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    On  Adolescent  Health;  Skin  and  Skeletal-­‐Muscular  Systems  




Ernesto  Garza               A01192300                                            Gp.115                          Roberta  Garza           A01192348                        Gabriel  Jasso       A01192786                              Team  #8  Andrés  Canales   A01192351  

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In this article we are going to talk about skin care. Nowadays most adolescents think that skin problems occur mainly to adults but they are wrong, 50% of adolescents suffer skin problems such as acne and oily skin. Next we will explain different ways to prevent these sicknesses and several ways cure them. Acne is one of the most common problems in the skin that usually affects teenagers. It is mainly caused by bacteria, and there are several types of it, such as Clogged Pores (blackheads, pimples and whiteheads). Acne can generate bigger problems. If you are already suffering acne problems, there are many ways to fix this. It depends in the type of acne you have. Usually dermatologists recommend to use either face creams or specific medicines containing Benzoyl Peroxide, which are specially good for acne treatment. Oily skin tends to be shiny and thick and it frequently happens to adolescents specially athletes. Many people think that a solution for this is washing their faces more than three times a day. However this makes the problem worse. You should only wash your face twice a day with the adequate materials. This not only occurs in the face, but also in different parts of your body.


Another big problem for the skin is Sun burning. Most adolescents like to tan themselves without using any protection, but this is very dangerous because you can get different diseases, such as skin cancer. This disease is considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases. If you want to get sun burned, you can do it, but only with the correct protection. All in all, people should pay more attention to their skin due to the fact that it is a very important in our body. Now there are ways to treat or cure skin problems. As a teenager, you have to take care of your skin, so you that you won´t regret it in the future.  


Skin  Care  


• " - Teen Scene: Skin Care Needs of the Adolescent." - Skin Is In. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>.

• Skin Care - Healthy Skin - Skin Problems. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. • "Tips  for  Taking  Care  of  Your  Skin."  KidsHealth  -­‐  the  Web's  Most  Visited  Site  about  Children's  Health.  Web.  01  Feb.  

2012.  <>.



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In this article we are going to explain why exercise is recommended to maintain your skeletal muscular system. Also we will explain how different types of exercises will affect your body in different ways. Excessive exercise can damage yourself more than it can benefit you, that’s why in this project we will show the necessary time that is required in every different type of exercise because in certain exercises you can do more physical activity than in others.

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most

important things you can do for your body. It is useful to lose weight, to build muscle, and to improve health. There are many types of cardio exercises. One of them is running. It is very useful because it helps build strong bones and connective tissue. Also, running burns serious calories, in fact, a 145-lb person can burn about 300 calories only for running 30 minutes. Cycling is very good too. By using the power of your legs, you increase endurance while burning a lot of calories. From 250 to 500 in only 30 minutes, depending only on how fast you go and on how high your resistance is. The best about cycling is that you can incorporate it into your daily life, by riding it to school or work.  

Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against resistance with the expectation of increases in strength, tone, mass and endurance. Resistance training works by causing damage to the muscle cells, which are repaired by the body this help the body because when the muscle cells regenerate they grow stronger. The experts recommend the beginners to do one set of 10 exercise for the major muscles (triceps, biceps, chest, quadriceps) to fatigue, two to three days per week, it is not recommend to do it every day because you don’t give time to the muscle cells to regenerate and grow. For older people (50-60), they suggest 15 repetitions may be more appropriate.

Stretching, or doing flexibility exercises are

often rejected by people doing hardcore physical activities. This can reduce the effectiveness of exercise because better flexibility means better fitness. By increasing your flexibility you can move around easier, have less muscle tension, and reduce risk for injury. First of all, you need to warm up before the stretch, because stretching cold muscles can cause injury. Also, slowly and gently stretch breathing in and out to decrease muscle tension. Hold your stretch for at least 10 to 30 seconds. If your stretching hurts or you feel any pain, take it easier and relax a little bit more to do it safely To increase your fitness and skeletal muscular system with more effectiveness, take in account the following tips:

• Sleep more than 8 hours per day. • Drink at least 1 liter of water and keep yourself

hydrated while exercising. • Do a healthy diet.

In conclusion, exercise is essential to maintain a healthy body. These three types of exercises are basic to keep and increase your skeletal muscular systems. Also is important to do all these three exercises in a balanced way and not just focus on one type. To finish, the time that you spend can’t be excessive because you can get hurt, or lower because it will not work as much.


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Scoprire  le  parti  del  corpo  umano  e  circola  la  parola.  

Il  Corpo  Umano  

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Leeuwenhoek, used microscopes, and was the first to observe and describe in detail bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic protists, sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic nematodes and more. Today, the detailed knowledge of blood cells is used to make a correct diagnosis of hematological diseases. Also, people have created many improved/ modern microscopes.

Andreas Vesalius assembled the first human skeleton from cadavers and was a pioneer in human dissection. This is very useful, because today, doctors use the human skeleton to determine more precisely human anatomy. Paracelsus revolutionized medical methods largely by pioneering the use of chemicals and minerals to combat disease. This helped to create many medicines that are still used today. Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays. This discovery is still used today to detect whether or not a person´s bones are damaged or broken. The Englishman William Harvey described the circulation of blood in the body. Also, he found that blood is "pumped" around the body by the heart. After this huge discovery, doctors have made lots of experiments on how to cure heart problems. Nicolaas Hartsoeker found sperms in semen and explained the concept of conception. Because of these discoveries we now know how the beginning of life happens. Paracelsus discovered that if wounds are kept clean and drained, they would heal naturally. He used mercury to treat diseases such as syphilis, gout, leprosy and ulcers. Nowadays, doctors use clean instruments in surgeries to prevent other infections to the patient. Since mercury has many secondary effects, it is no longer used in medicine, and scientists have found other ways to cure diseases. Marcello Malpighi located the capillaries that carry blood from the arteries to the veins. This was very important because now, doctors can explain why a disease occurs and can diagnose what kind of disease it is. Paracelsus was the first physician to make use of the magnet and to explore the phenomenon of magnetism in relation to the human organism. Even today, magnets are used to cure pain, swelling, etc.

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Muscle fatigue is a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion

because of lack of energy or strength that occurs when the

muscles cannot make normal force, and more effort than

the normal is required to achieve a higher level of force.

Some causes for muscle fatigue are: genetic conditions, any illness, overwork, poor

sleep, worry, boredom, depression, or lack of exercise. However, general weakness often

occurs after you have done too much activity at one time.

Our hypothesis of this experiment is that if a couch potato competes against an athlete, it

is more likely for him/her to get more tired, and therefore have a greater muscle fatigue. In

addition, the couch potato´s sit-ups during the trials will decrease.

We are going to make an experiment, in which we are going to

compare the physical condition of an athlete and a couch potato. First

of all, we are going to talk about muscle fatigue.  

Couch Potato Person Trials Number of

Repetitions 1 8 2 8 3 6 4 7 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 4 9 5 10 5  

Athlete Trials Number of

Repetitions 1 11 2 9 3 11 4 10 5 7 6 9 7 8 8 9 9 11 10 6  

Athlete Trials Number of

Repetitions 1 9 2 7 3 10 4 11 5 9 6 9 7 10 8 10 9 11 10 8  

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y  =  -­‐0.3455x  +  8  R²  =  0.58257  

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  

0   2   4   6   8   10   12  


ber  o

f  sit-­‐up



Couch  Potato  


Lineal  (Serie1)  

y  =  -­‐0.2727x  +  10.6  R²  =  0.22812  








0   2   4   6   8   10   12  


ber  o

f  sit-­‐up



Athlete  1  

y  =  0.097x  +  8.8667  R²  =  0.05387  








0   2   4   6   8   10   12  


ber  o

f  sit-­‐up



Athlete  2  


Lineal  (Serie1)  

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On the graphs above, the horizontal lines represent the number of trials done, and the

vertical lines demonstrate the number of sit-ups done. The red dots represent the number

of sit-ups per trial. Also, on the right of the graph is the y-intercept formula.

After doing the graphs and analyzing the data of our experiments, we realized that our

hypothesis was correct. The couch potato did fewer sit-ups than the athletes because she

got exhausted first. This is due to the lack of exercise he has. The lesser the exercise, the

more muscle fatigues.

We had an appropriate control during the experimentation, because we did it in a good

room temperature, no one was sick, and we did not rest during the intervals of the trials.

We would suggest to other students that will make this experiment to really do not stop

during the trials´ intervals. Also, they should be patient, work as a team, and research

carefully about the topics we used (how to use excel, muscle fatigue, etc.).