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The Human Genome and

Gene TechnologiesChapter 15. 1 and


Page 2: The Human Genome and Gene Technologies Chapter 15. 1 and 15.2.
Page 3: The Human Genome and Gene Technologies Chapter 15. 1 and 15.2.

The Human Genome

I. The Human Genome Project- A scientific cooperative effort to sequence the entire human genome.a. Completed in the year 2003.b. Humans have about 25,000 genes.c. 99.9% of all DNA is identical in all humans.

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The Human Genome

II. Applications of the Human Genome Projecta. Diagnosing and preventing diseases.b. Treating diseases (gene therapies).c. Identifying individuals- each person has an individual genetic code.

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The Human Genome

III. DNA Fingerprint- A pattern of DNA characteristics that is unique to an individual organism.a. Can be used to confirm relation between two people.b. Used to identify criminals.c. Used to identify victims/bodies

in forensics.

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15.2 Gene Technologies I. Manipulating genes-Gene Technologies

are widely used to study organisms, alter organisms for human use, and improve human lives

A. Genetic engineering_- deliberate alteration of the genetic material of an organism into a another

i. DNA that has been recombined by genetic engineering is recombinant DNA, also referred to as GMOs (genetically modified organisms)

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Page 8: The Human Genome and Gene Technologies Chapter 15. 1 and 15.2.

A common GMO-Soybeans!

Tolerant to herbicidesHow is this helpful to


OR produce insecticidesHow is this helpful to


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Gene Technologies

B. Everyday applications i. Food crops:

many crops have insecticide genes added, or are engineered to be easier to grow or more nutritious

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Gene Technologies

Livestock: new breeds engineered to grow faster or have more or less fat; or to produce milk with specific proteins

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Gene Technologies

Medical Treatment: a normal gene for a protein can be inserted into a person with an abnormal gene (ex: diabetes and hemophilia)