Download - The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Page 1: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Luke 12:1-5 5-4-14 AM

Page 2: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

A Popular Heresy

(Since) God is love. (1 Jn. 4:8b)

(And) Perfect love casts out fear. (1 Jn. 4:18b)

Then no Christian should FEAR God.

Is that right ?

Page 3: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

NO! and NO! First, the scriptures are being taken

out of context …


Fear of God - as God - is far from wrong and is in fact - a righteous understanding of His true nature in the universe.

Page 4: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord”

2 Cor.7:1 – “perfecting holiness in fear”

Fear of God is Righteous

Acts 10:35 – “…in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right, is welcome to Him.”

Page 5: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear Has To Be Taught

Ps. 111:10 - “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good under-standing have all those who do {His commandments} His praise endures forever.” Job 28:28 – “Behold…the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil that is understanding.”

Ps. 34:11

Page 6: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear Has To Be Taught

Ps. 9:10 – “…Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom…” Eccl 12:13 - {and} “when all has been heard, {is:} fear God and keep his commandments … is also the conclusion of the matter.”

Ps. 34:11

Page 7: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

The Only Thing We Have to Fear…

During WWII F.D.R. once famously said that “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!”

The Savior said- “I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do…”

Page 8: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

The Only Thing We Have to Fear…

“But I will warn you [there is One] whom [you should ] fear: fear the One who after He has killed has authority to cast into Hell; yes, I tell you, Fear Him !”

There is One who is WORTHY of our fear. ALMIGHTY GOD!

Page 9: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Jesus is speaking specifically of the Divine Authority and Perfect Justice of God. Not of his character. GOD IS LOVE…

RE. Fear in Luke 12:1-5

Page 10: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for


RE. Fear in Luke 12:1-5

Page 11: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Gross Misunderstanding

Many folks, most folks today STILL misinterpret the meaning of fear in regard to God.

They interpret the authority of God or fear of God as a detriment to one’s happiness and an obstruction to one’s freedom.

It is precisely the opposite.

Page 12: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God – A Blessing!

For example in Genesis 42:18, Joseph wins his brothers' trust and restores his family’s peace when he declares he is a “God-fearing man.”

Gen 42:18 - Now Joseph said to them on the third day, "Do this and live, for I fear God…”

Page 13: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God – A Blessing!

The midwives feared God that they obeyed him instead of the authorities by sparing the Hebrew babies (Exodus 1:17) (LIFE!)

Exod. 1:17 – “But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.”

Page 14: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God – A Blessing!

By way of contrast- Pharaoh brought disaster on his nation because he did not fear God (Exod. 9:29-31). (DEATH!)

Exod. 9:30 - …”But as for you and your servants, I know that you do not yet fear the LORD God…”

Page 15: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God – A Blessing!

Moses chose his leaders to help him on the basis that they feared God and wouldn't take bribes (Exod. 18:21) and he told the Hebrews that the reason God had led them through the Exodus in a terrifying display of his power so that they wouldn't forget His authority and sin. (Exod. 20:20 ).

Page 16: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God – A Blessing!

In fact, the Mosaic Law cites “fear of God” as a reason to treat t he disabled and elderly honorably and faithfully (Leviticus 19:14, 32).

Page 17: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God – A Blessing!

Lest you think its all O.T. -

Paul said ALL Christians are to “cleanse them-selves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Cor. 7:1).

Peter said in 1 Pet. 2:17 – “Honor all men; love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.”

Page 18: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Fear of God - A Character Issue

In truth, if someone fears God, that person is much more likely to live a God-honoring life, keeping their commitments and treating others with the grace God has shown them…

In fact, Romans 3, a classic chapter on sin, says that mankind’s chief sin is that we "have no fear of God at all" (Rom. 3:18).

Page 19: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

“Fearing God”

“Unfortunately, many people presume that the world is the ultimate threat and that God's function is merely to offset it. How

different this is from the Biblical position that God is the supreme power in this universe …. When we assume that the

world is the ultimate threat, we give it unwarranted power. But in truth, the world's threats are temporary…

William D. Eisenhower “Fearing God" in Christianity Today

Page 20: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

“Fearing God”

When we disrespect God or fail to fear His

authority as Supreme in the universe, we

reduce him to the world's equal …. As I walk

with the Lord, I discover that God’s ominous

threat is not to me as his creation, but to my ego and my sinful nature. His infinite

authority and power are displayed to rescue me from my delusions of self-righteousness, and reveal the truth that sets me free.”

William D. Eisenhower “Fearing God" in Christianity Today

Page 21: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

What About Unbelievers?

Unbelievers experience a different type of “fear.” (Servile Fear)

For the unbeliever, their fear of God is the fear of the judgment of God and eternal death, and eternal separation from God (Lk. 12:5; Heb. 10:31).

Page 22: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Terrifying Judgment

If one is NOT under the redemptive blood of Jesus, if they remain outside of the grace of His Kingdom, there remains what the Hebrew writer calls in Heb 10:27 – “a certain terrifying expectation of judgment, and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries.”

Page 23: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Terrifying Judgment

Jude 1:15 - God will “execute {His} judgment upon all {the ungodly}, and [He will] convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

Page 24: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Terrifying Judgment

The wrathful side of God’s Justice, is reserved for those who…

“…are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness.” (Rom 2:8)


Page 25: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Four Values of Holy Fear

1) “Fear of the Lord” is not rooted in doubt, but is rooted in our confidence and assurance as his adopted children.

It is this type of fear and respect that a child has for their father – and the knowledge that He is always watching over us…. “Abba Father !”

Page 26: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Four Values of Holy Fear

2) “Fear of the Lord” is also rooted in our limited but respectful knowledge of His matchless Character. We are mere men. God is God… His wonders and His awesome nature, inspire deep respect in us. And cause us to live in a way that brings Him His due glory. It’s a blessing.

Page 27: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Four Values of Holy Fear

3) Fear of God is also rooted in our desire for unity with God. The reason we hate sin is because that creates distance between ourselves and our God. That distance is sin’s separation...Holy Fear of being cut off from the blessed union, draws us back when tempted to sin.

Page 28: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Four Values of Holy Fear

4) Fear of God is rooted in our appreciation for God’s Holiness. God is Holy and the gift of Holy Fear strikes within us a deep awareness of this holiness, as well as a deep appreciation that we must be seek to be holy even as He is Holy…

Page 29: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Christian’s Fear

For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for the One who has lovingly revealed Himself in the creation of His universe, and the recreation of mankind through the substitutionary death of His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Page 30: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Heb. 12:28-29

“Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe ; for our God is a consuming fire.”

Page 31: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

Prov. 1:7

Again -“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.”

Until we understand who God is - and unless we develop a reverential fear of Him, we remain “UNWISE.”

We will not obey Him and we cannot be the beneficiaries of His perfect love.

Page 32: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

TRUE Wisdom

Deut. 10:12, 20-21 records, “And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Fear the LORD your God and serve Him…

(BIBLE 101)

Page 33: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

TRUE Wisdom

Hold fast to him and take your oaths in His name. He is your praise; He is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.”


Page 34: The Fear of God Fear Really...Acts 9:31- “walking in the fear of Lord” ... For the believer, the fear of God is not the irrational fear of the unknown, but a reverent fear for

TRUE Wisdom

“Do you not even

Fear God?”