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The Global Food CrisisBy: Charity Lee

Geographic Question: What is the extent of the food deficit around the world, and how will our global problems effect the food deficit and vice versa.

Adding To Our Doom

1: Northern Canada and Alaska2: Greenland3: Siberian tundra4: Eastern Canadian forests5: Bahamas6: East Indian highlands7: Southern Polynesia8: Lesser Antilles9: Andaman and Nicobar Islands

10: Borneo, Sulawesi, Moluccas11: New Guinea12: Patagonian coast13: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and West Java14: Nusa Tengarra15: Tasmania and the Bass Strait16: Melanesia17: Indian Ocean islands


Increased Susceptibility to Disease

Riots/ Violence/ Possible Anarchy

Change in Economic Standings/ World


Solutions•Farming Fish/Sea Food

•Fast Food


•Population Regulations

•Energy Reduction

Problems Obesity

Job Losses


Increased Poverty

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