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Page 1: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness

Islamic University – Gaza

Community Development Institute

Society Civil Organization Management

The Impact of Job Stress On the employees

effectiveness of Palestinian NGO's.


Samar M. Al,malfouh Nesreen T. Toman

Supervised By :

Dr. Arafat Abdullah El-Aff

Supplementary Requirement To Obtain Professional Diploma In Society

Civil Organization Management

September, 2014

Page 2: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


ساجدااللي لآواءقاوت هوأمه }

ربهرح متويز جوال خزةيح ذروقائما

لوالذيهيع لمونالذيهيس تويهل قل

{ال ل بابأولويتذكزإوما يع لمون


Page 3: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness



For Our Palestine …

For Our University …

For Our Teachers …

For Our Family …

For Our Friends …

We Present This Research … …

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A study entitled The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of

Palestinian NGO's). This study aims to determine the impact of Job Stress on the

employees effectiveness in the Palestinian NGO's. we developed questionnaire

designed specifically for identify measurement used to study hypotheses ،which

provide most of the relationship between job stress and the demographic variables and

the Job satisfaction and commitment and motivation,, salaries system, work

environment and has come to the results of the study were as follows:

• The employees of NGO's work in a good internal environment which make them

work effectively without stress.

• The employees of NGO's unsatisfied in their work because law incentive

,motivation, salary and their functional degree not adequate their scientific degree.

The study recommended that , the Management of NGO’s must follow up, motivate

employees and help them to not fall in the stress, and try to provide appropriate and

transparent administrative and financial system.

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Table Of Content

Dedication iii

Abstract iv

Table Of Content v

Table Of Figures viii

Table Of Tables viii

Chapter 1 Research Background 1

Section One: 2

1.1.1 Introduction: 2

1.1.2 Research problem: 2

1.1.3 Research Variable: 3

1.1.4 Research Hypothesis 3

1.1.5 Research Objective 3

1.1.6 Research Importance: 4

1.1.7 Research Methodology:- 4

1.1.8 Society 5

1.1.9 Sample: 5

1.1.10 Research Limitation: 5

1.1.11 Research Problem:- 6

1.1.12 Research Concepts:- 6

Section Two : Previous study 7

Chapter 2 Literature Review 10

Section One Stress 11

2.1.1 Introduction 11

2.1.2 What Is Stress? 11

2.1.3 Importance Of Stress 13

2.1.4 History Of Stress 13

2.1.5 Stress Response 14

2.1.6 Life Cycle Of stress. 15

2.1.7 Types Of Stress 17

2.1.8 Causes Of Stress 20

2.1.9 Consequences of Stress 25

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2.1.10 The Effects Of Stress 27

2.1.11 Stress Reduction Techniques 33

Section Tow:Differences between Stress & Burn out 38

Section Three:Job satisfaction, Commitment , Motivation and Other 41

2.3.1 Job satisfaction: 41

2.3.2 Commitment 43

2.3.3 Motivation 44

2.3.4 Salaries system 46

2.3.5 The Work Environment 48

Chapter 3 Overview of NGO's 51

Section One:Overview of Palestinian NGO's. 52

3.1.1 Background of NGO's 52

Section Tow:Background of Concern NGO's 53

3.2.1 Yaboos charity society 53

3.2.2 Al Rowad for Palestinian Youth Association 53

3.2.3 Almanal Association for the development of rural women 54

3.2.4 MA'AN Development Center 54

3.2.5 Elwedad for community rehabilitation 55

3.2.6 Baitona Association for Community and Development 55

3.2.7 Alsalama Charity Association 56

Chapter 4 Empirical Study 57

Section One:The method and the procedures. 58

4.1.1 Study methodology: 58

4.1.2 The population of study: 58

4.1.3 Study sample: 58

4.1.4 The Arbitration of questionnaire 60

4.1.5 Treatments and statistical methods: 61

Section Tow :Results of Hypothesis and the interpret of it 62

4.2.1 Result of the first hypothesis: 62

4.2.2 Frequencies of Internal Work Environment and it’s impact on stress 63

4.2.3 Result of the second hypothesis: 65

4.2.4 Frequencies of Motivation and it’s impact on stress 66

4.2.5 Result of the third hypothesis: 68

4.2.6 Frequencies Of Characteristic and it’s impact on job stress 69

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4.2.7 Result of the fourth hypothesis: 70

4.2.8 Frequencies Of Commitment and it's impact on job stress: 72

4.2.9 Result of the fifth hypothesis: 73

4.2.10 Frequencies Job Satisfaction and it's impact on job stress: 75

4.2.11 Result of the sixth hypothesis: 76

Section Three: Result and Recommendation 84

References 87

Appendix 88

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Table Of Figures

Figure 2.1.1 Definition is useful in three ways ............................................................ 12

Figure 2.1.2 Physiology of the stress response ........................................................... 15

Figure 2.1.3 The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) ............................................ 16

Figure 2.1.4 Primary Type Of Stress ........................................................................... 18

Figure 2.1.5 Causes Of Stress Management ................................................................ 20

Figure 2.1.6 Individual Role ........................................................................................ 23

Figure 2.1.7 Individual Stress ...................................................................................... 26

Figure 2.1.8 Organizational Consequences. ................................................................ 26

Figure 2.1.9 Effect of Stress ........................................................................................ 33

Figure 2.1.10 Stress Reduction Techniques ................................................................. 33

Figure 2.1.11 The four steps of Meditation ................................................................. 35

Figure 2.3.1 Jop Satisfaction Model………………………………………………….42

Figure 2.3.2 The Process of Motivation ....................................................................... 44

Figure 2.3.3 Types of Motivation ................................................................................ 45

Figure 2.3.4 Factors of Work Environment ................................................................. 48

Figure 2.3.5 Area of Internal work environment ......................................................... 50

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Table Of Tables

Table 1.1.1 Distribution of sample ................................................................................ 5

Table 2.2.1 Stress vs. Burnout…………………………………………………..……39

Table 4.1.1 It shows the distribution of the sample gender…………………………58

Table 4.1.2 distribution of the study sample age. ........................................................ 58

Table 4.1.3 It shows the distribution of the sample marital status. .............................. 58

Table 4.1.4 It shows the distribution of the sample educational level. ........................ 59

Table 4.1.5 It shows the distribution of the sample work experience years. .............. 59

Table 4.1.6 It shows the distribution of the sample monthly salary ........................... 59

Table 4.1.7 It shows the distribution of the sample work place ................................. 59

Table 4.1.8 Correlation coefficient of each paragraph by paragraph to job stress

questionnaire with a college class for paragraphs ........................................................ 60

Table 4.1.9 show the reliability for each questionnaire axis ....................................... 61

Table 4.2.1 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph……………………………………………………..62

Table 4.2.2 Illustrates the view of the sample in Appropriate office equipment and

adaptation of the lighting in the workplace. ................................................................. 63

Table 4.2.3 Illustrates the view of the sample in I have available tools and equipment

(including hardware and software) to enable me to achieve the highest levels of

performance. ................................................................................................................ 63

Table 4.2.4 Illustrates the view of the sample in All facilities in the Institution is clean

and quality of ventilation as well as being comfortable accommodation. ................... 64

Table 4.2.5 Illustrates the view of the sample in Our location is a practical safety and

security ......................................................................................................................... 64

Table 4.2.6 Illustrates the view of the sample in Room sizes suitable with the number

of employees ................................................................................................................ 64

Table 4.2.7 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not suffer from noise in the

workplace ..................................................................................................................... 64

Table 4.2.8 Illustrates the view of the sample in I feel good about the existing work to

improve the place and the work environment. ............................................................. 64

Table 4.2.9 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph .................................................................................. 65

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Table 4.2.10 Illustrates the view of the sample in Provides me the opportunity to work

career development. ..................................................................................................... 66

Table 4.2.11 Illustrates the view of the sample in Share my line manager in making

decisions that effect on the Departments. ................................................................... 66

Table 4.2.12 Illustrates the view of the sample in I feel that my line manager is the

efficiency and capacity of leadership and management .............................................. 67

Table 4.2.13 Illustrates the view of the sample in Estimated managers and aware of

the problems that faced me during achieve my duties. ................................................ 67

Table 4.2.14 Illustrates the view of the sample in There is an estimate of my efforts

and my work by supervisors and superiors. ................................................................. 67

Table 4.2.15 Illustrates the view of the sample in Learning and development is

available ....................................................................................................................... 67

Table 4.2.16 Illustrates the view of the sample in Management seeks always to

provide us new skills through training programs and developmental. ........................ 67

Table 4.2.17 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph .................................................................................. 68

Table 4.2.18 Illustrates the view of the sample in I know cases in which I am tired. . 69

Table 4.2.19 Illustrates the view of the sample in I cannot afford a failure of work . 69

Table 4.2.20 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not feel I’m in a great

challenge when I faced problem. ................................................................................. 69

Table 4.2.21 Illustrates the view of the sample in I feel angry when someone late. .. 69

Table 4.2.22 Illustrates the view of the sample in I organize and manage my time

effectively. ................................................................................................................... 70

Table 4.2.23 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not escape from responsibility

when fill on stress of work ........................................................................................... 70

Table 4.2.24 Illustrates the view of the sample in I prefer take a little rest to become

more vital ..................................................................................................................... 70

Table 4.2. 25 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph .................................................................................. 71

Table 4.2.26 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not have a hard time for getting

to rest ............................................................................................................................ 72

Table 4.2.27 Illustrates the view of the sample in Routine dose not reduce my

motivation and incentive to make more effort ............................................................. 72

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Table 4.2.28 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do my work in accurate way and

on time ......................................................................................................................... 72

Table 4.2.29 Illustrates the view of the sample in I discuss with my manager if I failed

or delayed in completing my work .............................................................................. 73

Table 4.2.30 Illustrates the view of the sample in I listen to the criticism on my

defaults and take the responsibility of my work .......................................................... 73

Table 4.2. 31 Illustrates the view of the sample in I'm responsible at the same time for

several duties or projects not related to each other. ..................................................... 73

Table 4.2.32 Illustrates the view of the sample in My task on job does not prevent my

duties for family. .......................................................................................................... 73

Table 4.2.33 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph. ................................................................................. 74

Table 4.2.34 Illustrates the view of the sample in I enjoy my work ............................ 75

Table 4.2.35 Illustrates the view of the sample in My functional degree qualified my

scientific degree ........................................................................................................... 75

Table 4.2.36 Illustrates the view of the sample in I am not able to reject working

overtime ....................................................................................................................... 75

Table 4.2.37 Illustrates the view of the sample in I have enough income. ................. 75

Table 4.2.38 Illustrates the view of the sample in I ask for help when I stressed in my

wok ............................................................................................................................... 76

Table 4.2.39 Illustrates the view of the sample in My manager permit to delay some of

work if there is a lot stress ........................................................................................... 76

Table 4.2.40 Illustrates the view of the sample in Work gives me a satisfactory social

status ............................................................................................................................ 76

Table 4.2.41 Number, means, standard deviations, value of Independent Sample T

test, level of significance. ............................................................................................. 77

Table 4.2.42 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value ANOVA test,

level of significance. .................................................................................................... 78

Table 4.2.43 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of ANOVA

test test, level of significance ....................................................................................... 79

Table 4.2.44 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance ..................................................................................... 80

Table 4.2.45 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance ..................................................................................... 81

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Table 4.2.46 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance ..................................................................................... 82

Table 4.2.47 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance ..................................................................................... 83

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Chapter 1

Research Background

Section One:


Research Problems.

Research Objectives.

Research Importance.

Research Methodology.

Section Tow:

Previous Study.

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Section One

1.1.1 Introduction:

Job stress comes in different forms and affects your mind and body in different

ways. Small things can make you feel stressed, such as a copy machine that never

seems to work when you need it or phones that won't quit ringing. Major stress comes

from having too much or not enough work or doing work that doesn't satisfy you.

Conflicts with your boss, coworkers, or customers are other major causes of stress.

It's normal to have some stress. Stress releases hormones that speed up your heart,

make you breathe faster, and give you a burst of energy. Stress can be useful when

you need to focus on or finish a big project. But too much stress or being under stress

for too long isn't good for you. Constant stress can make you more likely to get sick

more often. It can make chronic pain worse and can also lead to long-term health

problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, back problems, and depression.

Most of the time, it's the major sources of stress that lead to job burnout and health

problems. This is a proposed study to analyze Job stress among employees in

Palestinian NGO's and how we can reduce it. Regardless of gender, age, sex, and/or

religion, stress does not discriminate. Nowadays, employees are overworked,

underpaid, and some even experience burnout due to the contemporary state of

employment of doing more for less.

Fortunately, in our research there is a lot that you can do to manage and reduce stress

and burnout at work.

We will applied our study on Palestinian NGO's in Gaza strip.

1.1.2 Research problem:

The psychologists stressed is one of the main symptoms experienced by

employees during the period of their work, and explained some of the administrative

burnout that caused the suspension of work.

This research sought to answer the main question:

What is the impact of Job Stress on the effectiveness of Palestinian NGO's

employees in Gaza Strip?

And sub-question:

1- What is the range of stress of work to Palestinian NGO's employees?

Too Much Stress Lead To Burnout

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1.1.3 Research Variable:

(A) Dependent variable

1. Job Stress.

(B) Independent variable

1. Demographic “Sex, experience, age, characteristic of employees”.

2. Job satisfaction.

3. Commitment.

4. Motivation

5. Salaries system.

6. Work Environment

1.1.4 Research Hypothesis

1. There is no impact of internal work environment on Job Stress.

2. There is no impact of Motivation on Job Stress.

3. There is no r impact of characteristic of employees on Job Stress.

4. There is no impact of Job satisfaction on Job Stress.

5. There is no impact of commitment on Job Stress.

6. No statistically significance differences between some demographic(age,

Gender, Marital status, Educational level, Years of work experience, Monthly

Salary, Work Place )variables and Job Stress.

1.1.5 Research Objective

1. Understand the concept of Job stress and functional departments.

2. Determine the impact of Job stress career institutions.

3. Identify what factors cause burnout in Palestinian NGO's

4. Provide recommendations and proposals that could contribute to reducing

Job stress and prevent job burnout.

5. Discover the extent of the spread of the phenomenon of job burnout among

staff of non-governmental organizations.

6. Develop proposals that improve the working conditions of non-

governmental organizations employees, which eliminates the phenomenon

of stress and job burnout

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1.1.6 Research Importance:

Stress can have damaging psychological and physiological effect on

employees health and on their contribution to organization effectiveness. It can heart

disease and it can prevent employees from concentrating or making decision.

In Palestinian NGO's Stress is major causes of employee absenteeism and

turnover. certainly such factors severely limit the potential success of NGO's so on;

accumulated stress on leads to burnout.

Received job burnout widespread attention at the global level , but it was

spotted shortage concrete with Arab researchers an interest in this subject, so this

study will add a new for world of knowledge to straighten managerial behavior.

As looking at the impact of the phenomenon on the administrative employees

in the non-governmental organization in Gaza Strip and this study is important in the

attempt to cover the deficit in this area as they propose new ideas useful in the

administrative development process and the human resource development in terms

of the development of new strategies to deal with individuals and factors affecting

their psychological , physiological and behavioral aspects in the internal work

environment which will reflect positively on improving the efficiency and

effectiveness their job performance, as the job burnout combined negative effects of

many of the organizational and personal which increase the costs of the institution to

become a heavy burden for the employees and their management, which in turn can

destroy the coherence and continuity of the institution in providing services to civil

society and the beneficiary directly.

1.1.7 Research Methodology:-

This study will depend on the descriptive approach, which aims to describing

the phenomenon or problem, interpretation, analysis and development, and also

depends on data collection from the reality on the ground, relying on some of the

primary tools "Interviews, Questionnaire, and analysis by SPSS Program" and

secondary tools "Books, E-Books, Previous Study, Scientific Article".

We will prepared Questionnaire based on a random sample of 60 employees

from non-governmental organizations on nearly thirteen institutions in Gaza Strip,

taking into account the pro-rata for each institution as the number of employees.

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The questionnaire will include one axis " stress of work"

Stress Of Work and will include the following three dimensions:

1. Internal Work Environment and work Stress.

2. Motivation and stress of work.

3. Characteristic and stress of work.

1.1.8 Society

The study society is employees in Palestinian non-governmental organizations

in Gaza Strip in 2014. It's targeted administrative staff who have experience of more

than one year and exclude volunteers.

1.1.9 Sample:

The study sample consists of random sample of seven associations targeted

60 employees distributed all governorates of Gaza Strip ( in Rafah: Yaboos charity

society, Khan Younis: Al Rowad for Palestinian Youth Association, Middle of Gaza:

Almanal Association for the development of rural women, Gaza: MA'AN

Development Center and Elwedad for community rehabilitation, North of Gaza:

Alsalama Charity Association and Baitona Association for Community and


Table 1.1.1 Distribution of sample

Governance Name of Association sample

Rafah Yaboos charity society 5

Khan Younis Al Rowad for Palestinian Youth Association 6

Middle of Gaza Almanal Association for the development of rural women 5

Gaza MA'AN Development Center 20

Elwedad for community rehabilitation 7

North of Gaza Alsalama Charity Association 7

Baitona Association for Community and Development 10

Total 60

1.1.10 Research Limitation:

1. We applied our study on Palestinian non-governmental organizations in Gaza

Strip with the exception of the West Bank because of the closures, and the

difficulty of access and communication with the West Bank.

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2. we applied our study on a random sample of non-governmental organizations,

as 50 percent of the staff offices were excluded employees field and


1.1.11 Research Problem:-

1. Time Limitation.

2. The lack of cooperation from non-governmental organizations in filling in the

questionnaire and limited number of their basic employees.

1.1.12 Research Concepts:-

1. Job stress:- Physical or psychological disorder associated with an

occupational environment and manifested in symptoms such as extreme

anxiety, or tension, or cramps, headaches, or digestion problems.

2. Job Burnout:- The condition of having no energy left to care, resulting from

chronic, unrelieved job-related stress and characterized by physical and

emotional exhaustion and sometimes by physical illness.

3. Job satisfaction:-Sense of inner fulfillment and pride achieved when

performing a particular job. Job satisfaction occurs when an employee feels he

has accomplished something having importance and value worthy of

recognition; sense of joy.

4. Commitment:- refers to identification with the goals and values of the

organization; a desire to belong to the organization; and a willingness to

display effort on behalf of the organization.

5. Palestinian NGO's: is an independent body established by no less than seven

persons in order to achieve legitimate objectives for the public welfare on a

non-profit basis.

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Section Two

Previous study

1.2.1 This is study about work stress and its impact on the performance of the

Palestinian telecommunication company employees in Gaza strip district made

by Abd Al-qader Saeed Banat in 2009 . Which aims to identify the levels of work

stress and job performance as well as the relation between work stress and job

performance among the Palestinian Telecommunications Company employees.

The study included three major hypotheses dealing with internal work stress, external

work stress, as well as personal and organizational variables.

The researcher reached to the following results:

The employees exposed to work stress resulted from the internal areas (growth

and career advancement, job security, lack of appropriate role, performance

evaluation, and organizational structure).

External stress resulted from (political, cultural and economic pressures)

There is a statistically significant relation between work stress and

performance of the internal work stress areas of (job security, and performance

evaluation) and the lack of connections to other areas.

The study showed a significant statistical relationship between external work

stress and performance to the areas of (political, cultural and economic

pressure), and the absence of statistical relationship with the social pressures.

The researcher reached to the following recommendations:

1. Increased opportunities for promotion and increase grades

2. Pay more attention to the evaluation of performance through the level of

objectivity and justice

3. Intensify training programs on how to deal with the work stressors

4. To enrich and enhance business and minimize the routine work

5. Increase the degree of coordination and cooperation between departments and


6. Finally improve the level of remuneration commensurate with the cost of

living in the Gaza Strip.

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1.2.2 And another by Abo Mosa and Kolab about Impact of burnout on

employees performance in 2012. which aims to identify the degree of burnout

career suffered by administrators at the Emaar Association for Development and

Rehabilitation and its impact on the performance of employees, as the aim of this

study to uncover the relationship between the phenomenon of combustion career and

some demographic variables (Age * Gender * Marital status * Education) and that by

taking the sample was applied to the administrators at the Emaar Association for

Development and Rehabilitation. Maslak, was hired to measure the psychological

combustion, in addition to the clauses in performance, a random sample of employees

amounted to 50 and have led recovery gain of 94% of the sample. The sample results

indicated the presence of high degrees of job combustion among all respondents in the

three-dimensional components of the scale of emotional stress, and dull

Humanitarian, and personal achievement. Research has shown there are differences

between the sample groups on individual variables used by this research. The study

went a number of recommendations and suggestions to guide the attention of those

concerned to the suffering of administrators and work to mitigate them.

1.2.3 The Third previous study by Eyhab Awyda in 2008 about the impact of the

relationship between organizational loyalty and job satisfaction in order to come up

with recommendations to develop and improve the level of loyalty and job

satisfaction among non-governmental organizations staff. Also, to determine, analyze,

and evaluate the differences in this relation according to different personal variables.

Moreover, the study aims of determining the problems and factors that effecting the

organizational loyalty level negatively in same organizations in Gaza- Strip; as well

as, finding and recommending methods to improve it among the staff. The results of

the study revealed that there ,was a high level of organizational loyalty in non-

governmental organizations of the Gaza Strip, estimated with 81.76% expressed in the

views of the sample. Also, the study revealed that there is a relatively good level of

job satisfaction estimated 72.65%; as well as, a positive statistical relationship

between the factors of job satisfaction on the work of the organization and the factors

influencing organizational loyalty of the staff in their work. Moreover, the study

showed there are no statistically significant differences in the response of the

interviewees on the impact of job satisfaction on organizational loyalty among .staff

in non-governmental organizations in Gaza Strip due to variables of sex, age, marital

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status, number of children, scientific qualification, years of experience, workplace, job

title, and salary.

1.2.4 The Fourth by Sahraa Anwer Hussien about the impact of work stress on

employees performance level in 2013. Which aims to detection most effects on

employees performance level through of work stress. This issue has necessitated the

attention and follow-up of his level of performance and what he suffers from stress of

work that leads to raise his morale and thus the level of his performance and the

performance of the organization he works for. Overall the study tried to answer the

following question (what is the level of work stress in the study sample? and its

impact on the level of work performance).

This study concluded the followings:

The level of work stress by members of the study sample was high in general

as a result of the nature of work or the ambiguity of the role conflict or the


The sub-dimensions of work stress( the nature of work, role conflict, role

ambiguity, workload) on the responding variable(work performance) was

found to be significant.

Based on these findings: the study suggested a grownup of recommendation: the most

important ones are:

1. Activating the concept of human relations in the management because of its

impact in promoting employees motivation.

2. Finding the appropriate structure when deals with the work stress and turn

them into incentives to work.

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

Section one:- Job Stress.

Section Tow:- Differences between Stress & Burn out.

Section Three:- Job satisfaction, Commitment, Motivation and


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Section One


"Stress is a creatively ambiguous word with little agreed-on scientific

definition" (Kahn, 1987).

2.1.1 Introduction

Many people think they understand stress. In reality, however, stress is

complex and often misunderstood- To learn how job stress truly works, we must first

define it and then relate it to the individual in the workplace (Moorhead&

Griffin,1989, P.193) .

Richard Lazarus was a professor in the Department of Psychology at the

University of California. Susan Folkman, PhD, is the Director of the Osher Center for

Integrative Medicine and the Osher Foundation Distinguished .Lazarus and Folkman

suggested in 1984 that stress can be thought of as resulting from an “imbalance

between demands and resources” or as occurring when “pressure exceeds one's

perceived ability to cope”. Stress management was developed and premised on the

idea that stress is not a direct response to a stressor but rather one's resources and

ability to cope mediate the stress response and are amenable to change, thus allowing

stress to be controllable .

2.1.2 What Is Stress?

Although stress has been defined in many ways, a common ground of most

definitions is that stress is caused by a stimulus, that the stimulus can he either

physical or psychological, and that the individual responds to the stimulus in some

way. Here, then, we define stress as a person's adaptive response to a stimulus that

places excessive psychological or physical demands on that person(Moorhead&

Griffin,1989, P.193).Because Stress contains so many meanings, dealing with stress is

like fighting the mythical hydra, which had a limitless ability to grow new heads to

replace the ones Hercules cut off. This ambiguity is embedded in the very word stress

and has been a stumbling block right from the beginning(McEwen& Lasley,2002 p.2).

Stress isn't easy to find a generally acceptable definition of 'stress.' Doctors, engineers,

psychologists, management consultants, linguists and lay-person all use the work in

their own distinctive ways with their own definition. The stress faced by professional

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workers is substantial. For many professionals, it is intrinsic to the job itself, where

competing demands and pressures cannot be escaped. The sheer volume of work can

also be overwhelming at times. A useful definition for this handout is that stress is a

demand made upon the adaptive capacities of the mind and body. If these capacities

can handle the demand and enjoy the stimulation involved, then stress is welcome and

helpful. If they can't and find the demand debilitating, then stress is unwelcome and

unhelpful (Parker,2007, p.4).

Figure 2.1.1Definition is useful in three ways

Source: Develop by Researchers

Stress is when your peace of mind is interrupted and your emotions are worked up.

You can feel stress in your home, work or your child can feel stress at school. If not

handled properly, it can mess with our minds and our health.

Stress feels like you are carrying a large burden on your shoulders. You

have a lot of responsibilities that seem like it all falls toward you and no one else.

You have feelings of anxiety and frustration ( p. 3).

Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that

occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or

needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. The concept of

job stress is often confused with challenge, but these concepts are not the same.

Challenge energizes us psychologically and physically, and it motivates us to learn

new skills and master our jobs. When a challenge is met, we feel relaxed and satisfied.

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Thus, challenge is an important ingredient for healthy and productive work. The

importance of challenge in our work lives is probably what people are referring to

when they say "a little bit of stress is good for you. But for David and Theresa, the

situation is different-the challenge has turned into job demands that cannot be met,

relaxation has turned to exhaustion, and a sense of satisfaction has turned into feelings

of stress. In short, the stage is set for illness, injury, and job failure (Parker, 2007


2.1.3 Importance Of Stress

Stress can have damaging psychological and physiological effect on

employee’s health and on their contribution to organization effectiveness. It can heart

disease and it can prevent employees from concentrating or making decision. Stress is

major causes of employee absenteeism and turnover. certainly such factors severely

limit the potential success of an organization. A Stress employee can affect the safety

of other workers or even the public Stress represent a very significant cost to

organization many modern organization spent a great deal of money treating Stress-

related employee problem through medical programming and they must absorbs

expensive legal fees when handling Stress-related lawsuits (pettinger,2002,p.48 )

2.1.4 History of Stress

The word stress dates back to the 14th century, and its origins to that time

when the English language developed from an intermingling of Norman French and

Anglo-Saxon word destresse (distress), which in turn derives from the Latin strictus

(compressed). Various forms of word originally denoted hardship or adversity. By the

16th century the word was employed to indicate subjecting an entity (a material thing,

a bodily organ, a mental faculty) to stress or strain; to overwork, fatigue. In the 19th

century, stress became a precise scientific term employed within physics, used to refer

to force applied to objects that could potentially result in deformation or strain The

great physiologist Walter Cannon, although he used the term stress infrequently,

originated our modern biomedical concept of stress as involving a perturbation of

somatic homeostasis by external threats that induce a mobilization of bodily resources

to contend with the circumstances. The next great figure in the history of stress was

Hans Selye, the man who promulgated the concept of stress within- medicine and

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biology and made it a household word among the general public. Selye

expanded on Cannon’s work and described three stages of the stress response: the

alarm stage, the adaptive–resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage as we will discuss

it later ( M. Lehrer & L. Woolfolk & E. Sime, 2007,p.6-7).

2.1.5 Stress Response

1- Fight-or-flight response

The fight-or-flight response, also called the acute stress response, was first

described by Walter Cannon in 1929. His theory states that animals react to threats

with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for

fighting or fleeing. This response was later recognized as the first stage of a general

adaptation syndrome that regulates stress responses among vertebrates and other


2- Biology of the stress response

Normally, when a person is in a serene, unstimulated state, the "firing" of

neurons in the locus ceruleus is minimal. A novel stimulus (which could include a

perception of danger or an environmental stressor signal such as elevated sound

levels or over-illumination), once perceived, is relayed from the sensory cortex of the

brain through the thalamus to the brain stem. That route of signaling increases the

rate of noradrenergic activity in the locus ceruleus, and the person becomes alert and

attentive to the environment. Similarly, an abundance of catecholamine's at

neuroreceptor sites facilitates reliance on spontaneous or intuitive behaviors often

related to combat or escape. If a stimulus is perceived as a threat, a more intense and

prolonged discharge of the locus ceruleus activates the sympathetic division of the

autonomic nervous system. This activation is associated with specific physiological

actions in the system, both directly and indirectly through the release of epinephrine

(adrenaline) and to a lesser extent nor epinephrine from the medulla of the adrenal

glands.The release is gered by acetylcholine released from preganglionic sympathetic

nerves. The other major player in the acute stress response is the hypothalamic-

pituitary-adrenal axis (Parker, 2007, p.22).

3- Tend-and-Befriend

This response is a response to stress that is posited to be an alternative to fight

or flight, and labeled “tend and befriend” and is thought to be characteristic of the

female of various species. According to the model, the tend-and-befriend response is

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selected for by evolution and reflects the proclivity of females toward affiliation,

cooperation, and caretaking. Tending involves nurturing activities designed to

protect the self and offspring that promote safety and reduce distress; befriending is

the creation and maintenance of social networks that may aid in this process. The

possibility that the stress response may be “gendered” further complicates our picture

of the stress response. Active and Passive Coping; Social Coping versus Fight–Flight

Gender differences in the stress response are reflected in underlying psycho

physiological patterning’s of the stress response, which affect both genders equally.

Although the autonomic substrate of the stress response is often characterized as the

fight-or-flight reflex, it is rare indeed that everyday stress requires either fighting or

fleeing. We rarely experience situations that require either physical combat or escape.

Most everyday stress involves managing social judgment and exercising skill in

maneuvering through social hierarchies( M. Lehrer & L. Woolfolk & E. Sime,


4-Physiology of the stress response

Figure 2.1.2 Physiology of the stress response

Source: Develop by Researchers.

2.1.6 Life Cycle Of stress.

Stress has three specific stages: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.

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Figure 2.1.3 The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

1. Alarm reaction stage

Can be associated with what we have defined as the stress response and Cannon

labeled the emergency reaction. The great power of Selye’s contribution centers in the

resistance stage of the GAS, for it is from this stage that so much distress proceeds;

Selye termed the result the diseuses of adaptation , alarm reaction stage the body is

exposed to the stressor. People become confused and disoriented. The body prepares

itself to fight off the stress by sending powerful hormones into the bloodstream. This

results in an elevated heart rate and breathing, plus increased muscle tension as the

body prepares to spring into action. This defensive move helps us survive the stressor.

2. Resistance stage

The individual struggles with the demand, or stressor, and in many cases

struggles with him- or herself. As the president of the International Institute of Stress

from 1976 until his death in 1982, Selye did more than anyone in this century to raise

awareness of the role of stress in health and disease processes.

Resistance stage the hormones in the blood stay at a high level. The body

adapts itself to fight off the stress. This adaptation may be in just an isolated organ or

a whole organ system. If a high-stress level is continuous,

This often can lead to disease in an organ or system. This high level can cause

people to also become nervous, fatigued, and often angry.

3. Exhaustion Stage

where if the stress is ongoing, the organ tissues and the systems may break

down. Over a prolonged period this can lead to illness and burn out(James Campbell

Quick& D. Quick& L. Nelson & J. Hurrell,1997 p.13)

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2.1.7 Types Of Stress

The main type of stress that you can think about is the stress faced by people

at work, everyone faces some kind of stress. The only thing that differs from person to

person is the amount of stress that is faced. This could be because of the difference in

the type of work being done or it could be because of the type of person they are,

stress is a part and parcel of everyday life.

The types of stress that you face can be due to the pressure of performance, a

desire to do well, stress due to deadline. Stress could also be bought on by the

deadlines at work or an attempt to please your superiors. Many people who handle

stress do it well because they do not carry the work home with them. This results in

not too much pressure on you and reduces the total stress faced by a person. Stress is

something that is very dangerous and can create trouble for a person affecting him

mentally and physically as well. There are other kinds of stress as well which can be

equally debilitating to a person. Stress in a relationship is something that can be faced

by a large majority of people and is usually caused by being in the wrong kind of

relationship. There are even things happening in the world though not even directly

related, can cause stress in a person. World politics which normally would not affect a

person directly can create a lot of stress in a person.

The worst kind of stress a person can face is at home, stress at home can be

caused due to pressure of paying monthly bills, stress caused by other family

members bringing in stress home. A bad relationship, some financial issues can also

cause a lot of stress. All though these are the things that can cause stress all really

depends on the kind of person you are, some people manage to take all this in their

stride and have no trouble in dealing with stress, some people take this seriously and

think all this their responsibility and can take undue stress on their head. So to sum it

all up, stress can occur in different forms. It is really upon you on how to handle it and

deal with it. If handled properly, stress can become something that you can deal with

and not create any kind of issues ( p. 39-40)

1- Primary Type

There are three primary forms that stress can take on. With stress can come

health problems that range from heart ailments to depression or even simple fatigue,

therefore the ability to identify the symptoms are important.

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Figure 2.1.4 Primary Type Of Stress

Source: Develop By Researchers

A) Acute

Acute stress is good stress. This is the body's normal response to a perceived

threat. That perceived threat can be physical, emotional or psychological and it can be

real or imagined. It is your perception, what you think, that triggers what your body

and mind do next. Your body has an Autonomic Nervous System that is activated

during times of acute stress. This is what causes the increased levels of adrenaline and

cortisol and other hormones. You will actually experience higher blood pressure as

your body redirects blood flow from your extremities to the big muscles in

preparation for fight or flight. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the part of

the nervous system in charge of regulating involuntary vital functions such as your

heart, digestive system and glands. In other words, it senses a need and automatically

responds to it. Your ANS has two subsystems. The sympathetic nervous system is

the one that prepares the body for fight or flight. The parasympathetic nervous

system is the other side. It is your relaxation response. Think of these two subsystems

as a light switch. The sympathetic system speeds the heart rate, constricts the blood

vessels, decreases digestive activity, raises blood pressure and says, "Bring it on." The

parasympathetic system says, "Turn it off." It slows the heart rate and returns those

other body functions to normal. The parasympathetic system, when activated, relaxes

your muscles. Think about that tense neck and shoulders you felt when stressed. Now

we’re beginning to see the problem more clearly. For most of us, "bring it on"

happens far more often than "turn it off."(L. Jameson& B. Jameson).

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B) Acute Episodic

A more serious form of stress than simple acute tension, acute episodic stress

is most common in people who allow themselves to lead disorganized and cluttered

lives. When your life is a jumbled mess of late arrivals and an inability to give

yourself any sense of normalcy, you find yourself sinking into this type of potentially

harmful stress. In many ways, this form of stress is like acute tension, however it is

more likely to affect you over a long period of time, and has had the unenviable

distinction of leading to high blood pressure and heart disease.

C) Chronic

Chronic stress is defined as a state of ongoing physiological arousal due to a

perceived threat. That threat is running through your nervous system flipping every

light switch it can find and not turning any of them off. Those two subsystems are

designed to work in harmony(L. Jameson& B. Jameson). In general, the majority of

people experience this form of stress, especially in their day to day lives. Whether

you're suffering typical financial frustrations, or your long term relationship is

becoming rocky, or something as simple as a poor work environment, you can find

yourself suffering from chronic stress. Although you may find yourself able to

overcome the simplest of symptoms at first, it should not be outright ignored, as it is

the most associated with cardiac problems such as heart attacks - and is also a leading

cause in violent rages and suicides. Although stress and tension are relatively normal

consequences of most situations humans are involved in, some people describe it as a

form of killer - and it is therefore highly important to learn how to normalize your life,

and keep stress under control. In addition to insuring a higher quality life, it also

avoids potentially fatal health problems in the future ( p2 4-25).

2- Secondary Type

Lingering Stress

Some people have stress for a long time and become immune to it. Or they may

become stress free from a previous situation and end up finding themselves in the same

boat. It gets to the point where it becomes habitual, like smoking cigarettes. Enduring

stress for the long term is not good for your health. You can end up having problems

with your cardiovascular system and your blood pressure could skyrocket. One of both

of these things can put your health at risk. You may also experience mood swings

because you allowed the stress to get to you for so long. You don’t feel like doing much

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of anything like you used to. Or you just don’t feel like being around anyone. There are

solutions to long-term stress. One thing you can do is change your lifestyle. If you tend

to overeat when you get stressed, reverse that and set up a meal plan where you eat

sensibly. Stop focusing on the negative side of things that are happening in your life

and deal with the positive. Once you make these simple changes, you will be on the

road to recovery. If you continue to feel stressed at work, you may need to seek medical

attention or get some time off from work ( p. 8).

2.1.8 Causes Of Stress

It's important to recognize the common causes of stress at work so we will

define some causes as following :-

Figure 2.1.5 Causes Of Stress Management

Develop By Researchers

1- Change

A major cause of stress is change. This is for two reasons. The change itself

may either be collectively or individually desirable, or not; and secondly change

means moving from the known, understood, and familiar to the uncertain and

unknown. The latter problem is compounded when no clear end is in sight. The

protagonists of creating organizations that are in a constant state of change, and

therefore flexible and responsive to every market, technological, and occupational

development, very often fail to realize that those involved do at least need to be able

to see mileposts, signs, and badges of achievement along the way. Otherwise,

everything is perceived to be simply chaotic and uncertain and this, in itself, is

extremely stressful. Even where change is known and understood to be desirable, it

still causes stress and therefore has to be managed effectively. Stress management

requires that the aims and objectives of what is proposed are stated clearly and

unambiguously together with dates and deadlines. Collective and individual effects on

staff, occupations, work, and behavior patterns have also to be stated. Mechanisms are

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required in which individual and collective concerns can be addressed and remedied(

Pettinger,2002, p.57).

2- Rewards and punishments

Another major element of stress management is creating and operating the

conditions in which rewards and punishments are issued. In particular, stress is caused

as when expected and anticipated rewards are not forthcoming. In practice, if it is not

possible to deliver what was promised or clearly understood, those individuals

concerned must always be notified of the reasons. Wherever possible, alternative

rewards are required. If this part of the process is ignored or dealt with dishonestly,

stress, anger, and frustration occur. These are compounded where organization

resources then have to be used to address grievances and disputes, and when high

quality staff find jobs elsewhere, when rewards are stated as being available for one

set of achievements but issued for others, when punishments are unevenly distributed,

especially where they are different for the same offence on the basis of rank, status,

location, occupation or position in the hierarchy. Almost universally, junior and

frontline staff suffer more for the same offence than senior, managerial, administrative

or support staff and where punishments do not fit the offence.

Great stress is caused where people are punished for:

Events outside their control (and one form of this is junior staff job losses as a

result of senior management blunders).

Breaches of rules relating to ordinary common decency and humanity and

minor breaches of dress code.

Where punishments do not reinforce absolute standards. Bullying,

victimization, harassment, and discrimination are revolting acts that are

universally reviled, and great stress is caused to those who suffer these. The

penalty for each, including e-bullying and e-harassment where demonstrated

or proven, must always be dismissal. Each is overwhelmingly based on misuse

and abuse of power and is morally repugnant. A major positive stress

management intervention is effected when perpetrators are always

dismissed(Pettinger,2002, p.58).

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3- Managing alienation

Workforce alienation is a key cause of stress. Its potential for existence is

more or less universal, and it can be managed into, or out of, all situations. The

problem of alienation is therefore organizational.

Alienation is the term used to summarize the following feelings.

Powerlessness: the inability to influence work conditions, volume, quality,

speed, and direction.

Meaninglessness: the inability to recognize the individual contribution made to

the total output.

Isolation: which may be either physical or psychological. Physical isolation

may be remoteness of location, or caused by extremes of noise, heat or cold.

Psychological factors include psychological distance from supervisors,

management, and the rest of the organization.

Feelings of low self-esteem and self-worth: arising from the lack of value

placed on staff by the organization and its managers.

Loss of identity: with the organization and its work.

Feelings of being trapped: arising from lack of prospects, variety or

advancement for the future; feelings of being stuck in a situation purely for

economic gain.

General rejection: based on adversarial, managerial, and supervisory styles.

Lack of equality: of treatment and of opportunity, especially where the

organization is known, believed or perceived to differentiate between different

types and grades of staff to the benefit of some and detriment of

others(Pettinger,2002, p.60-61).

4- Lack of value and respect

This is a major cause of stress in structured, bureaucratic and hierarchical

organizations. It is compounded by knowledge, belief, and perception that those at the

frontline are being asked to make product and service delivery efforts for which they

will receive little or no recognition if successful, but for which they will be required to

accept blame if they fail.

Such attitudes are reinforced by adversarial management styles based on:

Perceived random, punitive or impossible target setting.

Lack of attention to the total quality of the working environment and relations.

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Persistent requests to handle the latest management whim or pressure.

Use of individual influence based on rank and status to gain recognition and a

triumph(Pettinger,2002, p.64).

5-Specific Problem

Stress is caused when bullying, victimization, harassment, and discrimination

occur and are allowed to persist. It is also a serious problem when an individual

comes across an aspect of organizational or occupational malpractice and feels

powerless to do anything about it. Each of these stems from the illegitimate use of

power by individuals, groups or the organization as a whole based on:

Position, rank and status.

Resource command and control.

Physical power, strength, and size.

6- Roles

Roles are combinations of behavior and activities undertaken by people in

different sets of circumstances. Everyone performs a great variety of roles during their

lives. Each role has expectations, pressures, rewards, and consequences. There are

overlaps between each and measures of honesty, discord, and conflict.

Figure 2.1.6 Individual Role

Source: Stress Management , Richard Pettinger p.16-17

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Stress is caused where there are role uncertainties and ambiguities, role

overlap (especially between work and non-work), role incompatibility, and role

overload and under load(Pettinger,2002 p.16-17).

7- Other Causes Stress in our life

There are different things and events that can cause you to be stressed. What

may cause stress for one person may not be the same for someone else. It’s basically

different strokes for different folks when it comes to stress. Stress can be physical,

internal, emotional and external. They can be caused by a loss you’ve experienced,

overworking yourself, sickness, arguments and other problems that you face. You can

also experience stress from office politics. This is not something that you should get

involved in. It is not good for you mentally, especially if you’re dealing with other

problems. Office politics can be very brutal and you have to know how to deal with it.

The last thing you want to do is to bring it home with you. Another cause of stress is

lack of finances. You or your spouse always seems to be at odds about the finances

and budgeting. You like to save, while he likes to spend. The old saying is true about

saving for a rainy day. However, your spouse likes to spend because the money is

there. He could care less about saving money when he’ll really need it. You on the

other hand, are constantly after him about that. The interaction often ends up into a

verbal argument. This doesn’t solve anything for either party. It’s understandable why

you would be stressed about this. Then, you don’t have enough money to pay bills so

you end up robbing Peter to pay Paul. That is frustrating by itself without having the

spouse involved. You need to have money to pay the bills and pay them on time. If

you or someone in your family has a chronic illness, you constantly have to take them

to the doctor. That’s more money out of your pocket because you have to pay the fee

prior to the doctor visit. Then, the doctor may have to prescribe medicine, depending

what the health issue is. That’s another expense to dread. For wealthy people, they

have to deal with taking care of their large mass of money. Of course, there are those

who know they have the money and are always looking to mooch from them. On the

other hand, there are those who are not wealthy and work to keep what they have and

bring in more money. It can be a struggle on both ends. You could be stressed about

being a people pleaser. You’re the type of person that doesn’t want anyone mad at

you, so you work to keep everyone in your circle happy. That can stress you out

because while you’re struggling to keep them happy, you don’t have time for yourself

to do the things you need to do. That can be very frustrating. If you have children,

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they may feel stressed from the pressure of working to keep their grades up so that

they can get all A’s. There are some parents that are obsessed with their children

getting all A’s that they constantly hound them and keep them in their schoolbooks.

It seems as though they don’t have a life out of school. Sometimes, people bring

stress on themselves. People get engrossed about concerns and worries that are

beyond the scope of what they can do. Or they worry about things that they shouldn’t

be worried about. They’re trivial and unnecessary. They invite stress in by

complaining and murmuring. They think about the negative stuff and think that

there’s no way out. They allow too much tension to build up in their system

“ p. 4-5”.

2.1.9 Consequences of Stress

Stress can have a number of consequences. As we already noted, if the stress Is

positive, the result may be more energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. Of more

concern, of course, are the negative consequences of stress. We should first note that

many of the factors listed are obviously interrelated. For example, alcohol abuse is

shown as an individual consequence, but It also affects the organization the person

works for. An employee who drinks on the job may perform poorly and create a

hazard for others- If the category for a consequence seems somewhat arbitrary, be

aware that each consequence is categorizing according to the area of its primary


1. Individual Consequences

The individual consequences of stress, then, are the outcomes that mainly affect the

individual. The organization also may suffer, either directly or indirectly is the individual

why pays the real price. Stress may produce behavioral, psychological, and medical


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Figure 2.1.7 Individual Stress

Develop By Researchers

2. Organizational Consequences

Clearly, any of the individual consequences just discussed can also affect the

organization, Other results of stress have even more direct consequences for

organizations. These include decline in performance, withdrawal and negative

changes in attitudes.

Figure 2.1.8 Organizational Consequences.

Develop By Researchers

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3. Burnout

Burnout is a general feeling of exhaustion that develops when a person

simultaneously experiences too much pressure and has too few sources of satisfaction, we

will discuss burn out in more details in next section (Moorhead & Griffin,2001,p.233-


2.1.10 The Effects Of Stress

The effects of stress mirror how it affects our whole body. There are both

physiological and mental issues associated with being stressed out. We will discuss

some effect as following:-

1. Costs

Costs incurred include the cost of having staff off sick for stress-related

injuries and illness, the cost of paying compensation to those who can demonstrate

and prove that their lives have been damaged or ruined as the result of stress at work

and costs in reputation and, invariably, business losses as the result of publicity

surrounding specific media coverage in cases of accident, disaster, bullying,

victimization, harassment and discrimination.

These costs include customers taking business elsewhere when able to do so

because no-one likes to be associated with this kind of organization. Such

organizations experience increased difficulties in recruiting and retaining high quality,

expert staff, because nobody with any choice in the matter wishes to work for such a


Organization and managerial costs involved in investing and defending

individual and collective complaints of stress, and in remedying and resolving


Costs involved in having to manage, address and resolve related issues, for

example, where staff have turned to drink and drugs as a relief from stress.

Wider humanitarian concerns that bring costs with them. Known, believed and

perceived stress-related illnesses and injuries cause general damage to

workplace and human morale and motivation.

2. Human Factor

Some stress is physical, such as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) and back

injuries, and therefore much easier to address both managerially and culturally.

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Problems are compounded, however, because so much stress is psychological and

behavioral, and is therefore much more difficult to observe and quantify. Stress also

has a very strong subjective element. Some individuals take in their stride what others

find extremely stressful. Some people find different parts of work more stressful than

others. For example, some nurses regard having to do paperwork as an opportunity to

sit down away from hospital ward pressures, while others resent it because it

interferes with the ward work.

Some people complain of stress when, while it is known and understood that

the particular working environment is very pressurized, this is nevertheless simply the

norm for the particular occupation or organization. Those who do complain

consequently come to be badly thought of, and so the individual pressure is


3. Responsibilities

Effective stress management brings direct obligations and responsibilities, and

these also have a cost. Organizations and their managers are going to be increasingly

required to invest time, financial resources, and expertise in creating a quality of

working life and environment that acknowledges the potential for stress. This requires

recognizing where the potential for physical and psychological stress lies, and taking

active steps in workplace, occupation and work design so that it is eliminated as far as

possible, or else kept to a minimum. If this is not possible, organizations and their

managers must be prepared to accept that they will face problems of absenteeism,

illness, injury, and burnout as a result (Pettinger ,2002,p.8-10).

Stress is the constraining force or pressure that becomes a constant factor affecting a

person's life, mind, body as well as spirit. The effect of stress will be different for

different people. Those people who undergo long-term stress will have to face serious

health conditions like heart diseases, stroke and even cancer. These effects can be

further increased with psychological and behavioral impacts. In these cases, the effect

of stress will include anger, change in mood, irritability, loss of sleep and more. These

effects of stress further create the possibility of over or under eating. No matter how

much a person tries to break it, the effect of stress is bad. Speaking about the effect of

stress there are a lot of options which can be considered in order to reduce this to a

great extent, some are very basic but some complex ( p.28). The

true price tag of stress is much greater than healthcare costs alone. Stress is implicated

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as a causal factor in: absenteeism, injuries, psychological problems, workers

compensation claims, lower productivity, employee theft, low morale, poor

performance, and turnover. Obviously, it has a direct impact on the bottom line. The

high stress levels that are created in the workplace are not left there. They are brought

home to have a negative impact on family life (Campbell Quick& D. Quick& L.

Nelson & J. Hurrell,1997, p 3).

4. Physical Conditions

The physical workplace has a great impact on stress levels. Temperature, light,

noise, air quality, crowding, isolation, safety, and ergonomic quality all contribute to

how a person handles their day. Working in a tiny, impersonal cubicle, in an

uncomfortable seat only adds to the stress of the job. Being exposed to difficult

surroundings day after day takes a traumatic toll on a person’s overall energy,

motivation, and health.

Stress can affect people physically if they don’t learn to deal with it. It can

really affect their health. They can experience headaches, ailments of the stomach

and diabetes. In order for people to remain healthy, the immune system needs to be

healthy and working properly. When people allow stress to affect them, they set

themselves up for anything to happen. One of the more common health issues they

face is ulcers. Ulcers can affect what you eat, which can cause weight gain or

loss( p. 6).

5-Job Design

If it seems we are all doing more work than ever before, it is because we are.

Many employees who were downsized or laid off are not being replaced. Yet, most

job descriptions are not designed to absorb another whole job. Overwhelming

workloads and demands are being placed on workers who remain, and many

employees cannot cope. Most jobs are not designed with the employee’s stress levels

in mind. Expectations are too high and unrealistic, with too much responsibility

placed on one person. The job description includes too many chores and

responsibilities, with the additional caveat that it can be updated at any time to include

even more tasks. The demands are overwhelming. People are often expected to work

long hours with little or no break, doing repetitive tasks. They frequently have no

autonomy in doing the job the way they see fit. They often do not have the

prerequisite training to do the job right. Eventually, employees start to lose job


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6-Work Roles

When a job is not designed properly, or too many new responsibilities are

added to the design, the employees’ roles becomes perplexing. Their full role is not

clearly spelled out.

Employees are not sure of their total responsibilities. Their role becomes

conflicted between what they think is expected, and what the boss actually expects.

Their role may conflict with or duplicate the role of others, causing clashes between


When employees are not sure what the priorities of their role are, they either

do what they think is best, or work in a state of confusion. Under constant pressure,

they fear that they are doing the wrong task, or doing the right task in the wrong way.

Time and energy are sapped creating daily fatigue and frustration.


Computers, pagers, cell phones, faxes, and the Internet have increased our

speed and productivity. People are expected to be more efficient and productive. But,

along with new technology comes new stressors. People must constantly be learning

new technology and software.

Sometimes the training is inadequate. Sometimes the technology is inadequate.

When technology is not working properly, or equipment breaks down, many

employees cannot get the work done, and they feel stress begin to rear its ugly head.

8- Toxic Management

Management style is one of the greatest contributors to stress in the workplace.

The old autocratic ruler, a dinosaur of yesteryear, who relentlessly drives their

employees, only serves to create stress, burnout, and turnover. Most research indicates

that the number one reason for turnover is the management style of the person who is

the immediate supervisor.

A direct indication of this is the stress that a toxic boss needlessly creates.

Employees are looking for a leader who cares about them. They are looking

for someone who asks and respects their opinions, keeps the channels of

communication open in all directions, gives quality feedback, recognizes them, and

enables them to feel valued.

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9- Relationships with Co-workers

Another major reason for stress is the relationship people have with

coworkers. I have had people in companies I consult with tell me that they will stay at

their firm because their peers are so terrific. These people really like their coworkers.

They can depend on them for help, and can go to them when they need a favor. A real

camaraderie and team spirit exists among them.

Unfortunately, this contrasts greatly with the many horror stories I hear of personality

clashes and lack of support.

Many people think of only themselves and want to protect their own turf. The

last few years in many organizations, situations have escalated further into downright

rudeness, yelling, and verbal abuse. Many people complain of harassment, threats,

intimidation, and actual bullying.

The stress that comes from working under these conditions can only be dealt

with for so long before it takes an emotional and physical toll. Eventually people burn

out or leave.

10- Time Pressures

People are constantly facing deadlines on tasks, reports, and projects. There is

too much work and too little time to do it.

It is a continual race against time trying to meet unreasonable deadlines. Some

people never get the important tasks accomplished because they are too busy doing

what is urgent and putting out fires. Their boss reprimands them for not getting the

work done. As a result, they live from crisis to crisis. This impairs their ability to

think clearly and make the right decisions, thus making more mistakes and becoming

accident prone. Some people become like pressure cookers, ready to explode. A sign

of our times are the new terms desk rage and phone rage. At the end of the day, many

workers are a physical and mental wreck. Symptoms of working under time pressure

are: tight stomach and neck muscles, indigestion, pounding heart, nervousness,

weakness, anxiety, anger, hostility, insomnia, headaches, and exhaustion.

11- Job Insecurity

Constant seismic changes in the workplace have created constant stress and

insecurity for a lot of employees. Mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, and job

outsourcing have made almost unthinkable demands on workers. With so many jobs

disappearing over the last few years, a major stressor that impacts employees now is

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the fear of losing their job. In my seminars, I often ask people what their number one

job concern is. Job security always ranks within the top three worries.

12- A Ladder with No Steps

Those that are secure in their jobs are often concerned that there is no

opportunity for training and development. They have no career ladder or path. There

are no chances for promotions. When their job becomes a dead end, people become

dissatisfied because they cannot fulfill their aspirations. The quality of their work

begins to erode; they become frustrated and stressed. Sometimes they withdraw from

their co-workers. They eventually begin to look for another job to fulfill their dreams

and ambitions (Campbell Quick& D. Quick& L. Nelson & J. Hurrell,1997, p5-9).

Mental health issues that are caused by stress can range from homicidal or

other violent acts towards oneself or drive others to addictions. The range of mental

health disorders that are stress related is so broad that it can be difficult to understand

how two situations fall in the same category. The days of shock therapy are gone for

the most part, but it still is used for certain mental illnesses. Gone, too, is the routine

procedure of frontal lobotomies to calm patients into total submissiveness. A large

key to dealing with stress related mental health issues is to know how to relieve stress.

We now understand that men who are returning from wars endure thoughts and

images that affect them in ways that we have only begun to be aware of. Post

traumatic stress disorder which is caused by stress can affect victims of abuse and

violence of all types. Only recently have we begun to understand how traumatic

events can affect the people who survive them. Despite the many types of mental

health disorders that currently exist because of stress, some of them tend to be much

more common than others. Mental health disorders are not discriminatory and affect

everyone. They do not choose specific people or races to affect. Mental health

disorders are equal opportunity problems. These disorders have been proven to be

hereditary in some cases but that is the closest generalization that you can

expect( p.13).

Now we will summarize main effect of stress

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Figure 2.1.9 Effect of Stress

1. Cost.

2. Human Factor.

3. Responsibilities.

4. Physical Condition.

5. Job Design

6. Work Roles

7. Technology

8. Toxic Management

9. Relationship with co- workers

10. Time Pressure

11. Job Insecurity

12. A Leader with no steps

Source: Develop By Researchers.

2.1.11 Stress Reduction Techniques

Organizations are increasingly implementing a variety of stress-reduction

programs to help employees cope with stress.

Figure 2.1.10 Stress Reduction Techniques

Source: (Kreitner& Kinicki, 1989 , p.617)

1. Muscle Relaxation The common denominators of various muscle relaxation

techniques are slow and deep breathing, a conscious effort to relieve muscle tension,

and an altered state of consciousness. Among the variety of techniques available,

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progressive relaxation is probably most frequently used. It consists of repeatedly

tensing and relaxing muscles beginning at the feet and progressing to the face.

Relaxation is achieved by concentrating on the warmth and calmness associated with

relaxed muscles. Take a few moments now to try this technique, as described below.

Sitting in a chair, start by taking slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and

exhale through your mouth. Continue until you feel calm. Begin progressive

relaxation by pointing your toes toward the ceiling for 10 seconds. Concentrate on the

tension within your calves and feet. Now return your toes to a normal position and

focus on the relaxed state of your legs and feet. (Your goal is to experience this

feeling all over your body.) Tense and relax your feet for 10 seconds one more time.

Moving to your calves, and continuing all the way to the muscles in your face, tense

one major muscle at a time for 10 seconds, and then let it relax. Do this twice for each

muscle before moving to another one .

2. Biofeedback A biofeedback machine is used to train people to detect and

control stress related symptoms such as tense muscles and elevated blood pressure.

The machine translates unconscious bodily signs into a recognizable cue (flashing

light or beeper). Muscle relaxation and meditative techniques are then used to

alleviate the underlying stress. The person learns to recognize bodily tension without

the aid of the machine. In turn. according to the advocates of biofeedback, this

awareness helps the person proactively cope with stress.

3. Meditation :-Meditation activates a relaxation response by redirecting one's

thoughts away from oneself. The relaxation response is the physiological and

psychological opposite of the fight-or-flight stress response- Importantly, however.

the relaxation response must be learned and consciously activated, whereas the stress

response is automatically engaged. Herbert Benson, a Harvard medical doctor,

analyzed many meditation programs and derived a four-step relaxation response.

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Figure 2.1.11 The four steps of Meditation

Develop By Researchers.

4. Cognitive Restructuring A two-step procedure is followed. First, irrational

or maladaptive though processes that create stress are identified. For example, Type-A

individuals may believe they must be successful at everything they do. The second

step consists of replacing these irrational thoughts with more rational or reason able

ones. Perceived failure would create stress for the Type-A person, Cognitive

restructuring would alleviate stress by encouraging the person to adopt a more

reasonable belief about the outcomes associated with failure. For instance, the person

might be encouraged to adopt the belief that isolated failure does not mean he or she

is a bad person or a loser.

5. Effectiveness of Stress-Reduction Techniques A team of OB researchers

recently reviewed the research on stress management interventions. Although much of

the published research is methodologically weak, results offer preliminary support for

the conclusion that muscle relaxation, biofeedback, meditation, and cognitive

restructuring all help employees cope with occupational stress. Some researchers

advise organizations not to implement these stress. reduction programs despite their

positive outcomes. They rationalize that these techniques relieve symptoms of stress

rather than eliminate stressors themselves. Thus, they conclude that organizations are

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using a "Band-Aid" approach to stress reduction, A holistic approach has

subsequently been offered as a more proactive and enduring solution.

6. A holistic wellness Model A holistic wellness approach encompasses and

goes beyond stress reduction by advocating that individuals strive for "a harmonious

and productive balance of physical, mental, and social well-being brought about by

the acceptance of one's personal responsibility for developing and adhering to a health

promotion program.

Five dimensions of a holistic wellness approach are:

1. Self-responsibility: Take personal responsibility for your wellness (e.g., quit

smoking, moderate your intake of alcohol, wear your seat belt, and so on).

2. Nutritional awareness: Because we are what we eat, try to increase your

consumption of foods high in fiber, vitamins, and nutrients-such as fresh fruits

and vegetables, poultry, and fish-while decreasing those high in sugar and fat.

3. Stress reduction and relaxation: Use the techniques just discussed to relax

and reduce the symptoms of stress.

4. Physical Fitness: Exercise to maintain strength, flexibility, endurance, and a

healthy body weight. A recent review of employee fitness programs indicated

that they were a cost-effective way to reduce medical costs, absenteeism,

turnover, and occupational injuries. Fitness programs also were positively

linked with job performance and job satisfaction.

5. Environmental sensitivity: Be aware of your environment and try to identify

the stressors that are causing your stress. A control coping strategy might be

useful to eliminate stressors. In conclusion, advocates say that both your

personal and professional life can be enriched by adopting a holistic approach

to wellness (Kreitner& Kinicki,1989, p.617).

Accumulated Stress leads to psychological term for the experience of long-

term exhaustion which called Burn Out which christina Maslach is Professor of

Psychology at the University of California. Maslach and her colleague, Leiter, defined

it as " the index of the dislocation between what people are and what they have to

do. It represents an erosion in values, dignity, spirit, and will an erosion of the human

soul." (Maslach & Leiter,1997,p.24).

Burned out workers develop a debilitating feeling of cynicism, pessimism,

and hopelessness. Their goal is to just get through the day. Many people feel they are

no longer contributing or accomplishing anything at work. They experience self-

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doubt. There is a decline in their commitment to getting the job done. As the person

withdraws from the workplace, productivity declines, while tardiness and absenteeism

increases. People take longer breaks, spend more time at coffee machines and water

coolers, and procrastinate with their work.( losyky, 2005, P.28)

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Section Tow

Differences between Stress & Burn out

" Burnout is often the end result of too much job stress"

- Herbert Freudenberg

Stress and burnout are often seen as the same thing. But they are not the same.

Stress happens to everyone every single day! Each person experiences and copes with

stress very differently. What is stressful to you may not be to me .And how you react

to stress and cope with it will be very different to the way I do.

But the reality is, burnout can happen to almost anyone -- it is not reserved to a select

group of people in a select area of work!

There is a huge difference between burnout and stress. Stress is a normal part

of daily living... every single person experiences some degree of stress in their lives

each day. Burnout, on the other hand, may be the result of unrelenting stress, but it

isn't the same as too much stress.

Stress is an overload of pressure that demands too much of you both

physically and psychologically. People experiencing stress can usually see that they

will feel better when they can get everything under control.

Burnout, on the other hand, is prolonged stress and pressure. It is emotional

and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It results in feeling

empty, totally exhausted, very overwhelmed, and devoid of motivation.

Burnout reduces your productivity and saps your energy... it may leave you

feeling increasingly helpless, hopeless, powerless, often cynical and resentful. People

experiencing burnout very seldom see there is any likelihood of feeling better. The

unhappiness burnout causes can eventually threaten your job, your relationships and

your health.

Another major difference between stress and burnout is: usually you are aware

you are under a lot of stress, but you usually don't notice burnout when it happens.

The symptoms of burnout including total exhaustion, feelings of detachment,

hopelessness, often take months to appear.

It is not uncommon for someone else to point out you may be experiencing

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burnout... many people with burnout don't see it in themselves. More often than not,

work colleagues, family members, partners, friends, or doctors will see the signs of

burnout long before the person sees it in him or herself. If the signs are recognized in

time... burnout can be prevented or alleviated.

Stress, by and large, involves too much: too many pressures that demand too

much of you physically and psychologically. However, stressed people can still

imagine that, if they can just get everything under control, they’ll feel better. Burnout,

on the other hand, is about not enough. Being burned out means feeling empty, devoid

of motivation, and beyond caring. People experiencing burnout often don’t see any

hope of positive change in their situations. If excessive stress is like drowning in

responsibilities, burnout is being all dried up.

Most studies have shown that work-related stress is often attributed to such

factors as work overload, lack of control over the work performed and a lack of

recognition or adequate reward for the end results. If not dealt with appropriately and

left to fester, these and other various stressors found within organizations can lead

eventually to burnout. People may become stressed out, but they are normally not

suffering from a mental illness. If the work stressors are not eased, then there is not

only the danger of eventual burnout, but it also could contribute to the development of

a serious mental disorder such as depression.

Burnout is not a problem of the people themselves but of the social

environment in which people work (

Table 2.2.1 Stress vs. Burnout

Stress Burnout

happens to everyone every single day happen to almost anyone after long period of time

an overload of pressure is prolonged stress and pressure

you are aware you are under a lot of

stress you usually don't notice burnout when it happens

Loss of energy Loss of motivation, ideals, and hope

Leads to anxiety Leads to depression

Primary damage is physical Primary damage is emotional

Source: developed by Researchers.

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Remember, workplace burnout isn’t the same as workplace stress. When you’re

stressed, you care too much, but when you’re burned out, you don’t see any hope of

improvement. (

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Section Three

Job satisfaction, Commitment , Motivation and Other

2.3.1 Job satisfaction:

Job satisfaction defined as an affective or emotional response toward various

facets of one's job. This definition means job satisfaction is not a unitary concept

Rather a person can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of his or her job and

dissatisfied with one or more other aspects. (Kreitner , Kinicki ,Irwin , 1989,P.186)

The factors that are going to make some MORE dissatisfied are things like:

poor pay

poor compensation

poor work conditions

lack of promotions

poor benefits offering

lack of job security

Curiously enough, if you were to fix all these factors, you’d still not get a

satisfied employee. If you fixed everything above, you’d have an employee sitting

somewhere in the middle of the satisfaction scale, so they would be neither satisfied

nor dissatisfied.

The factors that make an employee MORE satisfied are things like:

good leadership in the organization

good relationship with their manager

recognition for their achievements (not necessarily monetary recognition)

advancement in their careers

personal growth and development

feedback and support (meaningful feedback, not just naked criticism)

clear direction and objectives

So there is a lot that can be done on the positive side to increase satisfaction.

Naturally, there are of course many opportunities on this side of the house

where a good talent management solution can helps things along


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Figure 2.3.1 Jop Satisfaction Model


The Consequences of Job Satisfaction:

Since it is impossible to examine them all, we will consider a subset of the more

important variables. from the standpoint of managerial relevance(Kreitner , Kinicki

,Irwin , 1989,P.190) .

1. Absenteeism: Absenteeism is costly and managers are constantly on the

lookout for ways to reduce it. One recommendation has been to increase job

satisfaction. If this is a valid recommendation, there should be a strong

negative relationship (or negative correlation)'between satisfaction and

absenteeism. In other words, as satisfaction increases, absenteeism should


2. Turnover :Turnover is important to managers because it both disrupts

organizational continuity and is very costly.

3. Organizational Commitment :Organizational commitment reflects the extent

to which an individual identifies with an organization and is committed to its


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4. Job Performance: One of the biggest controversies within organizational

research centers on the relationship between satisfaction and job performance.

This suggests managers are unlikely to enjoy substantial increases in job

performance as a result of enhancing job satisfaction.

2.3.2 Commitment

Commitment refers to attachment and loyalty. As defined by Mowdray et at

(1982), commitment consists of three components: an identification with the goals

and values of the organization; a desire to belong to the organization; and a

willingness to display effort on behalf of the organization. An alternative, although

closely related, definition of commitment emphasizes the importance of behavior in

creating commitment. As Salancik (1977) put it: 'Commitment is a state of being in

which an individual -becomes bound by his actions to beliefs that sustain his activities

and his own involvement.' Three features of behavior are important in binding

individuals to acts: the visibility of the acts, the extent to which the outcomes are

irrevocable, and the degree to which the person undertakes the action voluntarily.

Commitment, according to Salancik, can be increased and harnessed 'to obtain

support for organizational ends and interests' through such approaches as participation

in decisions about actions(Armstrong,2001,p.171).

When commitment is most important?

Commitment is most difficult and most readily proven during tough times.

How someone weathers the storms most clearly demonstrates their basic beliefs. In

antiquity, Epicurus stated: "...a captain earns his reputation during the storms." When

your competition scores big against you, when the money dries up, or when the

glamour of success wears off, this is when it is easiest to compromise your

commitments. The real test comes when you can hold the line against the easy route

of compromise. Fortunately, paying the price that commitment commands has payoffs

worth the cost - a reputation for integrity and, even more important, the commitment

of others in return. Commitment is a two-way street. You only get it if you are willing

to give it (

The impact of high commitment :

A belief in the positive value of commitment . A belief that is eliciting

employee commitment will lead to enhanced performance. The evidence shows this

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belief to be well founded. However, a review by Guest (1991) of the mainly North

American literature, reinforced by the limited UK research available, led him to the

conclusion that: 'High organizational commitment is associated with lower labour

turnover and absence, but there is no clear link to performance: It is probably wise not

to expect too much from commitment as a means of making a direct and immediate

impact on performance. It is not the same as motivation. Commitment is a wider

concept and tends to be more stable over a period of time and less responsible to

transitory aspects of an employee's job. It is possible to be dissatisfied with a

particular feature of a job while retaining a reasonably high level of commitment to

the organization as a whole (Armstrong,2001,p.174).

2.3.3 Motivation

A motive is a reason for doing something. Motivation is concerned with the factors

that influence people to behave in certain ways, The three components of motivation are:

• Direction - What a person is trying to do?

• Effort - how Hard a person is trying?

• Persistence - How long a person keeps on trying?

Motivating other people is about getting them to move in the direction you

want them to go in order to achieve a result. Motivating yourself is about setting the

direction independently and then taking a course of action which will ensure that you

get there. Motivation can be described as goal-directed behavior. People are motivated

when they expect that a course of action is likely to lead to the attainment of a goal

and a valued reward - one that satisfies their needs(Armstrong,2001,p.156).

Process of Motivation

Figure 2.3.2 The Process of Motivation

Develop By Researchers

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Needs create wants, which are desires to achieve or obtain something. Goals

are then established which it is believed will satisfy these needs and wants and a

behavior pathway is selected which it is expected will achieve the goal. If the goal is

achieved, the need will be satisfied and the behavior is likely to be repeated the next

time a similar need emerges. If the goal is not achieved, the same action is less likely

to be repeated. This process of repeating successful behavior or actions is called

reinforcement or the law of effect .It has, however, been criticized as ignoring the

influence of expectations and therefore constituting 'hedonism of the past


Types of Motivation

Figure 2.3.3 Types of Motivation

Develop By Researchers

Motivation at work can take place in two ways. First, people can motivate

themselves by seeking, finding and carrying out work (or being given work) that

satisfies their needs or at least leads them to expect that their goals will be achieved.

Secondly, people can be motivated by management through such methods as pay,

promotion, praise, etc.

There are two types of motivation as originally identified by Herzberg:

• Intrinsic motivation - the self-generated factors that influence people to behave in

a particular way or to move in a particular direction. These factors include

responsibility (feeling that the work is important and having control over one's

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own resources), autonomy (freedom to act), scope to use and develop skills and

abilities, interesting and challenging work and opportunities for advancement.

• Extrinsic motivation - what is done to or for people to motivate them. This

includes rewards, such as increased pay, praise, or promotion, and punishments,

such as disciplinary action, withholding pay, or criticism. Extrinsic motivators can

have an immediate and powerful effect, but it will not necessarily last long. The

intrinsic motivators, which are concerned with the 'quality of working life' (a

phrase and movement emerged from this concept), are likely to have a deeper and

longer-term effect because they are inherent in individuals and not imposed from


2.3.4 Salaries system

It is important for NGOs to dedicate a section on the salary of the staff in their

financial management policy. The staff needs to aware about the salary systems

followed by the organization whether payment to them is made on a monthly basis or

not, mode of the salary payment, procedures for giving out advances to staff and other

details. Below are the various aspects of salary and advances given to NGO staff

under a standard NGO financial management policy:

Salaries and Advances

1. Salaries

The following is the procedure on salaries:

a) All permanent employees shall be issued with appointment letters

signed by the organization head and employee-signifying acceptance

of the terms and conditions set forth thereto. The appointment letter

shall contain the initial salary, responsibilities, duties and the general

terms and conditions.

b) Subsequent changes in salary, responsibilities, duties, terms or

conditions of employment shall be communicated to the employee in


c) A personal file shall be opened for every employee. Copies of job

application letters, Appointment letters and any other correspondence

between employer and the employee shall be kept in this file.

d) Salaries shall be paid monthly in arrears. A salaries schedule showing

the gross pay, advances, deductions and net pay shall be prepared by

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the Accountant, checked and verified by the Finance manager/HR

manager and approved by the organization head prior to the

preparation of payment vouchers and the check.

e) A personal data card shall be opened for each member of staff.

Salaries shall be paid by check through the respective bank accounts.

f) Employees shall be issued with a pay slip every month, which will

show the computation of his/her net salary.

g) Signing the payment vouchers for the net pay, and the monthly

transfer sheets where applicable shall evidence authorization of salary


2. Salary Advances to Staff

Staff advances shall be given upon request in accordance with regulations

stipulated in the personnel policies and procedures manual (by complete, signed

and authorized Staff Advance Authorization form, SAAF). An Advances ledger

account should be opened and reconciled at every end month. However, all

advances should be approved subject to the availability of funds.

3. Pending Advances

A statement of funds lying with outsiders and staff should be recorded at the

end of every month-end. It is necessary to review it on a monthly basis to

identify whether any deposits/advances are lying unadjusted or overdue

for settlement. While it is possible that the actual date of payments and

the purpose of which the deposit/advance was given gets obliterated by passage

of time, this report will regularly give details of such funds lying elsewhere.

4. Travel Expenses

Travel expenses incurred by staff or any other authorized person shall be

reimbursed according to the regulations set out in the Human Resource Policies

and Procedures Manual.

5. Travel Advances to Staff

Travel advances shall be granted in accordance with the above mentioned

regulations. A separate staff debtor account shall be opened for each advance

granted. Any advances not accounted for within two weeks shall be recovered

from the salary of the employee concerned without prior reference to the


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2.3.5 The Work Environment

Work environment has a very significant role in the life of worker, cause we

spend approximately one third of our lives at work. Work environment is our

workplace with all conditions and risk factors existing in and around it, which affects

or could affect our safety and health at work. Therefore it is very important that

workers feel as good as possible, comfortably and safe in this environment. It is

proved in the world's practice that in good and well arranged work environment

productivity of work increases, the number of accidents at work and occupational

diseases decreases, workers are working more efficiently and their work life prolongs.

It makes sense that people that are happy within their working environment will work

far more effectively and happily than those who are uncomfortable: it therefore makes

sense to consider certain aspects of your employees workspace quite carefully.

Figure 2.3.4 Factors of Work Environment

Source: Develop By Researchers

1. Noise

If you feel that you may have a problem with the amount of noise within your

workplace then you need to get a measurement of noise levels done by a competent

person. Noise can be the cause of irreversible hearing damage and also lead to

increased levels of stress. Noise is normally caused by loud machines and so when

buying any new plant or machinery remember to check the noise emission levels. The

remedies are usually quite simple i.e. providing your employees with hearing

protection, rotating the staff who work close to noisy machinery to decrease their

exposure times, and clearly marking any 'high noise' areas to warn people of the risk.

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2. Ventilation

Fresh air is one of the most important elements of a working environment for several



The removal of excess heat

The dilution of various airborne impurities (dust, fumes, tobacco

smoke, body odour)

Adequate ventilation can be provided by simply allowing windows to be

opened. Air conditioning systems cannot be counted as fresh air systems as the air is

recirculated and therefore not as effective, particularly as it can still carry germs and

other impurities.

3. Temperature

The minimum temperature for sedentary work is 16 degrees Celsius (about 60

degrees Farenheit)and for work involving physical effort the minimum should be 13

degrees celsius (about 55 degrees Farenheit). Thermometers should be provided to

allow monitoring of these levels. Where extreme temperatures apply. work involving

furnaces or freezing compartments, employees should be provided with the correct

clothing and extra work pauses to allow recovery.

4. Lighting

There are various reasons why lighting is important in the workplace teo of which are:

to illuminate potential hazards

to prevent eye strain

There are various other considerations such as the facts that fluorescent

lighting should not flicker, there should be no glare, and there should be no sudden

contrast in levels of lighting. All light fittings should be kept clean and ideally the

ceiling should be light coloured to reflect the light.

5. Stress

Stress is becoming a more and more important issue in the world of work; it

can be caused by many factors. the nature of work, the pace of working, payment

systems, repetition and monotony, shift work, the behavior of other employees.

Although different employees will react differently to different situations so it is

difficult to prevent stress occurring, it is wise to bear in mind that stress does exist and

may at some time become an issue(

Page 62: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Identify actual and potential problems within each area as follows:

Figure 2.3.5 Area of Internal work environment

Source: Richard Pettinger,2002 p.113

6. Structure: role conflicts; stresses and conflict based on rank, status, and


7. Purpose: a configuration of organization, pattern, and design that reflects the

essential attributes that must be addressed in the establishment and

development of an excellent organization.

8. Systems: stress caused by the inability of systems, procedures, and processes

to make effective operations and activities canteen cultures.

9. Style: especial reference to managerial and supervisory styles, and the

recognition that stress is caused where these are adversarial and


10. Skills: the requirement of those with professional, occupational, and

technological expertise to be able to apply these, and develop these for their

own as well as organizational satisfaction.

11. Staff: general climate of staff relations; particular contributions of labor

relations and human resource management(Richard Pettinger,2002 p.112-114).

Page 63: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Chapter 3

Overview of NGO's

Section One :Overview of Palestinian NGO's.

Section Tow : Background of concern NGO's

Page 64: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Section One

Overview of Palestinian NGO's.

3.1.1 Background of NGO's

Since the beginnings of the last century, NGOs played an integral role in the

Palestinian struggle for liberation and development. The development process of

NGOs was linked to the changing socio-political environment in Palestine which was

associated with the development of Palestinian civil society concepts. It was

characterized by a remarkable level of creativity and steadfastness within a highly

complex set-up.

The Palestinian NGOs sector was prolific during the First Intifada of 1987.

However, drastic changes occurred following the establishment of the PA in the

functioning of the NGOs both politically and sociologically. As such, the vision and

mandate of the NGOs had to be accommodated to the new developments.

In addition to the essential role of NGOs in socioeconomic development, it

was instrumental in relief activities with the unfolding events. It proved to be capable

of operating under a complex environment and adapt remarkably with a distinctive

performance in providing basic services.

Under such exceptional circumstances, the NGOs were keen to upgrade and

broaden the range of services with a greater impact on Palestinian development. This

is revealed through self-awareness of its community role.

Although there is a disparity within the outlook of various NGOs, there is a

consensus as to the centrality of its role in the process of development and liberation.

The true challenge is the ability to proceed with the mission and effectively contribute

in the formation of the Palestinian society.

NGO's must be legally registered at the Palestinian Ministry of Interior

according to the Charitable Societies’ Law carrying No. 1 and issued in the year

2000. The objective is to promote community service on a nonprofit basis. It includes

charitable societies, grassroots organizations, sports clubs and the Palestinian

networks and unions representing Palestinian charitable societies.

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Section Tow

Background of Concern NGO's

3.2.1 Yaboos charity society


Yaboos charity society is private nonprofit organization established in Rafah

in 2001, seeks to develop and enhance youth ability, welfare children, and improve

the poor families life through studying and identifying their social and humanitarian

needs and implementing programs meeting their needs by professional staff.

YCS Vision

Yaboos charity society seeks to be the pioneer in developing the local

community and to meet his humanitarian, social and cultural needs.

YCS Mission

Yaboos charity society is private non-profit organization established in Rafah

in 2001, seeks to develop and enhance youth ability , welfare children ,and improve

the poor families life through studying and identifying their social and humanitarian

needs and implementing programs meeting their needs by professional staff .

3.2.2 Al Rowad for Palestinian Youth Association


Al Rowad for Palestinian Youth Association is nonprofit organization

established to expand and diverse of services for the Assembly gives the largest

amount of results with a focus on quality with four center sports, social, cultural and


Al Rowad Vision

The Society seeks to involve youth in the development process and that the

community takes its effective role in the construction and development of all

segments of society and in all fields.

Al Rowad Mission

Develop youth ideas and connect them with the local community , to promote

the self-confidence and create leaders able to giving, by raising the level of awareness

through various cultural programs which make the principles of democracy and the

Page 66: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


culture of human rights through providing services and to improve the quality and

variety of the target group in all areas.

3.2.3 Almanal Association for the development of rural women


Al Manal association is private nonprofit organization established in Deir al-

Balah in 2000, seeks to serve the Palestinian people in the areas of educational,

cultural, social and agricultural development

Al-Manal Vision

Al Manal association seeks to establish productive projects involving women

and the poor family so as to enable them to rely on themselves and to help her family

Al-Manal Mission

Al Manal association aims to develop the capacities of rural women and

enable them to increase their efficiency and improve their economic, social and

cultural, educational and thus contribute in the decision-making and the development

of sustainable development plans and upgrade rural family in general.

3.2.4 MA'AN Development Center


MA'AN Development Center is an independent Palestinian development and

training institution established in January,1989, registered by law as a non-profit

organization. The main office is located in Ramallah and the four branch offices are

located in Gaza, Khan-Younis, Tulkarem and Jenin,. MA’AN's work is informed by

the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that lead to the

development of human resources for sustainable development, which incorporate

values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.

MA'AN's Vision

A pioneer community development and capacity building organization, with

competent and professional staff, working in partnership with local, national, and

international CSOs and solidarity groups, contributing to the development of an

effective Palestinian civil society where respect for plurality, rule of law and social

justice are the pillars for a free democratic independent state.

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MA'AN's Mission

To partner and work hand in hand with Palestinian NGOs, Community Based

organizations, committees and grassroots groups in the poorest and most marginalized

areas to improve the quality of their lives and empower them to take a lead in

developing their communities and achieving self-reliance, steadfastness and

sustainable development based on freedom, participation equity & equality, respect

for human rights, democracy, and social justice.

3.2.5 Elwedad for community rehabilitation


Since its establishment, El-Wedad for Community Rehabilitation association

seeks to solve behavioral and social problems on both levels of individuals and

families, to provide psychosocial and educational support for children and their

families, to enhance counseling and psychosocial awareness in all life aspects, to

enhance community awareness with regards to concepts of democracy and civil

society, and to enable youth to build up their own identity and their problems logically

and in a sound manner. Moreover, the society works on supporting and enabling

women, and many other contributions to merge and work disabled people, and to

rehabilitate elderly, and to enhance the spirit of voluntary work.

El-Wedad Vision

El-Wedad association looks forward to being a leading agency in order to

build the local community capacity to achieve a stable civil society.

El-Wedad Mission

El-Wedad association works on development and rehabilitation of the local

society targeting children, youth and women through providing social, educational,

and psychological services with a high quality and non-discrimination

3.2.6 Baitona Association for Community and Development


Baitona Association is non-profit organization established to meet the needs of

our children and youth, and affect positively on sustainable community development

generally in the whole Palestinian society and particularly in the northern Gaza Strip.

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Baitona Association for Community Development is looking forward to the

develop the ability of the community to be pioneer in promoting and encouraging

social interaction and configuration family systems , in order to improve the quality of

life within a society dominated by justice and democracy.

Baitona Mission

Baitona Society for Community Development is a civil independent, non-

profit organization dedicated to the develop and empower the Palestinian family with

all its members (children, young people with disabilities, women, men, elderly) in the

Gaza Strip and the northern Gaza Strip, through empowerment , education, health care

and rehabilitation programs to reach sustainable development,

Baitona Society is committed through the realization of its vision to

democracy principles and human rights, which include justice, equality, commitment

to the law, transparency, tolerance, mutual respect, non-discrimination, gender-

sensitive and participation to live with dignity.

3.2.7 Alsalama Charity Association


Alsalama Association charity to care for the wounded, non-profit organization,

was founded in 2004 as a result of repeated invasions of the Gaza Strip, which leaves

large numbers of wounded and special needs.

Alsalama Vision

Seeks to improve the quality of life of the wounded in the Gaza Strip.

Al salama Mission

To providing comprehensive rehabilitation service for the wounded in the Gaza Strip

from the moment of the injury leading to autonomy.

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Chapter 4

Empirical Study

Section One: The method and the procedures.

Section Tow:Results of Hypothesis and the interpret of it

Section Three: Results and Recommendation .

Page 70: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Section One:

The method and the procedures.

4.1.1 Study methodology:

Researchers used in this study the analytical descriptive approach that attempts

to describe the phenomenon in which the subject of study and data analysis and

illustrate the relationship between components and the views put around it and the

processes that contain and the effects.

4.1.2 The population of study:

The study population consists of administrative employees in Palestinian

non-governmental organizations in Gaza Strip in

4.1.3 Study sample:

The study sample included random sample of seven associations targeted 60

employees distributed all governorates of Gaza Strip

Table 4.1.1 It shows the distribution of the sample gender.

Gender Frequency percent

Male 33 55.0%

Female 27 45.0%

Total 60 100.0%

This table shows that 55.0 % of the sample are male and 45.0% female

Table 4.1.2 distribution of the study sample age.

This table shows that 61.7% of the study sample age less than 30 years, 33.3%

between 30-40 years , and 5% between 41-50.

Table 4.1.3 It shows the distribution of the sample marital status.

marital status Single Married Total

Frequency 27 33 60

Percent 45.0% 55.0% 100%

This table shows that 55.0% of the sample are Married, and 45.0 % are single.

Age Less than

30 years

30 – 40


41 – 50

years Total

Frequency 37 20 3 60

percent 61.7% 33.3% 5.0% 100%

Page 71: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.1.4 It shows the distribution of the sample educational level.


Level High school Diploma Bachelor Master Total

Frequency 1 7 42 10 60

Percent 1.7% 11.7% 70.0% 16.7% 100%

This table shows that 70.0% from the sample are have bachelor degree, 16.7% of the

sample have master degree, , 11.7% Diploma degree, and 1.7% have high school .

Table 4.1.5 It shows the distribution of the sample work experience years.



Less than

1 year 1-3 years 3-5 years 5-7 years

More than 7

years Total

Frequency 6 13 18 9 14 60

Percent 10% 21.7% 30.0% 15.0% 23.3% 100%

This table shows that 30.0% of the sample have 3-5 years experience, 23.3% of the

sample have more than seven years experience, 21.7% of the sample have 1-3 years

experience, 15.0% of the sample have 5-7 years experience, and 10% of the sample

have less than one year experience.

Table 4.1.6 It shows the distribution of the sample monthly salary











More than

5000 NIS Total

Frequency 39 8 7 4 2 60

Percent 65% 13.3% 11.7% 6.7% 3.3% 100%

This table shows 65.0% of the sample earn 1000-2000 NIS monthly,13.3% of

the sample earn 2000-3000 NIS monthly, 11.7% of the sample earn 3000-4000 NIS

monthly,6.7% of the sample earn 4000-5000 NIS monthly and 3.3 % of the sample

earn more than 5000 NIS monthly.

Table 4.1.7 It shows the distribution of the sample work place

Work place Rafah Khan


Middle of

Gaza Gaza

North of

Gaza Total

Frequency 5 6 5 27 17 60

Percent 8.3% 10.0% 8.3% 45.0% 28.3% 100%

Page 72: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


This table shows 45.0% of the sample work in Gaza, 28.3% of the sample work in

North of Gaza, 10.3% of the sample work in Khan Younis, 8.3% of the sample work

in Rafah, and 8.3% of the sample work in Middle of Gaza.

4.1.4 The Arbitration of questionnaire

We use arbitration by two ways:

1. Internal consistency accuracy:

The internal consistency was Verified the accuracy of the questionnaire by

applying the questionnaire to the exploratory sample of 30 employees, and calculated

Pearson correlation coefficient between the degrees of each paragraph of the

questionnaire and the total degree of work stress questionnaire, using the statistical

program SPSS and the following table shows that:

Table 4.1.8 Correlation coefficient of each paragraph by paragraph to job stress

questionnaire with a college class for paragraphs

Internal Work Environment Motivation Characteristic




Level of





Level of





Level of


A1 0.815 Significant B1 0.749 Significant C1 0.299 Significant

A2 0.779 Significant B2 0.870 Significant C2 0.709 Significant

A3 0.859 Significant B3 0.873 Significant C3 0.242 Significant

A4 0.837 Significant B4 0.790 Significant C4 0.432 Significant

A5 0.709 Significant B5 0.861 Significant C5 0.688 Significant

A6 0.401 Significant B6 0.804 Significant C6 0.600 Significant

A7 0.705 Significant B7 0.659 Significant C7 0.515 Significant

Commitment Job Satisfaction

D1 0.590 Significant E1 0.710 Significant

D2 0. 403 Significant E2 0.723 Significant

D3 0.353 Significant E3 0.386 Significant

D4 0.606 Significant E4 0.467 Significant

D5 0.358 Significant E5 0.564 Significant

D6 0.250 Significant E6 0.489 Significant

D7 0.552 Significant E7 0.661 Significant

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From the previous table, it shows that the paragraphs of the questionnaire are

statistically significant at a level of significant (0.01, 0.05), and this confirms that the

paragraphs of questionnaire enjoy with a good degree from the internal consistency.

2. Reliability of questionnaire

Reliability of question was measured on exploratory sample by using Alfa

cronbakh test. Both researchers used this method to calculate the stability, this was for

getting the coefficient stability for the measurement, where value of Alfa cronbakh

was (0.898) and this shows that the measurement enjoys with a big degree of stability

that reassure the both researchers to implement it on the sample study.

Table 4.1.9 show the reliability for each questionnaire axis

Questionnaire Dimension Number of Item Cronbach's Alpha

Internal Work Environment 7 0.840

Motivation 7 0.907

Characteristic 7 0.517

Commitment 7 0.308

Job Satisfaction 7 0.643

All paragraph Questioner 35 0.898

4.1.5 Treatments and statistical methods:

Both researchers used the treatment and statistical methods during the analysis by

using SPSS program:

1. Frequencies and percentages.

2. Arithmetic mean, standard deviation and the relative weight.

3. Pearson s correlation coefficient.

4. Alfa cronbakh test.

5. Independent Samples T Test to see the differences between the two variables,

one digital and the other two types from two directions.

6. One Way ANOVA to determine differences between the two variables, one

digital and the other types of more than two directions.

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Section Tow

Results of Hypothesis and the interpret of it

4.2.1 Result of the first hypothesis:

Provides the first hypothesis that " There is no impact of internal work

environment on Job Stress." To verify the authenticity of this research both

researchers used percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and relative weight

for each paragraph of this problem and these following tables clarify that.

Table 4.2.1 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph

level of significance value of

T test






mean Paragraph Number


at 0.05

7.899 0.816 0.815 4.08

Appropriate office equipment

and adaptation of the lighting in

the workplace.



at 0.05

9.097 0.84 0.799 4.20

I have available tools and

equipment (including hardware

and software) to enable me to

achieve the highest levels of




at 0.05

8.293 0.824 0.859 4.12

All facilities in the Institution

is clean and quality of

ventilation as well as being

comfortable accommodation


Significant at 0.05 8.864 0.824 0.837 4.12

Our location is a practical

safety and security 4.

Significant at 0.05 10.227 0.804 0.709 4.02

Room sizes suitable with the

number of employees 5.

Not Significant at 0.05 -1.975 0.536 0.401 2.68 I do not suffer from noise in the

workplace 6.

Significant at 0.05 5.182 0.74 0.705 3.70

I feel good about the existing

work to improve the place and

the work environment


Significant at 0.05 8.888 0.768 0.853 3.84 General Mean 8.

The previous table shows the views of the sample paragraphs in all positive

expect one paragraph which talk " I do not suffer from noise in the workplace" the

Page 75: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


relative weight of each item greater than 60% expect the sixth paragraph, and the

moral level of less than 0.05, meaning that the sample agree that Appropriate office

equipment and adaptation of the lighting in the workplace 81.6%, and agree that I

have available tools and equipment (including hardware and software) to enable me to

achieve the highest levels of performance the relative weight of 84.0%, and agree that

All facilities in the Institution is clean and quality of ventilation as well as being

comfortable accommodation the relative weight of 82.4% and agree that Our location

is a practical safety and security the relative weight of 82.4%, and agree Room sizes

suitable with the number of employees 80.4%, and only negative paragraph I do not

suffer from noise in the workplace in the axis did not get the acceptable where the

ratio was 53.6%, and agree I feel good about the existing work to improve the place

and the work environment 74.0%

From the previous table it is clear that opinions of the respondents in all

dimensions of positive and negative axis relative weight of 76.8% which is greater

than 60%, and the level of significance of 0.000, the smallest than 0.05 and this means

that there is impact of internal work environment on job stress in NGO's and the

results showed that NGO's employees suffer from noise in their workplace.

4.2.2 Frequencies of Internal Work Environment and it’s impact on stress

Table 4.2.2 Illustrates the view of the sample in Appropriate office equipment and

adaptation of the lighting in the workplace.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 25 24 4 5 2 Frequency

100% 41.7% 40.0% 6.7% 8.3% 3.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.3 Illustrates the view of the sample in I have available tools and equipment

(including hardware and software) to enable me to achieve the highest levels of


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 30 19 5 5 1 Frequency

100% 50.0% 31.7% 8.3% 8.3% 1.7% Percentage

Page 76: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.4 Illustrates the view of the sample in All facilities in the Institution is clean

and quality of ventilation as well as being comfortable accommodation.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 28 18 8 5 1 Frequency

100% 46.7% 30.0% 13.3% 8.3% 1.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.5 Illustrates the view of the sample in Our location is a practical safety and


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 26 21 7 6 0 Frequency

100% 43.7% 35.0% 11.7% 10.0% 0% Percentage

Table 4.2.6 Illustrates the view of the sample in Room sizes suitable with the number

of employees

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 15 34 8 3 0 Frequency

100% 25.0% 56.7% 13.3% 5.0% 0% Percentage

Table 4.2.7 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not suffer from noise in the


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 12 18 11 15 4 Frequency

100% 20.0% 30.0% 18.3% 25.0% 6.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.8 Illustrates the view of the sample in I feel good about the existing work to

improve the place and the work environment.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 11 31 11 3 4 Frequency

100% 18.3% 51.7% 18.3% 5.0% 6.7% Percentage

Page 77: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


4.2.3 Result of the second hypothesis:

Provides the second hypothesis that " There is no impact of Motivation on Job


To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used percentages,

arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and relative weight for each paragraph of this

problem and these following tables clarify that.

Table 4.2.9 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph

level of


value of

T test






c mean Paragraph Number

Significant at

0.05 6.621 0.78 0.749 3.90

Provides me the opportunity

to work career development. 1.

Significant at

0.05 6.232 0.784

0.870 3.92

Share my line manager in

making decisions that effect

on the Departments.


Significant at

0.05 6.825 0.8

0.873 4.00

I feel that my line manager is

the efficiency and capacity

of leadership and



Significant at

0.05 6.956 0.786 0.790 3.93

Estimated managers and

aware of the problems that

faced me during achieve my



Significant at

0.05 5.877 0.76 0.861 3.80

There is an estimate of my

efforts and my work by

supervisors and superiors.


Significant at

0.05 1.150 0.634 0.804 3.17

Learning and development is

available 6.

Significant at

0.05 4.064 0.71

0.659 3.55

Management seeks always to

provide us new skills

through training programs

and developmental.


Significant at

0.05 6.696 0.75 0.885 3.75 General Mean 8.

Page 78: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


The previous table shows that the views of the sample paragraphs in all

positive as the relative weight of each item greater than 60%, and the moral level of

less than 0.05, meaning that the sample agree that Provides me the opportunity to

develop my work relative weight 78% , and agree Share my line manager in making

decisions that effect on the Departments78.4%, and agree that I feel that direct

manager is efficiency and capacity of leadership and management relative weight

80% , and agree that Estimated managers and aware of the problems that faced me

during achieve my duties relative weight 78.6%, and agree that There is an estimate of

my efforts and my work by supervisors and superiors relative weight 76%, and agree

that Learning and development is available relative weight 63.4%, and agree that

Management seeks always to provide us new skills through training programs and

developmental 71%.

From the previous table it is clear that opinions of the respondents in all

dimensions of positive first axis relative weight of 75% which is greater than 60%,

and the level of significance of 0.000, the smallest than 0.05 and this means there is

impact of motivation on job stress in NGO's.

4.2.4 Frequencies of Motivation and it’s impact on stress

Table 4.2.10 Illustrates the view of the sample in Provides me the opportunity to

work career development.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 17 29 9 1 4 Frequency

100% 28.3% 48.3% 15.0% 1.7% 6.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.11 Illustrates the view of the sample in Share my line manager in making

decisions that effect on the Departments.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 22 22 8 5 3 Frequency

100% 36.7% 36.7% 13.3% 8.3 % 5.0% Percentage

Page 79: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.12 Illustrates the view of the sample in I feel that my line manager is the

efficiency and capacity of leadership and management

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 24 22 8 2 4 Frequency

100% 40.0% 36.7% 13.3% 3.3 % 6.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.13 Illustrates the view of the sample in Estimated managers and aware of

the problems that faced me during achieve my duties.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 21 21 13 3 2 Frequency

100% 35.0% 35.0% 21.7% 5.0% 3.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.14 Illustrates the view of the sample in There is an estimate of my efforts

and my work by supervisors and superiors.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 14 30 10 2 4 Frequency

100% 23.3% 50.0% 16.7% 3.3 % 6.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.15 Illustrates the view of the sample in Learning and development is


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 6 19 20 9 6 Frequency

100% 10.0% 31.7% 33.3% 15.0 % 10.0% Percentage

Table 4.2.16 Illustrates the view of the sample in Management seeks always to

provide us new skills through training programs and developmental.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 11 23 16 8 2 Frequency

100% 18.3% 38.3% 26.7% 13.3 % 3.3% Percentage

Page 80: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


4.2.5 Result of the third hypothesis:

Provides the third hypothesis that " There is no impact of characteristic of employees

on Job Stress."

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used percentages,

arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and relative weight for each paragraph of this

problem and these following tables clarify that.

Table 4.2.17 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph

level of


value of T







c mean Paragraph Number


at 0.05 6.621 78 0.749 3.90

I know cases in which I am

tired . 1.


at 0.05 6.232 78.4 0.870 3.92

I cannot afford a failure of

work . 2.


at 0.05 6.825 80 0.873 4.00

I do not feel I’m in a great

challenge when I faced




at 0.05 6.956 78.6 0.790 3.93

I feel angry when someone

late 4.


at 0.05 5.877 76 0.861 3.80

I organize and manage my

time effectively. 5.


at 0.05 1.150 63.4 0.804 3.17

I do not escape from

responsibility when fill on

job stress



at 0.05 4.064 71 0.659 3.55

I prefer take a little rest to

become more vital 7.


at 0.05 6.696 75 0.885 3.75

General Mean 8.

The previous table shows that the views of the sample paragraphs in all

positive as the relative weight of each item greater than 60%, and the moral level of

less than 0.05, meaning that the sample agree that I know cases in which I am tired

relative weight 78%, agree that I cannot afford a failure of work relative weight

78.4%, agree that I do not feel I’m in a great challenge when I faced problem relative

Page 81: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


weight 80%, and agree I feel angry when someone late relative weight 78.6%, and

agree I organize and manage my time effectively relative weight 76%, agree that I

do not Escape from responsibility when fill on job stressrelative weight 63.4% , and

agree that I prefer take a little rest to become more vital relative weight 71% .

From the previous it is clear that opinions of the respondents in all dimensions

of positive first axis relative weight of 75% which is greater than 60%, and the level

of significance of 0.000, the smallest than 0.05 and this means that there is impact of

Characteristic of employee on job stress in NGO's.

4.2.6 Frequencies Of Characteristic and it’s impact on job stress

Table 4.2.18 Illustrates the view of the sample in I know cases in which I am tired.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 23 33 3 1 0 Frequency

100% 38.3% 55.0% 5.0% 1.7 % 0% Percentage

Table 4.2.19 Illustrates the view of the sample in I cannot afford a failure of work .

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 17 34 6 0 3 Frequency

100% 28.3% 56.7% 10.0% 0.0 % 5.0% Percentage

Table 4.2.20 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not feel I’m in a great

challenge when I faced problem.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 15 32 11 1 1 Frequency

100% 25.0% 53.3% 18.3% 1.7 % 1.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.21 Illustrates the view of the sample in I feel angry when someone late.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 20 30 10 0 0 Frequency

100% 33.3% 50.0% 16.7% 0.0 % 0.0% Percentage

Page 82: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.22 Illustrates the view of the sample in I organize and manage my time


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 23 29 5 3 0 Frequency

100% 38.3% 48.3% 8.3% 5.0 % 0.0% Percentage

Table 4.2.23 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not escape from responsibility

when fill on stress of work

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 1 7 11 18 23 Frequency

100% 1.7% 11.7% 18.3% 30.0 % 38.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.24 Illustrates the view of the sample in I prefer take a little rest to become

more vital

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 15 37 5 2 1 Frequency

100% 25.0% 61.7% 8.3% 3.3 % 1.7% Percentage

4.2.7 Result of the fourth hypothesis:

Provides the fourth hypothesis that " There is no impact of commitment on Job


To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used percentages,

arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and relative weight for each paragraph of this

problem and these following tables clarify that.

Page 83: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2. 25 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph

level of


value of T







ic mean Paragraph Number



at 0.05

-.680 0.576 1.329 2.88

I do not have a hard time for

getting to rest 1.


at 0.05 -2.224 0.53 1.219 2.65

Routine does not reduce my

motivation and incentive to

make more effort



at 0.05 13.012 0.83 .685 4.15

I do my work in accurate way

and on time 3.


at 0.05 9.544 0.81 .852 4.05

I discuss with my manager if

I failed or delayed in

completing my work



at 0.05 19.118 0.846 .500 4.23

I listen to the criticism on my

defaults and take the

responsibility of my work



at 0.05 6.028 0.764 1.049 3.82

I'm responsible at the same

time for several duties or

projects not related to each





at 0.05

.988 0.63 1.176 3.15

My task on job does not

prevent my duties for family. 7.


at 0.05 9.753 0.71238 .44626 3.5619 General Mean 8.

The previous table shows number that the views of the sample paragraphs in

all positive as the relative weight of some item greater than 60% and other smaller

than 60%, and the moral level of less than 0.05 expect first and last paragraph,

meaning that the sample agree that I do not have a hard time for getting to rest with

relative weight 57.6% , and agree that Routine dose not reduce my motivation and

incentive to make more effort With relative weight 53%, and agree that I do my work

in accurate way and on time With relative weight 83% , and agree that I discuss with

Page 84: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


my manager if I failed or delayed in completing my work with relative weight 81%,

and agree that I listen to the criticism on my defaults and take the responsibility of

my work with relative weight 84.6%,and agree that I'm responsible at the same time

for several duties or projects not related to each other with relative 76.4%, and agree

that My task on job does not prevent my duties for family with relative weight 63%.

From the previous table it is clear that opinions of the respondents in all

dimensions are positive first axis relative weight of 71.24% which is greater than

60%, and the level of significance of 0.000, the smallest than 0.05 and this means that

there is impact of commitment on job stress in NGO's. It is noted that employees of

NGO's facing difficulty in taking a vacation and routine contributes to reduce the


4.2.8 Frequencies Of Commitment and it's impact on job stress:

Table 4.2.26 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do not have a hard time for getting

to rest

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 9 15 12 14 10 Frequency

100% 15.0% 25.0% 20.0% 23.3 % 16.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.27 Illustrates the view of the sample in Routine dose not reduce my

motivation and incentive to make more effort

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 10 23 10 12 5 Frequency

100% 16.7% 38.3% 16.7% 20.0 % 8.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.28 Illustrates the view of the sample in I do my work in accurate way and

on time

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 17 37 4 2 0 Frequency

100% 28.3% 61.7% 6.7% 3.3 % 0.0% Percentage

Page 85: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.29 Illustrates the view of the sample in I discuss with my manager if I

failed or delayed in completing my work

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 18 31 8 2 1 Frequency

100% 30.0% 51.7% 13.3% 3.3 % 1.7% Percentage

Table 4.2.30 Illustrates the view of the sample in I listen to the criticism on my

defaults and take the responsibility of my work

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 16 42 2 0 0 Frequency

100% 26.7% 70.0% 3.3% 0.0 % 0.0% Percentage

Table 4.2. 31 Illustrates the view of the sample in I'm responsible at the same time for

several duties or projects not related to each other.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 19 20 12 9 0 Frequency

100% 31.7% 33.3% 20.0% 15.0 % 0.0% Percentage

Table 4.2.32 Illustrates the view of the sample in My task on job does not prevent my

duties for family.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 4 17 13 18 8 Frequency

100% 6.7% 28.3% 21.7% 30.0 % 13.3% Percentage

4.2.9 Result of the fifth hypothesis:

Provides the fifth hypothesis that " There is no impact of commitment on Job Stress."

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used percentages,

arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and relative weight for each paragraph of this

problem and these following tables clarify that.

Page 86: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.33 Means, standard deviations, relative weight , value of T test and level of

significance for each Paragraph.

level of


value of

T test






mean Paragraph Number

Significant at

0.05 7.746 0.804 1.017 4.02

I enjoy my work 1.

Significant at

0.05 4.822 0.744 1.151 3.72

My functional degree qualified

my scientific degree 2.


Significant at


1.714 0.654 1.205 3.27

I am not able to reject

working overtime 3.

Significant at

0.05 -2.053 0.546 1.006 2.73

I have enough income. 4.

Significant at

0.05 6.754 0.746 .841 3.73

I ask for help when I stressed

in my wok 5.

Significant at

0.05 6.759 0.76 .917 3.80

My manager permit to delay

some of work if there is a lot



Significant at

0.05 9.019 0.804 .873 4.02

Work gives me a satisfactory

social status 7.

Significant at

0.05 8.320 0.72238 .56967 3.6119 General Mean

The previous table shows that the views of the sample paragraphs in all

positive as the relative weight of each item greater than 60% expect fourth paragraph

which talk I have enough income, and the most moral level of less than 0.05,

meaning that the sample agree that I enjoy my work with relative weight 80.4 % , and

agree that My functional degree qualified my scientific degree With relative weight

74.4%, and agree I am not able to reject working overtime With relative weight

65.4% , and agree that I have enough income. with relative weight 54.6%, and agree

that I ask for help when I stressed in my work with relative weight 74.6%, and agree

that My manager permit to delay some of work if there is a lot stress with relative

weight 76%

Page 87: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


From the previous table it is clear that opinions of the respondents in most

dimensions are positive first axis relative weight of 72.23% which is greater than

60%, and the level of significance of 0.000, the smallest than 0.05 and this means that

there is impact of job satisfaction on job stress in NGO's. It is noted that employees

of NGO's facing difficulty to to reject working overtime and do not have enough


4.2.10 Frequencies Job Satisfaction and it's impact on job stress:

Table 4.2.34 Illustrates the view of the sample in I enjoy my work

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 23 21 12 2 2 Frequency

100% 38.3% 35.0% 20.0% 3.3 % 3.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.35 Illustrates the view of the sample in My functional degree qualified my

scientific degree

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 16 25 8 8 3 Frequency

100% 26.7% 41.7% 13.3% 13.3% 5.0% Percentage

Table 4.2.36 Illustrates the view of the sample in I am not able to reject working


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 5 11 18 15 11 Frequency

100% 8.3% 18.3% 30.0% 25.0 % 18.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.37 Illustrates the view of the sample in I have enough income.

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 1 14 20 18 7 Frequency

100% 1.7% 23.3% 33.3% 30.0 % 11.7% Percentage

Page 88: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.38 Illustrates the view of the sample in I ask for help when I stressed in my


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 7 36 13 2 2 Frequency

100% 11.7% 60.0% 21.7% 3.3 % 3.3% Percentage

Table 4.2.39 Illustrates the view of the sample in My manager permit to delay some

of work if there is a lot stress

Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 9 38 8 2 3 Frequency

100% 15.0% 63.3% 13.3% 3.3 % 5.0% Percentage

Table 4.2.40 Illustrates the view of the sample in Work gives me a satisfactory social


Total Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



60 17 32 7 3 1 Frequency

100% 28.3% 53.3% 11.7% 5.0 % 1.7% Percentage

4.2.11 Result of the sixth hypothesis:

The sixth hypothesis states that "No statistically significance differences

between some demographic(age, Gender, Marital status, Educational level, Years of

work experience, Monthly Salary, Work Place )variables and Job Stress.

A- there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and gender.’’

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used Independent Sample

T test between job stress and gender

Page 89: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.41 Number, means, standard deviations, value of Independent Sample T

test, level of significance.

Gender Number Arithmetic




value of


Sample T test

level of




Male 33 3.8571 .72580 .137

Not significance

at 0.05 Female 27 3.8307 .76320

Motivation Male 33 3.6450 .95506

-1.057 Not significance

at 0.05 Female 27 3.8836 .75076

Characteristic Male 33 3.8355 .46719

.476 Not significance

at 0.05 Female 27 3.7831 .36609

Commitment Male 33 3.6494 .44905

1.705 Not significance

at 0.05 Female 27 3.4550 .42680

Job satisfaction Male 33 3.5887 .61316 -.346

Not significance

at 0.05 Female 27 3.6402 .52170

Totally Male 33 3.7152 .48443

-.027 Not significance

at 0.05 Female 27 3.7185 .46798

From the previous table it shows that there is no statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Work

Environment, Motivation, Characteristic, Commitment, Job satisfaction and Totally)

and gender.

B- "there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and age"

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used One Way ANOVA

between the job stress and age

Page 90: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.42 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value ANOVA

test, level of significance.

Sum of


Degree of




value of

ANOVA test

level of




Between Groups .842 2 .421 .770



at 0.05

Within Groups 31.170 57 .547

Total 32.012 59


Between Groups 1.870 2 .935 1.245



at 0.05

Within Groups 42.818 57 .751

Total 44.688 59


Between Groups .322 2 .161 .901



at 0.05

Within Groups 10.188 57 .179

Total 10.510 59


Between Groups .592 2 .296 1.513



at 0.05

Within Groups 11.157 57 .196

Total 11.750 59



Between Groups .733 2 .367




at 0.05

Within Groups 18.413 57 .323

Total 19.147 59


Between Groups .387 2 .193 .860



at 0.05

Within Groups 12.817 57 .225

Total 13.204 59

From the previous table it shows that there is no statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Work

Environment, Motivation, Characteristic, Commitment, Job satisfaction and Totally)

and age.

C- "there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and Martial status "

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used One Way ANOVA

between the job stress and Martial status

Page 91: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.43 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of ANOVA

test test, level of significance

Sum of


Degree of




value of

ANOVA test

level of


Work Environment

Between Groups .174 1 .174




At 0.05

Within Groups 31.838 58 .549

Total 32.012 59


Between Groups 1.761 1 1.761




On 0.05

Within Groups 42.927 58 .740

Total 44.688 59


Between Groups .016 1 .016




On 0.05

Within Groups 10.494 58 .181

Total 10.510 59


Between Groups .092 1 .092




On 0.05

Within Groups 11.657 58 .201

Total 11.750 59

Job Satisfaction

Between Groups .039 1 .039




On 0.05

Within Groups 19.107 58 .329

Total 19.147 59


Between Groups .091 1 .091




On 0.05

Within Groups 13.112 58 .226

Total 13.204 59

From the previous table it shows that there is no statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Work

Environment, Motivation, Characteristic, Commitment, Job satisfaction and Totally)

and marital status.

C- "there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and Educational Level "

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used One Way ANOVA

between the job stress and Educational Level

Page 92: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.44 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance

Sum of


Degree of




value of

ANOVA test

level of


Work Environment

Between Groups 5.583 3 1.861

3.944 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 26.429 56 .472

Total 32.012 59


Between Groups 6.780 3 2.260

3.339 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 37.908 56 .677

Total 44.688 59


Between Groups .298 3 .099




on 0.05

Within Groups 10.212 56 .182

Total 10.510 59


Between Groups 1.365 3 .455




on 0.05

Within Groups 10.385 56 .185

Total 11.750 59

Job Satisfaction

Between Groups 3.509 3 1.170

4.189 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 15.637 56 .279

Total 19.147 59


Between Groups 2.666 3 .889 4.723


on 0.05 Within Groups 10.537 56 .188

Total 13.204 59

From the previous table it shows that there is no statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Characteristic and

Commitment) and educational level but there is statistically significant differences at

the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Internal work environment,

Motivation , job satisfaction and totally.) and Educational Level

D- "there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and Work Experience"

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used One Way ANOVA

between the job stressand Work Experience

Page 93: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.45 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance

Sum of


Degree of




value of

ANOVA test

level of


Work Environment

Between Groups 8.489 4 2.122

4.962 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 23.523 55 .428

Total 32.012 59


Between Groups 8.686 4 2.171

3.317 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 36.003 55 .655

Total 44.688 59


Between Groups .834 4 .209




on 0.05

Within Groups 9.676 55 .176

Total 10.510 59


Between Groups 2.506 4 .626

3.727 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 9.244 55 .168

Total 11.750 59

Job Satisfaction

Between Groups 2.782 4 .696




on 0.05

Within Groups 16.364 55 .298

Total 19.147 59


Between Groups 3.543 4 .886 5.043


on 0.05

Within Groups 9.661 55 .176

Total 13.204 59

From the previous table it shows that there is no statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Characteristic and ,

job satisfaction) and educational level but there is statistically significant differences

at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Internal work environment,

Motivation, Commitment and totally.) and Work Experience.

E- "there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and Salary"

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used One Way ANOVA

between the job stress and Salary

Page 94: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.46 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance

Sum of


Degree of




value of

ANOVA test

level of


Work Environment

Between Groups 2.171 4 .543

1.000 No significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 29.841 55 .543

Total 32.012 59


Between Groups 1.617 4 .404

.516 No significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 43.071 55 .783

Total 44.688 59


Between Groups .481 4 .120

.660 No significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 10.029 55 .182

Total 10.510 59


Between Groups .447 4 .112

.544 No significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 11.303 55 .206

Total 11.750 59

Job Satisfaction

Between Groups 1.029 4 .257

.781 No significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 18.118 55 .329

Total 19.147 59


Between Groups .659 4 .165

.723 No significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 12.545 55 .228

Total 13.204 59

From the previous table it shows that there is no statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Work

Environment, Motivation, Characteristic, Commitment, Job satisfaction and Totally)

and salary.

F- "There is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance

between the job stress and Work place"

To verify the authenticity of this research both researchers used One Way ANOVA

between the job stress and Work place"

Page 95: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Table 4.2.47 Sum of squares, degree of freedom, average squares, value of One Way

ANOVA, level of significance

Sum of


of Degree




value of

ANOVA test

level of


Work Environment

Between Groups 13.165 4 3.291

9.604 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 18.847 55 .343

Total 32.012 59


Between Groups 9.910 4 2.478

3.918 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 34.778 55 .632

Total 44.688 59


Between Groups 1.019 4 .255




on 0.05

Within Groups 9.491 55 .173

Total 10.510 59


Between Groups 3.491 4 .873

5.813 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 8.258 55 .150

Total 11.750 59

Job Satisfaction

Between Groups 3.747 4 .937

3.346 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 15.399 55 .280

Total 19.147 59


Between Groups 4.500 4 1.125

7.109 significance

on 0.05 Within Groups 8.704 55 .158

Total 13.204 59

From the previous table it shows that there is statistically significant

differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the job stress (Work

Environment, Motivation, Commitment, Job satisfaction and Totally) and work

place, and there is no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of

significance between the job stress (Characteristic) and work place

Page 96: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Section Three:

Result and Recommendation

This research aims to analyze job stress to increase employee effectiveness in

non-governmental organization "NGO's"

Through research statistical analysis, we can abstract research results, as follows:


1. Good internal work environment is available for employees in NGO's which

reduce stress.

2. Office equipment and good lighting helps staff to do their work comfortable.

3. Hardware and software equipment help employees to increase performance

without stress.

4. Employees of NGO's suffer from noise in their work place.

5. Career development is an important element to encourage the employee to


6. Good follow-up by the direct manager to encourage employees to complete

their duties reduce the responsibility of work .

7. Successful management encouraged employees to work.

8. Time management makes the employee complete its work efficiently.

9. Most of NGO's employee know when they are tired.

10. Many times NGO's employee can’t afford a failure of work.

11. Most of NGO's employee don't become in a great challenge when they faced


12. Employee of NGO’s are angry when someone late.

13. NGO's employee are not escape from responsibility when fill on job stress.

14. The employees of NGO's able to express their feelings of satisfaction or anger,

and this reduce job stress.

15. The employees of NGO's don’t request vacation when they feel of the work

stress and this reflects a high commitment which reduces job stress.

16. Routine sometimes reduce the employees of NGO's motivation and incentive

to make more effort and this increase job stress.

17. The employees of NGO's often do their works in accurate way and on time,

and this reflect high commitment which reduce job stress.

Page 97: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


18. The employees of NGO's always listen to the criticism on their defaults and

take the responsibility of their works, and this reflect high commitment which

reduce job stress.

19. The employees of NGO's have a high degree of commitment which qualified

them to overcome job stress.

20. The employees of NGO's enjoy in their works ,and this reduce job stress.

21. The employees of NGO's unsatisfied because they don’t able to reject working

overtime ,and this increase job stress.

22. The employees of NGO's unsatisfied because they don’t have enough income,

so this increase job stress.

23. Most employees feel job stress as a result of the accumulation and the

multiplicity of tasks that must be accomplished in a day of work.

24. NGO's employees suffers from job stress in times of emergency and public

events such as wars, Ramadan وmass weddings, summer camps

25. NGO's employees suffering from job stress at the beginning and end of the


26. NGO's employees suffering from the job stress due to the limited number of


27. NGO's employees suffering from the job stress due to lack of financial

resources and the feeling of job insecurity

Page 98: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness



1. NGO's must keep internal environment work in a good situation and reduce the

noise in workplace to help employee work without stress.

2. Management must follow up employees and help them to not fall in the stress.

3. Employees must don’t afford a failure of work

4. The employee should develop and improve their character to be able

overcoming any circumstances.

5. The manger should consider employees opinions and allow them to express they


6. Manager shouldn’t blame and criticism the employee all the time and give them

the chance to improve themselves and the quality of their works.

7. The employee should develop and improve his character to be able overcoming

any circumstances.

8. The manger should consider employees opinions and allow them to express they


9. Manager should motivate employee and give the reward during work stress.

10. Manager shouldn’t blame and criticism the employee all the time and give them

the chance to improve themselves and the quality of their works.

11. Manager should make interviews with employees and listen to their complaints.

12. Manager should do entertainment trip for their employees to increase their

energy .

13. NGO's employees need to increase the number of employees and adoption of job

description for each job.

14. NGO's employees looks forward to providing appropriate and transparent

administrative and financial system

15. NGO's employees looks forward to granting of annual leave on a regular basis

16. NGO's employees looks forward to flexibility in some administrative matters

and allow time for the completion of the task.

Page 99: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness




1. Gregory Moorhead & Ricky W. Griffin, Organizational Behavior , Second

Edition , Houghton Mifflin co., (1989).

2. Robert Kreitner , Angelo Kinicki, Organizational Behavior , second Edition,


3. Moorhead & Griffin, Organizational Behavior, Sixth Edition (2001).

4. Michael Armstrong, Human Resource Management Practice, 8 edition, Kogan

Page Ltd,2001.

5. Bruce S. McEwen, Elizabeth Norton Lasley, The End of Stress as We Know it

E- Books

1. Quick, James Campbell, U Texas, Arlington, TX, US. Quick, Jonathan D..

Nelson, Debra L.Hurrell, Joseph J. Jr., Preventive stress management in

organizations, (1997).

2. Paul M. Lehrer& Robert L. Woolfolk & Wesley E. Sime , Principles and

Practice of Stress Management, Third Edition, (2007).

3. Richard Pettinger, Stress Management, (2002).

4. Henry Parker, Stress Management, First Edition , (2007).

5. Christina Maslach, Michael P. Letter, Jossey-bass, The Truth About


6. Bob Losyky, John Wiley& son, Get a Grip (2005 )


1. Stress Management Simple Solutions To Start Now To Live A Stress Free

Life, , Free Book.

2. How To Win Your War Against Stress,, Copyrighted

by Wings Of Success, Free Book.






Page 100: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness



Page 101: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Islamic University – Gaza

Community Development Institute

Society Civil Organization Management

Questioner number

Questioner date

Brothers / Sisters

The employee is the basis of the success of any organization through the work

performed and the amount of the effort as only capable of managing other resources

the organization, which has necessitated the interest in and follow up the level of

performance and the suffering of the work stress in such a way to raise morale and

thus the level of his performance and the performance of the organization that her


And our belief in the importance of your opinions to improve scientific

research in Palestine in general and service on civil society organizations and its

development, in particular, have been allocated this questionnaire which measures the

impact of work stress on the performance of in civil society organizations staff in

Gaza Strip.

So we hope for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire, which is

intended for the purpose of scientific research only, not for publication.

Thank you for your cooperation and trust


Samar Almalfouh Nesreen Toman

Page 102: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Part one : Personal and occupational information

Age: less than 30 30-40 40-50 50 and more

Gender: Male Female

Marital status: Single Married Divorced Widower

Educational level: High School Diploma bachelor Master and Ph.D.

Years of work experience: less than a year 1-3 3-5 5-7 More than seven years

Monthly Salary: 1000-2000NIS 2000-3000NIS 3000-4000NIS 4000-5000NIS 5000 and more

Job Location : Rafah Khanyounis Middle of Gaza Gaza North of Gaza

Page 103: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


Part two: Stress Of Work Questionnaire

Number Sentences Almost

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



Internal Work Environment and work Stress

1. Appropriate office equipment and adaptation of the

lighting in the workplace.

2. I have available tools and equipment (including hardware

and software) to enable me to achieve the highest levels of


3. All facilities in the Institution is clean and quality of

ventilation as well as being comfortable accommodation

4. Our location is a practical safety and security

5. Room sizes suitable with the number of employees

6. I do not suffer from noise in the workplace

7. I feel good about the existing work to improve the place

and the work environment

Motivation and stress of work

1. Provides me the opportunity to work career development.

2. Share my line manager in making decisions that effect on

the Departments.

3. I feel that my line manager is the efficiency and capacity

of leadership and management

4. Estimated managers and aware of the problems that faced

me during achieve my duties.

5. There is an estimate of my efforts and my work by

supervisors and superiors.

6. Learning and development is available

7. Management seeks always to provide us new skills

through training programs and developmental.

Characteristic and stress of work

1. I know cases in which I am tired .

2. I cannot afford a failure of work .

3. I do not feel I’m in a great challenge when I faced


4. I feel angry when someone late

5. I organize and manage my time effectively.

6. I do not escape from responsibility when fill on stress of


7. I prefer take a little rest to become more vital

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Number Sentences Almost

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



Commitment and stress of work

1. I do not have a hard time for getting to rest

2. Routine does not reduce my motivation and incentive to

make more effort

3. I do my work in accurate way and on time

4. I discuss with my manager if I failed or delayed in

completing my work

5. I listen to the criticism on my defaults and take the

responsibility of my work

6. I'm responsible at the same time for several duties or

projects not related to each other

7. My task on job does not prevent my duties for family.

Commitment and stress of work

Job Satisfaction and stress of work

1. I enjoy my work

2. My functional degree qualified my scientific degree

3. I am not able to reject working overtime

4. I have enough income.

5. I ask for help when I stressed in my wok

6. My manager permit to delay some of work if there is a lot


7. Work gives me a satisfactory social status

Are you exposed pressure in earlier periods? Please explain the situation? Causes of stress of work.


…………………………… .........................................................................................................


In your opinion, What are the reasons that lead to the stress of work in your organization?



…………………………… .........................................................................................................

What are the requirements that you want from your organization to relieve stress at work ?

…………………………… .........................................................................................................


…………………………… .........................................................................................................

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الجامعة اإلسالمة

معهد التنمة المجتمعة

قسم إدارة منظمات المجتمع المدن

رقم االستيانة

تاريخ تعبئة االستبانة

اإلخوة/ األخوات الكرام

السالم عميكم ورحمة اهلل وبركاتو،،،

يعد الموظف أساس نجاح أي منظمة من خالل العمل الذي يؤديو ومقدار الجيد الذي اره القادر الوحيد عمى إدارة الموارد األخرى بالمنظمة، األمر الذي استمزم االىتمام بو يبذلو باعتب

ومتابعة مستوى أداءه وما يعانيو من ضغوط في العمل بشكل يؤدي إلى رفع روحو المعنوية وبالتالي مستوى أداءه وأداء المنظمة التي يعمل ليا.

يمانا منا بأىمية آرائكم لالرتقاء بالبحث العممي في فمسطين بصفة عامة وبخدمة وا منظمات المجتمع المدني وتطوره بصفة خاصة فقد خصصت ىذا االستبيان الذي يقيس ضغوط

العمل وأثرىا عمى أداء الموظفين في منظمات المجتمع المدني في قطاع غزة.

س لمنشرلذا نرجو تعاونكم في تعبئة ىذا االستبيان، وىو معد لغرض البحث العممي فقط، ولي

شاكرين لكم حسن تعاونكم وثقتكم


سمر الملفوح نسرن طومان

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الجزء األول: البيانات الشخصية:

03أكبر من 03-04من 03-03من 03: أقل من العمر

: ذكر أنثىالجنس

متزوج مطلق أرمل أعزب الحالة االجتماعة:

بكالوريوس ماجستير دكتوراه ثانوية عامة دبلوم : المؤهل العلم

أكثر من سبع سنوات 7-0 0-0 0-4اقل من سنة : سنوات الخبرة ف العمل

فما فوق 0111 0111-0111 0111-0111 0111-0111 0111-0111: الراتب الشهري بالشكل

الشمال غزة رفح خانيونس الوسطى مكان العمل:

Page 107: The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness of · The Impact of Job Stress On the employees effectiveness


الجزء الثاني: مقياس ضغط العملغير موافق

بشدةغير موافق موافق محايد موافق

بارةالع بشدة الرقم

بيئة العمل وعالقتها بضغط العمل .1 تجييزات المكاتب من إضاءة وتكييف في مكان العمل مناسبة يتوفر لي أدوات ومعدات )بما في ذلك األجيزة والبرمجيات( لتمكنني

من تحقيق أعمى مستويات األداء 2.

وجودة تيويتيا جميع المرافق في المؤسسة تتميز بنظافتيا وكفايتيا فضال عن كونيا أماكن مريحة


.4 يتميز موقع عممي بالسالمة واألمان .5 مساحات الغرف تتناسب مع عدد الموظفين أعاني من كثرة الضوضاء في مكان العملال 6. .7 أشعر بالرضا عن األعمال القائمة لتحسين مكان وبيئة العمل

ط العملالتحفيز وعالقته بضغ .1 يوفر لي العمل فرصة التطور الوظيفي .2 يشاركني مديري المباشر في اتخاذ القرارات التي تؤثر في إدارتي .3 أشعر بأن مديري المباشر ذو كفاءة وقدرة عمى القيادة واإلدارة .4 يقدر مديري ويدرك المشاكل التي قد تواجيني أثناء تأديتي لميامي .5 .الرؤساء و المشرفين قبل من عممي و لجيودي تقدير ىناك .6 .متوفرة عممي في الوظيفي التقدم و الترقية فرص و تدريبية برامج خالل من جديدة ميارات إلكسابنا دوما اإلدارة تسعى


الشخصية وعالقتها بضغط العملمرىقا أعمم جيدا الحاالت التي أكون فييا 1. أستطيع تحمل فشل العمل 2. .3 ال أشعر أنني في تحدي كبير حين تصادفني مشكمة .4 أشعر بالغضب حين يتأخر شخص عن موعدي .5 أدير وقتي بانتظام وأريحية .6 ال أتيرب من المسؤولية حين أتعرض لضغط العمل حيوية الدائمةأفضل االستراحة قميال لمحفاظ عمى ال 7.

االلتزام وعالقته بضغط العمل .1 .لمراحة إجازة عمى الحصول في صعوبة ال أواجو .2 الروتين في العمل ال يفقدني الدافعية و الحافز لبذل جيد أكبر .3 أنجز عممي بالجودة المطموبة و في الوقت المناسب

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غير موافق بشدة

غير موافق موافق محايد موافق

بارةالع بشدة الرقم

رت في إنجاز العملأبادر بالنقاش مع مديري لو فشمت أو تأخ 4. .5 أستجيب لالنتقادات عمى التقصير و أتحمل المسؤولية غير مشروعات أو واجبات عدة عن الوقت نفس في مسئول أنا

.البعض ببعضيا مرتبطة6.

.7 .األسرية لميامي أدائي دون تحول وظيفتي ال ميام إن الرضا الوظيفي وعالقته بضغط العمل

ع بعممي .أستمت 1. .2 درجتي الوظيفية تناسب مع مؤىمي العممي. .3 ال أعبر عن غضبي عند إجباري عمى العمل لوقت إضافي. .4 .لي محفز ىو و عممي في أدائي حجم مع راتبي يتناسب .5 أطمب العون من زمالئي حين التعرض لضغط العمل. ض العمل لو شعرت بالضغطأناقش المدير في إمكانية تأجيل بع 6. .7 .مرضية اجتماعية مكانة العمل يمنحني

هل تعرضت للضغط ف فترات سابقة؟ الرجاء ذكر الموقف؟ أسباب ضغط العمل




برأك ما ه األسباب الت تؤدي إلى ضغط العمل ف مؤسستك؟




ما ه المتطلبات الت ترد أن توفرها إلك مؤسستك لتخفف ضغط العمل؟


