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The importance of Shastiamsa (D-60)

I learnt a very important concept yesterday night while reading Jyotish Digest (my friend has graciously lent the JD issue to me) from SJC. This article from Guru Sri Narasimha Rao on Shastiamsa was enlightening. The main take away points are -

* Sage Parashara emphasizes Shastiamsa as the most important chart, even more important than Rasi and Navamsa. He said that look into Shastiamsa for "all matters" since Shastiamsa specifies Sanchita Karma i.e. karma that we are destined to face in this life.

* Always look for yogas in Shastiamsa and time the results of these yogas using Moola dasa (Use JHLite 6.0 for Moola dasa calculations).

* To verify whether yogas in rasi will truly fructify for the jataka, always check the amsa rulers of these planets in Shastiamsa chart. If the amsa rulers are good then the planets involved in yoga in rasi will give the yoga results and if the amsa rulers are not good then the yoga in rasi will not manifest in native's life.

* Make sure that the D-60 lagna is correct because in D-60 lagna changes every 2 minutes. Rectify the birth time using Pranapada Lagna and Kunda techniques in Navamsa and Rasi charts respectively.# posted by Rageshwari @ 6:59 AM 0 comments