Download - The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao



    - Shruthi Rao

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    There was a beautiful green jungle, dark and deep. Once, the trees of the jungle got into an

    argument about which among them was the best of all.

    "I have the most beautiful leaves," said the Peepul, its leaves rippling in the breeze.

    "My fruits are the sweetest," said the Mango tree.

    "I am the strongest," said the mighty Banyan in its deep voice.

    "My wood is the best," said the Teak, and its broad leaves nodded in agreement.

    "We really must stop arguing and find someone to be the judge," said the Neem.

    "Let's ask the birds and the animals," said the Tamarind. "They live all around us, and I'm sure they

    can tell us which of us is the best tree."

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    The wind carried the message of the trees to all the inhabitants of the jungles. All the birds,butterflies, insects, large and small animals arrived at the meeting.

    "Our dear friends," said the Peepul. "We need your help. Can you tell us which among us is the

    best tree?"

    "It shouldn't take you too long," said the Banyan. "I'm sure you'll know that I am the best, as I

    provide homes for so many of you in my large, strong branches."

    "Shhh, Banyan!" said the Neem tree. "You're not being fair to the rest of us!"

    "Hmmm...," said the animals, and scratched their heads.

    "We'll think about it," said the Owl. "But you must give us some time."

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    The animals and birds left, and they sat down and had a meeting..

    "Well," said the monkey. "I sure like the mango tree the best. It has such sweet fruits." Then it

    scratched its head. "But then, I like the Jamun tree too, and the Rose Apple, and the Jackfruit...

    and ... oh! I love all trees with fruits."

    "I like trees with long vines," said a little monkey. "I could swing on them all day."

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    "I prefer trees with lots of little fruits and seeds," said the parrots.

    "Trees with nuts!" said the squirrel.

    "And nice big branches with cozy nooks to build our nests in," said the crow.

    "Lots of small branches are what I like," said the spider. "So that I can build the best webs!"

    "Flowers!" said the butterflies and the bees. "We love bright colourful flowers and their sweetfragrance. We think flowering trees are the best!"

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    The wind chimed in. "I love trees with thick foliage," it whispered. "I enjoy drifting through the

    leaves, and making them flutter, and shaking the branches so that there are flower showers!"

    "Treesss with lotssss of hollowsssss," said the snake. "Where I can go and curl up and sssssleeep!"

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    "I like all trees, " said the elephant.

    "Of course you do," said the rabbit, and chuckled. "You eat all of them!"

    "I like trees with lots of shade!" said the deer. "It is so cool under them!"

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    "I prefer really tall trees," said the eagle. "For me to build my nest right on the treetops."

    "Do you realize that we ourselves are not able to decide which tree is the best?" said the owl.

    "Oh!" said the squirrel. "What shall we do? We'll never be able to give the trees an answer!"

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    The animals went back to the trees, talking among themselves.

    "So?" thundered the Banyan.

    "We've decided....." said the rabbit.

    "... That you are all equally great!" said the parrots.

    "In fact, while we were talking, we realized how much you trees mean to us," said the squirrels.

    "And how much we depend upon you," said the elephant

    "We've found that we cannot live without you!" said the owl, wiping a tear from its eye.

  • 7/31/2019 The Great Jungle Debate - Shruthi Rao


    The trees were touched. They were so pleased that they forgot they had been arguing at all. They

    looked at each other and smiled and felt very important indeed.

    As the animals left, the trees swayed, rubbed branches, shook their leaves, and sighed with


    So which tree do you like best?
