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Coleman’s Thesis Pieces

Steps to Thesis Writing

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What Are They?

5 pieces which when put together create an effective thesis.

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Why Use It?Gives DirectionGuides WayLimits TopicsFacilitates Ideas

Thesis = ROAD MAP

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Five Pieces

1. Make Claim 2. Give Reasons 3. Combine Pieces4. Revise Language5. Add Counter Argument


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Make a claim about topic.

Example:Cats are the best pets.

Thesis Piece 1

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Give reasons for claim with ending because clause.

Example:because they purr when happy.

Thesis Piece 2a

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Give reasons for claim with ending because clause.

Example:because they are independent.

Thesis Piece 2b

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Give reasons for claim with ending because clause.

Example:because they live long lives.

Thesis Piece 2c

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Thesis Piece 3Combine piecesExample:Cats are the best pets because they purr when happy, are independent, and live long lives.

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Thesis Piece 4

Revise and Polish by using…Strong VerbsPrecise Nouns

Affective AdjectivesAwesome AdverbsPerfect Punctuation

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Piece 4: Revision Steps Cats are the best pets

because they purr when happy, are independent, and live long lives.

Cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.

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Cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.

Revised Thesis Sentence

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How Many Body Paragraphs Would this Thesis have?

Revised Thesis SentenceCats make

the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.


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Optional 5th Thesis Piece

Give alternative positions withbeginning although clause.

Example:Although the dogs are more popular than cats,

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Step 5Optional BUT NOT Required

Might not be applicable for every essay !!!!

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Although the dogs are more popular than cats, cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.

5th Piece Thesis Sentence

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How Many Body Paragraphs Would this Thesis have?

Revised Thesis SentenceAlthough the

dogs are more popular than cats, cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.

4 minimum

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Thesis Pieces Review

1. Make Claim 2. Give Reasons 3. Combine Parts4. Revise Language5. (optional) Give Alternatives

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Example Progression Cats are the best petsCats are the best pets because they

purr when happy, they are independent, and they live long live.

Cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.

Although dogs are more popular than cats

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Question (1)Which of the five Thesis Pieces could you remove and still have a good thesis?

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Which of the five Thesis Pieces could you remove and still have a good thesis?

Answer: Piece 5 (Give Alternatives)

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Thesis without piece 5Cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing…

Thesis with piece 5Although the dog is the more popular pet, cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing…

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Question (2)Do you have to revise and

polishthe thesis?

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Do you have to revise and polish

the thesis?

Answer: It is possible to leave out this piece; however, revision and editing will make the thesis stronger!

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Thesis without piece 4Cats are the best pets because they purr when happy, are independent, and live long lives.

Thesis with piece 4Cats make the best companions because their purr is pleasing, their care is convenient, and their lives are long.

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Question (3)

Do you have to have three reasons in your because clause?

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Do you have to have three reasons in your because clause?

Answer: Of Course Not!

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Thesis with 3 reasonsCats are the best pets because they purr when happy, are independent, and live long lives.

Thesis without 3 reasonsCats make the best companions for many

reasons.There are many reasons cats

make the best companions.

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Question (4)Should my thesis be so specific? Why wouldn’t it be better to be more vague?

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Should my thesis be so specific? Why wouldn’t it be better to be more vague?

Answer: Yes. The thesis is the road map for your essay. If you are going from LA to SF, would you rather have a map of CA or the entire USA?

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Direct Route

What’s all



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Question (5)Why should I spend so much time and effort on thesis?

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Why should I spend so much time and effort on thesis?

Answer: The thesis performs two functions. It not only previews topic and directs your reader, but also helps you maintain structure and coherence for the essay!

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Your Turn

Use the Coleman Thesis Pieces to create a thesis on this topic:


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Piece 1: Make a Claim

Questions To Ask:How do you feel about topic?What do you want to prove?Is it provable?WHAT IS YOUR CLAIM?

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Some ExamplesCollege students

smoke too much

Smoking should be restricted


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Piece 2: Because Clause

Questions to Ask:Why is your position valid?What causes your claim to be

true?Who supports your ideas?When is this true?

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Some Examplesbecause they want to be

popularwith their peers.

because it is unhealthy and addicting.


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Piece 3: Put It Together

Simply add the first 4 pieces


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Piece 5: Give Alternatives

Questions to Ask:Why disagree with my point?

Who disagrees?

What are other possibilities?

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Some Examples

Although smoking allows people to be part of a social group,

Although America is the land of the free,


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Some Examples (1)

Although smoking allows people to be part of a social group, college students smoke too much because they want to be popular with their peers.

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Some Examples (2)

Although America is the land of the free, smoking should be restricted because it is unhealthy and addicting.

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Piece 4: Revise & PolishQuestions to AskWhat verbs can you make

active?What vocabulary words can you

make more specific or detailed?

Is there another way to state your because clause?

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Some Examples (1)Although smoking allows people to be part of a social group, many students smoke too much because they want to be popular with their peers.

Although smoking allows people to participate in a social group, manystudents smoke too much simply to

gain popularity among their peers.

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Some Examples (2)Although America is the land of the free, smoking should be restricted because it is unhealthy and addicting.

Although Americans have manyfreedoms, smoking should be

restrictedbecause it is unhealthy and addicting.

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More Practice

Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing parts.

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Practice Question 1)Although fast food isconvenient, college studentsshould avoid eating itbecause ______________.

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Practice Question 2)

Although _____________,cell phones are beneficialbecause they provideconvenience and security.

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Practice Question 3)

Although it would allowdrivers to get to work sooner,the speed limit should not beraised because __________.

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Practice Question 4)

Although it is difficult forstudents to get to class ontime, _________________because tardiness disruptsthe entire class.

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Practice Question 5)

Although _______________,TV programs benefit societybecause they provideeducational and interestingshows for students.

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Practice Question 6)

Although many movies useviolence to entertain,people should beencouraged to watch movesbecause _____________.

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Practice Question 7)

Although denying women theright to fight in combat isunfair, this policy is goodbecause ______________.

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Practice Question 8)

Although _______________,California schools shouldteach classes in Englishbecause ____________.

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Practice Question 9)

Although _______________,schools should keepextracurricular programssuch as music and artbecause _______________.

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Practice Question 10)

Although _______________,student athletes should beheld to the same standard asnon-athletes because _____.

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Bigger Topics

Have Same Thesis Pieces

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Examples from Blind Side

Micheal Oher over came his awful background because of his ability to embrace change, to learn new motivation strategies, and to respond to adversity in innovative ways.

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Examples Blind Side

Micheal Oher has become successful in his life because he was able to overcome his unfortunate background through new skills.

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Examples The Other Wes Moore

Success was possible because of Wes Moore’s ability to change his bad responses, to find new motivation, and to overcome his negative influences.

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Examples The Other Wes Moore

Wes Moore’s story provides an blueprint for overcoming a destructive background as he learns positive responses to his life trials.

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Example I am Mala

Mala Yousafzai has become an inspiration to women around the world because of her ability to change her terrible circumstances and still be positively motivated.

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Example I am Mala

Mala Yousafzai’s life proves that any adverse situation can be overcome with the right attitude and help from others.

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Problem Thesis

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What’s The Problem?

I Am Mala is a motivating book.

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I Am Mala is a motivating book.

Claim with NO reasons#2 missing

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What’s The Problem?

Micheal Oher had a very difficult life before moving in with the Tuoys. 

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What’s The Problem?

Micheal Oher had a very difficult life before moving in with the Tuoys. 

NO claim & NO reasons#1 & # 2 missing

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What’s The Problem?

Temple Grandin is a great representative for autistic people.

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Temple Grandin is a great representative for autistic people.

NO Clear Claim & NO reasons

# 1 weak & # 2 missing

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What’s The Problem?

Both Wes Moores had difficulties, but only one of the men overcame them.

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What’s The Problem?

Both Wes Moores had difficulties, but only one of the men overcame them.

2 Sides- NO Clear Claim& No Reasons

# 1 Weak & # 2 Missing

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Final Words

Try the Coleman Thesis Pieces on your own papers !!!!

Good Luck and Happy Writing!!!!

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