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Pelaksanaan desain pembelajaran bahasa Inggris (EID) sesuai kurikulum 2013 untuk kelas

akselerasi di SMP N 1 Boyolali. Tesis. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Tujuan dari

penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan desain instruksional di kelas akselerasi yang

meliputi silabus, tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, prosedur kelas dan kegiatan

kelas, guru dan siswa peran, media dan evaluasi. Instrumen untuk mendapatkan data adalah:

observasi kelas dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif.

Studi ini menemukan bahwa (1) Ada dua tujuan pengajaran bahasa Inggris terutama dalam

mengajar bahasa Inggris yaitu belajar: Tujuan umum dan tujuan tertentu. (2) Jenis silabus

yang digunakan adalah gagasan silabus fungsional. (3) Bahan ajar yang dicetak dan materi

yang belum dicetak (4) Pelaksanaan prosedur kelas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

diadaptasi dari teori 5M. (5) Peran guru adalah sebagai fasilitator, mengatur kelompok dan

menjelaskan. Peran pelajar adalah sebagai pemain, dan pendengar. peran siswa adalah peserta

merencanakan program pembelajaran sendiri dan akhirnya bertanggung jawab untuk apa

yang mereka lakukan di kelas, kelompok dan belajar dengan berinteraksi dengan orang lain,

peserta didik guru peserta didik lainnya, (6) Media yang digunakan dalam proses belajar

mengajar laptop dan LCD (7) Model Evaluasi yang digunakan adalah formatif dan sumatif.

(8) Kendala yang dihadapi oleh guru dari siswa yang kompetensi siswa tidak sama mereka

memiliki tingkat yang berbeda dalam prestasi mereka, dan sistem scoring. (9) Solusi yang

diambil oleh guru untuk memecahkan masalah adalah dengan memberikan motivasi untuk

kelompok yang lebih rendah dan untuk waktu yang terbatas.

Kata kunci: Desain intrusksional, kuriulum 2013, program akselerasi


The Implementation of English instructional design (EID) based on curriculum 2013 at

acceleration program SMP N 1 Boyolali: Naturalistic study.Thesis. Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to describe the instructional design in

acceleration class which includes syllabus, learning objectives, instructional material,

classroom procedure and class activities, teacher’s and student’s roles, media and evaluation.

The instrument to get the data were: classroom observation and interview. This study used

descriptive and qualitative research.

This study found that (1) There are two learning objective of teaching English especially in

English teaching namely: general objective and specific objective. (2) The type of syllabus

used is notion functional syllabus.(3) Instructional materials are printed and unprinted

material (4) The implementation of the classroom procedure applied in the study was adapted

from the PPP theory (Presentation, practice and procedure). (5) Theteacher’s role isas a

facilitator, a group organizer and an explainer. The learner’s role is as a performer, and a

listener. The student’s roles is learners plan his/ her own learning program and this ultimately

assumes responsibility for what they do in the classroom, group and learn by interacting with

others, learner tutor other learners, (6) The media used in teaching learning process laptop

and LCD (7) Evaluation model used are formative and summative. (8) The obstacle faced by

the teacher of the student are the students’ competency are not the same they have different

level in their achievement, and the system of scoring. (9) The solution taken by the teacher to

solve the problems is by giving the motivation for the lower group and for the limited timing

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Key words: Instructional design, Curriculum 2013, Acceleration program


Along with the importance of English as global language, the learning and teaching

English plays an important role to achieve success to develop the student’s ability in English.

That is why English becomes part of curriculum in every school. Brown (2000: 7) stated that

“Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the

condition for learning”. Furthermore to make the artificial environment becomes real the

teacher has to create a new environment in order that the learner will acquire the target

language better. Teaching is aimed to bring the learner in order to be good individual,

including many activities that are done by the teacher to manage and organize learning in

classroom activities. Language and human being are two unseparated components. Language

is urgently needed by every human being in the world to communicate with each other.

Finnochiaro (1970) in Srijono (2001:7) states, “language is used to expression’s emotions,

needs, thoughts, ideas, attitudes, etc”. The most important to understanding scientific and

technical knowledge is through English language. Most of requirement to entering jobs is use

English language too. Education is very important in our life. Also, mastering English

language is important in our modern society and global area.

Because of the very important of English, there has been learned in many country in the

world included in Indonesia. So to learn about English it is not something easy to transfer the

language for Indonesian people because English is not the first language for Indonesian

people. In Indonesia English has been taught in almost all of school. English is taught in all

grades in this country from Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School and in

the University. English is the only foreign language that is examined in the Final National

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Examination for all study programs in senior high school, vocational schools and junior

high schools. Permendiknas 46(2010).

In the process of teaching learning process it needs some components to support the

process of teaching learning process. Here the researcher is interested to make a research

related to the teaching of English in junior high school. The researcher limits on the

instructional design at Acceleration class of SMP N 1 Boyolali. Richard and Rodger (2001:

20) state that instructional design is a framework through which teacher takes the planned

learning and teaching action to a lesson. The existence of instructional design is obviously

needed in English teaching. Instructional design has some components, such as the learning

objective, syllabus model, instructional material, classroom procedure, technique, learner’s

role, teacher’s role, evaluation and media. All of the aspects has the main goal to provide

students with good command of English so that they are able to take part in various academic

activities, most of which are conveyed in English. Before conducting the research the

researcher has learned the previous study related to the instructional design.

Here some references related to the instructional design such as Maulidiyah’s research

(2010) entitled “The teaching of English in the RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf

Internasional) class: A case study at SMA Negeri 1 Malang”. The object of the study was to

get clear description of teaching English in RSBI class. The setting of the study was SMA

Negeri 1 Malang and the subjects were the eleventh grade classes of XI IA 5, XU IA 6, and

XI IS 2. The instruments used to obtain the data were observation sheet, field notes, interview

guide, and questionnaire. For the purpose of the research, the data collection from the

classroom observation, questionnaire and interview were analyzed through qualitative

method. The result showed that the teaching of English in the RSBI class at SMA Negeri 1

Malang in terms of the syllabus, the teaching techniques, the instructional materials, and the

assessment administered were not applied as it has to be since there were still many

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considerations to take. The teacher still used the same syllabus, teaching techniques,

instructional materials and assessment system in teaching English in the RSBI and regular

classes. The adaptation of Cambridge curriculum through the school based curriculum had

only been applied theoretically. In fact, the teacher considered the materials from Cambridge

were too difficult for the students.

The second research is made by Hasanah’s research (2014) entitled “English Instructional

design for acceleration class senior high school of the Assalaam Islamic Boarding School”.

The objective of the study was to get a clear description of the English Instructional design.

The objects of the research were 23 female students of twelfth grade Senior High School

Assalaam Islamic Boarding School. The instruments to collect data were: class observation

and interview with two English teachers, document, and field note. The researcher collected

the data by observation, interview and document. For the purpose of the research, the data

collection from the classroom observation and interview were analyzed through qualitative

method. The results of the study were, first The English Instructional Design used notional-

functional syllabus. The second result was that classroom activities which used by advance

organizer were: answering questions, role play, conversation, discussion and reading aloud.

The third result was that pedagogical implication that English is important; the main goal is

to make the communication will be intensive and highly engaged to English.

The third research is made by Kurnia’s research (2014) entitled “An instructional design for

the teaching English at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta: A naturalistic study in 2013/ 2014

Academic Year”. The objective of the study was to get clear description of instructional

design. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research to describe the instructional

design. The researcher described and discussed the finding in the systematic classification.

The data which the researcher got are arranged then described into draw conclusion. The

objects of the study were the 2 English teachers and 65 students at SMP Muhammadiyah 5

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Surakarta. The instruments to collect data used observation, documentation and interview.

The results of the study as follow: (1) There are two learning objective of teaching English

especially in English teaching namely: general objective and specific objective. (2) The type

of syllabus is notion functional syllabus.(3) Instructional materials are printed and unprinted

material (4) The implementation of the classroom procedure applied in the study was adapted

from the PPP theory (Presentation, practice and procedure). (5) Theteacher’s roles are as

facilitator, group organizer and explainer. The learner’s role found the acceleration class is as

performer, and listener. The student’s roles are learners plan their own learning program and

this ultimately assumes responsibility for what they do in the classroom, group and learn by

interacting with others, learner tutor other learners, (6) The media used in teaching learning

process laptop and LCD (7) Evaluation model used are formative and summative. (8) The

obstacle faced by the teacher of the student, there are any smart students but there are any the

students which have the medium capability. (9) The solution taken by the teacher is by giving

the motivation for the lower group and for the limited timing

The fourth research is made by Kuswahyuningsih’s research (2013) entitled “The

Instructional design of English teaching at SMK BINA PATRIA I Sukoharjo, A micro

ethnography study”. The objective of the study was to get a clear description of the

instructional design. The objects of the study were 9 classes of SMK BINA PATRIA I

Sukoharjo. The instruments to collect data used class observation and interview. The results

of the study were first, the school used KTSP syllabus which is notional functional syllabus.

General objective: specific, it refers to school level based curriculum/ KTSP. The second

result was that, instructing material used from printed an unprinted. The third result was that,

teacher’s role was as a facilitator, organizer, and explainer. Student’s role as a processor,

performer, listener. The fourth result was that, classroom procedure using theory of Genre

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based approach in teaching English. Fifth, classroom activity used advance organizer,

presentation, role play, reading aloud and media.

Velasquez and Holquin (2012) entitled “Describing two teacher’s instructional design for

language teaching and corelation to colombian standard for learning English”. Their

objectives of the study were to define the instructional design or method design and to

establish how the procedures in the instructional design used by teacher related to learning

english in Columbia and to determine the instructional design carried out by two English

teachers in their session and to find out the instructional design to establish Colombia standar

for learning English. This reserach method was a qualitative descriptive study. The data

sources were event, informant and document. The collecting data techniques were interview,

observation and analysis of the document.

The result of their study revealed that there are no relatio between what teacher mentioned

and what they did and what they were expected to do based on the langugae curriculum. It

also described that there was no relation between instructional design for the grade assigned

and the standard for English in colombia according to grade level.

The sixth research is Arikan (2011) conducted research entitled “the effectiveness of

using game in teaching grammar to young learners”. The objective of this research was to

know Turkish’s EFL teacher belief about pedagcgical value of using games, teacher’s attitude

towards using games in teaching grammar and teacher’s opinion about the effectiveness of

using games to teach grammar. The research type was descriptive research. In this study, the

writer collected data by using questionare to 15 EFL primary teachers. The result of the

reserach that some factors must be considered like which game will be used, the role of the

teacher, material, equipment, classroom size and the effectiveness in teaching grammar.

The seventh research is Xuewen (2012) studied the total physical response for childhood

education in China. She focused on the use of TPR in teaching children in China. The

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objectivesof this research is to illustrate the effect of Total Physical Response for young

children in China and create interesting teaching methodology that is Grammar Translation

Method (GTM) that plays key role along time in teaching methodology in China.

The method used in this research is combining TPR and alphabet, game, vocabulary and

music. The result show that TPR suitable for the children

Depart to the previous differences; the position of current study is to extend some

previous studies that have been conducted. The researcher wants to analyze about the

instructional design for teaching English at Acceleration class at SMP N 1 Boyolali.

Analyzing instructional design is different with what have been analyzed in the previous

studies above. The research will analyze all components in the teaching learning process. In

the instructional design includes all components in teaching of English. They are Objective of

the study, syllabus model, teacher roles, learner roles, classroom procedure, classroom

technique, role of instructional materials, media and evaluation. Nunan (1998: 7 )states that

syllabuses began to appear in which content was specified, not only in terms of grammatical

elements, but also in terms of the functional skills they would need to master in order to

communicate successfully. According to Cunning worth (1995:7) stated that the role of

instructional material namely: (1) A resource for presentation materials (spoken and written),

(2) A source of actively for learner practice and communicative interaction, (30 A reference

source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and so on, (4) A source of

stimulation and ideas for classroom activities, (5) A syllabus (where they are reflected)

learning objectives that have already been determined and (6) A support for less experienced

teachers who have to gain in confidence. Based on the theory there are some models of

classroom procedures. There are the Richard and Rodger’smodel (presentation, practise and

production), Bybee’s model (engagement,exploration,elaboration, and evaluation). Hamond’s

model (Genre Based Approach), Harmer’smodel (engage,study and active). Richard and

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Lockhart (1994:105) stated the rolesof the teacher in teaching learning are as a facilitator, as a

classroom manager, as an assessor, as a motivator and as a planner. Johnson and Paulson

(1976) in Richard (1986) stated that learner’s role to plan their own learning program and this

ultimately assume responsibility for what they do in the classroom, learners monitor and

evaluate their own progress ,learner learn from the teacher and learners are members of a

group and learn by interacting with others. According to the theory the varieties of teaching

media (Harmer, 2001: 134) as following: picture and images, overhead projector, board,

language laboratory, Bits and Pieces, computer and video. The evaluation model are daily

examination, mid test and final test. In the daily, mid and final examination the form of test

can be objective and essay test. Here is suitable with the theory from Hornby (1990:17)

Hornby (1990: 394) says that evaluation is to access or form an idea of the amount, quality of

value of something. The main purpose of evaluation is to determine and to measure the goals

and objectives of a language program and whether the program is effective or not. The types

of test can be as essay test and multiple choice tests. Here the researcher aims to analyze all

components of instructional design at SMP N 1 Boyolali. The researcher wants to analyze

whether the instructional design at SMP N 1 Boyolali suitable with the theory. It involves

learning objectives, syllabus, role of instructional material, teacher roles, learner’s roles,

classroom procedures, classroom techniques, and evaluation models. In this research the

researcher uses qualitative method of analysis that is included descriptive interpretative. The

benefits of study, theoretically is to be used as an input in improving teacher’s ability to teach

English especially in the teaching of English. The practically benefit, The result of this

research can be used as the reference for the next researchers who are interested in the

strategies of teaching English.


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In this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative. The subject of the research is the English

teacher at SMP N 1 Boyolali in 2014/2015 academic year. The object of the research focuses

on an instructional design for the teaching of English at SMP N 1 Boyolali in 2014/2015

academic year, the component of an Instructional Design which includes syllabus, learning

objective, instructional material, classroom techniques, classroom procedures, role of the

student, role of the teacher, teaching media and evaluation model. The method of collecting

data are classroom observation, interview and document.


Learning Objective, based on the interview, observation and document, the objectives of

teaching English can be seen from Curriculum 2013 completely. The objectives are divided

into general objective and specific objective.Based on the interview and observation, the

teacher said that the general objective for teaching English at SMP N 1 Boyolali is follow

from the Curriculum 2013. Curriculum 2013 states that the general objective of teaching

learning English is to develop the language skills. Compared with the previous research, there

were some differences. Based on the previous research, Kurnia (2104) the learning objectives

of teaching English for SMP Muhammadiyah Surakarta there are two kinds of learning

objectives based on KTSP 2006 which is formulated into general education objective and

specific education objective namely indicator. young learners especially for kindergarten,

there is no curriculum from government, there are no general or specific objective as a result

it is called indicator of the course. Different from Kuswahyuningsih’s research (2103) the

general objectives created for SMK namely: 1) enable knowledge, basic competence of

English to encourage the achievement of English skill program competence and 2) apply the

skills and mastery of English language skills to communicate both spoken and written. In this

research, the result of observation and documentation of general objective created for

teaching English at SMP which is to develop language skills and communicate orally and

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written to deal with the development of science and technology in facing the globalization

era. Different with Maulidiyah research (2010) the curriculum adapted from Cambridge, but

the adaptation of Cambridge curriculum through the school based curriculum had only been

applied theoretically. In fact, the teacher considered the materials from Cambridge were too

difficult for the students. Specific objective, the general objectives of teaching learning

English derived by the teacher at SMP N 1 Boyolali is into syllabus become the specific

objective. The syllabus has functioned as the guideline and basis for developing teaching and

learning procedure. The specific learning objectives for seven grade are: (1) Understanding

the meaning of transactional dialogue and simple spoken text in the form of descriptive text,

(2) explaining the meaning of transactional dialogue to interact with the environments, (3)

understanding the meaning of functional written text and short essay in the form of

descriptive text, and (4) explaining the simple meaning in the short functional written text

and short essay in the form of descriptive text. When the researcher’s finding compared to the

previous research, there is no difference of it. The specific objectives are also derived from

general objectives.

Syllabus, in organizing the syllabus, the teacher used the rule of national syllabus

pattern. Based on the document analysis, the syllabus involves school identity, subject,

standard competency, code competency, and the component of syllabus involves basic

competency indicator such as learning outcome, instructional material, learning activity,

assessment, time allocation, and source of learning, it is started particularly in appendix.

Theoretically, syllabus is an outline or the main points in teaching learning process. The

syllabus has a goal to communicate to the students what is taught and where he was and what

will be required of students for them to meet the course with a passing grade. In line with

Richard’s opinion (2001:2) that syllabus is as an arrangement of the content of course

instruction and list what will be taught and practiced. The importance of the syllabus is also

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perceived by other teachers in the study of previous research. Hasanah research (2014)

declared that the syllabus is an important item because it is a teaching learning plan in certain

group or subject involving some teaching learning components that will be conducted in the

classroom. When compared with some of the principles of syllabus, syllabus used in SMP N

1 Boyolali has been referred from Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) principle.

Based on the theory, a model of syllabus adopted by English teacher in SMP N 1 Boyolali is

notional functional syllabus. This syllabus prepared for a lot of communicative functions and

midpoints on communicative competence as asking suggesting, agreeing and disagreeing

Richard (2001: 154)

Instructional material, teacher should be selective in choosing instructional material

for the students because the material should appropriate with the syllabus. The teacher of

SMP N 1 Boyolali was also selective in choosing the material. The teacher differ material for

the seven grade at SMP N 1 Boyolali into two categorized: (a) printed material, the only one

printed material is handout from the government, (b) Unprinted material, for example slide

power point and video. From the finding, the material used for students at SMP N 1 Boyolali

have some important roles, such as it can progress at students own rates of learning, it can be

seen from the teacher when deliver the simple material into the complex one. For example,

when the teacher teach about describing animal, she start with the animal in school

environment, continued with kind of adjective, and make it into a sentence. The materials

used for the teaching English is similar with the previous research of Hasanah’s research

(2104), Kurnia’s research (2014) and Kuswahyuningsih’s research (2103).

Classroom procedure and Classroom activity. Classroom procedure has an important

role in the effectiveness of English earning objective, syllabus, and instructional material the

steps of each activity have the important contributions in the result of the learning process.

From the research finding, the researcher found that the teacher at SMP N 1 Boyolali

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implemented the PPP model (Presentation, Practice and Production). It is in line with Richard

and Rodger’s model PPP (1986) that the Presentation is can be achieved through using

pictures, dilogues, imagination or actual classroom situation. During practice, the new

language item is identifid, repeated and manipulated by the students. During the production

the students attempt to use the new language in different context provided by the teacher.

Different with the previous research, such as Hasanah’s research (2014) the classroom

procedure used GBA procedure (Genre based Approach), it was declared by Rodger in

Fauziati 2009 which consist of some steps BKOF (building knowledge of text) , MOT

(modeling of text) , JCOT (joint construction of the text), ICOT (independent construction of

text). The main purpose in teaching and learning will be easier to achieve if there is

cooperation and good relations between students and teacher. The activities of teaching

learning for acceleration class SMP N 1 Boyolali were English competition like game, fill in

the blank and role play like make a dialogue. The current finding was the same with Hasanah

research (2104) and Kuswahyuningsih research (2103) because the high school students’

activity in learning English was more complicated than the elementary students.

Teacher’s and student’s role. Teacher’s roles one of the most important roles that the

teacher have to perform is that organizing students to do various activities. Based on the

current research in SMP N 1 Boyolali, the teacher’s role as facilitator, group organizer and

explainer. It is in line with Harmer (2001: 58-62) that teacher as controller, organizer,

prompter, participant, resources, tutor, and observer. The researcher also compared with other

researches, that there were no differences in teacher’s role. It appeared on Hasanah research

(2104) and Kuswahyuningsih research (2103) that they emphasized on the role of facilitator

and explainer. Student’s role, based on the current research in SMP N 1 Boyolali, the

student’s role were as performer and listener. It was different from Kurnia research (2014)

that the students’ roles are as planner, monitor, member of group and tutor.

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Media, based on the finding, the teacher of SMP N 1 Boyolali use media such as

laptop, LCD in order to make the students easy to understand the material. There was no

doubt that media is one of the most important things to make the teaching and learning

process more interactive. Besides, the teacher also used the picture and power point in the

class. It can be seen from the first observation in the class. The teacher taught about

describing people; beside using the picture and using power point in explain the new words

of adjective and adverb. The use of PowerPoint Presentation in education in general and in

foreign language instruction in particular has dominated for a very long period of time and

has been advocated and recommended due to infinite and practical benefits embedded in

it.Besides, the teacher was using realia to teach concrete items as it is easier to show rather

than explain the meaning. It is in line with Milone (2003) that realia include all objects,

actions, concrete materials that can have an importance in establishing a closer relationship

between the concept of idea and the word or word phrases. Realia is one of appropriate

teaching techniques because the students love to see and touch the objects that they are

studying. Compared with Hasanah research (2104), there were some similarities. The media

used are unprinted media such as LCD, screen projector and computer.

Evaluation is one of the ways to know the students’ proficiency in understanding the

material. The objectives of evaluation are to improve and to know the achievement during

teaching learning process. According to Harmer (2001) evaluation deals with proposes types

of test item. The types are direct testing, indirect testing, discrete-point testing, and

integrative testing.However the observation result in SMP N 1 Boyolali was that the

evaluation is divided into two types namely (1) Formative evaluation, it was during the

teaching learning process or it called daily evaluation, (2) Summative evaluation, it started

with midterm test and finished with the final test. It has similarities on the evaluation of

Kurnia’s research (2014) which involved summative and formative evaluation.

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The Obstacles by Faced Teacher in Implementing English Instructional Design. Based

on the Hasanah’s research (2014) the obstacle was the noisy students. The teacher tried to

control the condition of the classroom which means the teacher as the manager of the class

should make the condition is conducive for learning. Different with the current research, the

first obstacle was the capability of the student, there are any smart students but there are any

the students which have the medium capability. The second obstacle was the time to give

explaining in teaching and learning. In the first observation, the teacher using power point,

the obstacle in here is the teacher must be creative in design the power point. Because by

using power point, it can make the students bored becausepower point only presented the

form of the text.In the second observation the obstacle is the students found the difficulties in

sharing idea. They said they could share with their friends and work collaboratively. The

teacher monitored the class. Sometimes we walked around the class and came closer to the

students. It could be noted that the students were relax but they were serious to do the

discussion. Sometimes they asked the teacher when he came to their group.The obstacle in

third observation was caused by some factors. The first one is from the affective factors. Two

students were extrovert ones. They rarely talked to their friend although in the first language

or in mother tongue. They always keep silence during the teaching learning process. They

never say something even when the teacher asks their problem. It is very difficult to ask them

to speak even in Indonesian. The obstacle in the last observation is the enthusiast students can

be prediction. Not all the students active in the class.

The Solution Taken by the teacher in Implementing English Instructional Design.

Based on the Hasanah’s research (2014) the solution taken by the teacher to face the noisy

students, the teacher tried to give punishment when the students made noisy in learning

process. The punishment such as gave the students some homework. Different with the

current study, the solution taken by the teacher in implementing English Instructional Design

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were giving the motivation for the lower group and for the limited timing, the teacher usually

giving short material and the richest material. In choosing the English Instructional Design,

the teacher should selective because it can make the students more active in class and

efficient in managing the time as vision and mission of Acceleration program. According to

the last observation, in dividing the group members, the teacher did not separate the smart

and low capability students, it can make the smart student not dominate the group. The

solution in managing the material; the teacher should give the material according to the

syllabus because in Acceleration class, the material should finish in 12 hours. The result of

this research was similar with Kurnia’s research (2014) because it has the same objective of

the research which is describe about the implementation of English instructional design for

Junior High school. However there is a little bit differences with the current study since the

current study focus in acceleration class not regular class like the Kurnia’s research did.


Based on the observation from November 2014 until December 2014, the researcher found

that the learning objectives are divided into two, namely: 1) the general objectives and 2) the

specific objectives. General objectives refer to the learning description of curriculum 2013.

Specific objectives are represented on the lesson plan and stated as the indicators.

The syllabus in the English teaching learning process in acceleration class of SMP N 1

Boyolali was notional functional syllabus. The syllabus is based on the curriculum 2013.

There are a lot of instructional materials; they are printed and unprinted material. The

teacher used handout that used in curriculum 2013, worksheets, and slides of power point to

transfer the material.

The implementation of the classroom procedure applied in the study was adapted from

the PPP theory (Presentation, practice and procedure)

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Classroom activities were other vignette to make students pay attention to the teacher’s

explanation and to make them attracted to the material the teacher want to deliver. The

classroom activities which had been applied by the teacher are advance organizer, answering

questions, role play and conversation practice, composing in group and discussion.

The essential role of the teacher is to build the classroom activity. The teacher’s roles

found in the acceleration class are as facilitator, group organizer and explainer. The learner’s

role found the acceleration class is as performer, and listener.

The media used in acceleration class were laptop and LCD. The laptop used to gain the

information via online but the LCD used to display the materials on the screen.

Evaluation is a device to measure the student’s achievement in class. There were two

kinds of evaluation which were applied in the acceleration class of SMP N 1 Boyolali. They

were formative and summative. Formative test is in the form of daily test, however the

summative test is in the form of midterm and final test.

The obstacle faced by the teacher of the student, there are any smart students but there are

any the students which have the medium capability. The solution taken by the teacher is by

giving the motivation for the lower group and for the limited timing. Based on the

observation, interview and document analysis; the researcher concluded that some aspects of

instructional design of English teaching in acceleration class of SMP N 1 Boyolali are

appropriate with the theories.


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