Download - The Geology OWBC: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Life Marches On

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Today on the Geology OWBC: The Daily Life of Breccia Geology.

No seriously, generation 2 has graduated and are now awaiting the arrivals of

the next generation. Breccia is out and about purchasing new clothes for her and

her sister Basalt who has generously allowed her to stay with her new husband

while she figures out what to do about Chanteri. He hadn’t called in a while and

she was getting worried about him. She was feeling ill lately and she wondered

why…it seems Draco Lareto was a good listener, even though they had never

met before today.

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Draco: A spare huh? I know the feeling. I was once a spare, but I was elevated to

heir status because something happened to my sister who was supposed to take

over. Not the best of circumstances to take heirship, but I don’t regret it.

Breccia: What happened?

Draco: Oh, well our world kinda blew up. Ani-Mei saved only me, I lost everyone

else…my parents, my siblings, even my first wife.

Breccia: That’s horrible…but who is Ani-Mei?

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Draco: You don’t know?

Breccia: Obviously not, who is she?

Draco: The resident simself, the one who controls all…

Breccia: You are most strange old man; what the hell is a simself?

Draco suddenly felt compelled to leave; “I uhh, must get back to townie land, sorry.”

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That was strange, who is Ani-Mei? Breccia shrugged it off and went back into

Freya’s Raiments to get the clothing she was supposed to. While she was

checking her hair, she saw another strange figure in behind her.

Black Star: So there yee be Diviner!! I knew ya had to be hidin’ here!!

Breccia: I’m sorry?

Black Star: Don’t be playin’ dumb with me!! I know who yee be!!

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Breccia: I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, my name is Breccia


Black Star: Where be it?

Breccia: Where be what? Who are you?

Black Star: I am Captain Black Star, scourge of the seven seas!! And yee have

me treasure!! Hand it over, lest I run yee through with me sword!!

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The cashier poked her head in; “Is everything alright here? I heard shouting.”

Breccia: I think so…

Black Star narrowed his eyes at her; making him look even more troll-like than before. He had

to back off, there were too many witnesses.

“Yee best heed me warnin’ Diviner, I will be back.”

And with that he stormed out, leaving Breccia even more confused than before, two weirdoes

in one day was too much…

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When Breccia got back, she found that Basalt was entertaining some rather

strange looking guests. What else did have to go wrong today?

Basalt: You’re green. Not like my sister Onyx green, but greener…

Malachite: Well spotted. You are purple, like my mistress.

Basalt: Your mistress? Our mom is purple, but she’d never cheat on my dad…who

are you?

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Malachite tried to remain calm; how could this woman think he was involved with

Geodessa? The idea was completely absurd. She must have been missed when

the smarts were passed down.

“I am not her lover, nor is she mine. I speak in terms of master and apprentice.

She is our leader. And if you are indeed the child of our leader Geodessa then we

have much to discuss.”

Basalt: You sound like a textbook; you come with subtitles?

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Vanadinite: You must forgive my companion; for we are weary and frustrated that we

have not yet located our missing mistress. If you are her daughters, may we inquire

as to where she resides? It is most urgent we see her.

Breccia: How about you give us more that that; how do you know her and why

should we tell you where she is?

Vanadinite: Our mistress, your mother, she is the leader of a very powerful guild of

mages but we are not from this dimension. We came here to escape the clutches of

an evil pirate named Black Star.

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Over dinner, Breccia sat down with Vanadinite

to talk to her about Black Star.

Breccia: Black Star cornered me when I was

buying clothes; he called me the Diviner. I have

no idea what that means, who is he?

Vanadinite: He called you the Diviner? Oh

dear…he must think…Malachite…

Malachite: Black Star believes you know how to

locate his treasure, and he will pursue you until

he finds it.

Breccia: Okay, just who is my mom? Why

are so many weird people after her?

Vanadinite: Are you perchance her heir?

For if you are, you are in great danger.

Basalt: Our brother Olivenite is heir, we’re

just spares. Is he in trouble?

Vanadinite: He is in great danger, so will

be any children he sires, Black Star seeks

those with the power of our mistress.

Breccia: But none of us have any powers!!

We’re just normal people!!

Vanadinite: Then perhaps your powers

have not manifested yet; but you do carry

within you the great power of our mistress.

Breccia: We do not have powers!! You’re


Vanadinite glanced over at Malachite; he

shrugged. They truly did not know about

their heritage…

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Vanadinite’s warning came too late; for the first born of generation 3 was about to

become a reality. Softly, in the distance a lullaby was heard.

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The arrival of the first of generation 3, a baby girl named Limonite was born. She

carried Geodessa’s eyes but nothing else. The new grandmother was

disappointed to see that her first granddaughter did not carry on her skin colour.

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In the few days she was an infant, it was apparent that she would be joined soon

by a sibling, her father’s rendezvous with the telescope proved fruitful…

Marty: I still find it quite odd to see Master Olivenite carrying a life form. It does

not compute with known logic.

Olivenite: We must upgrade your logic database Marty…

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Olivenite held his squirming daughter, she was desperate to get down and


“Watch the belly baby, that hurts daddy.”

Limonite: DOWN!! NOW!!

Olivenite: Yes ma’me.

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Olivenite: Now I know how dad felt when Onyx was coming!!

Catalina: This is so deserved; I will enjoy this.

Prince: This is not right, how can the young purple one be in pain?

Metrion: Ignore it Prince, it will only hurt your head. *cleans self*

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Olivenite looked down at his son; “You were worth the pain, little Pentlandite. And you have

daddy’s hair!”

Catalina: So glad my days of birth are over.

Olivenite: Not quite; I still need another one. Mom’s rules.

Catalina: Then you’d best get to the telescope again.

Olivenite: You don’t mean that honey…do you?

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Catalina took some convincing, and a lot of compromises had to be made, but

she did come around in the end and soon another lullaby was heard in the main

Geology house, but it wasn’t the only house where it was heard.

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Breccia: How did this happen??!!

Basalt: Do I really need to explain it to you twin sister?

Breccia: But when though??!! OWWW!!

Basalt: Well…

*flashback mode engage*

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“Damn that Reaper!!! Why me!!??”

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Basalt: Huh, she looks like daddy. Maybe that’s the power Vanadinite spoke of.

Breccia: What? Being a breeding ground for the Reaper? I hardly think that’s

gonna qualify. I don’t think so, I am not an open womb in need of being filled.

Basalt: Can I hold my niece? I mean before I have to go through it…speaking of


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Basalt: *screams of agony*

Breccia: Jeeze, can’t you hold it in until I put Nepheline down in her crib?

Basalt: If I wasn’t already in pain, I’d kill you for that!!

Roger* : I should have stayed at work.

* I forgot his name last time, this is his real one. >_>*

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Basalt had a girl as well, her name is Diamond. And as you can see Breccia is

pregnant again, is it the Reaper again? Or something/someone else?

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With the blue hair is Diamond and the pink hair is Nepheline. They both got

Geodessa’s custom hair which made me sad, since Olivenite obviously can give

me girls with brown hair…and no purple skin colour, which is also double boo.

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Olivenite: This is the last one honey, I swear.

Catalina: You had better be right!!

Olivenite: Pinky swear; no more kids.

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Olivenite now had a second son, he called him Rhodonite. They had picked up

a friend before he was born, Jaden had come home with them afterwards. But

after what you ask? Well…

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In all the confusion and chaos of having kids, Ollie had let his friendship cool with

Jaden since college and he knew it was important to make sure Jaden knew that

he hadn’t been forgotten. He and Geodessa took a return trip to Three Lakes.

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It was also a chance for them to talk, mother to son.

Olivenite: Mom, I got a call from Breccia and Basalt a few days ago, it seems that you have not been entirely

honest with us.

Geodessa felt her throat tighten; she had expected this. “So you know, about my past.”

Olivenite: Yes, and honestly, I am confused. Just what were you before you married dad?

Geodessa: I was a very powerful mage; our guild, rather my guild was gifted with the ability to divine the

locations of large mineral, gem and precious metal deposits. Our powers made us highly sought after, we

were the cause of far too many wars and battles.

Olivenite: You said you were a powerful mage; did that change?

Geodessa: Yes, I have lost my powers I can no longer be the Diviner.

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Olivenite: How did you lose them?

Geodessa: It was far too easy for me to lose

them honestly; I lost them because I had given

birth, to you and your sisters. When that

happens our powers are lost because we have

split our essence in the creation of a child.

Olivenite: So we’re to blame for losing your


Geodessa: Honey, don’t get me wrong, I do not

regret birthing you children, you have filled my

life with great joy and happiness. I do not blame

you; I knew it would happen. It just means one of

you four has inherited my powers, and passed it

down to your children. I expect once it re-

accumulates, my last heir will have the same

powers as I had at the beginning.

Olivenite: But which one of us? I don’t show

anything special, neither do Breccia, Basalt or


Geodessa: You did, because you are my only

son and heir.

Olivenite: But I don’t remember doing anything

special or different, how can I have them?

Geodessa: I can’t tell you; I believe you still have yet to

show them.

Olivenite: But I have kids, doesn’t that mean one of

them now has your power?

Geodessa: Until they become teens, you still bear the


Olivenite: I still don’t understand.

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Geodessa knew that telling her son what she was before he was born would be

hard, but in truth she didn’t know why her kids hadn’t shown any ability to locate

gems and metal deposits yet. None of them had located a treasure chest, let alone

the two she found when she first arrived in Belladonna Cove. Deep down, she felt

something was wrong…but she had no idea what it was.

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This trip had fatigued her greatly; soaking in the mineral springs did a little bit to

soothe her aching joints and bones, but did nothing to ease her racing mind.

Something was wrong with her kids, their powers should have manifested by

now…perhaps there was a sort of malevolent miasma in the air which was holding

back their abilities, she did not know; her precognitions and visions had dulled a lot

in recent years.

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Recent events were also running through Ollie’s head; he learned that his mother was a

powerful mage, and that his birth and those of his sisters had drained her of her power. A

strange man was hunting his sister Breccia, she had also the mystery of why she was chosen

to carry the child of the Reaper. His own children could have inherited the powers his mother

lost and he would have no way to even know it. Olivenite pounded away on the old ivory keys

of the hotel’s piano as his mind struggled to figure out what he was supposed to do with

everything that was happening. He was the heir; it’s his job to keep the family together once

his mother leaves for the Great Beyond, which he prayed was a far and distant day. He was

not so sure he could handle this without her by his side.

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What would he do without his mother? The thought terrified him. He was a grown man with the

responsibilities of a family and a legacy to carry; losing his mother should not really be a factor

in his life at the moment; but it was still there, ever present and niggling at the back of his mind.

The keys played in synch with his emotions; a quick, edgy melody, almost nervous in its tune.

He played on; not thinking about what keys he was hitting he thought only of his thoughts,

feelings and fears he was sorting through. The crowd that had stopped to listen to him were

starting to feel anxious and nervous; on edge when there was no reason to be. Had he known;

Olivenite would have stopped and taken into consideration what was happening around him,

his power was manifesting big time.

Music, his power was to control the emotions of people around him with his music.


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They ended their vacation early; Olivenite had no idea that his power was making

a huge scene at the lodge back in Three Lakes, all he had to care about was a

happy, bright young boy who needed to learn his skills. And his son was quite

demanding to learn.

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Cuteness, thy name is Pen. I love this kid, he’s so adorable!! *snuggles*

This was short I know, but I have played them all the way to teen hood and moved

them to another lot, one more I should add though:

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I was not expecting, nor wanting another four kids this generation but Ollie, let

loose on free will, went stargazing and lo and behold, they took him again. This is

baby Ruby. The unauthorized extra alien spawn for generation 3. Another girl and

another ginger. She’s as adorable as her brother.

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And that’s all folks!! Seriously, there’s no more. Except the stats for generation 3:

Limonite Pentlandite Rhodonite

Scorpio Libra Virgo

10/5/9/3/1 10/10/1/4/10 10/5/4/3/4

Nepheline Diamond Ruby

Libra Aquarius Scorpio

5/9/5/5/9 4/8/7/7/7 7/5/10/3/2


• Hydroxides group

• Composition- 2Fe2O3H2O

• Colour is various shades of brown, yellow

• Used in paint pigments of yellow ocher and raw umber


• Sulfides group

• Composition- (Ni, Fe)9S8

• Colour is bronze-yellow

• Used in nickel smelting


• Silicates-inosilicates group

• Composition -(Mn, Ca)5(Si5, O15)

• Colour is pink to rose red

• Used mostly in jewellery


• Silicates-tectosilicates

• Composition- (Na, K) AlSiO4

• Colours are white, grey, yellow or red-brown

• Used in the manufacturing of glass and ceramics