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  • 7/31/2019 The Hoover-stimson Doctrine


    The hoover-stimson doctrine

    While the framers of the Monroe Doctrine and its corollary limited their horizons

    to the Western Hemisphere, a later statement of national purpose would extend

    that horizon halfway around the globe. The Hoover-Stimson Doctrine, named for

    President Herbert Hoover and Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson, actually

    reiterated earlier pledges regarding American interests in the Far East. In doing

    so, it sent a mixed message: that while the United States would not recognize

    territorial changes realized by force of arms, it had no interest in coming to the

    defense of that principle.

    The events precipitating the doctrine's articulation took place in northern China

    in September 1931, along a section of track on the South Manchurian Railway,

    which had been administered by Japan since the first decade of the century. An

    explosion near the railway, subsequently attributed to the Japanese military, was

    blamed by Japan on Chinese rebels. Japan used the occasionthereafter known

    as the Mukden Incidentas a pretext to pacify ever-larger regions of Manchuria.

    Continued Japanese conquest alarmed the international community, prompting

    the League of Nations to condemn such aggrandizement. In an effort to

    underscore its concern, the league sought to enlist on its behalf support from the

    United States and the administration of President Herbert Hoover. On 7 January

    1932, Secretary of State Stimson delivered notes to both Japan and China stating

    U.S. opposition to the course of events in Manchuria. Stimson's announcement

    was twofold: first, that the United States would not recognize any treaty that

    compromised the sovereignty or integrity of China; and second, that it would not

    recognize any territorial changes achieved through force of arms. It was a

    statement of pure principle, made even purer by the disinterest and inability of

    the United States to back up those words with deeds. Given the economic,military, and diplomatic constraints ensuing from the Great Depression,

    violations of the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine would bring public rebuke by the

    United States but little else.

  • 7/31/2019 The Hoover-stimson Doctrine


    Although the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine is often derided as a manifestation of pie-

    in-the-sky American idealism, its articulation made great sense to a great many at

    the time. Reflecting widespread revulsion at what the Great War had wrought

    the enormous loss of life, manifold disruptions of European societies, and an

    overwhelming reluctance to repeat the mistakes of the pastthe doctrine sought

    to marshal world opinion in the service of peace. Its appeal to universal standards

    of conduct reflected the emergence of a new mind-set in world affairsthat there

    was, in fact, such a thing as an international community and that certain norms

    governed its behavior. No statement was more emblematic of that consciousness

    than the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, an agreement signed by thirty-three

    nations outlawing the use of force as an instrument of national policy.

    The doctrine was also rooted in the history of the region. Western interest in

    China stretched back hundreds of years, but the ability to exercise decisive

    influence on that country was a more recent phenomenon. Britain's 1842 victory

    over China in the first of the Opium Wars established a pattern whereby several

    countries, including the United States, were able to demand most-favored-nation

    trading status from the Chinese authorities. By the late nineteenth century, the

    imperial powers were carving up China into separate spheres of influence. As

    China lay prostrate, U.S. Secretary of State John M. Hay proposed that thosenations adopt an Open Door policy for China, an arrangement that would

    preserve China's territorial and administrative integrity while maintaining equal

    trading rights for all. It was Japan, however, that would mount the greatest

    challenge to the Open Door. Having gained a foothold in Manchuria following the

    Russo-Japanese War of 19041905, Japan applied increasing pressure on China,

    resulting in its Twenty-One Demands of 1915. American remonstrations to Japan

    indicated that the United States would not recognize any agreements in violation

    of the Open Door, a position it reaffirmed in 1917 and then again in 1922. TheMukden Incident of September 1931 represented the clearest challenge to date of

    that long-stated U.S. position.

    The Hoover-Stimson Doctrine also was part of the history of U.S. recognition

    policy. This policy dated to the early national period when Democratic-

  • 7/31/2019 The Hoover-stimson Doctrine


    Republicans and Federalists, arguing bitterly over a proper response to the

    French Revolution, questioned whether the United States was obligated to carry

    out agreements signed with the ancien regime, and vice versa. The issue of

    diplomatic recognition would reemerge following the War of 1812, as a more

    assertive United States questioned the wisdom of establishing formal relations

    with a coterie of weak, newly independent Latin American nations; it was this

    debate, in fact, that was the backdrop for the Monroe Doctrine. The matter would

    demand executive attention once again during the administration of President

    Woodrow Wilson. A series of regime changes in Mexicosome of them bloody

    led Wilson to withhold recognition of General Victoriano Huerta, reversing the

    general principle of conferring legitimacy on whoever could demonstrate de facto

    territorial control. The Mukden Incident would reopen the issue of whether, andon what grounds, the United States would recognize the sovereignty of a new

    controlling authority.

    Despite America's absence from the League of Nations, U.S. officials hoped that

    body would act swiftly to resolve the crisis. To prod it into action, the United

    States sent an observer to attend its deliberations. This led to the formation of a

    commission of inquiry to investigate the dispute and report back to the league

    assembly. When in 1932 the commission announced its findings, which blamedJapan for the crisis, the Japanese delegation walked out of the League of Nations.

    In the interim, a new Japanese government had assumed power and embarked

    on the further conquest of Manchuria. It was this action, undertaken by Japan in

    the fall of 1931, that prompted Stimson to issue his policy of nonrecognitiona

    policy suggested, in fact, by Hoover himself.

    Although Stimson had hoped his approach would garner European support,

    formal endorsements were not in the offing. Britain, reversing the role it hadplayed earlier regarding the Monroe Doctrine, let America wave the banner of

    nonrecognition, hoping to benefit from that policy without having to tie itself too

    closely to the American kite. Ultimately, the League of Nations endorsed

    Stimson's pledge, although over the next several years a number of its members

    would recognize Japanese suzerainty over Manchuria.

  • 7/31/2019 The Hoover-stimson Doctrine


    By most any measure, the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine failed its first test. Only

    three weeks after the secretary of state delivered his diplomatic notes, Japan

    attacked the port city of Shanghai, extending its sphere of influence into central

    China. The United States refused to take action; Stimson wanted to impose

    sanctions on Japan, but Hoover was reluctant to engage the United States in

    measures he deemed tantamount to war. Moreover, given the domestic pressures

    Hoover was facingincluding staggering unemployment figures, numerous bank

    failures, and a massive drop in consumer spendingit was all but impossible to

    send ill-prepared military forces around the world. The president hoped that

    China's size and culture would help it absorb the Japanese incursion, and that a

    dose of moral suasion would help convince the Tokyo leadership to cease and

    desist. Neither of these developments came to pass.

    Insofar as Hoover dictated the nature of America's response during the

    Manchurian crisis, it seems wrong to castigate Stimson exclusively for policies

    that came to be associated with his name. Stimson envisioned a series of

    measures, increasing in severity, which he hoped would compel a Japanese

    change in behavior; the president, on the other hand, took the more isolationist

    position. Hoover, in fact, sought to wrestle authorship of the doctrine away from

    his secretary of state, a curious move given the manifest impotence of themeasures it advocated. Yet grasping for evidence of leadership during the 1932

    presidential campaign, Hoover wanted Stimson to consign its provenance over to

    the president. Eventually, Stimson did bestow that honor upon Hoover.

    Nevertheless, its principles continue to be associated with Stimson, and any

    mention of a doctrine continues to bear his name.

    The Hoover-Stimson Doctrine would continue to amass a sorry record during the

    1930s as the new political orders in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Albania, andEthiopiathe fruits of German and Italian aggression and intimidationreceived

    widespread international recognition. Fascism's ascendance, observers would

    argue, took its cue from Japan's earlier behavior in the Far East; reluctance to

    confront Japan emboldened Hitler and Mussolini, creating conditions for the

    greater horror to come. In this sense, the promulgation of both the Hoover-

  • 7/31/2019 The Hoover-stimson Doctrine


    Stimson Doctrine and the League of Nations judgment might have done more

    damage to international peace than the withholding of such statements. The

    failure of both the United States and the international community to back up

    their words with effective retributive actions thus allowed the Japanese, and

    perhaps the Germans and Italians, to call the world's collective bluff, plunging

    hundreds of millions into global war.

    Scholars have regularly disparaged the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine on those

    grounds, describing it as both toothless and dangerous. Some historians, in fact,

    have argued that Stimson's approach was even weaker than that of the League of

    Nations, for it offered no procedure for mediating the Manchurian dispute.

    Others have decried its reliance on "legalism"the reliance on vague notions of

    universal norms to influence international behaviorat the expense of more

    "hard-headed" approaches to geopolitics. On the other hand, legal theorists have

    responded to the doctrine with guarded acclaim, pointing out that its injection of

    morality into global politics would help to shape an international consensus in

    the postwar era

    Read more: The hoover-stimson doctrine - Doctrines
