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  • 8/12/2019 The Garden Gate


  • 8/12/2019 The Garden Gate


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  • 8/12/2019 The Garden Gate



    The Garden Gate

    Copyright 2014 by Christa Kinde

    This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.


    Requests for information should be addressed to:

    Zonderkidz, 3900 Sparks Drive, Grand Rapids, MI 49546

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Kinde, Christa.

    The garden gate / by Christa Kinde.

    pages cm. (Threshold series ; book 4)

    Summary: While ranks of the Faithful rally to defend whats most precious,

    Prissie discovers that angels arent the only ones who are Sent Provided by


    ISBN 978-0-310-72497-1 (hardcover)

    [1. Angels Fiction. 2. Faith Fiction. 3. Christian life Fiction. 4.

    Demonology Fiction. 5. Family life Fiction. 6. Farm life Fiction.] I. Title.

    PZ7.K56584Gar 2014

    [Fic] dc23

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible,

    New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.

    Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    Published in association with KLO Publishing Service, LLC


    Cover design: Cindy Davis

    Editor: Kim Childress

    Interior design and composition: Greg Johnson/Textbook Perfect

    Printed in the United States of America

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  • 8/12/2019 The Garden Gate




    buried most of West Edinton under snow and ice. Storm

    clouds threatened to close in, but their dark spiral left the

    two angels and much of the Pomeroys farm bare to the

    brittle light of stars. Flights of angelic warriors veered lower,

    skimming along the tops of trees, driving stragglers before

    the points of spear and sword. Thunder rolled, and varicol-

    ored streaks blazed across that wide patch of night sky in

    tight formations, then scattered into dizzying patterns as

    they drove back the shadows.

    Abners grip shifted, and he pressed down on his oppo-

    nent. The diminishing demon renewed his struggle as the

    Caretaker reshaped him, robbing him of the power that came

    with sheer mass. They shrank to the size of mere mortals.

    Take one last look at the expanse of heaven before I return

    you to darkness, Abner invited.

    In that instant, the fearsome storm lost its strength, and

    the clouds dispersed, washing their corner of the world withthe silvery light of the moon. Peace spelled defeat, but not an

    end to the Fallens defiance. Wrenching free, he lunged for

    Abners throat, but a passage opened beneath the demons

    feet. Chains rattled against the pits edge as the Deep swal-

    lowed him, and his howl of impotent fury cut short when the

    earth resealed itself.

    The triumphant Caretaker clasped his hands behind his

    back and turned to look at the darkened farmhouse. Treeroots protruded from the roof above one of the gables, and

    blue light bled through jagged gaps, outlining the wreckage

    of Prissie Pomeroys bedroom.

    Destruction. Pain. Suffering.

    Abner was willing to go to her, but this time, he was not


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    heart. They needed help. No, Milo needed help. Yes, please.

    Send Padgett.

    You know, Milo was my favorite Sunday school teacher.

    He told the best stories, made us think, made them real. I

    could tell he really cared about the Bible. Beau stared at their

    long-time friend, who looked pretty strange with his long

    curls and outspread wings. He believed in God like nobody

    else Ive ever met, and I wanted to be like that. To believe like


    Hes still Milo, Prissie muttered.

    Her brother smiled shakily. Yeah. Hes still everything

    he seemed to be, but the reasons are different. Better. This

    is perfect.

    Such a different reaction than her own. But then, her

    younger brothers knew Milo in a different way than she did.

    Was he really that good a teacher?

    The best. Absolute best, Beau replied fervently. Id goback to being Zekes age if I could. Just to keep him.

    Suddenly, a door opened out of nowhere, and another

    angel stepped into the room, his gaze taking in the whole

    scene. Padgett! Prissie struggled to her feet. Her throat

    threatened to close, but she choked out, Milos hurt!

    Some of the fierceness left the Caretakers face as he

    quickly crossed to her side, his long, black hair sweeping

    across the debris scattering the floor. Dont worry, miss.Thats why I was Sent.

    Can you help him?

    Padgett touched her face. Fear not. None of the Faithful

    are beyond help. Trust God to provide.

    She felt a little steadier, a little calmer, and she suspected

    him of ministering to her on a divine level. Not me! Him!

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    The garden gate

    Them, Koji quietly corrected, for his arms still sheltered

    Ephron, the captive angel Milo had helped to rescue.

    Of course, Padgett replied, crossing to the Messenger,

    whose wings still provided the brightest light in the sur-

    rounding darkness.

    Beau gawked up at the newcomer. Can you really help



    Thats good. Thanks.

    Padgetts hands moved without haste smoothing,

    straightening, strengthening. Do not thank me. Thank God.

    Have been, Beau replied.

    The Caretaker paused in his work. Milo is important

    to you.

    Yeah. Hes my friend.

    Hes also mine.

    Beau checked, Are you really an angel?Yes.


    Padgetts almost-there smile made an appearance, and

    he reached across to touch the top of Beaus head. Dont be

    afraid. Everything is in Gods hands.

    Beau offered a small nod. Can I help?

    Thank you. The Caretaker reached into one of his wide

    sleeves and produced a roll of softly-glowing gauze, which hepassed to Beau. Catching Prissies eye, Padgett nodded sig-

    nificantly toward Koji.

    There was no refusing the implied request, but she felt

    the need to ask, What will Momma say when she comes

    looking for us?

    We have all the time we need.

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    Prissies eyebrows slowly lifted. Did you do something?

    Padgett patiently answered, Ive prolonged this moment

    so we can finish without causing further distress to your


    With one less worry weighing on her mind, Prissie glanced

    at Koji, who had his hands full with a shivering bundle of skin

    and bones draped in torn raiment. She shuffled her slippers

    across the braided rug, cringing with every crunch of glass

    underfoot, to pull a blanket off the bed. Shaking it out, she

    made her way to Koji. Angels might not feel cold, but her friend

    couldnt offer Ephron the shelter of wings. When she draped

    her substitute around the pale angels shoulders, he started.

    Koji spoke in low tones. Prissie is with us. You remember

    her. She is my friend. You are safe with us. We are with you.

    His assurances had a lilting quality that soon became a song

    that promised peace and comfort.

    Even though Ephron was clearly taller than the youngerObserver, hed curled into a tight, defensive ball. But he lifted

    his face and murmured, With me. He paused. Lavi! Where

    is Lavi?

    Koji helped him fumble with the collar of his tunic, and a

    brilliant yahavim burst into the air, zinging around in a joy-

    ous dance. Prissie squinted hard and gasped in recognition at

    the manna-maker whod accompanied her down to the Deep.

    Hi, you. Youre looking much better.The tiny angel with his puff of soft green hair alit on her

    fingers and twirled on the tips of his toes. Lavis attention

    quickly returned to Ephron, though, for Koji was helping the

    injured angel rearrange his limbs. The rescued Observers

    pants were badly torn, the cloth unraveling in the absence of

    seams, which left much of his legs bare. Prissie realized with

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    The garden gate

    a jolt that the mottling on his skin was probably bruising, and

    she couldnt begin to count the cuts, which were in various

    stages of healing. Her lips trembled, but her chin came up.

    There had to be something she could do.

    Although an angels raiment could resist spot and wrin-

    kle, Ephron was in desperate need of a bath. Dirt and dust

    gave his skin a slightly gray cast, with pale streaks to show

    the tracks his tears had followed. Prissie would have liked to

    take him down the hall to the bathroom, but that probably

    wouldnt work. No power. No lights. Koji? she whispered

    urgently. How do angels wash themselves?

    With water.

    She bit her lip to keep back a sharp answer.

    Kojis dark eyes took on a shine. That is a good idea.

    Prissie? She turned to find Beau holding out a basin

    of water. Her brother explained, This other guy said you

    need this.Lavi fluttered in a slow circle around Beaus head, then

    landed on the wide brim of what looked to be a stone bowl.

    Her brother showed no sign of noticing the bright pixie test-

    ing the water with his toes. Prissie asked, How many angels

    do you see?

    Is that a trick question?

    She slowly shook her head and pointed to each, pausing to

    see his reaction. Milo. Padgett. Koji.Beaus eyes widened. Kojis here? Wait. Kojis an angel?

    She stood awkwardly. I . . . um . . . I guess I shouldnt have

    said anything.

    Its all right, Padgett said distractedly. You may take

    your brother into your confidence.

    Thenyes. Kojis an angel too.

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    Figures. Beau gestured to Padgett and Milo. But as far

    as I can tell, the only ones here are you, me, and them.

    The worst of the mailmans wounds had been cared for, and

    the Caretaker had maneuvered Milo onto the floor so he could

    put away his wings for him. With deft motions, Padgett traced

    his fingers along the Messengers shoulders and back, coaxing

    the billowing blue light into the unique pattern that contained

    an angels furled wings. Finishing one side, he glanced up.

    Take the basin, Prissie. And be careful. Its heavy.

    She obeyed, taking the bowl that seemed to be filled with

    liquid light; it steamed lightly and smelled spicy. Arching his

    brows, Beau asked, How many angels doyousee, Sis?

    Five. But theres probably more.

    And how long have you been seeing angels?

    Prissie hugged the basin to her chest and managed a weak

    smile for Lavi. For a while. Its a long story.

    Tell me later?She nodded, and Beau returned to Milos side, focusing

    all his attention on helping the Messenger. His wings were

    almost completely furled now, so the blue light was fading,

    but a second basin of water sat beside Padgett, a match for

    her own. Their warm glow was more than enough to see by.

    Walking slowly so she wouldnt slosh the precious liquid,

    Prissie crossed to Koji. He beckoned for her to join him on

    the floor.How do I help? she asked.

    You will support Ephron. I will wash him.

    The young Observer took charge. Pushing aside some of

    the clutter on the floor, he laid out her blanket. Sit here,

    against the wall. You will support him the same way Taweel

    held Tamaes when he was injured. Remember?

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    The garden gate

    She nodded and took her place. With a little scooting and

    shuffling, Ephron lay limply in the circle of her arms, his

    head resting on her shoulder. For so long, hed been noth-

    ing more than a name that put shadows in the eyes of her

    friends. Now, he was a solid someone whose suffering was all

    the more real in its aftermath.

    When Koji straightened Ephrons legs, the injured

    Observer whined softly.

    I am sorry, Koji whispered.

    Prissie was sorry too, but she couldnt say the words. Tears

    that shed been holding back for what felt like forever blurred

    her vision. She wished for wings so she could wrap them

    around this angel and ease his pain. Wasnt she partially

    to blame for Ephrons prolonged captivity? If shed prayed

    sooner, would he have been spared weeks or even months of


    Uneven tufts of flaxen hair brushed Prissies cheek asEphron shook his head. Do not apologize. I am grateful.

    Fragile-looking hands found the arms locked around his

    chest, and he hung onto her. More than I can express.

    Koji took the folded cloth resting in the warm water and

    pressed it to Ephrons cheek. Should I remove the bandages?

    Carefully, Padgett replied from across the room. Ill be

    with you shortly.

    As the strips of raiment binding Ephrons eyes fell away,Koji noticed Prissies confusion and softly explained, Ephron

    is blind.

    Prissie closed her eyes, not wanting to see what lay

    beneath the bandages. Sick at heart, sick to her stomach, she

    hid her face in the disarray of Ephrons hair and tried to focus

    on the scent of spices that perfumed the water. It occurred

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    to her that if the basin was warm enough to steam in a room

    now exposed to the elements, she should have been freezing.

    After some thought, she realized that while she was aware

    that it was cold, she wasnt uncomfortable. This was probably

    how it was for angels, and she was grateful that Padgett had

    extended their unique senses to her. Otherwise, her teeth

    would have been chattering by now.

    A soft whirrof wings brought her out of her thoughts, and

    she looked up, expecting to see Lavi. But Omri stood on her

    shoulder; his small hands patted affectionately at her cheeks,

    brushing away the traces of her own tears. If youre here,

    Taweel must be close.

    On the roof, Koji confirmed. Glancing up, he announced,

    Jedrick is here.

    Heavy footfalls sounded overhead, and Prissie looked

    up in time to see Jedrick toss aside some loose boards and

    shingles in order to widen one of the gaps. The Flight captaindropped into the room, bringing a wash of green light as his

    wings draped loosely behind him. Crouching beside Ephron,

    he said, Here you are.

    Lifting his face, the Observer answered, I am here.

    Jedricks hand dropped to Ephrons shoulder. Your name

    is still under my hand.

    I know it.

    I wish I could have protected you from all you suffered,the cherubim confessed. Forgive me?

    There is nothing to forgive, Captain. I am grateful to be

    under your wing once more.

    Amen and amen.

    The matter was dealt with so simply. A straightforward

    apology. Immediate forgiveness. Prissie wasnt sure she

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    The garden gate

    could have done the same if, for instance, Margery were to

    say the whole Elise thing was a big mistake. Couldpeople go

    back? Ephron certainly couldnt. He was blind. Unless the

    Caretakers were able to fix that for him. Werent they capable

    of miracles?

    May I take your place?

    Prissie blinked up at Jedrick, then loosened her hold on

    Ephron. Please do. Your wings will work better than mine.

    The tall warrior blinked back. Prissie Pomeroy, humans

    do not have wings.

    Ephron actually smiled. Have you no imagination,

    Captain? Many have wished for wings, but few for such noble


    Jedrick lifted away the Observer as if he weighed no more

    than a feather, practically cocooning him in the folds of his

    wings. Prissie stood and brushed off her skirt as Padgett

    joined them. Koji wrung out his cloth and draped it on theedge of their basin, then stood beside her. His fingers brushed

    the back of her hand, and she caught at it, grateful to still

    have someone to hold onto.

    Sis? Beau sat against the wall on the other side of the

    room, his eyes wide and his hair wild. Milo reclined against

    him in much the same way shed been holding Ephron, and

    it looked as if her brother was holding on for dear life. Youre

    not talking to yourself, he said, the lift of his brows makingthe statement a question.

    No. Two more angels just came in, she reported.

    Just then, a shaky hand lifted, covering Beaus. Theres

    nothing to fear, the Messenger murmured. Or did I cover

    that part already? Im a little foggy on the details.

    Milo! Beaus arms tightened. Two tears splashed down

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    his cheeks. When he found his voice, he said, If Zeke ever

    finds out you can fly, hell never give you a moments rest.

    Their mailmans low chuckle was reassuringly familiar.

    Some things are best kept secret.

    Yeah. I can do that much. Beaus face creased with con-

    cern. Wish I could do more.

    Milos gaze drifted from Prissie to Koji, then back to Beau.

    Given the circumstances, I think its safe to assume there

    will be more.

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    The garden gate

    A soft twinkle of chimes announced their arrival, and

    Harken glanced up from his reading, a warm smile on his

    face. Im glad you could make it! Please, go on through.

    You are not coming? inquired Koji.

    Perhaps later. I have a store to mind, Harken replied.

    His expression softened when Prissie hung back. Are you all

    right, child?

    She opened her mouth to answer, but no words came.

    Swallowing hard against the knot in her throat, she shook her

    head. How could she be all right? The bakery was in sham-

    bles, her bedroom was totally ruined, and a large section

    of their orchard had been uprooted. People kept saying her

    family should be grateful, but who in their right mind would

    be glad for disasters? Folks at church tried to tell her that it

    could have been worse, but she didnt really care about what

    couldhave happened. What hadhappened was horrible!

    Sure, she was glad that nobody in her family had beenhurt, but what about Milo? And Ephron was back, but for

    the last few days, shed knownsomething wasnt quite right.

    Every time she tried to ask Koji what was going on, hed gen-

    tly replied that it was not his place to say. Today was sup-

    posed to be about getting answers, but she was no longer sure

    she wanted them. Harkens eyes were too sad, and Kojis hand

    held hers so tightly. It was going to be more bad news.

    Harken stepped around his counter and placed his handson her shoulders. Fear not, Prissie, he urged, his voice rich

    with compassion.

    Are you going to tell me that everything will work out?

    she asked bitterly.

    Would you believe me if I did?

    That forced her to think. Platitudes from well-meaning

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    friends were one thing, but the words of one of Gods own

    Messengers were quite another. Prissie lowered her gaze and

    whispered, Yes. Ifyousaid it, Id believe you.

    The shopkeepers voice rang with gentle authority as he

    said, I know the plans I have for you, declares the L,

    plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you

    hope and a future.

    Grasping at hope, Prissie allowed Koji to usher her into

    the back room. The ornate blue door was right where it

    belonged, but she stalled a little before opening it. Shedding

    gloves, scarf, hat, and coat, she draped them over the chair at

    Harkens desk. Koji followed suit, though he also rid himself

    of boots and socks.

    She reached for the softly-glowing knob, but paused to

    ask, Whos here?

    Kojis head tipped to one side. Padgett, Milo, Ephron . . .

    and Jedrick has arrived.Oh, she replied. Fewer than shed anticipated, but in a

    way, that made this easier. Taking a deep breath, she opened

    the door.

    Heavens light and sweet harmonies spilled into the back

    room, and a soft sigh escaped Prissies lips. As much as shed

    been dreading this meeting, some part of her longed to return

    to the soft glow that filtered through this unearthly glades

    trees. Her friends were singing, and there was an unfamil-iar voice mingled with the rest. Stepping into their timeless

    haven, Prissie quickly picked out the newcomer.

    Ephrons fine, flaxen hair hung unevenly around his

    elfin ears, and tufts stood up here and there atop his head.

    It reminded Prissie of the time Zeke had given Jude a haircut

    with Grandma Nells pinking shears. The slim angel looked

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    The garden gate

    much better than he had a few days ago, but he was still too

    thin, too pale, too dim. His whole demeanor spoke of suffer-

    ing, and it filled her with shame.

    Miss Priscilla! Milo called, interrupting the song. He

    was clad in raiment, and his wings swirled around him in

    shimmering swathes of blue as he hurried to welcome her in.

    How are you feeling? she murmured, trying to tell if he

    was still in pain.

    Mending quickly, thanks to Padgetts tender mercies.

    She frowned. You missed church, and you havent been

    the one delivering our mail.

    Jedricks orders, Milo replied, an odd tension creeping

    into his expression. I havent been myself lately. A few more

    days, and Ill be back on the job.

    So you arestill hurting.

    I suppose I am. But first things first. Things were a little

    muddled the other night. Ephrons been wanting to greet youproperly.

    S-sure, she said, though she was far from it. Guilt

    assailed her. Shame burned in her soul. It was hard to face

    someone she was certain shed wronged. Still, she allowed

    Milo to lead her closer.

    Ephron was clean now, with bandages and fresh clothes

    replacing his tatters. Although she knew better than to rely

    on appearances, the rescued Observer seemed no older thanher big brothers. As she knelt in the grass near his side, she

    noticed how Ephrons fingers were quick to catch onto the

    fullness of Padgetts sleeve. The Caretaker was humming

    softly under his breath while he sifted through Ephrons

    ragged locks. To Prissies astonishment, she realized that he

    was fixing them. Are you giving him a haircut?

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    A smile lurked in the depths of Padgetts eyes. I believe

    Ive added more than Im taking away.

    It feels strange, Ephron offered, gently reminding them

    that he was there.

    I suppose it would, Padgett replied easily. A few moments

    later, he sat back on his heels to scrutinize neatly bobbed hair

    that barely reached the Observers pointed chin. What do

    you think, Jedrick?

    Ephrons face lifted towards their Flight captain, who rif-

    fled his fingers through the silvery-blond strands. It makes

    you look younger.

    How ironic. I feel much older.

    Milo cleared his throat and said, Miss Priscilla, this is

    our teammate Ephron.

    Hello, she managed weakly.

    Ephron turned toward her voice, and his lips curved into

    a gracious smile. Hello, precious. Please, do not be afraid.His manner of speech had a musical quality, and she

    remembered Koji saying that Ephron was a poet, but his

    light voice seemed a bit hoarse, like when you spent a whole

    evening cheering at a football game. She winced, because

    hed probably been crying . . . or worse. Im not afraid, she

    lied. After an awkward pause, she added, Its nice to meet


    Ephron tipped his head to one side, then held out oneslender hand. When she hesitated, he murmured, Please?

    For all his icy appearance, the angels fingers were reas-

    suringly warm as he folded both of his hands around hers.

    Prissie was glad that he was safe, and she was grateful that he

    was solid . . . and smiling at her. Even though he couldnt see

    her face, she found herself tentatively smiling back.

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    only made things worse. Tads jokes fell flat. Neil asked for

    seconds but couldnt finish. Beau was pretending not to stare

    at Koji. Zeke was being good.

    Only Jude carried on as usual. Was he too young to under-

    stand what had happened? Or was he smart to only look ahead?

    The incubator Grandpa Pete had given him for Christmas had

    him all excited for spring days and spring chicks.

    When Taweel ducked through the kitchen door with

    Ephron in his arms, no one noticed Prissie freeze and slowly

    lower her fork. The big Guardian hesitated awkwardly upon

    finding himself exposed to her scrutiny, then dipped his head

    in silent greeting before returning to the task hed clearly

    been Sent to accomplish.

    Kojis foot bumped hers under the table, and she turned

    just enough to catch his eager expression. Whats going on?

    she whispered.

    Ephron does not like to be alone.After months of solitary confinement, it wasnt any won-

    der he craved company. Doesnt he need to stay in the light?

    Yes, that would be best. And Jedrick wanted him to

    stay where it was safest, but . . . Koji hesitated, then simply

    repeated, Ephron does not like to be alone.

    Prissie was catching on. Did you volunteer to keep him


    Indeed. Koji searched her face. Are you displeased?She sighed. Its not as if Id turn him away. Like Momma

    says, the more the merrier.

    Not that there was any real merriment in the vicinity of

    Ephrons new haven. Prissie tried even harder to act normally

    while the recuperating Observer spent the rest of the din-

    ner hour with his head cocked to one side, eavesdropping on

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    Taweel nodded. Perhaps that is why I was Sent.

    Is Tamaes still missing?


    Do you think hes safe? she dared to ask.

    That is unlikely.

    A tear slid unbidden down her cheek, and the big

    Guardian slowly reached out and placed his hand atop her

    head. I will remain by your side until he can return to his

    place. Fear not.

    Its not meIm worried about! Prissie protested. I want

    him back safe!

    As do I, he assured, his voice catching. I do not wish to

    lose another given into my care.

    She sat up in bed, pulling her blankets into a messy nest.

    This was the first time shed heard so many words at one time

    from the gruff angel, and it made her curious. Another?

    Taweel unfastened his sword and propped it next to thebed before taking a seat on the floor with a gentle whooshof

    luminous, purple wings. Even though it was the middle of the

    night, their glow made it possible for Prissie to see. He touched

    the lobe of his left ear and explained, I have been pierced

    because my charge was lost. She died without faith in God.

    Oh, thats so sad! she murmured.

    It is any Guardians greatest sorrow, he acknowledged.

    One Tamaes will never know.Because Im a Christian?

    Your faith is beautiful, Taweel replied earnestly.

    Blushing slightly, Prissie asked, Will you tell me about

    your girl . . . lady?

    He nodded. My charge was a girl, born thousands of

    years ago in Egypt.

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    The garden gate

    Was she pretty?

    Taweel considered her question and eventually answered,

    Her hair was dark, her eyes were light, and she was fond of


    I like cats too.

    I know it, the Guardian replied, the corner of his mouth

    quirking upwards for just a moment.

    Was she my age?

    Taweels head dipped. Very nearly.

    What happened? Prissie whispered, wondering if it was

    rude to ask.

    There was a plague, and she died, he replied


    That sounded bad; many people must have suffered

    together. What kind of plague?

    A biblical one.

    Do you mean the ones from the story of Moses?Yes. Taweel fingered his earring. My charge was the

    firstborn child of an Egyptian merchant. When she breathed

    her last, my service ended.

    Prissies heart clenched. Were you sad?


    Are you still sad?

    I will never forget.

    Since she was feeling quite sad herself, Taweels grief wassomehow comforting. What does a Guardian do when his

    job is over?

    In the course of time, I was given an apprentice, Taweel

    answered. Tamaes and I have been together for thousands

    of years.

    So long? she asked, startled.

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    Yes. He waited to be Sent much longer than most, the

    angel explained, his deep voice surprisingly mellow. When

    your life was sparked, it brought him great joy, and that joy

    became full when your life was made new.

    The way he said it, she couldnt resist asking, You too?

    With the barest of smiles, Taweel declared, I am grate-

    ful to be Tamaess mentor. It is my privilege to share his joy.

    So is being a mentor like having a second chance?

    I cannot speak for others, but for myself . . . yes. When

    Tamaes was placed under my watch-care, it was as if I tasted

    redemption. God is wise beyond knowing.

    Prissie reached out from the shelter of her blankets and

    lightly touched Taweels arm. Her lip trembled as she bro-

    kenly whispered, I tried praying. It worked before, but its

    not working now.

    Then it is not time, Taweel calmly replied.

    But . . . but I want him back, she whined, her eyes water-ing once more.

    I know, little one, he crooned, shaking out his wings so

    they partially encircled her bed. Our hope is the same, and

    the Faithful do not hope in vain. We must trust.

    Trust, trust, trust it was the same old message again

    and again. Im tiredof trusting, she confessed hollowly.

    Then rest, he gently ordered. You need sleep.

    Too tired to argue, Prissie rearranged herself in the mid-dle of the bed and blinked at her stand-in guardian. Im glad

    you came.

    I could do no less, once Sent, Taweel pointed out.

    Her expression clouded. You didnt want to come?

    His heavy brows drew together. My only desire is to serve


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    The garden gate

    Prissie pouted. But what about me?

    Taweels blank expression reminded her of the face Koji

    made whenever she said something he couldnt quite fathom.

    Prissie cringed, for she suspected shed said something truly

    silly, and she hated feeling foolish. The faraway look in the

    Guardians eyes resolved into gentle amusement, and he

    reached for her hand. With a small squeeze, he clarified. You

    have always been dear, little one. Never doubt that.

    Always, she echoed softly.

    He straightened her rumpled covers. Eternity is vast.

    Ill know you forever, Prissie ventured. You and the


    You will.

    Smiling weakly, she said, Thats a nice thought.

    Taweel inclined his head. It is.

    More relaxed now, Prissie tugged her blankets right up to

    her chin and sleepily asked, Wheres Omri?Guarding Milo for me.

    She giggled at the very idea.

    Sleep, urged her big, burly nightlight.

    For the first time since Christmas, Prissie drifted off to

    sleep with a smile on her face.

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