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  • 8/10/2019 The Grand Narrative.docx


    The Grand Narrative

    posted byMustufa Sufi|August 25, 2013

    There are things we observe but we either dont want to admit them or we dont know what they are. We all hear big terms such as

    the establishment, status quo, civil-military bureaucracy & foreign plots to exploit Pakistan. These things have penetrated in our minds and

    daily debates so much that we forget the hidden, bigger parts of it. Translating it to generalities, these talks are none other than the ones which

    include keywords such as RAW, India, Saudia, Israel and America. I am not denying any possibility that there might be anything linked to an

    event happening anywhere, just the general things we are taught.

    When I was reading my Olevels history book, I observed two things.

    i-) It was not for sale in India

    ii-) Bande Mataram means kick all the Muslims out of India

    Lets just leave India for now and observe Pakistan. Shias are infidels and should be killed, Ahmedis are worse, the person who found Pakistan is

    sometimes referred to as Kafir-e-Azam, raising voice for people dying in Syria and Egypt but no word on the people being slaughtered here,

    demanding an American citizen back from America (this is really absurd when people dont know that Aafia Siddiqui is an American citizen and

    on these basis was trialed in American courts) and many other basic myths we have blind faith on. The whole point ends up on a few questions. Is

    there a grand narrative? Is it driven naturally or is it fed? If there is no grand narrative then is there a national narrative? The answers lie in

    reflection and only reflection. Lets start with a few basic hints for those who are new to these strange terms. What will the police do if all the

    thieves are dead? It will simply go jobless, because why would you need the protectors when you dont have that someone you need the

    protection from? That explains why we supposedly have very tough ties with India. There is a recent wave of anti-India sort of movement on the

    media where media hides that unfortunately, it was Pakistan who made the first step, referring to thebeheading of the Indian soldier by the

    Pakistanisfirst. I am not supporting India in any terms what so ever, but I am just pointing towards the mistakes made by us in not understanding

    what time has brought with itself. Why was Pakistan made? People can argue on the whats and whys, but the answer concludes to one, i.e. The

    Two Nation Theory (the starting of the narrative from a wide perspective) which, if was fully correct, then why do we have a fully segregated

    religious population? We were told that our culture was different from that of Indias but we were not told why and how, although most of the

    things we do is borrowed from Indians. Then we have all the Hindu conspiracies against Muslims but, if we roll it straight forward to 1947 and

    Pakistans independence, do we know who killed all the people in the trains? Why did they do so, when t he migrants were already deprived of

    anything worth stealing? There is no formal research on this and why is that so, we dont know yet.

    This country needs more tolerant and admitting people.

    Pakistans dynamics today are simple but hidden to the ordinary mind, which is not a good symptom for a country that needs serious

    advancements. Things should always start with questioning. Why are there any Taliban apologists when everyone agrees that Taliban is evil?

    What is the real issue with F.A.T.A. ? Why is the worlds one of the most successful and highly trained military submitting in front of a few

    terrorists? Again, just to make sure this doesnt go directly against thewholemilitary, it needs to be mentioned that no harm is intended to the

    security forces as such, but yes, as tax payers, we can question them. We can question them on what is what and why is that so. One reason of

    bringing the military here is to give a new perspective to the people, that is it really the politicians that deserve all the blaming? Is it really their

    corruption which brought you to your fate? Right now when Nawaz Sharif and Manmohan Singh are trying to get to good terms, Why are cross

    border firings occurring? Question is the key.

    The establishment wants the narrative to be that way. They want people to blame every other for things that sometimes they themselves are

    responsible for. The establishment wants people to think RAW is planning terrorist attacks on Shia mosques and Christians in Pakistan. The

    establishment wants people to have some sympathy for the Taliban. The establishment wants the Mullahs here to have some power in their hands

    so that they may manipulate masses when needed and as needed. We need to ask some more questions from ourselves, such as what is the

    identity of a Pakistani individual? What is Pakistans national culture? We need more authors like Sibt -e-Hasan, Rais Amrohvi & Manto.

    - See more at:
  • 8/10/2019 The Grand Narrative.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The Grand Narrative.docx


    We therefore, repose full confidence in efforts of the Prime Minister in this behalf and call upon the Federal Government to initiate

    the dialogue with all stakeholders forthwith and for this purpose, authorise it to take all necessary steps as it may deem fit, including

    development of an appropriate mechanism and identification of interlocutors.

    Now the illegal and immoral drone attacks and the blow-back is there, but who killed thousands of Pakistanis? What about the

    illegality and immorality of the killing of thousands of Shias by the Deobandi Takfiris aka Taliban/ASWJ-LeJ? What about the forced

    kidnapping, conversion, and rape of Hindu girls? What about the burning down of Christian neighbourhood by the Takfiri-led mobs?

    The government is one stakeholder. But who is the other stakeholder on the other side? Is terrorism let loose on the people of

    Pakistan is tantamount to a business or academic venture where stakeholders come together to fix things and iron out differences?

    The Takfiri war unleashed on non-Deobandi Pakistanis who make up over 90 percent of the population of the country is a bloody

    game on the part of the Takfiris, but for those who are killed regularly and routinely, it is a trauma of unfathomable and endless pain

    and sorrow. The APC document does not seem to be even a collaborative work with the Taliban; it seems to be one dictated by the


    The Nawaz Sharif-initiated and Army-sanctioned APC offer of dialogue to the Taliban is no more than a Document of Disgrace. It

    lays down no terms of reference, no procedure, and conditionality vis--vis the Taliban. On the contrary, the Taliban will not talk until

    their brethren are released from jail. Thus mullah Baradr has been freed whose hands are soaked in innocent blood. It was Shahbaz

    Sharif who called the Taliban Our Brothers and true to his claim, the PML-N has been the greatest champion of these Brothers

    because They are our people. This is why, it is no surprise that the new peacemaker on the street and the darling of the talk shows

    is no other than Javed Paracha who has openly supported the Shia genocide. He is a PML-N leader, its former MNA, and a Nawaz

    Sharif confidante. Paracha has blurred the line between the Taliban and the Rest.

    Even after the APC offer, the Taliban have continued to kill people including army officers and have proudly owned the killings and

    promised to kill more. But be it Nawaz Sharif or General Kiyani, the word Taliban is absent from their lips even when they vaguely

    show displeasure over someone killing someone somewhere in Pakistan.

    Why is it so?

    The answer is: From Nawaz Sharif to General Kiyani to media dons to the higher judiciary, they are all Taliban at heart. Perhaps

    they think that it the likes of the Shias, Christians, Hindus, and Sufi Muslims who will continue to be cut down, and their own scions

    and interests will be spared. Besides, their assets and families are based abroad, or can be shifted abroad when and if the going

    gets though. Who can forget a jubilant Kalsoom Nawaz when the House of Saud secured a reprieve for the Sharif family? Withinminutes of the reprieve, she was ready with hundreds of suitcases, servants, cooks, flunkeys, and family members as she

    announced to the media, Were going to Saudi Arabia!

    We are disappointed and sad. May be we are helpless. But we are not hopeless. It is legal and moral responsibility of all non-Takfiri

    Pakistanis to do all they can to stand up against the Takfiristanization of their country. At this stage, winning or losing do not matter.

    The story of the ruling elites of Pakistan with reference to the Taliban is something like We came, we saw, we surrendered, and

    then we joined. But ours has to be We stood up and fought. Let it be a matter of future who won or lost.