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Page 1: The Hawkeye November 2009

Hillsborough Community College

November 4, 2009 Volume 33 Issue 2

It's an electronic age and today’s American has to be logged on, tuned in and turned on. From the moment we wake until we sleep we’re electronically charged. One of technologies greatest gifts is the wireless hook-up, seemingly giving wings to communication.

We can reach out and touch someone around the world from wherever we are. If you’ve ever been on the phone and heard fl ushing in the background you know that boundaries must be established somehow.

As if the wireless world weren’t already mimicking a Star Trek fl ick, when we weren’t looking the Borg placed little typewriters on our telephones.

Callers don’t have to take the time to sit down and place a call. You don’t get the pleasure of hearing their children playing, dogs barking or smoothies whirling in the blender.

All those little things that bring us into one another’s lives and build our friendships have been stripped from us like Lieutenant Data’s emotion chip.

Txting on campus?Wat r u thinkin?

New art from an old source

See Texting Terrors pg. 7


Art comes to its creator’s in many forms of inspiration, and Ybor campus got a taste first hand from the creators hands themselves.

Juan Pacheco was featured in the Performing Arts building at the Ybor campus from Oct. 5-Oct. 28 introducing his work to students and art aficionados alike.

The recently discovered city of Caral is the oldest city in the Americas, dating back to 2600 B.C. and is Pacheco source of inspiration; Pacheco’s work is directly influenced by this ancient city’s architecture found on the coast of Peru.

At the Ybor gallery, the Peruvian artist delivered an intricate installation that was both engaging and educational.

The installation was a

series of woven sculptures in a variety of mediums from bronze, silver and gold, to sea grass and cotton. At a time when the economy is in crisis, an installation that embodies the idea of renewal is fitting.

A cocoon that hung from the ceiling, in the center of the gallery, exemplified this ideal of rebirth.

Also found in the gallery, were books with step by step descriptions of Pahceco’s weaving technique.

In celebration of Incan culture, Pacheco is constructing a modern day pyramid outside of Lima, designed after those found in the ancient city.

By providing art work free to the public, Pacheco is

more than an artist, he is also somewhat of an economist and philanthropist. Pacheco has employed several women in the town where the pyramid is being built, and is bringing tourists to Lima every day.

For more on what Pacheco is doing in Peru, visit his site at

Pacheco demonstrates the Peruvian Stich for visitors at his galley at Ybor.Photo by Danielle Superior

Juan Pacheco visits the Ybor campus to shed light on the source of inspiration for his latest works


Music, food and funDale Mabry celebrates Hispanic heritage with class

pg. 3

Get caught being ‘fly’ at Tampa hotspot

pg. 5

Uniforms may change, but Miss Mary stays the same

pg. 2

The beauty of buff� nd this story and more

online @

Page 2: The Hawkeye November 2009

Student Life >>

2 Hawkeye November 2009

What do you get when you take a hard worker who stands just under five feet, with eight years of gentle patience and the most giving heart found on the Dale Mabry campus? Mary Pierce, also known as the infamous, Miss Mary.

Miss Mary had been working at the Dale Mabry Campus for the past eight years running her own business, The Doughnut Shoppe II, until this past July when it was bought out by Sodexo, the new food provider for HCC.

“It was my own business, I made sandwiches and pastries and I enjoyed it. I know the students did too, but now it’s time for a change,” said Pierce.

According to Linda Tarrago, an HCC accounting professor and very good friend of Pierce, when Sodexo offered her a position with a paycheck and benefits, she decided to stay.

Tarrago has helped Miss Mary with her finances and had long conversations with her about the business and what to do.

Owning her own business and taking the risks she has, Pierce was understaffed, underutilized, as far as what the college gave her, and overworked. Before, she

couldn’t take time off and if she did, she lost money.

“At times, she would even take money out of her own pocket to pay for food,” said Tarrago.

“She has a terrific heart, and a lot of kids took advantage of her,” siad Tarrago. “Some people would come in and say they didn’t have any food, and she would buy them loaves of bread and jars of peanut butter which I’m sure she still does,

cause a good heart is a good heart.”

No longer making her own homemade sandwiches, Miss Mary flattens panini’s and offers up coffee to students.

“A lot of people were surprised to see the business gone when they came back to school this fall,” said Pierce.

“They didn’t know what was going on. I just dropped it, I didn’t want to get into it,” she

said.“While we miss what she

had, I think in the long run the frustration level for her is going to be a lot less, it’s just change is hard,” said Tarrago.

Many students of the Dale Mabry campus know that Miss Mary is always there if they need someone to listen.

“I love Miss Mary she’s a sweet lady,” said Elaine Cordero, 20, an education major.

“Her shop was good quality, with way too much food, but one could always tell that there was love put into whatever she made,” said Tarrago. “She’s the highlight of many students’ days.”

What about the new business that replaced the Doughnut Shoppe II? Jazzman’s Café.

Student Andrew Miller, 20, said he got a muffin from the new venue but it could not compare.

“She can definitely make a good sandwich,” said Miller.

Even though the small business is gone, the familiar face with a tender heart remains.

“She has a dream that she would like to open up a bed and breakfast with her daughter in the Panhandle, and she wants to be the cook,” said Tarrago.

“Miss Mary is the epitome of mother, she will take care of you no matter what, and she will put you, your feelings, and your needs before anything else. It is truly a pleasure working with her,” said Emily Beaver, 28, manager of Jazzman’s.

If you would like a warm smile with your cup of coffee, you can visit Miss Mary at Jazzman’s Café on the first floor of the Social Science building from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. each school day.

Ali KlosstAff Writer

Miss Mary Pierce gives a student their change at Jazzman’s Cafe. Photo by Jameshia Jefferson

A recipe for a kind soul

Over the years, professor Maria Quintero-Pi has taught students many valuable lessons. But one thing people are often unaware of is her passion for instilling the Hispanic heritage into others and truly knowing what it means to be an American.

In 1959, Pi’s father, Elías Quintero voted Fidel Castro into office, strongly believing that he was a democratic leader. Shortly after he was elected, Castro started showing signs of socialism.

One year later, 11-year-old Quintero-Pi and her family fled to the United States.

“My father made the arrangements and we were gone,”said Quintero-Pi. “We left with nothing, just the clothes on our back.”

Once they arrived in America, the Cuban refugees settled in Ybor City. Each day after school, Quintero-Pi would help her parents run Casa León Cigar, a cigar factory located behind the Columbia restaurant.

Although she was living in

the land of the free, life was not always fair. In 1964, Quintero-Pi was a student, at Memorial Junior High. One day during lunch, she was sent to the principal’s office for talking with friends in Spanish. “They sent me to the principal’s office because [the staff] thought I was talking about them,” said Quintero-Pi.

Instead of harboring bitterness, Quintero-Pi realized the importance of helping others understand the Hispanic language and culture.

“Discrimination is ignorance,” said Quintero-Pi. “If you understand a person’s language and their culture then you have nothing to fear.”

“In our countries, we eat meals together as a family, there is always someone home when the kids do homework, and it’s not uncommon for children to live at home until they are 22 or 23,” said Quintero-Pi.

“Even when a woman gets married, her family identity still remains strong. Our maiden names are equally a part of our last names, and they come before our husband’s, said Quintero- Pi.

“In America my last name is

hyphenated, but in our countries the hyphen would be replaced with ‘De’ which means ‘wife of ’,” said Quintero-Pi.

Although she is very proud of her roots, Quintero- Pi never wants her three children to forget they are Americans.

In the late 70s, Quintero-Pi remembers a student from Miami who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag even though he was born here. Determined her kids would not grow up to speak Spanish at the expense of the English language, she moved back to Tampa.

In college, Quintero-Pi studied Spanish education with a minor in French, earning both a bachelor and masters degree from the University of South Florida.

Quintero-Pi began teaching full-time at HCC in 1988. Prior to that, she taught at Berkley Preparatory School during the day, and was an adjunct French professor for HCC at night.

As a Spanish teacher, Quintero- Pi feels she is very hard on her students. I want them to realize your education is the one thing people can’t take away from you, said Quintero-Pi.

Quintero-Pi tries to instill a sense of giving, in her students

as well. For the past two years, Quintero-Pi has required her classes to purchase folders and scantrons from her at reduced rates. In return, she takes that money and donates it to World Vision, an organization that helps provide clean drinking water

to the children in Africa.“We cannot forget this is

America and we are blessed to be here,” said Quintero- Pi.

CArrie HoeHstAff Writer

Professor shares passion for heritage and students

Professor Maria Quintero-Pi Contributed photo

Page 3: The Hawkeye November 2009

November 2009 Hawkeye 3

Fall into the season with a festival

Your Next StepYour Next Step


Take your next step toward success by transferring to UT.

Hispanic heritage celebrates its 20th year at HCC



Summer has come and gone and fall is here, although living in Florida you would have never notice it.

With the season change comes Halloween, cooler weather (sometimes), and fall festivals. The Dale Mabry Campus held a festival on Oct. 14 to celebrate the beginning of the season’s fun.

With free food, face painting, balloon makers, club information, and “goofy I.D.s”, students took a break from classes by participating in the festival. Music was played as students were able to relax and enjoy the festivities with their friends.Students just had to get a ticket for the free food, and then take it to the food stands in order to take advantage. Christine Reisner, 24, Fine Arts major, took full advantage of all the things the festival had to offer.

“It was really fun being able to eat free food and relax from my break between classes,” said Reisner.

“After eating, I got my face painted and then I got information on cool clubs that I didn’t even know HCC had.”Face Painting by Susan and Balloons by Lester supplied the entertainment for students. Their booth had a long line for the majority of the festival.“Getting a balloon made was so much fun,” said Reisner. “It was just like being a kid again.”Participating clubs included the Dale Mabry Gospel Choir, Bible Study, Phi Theta Kappa, and more. They handed out information, and talked to students about their focus to recruit new membersRick Gardner, 32, Liberal Arts Major, appreciated the free food and loved having his face painted.“What I liked most was the free food,” said Gardner.

“In this economy, students need to take advantage of these events their school puts on; especially when free food is involved.”

For more information on upcoming events at your campus, visit

Imagine that big day when all your hard work pays off. You’ve accomplished your dreams. All your tests, papers and midterms finally grant you that degree you’ve worked so hard for. You feel like you can breathe now, you did it. You are at your Zen, life is good. Then suddenly one day you faint. When you wake up you are in a hospital bed with tubes in your arm. You see a chubby nurse fluffing the pillow on the bed next to yours. You realize ,after a few questions, that you are in the cancer unit suffering from breast cancer. Suddenly that degree you earned has lost all its significance and your only goal is survival.

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 22 years old,Yvette Rodriguez, 42, Ybor Campus Criminal Justice major said. “I was in denial and shock after my doctor told me I had it”.

Breast cancer is the highest cause of death among American women. Around

40,170 deaths were caused by breast cancer in 2009. The American Cancer Society reports the chances of dying from breast cancer is 1 in 35.

“I beat cancer twice,” said Rodriguez. “I have a history of breast cancer in my family and so I always went for my annual checkups. I was lucky they were able to catch it in time.”

According to the Center for Disease Control, the best method of beating breast cancer is early detection. Conducting self breast examinations, getting annual checkups and mammograms can lead to early detection as well as prevention.

“It is very important that all women get checked as early as possible,” said Rodriguez.

Natasha Lewis, business management major at Dale Mabry campus said, “My aunt is a breast cancer survivor, when I found out that she had breast cancer I was devastated”.

Fear of getting a deadly disease like breast cancer is a major fear for many Americans. Checking your

breast is an effective method of prevention.

Men can also get breast cancer. 2,000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Around 450 of those cases result in death, according to the C.D.C.

Marcus Brown, athletic training major at Dale Mabry campus said, “I am aware that men can get breast cancer and I check my breast for lumps all the time.”

“Your health is more important than anything. What good is a degree if you don’t have good health?” said Lewis.

As the old saying goes it is better to be safe than sorry. Time shouldn’t stand in the way of anyone’s health. The numbers don’t lie. Many people are less fortunate due to lack of awareness of breast cancer. Save your breast and someone else’s. Spread the word and check yours monthly.

“I realize now that I may not have tomorrow. I try to do everything I can today. I live for today,” said Rodriguez.

Tuesday Oct. 20, started with a breezy morning as the flags of Hispanic countries were hung around the courtyard of the Dale Mabry campus. It was the day Dale Mabry campus would celebrate Hispanic Heritage month with a fun filled afternoon planned.

Maria Quintero-Pi, also known as Senora Pi, and a member of the Hispanic Heritage Committee, who hosted the event. It began by setting up chairs and tables with Pi’s students for the all day celebration.

“Hispanic heritage has been very close to my heart,” said Pi, a Spanish Professor at HCC.

“Every year I try to put on this event, and to show students the importance of appreciating where you come from,” she said.

This year’s event was special, because it was celebrating the 20th anniversary, according to

Suzette Fisher, an Instructor at HCC.

The festivities included a copper chef competition, a child’s song sung in Spanish, food served from different Hispanic countries, a zumba instructor dancing with students and live entertainment from the Hispanic singer Peblo Pablo.

“It’s very enjoyable celebrating the Hispanic heritage in America and I am glad to be a part of HCC’s party today,” said Pablo.

Dale Mabry students line up to grab a plate of some tasty heritage.

Photo by Jameshia Jefferson


For more of this story and others visit our website


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Page 5: The Hawkeye November 2009

<< Entertainment





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November 2009 Hawkeye 5

Do ghosts haunt Ybor City’s Cuban Club?The collective imagination has

always been fascinated by facts and ideas that are hard to explain or sometimes, unexplainable. For generations ghost stories and haunted places have held people’s attention. For centuries people around the world have listened and retold these legends that are so intruiging.

Not far away, just one block from the Ybor Campus, is a place that hosts some of these creepy legends. The Cuban Circle, formed in 1899 by Cuban cigar makers, held its first headquarters in a building that was destroyed by fire 17 years later. They reconstructed the current building on the same site.

Built in order to provide recreation for its members, the Cuban Circle had a basement that served as a gymnasium with a wading pool, two bowling lanes, boxing bags, and weight lifting equipment. Opened in 1918,

the wading pool in the basement was the site of an early death. An 8-year-old boy is said to have drowned there, where the cantina is located today.

“A group of ghost hunters came here few months ago and tried to contact the boy speaking in English,” said Jocelyn Tintera, event coordinator

and assistant financial director of the Cuban Club.

According to Tintera they didn’t get answers until they spoke Spanish. “The answers they got were by putting a flashlight on the floor and if there was a yes answer, he would turn the light on,” she said.

Tintera has never seen the boy or any other ghost inside the building. However, she has seen strange things happen while working there.

“In the cantina, many times I’ve come in the morning and there are some storage cabinets down there with their doors opened, and I shut them thinking that somebody forgot to close them,” she said. “After doing a few things I come back there and those doors are opened again.”

Pianos playing themselves, ghosts that come and go freely, and doors that refuse to stay shut, are common within in the Cuban Club. From these unique oddities on the inside, to the beautiful architecture on the outside, the Cuban Club is seemingly enchanted, a place full of mystery.

Ronenilton SantoSand

daniel CaRRanzaContRibuting WRiteRS

Photo by Ronenilton SantosSpirits are abound at the Cuban Club in Ybor City.

The Fly Bar and Restaurant is one of those places where you want to be seen. This trendy, yet urban restaurant features a share style menu where diners can share their menu selections.

The recently updated menu offers a wide variety of choices for people to choose from; replacing traditional appetizers with more sophisticated selections, such as pan-fried soft-shelled crab. Appetizers range from $8-$16, with dinner selections averaging less than $20.

Most of the dishes are a dynamic combination of tastes with a hint of Spanish influence. The dinner menu offers guests everything from sliders to filet mignon. So, whether you are looking for a gourmet meal or a quick bite, The Fly has got it all.

The Fly Bar also features a selection of micro-brews, imports, and mainstays that cannot be found on local grocery store shelves. Visitors can get

a New York vibe right here, in Tampa Bay, with the open roof top deck and a view of the beautiful Hillsborough River.

The Fly, which sits in downtown Tampa, is as hip and as lively as the decorations on the walls. The bright and vivid canvases, courtesy of local artist Sean Spoto, surrounding the Bar add to the funky and fun atmosphere.

The Fly Bar and Restaurant features live music Thursday through Saturday with sounds such as Reggae, Jazz and Soft Rock. While the music will satisfy your ears, the menu choices will satisfy your appetite.

With good food, affordable prices, beautiful art and live music, it’s no wonder the Fly Bar and Restaurant is so…“Fly”. The Fly Bar and Restaurant is located at 1202 N. Franklin St., Tampa, Fla. For more information contact Fly at 813-275-5000 or visit

Editor’s Note:With so much to do in Tampa, some of the most interesting places are easily overlooked. The Hawkeye staff has made it our responsibility to expose

these obscure hotspots in your community.

Page 6: The Hawkeye November 2009

Entertainment > > Columns & News

6 Hawkeye November 2009

If you love to eat pizza you’re going to love this quick, affordable, lunch specialty called Pizza Bubbly.

Whether you’re just relaxing with your friends at Hawk’s Landing or you’re grabbing a bite before you head to class, this is a fast, easy, filling lunch for 6-8 people.

For less than $1.25 per person, this is an affordable recipe that anyone can prepare in no time at all. And always remember how important it is to include lunch as one of your three daily meals.

Pizza BubblyServes 6-8 people

Ingredients:-2 cans of 8 count

butter biscuits -1 ¾ cup pasta sauce -1 12 oz bag of

shredded mozzarella cheese

-1 bag of pepperoni-A baking sheet

First, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Next, open the biscuit containers and cut each biscuit into four-quarters and put them into a medium sized bowl. After they are all cut, pour in the pasta sauce . Using a large spoon or your hand, completely cover each piece of dough with sauce, and set aside.

Grease your baking sheet and set the covered biscuits onto the sheet, spreading them out, making one even layer.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake until dough begins to rise.

After 5-7 minutes, the

dough should be half baked. Take the baking sheet out of the oven and sprinkle on the cheese until the entire pizza is covered evenly.

Add desired toppings such as pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, etc.

Put the pizza back in the

oven and continue to bake for another 7-10 minutes.

By this time the dough will have risen and appear bubbly. When the edges of the pizza are golden brown and the cheese is melted, it is ready. Don’t be afraid to broil the

pizza for the last minute or two, so the cheese is melted completely.

Take the pizza out and let cool for 5-10 minutes, then cut and serve and enjoy your delicious freshly prepared lunch.

Pizza Bubbly recipe tempts taste buds


It’s you!

9:50 AM

9:52 AM

9:53 AM

9:55 AM

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WFM! I’ll B there in fall aftermy AA

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9:43 AM

9:44 AM

9:45 AM

9:47 AM

9:49 AM

Apply now!

Photo by Ali KlosAppetizing and affordable Pizza Bubbly will make your mouth water.

Page 7: The Hawkeye November 2009

November 2009 Hawkeye 7

<< OpinionColumns & News

HCC is an equal access/equal opportunity

employer. For more information go to

Obama’s plan offers hope to uninsured students

Texting TerrorsCont’d from page 1

Not everyone is a fan of wireless communication. The parents whose children don’t get the recommended amount of sleep because they stay up late night’s text messaging probably aren’t fans. Neither are the teachers and professors of these under rested tele-typist.

You know who you are. You sit there texting in your laps, under your desks as if your instructors are clueless. Stop it! You’re rude. You’re alienating your professors and the students on all four sides of you, who paid to learn. They are tired of being distracted by you and your mini-keyboard.

Those forced to walk at a snail’s pace behind text addicts clogging the halls and sidewalks aren’t fans of the constant connection provided by the text message either.

Your egotistical use of texting adversely affects you, as well. Text messagers’ routinely step into traffic without even

looking up. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that doesn’t always end well.

For years, there have been an increasing number of drivers using cell phones. Experts warn that those using cells while driving have the cognitive driving abilities of someone driving while intoxicated. Now, many of these text drunken drivers are typing while driving. How good could that be?

Consider the health risks. Looking down with your neck bent all the time puts wear on vertebrae and disks in your neck. Be kind to your spine.

Also, those opposable thumbs that separate you from other mammals weren’t designed for the constant repetition of movement involved in frequent texting. Ask your doctor.

Now calm down. Don’t hate. This wasn’t an attempt to bash texters, but an attempt to open your eyes to what you’re missing, and the price that’s being paid.

Faculty Adviser Valerie Zell

The Hawkeye is a student-produced publication of

Hillsborough Community College, covering all of the HCC


The HawkeyeHCC-Ybor Campus

2112 N. 15th St.Tampa, FL 33605-3648

813-253-7655Copyright 2008

Will TrentmanEditor in Chief

Patti McDonladOnline Editor

Brianna BrokawA&E Editor

Nelda KampffOpinion Editor

Curtis RobertsSports Editor

Tasha EllisStaff Writer

Carrie HoehStaff Writer

Ali KlosStaff Writer

Monique TurleyStaff Writer

Jameshia JeffersonStaff Photographer

Carolina Villegas, 23, strolls about campus, while keeping her eyes glued to her cell phone.

Photo by Will Trentman

Where does it hurt? If you are a student in today’s economy and you don’t have health insurance the answer is most likely your wallet. Students need affordable health care, which is why they should consider supporting President Barack Obama’s health care stimulus package.

This package is absolutely beneficial to college students who have to bare the expense of tuition, books, phone bills and credit card payments.

As students you want to be able to afford the cost of a doctor’s visit and the cost of any medications prescribed. What if you need surgery? Most students couldn’t afford to pay a $10,000 surgical bill, especially if they didn’t have health insurance.

David Diaz, 26, an art major at the Ybor campus has a $15,000 hospital bill that he owes. Ouch.

Diaz is a native of Colombia, where there is

national health care. Now he has no health insurance and is overwhelmed.

After being mugged in downtown Tampa, does he wish he was home where sixteen stitches and a broken nose didn’t cost him such an exorbitant amount? You bet.

“For me my point of view is different from natives since I have seen other health care systems,” said Diaz. Diaz believes that only the super rich in America can afford health insurance.“I do not apply to Medicaid because I’m not super poor, but I’m not rich

enough to pay,” he said. Students need to be

encouraged to get involved and to be heard on this issue, it affects all of us. Write

letters, send emails or make calls to let your representatives know how you feel about the president’s plan.

Why should you support the plan? Because accidents happen, illnesses occur, and bills must be paid. “It will provide more security and stability to those who have health insurance,” said President Obama, regarding his plan.

“It will provide insurance to those who don’t and it will lower the cost of health care for our families,

our businesses and our government,” he said. You can find this quote and more at

How will students benefit under Obama’s plan? An increase in insurance options will allow students 25 and younger to continue to be covered by their parent’s policies, and will require that all children have health care.

The president’s initiative is to be competitive against insurance and drug companies who block the cheaper generic drugs that work just as well as brand named products.

According to the census bureau, 45 million Americans are without health insurance. Obama’s plan is essential in the tough economic times we are facing.

Low cost and quality health care is better for the future of America. So, as a student, the next time you hear someone in public discussing the president’s health care plan, you will have

«Write letters send

emails or make

calls to let your


know how you

feel about the

president’s plan.»

Page 8: The Hawkeye November 2009

Hawkeye 8 November 2009

Volleyball captures conference title, again

Brittany SimpSon ContriButing Writer

Football is king of American sports

CurtiS roBertS

SportS editor

patti mCdonald online editor

contributed photoSophomore Andrew Virgili balances his time between athletics and academics, but still finds time to relax. “We work together to get schoolwork done so we can have time for college life,” he said.

Sports >>

With football season in full tilt and baseball coming to a close, I thought about how it has become our new national pastime. As soon as preseason football starts, I forget about baseball.

You may have noticed that football is everywhere. For a long time baseball was America’s game, but not anymore and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

How exactly did football take over as our favorite? To answer this question, let’s take a look at what happened to baseball.

First and most obvious is the issue of steroids. Over the last 20 years, steroids have severely damaged nearly everyone’s opinion of baseball.

It is inconceivable to think of a player during this time period without wondering if he used some kind of performance enhancing drug. The great home run race of 1998, which at the time seemed magical, is now nothing but a punch line.

The fact that football is a weekly event and not every night like baseball is another reason it has taken over. Sadly, the anticipation of regular season football games trumps the anticipation of some baseball playoff games. Pundits constantly debate over shortening the baseball season and lengthening the football season, enough said.

The game itself has taken over our collective hearts. Everything about it appeals to the American psyche of the 21st century; large, fast men in heavy padding walloping each other for 60 minutes while we watch, chug beer and scrutinize their every move.

If it weren’t for the ridiculous amount of commercial breaks football would be drastically faster than baseball. The use of instant replay in football makes baseball look stubborn and archaic for barely using instant replay to get calls right.

However, there are storm clouds on the horizon for the National Football League. A potential lockout in the 2011 season would hurt the popularity of the game. Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League have all gone through player stoppages in the past 30 years, and although baseball and basketball seem to be back, hockey is still hurting. The popularity of these leagues took a major beating after their strikes, and football wouldn’t want that.

At the end of the day, football reigns as the king of sports in America. The quality of players is arguably the highest it has ever been and will only continue to improve. The last three Super Bowls have gotten better each year. As long as football can keep its nose clean, it will keep the throne for years to come.

The HCC Hawks volleyball team has won the Sun Coast Conference title for the second consecutive year, by beating Pasco Hernando Community College on Oct. 15th. To win the title, the Hawks didn’t only have to beat P.H.C.C. but they had to hold them to 66 points.

“I am very proud of the girls for taking it upon themselves to achieve such an honor,” said Gary Larkin, head volleyball coach. “It wasn’t on my list of team goals, but it feels great.”

Sophomore Lindsey Rees has shown her leadership throughout the whole season by being an on court captain and leader.

“She is responsible for running the offense and distributing the ball to our hitters,” said Larkin.

Even though the team is excited about winning the conference, they still have a lot of work to do, and they cannot sit back and relax.

Larkin and the hawks are concentrating on managing errors and controlling the side of the set. The team has higher goals for this season, as state and national tournaments are approaching.

“All of our work is to win the Gulf District Championship, which means we would be invited to the NJCAA National Championships,” said Larkin.

The state championships are held Nov. 5-7, at Polk State College. The national tournament starts Nov. 21, in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

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Juggling sports and school

For many college athletes, playing a sport began as a fun pastime and turned into a passion. The lucky few who took that passion to the next level face the challenge of balancing sports and academics.

In collegiate sports, social time is very limited. Most athletes spend the majority of their free time with other athletes. Some athletes get overwhelmed by the dedication it takes to play a college sport.

One student athlete who finds the challenge worthwhile is second year baseball pitcher, Andrew Virgili, 19, a sports medicine major.

“I have been playing baseball for 16 years,” said

Virgili. “It’s a lot of time and effort, but I do what I love.”

Andrew’s typical day consists of five courses and practice, unless it’s game day.

HCC’s baseball team usually has two to three games a week, lasting as long as two and a half to three hours. Finding time for schoolwork is quite a challenge. “I just do

what I need to do for school before practice,” said Virgili.

“I do what I want to do after practice.”

According to Virgili, he tries his best to make as much time for himself as he can during the season.

Virgili has three roommates that are also on the baseball team.

“We work together to get

schoolwork done so we can still have time for college life,” said Virgili. “All of our majors are similar if not the same.”

My roommates and I try and take most of the same classes so we can help each other out, said Virgili.

“I don’t ever try and take the easy way out,” said Virgili. “I try and take courses I feel I’ll be comfortable taking and courses that will benefit me in the long run.”

Virgili, received an HCC baseball scholarship during his senior year of high school. In order to keep his scholarship, Virgili must be enrolled in 12 credit hours and maintain a 2.0 GPA.

Lindsey Cook, 20, a business major, has been friends with Virgili for the past four years and spends time with him when he’s not busy with baseball.

“Honestly, I don’t know how he does it and doesn’t ever stress out,” said Cook.

“Andrew is an incredible athlete,” said Cook. “He really has a natural talent when it comes to playing baseball.”

HCC pitcher balances his time between the mound and his major