Download - The Inventory of the - Boston University

Collection on Deposit
Box 2
May 17, 1902
June 14, 1902
August 30, 1902
October 4, 1902
. November l, 1902
November 29, 1902
December 6, 1902
October 10, 1903
February 23 9 1907
November 20, 1915
February 19, 1916
November 18, 1916
December 2, 1916
April 12, 1919
'May 16, 1919
June 11+ 1919
July 12, 1919
July 19, 1919
December 13, 1919
January 311 1920
January 10, 1920
January 20!il920
February 7, 1920
December O, 1932
January 20, 1923
Harch 21, 1923
April 7, 1923
April 28• 1923
June 30, 1923
September 10, 1955
January 7 $ 1956
June 26, 1937 March 3 t 1956 .Does not appear on June 4, 1938 (Gift 9f Mrs. Julian
BU Microfilm) July 29, 1939 Steele) April 7, 1956
September 21, 1940 April 21, 1956
July 5, 1941 May 5, 1956 (2
June 11, 1949
November 12, 1949
December 5; 1949
February 18, 1950
March 8, 1952
May 17 & 1952
Hay 24, 1952
Jan\tary 19, 1957 ,/
page 3
a) Myer,tiser an,d Arnerion. :Bostoh, l'Jecembet' 16, 1917. (i/1) •
. b) ,!._fro M&ga,z,in2,. Baltimore, August Li, 1962. (12)
c) Bay $t,a,t }3El;t?-t• Boston. September 24, 1966 and October 8, 1966.
e)Bo,son Even;,.G+o,be. April 7, 1934. (#6).
f) Q_n Sunda.,Y :Lobe. Novmber 28, 1948. ((17).
g) !he OAett:;. Clevland, Apt':ll 21, 19 34 (2 copies- {18··9) and /,
May·i6 1 1934. tHlO). ;; h) Negr:o ,Wor:+d• New York,. May 5 1923 •. (fill).
i_);. The New York Fretnan. May 28, 1887. ((/12). :, v- ,'
, .
(\ 1) Th Sunda;v: ,lier!!.!£. Bostob: February .
9, 1913. ({115) •
. U,,m) Daily: Eveniug. '.C,:-rAript. Boston, July 24 • 1830,. (#16). '-i,
i" } i
, AL to Charles G. Steward. December 6 t l.894.
Csteward Oharles. 2 ALS (cop+es) to Mayo,:- Patrick A.
. Collins, .Boston. January 1902
- 1rder. V,llram l1onro-e - ,,_ · --.../ Postcard to William H. Jackson. ,July 12, 1919,
• 1 Speneer, W. (President of National Equal Rights
League and Race Congress). 'i'LS to WMT. November 10, 19 30 ._
1 Barnett, Claude A. (Director of Associated Negro Preas).
TLS to WMT. November 20, 1930. -rrer, W.I liom Moortie . . CTL to franklin D. Roosevelt. June 22. T"roit-e W,llr(lm r'/onrct< I q 3'-/
C . Ats co Thomas Floyd -J.!1ary 23. 1984.
1933 \ {d,ecl l5uda\ J,J.. 0> 7 r-Jr__.,
Ci, La Guardia, Fiorello.: TLS to Maude 'r. STeward. March 2, 194.5.
:Fo •. Stephen R.. (Author) '!'LS to Charles Steward.
April 22, '1966.
{:,Ct,e.fts 1
/-iiu ,:.e11{'Jl. TLS f+t;e,,/ 3 /97. i C!i(J)ilts J1/ewc/Ji . ·---..... ---...
Fror,; Mes
lfo/cJ m
page 5
"William Monroe Trotter: An Evaluation of the Life a£ a Radical
Negro Newspaper Editor, 1901-1934."
1958. Carbon typescr:ti,t 116 PP• (t/2).
2) 11Biography of a Crusading Editor: William Monroe Trotte.t',
1872.-1934., 11
Charles w. l?uttkr ari.d Ruth Worthy, 1958. Carbon typescript,
30 PP•
ALo: Wdrt:hy, Ruth. TLS to Charles Steward, Sept.ember 19, 1958. (1!3).
3) :JH.ography of WMT. Anoi1ymoue, Holograph, 4 pp. ({/4). J.J.. · so /µ 1,:oue?i:.
4) Mis.cellanous holograph in several 1l1:mds and 4n several subjects,
(Jlr:.) Inc{ 0.Jtewaied 7Nop/i, /qs fliJt.llJ J · + (. Ca. 50 PP• 1r.J * l'/7cJtv y faf11l t (iltd-l OitS BMt, T1/rs:.r1/7! J(x/t . . . . JU aon 'baleJ
5) HiscGllaneous typescript. Most concerns the $Tewa.rd Family and the Pe.(Ni'IICA. later 19th Century, Ca .. 50 pp. (/f6). fe,- ::&land_// Lt1.z&
() 6)'-Scrapbook compiled by Charles Steward { ages are not bound nd are ·/ ./
. . _ · feqlyefs{J 1n !AQ ft'tlht-P.
i,µ very poor condition), ca. 30. PP• (11 ). t11clulh ar{it/es 1 1>1J, ·n-r;, ccfijJ.!1 r'. . -t ({bout /2,m Huy1z/,-.,.v
7) Bills and receipts, '1:rost.on Literary A id Historical Socity, 1904.,·1905.
9 i. (''S) . M1nufes ,I) illeehnH ,i<lOf;l....7 /o/03/, ( · p ecelil. 1r • v I / - .·
8) Carda advertising theatrical entertaiiunents, 1903-1925.
<l . ' :{iicfu.d e':S ,5()YM, ffl rd()d pieces obot:f" BoJlo/J
Ca. 2:> pieces. (In evelope). t..tfc't:o.'/ arJ. H,siotttal Pfssocletftoh
9) Guardian Publiehing Company blank stationry, Ca. 75 sheets. (119).
10) HedaL Harvard O;t.asa of '96 t:weuty-fifth reunion. Chat1lea G. Sten.t4 •.
(In envelope).
11) Documents: (UlO).
page 6
b) Last Will and Testament of viiJliam l. Dupree. Cabon J:ypescript, -r
f/ cUl furtui!rf -Is' M(}J.{ti · Teo-/kStew(J}(f_
a:f.grted. --'· 0
c) Notification from Adjutant Gen1n:al I s Office at the War Department
to T.G.Steard that hie application papers for the poat of
Chaplain of the u.s. Military Academy have been l'.'eoeived.
Dated,Mareh 21, 1896.
d) Copy of marriage certificate of Charles G. Stemrd and Maude
e) Final report of T.G.Steward's affairs. Carbon typescript, 3 PP•
12) Photographs; (In 'OilVelope).
h) Haude. 'l'rotter Steward.
c} narriet Edgerton Wall$.
d) 5 miscellaneous photographs.
AGAMEMNON: TEXT AND TRANSLATION. Translated by w.W.Goodwiu. Harvard University, 1906.
THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES OF AEICHYLUS. Introduction and nQtee by lsaaa FLagg. Ginn and Company, Boston 1891, Signed in ink: "Maude A. Trotter, 1895." Also, holograph mariin notes in pencil.
Aristophanes TUE ACHARNIANS: THE KNIGHTS. Edited by w.c.Green, Rivingtons. London, 1880.
Bartlett, Frederic Orin THE GUARDIAN. Soll, Maynard and Company t
Boston t 1912. l11a-oribed.
Black, G.U. l)ESCRIPT!VE ANATOMY OF 'l'RE HUMAN TEETH. s.S.White Dental Manufaturing Company, Philadelphia, 1897. Fourth edition¥
Bouilly, G.N. RACCONTI PER. LE GIOVIUBTTE. Colombo Coen Editore .. Vens:t.a-Trieste. 1873 .. Fourth edition.
Brandt, H.C.G. A Olt:RMAN READER FOR BEGINNERS. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1894.
City of Boston. 11 Dedlcation .of the Statue of Wendell Phillips' July 5, 1915". ·City of Boston Printing· Department, 1915.
Defoe a Daui•l ROBINSON CRUSOE. McLoughlin Brothers. New York, 1897.
Box 8 Hat"vard College Clase of 1895
Harvard College Class of 1896
FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY REPORT. Murray Printing Company, Cambridge. 1946.
TEN SELECTED ORA'J.'IONS OF LYSlAS. Edtfled by George P. Bristol. Allyn and B{acon Boston, 1892.
Box 9
Ooa/c/ + , l8J./B ·- )1aJ [h•rV,J,id T1:der:)
Iio:x 10 Tiffany, Nina Hoare
Tyrrell, tobert Yelverton
.... ..... .

'l'fiE PEAN. Published by the Senior Class. Exeter, New Hampshire. At the press of Rockwell & Churchill, Boston, 1892.
THH PILGRUfAWE 01'' BARRIE'£ RANSOM'S SON. Sunday school Union Publishers, Na$hville, 1949.
l·Jith: Steward, Charles. Incomplete AL to Maude
'I'rotter BtGlward, January 19.27. Laid in. "Boston Whittier Centennial Oration11 by
RCC. Pamphlet, 8 pp. Guardian Press, Boston. Laid in.
. A CUARLES'rON LOVR STORY. F. Tennyson Neely, New York 1899
FIF'l'Y YEARS IN TUE GOSPEL HINISTRY. A.Hl£E. Book Concern, PHiladelphia t 1921.
THE llAl'fIAN RBVOLUTION 1991~1804. '1'homas Y. Crowell Company, New York t 1914. lnsoried 11'1'0 Unifihaoftbm Maude & Charlie, Xmaf.:l 1914 11 •
HRt10IRS OF HRS. REBECCA STEW,Um. Publication Department of the A.M.E.Church. Philadelphia, 1877 •
Sf\.11UEL B. SEWALL A M.EMOIR. Houghton Mifflin Boston 1898. Inacrihed "To my friend Monroe Trotter from Robt. L. Ruffin 'Dominus et cum spirit:us tuo' Japie 6th 1929u .
CICERO IN HIS LE'I"l'ERS. Macmillan, London and
New York, 1892. Signed 11H.A.Trotter. 11 Stowe Hall". This copy haG many hologarph notes on the end flaps and inter:i.or page margins.
rs··. .
page 9 ; ' '.
tllt- 00/... -y· C /Bl£ t1!:l8Eml0 B!BtE. Oxford University Press. $$$. Teacher's lllltion. Inscribed 111 bequeath this book to Y oldest living son Charles G. Steward - 'l'.G.S.- Hay 31, 1923, 11
Printed Material ..,_.,...~
1) Booklets.
b) 11Conjura. con~ra cuba eu caimanera". Havana, 1961.
c) 11De Jracto School Seeregationn. Hearings before s special
committee of the House Committee on Edocation add Labort
July 27-·28, 1965. U.S. Government .l?ri.nting Office.
Washington, 1965.
d) 11Garrison Centenary11 • Boston, 1906. With 2 imperfect copies.
e) 110ration by l~rederic Douglass delivered on the occasion of
the unveiling of the F~edman' s Monument in memory _of Abraham
Lincoln, in Lincoln Park, Washington., n.c. April 14th~ 1876. 11
Washington, Gibson Brothers, 1876. signed ffiiscription to
Haude Trotter Steward by Richard B. Hoore, February 7, 1942.
f)· 11 'l'he. l!ra.ctical Value of a Lihera:l E<luca.tion II by A. Whitney Griswold,
Presj_dent of Yale University, June 1954.
g) 11 Remarks of the President oat Haw~ddllniversity ~ Washing(mn, D.C, 11 •
Address by Lyndon B. Johnson, J'une 4, 1965,
h) nscLc Newsletter11 • September 1963.
i) 11The War Amendments11 by Albert 1!. Pillsbury, New York,1909.
2) Pamphlets and broadmides. Ca. 30 pieces. (#1).
3) Hiscellaneous typescript mimm.mgrap½i., 11 pp. (/12).
· b,age 11
A) Holograph notesbooks. (In e)lVeloyes). .. (1:U A·3Sc..'iCt0.fiOt\ eel) Boston Literary and Historj €oeiety.
1 /qb/ ·
a) Constitution and By»·laws, also membership list) 45 pp. (ffl). JC[OI
b) H:Lnutes, 1901~·1903. Ca. ll~O PP• (1/2).
c) Minutes, 1913,:--1918. Ca. ?90 PP• (ff 3).
ct:J 2) The Guardian
b) Financial records, 1932--1933; 1942-·1943. 300 PP• (#5).
c) Financial records, 1943. Ca. 50 PP• (#1).
d) 11 New subscribers, Hay 1954 and on- 11 • The pages are blank.
(ff 2).
e) Drafts of editorials. No~ed editorials from other newspapers,
Ca. 50 PP• U/3) •
3) Word lists :i.11 3 notebooks, Ca. · 7 5 pp. tonml. (If 4) •
/+) W:l.lliam Honroe Trotter Leaeue, 10 pp. (ff6'!b
5) Guest lists for celebrations, Ga. 25 pp. (t1·6).
6) Lists of patrons and guests o·f various activite.s, Ca. 25 pp. (1/1).
7) Charles Steward 1 s dental account records, 40 pp. {f/e {JJ{i!;.. a JM-f<S1j
n) Photggraphs.
1) Framed, unidentified. 9°Xl2".
2) Geraldine L. Trotter, wife of WHT. Oval fram~,ll 11Xl3".
Addenda, Purchase March 1976
~ Guardian, Boston
Master negative of microfilm of issues in the collection (Seep. l & 2)
. (Positive is in Microfilm Dept. with 6 rolls of Boston ~blic)
Library holdin~s of The Guardian,
~)G\ ,.
The GjJ1vdian
Addenda: 9/9/74
Att/{(;/t\ U10tl':.\. .•,
From Stephen Fox, atthor of The Guardian of Boston, a biography of Monroe Trotter.
Box 14:
nox 15:
Box 16:
THE GUARDIAN OF BOSTON: William Monroe Trotter, by Stephen R. Fox,
Atheneum. 1970.
a) Xero~ type., 252 p. Undergraduate thesis 1966, Williams College.
(Folder Ill)
b) l!olo., type. with bolo.· Ci~rr., cii:bon type.• 3'71 P• Revised
4raft August 1968. (ill)
e) Type. with h0.lo. corr. 381 P• Revised,draft. 4ugust 1969. (#1)
d) Type. 337 p. Original. August 1969. (#2)
e) 2 sets of page proofs.
A. Interviews {10) holo., 27 P•
D. Honors Thesis in History. Williams Colleg~. Tentative let
chapter, type. with bolo. c<Jrr., 23 P• Holo. 9 P• notes, 19M.
Ca Research Folders Containing Xerox Copies of Cor,;espondenee.
1. Charles Chesnutt 1/21/1900 - 1/28/1929, 28.Metox copies.
Originals at Fisk University. Lett$rs have Seephen Fox's holo.
notes on them. .,,.···-. ':--
ton Colored
2/S/1902; 9/27/1904; 10/17/1904; 12/30/1904. ,,
Chesnt1,tt, 2 ALS 2/6/1900; 1/21/1900,.
Page 2
ALS i0/11/1903
Cheanutt. 2 TLS 5/2/01; 9/ll./01. /
Morgan, Clement G. (Lawyer) to Charles Chesnutt. ALS 7/8/6~
Trotter,-nessie u. fo Charles Chesuutt. 3 Ats 7/8/01
Trotter; William Monroe to Charles Chesnutt. 3 ALS 4/3/01;
8/2/02; 12/2/02.
Wilsou, Butler R. (lawyer) to Charles Chesnutt. 2 ALS 6/4/1900;
Obesnutt. Charles to William M. Trotter. 2 Ats 6/4/1900; 6/2/02
2. John A. Fai:r.l:Le. 2/27/1892 - 9/16/06 18 xerox copies. -
Origi~s at u. of t~linois. Letters have Stephen Fox'$ holo. note
on them. (113) 'TR.cite~) Mauck A. t Johti raml,e. 3 AJ-S er/;,,g,~ to/r.o_; 1/tsjl~</L/<? Trotter, Willi~m M. to John Fairlie. ·Telegram 2/27/1892; 11 ALS
2/28/1892; 8/18/1892; 2/28/1893; 8/10/1893; 9/5/1893;
9/8/1895; 10/29/1895; 11/14/1895; 3/30/1897; 9/4/1900;
6/15/1902; TLS 8/2/1903; 2 ALS 8/12/1903; 9/16/1906.
3.. .~'?E;t,e£h. _B •. F~t:aket:,. 3/28/07 - 6/11/07. 5 xerox eopies. Orig~s
at Oineinnnati Historic Societyo Include$ 2 1LS from libt;#arian
& inventory of the Fora~er papers, xerox type. 9 p.
Th'e Guardian Page 3
~UmRhrey, Andrew B. (The Constitution League of the United States)
Memorandum signed. 6/11/07.
4. Edw~rdK~nslex,. .3[l3lc1964 - 5/29/1866. 8 xerox.copies.
Origi~s at- Dulie""U. ( (15) ,
Trotter, James M. to Ed~ard Kinsley. 8 ALS 3/13/1864; 6/2/1864;
7/18/1864; 11/21/1864; 12/18/1864; 7/1/1865; 1/29/1866;
·} William Monroe to Pres. Warren G? Ha.rcii8S' Telegram J
10/20/20; 3 TLS 5/5/21; 5/7/21; 5/10/21; TL 2/11/22
Telegram 9/27 /22. Sec. to Pres. to M~A.Nb Shaw. (P:re1h
Boston Branch ·Nat'l Equal Rights~teague) TL 9/27/22; TL
Sec. to l?t".es .. to William Trotter. 5 TL 10/20/20; 5/9/21;
5/12/21; · 12/S/22; ALS no date. (#6)
60 Pres. He.rbert Hoover. 3/7/29 - 10/1/32.. 54 xerox copies.
Origi#ls in Hoover Libr,ry.
Connery, Congressman William P. (Mass) to Pres. Hoover. Telegram
Dallinger; Rep. Fred W. ( to Theodore@. Joslin (sea. to ~r,s,
TLS 11/30/31/
Telegram 11/28/31 (#6)
TL 12/1/31,i_
. J~~~J'"Trte<l4pr~ ~. to Mau,:ice w .. Speneel:.' (Pres. Equal Rights . -~\~ .
League) n· 11/18/31. '
MacArthur. Gen. Douglas to Walter H, Newton (Sec. to Pres,.)
,;,:· .,, TT;. 9/3/31. ,,. . Nat1h~al Equal Rights League Press releaaes 10/21'!30; ll/i/30;
TLS 2/12/'3i; TL.'.1.1/29/31; TLS 11/30/31; TL 11/11/31..
Payne, Frede~ick H. (Aeting War) Memo. 9/9/31. \
' R.i~hey., Lawrence (Sec. to Pre~.) to Maurice w. Spencer
(Pres. National Equal Rights League) TL 2/10/31.
Sec. to Pres. to Dr. R.R. Moton (Nat'I Equal Rights League)
TL ~/10/31.
Sec. to Pree. to Frederick H. Payne (Acting See. of War)
TL 9/8/31,.
Spencer, Maurice w .. to Theodore ~- Josl'.i1n. 3 TLS ··11/17 /31;
11/21/31; 11/2,4/31.
· TLS 2/19/30 (Se~. to Pres~)
Trotter, William Monroe to Rep. Fred W. Dallinger TLS 11/27/31.
trotter, William Monroe to :Pres. Hex-bert Hoover. 12 TLS 3/7/29;
4/29/29; 7/1/29; 11/11/29; 2/l.9/30; 4/28/30; 4/28/30;
11/4/30; 11/12/30; 11/20/30~ 11/25/30~ 2/7/31; Telegram
2/9/31 1'LS 2/21/31; 3 Telegrams 7/3/31; 9/5/31;
11/12/31; 5 TtS 12/7/21; 1/16/32; 2/15/32; 8/13/32;
'XL 11/li /30
3/12/29; 5/1/29; ll/13/39; 11/6/'30; 1/18/32; 2/18/32.
7,. J:,t:ott~~ 2, ;:W~~!, M,1. to Roy Nash (NAACP) Xerox of ALS 5/16/17 (#8)
a. F,.te\M!· ,1!'.!:ankilin P.• l,tog~eve!~ .. 5/22/33 - 5/27 /33 · 3 ~erox copies (8)
(Originals at FDR LibraJi'Y)
Trotter, William M. to Marvin H. ·teOmtyre (Asst •. See. to Pies.)
Trotter, William M. to Pres. Roosevelt '!'LS 5/22/33.
Howe, 4ouia (Sec. to Pres.) to William M. Trotter TL 6/27/53.
9. '-!'.,totter!. lj,il:t._iam M:, .to Pres. Woodrow Wilson. TLS 3/11/13
10. Miscellaneous: Trotter, William M. to Jane Addams Telegram - 8/6/12.
Trot~er 0 Jas M. to Ftank Garrison. ALS 5/28/1877
·(~rom Garrison Family mss at Smith)
D. £l,ipJ?,1ng~, (5) pertainin}!; to Wil.liam Monroe Trotter (//9)
E. Jlt>!' .. ~R<?P..<!~~T 3/1.1/65 - 3/29/71~ (70) 13 AtS; l ANS; 50 TLS;
Letters to Stephen Fox concerning research for the book
THE GUAR.Dl:AN OF BOSTON. (Folder #10)
C}Aptheker. He~bert, Director Am. Institute Marxist Studies.
2 'l'LS 2/8/66; 5/20/66; postca~d TtS 5/11/66.
2 n.s 6/7/66; 6/27/67; postcard TLS 2/5/68; 2 TLS 10/2/68;
· 5/11/70.
&Hill, Adelaide Cromwell. TLS 3/18/65. (cat. as Gulliver; Adelaide Cromwell).
Johnson, Grac:t.e Row-•. (Mrs. Jaus Weldon) ALS Jtity,,,.21, 1967 ~
0 t<ount11e, nooe" Mabe. 2 TLS 9/4/6$ t 5/17 /70.
&'Randolph, A~ Philip. 2 TLS 6/19/69; 9/30/69.,
a iirmer•- Daniel B. 2 TLS 8/21/68; 3/22/68.
Senna, Carl F. TLS 7/20/66
c, {:j, Steward" Ch$rles G. Postcard (Ats) 7/27/65; 2 AtS 2/19/66;
o Wl!;tte, Poppy Cannon (Mrit Wal~e1·)White) Tl;.S 7 /20/67
Po 1
stoard with piet1,n.•e of William Monroe T~tter. With note
"date unknown" from Mrs. Malcc,m Banks.
F., Circa 9,000 3 X 5 oa'rds with bolo. Research notes com:(:ldil.e.d4
by Stephen Fo11t. (Letter explains the sym.obls) (#1)
Gift of Mu.sewn of Afro-Ameriean History
Calendar 1976: Month of April i~cludes picture of THE GUARDIAN
Vol. 33 11 No. 25, April 21, 1934., re~tuueed fnrim
issue at B.U I and brief pieca on Trotter.
(The Guardian, 6/4/03, 6/27/03, 8/22/03)
The Guardian
Box 19
I. Correspondence.
A. 15 ALS to MK from various, 1 with articles, 1959-1989. [F. 1]
B. 3 TLS to MK from various, 1967-1992.
C. 2 TL to MK from various, 1938-1989.
D. 9 ANS to MK from various, 2 with photocopied articles,
cards and poems, 1936-1988.
F. 7 ANS to MK from various, 1938-1988.
G. 1 TL photocopy to MK from AWalle K.,@ 4, p., 1989.
H. Approx. 235 TLS from MK to various, 1980-1992. [F. 2-3]
I. 38 ALS from MK to various, 1980-1985.
J. 5 photocopy TLS from MK to various, 1990-1991.
K. TL by Frank W. Lovering to MK., RE: some early colored
residents, 3 p. [F. 11]
II. Printed Material.
B. Advertisement for AEyes on The Prize@, WGBH, February 1991,
2 copies.
C. AFeelings From the Heart@, Diallo, collection of Poems.
D. AWGBH Takes You Out to The Ball Game with Ken Burns@, pamphlet.
E. ALet Our Rejoicing Rise,@ Museum of African American History,
4 copies.
H. Layout of a ARemembrance of William Monroe Trotter,@ 1941,
includes: photo in newspaper print and type written sheet on
I. Maybray ADoc@ Kountze, 6th annual Festival 2003, flyer/poster.
J. AThe Social Security Act: Its Legal and Economic Aspects@, pamphlet.
K. 2 copies of Proclamation for William Monroe Trotter Day, 1973.
(The Guardian, 6/4/03, 6/27/03, 8/22/03)
L. Recognition from City of Boston for MK posters.
M. 1 flyer for a Medford van service.
N. Articles.
1. 104 articles by or re: MK and African American Life,
includes: originals and/or photocopies.
P. AThis is Your Heritage@, by Mabray ADoc@ Kountze, proofs,
contained in smaller folder.
III. Photographs.
A. 5 black and white prints of MK and others. [F. 5]
A. 10 black and white prints, miscellaneous subjects.
B. 4 black and white prints mounted on cardboard, miscellaneous
C. 1 miscellaneous print on heavy paper, ALa Newton School of
Beauty Culture@.
IV. Manuscripts.
A. 43 written lectures/ articles, re: various subjects. [F. 6]
B. 250 p. of various unidentified manuscripts, articles and notes.
C. AShiloh Baptist Church, West Medford Massachusetts@ by Rev.
Harvey A. Everett, 6/12/57, MK listed in acknowledgments.
D. AThis is Your Heritage@, by Doc Kountze, rough copy in
paper binder. [F. 8]
Guardian@, by MK, printed copy in paper binders, 1965,
2 copies. [F. 9]
F. AA History of The Early Colored Press in Massachusetts: A
Second Sketch of The Boston Guardian@, by MK, 1967,
1 photocopy. [F. 8]
Guardian@, by MK, loose cover. [F. 9]
H. 3 loose leaf, 1 notebook of handwritten notes by MK.
V. Journals.
A. Bound journal, kept by MK, 1955.
B. Unbound journal on cardboard back, kept by MK, 1940. [E. 1-2]
C. Bound journal, kept by MK, 1980.
(The Guardian, 6/4/03, 6/27/03, 8/22/03)
VI. Professional Material.
B. TS interview, re: Historian Interviews, February 1992.
C. 1 TS MS with holograph corrections, autobiography for
Bicentennial Publication.
VII. Personal Memorabilia.
A. 3 hand drawn maps, 1 colored and in Mylar, focus on Africa
and Middle East.
2. Declaration for William Monroe Trotter Day.
3. Certificate of Appreciation to the Pothier Brothers from
A. Photo of an unknown man, picture #25. [F. 12]
B. 2 letterheads, each with copy from varied businesses.
C. Corner of a notebook with Rhode Tennis Association attached.
D. 5 TS pages, inventory of MK, came with shipment.
IX. Scrapbook.
A. Various newspapers from, 1953-54, kept by MK, wrapped in
blue paper.
The Guardian of Boston
I. Subject files, complied by Mabray Kountze; may include correspondence,
photographs, manuscripts, printed material.
Box 20 A. ALocal Race History Items/Picture File; includes printed material,
correspondence, manuscript, photographs, certificates. [F. 1]
B. Miscellaneous collection of correspondence, printed material, manuscript
material re: MK involvement with African American Museum, lectures,
articles, etc. [F. 2-3]
D. Re: Boston College Black History Convention. [F. 4]
E. Re: Newspaper Articles about family, Medford, others. [F. 5]
II. Manuscript.
A. By MK.
1. AHonor to a Loyal Citizen;@ includes photocopy of Letter from
Ronald Regan, 2 copies. [F. 6]
2. Eighteen ABoston Baked@ articles by MK and Abe Attucks; may
includes holograph notes.
3. AOnce Upon a Time, There and Today...A True Story,@ 1987
Christmas Tribute, 4 p.
5. ACarnegie Brothers McIntyre Defect Boston Olympics at Garden,@ holograph type, 2 p.
6. ARoxbury Radio Club 1965,@ program schedule.
7. Miscellaneous TS manuscript, 4 p.
8. Miscellaneous holograph notes, 13 p., includes hand drawn menu.
III. Personal memorabilia.
1. ACity of Medford.@
V. Correspondence.
(The Guardian of Boston 10/16/03)
VI. Printed material.
The Guardian (2/2/05)
Preliminary Listing
Note: all material relates to the life and career of Mabray Kountze (MK).
I. Correspondence.
A. Subject files
Added to Box 20 1. ACorrespondence to and from non-relatives,@ includes 128 personal
and professional letters from MK (120 TLS, 8 ALS) and approx.
15 letters to MK, 1947-1993. [F. 9]
2. ACorrespondence to civic and community leaders, politicians,
well-known people,@ includes 60 professional and personal letters
from MK (54 TLS, 6 ALS) and 8 letters to MK, 1956-1993.
Notable: ALS from MK to Pres. Richard Nixon, 7/1/72; ALS from
MK to Pres. Ronald Reagan.. [F. 10]
3. ACorrespondence re: books by Mabray Kountze,@ includes 30
letters from MK (29 TLS, 1 AL); approx. 15 TLS to MK; printed
material, 1967-1984.
4. ACorrespondence re: Medford Post Office and Medford History,@ incl. 11 TLS from MK; 2 TLS to MK; manuscript material,
1974-1988. [F. 11]
5. ALetters to Ione,@ includes 35 letters from MK (22 TLS, 13 ALS); 2
letters to MK; 2 letters to Ione Vargas; manuscript material,
6. ALetters to family members,@ includes 81 letters from MK (76 TLS,
5 ALS); 4 ALS to MK; list of relatives of MK, 1974-1994.
7. ACopies of autographed letters from VIPs,@ all photocopies,
b. Batson, Ruth. TLS re: Museum of Afro-American History
Honorees, Dec. 1, 1988.
c. Carter, Jimmy. TNS re: THIS IS YOUR HERITAGE, by
MK, n.d.
Lady]. TNS, Mar. 17, 1982.
e. Meyer, Jean [President of Tufts University]. TLS, Dec. 9,
The Guardian (2/2/05)
II. Professional Material.
A. Subject files.
1. AArticles,@ includes 26 articles by MK; 3 articles re: MK;
manuscript material; photograph of >Roland Hayes,= 1978-1994.
[F. 12]
2. A>Doc= Kountze Art Festival B Programs and News Articles,@ includes flyers, programs, publicity; 6 articles re: festival,
1993-2004; copy of speech in memory of MK
3. AGeorge Stearns Material,@ includes 6 articles, 1942-1990
4. AHannibal Hamlin Controversy as it related to Kountze family,@ includes correspondence from MK, 1983; printed material; ALS
fro MK to Ione Vargas re: contents of file and their significance,
material, obituary for MK, The Boston Globe, 9/30/94
(photocopy); manuscript material, AA Hero for All Time: A Spirit
Play in Honor of Mabray >Doc= Kountze 1910-1994,@ by Barbara
Kennedy. [F. 13]
Editor,@ includes printed material, correspondence to/from MK,
manuscript material, 1974-1994.
Box 21 B. Material re: AWorkers at the White House@ production, includes participant
list, schedule of speakers, stage diagram. [F. 1]
C. Business card.
III. Printed Material
B. AOnce Upon A Time, Then and Today, a True Story@ article by MK, 3 p.,
C. AIndex to THIS IS YOUR HERITAGE by Mabe >Doc= Kountze,@ compiled
by Frank P. Hazel, 42 p., 1998.
D. 3 pamphlets/programs for church services.
IV. Photographs.
A. ATemple University Symposium 1988,@ black and white print, 8 x 10",
description on back. [F. 2]
B. ADr. Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.@, 2 prints, black and white, 8 x 10" and 5 x 7".
V. Manuscripts
A. AThe Trotter Family,@ holograph notes in bound notebook [No folder]
The Guardian (2/2/05)
A. 1939.
B. 1941.
C. 1944.
D. 1952.
E. 1953.
F. 1954.
G. 1960.
H. 1962.
I. 1963.
J. 1967.
K. 1968.
M. 1973.
N. 1975.
O. 1976.
P. 1977.
Q. 1978.
R. 1979.
S. 1981.
T. 1982.
U. 1983.
V. 1984.
W. 1985.
X. 1986.
Y. 1987.
AA. March - July 19, 1989.
BB. July 20 - Dec. 16, 1989.
CC. Sep. 19, 1990 - Apr. 20, 1991.
DD. Apr. 23, 1991 - Sep. 11, 1991.
EE. Sep. 12, 1991 - Feb. 1992.
FF. July 23 - Dec. 29, 1992.
Guardian, The (11/15/05)
Guardian of Boston
(Mabray Kountze Papers)
I. Printed Material.
A. Newspaper clippings, approx. 50, by or about MK and sports; includes
clippings from The Guardian and other newspapers, 1938-1983. [F. 1]
B. Miscellaneous, 12 items; includes photocopies from books; invitations;
brochures; newsletters. [F. 2]
II. Correspondence.
A. Professional, 100 TL and TLS, to and from MK, 9/24/54 - 12/11/93; some
letters include printed material; includes: [F. 3-4]
1. Mayer, Jean (President of Tufts University). TNS re: thank you
for your support, 3/07/85.
B. Personal, approx. 30 TL, TLS, ALS to and from MK, 1/19/72 - 3/4/91;
includes letters to family; also includes:
1. Wright, Bill (U.S. Senator from New York). 6 ANS re: thank you
and sending things, 4/24/80 - 9/17/80; includes printed material.
[F. 5]
III. Manuscripts.
fragments of untitled manuscripts; speeches; research material.
[F. 6]
2. 8 speeches, TS, re: various dedications, Jan. 1972 - Apr. 1980.
3. 7 lectures, TS; includes fragments and television/radio lecture,
4. Re: family, 6 TS; includes lectures; essays; research notes. [F. 7]
5. Re: Medford, 6 TS; includes fragments and MS by others,
6. AMonroe Mason, Monroe Trotter and The Boston Guardian,@ 24 p.,
6/21/65; includes TLS, re: manuscript, 7/4/65.
7. THIS IS YOUR HERITAGE, fragments, 28 p.; includes research
materials; holograph notes; check lists; chapter titles; correction
sheet; re: author and authors credits. [F. 8]
Guardian, The (11/15/05)
IV. Subject Files.
A. Re: William Monroe Trotter; includes printed material; manuscripts; AA
History of the Early Colored Press in Massachusetts,@ by MK, 30 p.;
correspondence. [F. 9]
B. Re: death of MK, 9/27/94; includes printed material, obituary, AA Hero for
All Time, A Spirit Play in Honor of Mabray >Doc= Kountze 1910-1994,@ by Barbara Kennedy, 1st draft, May/June 1995. [F. 10]
V. Professional Material.
VI. Legal Material.
A. Library of Congress Copyright Office, TLS re: discrepancies on the
application filed for copyright of THIS IS YOUR HERITAGE, 8/28/78.
B. AAffidavit to Library of Congress and Others,@ signed, 9/14/77; includes
copy of rules for ATitles, Names, Short Phrases.@ C. List of ALegal Questions for Resolution.@
VII. Financial Material.
A. Statement from Medford High School, re: purchase of THIS IS YOUR
HERITAGE, 2/07/79.
VIII. Photographs.
1. Re: AMcGough, Mayor Joch McGlyn (?), MK, St. Cloe Kunton
(?),@ holding a poem titled AThe Flag.@ [F. 12]
2. Re: parents with child, posed; includes holograph note.
3. Re: MK and 3 other men in a radio station.
IX. Diaries and Journals.
The Guardian of Boston #455
Addendum Preliminary Listing