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The Great Kapok Tree

The Great Kapok Tree

We looked at the forests canopy.Scenerytreetops

B. Treetops

The creature slithered away.Driftedslipped

B. Slipped

Pollen makes me sneeze.A. Powder from a flower.B. Grass in the meadow

Powder from a flower

The horse is dappled

A. handsomespotted


The wondrous view

A. surprisingB. marvelous


Dangle your keys.

A. SwingB. JingleSwing

The night air was fragrant.A. pleasantB. scented


Which generalization is based on the selection?A. Trees are difficult to grow.B. Rain forests are hot.

B. Rain forests are hot.

Which generalization is based on information is the selection?A. The place an animal lives in the rain forest depends on the amount of sunlight it prefers.B. The roots of a tree are an important food source for animals that live underground.A. The place an animal lives in the rain forest depends on the amount of sunlight it prefers.

In the rain forests, bees were important because they _____A. Made honey for farmers.B. Pollinated trees and flowers.

B. Pollinated trees and flowers

Which was an important theme from the selections?A. Kapok trees grow in the rain forest.B. All living things depend on one another.

B. All living things depend on one another.

According to the selection, what was one reason the tree roots were importantA. They hold the soil in place.B. Kapok trees are only in the rain forest.

They hold the soil in place.

Which generalization is based on information in this selection.A. Trees are homes for many creatures in the rain forest.B. Wild animals and children play in the rain forest.

A. Trees are homes for many creatures in the rain forest.

What is one thing from the selection that could never really happen?A. A child from the Yanomamo tribe lived in the rain forest.B. The animals were able to talk to the sleeping man.

B. The animals were able to talk to the sleeping man.

The author probably wrote this selection to __________.

A. Explain the habits of the different animals that live in a rain forest.B. Describe what happens in a rain forest when the trees are cut down.

B. Describe what happens in a rain forest when the trees are cut down.

What is most likely reasons to the man wanted to cut down the Kapok tree. A. To sell the wood for money.B. To capture the animals.

A. To sell the wood for money.

Look at the map at the end of the selection. From the map, you can tell that most rain forest are located _____>A. Near the Equator.B. Only in South America.

Near the Equator.

What is one reason that both people and animals need trees?

To breathe oxygen

What was the most likely reason the author had the animals stay quiet when the man woke up from his nap?

Keeping the animals quiet showed what the forest would sound like if the trees were cut down.

Why did the author have so many different animals in this selection?

To show how the loss of the Kapok tree would effect the lives of many animals.