Download - The Gentle Iago ("Othello")




CAST: 2 “singers”

STORY: A boy isn’t what he seems.

1. There was a boy . . .

2. . . . in our town.

1. sing lack a day

2. (sing lack a day)

1. Deep . . .he was

2. like a riverbed.

1. Bertha’s son.

2. (Bertha Jones)

1. A mystery.

2. (sing lack a day)

1. And the boy

2. (he seemed)

1. like a ghost . . . to us.

2. sing lack a day

1. (sing lack a day)

2. Walking here.

1. Walking there.

2. A little odd

1. A mite peculiar!

2, (but nice, you know)

1. sing lack a day

2. And then one day

1. (in the early Spring)

2. when the sun

1. was bright

2. in the cloudless sky.

1. Why he walked on by

2. (that crazy kid)

1. holding out. . .

2. . . . some kind of gun.

1. (some “automatic”)

2. (some “army thing”)

1. And he kept on walking . . .

2. (sing lack a day)

1. . . . toward the Central School,

2. (sing lack a day)

1. and went right in.

2. (I swear he did)

1. His rifle raised.

2. sing lack a day

1. And some kids were . . . working

2. on the Senior Dance,

1. hanging up

2. those streamer things

1. (crepe paper

2. and silver stars)

1. joking . . . around

2. the way kids do.

1. When they heard these shots.

2. Pop! Pop! Pop!

1. (getting closer)

2. sing lack a day

1. And the Smith boy fell.

2. (and the Johnson girl)

1. And a dozen others . . .

2. . . . died that day.

1. Then that boy

2. he put

1. that gun of his

2. (just like that)

1. against his chest

2. and pulled the trigger.

1. sing lack a day

2. (or so they say)

1. He pulled the trigger.

2. sing lack a day

1. Then the county sheriff

2. (and his deputy too)

1. (sing lack a day_

2. (sing lack a day)

1. went up to that house

2. on Winslow Street,

1. (that nice old place

2. with the shady lawn)

1. and told his mother . . .

2. (sing lack a day)

1. . . . what her boy had done.

2. sing lack a day

1. sing lack a day

2. And they opened . . . up

1. his bedroom door

2. and she almost fainted

1. (his mother did).

2. For they saw all over

1. his bedroom walls

2. (You wouldn’t believe it!)

1. the strangest things.

2. There were pictures . . . ripped

1. from magazines:

2. Explosions!

1. Wrecks!

2. (and houses burning)

1. Animals . . .

2. (tortured)

1. . . . and Nazi flags.

2. (and pictures of Satan)

1. sing lack a day

2. Why he hated . . . everyone

1. (the Sheriff said).

2. Even his mother

1. (who brought him up).

2. And he had written things

1. about our town.

2. How he hated folks

1. sing lack a day

2. (and wished them dead).

1. sing lack a day

2. And especially the kids

1. he saw at school.

2. “Stuck up”

1. he called them.

2. (and “filthy queers”)

1. How he’d “fix them all”

2. (every one)

1. “Blow out their brains!”

2. sing lack a day.


1. Tell us how

2. (we’d like to know)

1. a boy like that . . .

2. . . . could have lived with us?

1. (and walked our streets)

2. sing lack a day.

1. We’re just plain folks.

2. (so neighborly)

1. He must have been drunk

2. or “high” on something.

1. (or a Communist)

2. sing lack a day.

1. Or just plain nuts.

2. (sing derry-o)