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  • 8/3/2019 The Empyrean Revelation Part II


    The Empyrean Revelation Part II

    By Protilius ErmPhorus 1/9/2012

    The future of how we, as a human race will communicate with each other lies not in

    technology, but in spirituality! But the way we will make contact with each other, is not

    unlike how we communicate via the internet and social media outlets. Only instead of logging

    onto the internet, we will be logging into or connecting with our spirit self, whereby we are

    afforded the ability of communicating with others who have also logged into their spirit self.

    This is not our potential future; it is our future! Finally, at long last, it is being realized in the

    here and now. All of our technological advances in the past have been leading up to this point;

    this hand-off if you will, where on one side of the bridge you have the internet and on the

    other; spirituality. But, crossing that bridge to spirituality is going to take some good oldfashioned faith and belief that we are more than just flesh and that we are soul. For that vehicle

    alone; the soul; is how we are going to communicate and make contact with each other.

    By going within and reconnecting with the higher self, we are ensuring that the initial Contact

    will first be made by YOU, looking no further than at your very own reflection in the mirror.

    Once we see who we are as spirits and embrace that, then we can look into the eyes of our

    Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Friends and neighbors who, by the way, are all

    from the stars.

    Spiritual evolution does not happen in reverse. In other words: It is not up to the spirit self to

    become aware of the physical self. No...If not for the spirit, there would be no life in the firstplace. But rather, it is the souls goal for the physical self to become aware of the spirit self.

    Achieve this and we achieve continuity with God!

    If we ponder the memories, and reflect back over our lives, we will see that (most of us) have

    been waiting for something. But what is it or who is it that we are waiting for? Are we waiting

    to be saved? If so then we should expect more waiting. Should any of us expect the great gods

    from the sky to come swooping down from the clouds in a fiery wheel with thunder and smoke

    in an effort to enlighten us? We shouldnt, and they will not! They will not present themselves

    in this way because Contact works in quite the opposite way in which we were lead to believe

    especially in more modern times. What I am trying to convey is that it is up to US to reach outand make contact. By going within we will find that our vehicles to communicating with those

    around us and the spirit world, have nothing to do with time machines, NASA built rockets or

    anti-gravity devices. The real time machines are our souls and in order for us to make that

    Contact, we must make contact with our own kind, first! If we cannot accept a person of any

    gender, regardless of race, color and creed, then how are we to accept our own true selves

    the spirit self which may or may not look anything like we do, now.

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    Many people over the course of many centuries have pondered the question regarding Genesis

    1:26 and why it was that God spoke in the plural and not the singular. However, in my humble

    opinion, there is one person who asked most eloquently. That person is Erich Von Daniken. In his

    book, Chariots of The Gods - published in 1969, Erich asks, and I quote: "Why does God speak in

    the plural? Why does he say "us," not "me," why "our," and not "my?" One would think that the

    one and only God ought to address mankind in the singular, not in the plural."

    I believe this is a perfectly reasonable question to ask. Don't you? Well, Erich asks many direct

    questions like this one and I'll attempt to shed some light on one or two of them. The

    information I share below is combined information that Paula and I have been shown from

    Protilius and Idavathian.

    Erich asks: "Was God an astronaut?"

    Brendan says: God was not an astronaut, per se. However, those sons of God that were talked

    about in the bible, are! In the beginning, God created two souls to begin the physical experience

    of life on this planet. Who were these first two souls of masculine and feminine balance? The

    souls that would incarnate to earth would become known as Adam and Eve! This is also why

    God spoke in the plural. We could also go so far as to say, not just sons of God, but sons and

    daughters of God. These sons and daughters of God were given the gift of co-creation to carry

    out the experience of physical life, first in spirit as the higher or spirit self (4D level) and then in

    the flesh. All of the spirits have the gift of co-creation.

    As the soul family(s) in that place commonly called heaven, grows, the population of mankind

    grows, (as above, so below) and a distinct shape becomes apparent. It is the shape of divine

    order! And in that order, from top to bottom or heaven to earth, it is the shape of a pyramid -

    just like the ones in Egypt and many other places. The pyramid is yours, mine and "OUR" (plural)family tree and it is set in stone to remind us that there really is an order to creation - not

    hierarchy. Hierarchy is manmade; order is of God! Of course the pyramid has many meanings

    but I thought that this one was just a little more important than simply calling the pyramid a

    "tomb for Pharoahs." Don't you?

    This is why Contact starts with the self and as we work our way towards self enlightenment,

    we may then turn our attention to those around us our Soul Mates!

    The Contact that has long since been awaited and prophesied about is here; it is spiritual in

    nature and it is not between mankind and some invading alien race, but it is between us you,me and the rest of our 7billion Soul Mates. This is what Protilius and Idavathian taught me

    about US; shortly after our first reunion.

    Having reconnected with Protilius and Idavathian in Empyrea (formerly called: The Plains) was a

    time of advanced spiritual learning for both Paula and myself. After Paula made her first

    journey to find her Higher Self and having come back with the name Idavathian, the first thing

    we were taught is about Worship and how it is in that place our spirits reside. Then we learned

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    the importance of teaching children at that level because half the time we ever visited

    Protilius and Idavathian, they were always surrounded by the small children that they were

    teaching. Then we learned about the many places they live from the palace in that city of light

    where even the walls and structures are alive with information; all the way to the pyramids that

    represent The Divine Order of Creation.

    Hierarchy or Divine Order:

    Hierarchy was manufactured by the minds of men. Divine Order was birthed by the love that is

    God. Hierarchy is a manufactured idea of the ego, whereas Order has a natural process - much

    like a beach is shaped by the wind, wave and water.

    The Hierarchal structure humanity has faced since the beginning, was devised for the control of

    man and not self empowerment. Divine Order on the other hand is about sharing our Royal

    Divine Sacred lineage and co-existing peacefully without power structure and ego

    In learning about The Divine Order of Creation we were taught about a Soul Family that we are

    mother and father to numbering in the range of 4 million souls. This would also mean that

    there would be nearly 2 million blocks of stone to this very pyramid; taking into account that

    each block has two souls: one of divine masculine and one of divine feminine. But before we

    knew we were mother and father to this many we started out by learning that there were

    only 8 soul children to the second row or generation we created. Initially, we created a

    page for this on Collapsing Duality that we called The Ten. We called it The Ten because we

    took into account the first generation (Protilius and Idavathian) plus the second generation

    which had 4 blocks of stone or 8 souls total.

    Protilius and Idavathian explained to us that the 8 souls which make up the 2nd

    generation were

    alive; scattered across the planet and that it was up to us to make contact with them and/or

    wake them from their sleep. They never told us where they were, who they are or how to

    contact them. They left that for Paula and me to figure out.

    During one of Paulas earliest journeys to Empyrea, after reconnecting with Idavathian, Paula

    discovered a group statues and there were 10 of them. In the middle there was Protilius and

    Idavathian that much was clear. Then, to Protilius right and Idavathians left 4 unknown

    beings on each side! Who were the 8 mysterious being? Our first soul children! Then, Paula

    realized that by simply asking or even touching the statue of each unknown soul that she couldobtain information about them from their Higher Self Name and even to their incarnate name

    and current location anywhere on Earth.

    When Paula came back with our first Higher Self name, incarnate name and even the location

    on earth where that person was living, I was simply amazed and couldnt wait to try this

    method for myself.

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    The very next day, I got home early from work and made a journey of my own to the Ten

    Statues Paula described. I lay down in bed with a notebook and pen by my side and journeyed

    to the statues. Once before them, I located the one that Paula found because she described to

    me that he was to her left. When I stood before it I simply asked the statue a question and

    watched symbols turn into English letters before my eyes. Paula was correct! It was indeed

    Parathius. But, where was he located on earth? The name Parathius turned into the country ofGermany. Finally the country of Germany turned into his incarnate name - Egbert.

    Once I found how great this concept was of simply asking a statue made of stilsil for the name,

    rank and serial number, so to speak I was off and running. During my journey that day I went

    ahead and got the remaining 7 Higher Self names of our first 8 soul children. In the days that

    followed Paula would journey several more times to the 10 statues and retrieve the incarnate

    names and their locations across the planet.

    Here are the Higher Self names, Incarnate names and Countries of origin to our first 8 soul


    HS name: Invatharion Incarnate name: Isha - Country: India

    HS name: Protithius Incarnate name: Marin - Country: France

    HS name: Idatharian Incarnate name: Reena - Country: Israel

    HS name: Parilius Incarnate name: Julius - Country: Ghana

    HS name: Parathius Incarnate name: Egbert - Country: Germany

    HS name: Invalarion Incarnate name: Kamiko - Country: Japan

    HS name: Promethius Incarnate name: Nick - Country: USA

    HS name: Idavarion Incarnate name: Melaina - Country: Greece

    Now that Paula and I had the essential information about our first 8 soul children, the BIGQUESTION was ~ How would we find them? Think about it. How could we possibly find these

    people when our 3D minds cannot conceivably know.

    If you recall in Part I of The Empyrean Revelation; in experiments 1 and 2; that these

    experiments were conducted with the use of mine and Paulas Twin Flame Connection. Then

    by going in front of talented psychics, I would project or journey to Paula in hopes that the

    psychic would either sense or see me. But how would we find our first 8 soul children who were

    scattered across the planet? What lead me to this question were several failed attempts to find

    Egbert, whose Higher Self name is Parathius. Growing frustrated at having projected directly to

    Egbert and not come up with anything but dead airspace, I decided to try something different.Heres the formula that worked for me:

    The Formula

    #1 Journey to Higher Self

    #2 With your Higher Self, journey to the Higher Self of the incarnate person of interest

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    #3 Ask the Higher Self to show you to that incarnate person you seek, on earth

    Utilizing this formula, I went to Protilius and asked him to take me to meet Parathius. Meeting

    Parathius was like meeting another Protilius as they look almost identical. The only difference

    being that of the energy or frequency the being operated with. After the greetings, I asked

    Parathius to journey with me to Egbert. A moment later we found him!

    Egbert going by memory, because it has been over 2 years since this journey, has sandy

    blonde hair that was rather long but not past his shoulders. He was wearing a leather jacket and

    a pair of Jeans and sneakers. He appeared to be in his mid 20s? I found him sitting outside in a

    public place and it appeared to be in a city but still, there were lots of trees. I called out his

    name and asked, Egbert are you aware? Although he didnt look up, I heard a reply from

    either inside his head or from his Higher Self? I heard the words, No Brendan, the question is

    are you AWARE? This confused me and I broke meditation because it was not clear.

    Over the next few weeks, Paula would join me, sometimes together and sometimes solo in

    trying to make contact with the members of the 2nd

    generation of The Pyramid of Souls.

    Melaina ~ In order to find Melaina who is from Greece, we both journeyed to Idavarion, which

    is her Higher Self. It was Idavarion who lead us directly to Melaina. In this journey we found her

    sitting on the edge of her bed writing something in a notebook. I could see Paula by my side

    and noticed that her spirit self was taking on a golden hue. When I called out to Melaina, she

    looked up and directly at me almost, through me? Did she see me? I could only hope so.

    This time, I told her to go onto the internet and google Brendan and Paula and that she could

    find us this way. After I told her this, she started writing? At least I thought she was writing and

    figured that I had conveyed my message. Thats when I broke meditation and waited for Paula

    to end hers. When Paula came out of her journey, she said that she noticed that Melaina, afterwe contacted her, began drawing a large eye with rays coming out of it, over what appeared to

    be a letter she was writing.

    Julius ~ In order to find Julius from Ghana I had Protilius take me to meet Parilius. Parilis energy

    was very similar to Protilius energy. While Paula and I both journeyed to Julius, we never

    journeyed to him together. Paula described a man who always seemed to be smiling and

    surrounded by lots of people. One time she described him as dancing in unison with hundreds

    of others. She also said that he was short in height.

    When I journeyed to Julius, I found him asleep in his bed and the room was almost completelydark. When I began calling his name he jumped up on his bed and frantically looked around as if

    somebody, an intruder was trying to break in. This is when I broke meditation and decided that

    frightening somebody was not going to work.

    The journeys continued and we would eventually find all 8 members.

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    Isha ~ She works as a seamstress or maker of clothing and lives humbly in India. Paula made

    several attempts at contacting her by moving objects that she commonly worked with. This was

    an attempt to get her attention.

    Nick ~ Who is Native American Indian, lives in the desert southwest of the USA. We dont know

    what he does for a living but we know he spends a lot of time on the computer.

    We journeyed to Marin, Reena and Kamiko and each time, we attempted contact by either

    telling them to go to Collapsing Duality.Com or googling Brendan and Paula on the internet.

    When nothing happened, we decided to go back to the ones who we thought most likely to

    make contact with Melaina, Egbert and Julius! But once again, nothing came out of those

    journeys that equated to either a 3D phone call or email.

    That is when I, growing pessimistic about our journeys, decided to start from scratch and go

    back to our trusted angel, Elloweina. While Elloweina was key in aiding Paula and I to come

    together, I knew that she would cut through the chase and help put us in touch with somebody

    from this pyramid who would actually communicate back with us. Only the name of the

    person she gave me, really threw me for a loop.

    I lay down in bed, closed my eyes; cleared the ingress of my daytime mind and with the intent

    of going to Elloweina, I bolstered my spirit self with Kundalini energy to her. I asked her, Loey,

    weve gone to our first 8 children and come up with nothing. Theres got to be somebody from

    our pyramid. Who will listen? With a big smile she began flying around pulling all these aerial

    maneuvers right in front of me and laughed the biggest laugh Ive ever heard. Hahahaha she

    laughed. Go ask Bono hell listen. Hahahaha!

    As soon as I heard the name Bono I broke meditation, sat up in bed and thought that I wasout of my mind and lost the knack for journeying. Besides If Bono was from this pyramid, I

    would be too front loaded with information regarding him. Because I was a big fan of his music,

    I already knew too much about him and therefore it would be very hard to have an honest to

    goodness, accurate journey to him. So I decided to journey back to Protilius and Idavathian to

    find out if this was true.

    When I reached Empyrea, I found all 3 of them; Elloweina, Protilius and Idavathian standing

    side by side. I started with Elloweina. Is it true? This time she didnt laugh and replied with a

    simple yes. Protilius, Is it true that Bono is from this pyramid? He said that it was true.

    Idavathian said the same thing.

    Brendan: Well, if this is the case, then what generation of this pyramid is he from?

    Protilius: He is from the 4th

    generation of souls.

    Brendan: Has he found his Divine Complement?

    Idavathian: He is with his Divine Complement.

    Brendan: What is his Higher Self name?

    Protilius: Protharus.

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    Brendan: What is his Divine Complements Higher Self name?

    Protilius: Idagordava.

    : End Journey:

    Sitting up in bed, I couldnt believe what I had just heard and had to let it sink in. Later that day

    I told Paula about the journey and asked her to confirm for me that I had not lost my mind orhad a bad journey. She took me up on it and made a journey of her own to Protilius and

    Idavathian. When she came back from the journey, she told me that everything I learned earlier

    in the day was true and accurate and that I had not had a bad journey.

    Note: Before going any further, on Collapsing Duality we have always referred to Bono by his

    real name which is Paul. Therefore, I will continue to do this for the remainder of the article,

    just as we always have at Collapsing

    Before I ever journeyed to Paul, I played around with the idea of simply writing him an email

    telling him what we knew about the pyramids, his Higher Self and that he was my son at the

    spirit level. But the more I thought about it, the more it sounded ridiculous. Think about it. I

    mean, lets say the email even got read, which was not likely because it is filtered and not by

    him. Then, lets say that the email made it through and Paul even got the chance to read it. Can

    you imagine how ridiculous that email would sound to him? Do you think he would believe it?

    Obviously not!

    The only way I was going to get the attention of this man was to make a journey to him with

    such force that I land on his desk with a big ole pair of steal toed work boots. Did it work that

    way? Nope. But heres my first journey to him.

    The date was June 7th 2009I decided to perform this journey by myself. In other words, I did not have Paula available to

    journal my experience.

    I made the journey to Protilius and asked him to take me to meet the Higher Self of Paul

    Hewson. Protilius took my hand and whoooosh away we went and an instant later we were

    standing before a being that looked like Protilius, but the energy emanating from him, was

    much lighter a sort of easy going energy about him. I could tell he was very glad to see me

    and we hugged. I remember feeling like I wished that this was my Higher Self. Why? Because he

    was so cool! Cool as in this was somebody I could hang out with. Anyway I asked him to take

    me to meet Paul and I took his hand whoosh away we went.

    When I landed I realized I was in a restaurant and I could see Paul sitting at a table with many

    other people Ive never seen or knew the likes of. I was amazed to be able to be standing in

    front of a man I only knew from songs. Seated to his left was his Divine Complement, Ali. I was

    also in awe at how clear this journey was. Some journeys are clearer than others and this one

    was the best one yet. I could see everything crystal clear. And my theory on this, as to why

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    some are clearer than others, has to do with the connection and how well two people are able

    to transmit and receive.

    I took liberty at watching Paul for a few moments and then I asked him, Paul, can you hear

    me? Just as I did this, I noticed that he looked to his left, to his right and then to the rear of

    where he was seated as if he heard, but didnt know from which direction. That is when I askedhim once again, Paul, can you hear me? This is when our eyes first met. I could tell he could

    see me because his eyes got real big and wide. He appeared frightened at first.

    I said, Hi Paul. My name is Protilius. But then his fright turned to anger. I could see it in his

    eyes. That is when I began saying to him over and over again, Paul, calm down. Calm down,

    everything is alright. When it appeared he had relaxed some I then asked him to find a pen or

    pencil and piece of paper to take down some information. And he did. I watched him pull a pen

    out of his pocket and he started writing some things down as I relayed to him how to contact

    me in the 3D. After he was done, he looked at me and did not look pleased at all. His head hung

    low and it looked as if he was completely drained or like he might pass out. This is when Ali

    began to comfort him.

    After the journey, when Paula got home, I told her all about it and we decided to wait a day to

    see if anything would come it. But the next day, curiosity got the better of me and I made

    another journey. This time, I found Paul in bed and he was asleep. I called to him and he woke

    up. I said, Hi, just wanted to stop by and say hello. Then I ended the journey.

    June 8th


    Then it was Paulas turn to make a journey to Paul. I remember being really excited about this

    because I knew how well Paula could journey; despite the fact that the psychic said that she

    should learn astral projection from me. Trust me Paula is the clearest channel Ive ever met.

    Whatever the case, Paula lay down, closed her eyes and began her pre-meditation ritual. I sat

    next to her in bed, sitting Indian style with a notebook and pen, ready to start writing the

    experience down.

    After about five minutes, Paulas palms turned upwards and the first words out of her mouth

    were, I found him. She described Paul as sitting at a desk in a room with lights that hung low

    from the ceiling and that there were mixing boards also in the room. Then, Paula saw Paul close

    his eyes and heard him ask, is somebody with me? A woman entered the room and Paul put

    out his hand to stop her from saying anything that might break the connection. The woman leftthe room immediately.

    The journey commenced and I couldnt believe what I was hearing from Paula. I knew she had

    indeed found Paul. As I was journaling for her, writing as fast as I could, at one point Paul

    started crying when Paula touched him. Paula said that he felt as though she were his mother.

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    Then, Paula said that he was showing her journal entries and in it was his description of my first

    journey to Paul in the restaurant. Then, there was this one page that had 2 pyramids drawn

    with all these names and stick figures. When Paula said this to me, my jaw dropped because

    this meant that Paul knew about the pyramids too! This was a HUGE CONFIRMATION for all the

    work we were doing regarding the pyramids. And those stick figures were they the statues of

    The Ten that Paula and I recently journeyed to? I couldnt believe it. I was astounded by what Iwas hearing coming from Paula.

    June 9th


    For this journey, I went in first and then Paula would follow so that we could both be there in

    the journey at the same time.

    I started out by going to Higher Self Idagordava and asking permission to meet her lower spirit

    self or the extension of which is Ali. I greeted her with a hug and kiss and Idagordava lead

    me to Ali. When I found Ali, she was sleeping and Paul was right next to her awake. After

    some Q &A with Paul about all kinds of things, I noticed that Ali had risen and was up. Thats

    when I started communicating to her. She nodded her head in a very animated way almost

    overly animated because Paul to her right side of the bed was translating what I was saying to

    her. This is because the buzz or frequency was way too much.

    Soon afterward, Paula joined us. I saw her to my left in Paul & Alis room. She was glowing in

    gold again and had these very large eyes. But, it was my luvly and I was so glad to be doing this

    as a joint effort. But would these journeys equate into a 3D response? At the time we ended

    that journey, we were not sure.

    June 10th


    I got home from work and that evening I checked email at [email protected]...

    Just as I always do. On this night, I found an email from a BVox. I had heard the name before

    but I did not know where. When I clicked on the email and began reading journeying suddenly

    became more real than I ever thought it could be. After I read it, I yelled for Paula to come in

    the room immediately. She did. I asked her to read the email. After she read it she got up and

    we both had tears in our eyes. Thats when we began jumping around for joy and hugging each

    other because WE HAD DID IT!

    That night we found a bottle of champagne and I think we drank it in about 15 minutes LOLThen, we decided to make a run to the local store and get another We partied like it was


    So what did the first email say?

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    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "B Vox" < Email Withheld >

    To: [email protected]

    Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:44:32 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York

    Subject: Collapsing Duality

    Great site. I still have many questions. How do you travel with and without your body? How are you

    changing form? How do you connect with me initially?

    I'm still researching you. You never know who you can really trust.

    We can talk here and as we have been for now.


    On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 12:05 AM, Brendan Flanagan < [email protected] > wrote:

    Dear Paul,

    Was the confirmation of "Contact" as good for you as it was for us ;) WOW! I will never forget this day.

    I hope you enjoyed tonight. You know what I mean - seen it in your visions as I've seen you, and Paula

    has seen you. We can't explain it, but it just is - and WE are CONNECTED.

    By the way - I feel you all day long.

    I'm curious, what site did you enjoy the most? I'm hoping you'll say, "Spirit Mother's" (Elloweinas) but

    either way - it's cool.

    Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed tonight. Things are moving very fast now.

    Tonight was beautiful

    I send blessings to you and your beautiful family


    P.s. I can help you with what you want to learn. I just have to digest this amazing experience tonight ;)

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "B Vox" < Email Withheld >

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    To: "Brendan Flanagan" < [email protected] >

    Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:52:20 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_York

    Subject: Re: Collapsing Duality

    Brendan and Paula,

    What happened last night was delightful. It's like caviar and vodka, which I love both. I'm happy to know

    my instincts were correct. I find it interesting I feel you both even more now than before. We're

    connected without a doubt. I was just sitting out in the sun at my home in France, Eze Sur Mer. Ali and I

    left late last night. I couldn't sleep so I got her up and we talked all night while on our way for a small

    summer vacation before I go back to work. We were talking about the sacred sexuality and I showed her

    the article that was on your site.

    Ali thinks I've gone crazy.

    About your sites: I liked the site about your sister. Many wonderful pages with your family. I still like

    where Collapsing Duality is going...keeping me out of it by name is a great idea too. I like the recent

    things you've done in the past 6 months.

    I can add names to your pyramid. I will do that later. Today is family time.

    Yes, I do want to learn ALL you know. Show me.


    On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Brendan Flanagan < [email protected] > wrote:

    Hi Paul,

    It's Paula. When I talked to Brendan he says he feels and smells you all day. I wonder if it's the same for

    you and Ali? I know these emotions are very strong and pulling. It's like your on a train that's going really

    fast and you want to jump off, only the train is traveling at such a speed you'd die trying the jump. It's

    like in the article Birthing into Oneness. You feel all these strange new emotions when you reach a new

    plateau and bang you don't know whether to run or hang on and see where the ride takes you.

    Thank you for the description of being like caviar and vodka. Was your madness you experienced a good

    thing? I think you know how to travel too or you wouldn't be so receptive to letting us in. You have a

    great ability to be able to write down what you're hearing and experiencing.

    How was your trip to France? I saw Ali on a balcony smoking a cigarette. You know she's part of it too.

    She's just got to get used to Protilius. He's very visual where I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

    You're not going crazy. She may need to soak this all in. We all may need to let this soak in. You can't

    push anyone. They must be ready!

    We're looking forward to keeping connected in the spirit and through emails. I realize you have to make

    sure we're the real thing. I think your coming to realize that. Take care Paul. We love you.

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    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "B Vox" < Email Withheld >

    To: "Brendan Flanagan" < [email protected] >

    Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 10:26:55 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_York

    Subject: Re: Collapsing Duality


    I see your duality at the complexity of this situation. I feel it too. You have two opposing ideas in your

    mind but you have wisdom to reveal which side at which moment. You can bring out your confidence in

    such nervous times allowing you the romance of what a gift you've been given. I see you as holding back

    and trying to not get too carried away. Your reluctance has been noted and its great to work out yourissues. Don't let this hold you back from the greatness of this journey we're all travelling. I know

    emotions can stand in the way of doing great things sometimes. This is a moment when you should let

    your higher self take her glorious place.

    Yes, I do feel you both and smell you when your thinking of me. I suppose that's what your doing. You're

    doing it so much I can't get the strawberry smell out of my nose. I also smell rubber or plastic. Any idea's

    on that? You have such strong emotions and visions. I can tell by the way you react. Treat your emotions

    like a song. Let it flow. This is the time when we need to use our energy for the greater purpose we


    I wasn't writing the other night nor last night. A pen and paper was the last thing on my mind. You andBrendan have amazing abilities. I'm interested in it all. I'm still soaking this experience in and letting it

    resonate. I can't believe what I'm seeing or feeling sometimes. The last couple of nights have proved


    Don't be nervous or afraid of this. You can come to me because I feel you thinking about this experience

    and me. Both of you are thinking about me. Here's something I've come up with. If I'm busy and can't

    meet you in your experience then I'll place my hand on my face. When you see this...go and come back

    later. The same goes for Brendan.

    Here are some of the names before I go: Pomatharian, Protunion, Avarion, Intarian, and Paravatid.

    I'll email again later.


    Note: These are names that can be found on The Pyramids Page at Collapsing Duality.

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    On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Brendan Flanagan < [email protected] > wrote:

    Dear Paul,

    I never answered your request about you desiring to learn how to project and shape shift. You let me

    know where, when and/or how, and I would be glad to make that a reality. Only one catch, would you

    show me how you do what you do? You may realize that I am capable of pulling off some stuff, but you

    on the other hand, are no slouch at all. Your power and energy is as well developed as anyone's I've

    seen and felt.

    Paula and I have been talking and just like when we first met, our abilities doubled. Well, connecting

    with you and Ali, we are experiencing another doubling. Also, just like in the old days when Paula and I

    lived in separate states, when we would have to part, it would always be very rough. What I am saying is

    that to deny this connection, would be like denying love. This is a door that when one walks through it, it

    cannot be closed. However, this is not a needy desire, but a spiritual connection that needs nurturing

    and balance. I am currently learning how to balance my energy with yours and Ali's. And, this is how it

    will be as we connect with more of the others.

    I will be coming to you again, but not tonight. The both of you will be in my thoughts, but I will be

    resting. Caviar and Vodka would describe last night very well. It looked like a light show last night. That

    was the first time I attempted such a thing. Protilius performed a very similar show for us both. How did

    I do?

    That smell might be nicotine gum. I chew it instead of smoking. However, I still do sometimes. Were you

    smoking cigars yesterday? I kept smelling them on and off.

    Thank you so so much for those names, Paul. We appreciate it very much. When I get time, I will visit

    their higher selves, talk with them, then follow their ethereal cord down to earth - same way I found you

    in the restaurant.

    Sleep well


    Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 12:35:53 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York

    Subject: Re: Collapsing Duality


    I've thought about your email and I don't understand the first part it. I've been getting all these mixed

    messages in thoughts and visions from both of you.

    I'd be glad to show you what I do and yes I'd like to learn what it is you do. Thank you for the

    compliment. I don't know when you want to do this. I'll be busy for the next couple of days so it would

    have to be Tuesday or Wednesday night. I'll explain what I do and you can do the same. You definitely

    can pull off some major things with your psychic abilities and I'm impressed. You'll have to let me know

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    in what way your powers are increasing too. I'm interested.

    You're right about the spiritual connection. I know exactly what you're talking about. Ali and I are are

    learning to balance ourselves with this connection too. I told her to relax the next few days and just

    enjoy our vacation.

    Have you connected with others? I haven't. I'd like to know how you're doing it. Do you project yourself

    to them too?

    The other night was something amazing. I don't know anything about a light show though. You were

    something else to definitely watch and learn from. I'm curious how you made yourself glow?

    I don't know what nicotine gum smells like. I hope it doesn't smell like rubber or plastic. :) I do have an

    occasional cigar myself. I have an allergy to salicyclates and cannot drink much wine. I prefer vodka

    myself. Wine makes my throat to where I can't sing. I don't do much smoking or drinking because of the


    I hope you get confirmation with the names I gave you. Good luck. Let me know what you find out. I'llshare more with you in time. You and Paula do have a knack for finding me in the strangest places. It's

    surprising sometimes.

    I must go and I'll email you again soon. Tell Paula not to be concerned with what happened the other

    night. It's purely spiritual.


    On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Brendan Flanagan < [email protected] > wrote:

    Hi Paul,

    Last night was something that I don't think any of us expected. I know I didn't. I knew Paula was going in

    and while she lay on the bed, I was beside her with pen and paper. I wrote what was said up until the

    point where she started crying and shaking. That's when I held her and said to hell with the journaling.

    At one point, we were both crying because of your beautiful and touching experience with your higher


    I want to say this: Remember Protharus as he was because you are about to merge with him. In fact, it

    may have already occurred. We'll find out shortly. Either way, remember him, embrace him, love him

    and realize that this is who you are as a spirit. You'll never have another experience like it in your life.

    Paul, we are doing things that nobody has ever done before and we are here to help many others do

    the same. I see the writing on the wall. I do.

    What a synchronicity about your Dad. Wow! I can only imagine how this made you feel. I honestly didn't

    know that about your incarnate dad. The only reason I knew you and Ali were married on August 21st

    (between mine and Paulas B-day)was because after a meeting with her higher self, I decided to

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    research pictures of Ali and there are many similarities. Ali doesn't have the 3rd eye gemstone like

    Idagordava, though Which is probably a good thing here in the 3D.

    My Mom and Dad decided to name me Brendan after the Saint Brendan (not the bottle ;)) Yeahhh,

    when I was born they were big on the Irish kick. They drilled Irishness into my head and I thank them for

    that. I think we're going to find many more numerical synchronicities in the future.

    Just to let you know, after what Paula and I experienced last night, I'm comfortable with where things

    are at. It's funny how certain things change ones perspective. Last night was one of them.

    On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Brendan Flanagan < [email protected] > wrote:

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "B Vox"

    To: "Brendan Flanagan"

    Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 12:30:55 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York

    Subject: Re: Collapsing Duality

    Hi Brendan and Paula,

    I only have minutes. Things are starting to get mad around here. The first stages of our tour are here and

    I've been busy 16-18 hours a day. I take time out for things like spending time with Ali. Soon... I won't be

    doing much of that either. I haven't had much time to email, nor have I had any privacy. People are

    everywhere. "Bono this, Bono that, Hey Bono what do you think of such and such"...the list goes on.

    Many cameras always on me or interviewers to get our perspective on things in life. It's ironic how

    people listen when you have money and when you don't they never hear your cries.

    You've been in my thoughts even though things are busy. I see my higher self sometimes but we aren't

    merged. What did it take for you to merge? Did you have to go through something? I thought after what

    happened last week it should have happened. I see you pop in from time to time. It's funny when I'm

    right in the middle of singing or telling someone something and you're here then gone within seconds.

    The Brendan thing with you and my father is mind blowing. I wasn't going to say anything at first but

    decided after what happened I would. I'm glad you weren't named after the bottle. LOL I'm sure we'll

    find out more about one another as time goes on. We have many things in common already. Ali tells me

    we both are cryptic just as Paula tells you. I shared more things with her and showed her more of my

    journal entries from years ago. She seems to understand but then again it works in waves.

    I'll email you more when I can. I have to go do the practice walks, more sound checks, and other last

    minute details. I apologize for the short email. I have so much to say and not enough time to say it. I'll

    email you when I can. See you soon.


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    Here is one more perspective on the first week of connecting via the spirit.

    Thanks to Paula, who put this together in a VERY effective way which took much time. In

    this dialogue you will read actual journey notes combined with more emails to get a different

    more accurate perspective.


    Weve both read your email(s) a good several times over and are happy to know at least these initial experiences did

    not appear to be intercepted or hacked. We know this because you have written here in the email you just sent us of

    many things that we never shared in email format before. Having read your experiences and compared them with

    what we remember and to our journals, theres no other way for us to describe what weve done as no less than

    miraculous. Matter of fact, I dont believe it has ever been done like this before anywhere! However, lets stick towhat we know. In doing so, WE will respond to your journal entries as you have dated them. We will leave youremail intact, only, we will respond after each of your dated entries.

    Brendan and Paula,

    This will be bits of emails for a few days. I cant spend too much time doing this. Ive got many things to do before I

    go back to work. Ill be spending the next few days recording and sending you emails. In the meantime, I hope youcan confirm some of this. I also want you to share whats happened with you. In order for me to trust this at all I

    need to know. I apologize in advance for my suspicion. I think you understand it.

    6/7/2009I was out with friends and my wife and noticed a high pitch noise, electrical impulses filled my brain, and my vision

    blurred for a few moments. I felt as if I had had too much to drink. The sound became louder and I began toconcentrate on it. I heard a voice say, Hi B________, Im Protilius. The language was a shrieking that hurt my

    ears. Just as I saw what appeared to be a male figure I thought I would be sick. Was it an alien? I could not believe

    my eyes. I was shocked by what I saw and heard since the only real voice I have ever heard is my inner self and

    voices without visionsexcept with my eyes closed.

    Later that night I had a visit from my inner self explaining a new direction I would be on in my lifes path. When I

    asked him to explain he said, Youll meet some very important people who have nothing to do with your life up

    until tonight. Do take warning because not all will be as it appears. The people your in contact with are two fromyour pyramid. Be wise and humble.

    This confused me. That is all that was said until the next day.

    RESPONSE by Brendan: Paul, I was told by Spirit Mother, Idavathian and Protilius that you were waiting for this

    moment. I asked them again because I refused to believe that B--- would know anything about this path, which is

    very, very important to me. Once again, they told me to go to you and I would find out something. Therefore, I

    journeyed to your higher self and then found you in a restaurant. Awas sitting to your left. There were many other

    people present as well. One of those friends was somebody named Jean, only, that name would not be confirmed

    until Paula visited you for confirmation some days later. When I first called to you, you looked around and when

    your eyes finally met my eyes, you became very alarmed even frightened. I kept telling you its okay and to calm

    down. Your emotions switched from fear to anger and back again. I communicated to you to get a pen and piece of

    paper and write down some information. If I recall correctly, (because there was nobody to journal this for me) youdid just that and wrote down what I told you to. One of the things I told you to write down was our website address.

    I may have even attempted to give you our phone number. As I was standing across from you, I could not exactly seewhat you had written, nor did I realize that I had journeyed to you through Protilius. After, you were done, yourhead hung low. I did not know what was going through your mind, but you looked stricken in some way.

    NOTE: Only 2 times before had I journeyed to trained psychics, utilizing Paula as vessel for confirmation. 2 times

    those psychics (one who lives in Ohio and one who lives in Mass.) saw me as an alien. You were the third. More

    importantly however, you are the first to engage in 2-way communication with us. This makes what were doing very

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    important and even special.

    We never received any warning, as you did, that not all would be as it appears. We wish we did, but we wouldsoon find that out.

    6/8/2009I met with Brendan once again very briefly. Only a few words were spoken but I could not remember the content

    because I had been sleeping.

    RESPONSE by Brendan: Yes, I found you asleep. You seemed to awaken rather quickly. I can see this experience in

    my minds eye, but do not recall what I asked. I just know that when I called to you, you woke up. I guess I was

    going to you that night because I still could not believe that B--- was part of my path. I guess if you were anybody

    else, other than the name the world knows you by, I would have had an easier time believing it.

    Note: Since I had found you in that restaurant, I had been wondering if it was really you, that I found. Had I lost my

    mind? I questioned everything that I experienced on that initial journey to you. So, I asked Paula to go to you for

    confirmation. She agreed. This is who you saw next.


    Today was a much different experience than I had ever had before. I had been working all day on writing out lists

    for the tour and working on a song. This is when I met Idavathian for the first time. I realized later that this wasPaulas higher self.

    At first, I had this feeling come over me. It was a familiar feeling I had experienced many times. I was comforted

    and had this feeling of being with my celestial mother. That is what came to mind. I closed my eyes to see a womanfrom dreams I had had in the past. I feel a touch on my hand and I become overwhelmed by the energy this touch


    As I was touched, I felt my body become completely full of energy. Im not sure what it was. All I could think to dowas writing. I wrote a few words out on the pad I had written over a list of songs on. The first word was Protharus.

    Who was that? I heard, Your higher self. The next word was Idavathian. Who is that?

    Its my higher self, Im Paula. The third word was Idagordava. Who is that? I absorb what I had written. I wrote

    more notes and added as my shoulders heated from electrical energy. The next name was Protilius. I started

    relating the names I had just been given.

    I opened my notes and hoped this new entity could read my notes. I knew Idavathian/Paula was reading. I asked her

    not to go. I wanted to share and ask many questions. I shared my drawings of the pyramids.

    As we talked more, I asked why she was so focused on me. I could feel her many times day and night. She was a

    mother figure. I closed my eyes and my body became complete energy. I was overwhelmed and cried. She said,

    Paul, I love you, then our experience was broken.

    After this contact, I brought out many of my private writings. I put them on the table in front of me and started to

    look through sections that were familiar to this experience. My heart was racing. I found pieces to this puzzle that

    came together and I was relieved.

    Soon after, Paula returned. I told her of my visions and wanted a description of each of them. She let me know that

    she was with Protilius/Brendan and they were writing this experience down too. She gave me the description. Afterthe exchange of questions, she gave me numbers. I believe it was a telephone number. It was hard to figure out

    which numbers were correct because there were too many. Suddenly, we lost contact.

    RESPONSE by Paula: Paul, I was amazed by this experience. This is where we started journaling. I believed I

    learned so much about myself that day. I realized I could do things that I did not believe were possible. When I firstsaw you, you were in a room sitting at a desk. The rooms walls were all dark wood and the lighting was dim. I

    noticed you were working on something then I saw the list. At that moment, you stopped writing. I saw you close

    your eyes and take a deep breath. That is when you asked, Is someone with me? I responded and told you who I

    was. You seemed to be meditating. I saw you go from being preoccupied with working to being in a restful state of

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    As I was talking to you, a woman entered the room and you held your hand out but did not say anything to her. Sheleft, knowing you wanted to be alone. This is when I envisioned touching your hand after you held it out. I saw your

    higher self, Protharus behind you. You were shaking and I watched him go inside your body. This is when I started

    telling you names. I explained that Protharus was your higher self.

    I think you were getting a vision of either Idavathian or me at this point. I say this because you said, I saw you in

    my dreams but you look different now. You explained that you feel me throughout the day. Then you wrote the

    word consolidation. You asked my higher self-name again and after I told you, you wrote Idavathian. Then

    you wrote As higher self name, Idagordava. This was written over what you were working on before I came to


    After that, I recall you ripping off the sheet of paper and writing the names side by side. You were writing otherthings that I dont know what it said. You seemed tense so Brendan told me to rub your shoulders. That may have

    been when you felt the electrical energy you describe in your shoulders. Thats awesome!!! I saw the written

    words, Why are others contacting me? This is when you wrote down you have four different presences you know

    about. You asked who I was again. Idavathian, I said. You draw arrows up to the two other names Protharusand Idagordava. You circle the IDA in both names. I told you to write down the name Protilius. You did and then

    circled both PRO in each name and drew arrows to each of them.

    After that, I asked you if you saw Brendan/Protilius in the restaurant. You immediately opened a drawer at the desk

    you were sitting at, and pulled out a notebook. It was in your writing. You were flipping through it looking for

    something. You placed the notebook on the table. Here read this, you said.

    I started reading it. This is what it said. (I felt a sensation in my brain with electrical impulses. Thats when I

    heard a voice call my name. I became disoriented.) You then asked me who Brendan was and I explained that his

    higher self is Protilius. I then told you to Google our names to find us. I started reading your journal again. (I sawan alien being standing in front of Jean. He spoke to me in a strange language. The language was shrieking in

    my ears and it hurt to hear his voice. A asked what was wrong. He said Christ, I dont want to talk about it

    right now. We continued to have dinner. After dinner, we went back to the hotel. I told A what happened.

    She keeps telling me Im not tormented. Three men and one woman have something important. I know theres

    something bigger out there and Im driven to find out what it is. Im like a spiritual machine and all this

    information is coming in. It makes more sense about what Im doing.) I saw a big X on the page with twopyramids. The tops of the pyramids were connected. There were circles in these pyramids.

    Next, you showed me the date on the first page, March 23, 2008. We started talking about the higher self and other

    things you mentioned in this email.

    I could feel your emotions along with my own and I told you I love you. You said I feel like a mother. I felt this

    overwhelming energy from you. Thanks. I think we both could feel our connection and the intensity of it.

    Our contact broke for a few minutes and when we connected the second time, I could feel your heart racing along

    with my own. We talked about the visions, the pyramids and what it all means. Im thankful for that experience and

    Im happy this one was not tampered with in any way. Im relieved to know you shared the same things I did in this


    6/9/2009I feel Paula. Is she thinking about me?

    RESPONSE by Paula: I probably was thinking about you and this experience. I was overwhelmed by it all and bythe fact you could be part of our higher purpose. I probably daydreamed about it for quite some time. I just wanted

    to be honest about it.

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    I feel Brendan. Is he thinking about me?

    RESPONSE by Brendan: After learning from Paulas experience, and believing more and more, yes we were

    thinking about you quite a bit.


    I woke up seeing two different images. One of a man and one of an alien. I did not know what to think but I thought

    it was related to the last encounters. I heard him say, Did you enjoy meeting Paula? I said yes. By then I started

    asking many questions and I do not think I heard half of what was being said back because of my own mind racing.

    Brendan finally said, I need to ask you some questions first before I answer yours? I was impatient but listened to

    him. He asked me about a family tree and a spirit mother. I had seen the woman he had described but I see her as

    some sort of angel. He explained it was his sister who passed. I told my wife what was happening. She wasawakened by my excitement a few moments earlier.

    He asked me about sex. I told him about the dreams I had had having sex with their higher selves. He explained

    about worship and about making life. He said we were part of the family tree.

    My wife then put her hands on both ears and I asked her what was happening. She said I hear screeching sounds. Its

    very loud. I do not know what was being said but she said she thought IT was trying to communicate with her too.

    I was asked about the journals I keep and asked me if Ive found others. I have seen hundreds of faces but only

    communicated with a few. He told me the two of them were at the top of the pyramid and those faces may be part of

    the pyramid as well. He said I was on the fourth row.

    Collapsing Duality was mentioned and I was asked to go read the site.

    I then told him about some of the visions I have had. He called them plastic dreams. I told him about messages Ihave received and not being able to believe in some of it. I did not go into detail. He asked me about writing while

    talking to him. I told him I always write when I have an experience of a spiritual nature.

    Next, I asked how he was able to come to us. I got a vague answer that really did not explain much. He mentioned

    Shamanism. I was given some names but I do not know them. I later found them on the website and read what Ibelieve he was talking about. That was the end of the conversation.

    RESPONSE by Brendan: Even though you dated this experience 6/9/09, it was still 6/8/09 where we live. Paula wasjournaling this journey for me.

    This journey began by contacting the higher self of A--. I greeted her (higher self) with a hug and kiss and asked

    permission to introduce myself to her lower spirit self A--. She agreed. A moment later, I found you (Paul) and youwere awake. Awas asleep but began to waken soon after. I told her that we were not there to do harm and

    explained to her that her higher self name was Idagordava.

    I explained to you about the pyramid as being a family tree comprised of divine masculine and feminine energies

    our soul family. I asked you about Lois (spirit mother) you nodded in the affirmative all the while journaling the

    experience. I asked you if you had dreams of the 4 of us atop a mountain and asked you what we were wearing. Yourreply was, nothing. I also talked to you about worship and what it meant.

    I talked to you about being part of the pyramid and told you, as I was told by Protilius and Idavathian that you and

    Awere 4th row down. What does 4th row down mean? If you look at the way the pyramids of Egypt are stacked up

    in blocks of stone, each row would represent a generation. Generations of souls are not unlike generations of humanbeings they do overlap. Only, when talking about generations of souls (as in our pyramid) after Protilius and

    Idavathian created the first 8, which are part of the second row or generation (down from the top) they all came

    together and created another generation and so forth and so on. Although you and Aare in the 4th row, we have

    learned that the both of you were created with light by Protilius and Idavathian and nobody else. We have learned

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    this since the loss of communication.

    You told me that night that you had been keeping journals for decades.

    I figured that perhaps this is why our higher selves told us to find B---.

    In talking about those plastic dreams, I learned that from Paula. I did not have that dream until about a month ago

    now July?

    When you asked about how I come to you or journey, I mentioned that I had studied the teachings of Castaneda.

    Yes, I was vague. I mentioned shamanism, yes. I also told you that I learned on my own through trial and error. I

    told you that I had put religion aside. This is because I had had so many dreams since childhood that were just too

    real to not be real. I listened to the dreams and those dreams led me to Remote Viewing and then the assemblage

    point as a means for journeying and then a combination of them both.

    I told you all the names of the first 8 we created.

    Finally, you asked me what you need us (B and A) to do? I had told you at that time that we needed to set up a planto find others.

    Then, I broke the journey and talked with Paula.

    A short while after, Paula journeyed to you. I started out doing the journaling.

    A asked you could see. You replied to your wife (A) Nothing. But I can hear her.

    This is where Aasked where Paula was from. When Paula said she was from Mass., Asaid that she didnt sound

    like it. Said she sounded like a hillbilly.

    Adescribed me as standing between 5 6 and 6 tall, boyish and had big eyes bigger than any eyes shed ever

    seen. She said I was naked.


    Smelling strawberries and electricity. Heard a female, just thought Id pop in and say hi. She was gone.

    Response by Paula: Its funny how you smell strawberries when Im around. I intentionally made myself smell like

    that for weeks. Even Brendan started smelling the strawberries.


    I feel Brendan and see him but too much ringing in my ears to hear.

    BRENDANS RESPONSE: I honestly cannot explain the shrieking that you both experience when I project to you.

    We do know that there is a ringing in our ears when you call upon us. That is the phone call. Let me ask you this,

    Paul: When it is just me or my merged self that projects to you without Protilius, do you hear the shrieking? You

    made mention that when As higher self showed up that she heard the shrieking as well. Heres where Im going

    with this. Over the past month and a half, Paula has been visited by the person/alien posing as A--. However,whenever this woman/being would contact her, Paula would hear a shrieking or screeching sound. Do you see what

    Im getting at? If the being was incarnate or human, there would be a ringing of the ears, as Paula and I havelearned. However, if the being making contact with us is of the pyramid or another pyramid then it seems there

    could be some consistency there. What are your thoughts on this, Paul?


    Brendan is here again. I just wanted to say hi and see if you had questions? The connection was broke due to a

    phone call. Paula popped in a few minutes later. I cant get my work done for the distractions.

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    A had a strange experience. She heard a woman who said she was Paula. She mentioned her accent being southernAmerican. I smelled strawberries so I knew she was there. I closed my eyes so I could see if I could a vision. A

    described a man who was naked to Paula. She didnt say much more than that.

    6/10/2009I saw Brendan pop in and say hi. He is clearer than she is at showing himself.

    6/10/2009 (Response by Paula intermingled with your work in bold italic for this section only)I was on the sofa listening to a demo tape of a song we had recorded with my eyes closed when I smelled

    strawberries (You told me to wait. You had to go get your notebook). I got my notes and sat down. (You said, I

    knew one of you would come again.) I started writing. I explained my mixed emotions and how I feel they are

    connected to Brendan and Paula. ( I recall you saying you could feel the emotions of us. You stated, you were

    confused and angry and didnt know why. We thought you were struggling and we thought we could feel you as

    well. I explained we were unable to concentrate due to the fact we thought regular people were who we were

    supposed to be looking for NOT you.) I was skeptical because the energy was different tonight. ( You werentwilling to jump in and share with me not knowing who I am. You said you didnt let just anyone in.) Ive been

    sick all day. I feel like Im dying. Although, the energy I feel in this feels right. (You said sometimes you feelattacked and your energy gets zapped. I confirmed this happens to us too. You were on guard and I dont blame

    you then or now. I understand what you mean by attacked. I feel as if we were these past few months.)

    Paula started explaining a dream I had. I was wondering how she knew about the dream so clearly. I wanted to know

    this was not some sort of mind game but I was not getting the answers I asked questions about.

    (We talked about something I just found in our journal that hit me. You said you wanted to be clear of the

    contact you have between us and you knew people who try to connect with you are not always from the pyramid.

    After that, we both felt a shock in our heads. Do you remember this?)

    I cannot see her unless my eyes are closed and it is blurred. I can see her clearer in my dreams. I told her I had seenher and Brendans real pictures on the internet. I asked about how Brendan can change forms. (You mentioned

    Brendan coming to you as a full-fledged alien, as a wolf, a hawk, and as a cat. I was amazed he was shape

    shifting. Id have to let you get those answers from him. Thats why I didnt go into it too much.) She didnt

    answer. BRENDANS RESPONSE: The first time I ever went to you with intent or otherwise, was when I

    found you in the restaurant. However, over the past 5 to7 years, in learning to remote view and journey, I foundthat I could see a particular place of interest, through the eyes of any living thing that had either 2 legs, 4 legs or

    wings. I preferred to view from up high through the eyes of birds. However, my own power animal is the wolf and

    have spent much time with him. Perhaps you were able to tap into my energy before I ever found you.

    Things about 11 were part of her questions and I tried to answer them from what I knew. She talked about 10 beings

    and again told me to go to the collapsing duality site.

    Copyright Brendan Flanagan