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Publication Article



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Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum. NIK. 274

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Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIK. 725








Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners

School of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

On May , 2016

Team of Examiners:

1. Prof. Dr Endang Fauziati, M. Hum. ( )

(First Examiner)

2. Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd. ( )

(Second Examiner)

3. Drs. Djoko Srijono M. Hum. ( )

(Third Examiner)



Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum.

NIP. 196504281993031001


Herewith, I testify that in this research paper, there is no plagiarism of the previous literary work

which has been raised to obtain bachelor degree in the university, there are not opinions or masterpieces

which have been written or published by others, except those which the writings are referred in the

manuscript and mentioned in literary review and bibliography. If it is proven that there are some untrue

statements in this testimony, hence, I will be fully responsible.

Surakarta, 30 May 2016

The Researcher







This study aims at describing the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in teaching English to the 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit in 2015-2016 academic year consisting of learning objectives, classroom procedures, classroom techniques, the roles of instructional material, teacher roles, student roles, media, and types of assessment. The researcher gets the data of this research from event, informant, and document analysis. This research applies descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study are English teacher and the students of the eighth grade at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali. The methods of collecting data are observation, interview, and document. The technique of analyzing data is descriptive interactive covering the steps of reduction the data, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The result of this study is divided into eight parts. First, for learning objective, there are two kinds of learning objectives namely general learning objective and specific learning objective. Second, the classroom procedures used are exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. Third, the classroom techniques are oral repetition, reading passage, identifying keyword, answering question, free writing, and summarizing. Fourth, the instructional materials used are printed and non-printed. The roles of instructional material are as a reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, as a source of activities for learner practice and communication, as resource of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities. Fifth, the teacher roles are as controller, manager, facilitator, and motivator. Sixth, the student roles are as subject learning, object of learning, performer, learner learns from the teacher, learner learns from other students, learner learns from other teaching sources, monitor and evaluator of his own progress. Seventh, the media used in teaching learning process are picture and board. Eighth, types of assessment used are test and non-test. Test consists of daily test, middle test and final test, while non-test consists of listen and repeat, interactive in the conversation performance, reading outcomes, and constructed response written.

Keywords: implementation, Inquiry-based Learning, teaching of English.


Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan implementasi Inquiry-based Learning untuk pengajaran bahasa Inggris murid kelas delapan di SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali tahun ajaran 2015/2016 yang terdiri dari tujuan pembelajaran, procedur pembelajaran, teknik pembelajaran, peran materi pembelajaran, peran guru, peran siswa, media, jenis penilaian. Data diperoleh dari peristiwa, informan, dan dokumen. Tipe penelitian ini memakai diskriptif qualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah guru bahasa Inggris kelas delapan dan siswa kelas delapan di SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Teknik analisis data yaitu pengurangan data, menampilkan data, dan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dibagi menjadi delapan. Satu, untuk tujuan pembelajaran, ada dua macam yaitu tujuan pembelajaran umum dan tujuan pembelajaran khusus. Kedua, prosedur pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu Ekplorasi, Elaborasi, Konfirmasi. Tiga, teknik pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu menirukan, membaca bagian, mengenal kunci kata, menjawab pertanyaan, menulis bebas, dan meringkas. Empat, materi yang digunakan adalah printed dan non-printed materi. Peran materi pembelajarn yaitu sumber grammar, kosa kata, pronunciation untuk siswa, sebagai sumber kegiatan siswa untuk praktik dan interaksi komunikasi dan sebagai sumber stimulasi dan ide dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa di kelas. Lima, peran guru adalah pengontrol, manajer, fasilitator, dan motivator. Enam, peran siswa yaitu sebagai subjek pembelajaran, sebagai objek pembelajaran, pelaku, belajar dari guru, murid belajar dari murid lain, murid belajar dari sumber guru, monitor dan penilai perkembangan dirinya. Tujuh, media yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar yaitu gambar dan papan tulis. Delapan, alat penilaian yang digunakan adalah test dan non-test. Test terdiri dari ulangan harian, ujian tengah semester, ujian akhir semester yang mana non-test terdiri dari mendengarkan dan menirukan, interaktip mempraktikan percakapan, mengerjakan soal reading, menulis dan merespon gagasan.

Keywords: implementasi, Inquiry-based Learning, pengajaran bahasa Inggris


1. INTRODUCTION In Indonesia, English is categorized as a foreign language. It is not our language and it has different word

and structure with our language. English becomes an important language in Indonesia. In Indonesia,

English as a world language and education reform undergoes several changes. English is the first language

obliged to be taught at junior and senior high school determined by central government policy. English is

an International language which is used for International communication. So, in order to know

information from the world we are demanded to master English language.

In junior high school, teaching English consists of four language skills, namely listening,

reading, speaking, and writing. English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of

the number of native of speakers. English is important as a world language, because people in the world

use English language for doing business.

Language teaching is described as creating situation that promotes second or foreign language use.

It is also interactive process between teacher and students or group of students in getting knowledge, skill

or attitude of learner. The objective of language teaching, especially a foreign language teaching is for

communication. Here the students learn English in order to be able to communicate in English. Language

is implicated in some ways or others in all educational activity. To improve student ability in English, the

teacher uses many methods in the learning process. The school uses Inquiry-based Learning method. In

Inquiry-based Learning, there are three aspects namely exploration, elaboration, and confirmation.

However, the implementation of exploration, elaboration, and confirmation for teaching English has

different way to deliver the materials which are taught at every school. SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali also

has the different way to implement exploration, elaboration, and confirmation (EEK) in teaching English.

The researcher needs to conduct such research to know deeper the implementation Inquiry-Based

Learning at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali, especially in eighth grade students.

According to Fauziati (2014:158)” inquiry is a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge by

questioning”. The process of inquiry begins with gathering information thorough applying the human

sense is seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling. In the process of inquiry, students construct much of their

knowledge and inquiry-based learning for educators, give emphasis on the development of inquiry skills

and nature inquiring attitudes or habits that enable individuals to continue the quest for knowledge

throughout life. It is stated in the process standard of inquiry-based learning under Education Ministry

Regulation 41, the year of 2007 that every teacher should make lesson plans to foster the teaching and

learning process to be interactive, inspiring, joyful, challenging, and motivating. The process activity of

inquiry-based learning is conducted systematically through exploration, elaboration, and confirmation.

The first is exploration. It is an an initial effort to build knowledge to understand a

phenomenon. It is employed to expand and deepen student’s knowledge by implementing active learning

strategies. This exploration is used as a preparation activity. The students are given time to learn

vocabulary will, expression and grammar. The teacher facilitates the gathering of knowledge and

experiences, and observations of the students.


The second is elaboration. The teacher guides using clear explanation. The teacher elaborates

strategy in order to make students get the skill. Students need to see and practice clearly and students

must have the new ideas or skill represent. So, they may easily compare this new idea with their

knowledge. It also could involve taking the students through a step-by-step process.

The last is confirmation. The phase is intended to help students finish restructuring old

knowledge structures, applying and transferring the new idea to new situations. The teacher gives student

feedback about some errors and give enforcement about the language used. The teacher should act as the

mediator between the student’s prior knowledge and the scientific view of the new idea.

In English teaching learning process, the teacher gained knowledge and lesson of

implementing inquiry-based learning from the government. It is also already implemented in this school

based on the government propose in education. The schools try to implement inquiry-based learning

because the teacher in teaching learning process. The researcher thinks that the reasons of using inquiry-

based learning are providing a means to actively involve students in the learning process. The teacher

gives students more opportunity in learning process, gains a deeper understanding of the concept, and

becomes better critical thinkers. The teacher also improves student’s ability in English language, increases

vocabulary, and makes the students enjoy studying English in class. The researcher needs to conduct such

a research in order to know deeper about the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in teaching of

English at eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali.

The problem raised by the writer is focuses on the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in

teaching of English at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali which includes some components of learning

objectives, classroom procedures, classroom techniques, the roles of instructional material, teacher roles,

student roles, media, and types of assessment. The objective of the study is to know the implementation

of Inquiry-based Learning in teaching of English at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali, especially at eighth

grade that included the components of teaching-learning process above.

Based on the phenomena above, the writer is interested investigating it Implementation of

Inquiry-Based Learning in Teaching of English the 8th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali in

2015/2016 Academic Year.

Sangadah (2014), focuses the study on the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in

teaching English at SMA N 1 Boyolali in 2013/2014 Academic Year. Her research aims to know the

implementation of inquiry-based learning and the principles of implementation of inquiry in teaching

English at second grade students of SMA N 1 Boyolali. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative

research. Her researcher gets the data from event, informant, and document. The techniques of collecting

data are observation, interview, and documentation.The results of her research show that teaching

techniques used in teaching English are discussion and problem-solving. There are three activities in

teaching learning process, such as exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. There are four principles of

implantation inquiry-based learning based on Joe Exline, such as: learning activities are focus on using

information skill, the students put at the center of an active learning process, the teacher becomes a

facilitator of the learning process, and assessment is ongoing.


Hantoro (2015) studied implementation of inquiry-based learning for teaching English and

there are eight components of teaching and learning. They are learning objective, classroom procedure,

classroom technique, instructional material, teacher role, learner role, media, and assessment. This is

descriptive qualitative research and it is belongs to naturalistic. In collecting data, the researcher watches,

observes the writes the scripts of interview and observation of the teacher and students. The result her

research there are two kinds of learning objectives of teaching English, namely general objective and

specific objective. General objective based on the syllabus which consists of the all materials which

expected to be mastered by all students. In specific learning objective of teaching English is written on

lesson plan which consists of the material in every meeting based on the grade of students. The classroom

procedure is explanation, elaboration, confirmation and engagement, exploration, explanation,

elaboration, and evaluation. Classroom technique is brainstorming, free writing, reading passage,

skimming, scanning, comprehension, summarizing, questioning, identifying key words, recognizing

sentence structure. The instructional material is a reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation, etc, a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom language activities. The teachers roles

as explainer, manager, inquiry controller, and motivator. Learner role is learning from English teacher,

from other teaching sources, from other students, the learner is monitor, and evaluator of his/her own

progress. Media is board and picture. Assessments are daily test, midterm, and final test.

Mudrikah (2012), focuses on the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in teaching

writing at The first Year of Sma N 1 Gemolong, Sragen. Her research describes that 1) the

implementation of inquiry-based learning consisting the objective teaching writing, material of teaching

and classroom activity; 2) problem faced by the teacher in teaching writing using inquiry-based learning at

the first year of SMA N 1 Gemolong Sragen. The study gets the data from event, informant, and

document. The techniques collecting data are observation and interview about teaching writing using

inquiry-based learning. Her research findings is the best and appropriate learning that can be used to

develop students’ motivation in writing and objective of teaching writing is to enable students to express

their ideas in the form of written language. The teaching materials can be many sources, the teacher not

only takes the material from English textbooks but he also uses teacher-made materials. The classroom

activities are appropriate with the procedure of Inquiry-based Learning consisting three stages

exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. The teacher has several problems in teaching writing namely

difficulty in improving student’s vocabulary, limitation of time and lacking of teaching media.

The study aims at finding out the Implementation of Inquiry-based learning in teaching English

to the 8th grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali in 2015-2016 Academic Year, especially it is to

describe learning objectives, classroom procedures, classroom techniques, the roles of instructional

material, teacher roles, student roles, media and types of assessment.

2. RESEARCH METHOD The reasons conducted descriptive qualitative research concerning with the the implementation of

Inquiry-based Learning in teaching English to the 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit in 2015-2016

academic year. According to Sugiyono (2009: 8), “Method of qualitative research usually names of


naturalistic because the research doing on natural setting, named as qualitative method because collecting

data and analyzing data have qualitative characteristic”. The subject of this research is English teacher and

the students of the eight at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit. The subject of the study is English teacher in eight grade

student at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali named Mrs. Siti Asiyah, S.Pd. The eight grade students at SMP

Negeri 2 Sawit are taken from class E, F, and G, which consist of 24 students of class E consisting of 16

male and 8 female students, 24 students of class F consisting of 16 male and 8 female students, and 23

students of class G consisting of 16 male and 7 female students. The writer collects the data using

observation, interview, and document. The analyzing data uses three stages, namely; data reduction,

display data, and conclusion drawing or verification. In the first stage, the data from field note and

interviews scripts are reduced and selected. The second stage, the findings are displayed in this order; (1)

learning objectives, (2) classroom procedures, (3) classroom techniques, (4) the roles of instructional

material, (5) teacher roles, (6) student roles, (7) media, and (8) types of assessment. In the last stage, the

researcher gives meaning and interpretation to the data. In this context, the researcher gives meaning

based on review related to the theory.

3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION The writer presents research finding and discussion of the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in

teaching English to the 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit in 2015-2016 academic year. The

research finding shows learning objectives, classroom procedures, classroom techniques, the roles of

instructional material, teacher roles, students roles, media, and types of assessment for teaching English

done by Mrs. Siti Asiyah as English teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali. Moreover, discussion

presents the discussion of relevant theories and previous studies. It is presented based on the research


3.1 Learning Objectives There are two kinds of learning objectives, namely general learning objectives and specific learning


3.1.1 General Learning Objectives The general learning objectives are a. develop the communication competence in spoken or written for

achieve functional literacy grade; b. have an awareness of the nature and the importance of English for

improving nation’s competitiveness in a global society; c. develop the learners understanding of

relationships between language and cultures. The general objectives also divided based on the language

skill that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing based on the Graduate Competence Standard (SKL)

for English lesson for secondary education that focused on recount, procedure, descriptive, and report


3.1.2 Specific Learning Objectives The specific learning objectives in English teaching-learning at eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 2

Sawit, Boyolali are divided into two the objectives; the first semester and the second semester. The

specific learning objectives are found in syllabus and lesson plan in each material. Basic Competence (KD)

consisted of the English material which has to be mastered by the students in every chapter that contains


of English skills. Syllabus and lesson plan became the guideline for the teachers to determine the learning


The previous finding in Mudrikah work (2012) shows that the learning objectives are divided into

teaching writing, the materials, and the procedure. Then the objective of teaching writing, the students

become more creative, active in writing skill and students can master in writing aspect structure, spelling,

punctuation, and vocabulary. The learning objectives are different with the previous study which focused

on teaching writing. The researcher found that the learning objectives were divided into two, general

learning objectives and specific learning objectives.The specific learning objectives written in syllabus and

lesson plan in the each lesson plan in each the material.

3.2 Classroom Procedures Based on the researcher observation in the class on January-March 2016 and interview with Mrs. Siti

Asiyah, the researcher finds that the English teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Sawit have implemented Inquiry-

based Learning in the classroom. In the English teaching learning processes in the class the teacher used

Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation. The English teacher always made the classroom procedures

on the lesson plan, so it can make reserving delivering the material when they were teaching in the class.

Based on the observation the researcher found two patterns usede by English teacher in teaching learning

for eight grade in Smp Negeri 2 Sawit. The patters is Elaboration, Exploration, and Confirmation. Based

on the observation, the English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit used EEK. Its completely based on

Fauziati’s theory about exploration, elaboration and confirmation.

The researcher found the similarity of the classroom procedure with the previous finding in Putri

Anif Sangadah( 2014). She found that teaching techniques used in teaching English are discussion and

problem – solving. The activities in teaching learning process are exploration, elaboration and

confirmation. The researcher found that there are three steps of teaching-learning process, consisted of

exploration, elaboration, and confirmation.

3. Classroom Techniques There are some techniques that the teacher used in each skill when taught the students. The techniques

that researcher found during observation such as, oral repetition, answering-question, identifying key

word, reading passage, free writing, and summarizing. For example in the listening skill, the students

presented their work in group and the other students listen them when they practiced the dialog. After

that, the teacher gave question for the students who listened the dialog. The teacher gave question that

related with the dialog by choosing one student to answer the teacher question.

Edward Anthony (1963: 94) identifies three levels of conceptualization and organization, there

are as approach, method, and technique. According to Anthony in Fauziati (2014: 13) “technique is

implementation which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, strategy, or contrivance

used to accomplish an immediate objective”. There are four skills which must be mastered by students

namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Classroom techniques in listening are oral repetition,

identifying key words, paraphrasing, summarizing, answering question, simultaneous listening, and reading

aloud. Classroom techniques in Speaking are role playing, games, problem-solving, songs, and discussion.

Classroom techniques in reading are recognizing word meanings, recognizing phrase, recognizing


sentence structure, comprehension, advance organizers, previewing, skimming and scanning, and

prediction. Classroom techniques in writing are product approach, process approach, and Genre-Based


To compare with other research, it can be obtained the differences finding of Trianasari

(2012) the classroom technique used by the teacher were game, group discussion, experiment in the field,

giving exercises and others. The researcher finds some differences in classroom techniques such as oral

repetition, reading passage, identifying key words, answering questions, free writing and summarizing.

3.4. Roles of Instructional Material The roles of instructional materials of teaching English in SMP Negeri 2 Sawit are a reference source for

learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc, a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom

language activities. The materials used by the English teachers of the eighth grade when we’re teaching

English in the class are taken from some sources based on syllabus. The teachers took printed materials

from English teacher worksheet and workbook.

According Cunningworth in Richard (2001: 208) summarizes the role of materials in language

teaching as: 1) a resources for presentation materials; 2) a source of activities for learner practice and

communicative interaction; 3) a reference source for learners on grammar; 4) a source of stimulation and

ideas for classroom activities; 5) a syllabus; 6) a support for less experienced teachers who have yet to gain

in confidence.

The teacher used the material of English teaching based on the syllabus, they used printed

material which taken from some book such as worksheet. Based on the observation, the researcher found

one kind of instructional material used in teaching-learning process. Here in the role of instructional

material and the kind of instructional material. These may take from instructional materials form such as

(a) printed material such as book, worksheet, (b) unprinted material such as cassette or audio material,

videos, computer based material, and (c) material that comprise both print and non-print source as sell

access material and material in the internet

The researcher found the similarity about classroom procedure by the previous finding in

Hantoro (2015) in which the roles of instructional material were as a reference source for learners on

grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and as a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom language

activities. The researcher found that the roles of instructional material are as a reference source for

learners on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation and etc, as a source of activities for learner practice

and communicative interaction and as a resource of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities. The

kind of instructional material is printed material such as worksheet and workbook.

3.5 Teacher Roles Based on the research finding, there are four teacher’s roles that researcher found in teaching-learning

process at eighth grade in SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali as follows; a Teacher as controller. The teacher

should manage class condition and situation in learning process, so that the students could accept the

material which was explained by the teacher. b. Teacher as manager. The teacher in learning process used

lesson plan and the material or media in teaching learning process of English subject. c. Teacher as

facilitator. The teacher as facilitator is when the students do not understand material and the teacher


explains it clearly until they understand the material. e. Teacher as motivator. The teacher tries to encourage

student’s spirit for studying.

According to Richards and Lockhart (2007: 105-106), teachers see their roles in different ways.

Teachers may select such roles for themselves as: 1) Planner, the teacher sees planning and structuring of

learning activities as fundamental to success in teaching and learning; 2) Manager, the teacher’s role is to

organize and manage the classroom environment and student behavior in a way that will maximize

learning; 3) Quality controller, a central task for the teacher is to maintain the quality of language use in the

classroom; 4) Group organizer, the teacher’s role is to develop an environment in which students work

cooperatively on group tasks; 5) Facilitator, the teacher’s role is to help students discover their own ways of

learning and to work independently; 6) Motivator, the teacher seeks to improve students’ confidence and

interest in learning and to build a classroom climate that will motivate students; 7) Empowerer, the teacher

tries to take as little control or direction over the lesson as possible and lets the students make decisions

about what they want to learn and how they want to learn it; 8) Team member, the teacher and all the

students in the class constitute a team and should interact like members of a team.

Based on this finding there is similarity with the previous finding in Hantoro (2015). His

research found that the English teacher roles were as explainer, manager, inquiry controller, and

motivator. While the researcher found the teacher roles are controller, manager, facilitator, and motivator

in the learning process.

3.6 Students Roles The researcher found seven roles of the students at eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali

as follows; a. Students as subject learning. The students not only sit and hear what the teacher said, but the

students are active and participated in teaching learning process. The students can express their ideas in

teaching learning process. b. Students as object of learning. The students must notice instruction from the

teacher and the students listen and hear what the teacher says about the material.c. The students as performer.

The students try to practice in front of the class, and the students hear instruction from the teacher. d. The

learner learns from the teacher. The student asked the teacher to explain material about verb and to be using a

text.. e. the learner learns from other students, the students can give information, ideas, opinion and they can

express about material what they learn f. The learner learns from the other teaching source. The students also can

learn from other teaching sources and the students can also learn from school environment, textbook, or

all media used in learning. g. Students as monitor and evaluator of his or her own progress. They could monitor the

teacher performance in the classroom to deliver the material and hey also can evaluate the other students

when they the finish some assessment to give correction.

Johnson and Paulston in Richards and Rodgers (1999: 23) spell out learner roles in an

individualized approach to language learning in the following terms: 1) Planner. Learners plain their own

learning program and thus ultimately assume responsibility for what they do in the classroom; 2) Monitor.

Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress; 3) Members. Learners are member of a group and learn

by interacting with others; 4) Tutor. Learners tutor other learners. 5) Learner. Learners learn from the

teacher, from other students, and from other teaching sources.


It has different findings from Putri Anif Sangadah (2014). Based on her finding, there are some

similarities and differences. Her research found principle of implementation inquiry – based learning

which consists of learning activities focusing on using information skill, the students put at the center of

an active learning process, the teacher becomes a facilitator of the learning process, and ongoing

assessments. The researcher found the students roles which are as subject learning, object learning,

students performer, learner learns from the teacher, learner learns from other student, learner learns from

other teaching sources, monitor and evaluator of their own progress.

3.7 Media In teaching and learning process, there are some media which can be used by the teacher. The teacher

used picture and board. Based on the interview and the observation, the writer found that the teacher

used some media in teaching English in the class. Media can be used by the teacher as the tools for

imagining or explaining the material. It aimed to build direct interaction between the student and the

environment and to complete classroom limitation. They were black board and picture.

Harmer (2007:136) mentioned types of instructional materials namely; (a) picture and images,

the pictures is drills, communication or games, understanding, ornamentation, prediction, discussion (b)

the overhead projector is extremely useful pieces of equipment since they allow us to prepare visual or

demonstration material (c) the board, is used for variety of different purposes, including is note pad,

explanation aid, picture frame, public workbook, game board, notice board (d) bits and pieces; three

particular items are worth considering in this category is realia, language cards, Cuisenaire rods (e) in the

language laboratory, there is double track, teacher access, different modes (f) computer, the main use for

computers in language teaching include is reference, web sites, email exchanger, teaching and testing

program, the word processor. This school the teacher used media picture and board.

The other finding was found by Hantoro (2015) that the teacher used some media in teaching

and learning process, they were board and pictures. There is similarity with this research finding. The

researcher found board and picture as the media.

3.8 Types of Assessment The teacher explained that the teacher in SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali used test and non-test to assess the

students after following teaching-learning process in two semesters in a year. The test is implemented in

daily test, middle test, and final test, especially in reading and writing skills for English. In the

implementation of non-test, the teacher gave task to perform, making text, answering-question, and so

on. The researcher found that the teacher used listen and repeat, interactive in the conversation

performance, reading outcomes, constructed-response written. The non-test is implemented based on the

language skills to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of the students.

The previous findings in Hantoro (2015) use daily test, midterm test and final test. The researcher

found types of assessment that are test and non-test. The test consisted of daily test, middle test, and final

test. Whereas, the non-test consisted of listen and repeat, interactive in the conversation performance,

reading outcomes and constructed response written.


4. CONCLUSION The conclusions are drawn related to the research problem of the study about the implementation of

Inqury-based Learning for the teaching of English at eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sawit

Boyolali. The researcher can conclude that the teacher was good enough for implementing teaching

method and appropriate with curriculum 2006 (KTSP). The writer got a class where the students are

hyperactive in English teaching-learning process, so that not all of the students gave attention in teaching-

learning process. They are hard to be controled and managed by the teacher. The teacher must be

assertive to the students.


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