Download - THE GOSPEL - Purpose Church




The Old Testament is the Story of God building and pointing towards Jesus of Nazareth. The New Testament from Acts to Revelation is the story of the early church, their letters, their courage, teachings, and a promise of what’s to come when God returns are all commentary on Jesus of Nazareth. The Gospels, however, are up-close-and-personal historical accounts from four different angles on the life and teachings of Jesus. These four biographies give us the clearest picture of what God is like and in 84 days, I believe you will know Jesus more intimately as your Creator, Savior, and Rescuer. I invite you to take THE GOSPEL CHALLENGE and focus for the next two and a half months on Jesus, not who you think he was, but who He really was. God came to planet earth in Jesus Christ to set the world free from sin. He continues to move powerfully and change lives as people come face to face with Him in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Enjoy these gospel authors and the details they choose to focus on as you grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus of Nazareth!

As your Pastor, I’m so proud of you for taking THE GOSPEL CHALLENGE. Don’t do it alone. Get a friend to journey with you. Commit every day to reading one chapter from the gospels, in order, Matthew, Mark, Luke, then John. I know God will do an amazing work in your heart and life as you dive in.

And one last thing; when you read something that speaks to your heart, lovingly convicts you, or changes your mindset, share that on social media using the hashtag #TheGospelChallenge

Praying for you.

With love,

Eric HolmstromHSM Pastor // Student Ministries PastorPurpose [email protected]



Matthew 2

Matthew 3

Matthew 4

Matthew 5

Matthew 6

Matthew 7

Matthew 8

Matthew 9

Matthew 10

Matthew 11

Matthew 12

Matthew 13

Matthew 14

Matthew 15

Matthew 16

Matthew 17

Matthew 18

Matthew 19

Matthew 20

Matthew 21

Matthew 22

Matthew 23

Matthew 24

Matthew 25

Matthew 26

Matthew 27

Matthew 28


Mark 1

Mark 2

Mark 3

Mark 4

Mark 5

Mark 6

Mark 7

Mark 8

Mark 9

Mark 10

Mark 11

Mark 12

Mark 13

Mark 14

Mark 15

Mark 16



Luke 1

Luke 2

Luke 3

Luke 4

Luke 5

Luke 6

Luke 7

Luke 8

Luke 9

Luke 10

Luke 11

Luke 12

Luke 13

Luke 14

Luke 15

Luke 16

Luke 17

Luke 18

Luke 19

Luke 20

Luke 21




John 1

John 2

John 3

John 4

John 5

John 6

John 7

John 8

John 9

John 10

John 11

John 12

John 13

John 14

John 15

John 16

John 17

John 18

John 19

You did it! It does not matter how long it took, you completed THE GOSPEL CHALLENGE. Way to go! My hope is you were more amazed and humbled by the person of Jesus Christ and the work He did on our behalf. If THE GOSPEL CHALLENGE impacted you, here is two ways you can share and impact your friends and family.1. Use the hashtag #TheGospelChallenge on your social media outlets and post pictures of Gospel passages that resonated with you. 2. Ask someone else in your life to take THE GOSPEL CHALLENGE then encourage and hold them accountable.

Gospel means good news. Tim Keller says the gospel and the good news it brings reminds us, “We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” No matter what you’ve been through or how much baggage you are carrying, this is true: You were created by God. You are loved by God. And He wants to use your life for His glory. Take what you learned from reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and begin following Jesus like His disciples did. And watch where He takes you and what adventures He has in store.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth

has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always,

to the very end of the age.” __Matthew 28:18-20