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Page 1: The French Revolution


Page 2: The French Revolution

After the Constitution of 1791…

The bourgeoisie had brought about many changes during the first phase of the revolution Ended special privileges, limited the king’s powers

Some people felt the revolution had gone too far...but some felt that it had not gone far enough.

What followed is now described as the second stage, or the radical stage of the revolution.

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The Royal family flees...

Marie Antoinette makes plans for their escape to the Austrian Netherlands.

They attempt to flee June 20, 1791.

Arrested and forced to return to Paris.

King Louis XVI lost any remaining support that he had from the people of France.

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The Sans-culottes…

After the King tries to flee, radicals want France to become a republic.

Many urban workers became radicals Among these radicals are the sans-culottes

Wage earners and small shopkeepers So far, the urban workers had gained fewer benefits

than the bourgeoisie and the peasants. They wanted more control in the government, high

wages, lower food prices, and an end to food shortages. Some bourgeoisie saw this as a threat, others

capitalized on the opportunity to become leaders of the radicals.

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War with Austria and Prussia…

The French worried that Austria might help the émigrés start a counterrevolution and bring back the Old Regime

They decided to strike first – declared war on Austria

Prussia joined Austria and they both invaded France

During the war, a new, radical government took over – the Commune

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Execution… The Commune had the king arrested They also got rid of the National Assembly

and created the National Convention All adult males could vote for the national

convention – not just taxpayers The National Convention felt that the king

and his family were traitors and a threat to the revolution

They voted to have the king executed by guillotine

Marie Antoinette was executed a few months later

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Back to the war… The war started to go better for

France – they kicked out the Prussians and Austrians

They invaded Austrian Netherlands Other countries got nervous Britain and Spain joined with Austria

and Prussia Now France was being overwhelmed

and food was running out

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Jacobins and Girondists…

Two factions within the National Convention Jacobin – More radical, led by Robespierre Girondist – More moderate

Both groups led by members of the Bourgeiosie

Jacobins used the crisis in France as an excuse to have Girondist leaders arrested

Jacobins created the Committee of Public Safety

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Dictatorial Government…

Committee of Public Safety had almost unlimited power

Robespierre was its leader Their job was to feed the hungry,

stop enemy troops, and get rid of opponents of the government

They created a draft to build up France’s army

They created the largest army in the history of the world – over 1 million soldiers

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The Reign of Terror…

Robespierre and the Jacobins decide to get rid of anyone who criticizes their government

They begin jailing and executing people Committee of Public Safety executes

between 20,000 and 40,000 people The trials were a unjust – No proof was

needed to sentence someone to death; just a rumor was enough to get the guillotine

When the French realized they had gone too far, they blamed Robespierre

Robespierre was executed on July 28, 1794

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After Robespierre…

The reign of terror ended and the Jacobins were driven from power

A new government called the Directory was created

Made up of five men Mostly represented the Bourgeoisie They were a weak government Ruled for about five years – until the

end of the French Revolution