Download - The Faith · The Faith Focus In the name of Jesus the Christ, ... rebooting our Children Worship! program


Sunday Schedule:

Worship Time:

11:00 a.m.

Child care available

The Faith Focus

In the name of Jesus the Christ, I greet you folks this summery day!

The summer months just seem to fly by, and here we are looking at September again,

with as much busy-ness in your household as in mine. The usual school stuff is happening

in many households, along with a new fall season of the church year starting up as well.

I hope your summer was blessed with family and friends getting together for a cook-

out, or a card party, or maybe even a campfire together.

There have been things happening here at Faith Lancaster UMC. The annual rummage

sale took place with a profit of over $1,500 to the church. Surf Shack, Vacation Bible

School, is finished and what a time it has been. As we look toward the late summer and

Fall seasons, with the bountifulness of the harvest time, I ask you to think of three things:

How has our Lord Jesus Christ blessed you during this season of bounty?

How can we as a church, bless others here and in the local community?

What type of out-reach can we do?

Scripture says: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be

demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will

be asked” (Luke 12:48).

We have all been blessed here in this community. How can we give back to others,

even strangers, to be a blessing to them in the name of Jesus? Sometimes when we look

at our daily lives, the grind of daily living gets us down. We forget just how many

blessings the Lord holds out for us every day! As your new pastor, and as a new person

here, I see many blessings within the community of Lancaster.

As the Summer days slip by to Fall’s cooler days, I ask you to remember those in need

here at church, our shut-ins, and folks in the community near your home and around your

block! In name of Jesus Christ, we can all do something. Sometimes even a small thing,

can be a great thing to those we reach out to!

Blessings to you all this September time, Pastor Jim





September / October 2016

Lectionary Readings

For: September & October


Sept. 4: Jeremiah 18:1-11; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 (UM854); Philemon 1-21; Luke 14:25-33

Sept. 11: Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28; Psalm 14:1-7 (UM746); 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10

Sept. 18: Jeremiah 8:18-9:1; Psalm 79:1-9; 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13

Sept. 25: Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15; Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16 (UM810); 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31

October Oct. 2: Lamentations 1:1-6; Psalm 137 (UM852); 2 Timothy 1:1-14; Luke 17:5-10

Oct. 9: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7; Psalm 66:1-12; 2 Timothy 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-19

Oct.16: Jeremiah 31:27-34; Psalm 119:97-104 (UM840); 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8

Oct. 23: Joel 2:23-32; Psalm 65 (UM789); 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14

Oct. 30: Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4; Psalm 119:137-144 (UM840); 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12; Luke 19:1-10




Resumes after the Summer Recess By: Dick Davidson

The Adult Bible Class will resume meetings on September 18, 2016 (Sunday) from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM with

content to be repeated on September 21 (Wednesday) from 10 AM to 11AM. All interested adults are invited to

attend. (This Sunday-Wednesday pattern will continue each week.)

Since Jesus was a practicing Jew, it is important for us as Christians to understand the culture in which he lived and

taught. To this goal, the Bible class will explore a series of lessons which provide the basis of the Jewish culture,

beginning with the covenant between God and Abraham, (which we call the Old Testament), the exodus, the laws,

government, judges, kings, prophets, foreign occupation of Judah and Israel, and the new covenant (our New

Testament). These will all be explored during the first 10 weeks. Printed lesson guides for discussion will be

available, as well as coffee and cookies! Come and join in this educational opportunity!

Bible Study Class to explore "The Religion of Jesus" By: Dick Davidson

As the public school sessions resume, the Adult Bible Class also will resume. Classes begin on Sunday, September

18 at 9:45 AM, with the class repeated on Wednesday, September 21st at 10AM. All are welcome! Class mate-

rials will be provided. (This includes the important coffee, cookies and fellowship!) (cont. pg. 3)



What is happening in the world of finance at FUMC? We are settling in with our new pastor.

With the hectic start, and then Pastor’s vacation, we have not been able to discuss our finances in

detail. Hopefully, that will come about within the next month. Meanwhile, we are paying our bills

with a little extra to spare. This is as expected with our change to a part time pastor. With this ‘extra’ we have

paid $7,500 to shared Ministries to date. We had budgeted to pay $11,332 for 2016. Finance anticipates

paying the budgeted amount by the end of the year.

Plans to budget for the full payment in 2017 are in the works. With God’s Grace we will be able to reach that


AD COUNCIL NEWS By: Mollie Bleistein

Well now wasn't this a wonderful Summer!! Now it's back to committee meetings. Ad Council had their

meeting Aug 24th. A few highlights; Our Rally Day Picnic is all set with Bowmansville UMC at Lancaster Place in Como

Park, Sept. 11th. See you all there. Ad Council is organizing this Family Worship and picnic. We will hopefully have a

line item on next year’s budget which will help us in our rally day festivities. We're enjoying getting to know our new

Pastor and he has some exciting programs coming up, make sure you find out about them. (cont. pg. 4)



On August 1st, the Trustees met at the parsonage to discuss options for its future, as Pastor Jim

resides in his own home, leaving the parsonage currently vacant. Minutes of the meeting are

posted in the hall near the church office for any who are interested. A new portable air con-

ditioning unit was thriftily purchased by Grant and installed for use in the nursery area. Thank you Grant!

In many places in the New Testament, Jesus is identified as a teacher (Rabbi) of the Jewish faith. It is clear that he

was a teacher who attracted large crowds. He must have been well informed about the Jewish faith. Several times,

he was asked "theological" questions by Pharisees and Scribes, who were usually identified as the most well-

informed practitioners of the Jewish faith.

Jesus also went to Jerusalem to observe the Jewish festivals, a requirement of Jewish men. There is little doubt that

Jesus would identify himself as a religious Jew.

This presents a problem for the reader of the New Testament. Many of us have only a "foggy view" of what it

meant to be a Jew. However, many of the parables and teachings told by Jesus in the New Testament rely on a

knowledge of Jewish faith and practice.

In our series of 12 lessons, the Bible study class will explore the basis of the Jewish faith from the First Covenant (The

Old Testament) through the last of the Jewish literary prophets, a period of over 1500 years.

To understand the Christian faith, it is necessary to understand who Jesus was and His role in the New Covenant.

Join us on Sunday (9:45AM) or Wednesday (10 AM).




By: Charlotte Kline


Sept. 17th—District Annual Meeting at St. James UMC, Niagara Falls—9:30AM-2:00 PM. Rev. Dr. Lee will

speak on “Mission Work”. Please have your reservation of $10, which includes lunch, to

Loretta by Sept. 7th. Loretta is attending, so please see her if you need a ride.

All women of the church are invited to a pot luck supper on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016 at 6:00

PM. Please bring table setting and a dish to pass. Hostesses are: Kay Andres and Marion Johns

We will be resuming our Bake Sale for Missions on the last Sunday of each month starting September 25th.


On October 18th, we will meet at 7:00 PM with Marion Johns leading us in a craft for Beechwood. Hostesses

will be: Marilyn English and Irene Johncox.


There's lots happening with our Faith kids!

There are new faces in the nursery. Swing by and see Melissa Lennox and Jodie Clark run new

programs for our littlest Faith family members. With their creativity and experience, expect

great things!

Sunday School is starting up soon. September 18th is our first day back, from 10 AM until 10:45 AM. We're

rebooting our Children Worship! program to teach our kids about how liturgy works. This is a roughly 13 week

program, so the more your kids can attend, the better. If you are a parent in the adult Sunday School, I will be

available at 9:30 in the upstairs Sunday School room. The kids can help me set up!

Our Faith Youth are helping out! Even without regular meetings during the summer, our Youth members have been

contributing to our church and community; whether picking up garbage, helping with VBS, or organizing a flash

mob, our Youth are sharing Christ's love and message. Keep an eye out for their helping hands.

All of our young people are precious treasures, and our church family has been so supportive. On behalf of the

Children's Education team, I would like to thank all of you.

God bless!

Adult Sunday school will start at 9:45 am with the topic of "The Religion of Jesus". At present the trustees decided to

keep the parsonage as is , and are checking on it regularly, so Ad council will be meeting there again on Sept. 22nd.

Remember, all Chairs of Committees are to attend Ad Council meetings or have a representative in their place.

As Always, with GOD’S Blessings ~ Mollie Bleistein




Folks of Faith Lancaster UMC,

My ear has been bent a bit by various folks in this congregation asking me a few questions about administration

of a local church and congregation. So, by subject, I hope to be able to help by first putting this little list together.

I am not using names, just positions or chairs that need to be supported in this church by October and church

conference time (which is in early November 2016).

Church Council (also called Administration or Admin/Finance Council):

There are usually 9-12 seats on this council which should meet monthly. A predetermined calendar date each

month eliminates confusion over when the council meets. This monthly meeting is about the business of “the church”

and should be a culmination of reports of its various sub-committees. Sub-committees meetings should be held on

a monthly or at least quarterly basis in the year.

Examples: SPPRC must meet 4 times a year, sub-committees meet by request of the chair-person of that certain

committee. Example: Finance needs to check with Endowments to get a report.

The seating in no particular order usually goes like this:

1) Chairman of Council which is appointed at Annual Conference

2) A Recording Secretary

3) Church Records & Historical “secretary”

4) Church Audit Committee of Membership

5) Financial Chairman of Finance Council

6) Memorial Gifts & Endowments

7) Chairman of Yearly Church Audit Committee

8) Lay Leader of the church (can be a shared chair seat by agreement…)

9) Head of Trustees (which is electable by other trustees)

10) Committee on Nominations & Leadership (3 months prior to annual conf.)

11) (Pastor is chairperson of this committee and needs to meet 3 months prior to annual church conf.)

12) Head of Worship Committee & Planning

13) Chairman of Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC)

14) Missions Council Chairman or Missions Leader

15) Local Church Outreach & Shut-ins

16) Outreach to Military members

17) Outreach to college bound membership

18) Sunday School “Superintendent” or Chairperson of Sunday School

(Cont. pg. 6)

19) Youth representative of “late” Middle or High School age

20) Pastor (who has no vote on committee) but gives monthly report.

If there are folks currently on these committees and sub committees who wish to meet privately with me as

Pastor to discuss duties or for help with clarification of duties, my door is always open.

There are also training sessions available through programs like “Catch the Spirit” held in the winter each

year (usually at Clarence U.M.C.) as well as training offered during the year by the UNY Conference.

From the Book of Discipline 2012 & G.B.O.D. web-site

Every congregation must make provision for including these functions according to The Book of Discipline of

the United Methodist Church, ¶244, ¶249.

Positions may be combined except for the financial functions. "The positions of treasurer and financial

secretary should not be combined and held by one person, and the persons holding these positions should

not be immediate family members (¶258.4)."

Nominations and Leader Development Committee (¶258.1)

Pastor/Staff-Parish Relations Committee (¶258.2)

Trustees (¶258.3 and ¶2524 to 2550)

Finance Committee Chairperson (¶258.4)

Lay Leader (¶251.1)

Lay Member of Annual Conference (¶251.2)

Financial Secretary (¶258.4)

Church Treasurer (¶258.4)

Membership Secretary (¶234 and ¶235 to 242)

Leadership Team (also called Church Council, Administrative Board) Chairperson (¶251.3)




What is the “Nominating Committee”?

This committee works cooperatively with other groups or individuals to prepare job descriptions that are

adapted to the needs and organizational style of the church.

This committee becomes familiar with the responsibilities for each leadership position and matches potential

leaders with particular opportunities for spiritual leadership.

This committee invites people to positions of spiritual leadership, receives their responses, and provides

training and support for these individuals.

This committee presents a nomination list to the charge conference for a church council chair, a committee on

pastor (staff) parish relations and its chair, a board of trustees, a committee on finance (to include chair,

financial secretary, and treasurer), a lay member to annual conference, and a lay leader. The committee

works with the church council (or other leadership group) throughout the year to name other leaders for the

ministry that fulfills the mission of the congregation.

Responsibilities of the Chairperson (the Pastor)

Work in partnership with the layperson, elected at charge conference to be Co-Chair or Vice Chair, to plan

agendas and lead meetings.

Work with the church council to develop a comprehensive plan for connecting growing Christian disciples

with leadership opportunities based on the mission and vision of the congregation.

Report to the church council and the charge conference a list of people nominated by the committee who

have agreed to serve in positions that the charge conference elects.

Provide resource materials and training opportunities for congregational leaders.

Folks please note that list of names of folks on ALL committees as of 2015/2016 is posted on an informational

bulletin board here at church if you have any questions...or see your Pastor, as I have the list as well!

In the Love of Christ Jesus, let us ALL love and work together in the name of Jesus the Christ

here at Faith Lancaster UMC ~ Pastor Jim





“Blessing of the Animals” service at Faith


“World Communion Sunday” ~

all churches ecumenically celebrate communion with Christ


“Laity Sunday” ~ the laity of the church take control of our worship service


“Reformation Sunday” ~ marks the beginning of the protestant church


Military Veterans’ Breakfast at Faith ~ open to the public! ~ hosted by Pastor Jim

(watch upcoming bulletins)


“Blue Christmas” Evening Worship Service ~

(watch upcoming bulletins for more details)



For visitation purposes...every time a member of the congregation is admitted

for hospital care, please remember to add the pastor’s name to your HIPA form

(Health, Information, Privacy Act of 1999). Due to NYS confidentiality laws, this

is a requirement if you wish the pastor to be able to visit you while under hospital care

or ask about your health status.

Altar Flowers

For September & October are given:

Sept. 4 : open

Sept. 11: (Rally Picnic and outdoor worship at Como Park)

Sept. 18: open

Sept. 25: in loving memory of George Keller by his wife, Pat, and in loving memory of their sons,

Greg, Curtis, and Randy.

Oct. 2: in loving memory of our parents by Betty & Ken Dunbar

Oct. 9: in appreciation of family & friends, past and present by Beverly Davies

Oct. 16: in appreciation of family & friends, past and present by Beverly Davies

Oct. 23: in loving memory of Carl Krieger by his wife, Evon

Oct. 30: in loving memory of Carol & George Lewis by their family

2016 Flower Chart

Please check the 2016 Flower Calendar. Names are penciled in to reserve dates as near to your

2015 date as possible. If your wishes have changed, please make erasures or additions.

If you would like to reserve altar flowers on a Sunday marked as “open” please contact the church office.

Prior to your date, you will be called so that we have the correct sentiment for the newsletter and bulletin,

as to whom you wish to memorialize or honor. You will also be given the choice of using one of the silk altar

arrangements or providing fresh flowers from a florist of your choice. When using the silk, an offering to

the church is appreciated. Any questions, please call me at 684-4364. ~ Kay

2016 OK CLUB

Breakfast on Thursday, Sept. 15th ~ we will meet at the Bob Evans on Transit Rd. at 9:00 a.m.

Breakfast on Thursday, Oct. 20th ~ we will meet at the Olive Tree on Broadway at 9:00 a.m.

Please sign up on the Pillar of Faith with your intention to attend (or an “X” if not), so that we may give the

restaurant an approximate number of people to expect.

All are welcome!







Radical Disciple Making: Creating Processes

Presented by Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian Tuesday, October 11 First UMC, Batavia

8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia

Here is a sample of what will be talked about...... At the Radical Disciple Making Conference, we speak about the need to create “processes” in order to move from

vision into implementation.

For instance, if your church is going to make members, you’ll probably want to continue whatever processes are working for you now. You have some sort of intentional (or unintentional) process for each of the following “From

Visitor to Member” path:

1.Increase visitor count 2.Ensure hospitality 3.Visitor follow-up 4.Assimilation


Raise your congregation’s disciple-making quotient by attending the Radical Disciple Making Conference.

Folks, this is a Tuesday....I plan on going.....does anyone else in the church want to go Batavia UMC to attend this one

day conference!!!??? Maybe car pool?? ~ Pastor Jim (please see Pastor Jim if you are interested in attending)


Duncan waits while ‘Daddy’ contemplates

and writes for the newsletter...

Faith United Methodist Church

5505 Broadway

Lancaster, NY 14086



Pastor Jim Brown Suzette Phillips, Office Admin.

Church Phone: 716-683-5293 Email: [email protected]

PRAYER NOTICES: Helen Bowman, Sherri Detwiler, Betty & Ken Dunbar, Rick Elsaesser, Gloria Jean

Flicker, Ken Goodman, Marge Hamric, David Klock, Nelson Koch & the Koch family, Jim Lewis, Mary Prentice, Patricia Reed, June & Kent Repka, Edith & Ralph Ressler, Hosia Sharp, Norma St. Clair, Margaret Tubbs, Sammy Waller, Jim Westgate. All military and civilians serving the U.S. Prayer notices will remain on the list

for one month. Contact the church office to renew.