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PPrreesseennttaattiioonn DDaayy Wednesday 11 December

Sydney Town Hall 10am

2020 Commencement Dates Wednesday 29 January Years 7, 11 and 12 and

Year 10 Peer Support Leaders

Thursday 30 January Years 8, 9 and 10

MMootthheerrss’’ CCoommmmiitttteeee MMeeeettiinngg Wednesday 5 February

Library 10am

SStt GGeeoorrggee GGiirrllss HHiigghh SScchhooool Telephone: 9587 5902 Facsimile: 9553 8043

Email: [email protected] Website:

The Gazette Monthly Bulletin December 2019 Vol. 24 No. 8

PPrriinncciippaall’’ss MMeessssaaggee Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the final Gazette correspondence for the 2019 academic year. At the conclusion of another school year, we should all feel very satisfied and proud of the work we have undertaken together over the past year in particular and over the past few years more generally. To reflect upon and to review the enhancements and progress we have made as a school in paving the way forward to achieve our school plan priorities under the three key guiding strategic directions; Mindsets and Skills for Growth, Collaborative Practice and Promoting School and Community Connections is no small achievement and one that we all have played a role in executing.

I also know that in order to gain the momentum needed to realise the growth and progress we seek, the initial inputs into this process are great. We are all feeling tired at the end of another challenging school year because we have all contributed significant inputs into generating the momentum towards achieving our goals. I would like to thank all members of our school community for their quality work over the past 12 months, in particular to all members of staff. Without a doubt we have the most hard-working and dedicated staff you will ever see and their efforts are the reason why St George Girls High School remains such a highly sought after and well-respected school.

Final Farewell and Congratulations to Year 12 It was great to have our Year 12 students return back to officially sign out of school and collect their school references on Tuesday 12 November. Our recent graduates have bright futures ahead of them and they indicated that they were pleased with their efforts, yet also relieved that they had successfully completed their Higher School Certificate examinations. What is also most important is that the students reported that they believed that they had demonstrated their personal best. The school is very proud of the Class of 2019, not only for their HSC academic achievements, but for the quality young women they have all grown confidently into over their time at the school. I am confident that the Year 12 students will now leave St George Girls High School not only with very fond memories and friendships, but also with the vital skills and mindsets that will allow them to thrive in the world of the future. I ask the students to remember the person who is truly educated is the one who has learned how to learn, grow and change. My wish for the Class of 2019 is that each of the each of the students continue to grow, learn and embrace change with optimism throughout their lives. Congratulations and Farewell Year 12, it has been a pleasure having you as a key part of our school.

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We had already received some wonderful HSC news regarding the performance of the students in Drama and Music that I shared in my November Gazette article. I have continued to receive further impressive HSC news. Year 12 Visual Arts student Bonnie Dong has had her Body of Work titled “Departure” selected for inclusion in ARTEXPRESS. This is great news for our school, the student and her very talented Visual Arts teacher Mrs Liz Clark, who has provided endless support, guidance and advice to encourage the creative talents of the students studying Visual Arts this year.

Bonnie’s works were also entered into Art Rules and she has also been selected for inclusion in the Art Rules 2019 Exhibition at the Broadhurst Gallery at Hazelhurst Art Centre. I offer a warm congratulations to each of our Year 12 graduates and I bid a fond farewell to the Year 12 parents, carers and families who have supported the school over their daughter’s time at the school. The Class of 2019 are invited to a special HSC Celebration Morning Tea on Thursday 19 December. I would like to encourage all of our students to return back, so we can informally celebrate the receipt of their HSC results and wish them all the very best for the next step they choose to take in their educational adventure. I look forward to reporting on the 2019 HSC results in my first Gazette correspondence in 2020.

Multicultural Food Festival and Summer Festival of Music On Friday 6 December the P&C hosted the annual Multicultural Food Festival. This was a very successful afternoon that celebrated the rich cultural diversity that exists amongst our community members. I would like to say a very big thank you to our P&C and to all the families who busily prepared and ran the food stalls that served a delicious variety of cultural dishes for our school community members and guests to sample and enjoy.

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Following the Multicultural Food Festival at 6:30pm, we had the opportunity to enjoy the quality student performances that featured as part of the Summer Festival of Music program. This evening is certainly a highlight of the school calendar and the performing arts programs and opportunities certainly add a valuable element to the fabric of our school. We are very fortunate to be able to provide such rich creative outlets for our students to engage in.

Thank you to our outstanding CAPA Music teachers (Miss Hamilton, Miss Chapman, Mrs Hall and Miss Fung) and the quality music tutors and conductors we are so fortunate to collaborate with for the work they have invested into rehearsals and preparing for the festival. It was a highly enjoyable night and evening and was a perfect way to conclude the performing arts calendar for the year.

2019 Metropolitan South Operational Directorate Principals Network Awards On Thursday 21 November I had the pleasure of attending and being represented at the 2019 Metropolitan South Operational Directorate Network Awards. These awards are held each year and have been designed as a vehicle to celebrate and recognise the excellent achievement of our colleagues in Public Education. This year the ceremony celebrated the diverse and valuable contributions made by a range of individuals across four Networks (Canterbury, Georges River, Kogarah and Marrickville) in each of the Award nomination categories of Early Career Teacher, Classroom Teacher, School Executive, Principal, School Administrative and Support Staff, Education Office Administration and Support Staff and Parent or Community Member.

This year two members from the school were recognised on the evening for their contributions. Mrs Pamela Rahmi was recognised in the Teacher (Non-Executive) category Early Career Teacher category, for all her work as a highly regarded educator and her contributions to a range of whole school initiatives and activities. Our Mothers’ Committee President, Dr Edwina

Murphy was also recognised in the category of Parent or Community Member for her commitment and dedication to the school as a highly respected member of the school community. It was a very special evening and it was great to have two outstanding individuals and St George Girls represented and recognised on the night. St George Girls High School was also nominated to receive an Award on the night as part of the Kogarah Cluster (Sydney Technical High

School, Kogarah High School, Moorefield Girls High School, James Cook Boys High School and Blakehurst High School) in the Community of Schools category. It was a real honour to accept this Award on behalf of the school and it was certainly a great night to celebrate public education and the contributions made by the teachers, community members and leaders across four networks.

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Green Day On Thursday 21 November St George Girls High School hosted its annual Green Day. I am always a very proud Principal to see our school and its students unified in its commitment to environmental awareness and sustainability. Green day provides us with the opportunity to interrupt the regular school routine for one day with the sole purpose of placing environmental awareness front and centre of our thinking. It allows us to acknowledge the collective responsibility we all share to protect and safeguard the precious local and global environment.

It is certainly a highly anticipated event that I know both staff and students look forward to. We have cemented a strong reputation of being at the forefront of student led environmental initiatives in the local community. This reputation is only enhanced through visible activities, such as Green Day that allow us to promote and share what we do as an example of best practice with other schools. Green Day is a perfect example of collaboration between staff and students within our school and members from the broader

community. I would like to thank Mrs Duffy for her passion, drive and personal commitment to environmental educational awareness and programs in our school. She is so passionate about this day and has worked selflessly and tirelessly behind the scenes, to lead and co-ordinate all the preparations. Mrs Duffy has been supported in her leadership of Green Day by a team of willing, committed and equally passionate teachers who always volunteer to take on and co-ordinate a number of roles to ensure all the activities and workshops organised run effectively. It is always great to witness teachers working alongside students and community members, both inside and outside the classroom in an authentic trans- disciplinary partnership and I appreciate that this is what makes Green Day such a unique and special event. The students embraced the day with their usual St George energy and I would like to extend a special thank you to the Enviro Team, in particular its Executive members who worked so diligently to support the running of Green Day. Prefect Afternoon Tea The 2019/20 Prefects hosted their first student led and organised event on Thursday 14 November. The annual Prefect Afternoon Tea is a student leadership networking opportunity where Prefect leaders from a number of High Schools attend our school and participate in a range of engaging activities designed to foster collaboration and networking across the schools. The students had a lot of fun, made new friends and shared great ideas and school initiatives with each other.

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The Prefects did a wonderful job coordinating the afternoon and they successfully managed to have representatives from 24 High Schools that included Sydney Technical High School, Danebank, James Ruse Agricultural High School, Sydney Boys High School, Tempe High School, Moorefield Girls High School, James Cook Boys High School, Kogarah High School, Sydney Girls High School, Trinity Grammar School, Prairiewood High School, North Sydney Boys High School, Newington College, GRC Oatley Campus, Penrith High School, Burwood Girls High School, Homebush Boys High School, Caringbah High School and Fort Street High School. This was such a great afternoon that was executed with impeccable organisation, precision and professionalism. All the students who attended reported that they had a wonderful afternoon and many lasting connections have now been forged across the senior student leadership teams from a large number of High Schools. Congratulations to the 2019/20 Prefect team and thank you to Mr Robbie Boland, who continues to be great support for the students as Prefect coordinator.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

On Wednesday 20 November I had the privilege of attending the Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Government House hosted by the Governor of NSW Ms Margaret Beazley AO QC with Mr Rob Cowper and Miss Felicity Dwyer. These Awards were held to acknowledge the commitment of schools and organisations to the Duke of Edinburgh Award as part of their 60th Anniversary celebrations. It was a real honour to accept this prestigious Award on behalf of the staff and students from St George girls High School who have supported this program since 1968 (one of the longest running Duke of Edinburgh programs in the country). I was a lovely afternoon and I thank Mr Neil Walters for all of his work as the Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator at our school and a big thank you to all of the staff who have supported the students on the camps held throughout 2019. I am so proud that we continue to offer such a valuable program for our students. End of Term Activities Our Annual Presentation Day will be held on Wednesday 11 December commencing at 10 am at Sydney Town Hall. I would like to remind the school community that this is compulsory school day for all students. The ceremony will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate student achievement

and excellence across a range of domains. Parents and family members are all welcome to attend the ceremony and it would wonderful to have an audience filled with proud family members in attendance to share in this special end of year celebration. As this event is offsite, I have sent home specific correspondence to parents outlining the specific arrangements for the day, which will include an early conclusion to the school day. I am very grateful to Ms Kate Di Leo, Mrs Pamela Rahmi, Mrs Louskos and Miss Dwyer for the work they have been doing to coordinate and plan this highly anticipated whole school event and thank them for accommodating the added logistical requirements needed to host such a large scale school event offsite.

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Wednesday 19 December is the official last day of the school term for students. Reports for Years 7-9 will be issued on this day. Year 10 have already been issued their reports in preparation for their Personal Best Report Interview on Friday 14 December. I am also aware that some families are planning to commence their vacation earlier than the dates above as they are either travelling overseas or interstate. If you wish your daughter to be granted leave for family or personal reasons, please indicate this to me in writing as soon as possible. Please also state the expected date of her return to school in 2020 so that we retain her position at St George. The 2020 school year commences on Tuesday 28 January for staff. Students in Years 7, 11 and 12 (as well as any Year 10 peer support leaders) return on Wednesday 29 January and all remaining students in Years 8, 9 and 10 on Thursday 30 January. Farewell to SGGHS Members of Staff Sadly, we must farewell some much loved staff members this year. I would like to acknowledge the work of Mr Charles Marussich who after 29 years of service as a dedicated Science Teacher at St George Girls has decided to retire. Two of our long standing English teachers will also retire, Ms Lee Greenaway who has taught at St George Girls for 33 years and Ms Valerie Derry who has taught at the school for 13 years. All three of our retirees this year are highly skilled and respected educators who have invested a significant part of their teaching careers, serving the students of St George Girls High School. I wish all of these exceptional teachers all the very best for the next chapter in their life journey and thank them very much for the quality educational experiences they have provided for the students in their classes during their time at our school. Student Achievements One of the best parts of the school day as a school Principal is receiving correspondence or advice about the range of successes your students achieve. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge some of the student achievements I have been informed about before the year draws to a close.

Marina Kawabe in Year 10 has been awarded the 2019 Outstanding Visual Art student award from the St George Art Society. As the winning student, she received a voucher for art materials to the value of $100. This is great honour for Marina and for the school. Marina was presented her certificate and prize by Mr Jim West from the St George Art Society at the formal school assembly last week.

Congratulations to the following Year 9 students who have been awarded a Premier’s Reading Challenge Medal this year; Eugenie Yamamoto, Lara Murphy, Rahma Prodhan, Hayley Chan, Aria Stopher, Yashwini Gopal and Yasmin Fernando.

Congratulations to Annie Wang and Cate Armstrong in Year 11 who participated in the Lions Youth of the Year Regional final on the 12 November. Congratulations to Cate Armstrong who is through to the District Final that will take place next year in March. Youth of the Year is designed to encourage student interest in leadership and the qualities required to take an active and constructive role in the community. A high level of academic, leadership, sporting, public speaking and citizenship achievement is sought in its potential winners.

Congratulations to Taylor Ong-Le in Year 11 who has been awarded a certificate for outstanding achievement in Science as recognised by the Victor Chang Research Institute School Science Awards.

I would like to wish all members of the school community a wonderful festive season and a very happy new year. We have had a fantastic 2019 and I am already focused on the opportunities and success that await us in 2020. I am sincerely humbled as always, to be the principal of this fabulous school and I very much look forward to working alongside you all in 2020. Thank you for your continued support to make our school a great place to work and learn. Happy holidays to all and I look forward to seeing you all in 2020 to do it all again. Ms Betty Romeo Principal

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DDeeppuuttyy PPrriinncciippaall’’ss RReeppoorrtt –– TTeeaacchhiinngg aanndd LLeeaarrnniinngg Years 7 – 9 Reports

eports for Years 7-9 will be available via the parent portal on Wednesday 18 December. It is important that students and parents take the time to carefully read their teachers’ comments and to take their advice about strategies for improvement in 2020. This month’s study skills tip will provide

some thought provoking questions to consider as you reflect on your performance and achievement in 2019.

Parenting Ideas Article This month’s article from ‘Insights’ is ‘Why validation is the best parenting skill of all’. At a time when the mental health and wellbeing of children and teenagers is firmly in the spotlight, validation is now an essential parenting skill.

Study Skills Tip for December This month’s study skills tip is ‘End of Year Reflection’. With the end of the year fast approaching it is a good time for students to reflect on their approach to school this year. The article looks at reflecting on the year and identifying what worked, what were the greatest challenges, what can you do to build on your strengths and how to manage distractions and procrastination as you move into the new year.

SGGHS Professional Learning – Monthly Update As we head into the final 4 weeks of the year and look back on the professional learning that has taken place within the school - at faculty and whole school levels - it really does provide a true picture about the ongoing commitment displayed by the staff at SGGHS to embrace new learning opportunities, to further enhance their skills and develop their knowledge in ways that will continue to support the students in their learning. Our final staff collaboration meeting focused on the NSW Curriculum Review. Staff were provided some background to the review and an introduction to the Interim Report, highlighting the aim of the curriculum being to ensure our education system is preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Since the last gazette, staff have participated in the following activities:

Syllabus Programming across all subject areas and stages Best Start Year 7 Training Georges River Principal Network Meeting Kogarah Cluster Collaboration Meeting for Head Teachers Selective Schools Wellbeing Network Meeting

Back to School – 2020 Key Dates Below outlines the starting dates for students returning in 2020. All students in Years 8-12 will assemble in the school hall at the start of period 1 for a welcome back assembly, followed by a meeting with their Deputy Principal and Year Advisors. Tuesday 28 January – School Development Day for Staff Wednesday 29 January – Year 7 first day of High School Wednesday 29 January – Years 11, 12 return to school Thursday 30 January – Years 8, 9, 10 return to school As this is the final gazette for the year, I would like to thank all staff, parents and students for the ongoing support throughout the year and I look forward to working with you all in 2020. I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday. Ms Pamela Abson Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning


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DDeeppuuttyy PPrriinncciippaall’’ss RReeppoorrtt –– CCuurrrriiccuulluumm School Curriculum

he student classes for Year 11 2020 have been be finalised and have been distributed on Thursday 4 December. If any students wish to apply to change their pattern of study, they are to return their Classes for 2020 form with alternative subjects and a parents or carers signature. These requests

will be processed in the last 2 weeks of this term. Years 7-10 will be advised of their curriculum pattern at the start of next year. All students will remain in those classes for a short time in the beginning of term 1. Students will have the opportunity to apply for course changes early in Term 1, after they have had sufficient time to appreciate and experience the particular course. The process to apply for a course change will be communicated to the students next year with the clear understanding that if there is no place available within a different class the student will remain in their current class. Minimum Standards With only a small number of students left to complete the Minimum Standard Tests, so far all students in Year 10 have reached the Minimum Standard in Numeracy and Reading. The Writing test is being processed and should be available by the end of the term. Students can access and read their Minimum standard report by logging onto their student’s online account. Protecting Personal Belongings At St George Girls, we have clear procedures to protect student personal items. Students are to leave their bags outside specialist classrooms (e.g. Science Laboratories, Computer Rooms, Music Rooms and TAS rooms) and students should be careful not to leave any valuables unattended in their bags if they have a lesson in one of these rooms. During Sport and PE students should also take their valuables with them. Students that bring large amounts of money to school to pay for excursions or other items are encouraged to do so before school to minimise the chances of their money being lost or stolen and those who need to bring money to school for other reasons may leave it at the front office for safekeeping. I wish the school community a safe and happy festive season. Mr Mark Treacy Deputy Principal – Curriculum Mathematics Faculty News Westpac Mathematics Competition 2019

he Westpac Mathematics Competition provides challenges to students to engage with mathematical concepts embedded in questions in ways that may not be familiar. In 2019, 616 St George Girls High School students sat the competition at the various levels.

I would encourage all students to take on this opportunity to explore a more creative challenge in Mathematics; The test:

Highlights the importance of Mathematics in the curriculum Provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability and talent Provides resources and topics for further discussion in the classroom. Enables students to compare themselves with other Gifted and Talented students across the South

Eastern Asian region

Results: 2019 o Students gained 3 High Distinctions, 99 Distinctions and 294 Credits. o Seven students finished within the top five percentile bands in the state: 100 percentile rank: Bella Wu Year 7 (our Best In School Award Winner) 99 percentile rank: Azkiya Umam Year 7 98 percentile rank: Amanda Xu Year 9, 97 percentile rank: Emilie Young Year 9 96 percentile rank: Cindy Liao Year 9, Annabel Huang Year 10, Hy Anh Nguyen Year 10



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Maths Challenge Stage Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians Twenty-three students from our school took part this year in this independent problem solving challenge over a three-week period conducted by the Australian Mathematics Trust. The girls have a six-week period in which to develop solutions to 6 questions. Two students gained a Distinction Junior Competition – Vicky Yan, Year 8 Senior Competition – Vanessa Ngo Year 10 Four student gained a Credit Junior Competition – Sophia Lu Year 7, Vibha Balaji Year 8, Aazeen Khan Year 8, Zara McNally Year 8. Senior Competition – Ru Yun Liu Year 10, Mai Khanh Ly Truong Year 10, Chaturmi Atapattu Year 9. Congratulations to all the girls on this tremendous effort and special thanks to Ms Dodd for her significant management role.

Library Summer Reading

ith the school holidays fast approaching, we are all getting excited about the books we can borrow to read over the summer break! Students are invited to borrow up to four fiction and four non-fiction

books, as well as to access our eBook collection using the Wheelers Platform to borrow something extra. Wheelers eBooks have become a real favourite with SGGHS students and provide access to over 300 000 additional online resources including the latest international titles as well as those with local content from Australasia. Browse our Wheelers eBook collection through Oliver Library (via the student portal) to search and access items using a cart, and then download the ePlatform APP to read on multiple devices. Preparing for 2020

As we complete the academic year, it is a great time to check that students are well prepared for the additional academic demands of 2020. At St George Girls High School, students are encouraged to carry their State Library membership card at all times, so that they can access quality resources immediately when it is needed. Membership is free and opens up a world of quality online subscription-based resources including educational journals, databases, encyclopaedias, and newspaper articles that contain up-to-the-minute information and that are not accessible using regular

internet searches. To sign up and have your free State Library membership card posted home, visit The State Library’s website or simply click on the tab on the school’s Library Enquiry page to be navigated directly to the page. Other recommended Libraries that are often accessed in class by teaching staff at St George Girls High School include National Library Australia, and Georges River Libraries with information about membership also available on their respective websites. 2019 Premier’s Reading Challenge

The 2019 Premier’s Reading Challenge has come to a close and students in Years 7, 8 and 9 who have completed the Challenge can look forward to receiving their certificates soon. Congratulations and a special mention must be made of those students who will be receiving their PRC Medal this year for continuous completion of the Challenge from Year 3 to Year 9. Congratulations also to those receiving their Platinum Award (for seven successful years of participation) and Gold Award (for four successful years of participation). Students are encouraged to keep a record of

their summer reading books; those read from January can be added to the 2020 Premier’s Reading Challenge when it opens again in March next year. Visit and login using your DEC username and password to gain access to your own PRC account and find out more information about the 2020 PRC.


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TTeecchhnnoollooggiiccaall aanndd AApppplliieedd SSttuuddiieess Year 10 Food Technology

he Food Technology class of Year 10 began Thursday off by heading off to the food pantry at Addison Road in Marrickville. Representative Mina

Jones guided us around the community centre and led us through the garden and then to the food pantry. The garden welcomed us with an African ‘ice cream’ tree that had pods which were said to taste like vanilla flavoured ice cream. The garden also had a lot of other plants to offer, such as limes, kangaroo apples and a wide variety of herbs.

We then headed into the food pantry and received a task in which each small group was assigned a group in society which faced food security issues. The groups were given a budget which ranged from $5-$20 and groups included vegans and people who were gluten intolerant. The food pantry had a point system in which foods and products were priced, for example, frozen garlic bread was for 2 points meaning that it was equivalent to $1. With every 10 points (equivalent to $5) spent in the store, customers receive a free loaf of fresh bread and fruits and vegetables of their choice. We ended our time at Addison Road Community Centre with a breakfast delivered from Hilton which we all enjoyed.

Following the eye-opening program in Addison Road Community centre, we travelled to Newtown to eat at a

restaurant which functioned in a unique process. Upon arriving in Newtown, we were met with the vibrant murals and artworks the suburb offered. Walking into the lively Lentil as Anything restaurant, the bustling volunteer waiters were serving the eager customers, we felt extremely welcomed. The restaurant being surrounded by wonderful pieces of art and unique wall art, we were shocked to see how homely this restaurant was. Settling down in our reserved seats in the upper level, we were greeted by a wonderful waitress who thoroughly described the purpose of Lentil as Anything. She described in detail the processes of how food was made in the restaurant and how different Lentil as Anything was compared to other restaurants. The Lentil as Anything sous chef kindly stated the ongoing process of how the food they served, arrived at our table. The sources of the ingredients used in the kitchen were provided by donations and during certain periods, like October, certain foods like pumpkins were abundant.

Lentil as Anything follows the social movement which revolves around the idea of social fairness and inclusion. The restaurant dismisses your social status or income and permits you to pay your meals according to your ability to pay. A majority of the servers are volunteers and are not paid, all the staff greeted us with bright smiles and wonderful service. By giving back to others and caring about important human values, Lentil as Anything has successfully been running for 20 years. All in all, this simple restaurant has made a significant impact and truly given us more faith in humanity. :)

On Friday in our practical lesson, our class did a social experiment called ‘Rich Man, Poor Man’ where groups were each assigned a box containing ingredients which people from different demographics in society would eat. A group received products ranging from ice-cream to coke whereas, one group was not as fortunate and instead received some ‘dirty’ water and rice. Some groups were sly and stole. One person from a specific group was

adamant from keeping robbers away. Overall, it was both a test of classroom relations and a harmless food technology lesson. By Bonnie and Arrianna


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GGrreeeenn CCoorrnneerr

With the year coming to a close, we can look back on 2019 to reflect what the Enviro Council has achieved in terms of sustainability in the school community. Throughout the year, the smooth operation of our three key teams: worm farm, paper recycling, and gardening – as well as the launch and growth of many of our initiatives, such as the Return and Earn scheme, now combined with the Envision bottle cap collection, Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Day, Speak 4 the Planet and most recently our annual Green Day and the Kogarah Cluster Enviro Council Green Day On 21 November, we held our annual environmental awareness day, Green Day. The day involved workshops that encouraged students to think about different aspects of sustainability, stalls selling a variety of goodies such as

potted plants, and presentations – dubbed ‘GreenX Talks’ – from students to spread awareness and encourage discussion about our relationship with the environment. Being part of the Enviro Council, I was amazed to see such engagement with all the activities we had prepared for the day from the school community; and I was also mildly surprised to see the day run so smoothly – something I must thank any staff involved, the rest of the Enviro Exec and any other student volunteers, and most importantly, Mrs. Duffy for all the effort work that went on behind the scenes. Kogarah Cluster Enviro Council Forum As part of Green Day, we also held our 2nd Kogarah Cluster Student Environment forum with students attending from local high schools: Sydney Tech, Kogarah High, James Cook Boys, Moorefield Girls, and George River College. The forum involved a variety of environmental activities such as workshops, and an afternoon with the rest of school at the GreenX Talks – all with the aim of promoting greater sustainability. Current, developing and potential environmental initiatives were shared and discussed, with students collaborating in groups to brainstorm and offer suggestions about these initiatives and how they could be introduced into the school and wider community; they were then presented to Georges River Council’s Environmental Education Officer, Mr Joshua Azzi. We look forward to engaging in similar forums in the future.

That concludes 2019 for the Enviro Council. I look forward to 2020 and all the current and new initiatives that we have planned and might come up with along the way; and I also look forward to working with any new students who might join the Council! Also, with New Year’s approaching, for those who believe in new year resolutions, perhaps think about jotting down a thing or two about sustainability (although sustainability is for every day). Green Globe Awards Congratulations to both Mrs Duffy and Hannah Yuan on being selected as finalists for the Green Globe Awards. – NSW Department of Planning. Industry and Environment. Mrs Duffy was a finalist for the Sustainability Champion Award and Hannah was a finalist for the Young Sustainability Champion Award. They attended a Gala dinner at

Taronga Zoo on Wednesday 27 November where the winners were announced. Although they were not winners of their respective categories to be a finalist is quite an achievement. Many thanks to Georges River Council for nominating both of these deserving candidates as this is also a positive reflection on how the community views our school. Report by Anne Chen, Enviro Journalist 2019

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Green Corner

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Say No to Domestic Violence Walk

n Friday 22 November, the Year 9 were invited to attend the annual say ‘no to domestic violence walk’. We walked down to Jubilee Stadium at 9:30am, and met our fellow peers from other schools and members of the community. After a quick welcome to country, we

left to march to Kogarah Town Square. We all marched proudly alongside students from Kogarah High, James Cook Boys, Sydney Tech and many more schools. Throughout the march we cheered loudly and held our heads high with pride as we knew we were participating in a noble cause. At the end of the march, we headed back to school and were graciously rewarded with ice blocks by the teachers after all our hard work. A huge thankyou to Ms Whitehead for organising for us to attend this event. Zaina – Year 9


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Parents and Citizens’ Association

ur last event for the year was the Multicultural Food Festival held on Friday 6 December. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers and stall organisers for your time and efforts. Wishing everyone a safe and happy break in the holidays and refreshed to begin 2020. Our first meeting of the year will be at

7pm on Thursday 27 February 2020. We look forward to seeing everyone there. Give Santa a break, and give the Gift of Entertainment, guaranteed to please. The New Digital Gift Membership is instantly available, valid for 12 months from activation and helps support our fundraiser. Everyone wins, especially Santa! Check out the new 12 month digital memberships at our payment page here Sharon Khan President Mothers’ Committee

e have just had our last meeting for the year. Thank you to Ms Romeo and our guest speakers for keeping us informed of activities and plans for the school and their departments throughout the year.

Thank you to the staff (teaching and administration) for all your help through the year and the beautiful spread provided to us at this last meeting for the year. Last, but not least, thank you to all the volunteers, staff, parents and students that have helped and participated at the uniform shop and various events throughout the year, particularly the Mother Daughter dinner. Looking forward to next year! Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 February at 10am in the School Library. This will be our first meeting in 2020 and we are looking forward to welcoming the parents of our new students as well as those of returning students. Uniform Shop News For those still finalising their uniform purchases for next year, the uniform shop will be open at the following times. Please note: We will be closed on Wednesday, 11 December (Presentation Day). Wednesday, 18 December, 12:45pm – 3pm Tuesday, 28 January, 9am – 1pm Wednesday, 29 January, 1pm – 3:30pm (first day of school for Year 7, 11 and 12) Parent volunteers are still needed during the shop’s opening times. Please contact Cathy Anderson on the number below if you are able to help. Thank you so much to all our faithful volunteers – we really appreciate your help! Have a happy and safe holiday season. Edwina Murphy President, Mothers’ Committee Contact Ph: 0409 413 218



Cathy Anderson Vice President / Uniform Shop Coordinator Contact Ph: 0423 533 855

Page 15: The Gazette - St George Girls High School Gazette.pdf · Multicultural Food Festival and Summer Festival of Music On Friday 6 December the P&C hosted the annual Multicultural Food


St Georgians

s the 2019 School Year draws to a close, The St Georgians would like to congratulate the students and staff of St George Girls High School on their excellent academic and sporting achievements and community involvement throughout the year.

The St Georgians would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. The St Georgians (formerly known as The Old Girls Union) was formed in 1929, with a twofold purpose – keeping former students in touch, and raising funds for the school. The St Georgians generally meet on the fourth Thursday of each month, at the St George Leagues Club, Kogarah. For details of our next meeting, please email or ring us on the contact below. We have a great group of ladies of all ages, and it’s a fun, relaxed atmosphere. We also invite you to stay after the meeting for a little socialising and perhaps lunch in the Bistro. We are always keen to meet new members, and look forward to seeing you there!

[email protected] Kim Archibald President


Page 16: The Gazette - St George Girls High School Gazette.pdf · Multicultural Food Festival and Summer Festival of Music On Friday 6 December the P&C hosted the annual Multicultural Food


CCoommiinngg EEvveennttss

Tuesday 10 December Gazette issued on school website and emailed to parents and student Wednesday 11 December Presentation Day – Sydney Town Hall, 10am Thursday 12 December Year 11 Art Gallery Excursion Year 11 Business Plan Challenge, Newcastle University Year 12 History Excursion Friday 13 December Year 10 Personal Best Report Interviews Year 11 Business Plan Challenge SRC Colour Run Year 9 Commerce Travel Expo Monday 16 December Year 7 Police Cyber Safety Presentation Tuesday 17 December Activities Day – Years 7 – 11 Higher School Certificate results released Wednesday 18 December Reports issued Thursday 19 December School Development Day HSC Celebration Morning Tea

Commencements Dates for 2020

Tuesday 28 January 2020 – Staff Only Wednesday 29 January 2020 – Years 7, 11 and 12 and Year 10 Peer Support Leaders

Thursday 30 January 2020 – Years 8, 9 and 10

It is important that payment for excursions is made to the Finance Office or Online prior to the due date.

Page 17: The Gazette - St George Girls High School Gazette.pdf · Multicultural Food Festival and Summer Festival of Music On Friday 6 December the P&C hosted the annual Multicultural Food

At a time when the mental health and wellbeing of children and teenagers is firmly in the spotlight, validation is an essential parenting skill.

When a child or teen comes to you when they are struggling emotionally, they want you to understand their dilemma. They don’t want to be dismissed or told to ‘get over it’. They generally want someone to acknowledge that their concern is real with comments such as:

“I see you’re worried about going to camp. I can understand that. ““Thanks for telling about the scary monsters in your bedroom. Let’s see what we can do about them.”“I’d be afraid too if I was left alone on my own for that long.”

Validation of a child’s struggles helps themValidating a child’s struggles helps in a number of ways. It works to:

Build deep connection

Relationships built at the time of vulnerability go deep and are hard to break.

Promote a child’s wellbeing

Validation helps kids feel safe, which is what ‘worry warts’ and anxious kids want. Lack of understanding rather than fear itself often impacts negatively on a child’s happiness.

Overcome disappointment and build resilience

Validation encourages kids to give voice to their concern or disappointment and either takes steps to rectify it or move on.

Develop emotional intelligence

Parental validation models emotional intelligence for children and teens. It requires you to identify the emotions that may be behind their language or behaviour.

We're a Parenting Ideas school

Why validation is the best parenting skill of allby Michael Grose


Page 18: The Gazette - St George Girls High School Gazette.pdf · Multicultural Food Festival and Summer Festival of Music On Friday 6 December the P&C hosted the annual Multicultural Food

Encourage empathy

Validation requires you to stop, listen and get on the same wavelength as your child.

Four steps to validating your child’s emotionsFollow these steps when your child comes to you with their worries or concerns to make sure they feel understood.


Stop what you are doing and give your child full attention.


Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.

Reflect back their worries

Get down to their eye level if necessary, saying something like, “I see you’re really concerned about this.”


If appropriate, gently touch their shoulder or give them a hug when you speak to them. This will help them feel safe and comforted.

There’s no better feeling for a child or teen who is struggling than knowing someone they value truly understands them.

Michael Grose

Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s the author of 12 books for parents including Spoonfed Generation and the best-selling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It. His latest release Anxious Kids, was co-authored with Dr Jodi Richardson.

We're a Parenting Ideas school

Page 19: The Gazette - St George Girls High School Gazette.pdf · Multicultural Food Festival and Summer Festival of Music On Friday 6 December the P&C hosted the annual Multicultural Food


END OF YEAR REFLECTION – SWOT ANALYSIS With the end of the year fast approaching it is a good time for students to reflect on their approach to school this year. If you wait until next year you will have forgotten what you did this year and what you need to change for next year. So as the holidays approach, take a moment to do a short SWOT analysis on your personal approach to school and learning. Students may like to discuss these questions with a teacher, parent or friend.

STRENGTHS: What did you do well at school this year? What subjects or topics were you good at? What worked for you in your approach to learning? What are you proud of achieving? What new skills did you develop?

WEAKNESSES: What were your greatest challenges in achieving your personal best at school? What did you find difficult this year? What skills do you feel needed more work? What areas of your approach did you struggle with? When did you feel not confident about your ability to succeed?

OPPORTUNITIES: What could you do to build your strengths and deal with your weaknesses? Who did you encounter this year that might be able to help you on this journey? What will be different about next year that will create opportunities to change? What could you personally do differently in your approach to school next year? What one thing could you change that would make the biggest difference to you

being a more effective learner?THREATS:

What are the biggest obstacles to you making changes in your approach? Are there other students you sit with who make learning difficult? What is stopping you from achieving the top marks you are capable of achieving? What challenges do you face in staying motivated to do your work for school? What challenges do you face in managing distractions and procrastination?

A note to Parents: In these school holidays it is important for students to have a decent break, recharge and spend time with friends and family doing things they enjoy. Certainly if students are weak in areas such as literacy or numeracy, some practice on a regular basis over the holidays would not go astray. There are many apps listed on the study skills handbook site that are useful. It is essential however that Year 11 students spend some time these school holidays consolidating the work from Year 11, ensuring study notes are up to date and they are organised and prepared for the challenges ahead in Year 12.

Our school’s subscription details to are - user name: password:

Students may find it useful to complete some of the study skills units over the holidays, particularly on their areas of weakness.