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The Human Heart

The Human HeartTracey Johnston

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Click here for audioCorrect! Review the terms! *Pulmonary Artery carries blood away from the heart (from right ventricle) to the lungs for re-oxygenation. Carotid Artery (-ies) supply the head and neck with oxygenated blood. Coronary Artery (-ies) blood vessels that supply the heart with blood they are the actual vessels of the heart.


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Arteries carry blood AWAY from the heart.

Veins carry blood TO the heart.

Bonus Question:

Which is the only artery that carries de-oxygenated blood away from the heart?

Click on the correct response below.

The Carotid Artery Coronary Artery The Pulmonary Artery

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Click on the name of the structure the arrow is pointing to.

Superior Vena CavaInferior Vena CavaRight AtriumLeft AtriumCoronary Artery

Right VentricleLeft VentricleAorta

Click here for audio The circulation of blood through the heart.

Step 1: This structure receives DE-oxygenated blood from the Superior and Inferior Vena Cavae.

Click on the correct answer below.Left VentricleRight Atrium

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