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The Inhibitory Action of Lidocaine in Anaphylaxis' - '



The action of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, was investigated during anaphylaxis in guinea pigsafter passive sensitization in vitro of lung tissue and trachealis muscle . Pretreatment of thetrachealis muscle with 8 .54 mM lidocaine resulted in the total inhibition of anaphylactic isometrictension . Full reversal of anaphylactic-induced contractures was rapidly achieved with concentra-tions of 4 .27 mM lidocaine . Release of histamine from both lung tissue and trachealis muscle wasinhibited by 73 to 82 per cent, respectively, over concentration ranges of 2 .13 to 8.54 mM lidocaine .A bimodal effect on sensitized tissues was noted, with lidocaine causing a slight release of hista-mine in the trachealis muscle of 1 .6 per cent at a concentration of 8 .54 mM. Lidocaine did notimpair the initial passive sensitization process, nor did it appear to elute antibody once it wascell bound. The dual inhibitory effect on mast-cell release of mediators and on muscle contractionby lidocaine may be related in part to common processes involving the binding or flux of calcium .


The myostabilizing action of local anestheticson agonist-induced contractures in striated andsmooth muscles has been well described, includ-ing the airways of the guinea pig (1-3) . Partialexplanation for the mechanism of such action isthe ability of these compounds to influence theflux or binding of calcium ions, which results inmuscle relaxation (2, 4-6) . Because the exocyticsecretion of histamine and other mediators fromthe mast cell after interaction of antigen andantibody is similarly dependent on the influx of

(Received in original form May 27, 1977 and in re-vised form January 9, 1978)

1 From the Division of Respiratory Diseases, St .Vincent Hospital, and the Department of Medicine,University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worces-ter, Mass . 01604 .

2 Supported in part by a grant from the Founda-tion for Research in Bronchial Asthma and RelatedDiseases and the St . Vincent Hospital ResearchFoundation .

3 Requests for reprints should be addressed toEarle B. Weiss, M.D ., Division of Respiratory Dis-eases, St . Vincent Hospital, 25 Winthrop St ., Worces-ter, Mass . 01604 .


calcium after a change in the permeability of themast-cell membrane, we evaluated the effect oflidocaine on the anaphylactic reaction in theguinea pig trachealis muscle and lung (7-9) .This paper reports both the inhibition of smoothmuscle contraction and the inhibition of media-tor release from mast cells by lidocaine duringthe Schultz-Dale reaction after passive sensitiza-tion in vitro .

Materials and MethodsAdult male Hartley guinea pigs (Elm Hill BreedingLaboratory, Chelmsford, Mass .) weighing 450 to 600g were killed by stunning and exsanguination, andthe lungs were perfused at 37° C in Krebs-Henseleitsolution until they were free of blood. The tracheawas removed, was transferred to a Krebs-Henseleitsolution at 37° C, was gassed with 95 per cent 0 2 and5 per cent C02, was dissected free of extraneous tis-sue, and was cut into rings . Two to 4 preparationswere obtained from each animal . Passive, in vitrosensitization was accomplished by immersing themuscle at zero force into a 1 :10 normal saline dilu-tion of reconstituted rabbit antichicken egg-albuminantiserum (ICN Pharmaceuticals, Irvine, Ca .) inKrebs-Henseleit solution for 180 min at room tem-perature. For studies of histamine release, lung tis-sues were diced to approximately 3 mm by 3 mm andthen were passively sensitized as described previously .



Challenge with specific antigen to either trachea orlung was performed with 5 X recrystallized egg al-bumin at a final bath concentrations of 100 gg per ml(ICN Pharmaceutical, Irvine, Ca.), at periods speci-fied subsequently . Control studies were conductedwith Krebs-Henseleit solution alone . Before allstudies, the sensitized trachealis muscle or lung tissuewas washed free of excess antiserum (3 washes of5.0 ml each, 2 min per wash) with Krebs-Henseleitsolution . Immunologic specificity was shown as thefailure of sensitized muscles to react to normal salinesolution or ragweed pollen antigen; neither antigennor antibody caused the development of tension innonsensitized muscles .Isometric tension . For measurements of trachealis

tension, the cartilage was cut, and one end was fas-tened with No . 50 cotton thread to a fixed clamp ;the other end was fastened with a thin piece of plati-num wire to a Grass FT03C force displacement trans-ducer amplified by a Hewlett-Packard 8805B ampli-fier to record isometric tension changes, in milligramson a precalibrated Hewlett-Packard 7754A thermaltip polygraph; full scale was 5 g. The muscle wasoriented parallel to the direction of the force dis-placement. The strips were suspended at 37° C under2 g of initial tension in a 20-m1 muscle chamber(Harvard) containing Krebs-Henseleit solution con-tinuously aerated with 95 per cent 0 2 and 5 per centCO,, . Optimal length-tension relationships for thisexperiment were determined by exposing the muscleto increasing tensions of 0 .25, 0 .5, 1 .0, 2 .0, and 3 .0 gagainst a standard histamine dose of 1 .0 gg per ml,and verification of the selected 2-g maximums wasconducted periodically . All tracheas were analyzedfor force development, and those exhibiting baselineinstability (±10 per cent), inconsistent rates, or er-ratic responses were discarded . All tracheal prepara-tions were initially equilibrated for 60 to 90 minwith the bath fluid changed 3 times . Before any newexperiment, the bathing medium was flushed 3 times,and the muscles were re-equilibrated for at least 10min. 02 and CO 2 tensions and the pH of the bathingfluid were monitored for each experiment by assayin a 313 blood gas analyzer (Instrumentation Labora-tories, Inc .) . Partial pressure for CO 2 and 0 2 rangedfrom 35 to 44 mm Hg and from 350 to 550 mm Hg,respectively, with an average pH of 7 .42 ± 0 .02, unlessotherwise cited .

After equilibration, the tension responses to chal-lenge with 100 gg of egg albumin per ml were re-corded to the period of maximal change and to aconstant plateau . For protection studies, sensitizedmuscles were incubated with and without lidocaine,in final concentrations of 500 (2 .13 mM), 1,000 (4 .27mM), and 2,000 (8.54 mM) mg per ml . The drug wasplaced in the bath until baseline equilibration oc-curred (20 to 60 min) and before challenge with anti-gen. For reversal experiments, similar concentrationranges were used after the maximal anaphylacticplateau tension had been reached. At the termina-


tion of all studies, the length of the muscle at the2.0-g tension was measured with a micrometer accu-rate to +0.1 mm. Then the muscles were removed,were dissected free of cartilage, and were dried at50° C to constant weight on a 5-place Mettler bal-ance. Force development was expressed either inmilligrams or in absolute units of tension (kg percm2) (10) .Histamine assay . The excised fragments (3 mm by

3 mm) of guinea pig lungs were equilibrated inKrebs-Henseleit solution aerated with 95 per cent0, and 5 per cent CO 2 at 37° C for 45 min . They werethen weighed into 0 .4 -L 0 .001-g aliquots ; 6 to 8 ali-quots were obtained from each lung . This was fol-lowed by sensitization with rabbit antichicken eggalbumin antiserum for 180 min at room temperature,as described previously . The tissues were then re-moved, were washed in Krebs-Henseleit solution at37° C and were diced into 1-mm by 1-mm slices .These slices were incubated for 20 min in 10 ml ofreaction mixtures, as follows : (1) control, sensitizedtissue in Krebs-Henseleit solution alone, (2) anaphy-lactic challenge, exposed to egg albumin, (3) lidocaineonly, or (4) exposure to lidocaine for 20 min followedby anaphylactic challenge . Bath samples (volume, 2 .0ml) for analysis of histamine release into the bathbuffer were removed 5 min after anaphylactic chal-lenge for all of the above experiments, the point ofmaximal tension observed in the anaphylactic tra-chea. This sample was added to 2 .0 ml of 0 .8N HC104 yielding a final concentration of 0 .4 NHC10 4 . At the same time, the lung fragments wereremoved for tissue assay and were immersed in 2 mlof 0 .4 N HC104, were homogenized in a ground glasshomogenizer, were sonicated at 150 watts for 30 sec(Braunsonic 1510), and were centrifuged (3,000 rpmfor 15 min at room temperature) . A 1 .5-m1 aliquot ofthis supernatant was transferred to a 50-m1 volumet-ric flask, and dilutions were made with 0 .4 N HC10 4and were assayed by the procedure of May and co-workers (11) . Fluorescence at 450 mg was measuredon an Aminco-Bowman dual monochromatic spectro-photofluorometer from activation at a wavelength of360 mg and was normalized to a quinine sulfatestandard . The concentration of histamine was deter-mined from a standard histamine curve . Lidocaine,at the concentrations used in this study, 2 .13 to 8 .54mM (0.5 to 2 .0 mg per ml), had no significant effecton fluorescence or the histamine assay for the wave-lengths cited .

The trachealis muscle was also assayed for hista-mine. The trachealis was cut into rings 2 mm inwidth, and 4 such rings were pooled for each experi-ment. The rings were sensitized as described previ-ously in a 1 .0-ml bath volume . After 3 rinses inKrebs-Henseleit solution, the muscles were segregatedas follows : (1) control, Krebs-Henseleit solutionalone, (2) anaphylactic challenge with egg albumin,(3) incubation with lidocaine for 20 min at concen-trations of 2.13 mM, 3.2 mM, 4.27 mM, and 8 .54 mM,

and (4

ion with lidocaine forsame concentrations before challenge with egg albu-min. Effluents (1 .0 ml) were removed after 5 min forhistamine analysis . The tracheal tissues were also re-moved, the muscles were excised, their wet weightswere recorded, they were homogenized in 2 .0 ml of

0104 , and were centrifuged as described forlung tissue . Thereafter, the assay was identical to thatfor lung tissue except that the trachealis homogenatewas not diluted before assay . Paired assays of lungand trachea from the same animal were not neces-sarily conducted . Per cent of histamine release intothe supernatant was calculated as follows : per centrelease = [total amount of histamine in supernatant(pg) - histamine leak (lidocaine alone)]/[totalamount of histamine in tissue (pg) -i- histamine leak(lidocaine alone) + total amount of histamine in su-pernatant] X 100. Per cent of histamine release foroctylamine experiments from the tissue was calcu-lated as follows : (initial control tissue histamine con-





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100pglml ANTIGEN




El Anophyl-is+0.5mgimlLid-i-

Anophyloal, +10 mgiml Lidocoloe

An,phylmis + 2.O mgj*I bdomfne

Lid-- elmed + Anti,-'cholleng¢ 'lug)

A.-phylaxis-Control-Antigen-hollenge ~1yg)


Fig. 1 . Effect of pretreatment with lidocaine onanaphylactic tension. Lidocaine was administered tosensitized muscles for 20 to 60 min followed bychallenge with 100 µg of antigenic egg albumin per ml.Values are expressed as mean tension ± SD . Completesuppression occurred with a final bath concentrationof 8.54 mM lidocaine (2.0 mg per ml) . In a separateexperiment, removal of lidocaine by washing 4 timesand rechallenge with 1 .0 izg of antigen per ml pro-duced tensions equal to those in the control tissuechallenged with antigen alone (1 .0 .sg per ml) (n = 10)(columns 5 and 6) (P < 0.3) . All values presentedwere calculated from baseline changes induced bylidocaine alone ; these baseline decreases were 0 .3kg per cm 2 for 4 .27 mM lidocaine (1.0 mg per ml),and 0.6 kg per cm 2 for 8 .54 mM lidocaine (2 .0 mg perml) .


centrati - histamine tissue c nt tion after re-lease)/initial histamine tissue concentration X 100 ;these concentrations were expressed as ,ug of hista-mine per g of wet tissue .

The Krebs-Henseleit buffer was prepared as fol-lows: NaCl, 118 .1 mM ; KCl, 4 .7 mM; NaHCO3 , 24 .8mM, CaCl,,, 2.52 mM ; MgSO4 • 7H20, 2.4 mM ;KH„PO4 , 1.10 mM; glucose, 10 mill, in distilled, de-ionized water . Lidocaine hydrochloric monohydrate(Astra Pharmaceutical Products, Inc ., Framingham,Mass.) was prepared daily in distilled, deionizedwater in concentrations appropriate to produce thedesired final bath concentrations, expressed as µg perml as the free base, or mill ; volume additions were0.25 ml or less . Octylamine hydrochloride (EastmanKodak, Rochester, N .Y.) was prepared in distilled,deionized water.

Statistical analysis . Tension responses werepressed in kg per cm2, and force was expressed in mg.Differences between paired observations within agroup or between the means of different groups wereanalyzed by "Student's" t test . All data were expressedas mean --"- SD, unless otherwise specified .

ResultsImr.unogcni specificity and effect of lidocainon anaphylactic tension. Nonsensitized lung tis-sue challenged with 100 µg of egg albumin perml and sensitized lung tissue with 500 jug ofragweed pollen antigen per ml released zero ,agof histamine per ml into the organ bath (n = 6,for each). Neither egg albumin antigen norantibody alone caused tension development innonsensitized muscles, The dose-dependentsuppression of tension developed during ana-phylaxis by the pretreatment with lidocaine isdepicted in figure 1 (columns I through 4) . Max-imal protection (98 to 100 per cent) occurredwith 8 .54 mill lidocaine (2 .0 mg per ml) presentin the incubation medium before and duringchallenge with egg albumin (100 µg per ml) .

When sensitized muscles were exposed to 1 .0,ag of egg albumin per ml, control tensions of0.7 ± 0.3 kg per cm2 were observed ; those mus-cles pretreated with 8 .54 mM lidocaine yieldedtensions of 0 .03 kg per cm2 . Then, the bathsolution from the control muscles and thosepretreated with 8.54 mM lidocaine was removed,and the muscles were washed 4 times for 30 minwith 20-m1 Krebs-Henseleit buffer, eluting bothantigen and lidocaine . Re-exposure of each pairof muscles to 1 .0 µg of egg albumin per ml (n =10) yielded subsequent equivalent mean anaphy-lactic tensions (figure 1, columns 5 and 6) (P< 0 .3) .

Application of lidocaine at the point of initial


maximal anaphylactic tension, followed by cu-mulative administration of doses at concentra-

tions specified in figure 2, produced relaxationat each concentration for 15 to 20 min ; completerelaxation occurred with 1 .0 mg of lidocaine perml . This was similar to the action the drug ex-

hibited against agonist-induced contractions innonsensitized trachea (1) . With 8.54 mM lido-caine (2 .0 mg per ml), tension decreased (within5 to 10 min) to less than the initial resting base-line. Control muscles (those not exposed to

lidocaine) did not begin to relax for at least 30to 45 min after the maximal anaphylactic peakwas reached, and even then did not return to

baseline unless the antigen was washed free fromthe preparation . Pretreatment of the trachealismuscle with 2.0 yg per ml of diphenhydramineblunted the initial rapid tension component

at I min attributable to histamine (P < 0 .01),yet the more prolonged contracture, presumablydue to slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis(SRS-A), persisted (figure 3). Lidocaine wasstill effective in reversing tension under thesecircumstances . Therefore, 4 .27 mill lidocaine cancompletely lyse anaphylactic tension due notonly to histamine but probably also to SRS-A orany other released chemical mediators .

Histamine release . To evaluate the role of li-docaine in mediator release, histamine activity

was measured in the muscle or lung bath effluentas well as in the respective tissues . As shown infigure 4 and table 1, during anaphylaxis, guinea

pig lung liberated approximately 9 .7 ± 1 .1 percent (mean -!- SE, n = 22) of the total tissue his-tamine into the supernatant at 37° C after a5-min exposure to 100 yg of egg albumin per ml .Lidocaine (8 .54 mill) inhibited this release byapproximately 82 per cent . Over the range of2.13 to 8 .54 mill lidocaine, some release of hista-mine by the drug itself was observed from con-

trol (sensitized) lung tissue, thereby decreasingthe total net amount released . Sensitized trache-alis muscle, in the absence of lidocaine, releasedapproximately 13 .1 -!- 2 .2 per cent (mean -L SE,n = 16) of the total tissue histamine into thesupernatant after challenge with 100 ug of egg

albumin per ml . Then, the effect of lidocaine onhistamine release by trachealis muscle followeda pattern qualitatively similar to that in lungtissue with approximately 73 per cent maximalinhibition of histamine activity with 8 .54 mMlidocaine (2 .0 mg per ml) . We found a similarly

small amount of histamine liberation by sensi-tized trachealis muscle into the bath effluent after




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Fig . 2 . Effect of lidocaine on reversal of anaphylactictension. Lidocaine was added at the concentrationscited first at the point of maximal anaphylactic tensionand then cumulatively at each concentration until aplateau for that dose was reached. Complete inhibi-tion occurred with 4 .27 mM lidocaine (1 .0 mg per ml),within 15 min, with tension decreasing below base-line at 8 .54 mM lidocaine (2 .0 mg per ml) . Mean ± SD .

exposure to lidocaine over the concentrationrange of 3.2 mM to 8 .54 mM, as occurred withlung tissue ; the maximal release was 1 .6 {- 0 .7per cent (mean ± SE, n = 4) with 8 .54 mM lido-caine (2 .0 mg per ml) . At 22° C, a substantialdecrease in histamine activity was noted during

anaphylaxis, with only 1 .0 -±- 0 .7 per cent (meanSE, n = 6) of histamine recovered in the super-

natant from the trachealis tissue. Similarly, therelease of histamine by lidocaine in sensitizedtrachealis muscle was influenced by temperature,decreasing from 1 .6 -±- 0 .7 per cent at 37° C to0 .59 ± 0 .1 per cent at 22° C at the lidocaine con-centration of 8 .54 mM (2.0 mg per ml) (mean± SE, n = 4) .

Lung and trachealis tissues were also assayedfor residual histamine content (table 1) . The his-tamine content of sensitized control lung tissuewas 25.6 {- 2.3 µg of histamine per g of wetweight. After challenge with egg albumin anti-gen this decreased to 21 .3 -!- 2 .0 yg of histamineper g of wet weight, significantly less than that

of the control tissue (P < 0 .02, group and paired"Student's" t test) . Exposure of the sensitizedlung to lidocaine alone significantly increasedits histamine content to 48 .3 -!- 2 .5 µg per g of wetweight, as compared to that of sensitized lungalone or to that after anaphylaxis in the absenceof lidocaine (P < 0 .001) ; this response was foundto be equivalent for all concentrations of lido-caine in the range of 3 .2 mM to 8.54 mM. Pre-

treatment of sensitized lung fragments with lido-

caine followed by exposure to antigen led toan equivalent value for the histamine content of

lung tissue, 44 .7 ± 1.7 ug per g of wet weight (P

< 0 .8), as compared to that of sensitized tissue

pretreated with lidocaine and not receiving an-tigen, and significantly different from that ofsensitized lung tissue alone (P < 0 .01) (table 1) .However, trachealis tissue showed no significantdecrease in histamine content after anaphylaxis,

with or without 8 .54 mill lidocaine. Tracheal

histamine contents in µg per g of wet weight(mean ± SE) were : (1) sensitized, 37.8 ± 6 .7, n= 10; (2) after anaphylaxis, 26 .5 ± 3.7, n =16 ;

0.1 > P > 0 .05 by group t test ; (3) lidocaine fol-

lowed by anaphylaxis, 34.0 -!- 4.2, n = 13 (notsignificant as compared to sensitized trachealis) .

In addition, lidocaine increased the histamine

content of normal, nonsensitized lung tissue ; his-

tamine contents were 13 .1 ± 1.2 eg per g of wet

weight in control tissues, compared to 22 .0 ± 2 .6µg per g of wet weight with 3 .2 mM lidocainepresent (P > 0 .01) (table 1) .

Passive sensitization . Incubation of lidocaine

(at concentrations of 2 .13 mill, 8.54 mM, and



o .AnophyI . .is

= Anaphylaxis tDiphenhydramine (2u9/ml)

)=Lidocaine added (dose in mg/ml-final both cone.)

17.1 mM) with rabbit antichicken egg albuminantiserum (1 :10 dilution) for 3 hours did not

prevent sensitization of the trachealis muscle invitro at room temperature . After 4 washings inKrebs-Henseleit solution at 37° C, under iso-metric conditions, application of egg albuminproduced an anaphylactic reaction equivalent intension to that of control tissue in all instances .

Two animals were studied for each dose of lido-caine (table 2A) .

Elution studies . The affinity of the antiserumfor the tissue preparation under the influence of

lidocaine was studied by repeated washing. A

previously sensitized muscle incubated with 8 .54

mill lidocaine for 20 min and then washed 4times with Krebs-Henseleit solution respondedto albumin challenge with isometric tension

equal to that of control tissue (P < 0 .9) . There-

fore, lidocaine can be added and eluted withoutaffecting the sensitized state (table 2B) .

Octylamine. To compare the effect of a knownorganic mast cell releaser of histamine, the lung

tissues were exposed to octylamine (0.1 to 1 .0

mg per ml) and assayed as described for releaseof antigen . The maximal liberation of histamine


Fig. 3 . Typical lidocaine reversal with and without 2 .0 pg of diphenhydramine per ml present (re-drawn from original recordings) . With 4 .27 mM lidocaine (1 .0 mg per ml) anaphylactic force (in mg)reached baseline and decreased to below baseline at 8.54 mM lidocaine (2 .0 mg per ml) . Pretreatmentwith diphenhydramine blunted the initial tension at 1 .0 min (P < 0 .01). The more persistent max-imal tension, which was not completely due to histamine, was reversed rapidly once 8.54 MM lido-caine (2 .0 mg per ml final bath concentration) was added .


14 -







was found to be 77 per cent, based on assay ofthe total histamine content of tissue (table 3) .Lidocaine at a concentration of 2 .13 mM bluntedthis effect and caused a maximal release of 47 .7± 3.6 per cent (P < 0 .01) at the octylamine con-centration of 1 .0 mg per ml .

DiscussionThe ability of local anesth o stabilize thesmooth muscle of the airways to a wide varietyof agonistic stimuli was extended in this presentstudy to their action during anaphylaxis inguinea pigs (1-3) . The initial observation wasthat of a protective, dose-dependent suppressionof anaphylactic isometric tension by lidocaine

essentially complete inhibition at concen-trations of 8 .54 mill (2.0 mg per ml) in vitro . The

0 .0 1 .5

∎=Trachealis* = Lung

e=Trachealisa= Lung


Mean ±1SEM

S sitized


LIDOCAINE CONCENTRATION (mg/ml)Fig. 4 . Histamine released into the supernatant for sensitized and anaphylactic lung and trachealistissues at various concentrations of lidocaine. Samples were analyzed after 5 .0 min of anaphylaxis.Control lung tissue released 9 .7 ± 1 .1 per cent (mean ± SE, n = 22) and control trachealis muscle 13 .1± 2.2 per cent (n 16). Significant inhibition was observed to be maximal with 8 .54 m tt lidocaine(2.0 mg per ml). Note that lidocaine alone released histamine from sensitized tissues, approximately1 .6 per cent from trachealis tissue and 1 .2 per cent from lung tissue at 8 .54 mM lidocaine (2.0 mg perml). At 22 6 C, only 1 .0 per cent of the histamine was released from the control trachealis muscle .The number of assays for each data point for both anaphylactic and sensitized trachealis was 3, 3, 3,and 4 at 0.5 mg per ml, 0.75 mg per ml, 1.0 mg per ml, and 2 .0 mg per ml of lidocaine, respectively ;the number of assays was 8, 8, 4, and 9 for the same doses in both sensitized and anaphylactic lungtissue.

subsequent ex e designed to clarifythis mechanism for both smooth muscle and mast

cell components of the trachealis tissue .The rapid reversal of anaphylactic tracheal

contraction by the addition of lidocaine at thepoint of maximal tension was consistent with amyorelaxant effect directly upon the smoothmuscle cell. The final effect on tension was dose-dependent, with complete inhibition at 4 .27 mMlidocaine (1 .0 mg per ml), and then relaxationat less than baseline with 8 .54 mM lidocaine (2 .0rng per ml) . This was maximal within 15 to 20min of drug application . The ability of lidocaineto prevent and/or reverse development of ten-sion during experimental anaphylaxis in guineapigs is similar to its action in nonsensitizedguinea pig trachealis muscle against a wide vari-

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ety of stimuli including histamine, acetylcholine,depolarizing potassium, and direct-current elec-trical stimulation (1) . However, the concentra-tion of lidocaine required in anaphylaxis wasmuch greater, perhaps because of the potency or

cumulative action of released mediators . Thismay have also been reflected in our observation

that after pretreatment with 2 .13 mM lidocaine

there was a minimal inhibition of anaphylactictension (figure 1), yet histamine release was signi-





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ficantly inhibited (figure 4) at this concentration .

Because lidocaine was capable of fully reversing

anaphylactic tension in muscles pretreated withdiphenhydramine, the stabilization of the tra-chealis muscle against other chemical mediatorsof anaphylaxis besides histamine (viz ., SRS-A,

kinins, etc.) could be inferred. Although unre-solved at present, this inhibitory mechanism mayoccur by an action on membrane calcium flux or

intracellular calcium binding, effective by pre-exposure to lidocaine or after anaphylactic ten-sion has developed (2, 5, 12, 13) .

The other major site of action for lidocainein guinea pig anaphylaxis is the mast cell, be-

cause inhibition of mediator release could alsoaccount for some of our observations . This ap-

peared important because histamine releaseafter interaction of antigen and antibody is cal-

cium-dependent, and local anesthetics are be-lieved to act in part by inhibition of transmem-brane flux or translocation of Ca++ by a bindingeffect at cell membrane surfaces (5, 14, 15) . Weobserved a concentration-related inhibition ofhistamine release into the bath effluent, maximal

at a lidocaine concentration of approximately8 .54 mill (2.0 mg per ml) (figure 4). Here,

approximately 73 per cent and 82 per centnet inhibition of histamine release was found

for trachealis and lung tissue, respectively .

This degree of inhibition included the smallamount of histamine released by lidocaine inboth sensitized lung and sensitized trachealis tis-

sue. Our studies did not clarify whether the latterprocess was secretory or cytotoxic. However, it

decreased somewhat the complete inhibition bylidocaine of histamine release during anaphy-laxis . The small quantity of histamine liberatedcould also cause some development of tension .

However, this effect was eliminated by the con-current, direct, smooth-muscle relaxant proper-ties of lidocaine (1) . The anaphylactic release ofhistamine was temperature-dependent, with asignificant decrease at 22° C (versus 37° C) . This

also occurred with lidocaine for sensitized tissuealone. The temperature effect was consistent withprevious reports (16) .

The histamine content of tissue on the basisof wet weight was also analyzed to corroborateobservations on effluent release (table 1) . The

histamine content that we observed in controllung tissue was similar to that reported else-where (17) . In lung tissue, there is significantvariability in the amount of releasable hista-

mine among strains of guinea pigs (17), and

histamine content may vary with animal age,

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Control anaphylaxis pluslidocaine, 2 .13 mMlidocaine, 8 .54 mMlidocaine, 17 .1 mM

Not significant .

as has been shown in the rat (18) . We attemptedto minimize this variation by using animals of

the same strain and comparable age . To decreaseindividual animal variability further in the ran-dom-bred Hartley strain, aliquots of lung tissuefrom several animals were pooled, and paired

experiments were conducted in all instances,with and without lidocaine . Essentially, afteranaphylaxis in lung tissue, a decrease in hista-mine content of tissue occurred that was signifi-cantly inhibited by lidocaine. Because of experi-mental design, this was not an artifact due toinflammatory edema (18) . Effluent histamineconcentrations (table 1, figure 4) measured sep-arately, but from the same lung assayed forhistamine content of tissue corroborated the in-

hibition by lidocaine on anaphylactic histaminerelease of approximately 80 per cent . Lidocaineitself also increased the histamine content ofthe sensitized lung. The mechanism for thislatter finding in sensitized tissue is not clear fromour data, but it could contribute in part to the

small quantity of histamine released by lidocaineitself in the effluent studies . The data for non-sensitized control lung tissue are not directlycomparable to those from studies in sensitizedanimals because of experimental design . Yet asimilar increase in lung histamine followed ex-

posure to lidocaine. In this regard, increases intissue histamine content have been reported afterspecific antigen exposure to sensitized leuko-cytes in vitro and in vivo (19) . Assem and co-workers demonstrated that aside from immuno-

Control anaphylaxisElution after exposure

to 8 .54 mM + octylamine

> Not significant.




Mean Tension(±SD) (kg per cm 2 )




0.914 ± 0.267 NS *0.877 ± 0 .231 NS0.731 ± 0 .100 NS0.843 ± 0.168


genic histamine release by antigen, there was aconcurrent significant increase in total histamine

and histamine-forming capacity (19) . Other lit-erature describes this effect after anaphylaxis,compound 48/80, and inflammatory stimuli(20-22) . This stimulation of histamine-forming

capacity can occur within 30 min in vitro (19) .Although tissue histamine content after anaphy-laxis was decreased, as compared to that of sensi-tized lung tissue, our observation of a stimulat-ing effect by lidocaine appears consistent withthe ability of guinea pig lung to increase hista-

mine content within the time period of ourexperiment . Whether this is related to activationby lidocaine of histidine decarboxylase, as sug-gested by Assent and associates (19), Kahlson

and co-workers (20) and Slorach and Uvnas (21),

or is due to other mechanisms is unclear at pres-ent. We can offer no explanation for the limitedchanges in histamine content of trachealis tissueduring anaphylaxis or with lidocaine . Maximal

experimental error of tissue weight and hista-mine assay is about 8 per cent . A deviation ofthis magnitude from observed experimentalvalues could be one explanation for the non-sig-nificant differences in tracheal histamine content

that we observed. However, small changes in

histamine concentration of tracheal tissuewould be sufficient to induce the observed in-creases in tension .

Besides the inhibition of histamine releasefrom mast cells, a similar action was observedtoward the potent organic releaser, octylamine .

Mean Tension(± SD) (kg per cm 2 )


0.873 ± 0.263

0.897 ± 0 .332

NS* < 0 .9

Octylamine, which may be more active in vitrothan compound 48/80, released histamine inconcentration ranges cited for guinea pig lung,0 .1 to 1 .0 mg per ml (16). The mechanism and ex-tent of histamine liberation from mast cells may

vary with the tissue, animal species, and releasingagent, although morphologic changes in mastcells of several animal sources have features incommon during release of histamine. In con-trast to antigen-antibody induced extrusion of

mast cell granules, Mota (23) has shown thathistamine release by octylamine in guinea pigmesentery is associated with a loss of the defini-

tion of the intracellular metachromatic granules,which is perhaps indicative of osmotic swellingof these granules. However, the precise step(s)in anaphylaxis in guinea pig lung compared tooctylamine release of histamine activity influ-enced by lidocaine were not clarified by thepresent studies .

Austen and Lichtenstein (9) have reviewed thefactors that control histamine release from sensi-tized lung fragments and sensitized human leu-kocytes. This process first involves an immunolo-gic activation stage requiring antigen, but notcalcium. Then a secretory stage of several com-

plex biochemical steps follows, leading to media-tor release, which is dependent on both influxof extracellular calcium and intracellular cal-cium pools (24) . Ionophorous antimicrobialdrugs, presumed to increase selectively cell-mem-brane permeability to calcium, have become use-ful in the study of histamine-release phenomena

(25). Foreman and associates (25) demonstrated

that ionophores X537A (Hoffman-LaRoche) andparticularly A23187 (Eli Lilly) caused a calcium-




( Initial control-tissue histamine concentration - histamine tissue concentration afterrelease)/(initial histamine tissue concentration) X 100 .


dependent histamine release from mast cells and

that antigen-antibody interaction led to flux ofcalcium-45 into the mast cells . The observation

is important because colchicine, which inhibitsnormal microtubular function, or agents influ-encing cellular cyclic adenosine monophosphatedo not affect mediator release induced by iono-

phores (26) . For example, Foreman and Gom-perts (27) reported that neither theophyllinenor dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphatecould inhibit A23187 histamine release, whereasboth were effective under antigen-induced con-ditions. In addition, mast cell secretory extrusion

of granules after exposure to A23187 in the pres-ence of calcium supports the concept of a calciumflux triggering histamine release by influencingexocytosis (28). Apparently, local anesthetics caninhibit this process . Johnson (29) described theprotection of lidocaine against histamine release

by ionophore A23187 and compound 48/80 andcalcium-45 flux in rat mast cells ; the maximaleffect occurred in the concentration range of 15

to 150 µg per ml. At slightly greater concentra-tions of lidocaine, stimulation of calcium-45 flux

and of histamine release was observed. Both ob-

servations bear similarity to our data for lido-caine in guinea pig lung and trachealis muscle ;that is, a significant inhibition of histamine re-

lease during antigen-induced excitation and asmall quantity of histamine released from sensi-tized tissues by the anesthetic itself. Further, thereport by Kazimierczak and co-workers (30) indi-

cates that tetracaine, lidocaine, procaine (in thatorder of potency) inhibited histamine release bycompound 48/80 from isolated rat mast cells in adose-dependent pattern . At a concentration of

Released Histaminefrom Tissue •(% mean ±SE) No .

Octylamine0.1 mg/ml -1 .5±22.0 60.25 mg/ml 35 .7 ± 7 .5 140.5 mg/ml 59 .9 ± 2 .2 201 .0 mg/ml 77 .2 ± 1 .7 12

Lidocaine, 2 .13 mM + octylamine0.1 mg/ml0.25 mg/ml 16.6±6.3 6 <0.010.5 mg/ml 31 .2+7 .5 8 < 0.011 .0 mg/ml 47.7 ± 3 .6 4 < 0.01


20 mill, there was almost total inhibition of his-tamine release by lidocaine. More than 1.0 mMtetracaine also caused histamine release, as de-scribed previously for lidocaine . Calcium ionswere shown to play a significant role in the 48/80release phenomenon by exhibiting antagonismtowards lidocaine ; an increase in the concentra-tion of calcium antagonized the inhibitory actionof lidocaine on release of histamine (30) .

Therefore, the diverse stimuli of octylamine,antigen-antibody interaction, compound 48/80,and calcium ionophores may have some commonpathway, possibly calcium flux and mobilization,by which inhibition of local anesthetic is opera-tive. This pathway appears distinct from thesuppression of antigen-induced histamine re-lease by sympathomimetic amines and methyl-xanthines by their stimulation of cyclic adeno-sine monophosphate (5, 31, 32) . In summary,anaphylaxis in guinea pigs was significantlysuppressed by lidocaine, by both inhibition ofhistamine release and concurrent pharmacologicantagonism of released mediators on the smoothmuscle cells . Lidocaine did not appear to influ-ence the initial sensitization process, nor did itcause elution of the antibody once it became cellbound. These observations in the guinea pigmodel may provide some explanations for theeffects of lidocaine in certain patients with bron-chial asthma (33) .

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