt guidelines for

physical activity New physical activity guidelines have now been published by the four UK Chief Medical Officers. This is the first

time UK-wide physical activity guidelines have been produced. For the first time guidelines have been issued for early

years (under fives) as well as sedentary behaviour. Physical activity should be encouraged across the population, with

the latest evidence showing there is a clear link between physical activity and chronic disease like heart disease, stroke

and diabetes.

EARLY YEARS (under 5s)

1. Physical activity should be encouraged from birth, particularly through floor-based play and

water-based activities in safe environments.

2. Children of pre-school age who are capable of walking unaided should be physically active

daily for at least 180 minutes (3 hours), spread throughout the day.

3. All under 5s should minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary (being restrained or

sitting) for extended periods (except time spent sleeping).


1. All children and young people should engage in moderate to vigorous intensity physical

activity for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours every day.

2. Vigorous intensity activities, including those that strengthen muscle and bone, should be

incorporated at least three days a week.

3. All children and young people should minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary (sitting) for extended periods.

ADULTS (19–64 years) 1. Adults should aim to be active daily. Over a week, activity should add up to at least 150

minutes (2½ hours) of moderate intensity activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more – one way to

approach this is to do 30 minutes on at least 5 days a week.

2. Alternatively, comparable benefits can be achieved through 75 minutes of vigorous intensity

activity spread across the week or a combination of moderate and vigorous intensity activity.

3. Adults should also undertake physical activity to improve muscle strength on at least two days

a week.

4. All adults should minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary (sitting) for extended periods.

OLDER ADULTS (65+ years) 1. Older adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits, including maintenance of

good physical and cognitive function.

2. Older adults should aim to be active daily. Over a week, activity should add up to at least 150

minutes (2½ hours) of moderate intensity activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more – one way to

approach this is to do 30 minutes on at least 5 days a week.

3. For those who are already regularly active at moderate intensity, comparable benefits can be

achieved through 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity spread across the week.

4. Older adults should also undertake physical activity twice a week to improve muscle strength.

5. Those at risk of falls should have physical activity to improve balance and co-ordination on at least twice a week.

6. All older adults should minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary (sitting) for extended periods. "The latest figures show that almost a quarter of adults are obese and on the current trends by 2050 it means 9 in 10

adults will be overweight or obese. We know that more than 60 per cent of adults are not active enough which is why the

UK Chief Medical Officers are launching the fist UK-wide guidelines that draw on the latest science to inform weekly

levels of physical activity."

Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, England


Page 9: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Building 'Healthy Smiles in Hounslow'

This innovative oral health programme provides oral health advice, helps families find a local dentist and children aged 3 years and over can be given extra protection from tooth decay by having a fluoride varnish coating applied to their teeth free of charge. In Hounslow, 47% of children under five have experienced tooth decay compared with 40% across London and 38% nationally. With Healthy Smiles, parents can take their children to a dental nurse to have fluoride varnish applied at the same time as a shopping trip. The dental nurse will also give help, advice and book

them straight into a follow-up appointment with a local dentist. On attending the follow-up visit, children will also be given their own ‘Brush for Life' kit that includes a free toothbrush and advice on oral health. This programme has been welcomed by chief dental officer for England Barry Cockcroft, who said: ‘This scheme combines the evidence-based application of fluoride varnish with the extremely important issue of communicating the availability and value of dental services. All the people involved in developing and running this scheme should be proud of their achievements.' This scheme builds on the

experience of earlier innovative pilots on dental access that NHS Hounslow has lead over the last year. ''Healthy Smiles in Hounslow' will be running throughout August on Sundays and Thursdays in Hounslow ASDA pharmacy consulting room and Wednesdays in Feltham ASDA pharmacy.

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Preventing hay fever

Hay fever affects around 20% of people in the UK.

Lindsey McManus of Allergy UK offers some tips on

avoiding the causes and reducing your symptoms.

"The main triggers of hay fever are tree and grass

pollen,” says Lindsey. “The pollen count is always

higher when it’s a nice, bright, sunny day.”

Don’t mow your lawn

If grass makes you sneeze, get someone else to

mow your lawn. “It sounds obvious, but many people

don’t think of this,” says Lindsey. If you react to grass

and you spend time on the lawn, you'll get


Create a barrier

Apply Vaseline inside your nostrils. “This acts as a

filter for the pollen,” says Lindsey.

Time it right

Don’t sit outside between 4pm and 7pm or in the

early morning, as the pollen count is highest at these

times. “If you go out, or need to hang out the

washing, do it after 10.30am and before 3.30pm,”

says Lindsey.

Shut the windows

Don’t sleep or drive with the windows open, as this

will allow pollen to come in.

Damp dust regularly

Dusting with a wet cloth, rather than a dry one, will

collect the dust and stop any pollen from being

spread around.

Wash your hair

“Pollen is sticky and may be in your hair,” says

Lindsey. “It can then transfer to your pillow when you

go to bed, and will affect you during the night.” If

you’ve been out in the evening, wash your hair at

bed time, as clean hair can help you sleep better.


“Pollen can live in carpet for up to three months,”

explains Lindsey, so get vacuuming.

Think about your medication

Talk to your GP or pharmacist about any

treatment you’re taking for hay fever as it might be

worth trying a new treatment. “The same

antihistamine [anti-allergy treatment] doesn’t always

work for someone year after year,” Lindsey says. “Try

something different, such as a nasal spray or a new


You can take early steps to avoid symptoms of

hay fever before they start. “Most people wait until

symptoms start before they take treatment, but you

really need to start at least two weeks before, so that

the antihistamine is already in your system when

pollen triggers your hay fever,” says Lindsey.

Look back at previous years to work out what time

of year your hay fever usually starts, and try to

identify what triggers your hay fever. For example,

grass pollen is in the air from May until July or August,

so you could start taking antihistamine in April. Find

out more about the pollen count. You can also talk

to your GP or call the Allergy UK helpline for more


Don’t ignore hay fever

Hay fever can make everyday life uncomfortable

and tiring, with sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose

and an itchy throat. However, there are treatments

available and symptoms can get better.

Hay fever can also increase your risk of asthma.

“There is a definite link between hay fever and

asthma,” says Lindsey. “If you get hay fever, you’re

more likely to get asthma so it’s important to take

hay fever seriously and try to treat the symptoms.”

Allergy UK helpline: 01322 619898



Give yourself a pep talk

Try this instant confidence builder: Look in the

mirror and say out loud or to yourself, “I am immune

to criticism, I am beneath no one, I am fearless.”

Dr. Deepak Chopra

Page 11: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Drinking water before meals helps to reduce weight Many of us rely on drinking lots of

water as a weight-loss tool. And

there is a good reason for it.

Research suggests sipping H2O

before meals can help people lose

pounds. Dieters have been

encouraged to employ this trick for

ages, with the reasoning quite

simple: the

water fills






But only in


years have


borne this out.

In the most recent, a randomized

trial published in the journal Obesity,

earlier this year, scientists at

Virginia Tech followed a group of

overweight people age 55 and above

on low-calorie diets for about three

months. Half the people were told to

drink two cups of water before every

meal. At the end of the study, the

water group had lost an average of

15.5 pounds, compared with 11

pounds in the other group.

Failure to diagnose coronary heart disease In this study researchers studied

180 patients who were later

identified as having coronary heart

disease (CHD). 31.7% had

originally been misdiagnosed by

their family doctors as not having

CHD (―false negative‖). Stefan

Bösner and his colleagues presented

the results of their cross-sectional

study in the current edition of

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International.

When a patient presents with chest

pain as the main symptom, the

family doctor has to decide whether

immediate action is called for or

watchful waiting is an option. In this

diagnostic cross-sectional study the

authors evaluated the data of a total

of 1249 patients over the age of 35

years who were referred to 74

participating family doctors with

chest pain. From this data pool,

Bösner and colleagues extracted the

doctors’ initial suspected diagnosis

in respect of coronary heart disease

(CHD). In a total of 57 patients the

doctor wrongly suspected another

cause than CHD for the chest pain.

Nevertheless, the family doctors still

referred one in three of the patients

to a cardiologist. In view of the

number of missed cases of CHD,

there is an argument for considering

a diagnosis of CHD in patients with

less pronounced symptoms.

However, the researchers believe

that if the ―diagnostic threshold‖

were to be lowered, the result would

be a dramatic rise in false positive


Diesel fume particles may increase the risk of heart attack Ultrafine particles in diesel exhaust

fumes can harm blood vessels,

leading to a greater chance of blood

clots developing in the arteries,

resulting in a greater risk of heart

attack or stroke, researchers from the

University of Edinburgh, Scotland

revealed in the European Heart


The scientists measured the diesel

exhaust fume impact on healthy

individuals at levels similar to those

found in highly polluted cities. They

compared how each volunteer

reacted to diesel fume gases, such as

nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon

monoxide (CO), versus those caused

by tiny chemical particles from


This British Heart Foundation

funded study demonstrated that,

instead of the gases, the ultrafine

particles undermined blood vessel

function, particularly how they

control blood flow to the body's


These ultrafine particles are less

than one millionth of a meter wide.

Special filters can be fitted to cars

which trap them. This is already

being done in US public transport


Double diabetes risk for South Asians in the UK

As part of Diabetes Week the British

Heart Foundation reminded the

South Asian community living in the

UK that they are more than twice as

likely to have diabetes compared to

the general population.

Indian men are more than twice as

likely to be affected by Type 2

diabetes and Pakistani women are

over two and half times more likely

to suffer from this serious disease

than the general population.

Qiam Zaidi, BME project manager

at the BHF

says: We are


everyone in

the South



to think

about their

heart health

and be

aware they're at greater risk of Type

2 diabetes and coronary heart

disease. Heart health risks, including

diabetes, high blood pressure and

high cholesterol, can be hard to

spot." Zaidi pointed out that Asian

people normally do not complain too

much, "but it is important if you're

over 40 you get a heart health check

with your GP".

Know your waist size South Asian men are more at risk of

health problems including diabetes

and coronary heart disease if their

waist size creeps over 90 cm (35.5"),

and women need to take special care

if their waists expand beyond 80cm


Page 12: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Atul Kochhar's Health & Happiness Recipe Grilled Red Bream with spice rub Serves 4, Preparation time 15 minutes, Cooking time 6–8 minutes

This is very much my kind of dish when I want to entertain, but

also to sit and chat with my friends. I love coming up with new

combinations of spices, and the spice rub here is a particular

favourite. Try sea bass or John Dory as an alternative fish. Red

Sea Bream contains a naturally occurring powerful antioxidant

called Astaxanthin, which is where the fish gets it’s red colour

from. This acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and is

beneficial for eye health. Red Sea Bream is also low in

calories, only about 150-200 cal per 100g and it is also high in



- 4 red bream fillets, about 150g

(51⁄2oz) each

- Lemon wedges, to serve

For the spice rub

- 3 tbsp walnut or olive oil

- 4 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

- 2 garlic cloves, crushed

- 1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed

- 1 tsp lemon juice

- 1 small green chilli, very

finely chopped

For the tomato salad

- 4 plum tomatoes, chopped

-1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

-11⁄2 tsp walnut or olive oil

-1 tbsp walnuts, toasted in

a dry frying pan and then

lightly crushed

- Sea salt and freshly ground

black pepper

1. Mix all the ingredients for the spice rub together and season with salt.

2. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the fish fillets on it, skin-side down. Brush the spice rub over the fish. Place

under a hot grill for 6–8 minutes, until cooked through and lightly golden.

Remove from the heat and keep warm.

3. Meanwhile, mix together all the ingredients for the tomato salad. Serve the fish with the salad and some lemon

wedges. Atul Kochhar: A critically acclaimed chef and restaurateur, Atul is chef-patron of Benares

restaurant in London. His was the first Indian restaurant in Britain to win a Michelin star. Recipe from

'Fish Indian Style' by Atul Kochhar.

Want to work for Health & Happiness

We need volunteers to help us in the production of this exciting

magazine. Write to [email protected]

Page 13: The Journal of Health & Happiness


AYURVEDA: The concept of Three Dosha

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian ―Science of Life‖ that

deals elaborately with measures of healthy living during

the entire span of life. It's based on the theory of five

elements. It says that everything on earth, living or non

living is made of five elements - air, space, fire, water and


These five elements then combine with each other

giving rise to three main bio-physical energies (Tridosha),

called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is a result of the

combination of air and space. Pitta is formed from fire

and water. Kapha is made up of earth and water.

The Vata Person: People with a dominant Vata Dosha

are supposed to be spontaneous and restless. They are

lean and thin with irregular appetite, dry skin and scanty


Lifestyle: The most important thing for a Vata type is

to regularise the lifestyle. This includes eating at regular

intervals, keeping warm, avoiding dry foods and eating

warm foods and soups instead. The tastes that suit their

body type the best are sweet, sour and salty. They need to

moisturise their skin and practise gentle yoga.

The Pitta Person: Those with dominant Pitta Dosha

are authoritative and focussed. They usually get angry due

to the dominant fire element in their constitution.

Physically they are moderate built, with warm and soft

skin. Their appetite and thirst are strong and they tend to

eat several small meals throughout the day

Lifestyle : They need to relax and avoid stress. They are

advised to avoid spicy, sour and salty foods. They need to

do gentle yoga and calming breathing exercises.

The Kapha Person: The Kapha dominant people are

friendly and social but they could be averse to physical

tasks and might be overweight due to the dominant

elements of earth and water which have a stable and cool

property. They like warm weather and avoid cold, wet

and rainy situations.

Lifestyle: They need to wake up early and eat only when

hungry. They have to take up a lot of physical and mental

activities. They should avoid sweet, sour and salty food.

Sun salutations and the breath of fire are good for them.

Every person has all these three principles in him or

her, but it is the dominance of any or all of these that

makes up an individual constitution. According to

Ayurveda each individual has a very different and unique

constitution. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatments are unique

and different for each person. An Ayurvedic doctor would

try to identify this combination and prescribe ways of

how to achieve a balance of all three Doshas.

Dr Rohan Nagar, BAMS (Ayurveda)

We provide services in UK ( HOUNSLOW ), HOLLAND and BELGIUM

In INDIA we have residential AYURVEDIC treatment centre PDI: Situated on the holy Land of Vedas

and Ganges in between Devbhumi Haridwar and Rishikesh in Uttarakhand


More than 30 years of experience in the UK & India

We Offer : - Ayurveda Consultation

- Pulse Diagnosis

- Detoxification Therapies

- Yoga, Meditation Therapies

- Panchakarma Therapies

- Astrology Consultation

- Ayurveda Massages

- Shirodhara, Shirobasti

- Enema

- Panchakarma Treatments

Dr. Rohan Nagar BAMS (Ayurveda)

Senior Ayurveda Consultant


322-Great West Road

Hounslow, Midd,TW5 0BA

02085777436, 02085727394

07846095768, 07737308767

Email: [email protected]


- Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Tension and

Psychological Problems

- Joint Pains/Arthritis, Backache,

- Spondylitis & Rheumatic Problems

- Asthma, Allergy, Chronic Cough, Sinusitis

& Respiratory Problems

- Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypo or Hyper

- Thyroid and Hormonal Problems

- Obesity & Metabolic Disorders

- Headache, Migraine, Acidity etc.

- Sleep Disorders

- Skin, Nail and Hair Problems

- Pediatric and Gynecological Problems

Under the strict supervision and guidelines of

Dr. Anil K Mehta G.A.M.S Director of:

European Institute for Scientific Research on

Ayurveda, Netherlands

Page 14: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Health & Happiness

in the community

From community leaders to celebrities, everyone showed keen interest in the Journal of Health & Happiness. We visited many community events at the Nehru Centre and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. We made presentations in temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras. Everywhere we received huge support and positive feedback.

India's former health minister and ICCR Chairman Dr Karan Singh with Vijay Rana and Dr Nikhil Kaushik

With Bollywood's leading lyricist Javed Akhter

With Nitin Gadkari National President of India's main opposition party the BJP

Indian television's first superstar and now the BJP MP Smriti Irani


Page 15: The Journal of Health & Happiness

Health & Happiness Day:

National Congress of Gujarati Organisations

National Congress of Gujarati Organisations (UK) held a Free Walk-in Health Awareness Day, in association with Sri Satya Sai

Service Organisation UK on Sunday, 15 May 2011. The event was held at Brent Town Hall. Presentations on diabetes, healthy

eating, stroke, yoga, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis were

held in the impressive Council Chamber. The services

included monitoring, checking and advice on blood

pressure, blood sugar levels, teeth and gum ailments, lung

cancer, eye checks, osteoporosis/osteoarthritis advice and

body mass index measurement.

Over 500 people visited the event which was manned

by doctors, dentists, eye specialists, osteoarthritis

surgeon, pharmacists and nurses. The event was backed

by enthusiastic volunteers who carried out registration,

helped various medical experts participating in the event.

The opening ceremony was performed by the new

Mayor of Brent, Cllr Aslam Chaoudry. He said that this

was the first official event of his term as the mayor. He

said that he has 'never seen an event like this which is so

orientated in helping the people in general'. At the

opening Ceremony, Anita Ruparelia, Secretary General

of NCGO introduced those present. Pravinbhai Amin,

Chairman of NCGO, welcomed the participants. Shitu

Chudasama, the Chairperson of Sri Satya Sai Service

Organisation UK said that his organisation was always

looking to help the community. Councillor Ramesh Patel

promised the continued support of the Brent Council.

Councillor Navin Shah, Member of GLA, was

'overwhelmed by the aim and result of the event'.

The presentations were very useful and many questions

were raised by the audience. Information stalls were set

up by the Diabetic Association, Chandu Taylor Funeral

Services, Smoking Cessation. The Journal of Health &

Happiness got a very positive response from the



Page 16: The Journal of Health & Happiness

YOUR LOCAL LETTING AND SALES AGENTS Serving the community for more than 25 years

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Page 18: The Journal of Health & Happiness