


(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School at SMP N 10

Tangerang Selatan)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S1)

In the Department of English Education











Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Ayatika Adawiyah

NIM : 1111014000055

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Alamat : Jl. Wr. Supratman no. 33 Rt 02/09 Gg. Bacang Kp. Utan

Cempaka Putih Ciputat Timur Tangerang Selatan


Bahwa skripsi yang berjudul TheEffectiveness of Popular Songs in

Improving Students’ Listening Skill (A Quasi-experimental Study at The

Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School at SMP N 10 Tangerang Selatan)

adalah benar hasil karya sendiri di bawah bimbingan dosen:

1. Nama Pembimbing : Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd.

NIP : 19631010 199103 2 003

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

2. Nama Pembimbing : Yenny Rachmawati, M.Ed.

NIP : 19801011 201503 2 003

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan saya

siap menerima segala konsekuensi apabila terbukti bahwa skripsi ini bukan hasil

karya sendiri.

Jakarta, Oktober 2017

Ayatika Adawiyah NIM. 1111014000055



In the name of Allah, The Beneficent and The Merciful

All praises be to Allah Subhanahu wata’ala, Lord of the worlds, for the

blessing, the guidance and the strength given to the writer in completion this

research. Peace and blessing be upon to Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu ‘alaihi

wasallam, his family, his companion, and his followers.

It is anhonor for the writer could finally accomplish a skripsi entitled “The

Effectiveness of Popular Songs in Improving Students’ Listening Skill”(A Quasi-

experimental Study at The Seventh Grade Students of Junior High Schoolat SMP

N 10 Tangerang Selatan). This paper is submitted to fulfill one of the

requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. at the Department of English Education of

Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah


She dedicates this skripsi to her beloved parents, brother, sisters, and

husband, Munati Buneng, Mita Mariyah Sutarman, Ismail Ahmat Rizal, and

Rahmat Hidayat for eternal love, great support and patience. Furthermore, the

writer would particularly thank to her wonderful and excellence advisors, Dr.

Farida Hamid, M.Pd. and Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed. for the guidance, knowledge,

patience, and motivation in helping the writer to accomplish this skripsi. In this

occasion, the writer would like to give her deepest gratitude and salute to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Educational

Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. The Head of Department of English Education and the secretary of

Department of English Education, Dr. Alek, M.Pd. And Zaharil Anasy,


3. All lectures in Department of English Education for the precious

knowledge, motivation, and patience during the writer’s study.


4. The Headmaster of SMPN 10 Tangerang Selatan who has given

permission of doing research at the school and the English teacher who

has given permission and helped to the writer in conducting a research

in her classes, and the students of VII.5 and VII.6as the objects of

research who have been very brilliant and excellent.

5. Mrs. Munati Buneng (beloved mother) who always gives her best

motivation, everlasting love, wonderful patience, great trust to the


6. Families, especially the writer’s brothers and sisters, Ismail Ahmat

Rizal, Akhmad Tamam Mudin, Maryani S.Pd., Mita Mariyah

Sutarman, Siti Aisyah, Siti Nurahmah, and Rizki Fazriani who always

been the reason the writer bears every struggle.

7. English Education B Class family, for the great and bitter moments of

writer’s university life.

8. The writer’s special warm for those one who have given such great

help, thank you.

There are no words enough to give appreciations for their help and contribution in this paper. May Allah Subhanahuwata’ala bless them all. Furthermore, the writer realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. It is a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to make this paper better.

Jakarta, October 2017

The Writer



Adawiyah, Ayatika (1111014000055). The Effectiveness of Popular Songs in Improving Students’ Listening Skill (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School at SMP N 10 Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi, The Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, 2016.

The aim of this research is to see the effect of popular songs in improving students’ listening skill. The sample was 80 of the seventh year students of SMP N 10 Tangerang Selatan. The sample classes areVII.5 and VII.6. The effect of popular songs can be seen from students’ listening scores test. The writer used a quantitative method and quasi-experimental design as the research methodology with a purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was listening cloze test. The writer also used Cohen’s formula to see the size effect of popular songs on students’ listening skill. From the result of statistics calculation, it was obtained that the value of Tvalue was 7.64and degree of freedom (df) is 78. In the table of significance 5% the value of the significance was 1.66 (Ttable). Comparing those values, the result was 7.64>1.66 which means Tvalue score was higher than Ttable score. In conclusion, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Null Hypothesis (H0) was rejected. For the effect size is 1,045 which higher than 1,00- the higher point from the Cohen’s guideline. It means that there is a positive effect and strong effect of using popular songs in imrpoving students’ listening skill at SMP N 10 Tangerang Selatan.

Keywords: Popular Songs, Listening Skill.



Adawiyah, Ayatika (1111014000055). Efektivitas lagu-lagu populer dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan mendengar siswa (Penelitian Kuasi-Eksperimen terhadap Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas Tujuh di SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam NegeriSyarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas dari penggunaan lagu-lagu populer dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan mendengar siswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 80 siswa kelas 7 dari SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan. Kelas sampel adalah kelas VII.5 dan VII.6. Keefektifan siswa dapat dilihat berdasarkan nilai test mendengarkan siswa. Penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan disain kuasi-eksperimen sebagai metode penelitiannya dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes tertulis dengan menggunakan teks yang beberapa katanya sengaja dihilangkan dan tersambung dengan rekaman dari perekam suara. Sebagai tambahan untuk menguatkan hasil penelitian, penulis menggunakan rumus dari Cohend untuk menghitung besaran efektifitas dari penggunaan lagu-lagu populer terhadap ketrampilan mendengar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil dari hitungan statistic diperoleh hasil Tvalue yaitu 7.64 dan degree of freedom (df) adalah 78. Dimana pada signifikansi 5% nilainya adalah 1.66 (Ttable). Dibandingkan dengan skornya, hasilnya adalah 7.64>1.66 yang berarti Tvalue lebih besar daripada Ttable. Kesimpulannya, alternative hipotesis (Ha) diterima dan Null Hypothesis (H0) ditolak. Sedangkan untuk hasil pengukuran besaran efektifitasnya adalah 1.045 dan ini menunjukkan hasil yang lebih tinggi dari 1,00 dimana nilai tersebut adalah nilai tertinggi dari pedoman Cohen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada efek positif dan kuat dari penerapan penggunaan lagu-lagu populer terhadap upaya peningkatan ketrampilan mendengarkan siswa di SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan.

Kata kunci: Lagu-lagu Populer. Ketrampilan Mendengarkan.



APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ........................................................................... ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA ILMIAH ............................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. vi

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. viii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ x

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of Study ............................................................. 1

B. Identification of Problem ...................................................... 4

C. Limitation of Problem............................................................... 4

D. Research Question ................................................................ 4

E. Research Objective ................................................................ 4

F. Significance of Research......................................................... 5

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................... 6

A. Listening Skill ....................................................................... 6

1. Concepts of Listening ........................................................ 6

2. Types of Listening ............................................................. 7

3. The Process of Listening ................................................... 9

4. Factors Affecting Listening ............................................... 10

B. Song ..................................................................................... 12

1. Definition of Song ............................................................. 12

2. Kinds of Song .................................................................... 12

C. Popular song .......................................................................... 13

D. Physiological Response to Music ........................................... 15


E. Teaching Listening Through Popular Songs............................ 16

F. Advantages of Popular Songs in Teaching Listening............... 18

G. Disadvantages of Popular Songs in Teaching Listening ......... 19

H. Previous Related Study ......................................................... 19

I. Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 22

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................... 23

A. Place and Time of Study ....................................................... 23

B. Research Method and Design ................................................ 23

C. Population and Sample .......................................................... 25

D. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................. 25

E. Research Instrument .............................................................. 26

F. Procedure of Intervention ....................................................... 26

G. Technique of Data Analysis …………………………………. 27


A. Research Findings .................................................................. 33

1. Data Description ............................................................. 33

2. Data Analysis .................................................................. 37

3. Test of Hypothesis…………………................................. 39

B. Interpretation ......................................................................... 43

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................... 45

A. Conclusion ............................................................................. 45

B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 46

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................ 47

APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 51



Tables 3.1 Pre- and Post-test Design .....................................................................24

Tables 3.2 The Example of Normality Test in SPSS 22 Using Lilliefors.. ....... ...29

Tables 3.3 The Example of Homogeneity Test in SPSS 22................................ ...29

Tables 4.1 Students’ Scores in Controlled Class....................................................33

Tables 4.2 Students’ Scores in Experimental Class......... ................................. ...35

Tables 4.3 Normality of Pre-test Using Lilliefors .............................................. ...37

Tables 4.4 Normality of Post-test Using Lilliefors ................................................38

Tables 4.5 Homogeneity Test of Variance ofPre-test ...........................................39

Tables 4.6 Homogeneity Test of Variance of Post-test ..........................................39

Tables 4.7 The Comparison Score between Experimental and Controlled Class…40



APPENDIX 1 Instrument of Pre-Test ................................................................ 51

APPENDIX 2 Instrument of Post-test ............................................................... 53

APPENDIX 3Lesson Planning of Stage I of Experimental Class .................... 55

APPENDIX 4 Lesson Planning of Stage II of Experimental Class ................... 62

APPENDIX 5 Lesson Planning of Stage III of Experimental Class .................. 69

APPENDIX 6 Lesson Planning of Stage IV of Experimental Class .................. 76

APPENDIX 7 Sylabus of Seventh Grade of Junior High School ...................... 84

APPENDIX 8 KI dan KD for 7th grade of Junior High School ……………..... 87

APPENDIX 9 Normality of Pre- and Post-test.................................................. 89

APPENDIX 10 Homogeneity of Pre- and Post-test .................................... ...... 105

APPENDIX 11 Surat-surat.................................................................................. 108




A. Background of Study

Indonesia‟s government realizes their responsibility on their citizen ability

to speak foreign language. They prepare children that will lead this country in the

future by making suitable regulation related to educational system. The

government regulation number 22 year 2006 about standard of content for English

lesson points out that:1

Mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMP/MTs bertujuan agar peserta didik

memliki kemampuani, 1. ..., 2.memiliki kesadaran tentang hakikat dan

pentingnya bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan daya saing bangsa dalam

maysarakat global, 3. .... (English subject in junior high school/MTs aims

the learners have the ability for,1. …., 2. Has an awareness of its essential

and importance of English to improve the nation’s competitiveness in a

global society, 3. …. )

Based on the regulation above English language is the most important

foreign language that Indonesian people need to communicate in this era. English

has four basic skills; speaking, listening, writing, and reading that should be

mastered by Indonesian learner as a basic to communicate using this language.

Those basic skills are devided into receptive skill-listening and reading- and

productive skill, speaking and writing.

The separation between those skills requires different way to teach them.

one of those skills that require special atention from teacher is listening skill.

However, listening skill for comprehension is not easy as well. Zheng mentioned

ten problems that are very common for EFL students, those are:2

1. Speaking rate

2. Distraction

3. Unable to recognize words they knew

4. New vocabulary

5. Missing subsequent input

1 Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Standar Isi Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan

Menengah: Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMP/MTs, (Jakarta,2006), p. 124 2Renandya & Farrel., „Teacher, the tape is too fast!‟ Extensive Listening in ELT, ELT

Journal, Vol. 65, 2011, p. 53-54


6. Nervousness

7. Sentence complexity

8. Background knowledge

9. Anxiety and frustration

10. Unfamiliar pronunciation

Ten problems above have similarity with the problems that the writer

found when doing teaching practice in junior high school previously at SMP N

10 Tangerang Selatan. First, the students are only facilitated by their teacher for

practicing their listening skill. They used to listen directly what their teacher

said. When the teacher read the text, the students had difficulties to identify and

to catch the meaning of the words that the teacher said. It made them anxiety and

frustration to understand.

The second problem is untractive ways of teaching listening skill. As

what mentioned before, the students only have their teacher as a main resource

in practing their listening skill. The teacher might try to do another way but

sometimes the facility in the school did not support their activity.

Teaching listening for foreign learners, learners that come from non-

English country as their first or second language, especially for learners under

18th years old, should be creative. The learners at the age need special treatment

that will help them bound with the skill. Teacher who teaches this skill need

some aids to help him/her in the classroom that will not make them always be a

main resource. The aids that will make the students to learn with their own sake.

It is important if the students learn by their own sake, the possibility of their

memory to save it into their long term memory is very big. In case, Peterson

stated the material of learning should be interesting and something unusual or

different.3 Teacher can use conversation record, video, short movie, even

popular song.

Popular song is one of the genres that are used to listen by learner. They

could find the songs wherever they are such as on the shopping centre, on the

public transportation, and privately on their own house. They could have many

3 Celce-Muria (ed.), Teaching English as a Second Language or Foreign

Language 3rd edition, (Boston: Thomson Learning, Inc., 2001), p.92


collection of songs that popular in their PC or Smartphone. So, it was possible

for them to get along with the popular songs if it brought to the classroom.

Medina stated while the learner relax, they are also more attentive than

usual, and therefore, more receptive to learning.4 Popular song will attract them

to listen while developing their ability in listening skill. They will listen

carefully but fun because they listen to something familiar with them and they

used to listen on their daily life. For example, Dennis Bricault who teaches at

North Park College, Chicago, Illinois-USA and William Bickerdike who teach at

the British Council in Riyadh Saudi Arabia suggested using songs as an aid to

teach listening in the classroom.5 Their reason is only to help students improving

their discourse competency in fun way. Although the song may be long and

varies in speaking rate by the singer, the students still have nice feeling by

listening to the song that familiar with them.

Some researchers also prove the benefit of using song in language

teaching, such as Alipour and Cheung. Alipour found the use of songs

that familiar with the students in the classroom made them more interested and

focuse to learn.6 By holding or keeping the attention of the students in the

classroom, teacher could deliver the material effectively. So, the teacher could

reach the goals of learning that they made before they started the class.

Additionally, Cheung shows the students are more enjoyable to engage in

activities they like, more students become eagerly to participate in the classroom

activity. By using popular songs as an aid in teaching listening, teachers could

get some benfits on it. They can teach the culture, the language, the habit, the

society, and many more through the song. The learners can learn with pleasure

4 Suzanne L Medina, Using Music to Enhance Second Language Acquisition: From

Theory and Practice, Language, Literacy and Academic Development for English language

Learners: Pearson Educational Publishing, 2002, p.1 5 David Nunan and Lindsay Miller. New Ways in Teaching Listening, (Virginia:

TESOL,Inc, 2002) p. 245 and p. 249 6 Mohamad Alipour,, The Effects of Songs on EFL Learners‟ Vocabulary Recall

Retention: The Case of Gender, Advanace in Digital Multimedia (ADMM), Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012, p.



because they learn in different way.7 They should not always listen to their

teacher‟s sound that has a limitation or even make them bore.

From the background , the writer is interested in conducting a research on

popular songs as a media to teach listening skill. So that, the focus of this study

is “The Effectiveness of Popular Songs in Improving Students’ Listening Skill (A

Quasi-Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School

at SMPN 10 Tangerang Selatan).

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the study, the problems are identified as


1. Students at young age, under 18 years old, need something unusual but

fun for learning listening skill

2. Students are difficult to identify and understand the meaning of words

3. Students feel anxiety and frustration to understand what the teacher said

in conventional way

4. Teacher as a main resource has limitation in practicing listening skill

C. Limitation of Problem

The writer focuses on the use of popular songs that familiar with

students; whether the use of that media is effective or not in improving their

listening skill.

D. Research Question

The writer composes the research question based on the title as “Are

English popular songs effective in improving students‟ listening skill at the

seventh grade students of junior high school in Tangerang Selatan?”

E. Research Objective

The research objective of this study is considering on the question above.

The writer wants to find out the effectiveness of popular songs, English pop

song, in improving students‟ listening skill.

7 Chi-Kim Cheung, The Use of Popular Culture as a Stimulus to Motivate Secondary

Students‟ English Learning in Hong Kong, ELT Journal, 55, 2001, P.58


F. Significance of Research

By this research study, the writer wants to give contribution for English

teacher to teach listening skill. It may consider using different media while

teaching listening. The use of different media might attract the students to learn

but fun with popular song. Hopefully, the use of popular song that familiar with

the students could increase their listening skill and help the teacher to have

additional option if they want to teach listening in the classroom.




A. Listening Skill

1. Concepts of Listening

Listening is very important in second and foreign language study. It is

a skill that looks like passive activity but actually it is not. It not only listens

what the speaker said but the receiver processes what he/she listens to. In

processing the information that listeners listen at least they do five elements

inside the process- hearing, attending, understanding, responding, and

remembering.1If the elements are incomplete, it’s only hearing not listening.

In addition, Michael Rost said listening in language teaching refers to

a unique complex process that allows the listeners to understand spoken

language by pacing, units of encoding, and paucing factually.2In short,

listening asks the listeners to process what they hear to gain information that

informed by the speaker. Also, Harmer categorizes listening as a receptive

skill and including in sub-skill area and he also stated there are differences

how people understand for specific and general information through their

listening.3 In short from some definitions above, listening is a language skill

that has complex process which need some elements to complete that process

for gathering information of spoken language by hear sense that human has.

The definitions above are about listening in general. While listening

skill is a core component of second-language proficiency.4 It is one of skill

that uses one of human sense, ears, as the first part to entrance the

1Gwen Nyhus Stewart, B.S.W., M.G., H.T., Types of Non-verbal Communication

Listening Skills, 2016, ( 2Michael Rost, “Listening”, Ronald carter and David Nunan (eds.), The Cambridge Guide

to Teaching English to Speakers to Other Language, (Cambridge: Cambridge University press,

2001), p. 7 3Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Essex: Longman Group,

1991), p.18 4Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking, (New York: Cambridge University

Press, 2008), p. 1


information in audio form before it comes to the human brain. In addition

Tyagi said that listening skill is a key to receive messages effectively. The

effectiveness can be seen from the combination of hearing what someone says

and psychological involvement with the person who is talking.5 From those

definitions it can be concluded that listening skill is important element in

English language proficiency that has some factors inside and outside of the

listener that will affect the output of this skill itself. Whether the information

is received effectively or not.

2. Types of Listening

Listening skill, however, is not easy to master. There are many types

of listening to know before somebody wants to learn the skill. Those are:6

a) Intensive; focus on phonology, syntax, and lexis. Learner pays close

attention to what is actually said.

b) Selective; focus on main ideas, pre-set task. Learner attempts to

extract key information and utilize information in a meaningful way.

c) Interactive; focus on becoming active as a learner. Learner interacts

verbally with others to discover information or negotiate solutions.

d) Extensive; focus on listening continuously, managing large amounts

of listening input. Learner listens to longer extracts and performs

meaning content tasks.

e) responsive, focus on learner response to input. Learner seeks

opportunities to respond and convey her/his own opinions and ideas.

f) autonomous listening; focus on learner management of progress,

navigation of “help” options. Learners selects own extracts and

tasks, monitors own progress; decides on own patterns of interaction

with others.

People only listen of what they want to listen. It depends on the

purpose of listening, academic or entertainment. The purpose of listening

activity could be considered by teachers if they want to teach this skill. The

purpose can be combined by teacher in teaching listening especially for basic

level learner. Teacher could teach listening academically by using media that

entertaining students. Many literatures show the new way in teaching

5Babita Tyagi, Listening: An Important Skill and Its Various Aspects, The Criterion

Journal , 2013, p. 1 6 Michael Rost, Teaching and Researching Listening, (Edinburg Gate: Pearson Education

Limited, 2011), 2nd ed., p. 182-183


listening. The new way in teaching listening shows the combination of the

purpose of listening.

Teacher in the classroom can teach structure, pronunciation, or

vocabulary by using many kinds of technique that could attract students to

learn from authentic material.7 By using authentic material, teacher for

foreign learner can provide his/her students to be familiar with the language

they learnt. Selection of authentic material should be done and differentiate

the material by the level of students, whether basic, intermediate, or

advanced. For the basic level, the authentic material should be something

light, easy and attractive. For instance, teacher can use a media that close to

the students’ life such as song.

In this study, listening skill relates on the independent variable-

popular songs. Since song is a short piece of music, listening has three types

on it. There are the sensuous type, the expressive type, and the Sheerly

musical type. Those types spelled out by Copland, the eminent American

Composer, on The Understanding of Music by Hoffer. These are the


a) The sensuous type means the music of the song affecting listeners’

physical and make listener pleasure on what they hear.

b) The expressive type is the agreement that when somebody listens to the

music it can stimulate the listener’s feeling. It could be sad, happy,

angry, etc.

c) Sheerly type. It requires the listener to be trained and to be having more

knowledge to listen. Usually this type is having by people who pay a lot

of attention in music world.8

Based on the exposure of types in listening skill, there are some

relation between listening skill and listening to the music or song. People can

hear music everywhere but it’s not absolutely they listen to the music. They

7David Nunan and Lindsay Miller, New Ways in Teaching Listening, (Virginia: TESOL,

Inc., 2002), p.243-260 8 Charles R. Hoffer, The Understanding of Music, (Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing,

1985), 5th ed., p.8- 10


are really listening to the music when they have one of the three types above.

It is a skill that needs a process that will make someone really know of what

they listen to not only hear.

3. The Process of Listening

Listening is a process that will ask the listener to interact with what

they listen to. The real listener should comprehend on what they listen to. The

comprehension on listening process minimally has eight processes based on

Brown that he adapted from Clark & Clark and Richards, those are:9

a) The hearer process what we will call “raw speech” and holds on as an

“image” in their short-term memory.

b) The hearer determines the types of speech event being processed and

then appropriately “colors” the interpretation of the perceived


c) The hearer infers the objective of the speaker through consideration of

the type speech event, the context, and the content.

d) The hearer recalls background information relevant to the particular

context and subject matter.

e) The hearer assigns literal meaning to the utterance.

f) The hearer assigns intended meaning to the utterance.

g) The hearer determines whether information should be retained in

short-term or long-term memory

h) The hearer deletes the form in which the message was originally


In contrary, Carroll in Buck argued that” listening process only have

two stages-processes; the apprehension of the linguistic information

contained in the message and the application of that linguistic information to

the wider communicative context.”10

Valette in Buck also has different ideas

about process of listening. Her idea seems like influenced by Bloom’s

taxonomy but she did not make any reference to him, it describes of

increasingly complex cognitive skill. Here are they:11

a) Mechanical skills: the listener performs by rote memory, rather than

by understanding,

9 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (Pearson ESL, 2000), p. 249-250 10

Gary Buck, Assessing Listening, (Cambridge: London University Press, 2001), p. 52 11

Ibid., p. 53


b) Knowledge of the language: the listener demonstrates this by showing

knowledge of facts, rules, etc.

c) Transfer: the listener uses this knowledge in new situations,

d) Communication: the listener uses the language as a natural vehicle for


e) Criticism: the students analyses or evaluates a piece of language in

terms of its effectiveness, appropriacy, style, tone etc.

In the real live classsroom activity, there are some suggestion steps to

make the process of listening more effective:

a) Talk less. The good listener should stop talking when someone is

trying to talk with him/her. it can help him/her to catch the purpose of

the speaker.

b) Get rid of distractions. When the information is important to know by

the listener, she/he should avoid everything that could interupt by

listening carefully.

c) Don’t judge prematurely. Give your attention until the speaeker done

even the ideas conflict with our own.

d) Look for key ideas. Extract the central idea because most of us think

much faster that people speak.

e) Ask sincere questions. Request for new information to clarify a

speaker’s thoughts or feelings.

f) Paraphrase. Make sure your interpretation as a listener as a listener is


g) Suspend your own agenda. It means that when you are listening to

someone, concentrate on what the speaker is saying not what you


h) Emphatic listening. It is knowing that given the same set of

circumstances you might have done the same thing.

i) Open your heart with love. When we listen for not about score or

make a judge that we right and the other wrong, it’s time to open our doing that, we do so with the belief that we are all the same.12

4. Factors Affecting Listening

In listening, other languages such as English, listener could have

difficulties in doing it. It could be some factors that affecting listener’s ability

to listen different language. There are at least three factors:13

a) Characteristics of listeners. Including the working memory of listener,

metacognitive strategies, listener’s experience, and listener’s anxiety.


Gwen Nyhus Stewart, B.S.W., M.G., H.T., Types of Non-verbal Communication

Listening Skills, 2016, ( 13

Amber Bloomfield, et al., What Makes Listening Difficult? Factors Affecting Second

Language Comprehension, University Of Maryland Center For Advanced Study Of

Language,(2010), p. i-iv


b) Characteristics of passage or material to be listened. Relating to the

lenght, complexity, organization, and auditory features of passage or


c) Characteristics of the testing conditions. Including at this point are

time limits when doing the test, multiple hearings, and note-taking.

In addition, Norflee has four factors that affect listening skill, those


a) The listener. The more listener interested in the topic the easier they

listen nto the topic

b) Background knowledge. Without adequate background knowledge,

listeners with poor listening skill will have difficult time accessing

difficult information

c) Speaking style. The manner in which people speak may have an effect

on listening

d) Visual input. For some people, visual supports aid listening for new


For further, Underwood has seven points:15

a) Speed delivery control. Listeners could not control how fast the

speaker’s speak

b) Unavailability of words repetation. Listeners do not have a power to

ask repetition for all words the speaker’s speak when it happen outside

the classroom but they do inside if they learn by using tape recorder.

c) Limitation of vocabulary. The speaker may use vocabulary that the

listener does not know, it will be the barrier for listening process.

d) Fail to recognise speaker’s signals. Listeners may loose the chance to

know whteher the speaker move to the next point or to give an

example when they speak

e) Lack of knowledge. Listeners may lack of knowledge to the issue thah

the speaker’s speak.

f) Difficulties to concentrate in foreign language.

g) Students may have established certain learning habits that they fear to

pass it. For example, the teacher ask them to understand the word

meaning that they heard.


Michele Norflee, Factors that Affect Listening Comprehension, 2014,

( 15

Abbas Pourhossein Gilakjani, Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, A Study Of Factors Affecting

EFL Learners’ English Listening Comprehension And The Strategies For Improvement, Journal of

Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 2, 2011, p. 981-982


The 2013 curriculum of 7th

grade students of junior high school

integrates each skill in English and does not separate each other. It can be

seen from the core competencies (Kompetensi Inti) and basic

competencies (kompetensi dasar) that used specifically in this research are

core competencies point 3 and basic competencies point 3.3 and 3.11. For

further see the appendix 8.

B. Song

1. Definition of Song

Song, based on the oxford dictionary, is a little part of music. In

addition Griffee states that song is a part of music which have words, and it

has some elements that make song differ from the poetry or speech although

they are have many similarity.16

Songs are a natural way to get children to pay attention to rhymes and a

fun way to learn.17

Schoepp added the song will be valuable if it can be

integrated with the language lesson.18

In other word, song will be a great

media to use in the classroom for teaching language, especially for foreign


However, the teacher cannot use many kinds of song that spread out

everywhere. They have to be selective to use the song in the classroom. They

have to consider the kinds of song, the genre, and the level of difficulties.

Choosing the right song will help the teachers to achieve their teaching goal.

2. Kinds of song

Dale T. Griffee clasified songs into five types based on their lenght and


a) All songs. It is called so because any activity can be used with this

kind of song.


Dale T. Griffee, Songs in Action, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 3 17

Becky Iwasaki. et al., Let’s Bring Back the Magic of Song for Teaching Reading, The

Reading Teacher, 67, 2013, p. 138 18

Kevin Schoepp, Reason for Using Songs in the ESL/EFL Classroom, The Internet

TESL Journal, VII, 2001, p. 1 19

Dale T. Griffee, Songs in Action, (New York: Prentice Hall,1992), p.11


b) Short or slow song. It means that the activity which is in line with this

kind of song is the activity thsat does not need lots of energy; such as


c) Song that tells stories. It is a song that has a chronological order

stories. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

d) Long song. This kind of song is a song which is four minutes long or

longer, and it is usually difficult to sing because it is fast.

e) Short song or fast song. this song typically has no repeating phrases or

refrains. It is also has has a quick tempo and a short time.

For further, Purcell clasified songs for the classroom activity into two;

folk songs and popular songs.20

He stated that Folk songs are traditional songs

that emerged from deep culture and often to mark special event in the society.

While the popular songs are songs that publicized widely, either through live

performance or recording formation.21

C. Popular Songs

Teachers have to be selected when they want to use song as a media in

the classroom. One of the aspects that teachers should be considering is what

kinds of song she/he could use. As what mention at point B, Griffin divided the

types into folk and popular songs. Teacher could use both of them for teaching

language in the classroom or only chose one that familiar with the students. The

rise of technology makes students from foreign country being usual with popular

culture and one of those products is popular song.

According to Hoffer popular songs are a piece of music works which

commonly written and performed attractively and dynamically.22


usually show their interest by moving their body in real or just in their

imagination. 23

It shows that they are attracted by the song they are listening to.


John M. Purcell, Using Songs to Enrich the Secondary Class, American Association of

Teachers of Spain and Portuguesee: Hispania, vol.75, 1992, p. 194-195 21

Ibid. 22

Charles R. Hoffer, The Understanding of Music, (Belmont:Wadsworth Publishing,

1985), p.13 23

Richard Middleton, Popular Music Analysis and Musicology: Bridging the Gap,

Cambridge University Press: Popular Music, vol. 12, 1993, p. 178


Purcell’s opinion is same as what Hoffer stated.24

On short, the popular song is a

kind of songs that commonly written with comercial purpose and to be consumed

as an entertainment commodity by the largest possible audience.

Written to be consumed widely and for entertaining make popular songs

move dynamically following the times. Quantity indicators of popularity such as

record sales, concert attendants, numbers of performers, radio and television air

play, have important role to determine what kinds of genre that most popular.25


also makes the popular songs difficult to find the firm roots in music art.

Fortunately, after long argued among the musicologist, some genres can be

determined for popular songs. Shuker on his book mention three genres such as

traditional rock n pop, rap, and dance music.26

Additionally, Holt offers at least nine genres and sub genres are listed


1. Blues (country blues, urban blues, Chicago West Side Blues)

2. Jazz (traditional, swing, bebop, cool jazz)

3. Country music (old-time/traditional, bluegrass, honky-tonk, Nashville


4. Rock (rock n roll, classic rock, glam rock, punk)

5. Soul / R&B (R & B, Motown, Memphis soul, soul-funk, contemporary R &


6. Salsa (salsa Dura, salsa romantic, soul salsa, dance club salsa)

7. Heavy metal (black metal, death metal, doom metal, speed metal, trash


8. Dance ( disco, techno, house, trance, ambient)

9. Hip-hop (old school, East Coast, West Coast, gangsta rap)27

For further, each genre has its own audience and its golden age. For

instance, rock n roll became popular and mass produced in post War World II.28

This genre has support from the flourish of technology that made the great effect


John M. Purcell, Using Songs to Enrich the Secondary Class, American Association of

Teachers of Spain and Portuguesee: Hispania, vol.75, 1992, p. 195 25

Roy Shuker, Popular Music;The Key Concepts. 2nd

ed. (New York: Routledge, 2005),

p. xiii 26

Ibid,. 27

Fabian Holt, Genre in Popular Music, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,

2007), p. 15-16 28

Andy Bennett, Culture of Popular Music, (Buckingham: Open University Press, 2001),

p. 10


on its new form production and distribution, especially to young people.

Nowadays, those genres still produce massively and still have its audience or

listener. The singers just make fusions to follow the stack holder in music industry

need. It affects the boundaries between the genre are mixed and make

contemporary popular genre such as country music, soul/ R & B, dance, and


Today, the students might not listen to the popular songs that have genuine

genre but contemporary popular genre.

Popular songs also will be easy to understand by learner because of the

familiarity with learner. The familiarity comes from one of charateristic of

popular songs that have more direct relation with everyday life and emerged from

a wide range of modern-day lifestyle and social formation.30

Also, most of the

popular songs that familiar with them is easy listening songs. It is a song which

has ear-catchy music sound and lite lyric. Hence, the popular songs are applicable

for classroom activity, in this case is listening skill.

D. Physiological Response to Music

Songs could not be separated from music. The rythm, the sound, and the

lyric are bounding and become something which called song. Song that divided

into popular and folk song have their own influence. For young learner, songs

which have nice rythm, sound, and also easy lyric are more interesting than other

songs which have heavy lyric and undynamic rythm and sound.

Many research found that ideal condition to learn, especially for young

learner, is on alpha and beta condition.31

Alpha condition is the condition where

human brain wave running on 7 up to 12 Hz per second and beta is on 12 uo to 25

Hz per second. In this condition, human brain feel relax but attentive.32

One of

things that could make learner in this condition is learning by using songs and/or

music. Music tends to aid relaxation as it corresponds to the students’


Holt, Op. Cit., p. 17 30

Ibid., p. 6 31

Eric Jansen, Enriching The Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner’s Potential, (San

Fransisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006), p. 92 32



physiological response.33

They will not feel to learn like usual but they will learn

with pleasure. By that condition, teachers could teach what should they teach and

their students will learn without feel anxiety.

E. Teaching Listening Through Popular Songs

Discussing teaching listening through popular songs is incomplete before

discussing teaching listening in general. There are some principles of teaching

listening that point out by Jeremy Harmer:34

a) Encourage students to listen as often as possible

b) Help students to prepare to listen

c) Once may not be enough. Repeat!

d) Encourage students to respond to the content of the listening, not the just to

the language

e) Different listening stages demand different listening task

f) Good teachers exploit listening task to the full.

In general there are three-phase sequences in teaching listening,35

those are:

The pre-listening in this phase, teacher prepares students for both top-

down and bottom-up processing through activities

involving activating prior knowledge, making

predictions, reviewing key vocabulary.

The while-listening this phase, teacher focuses on comprehension

through exercises that require selective listening,

gist listening, sequencing,etc.

The post-listening in the last phase typically involves a response to

comprehension and may require students to give

opinion about a topic.


Claudia Smith Salcedo, The Effect of Songs in the Language Foreign Classroom on

Text Recall and Involuntary Mental Rehearsal, LSU Digital Commons, 2002, p. 25 34

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, 7th

ed., (Essex: Longman Education Limited,

2001), p. 111-112 35

Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking, (New York: Cambridge University

Press, 2008) p. 9- 10


Based on the explanation of the three-pahse above, one of the keyword is

listening activity. The basic listening activity in teaching listening consist of a few

elements, such as:

1. Text: text simply means something to listen to. Example; a story told by the

teacher, a dialogue on a tape or TV show, song lyric, etc.

2. Context: in real life most listening takes places in a context that provide

clues for listeners as they try to comprehend the text.

3. Purpose: listeners often have some ideas why they are listening to

something, so it is entirely appropriate.

4. Task: most listening exercises work well if they are tasks, that is, if students

are expected to respond to material instead just of listening. The task keeps

students alert and help focus their listening.36

For the reason of teaching listening through popular songs is the activity

for pleasure and for gaining new information, there are five conditions that will

exist in the classroom:37

1. Most of what the learners are listening to what already familiar them

2. The learners are attracted what will they learn and have a willing to know

further about it.

3. From the material, the learners do not know only some little part of

language features.

4. The learners can get new information from the language that they do not

know before by given clues and their background knowledge

5. And it must be large quantities of input for learners

After explaining and discussing teaching listening in general, there are

some procedures that teacher can use as basic way for teaching listening through

popular songs:38

1. First, the teacher could type a song lyric that she/he want to use

2. Start by talking about popular songs. The purpose is to find out whether

students know or not about the songs that they will listen

3. Teacher could write the title on the board and getb students to predict some

of the words they might hear


Don Snow, More Than a Native Speaker: An Introduction to Teaching English Abroad,

(Arlingtong: Kirby Litographic Company, 2006) p. 92-93 37

I. S. P Nation and J. Newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking, (New York:

Routledge, 2009), p. 3-4 38

David Nunan and Lindsay Miller (eds.), New Ways in Teaching Listening, (Virginia:

TESOL, Inc., 2002), 2nd

ed., p. 245


4. Give the students a lyric handout of the song. Tell them to listen carefully to

the song for filling the blank words on the handout.

5. Have the students check their correction with a partner

6. Have the class sing the song along with the tape

Additionally, there are some suggestion steps for making a song the focus on

the classroom39


1. Listen to the song.

2. Ask some question about the tittle.

3. Listen to the song again, this time with lyric.

4. Focus on a particular verb tense or aspect of grammar.

5. Focus on vocabulary, idioms, and expressions.

6. Round things off with some creativity.

Those procedures can be modified by the teacher based on the classroom

needs. Beside, the teacher is free for choosing an appropriate popular songs that

she/he want to use as material learning. Appropriate popular songs can be selected

by some requirements such as:

1. The songs should not have violence or pornography content.

2. The songs must be an example of a particular musical trend.40

3. The songs should contain a certain artistic image.41

F. Advantages of Popular Songs in Teaching Listening

There are many advantages using songs in the classroom, such as:

1. Songs and music can be used as a relaxation in the classroom before or

while students learning.

2. Hearing the rythm and the music of the song could help them to boost their

mood in the classroom.

3. It can improve listening skill and pronunciation, acquiring vocabulary and

grammar structure.42


Adam J. Simpson, How to Use Songs in the English Language Classroom, 2015,

( 40 Natalia F. Orlova, Helping Prospective EFL Teachers Learn How to Use Songs

in Teaching Conversation Classes, 2017, (


41 Ibid.


4. Teacher can use popular songs for introducing culture.43

5. Students can be more focused on the material they are learning.

6. Songs also have a personal quality that makes the listener react as if the

song were being sung for the listener personally.44

7. Although they do not understand the meaning of the whole songs’ lyric,

they still can bound with the song because its familiar with them.

Through the advantages above can be seen that popular songs could be an

appropriate instrument for teacher to teach listening in the classroom. In general,

songs play with human emotion which is emotion is one of important thing in

human live. It can affect someone to do or not to do something.

G. Disadvantages of Popular Songs in Teaching Listening

Although there are some advantages of using popular songs in teaching

listening, it also found by the researcher when did the observation before doing

the experiment that there are some disadvantages such as:

1. Popular songs is not something that “live longer”,45

it makes the teacher

should choose carefully.

2. Most popular songs in recent years did not have good content to be use as

material learning for Indonesian young learners

3. The speed speech of the singer is mostly too high for junior high school


The disadvantages above challange the teachers to be more selective and

careful. They must be aware about the popular songs that they want to use in the

classroom. The lyric content of the songs must be appropriate for his/her students

background, whether cultural or social.

H. Previous Related Study

Relating to this study, there are some previous study that using songs in

general or popular songs for specific on listening skill. First, the research

42 Dale T. Griffe , Songs in Action, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1992), p.5-6

43 Jennifer Eddy, Song Lyrics as Culturally Authentic Material for Standards-Based

Performance, Hispania, 90, 2007, p. 142 44

Griffe, Op. Cit., p.4 45

Andy Bennett, Culture of Popular Music, (Buckingham: Open University Press, 2001),

p. 10


conducted by Abdul Muhit. The aim of his study is he wanted to know whether

the techniques he used can improve students’ listening skill or not. The technique

used by him also using some popular songs and it mentioned on his study. The

result of his study shows that his technique use is effective.46

Second research conducted by Mutia Mutmainah entitled “The

Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Songs and their Listening


Although the form of the research does not similar, the use of song and

the basic skill she used is similar. She has an aim for her study that she wanted to

find is there any correlation between two variables. Her study that she conducted

was giving a result that there is a correlation between her studies’ variable.

Other previous studies came from Bangladesh conducted by Shaheen Ara

in 2009 with title “Use of Songs, Rhymes and Games in Teaching English to

Young Learners in Bangladesh”.48

This is a study that use a qualitative method

which want to deliver a piece of fact how fun activities can improve learning

process especially for young learner. It proves at the result of its study that the

learners’ motivation is rising to learn the language where learning takes place

through songs, rhymes, games, and other fun activities which is in line with their

academic life.

The next previous study made up by Cheung.49

On his paper, he did not do

experiment directly with experimental class and controlled class but generally

observing teaching-learning English in the classroom in Hong Kong. He states

that popular culture, popular songs include, can motivate students to learn English

better than usual treatment which their teacher give. Automatically it will affect to

their need for learning English and lift up their ability in English language. He


Abdul Muhit, “The use of Missing Lyric Game to Improve Students’ Listening Skill: A

Classroom Action Research at Second Grade of SMA Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta”, Skripsi, pada

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, p.2, tidak dipublikasikan. 47

Mutia Mutmainah, “The Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Songs and

Their Listening Ability”, Skripsi, pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2014, tidak

dipublikasikan 48

Shaheen Ara, Use of Songs, Rhymes and Games in Teaching English to Young

Learners in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistic, 2, 2009, p. 161-172 49

Chi-Kim Cheung, The Use of Popular Culture as a Stimulus to Motivate Secondary

Students’ English Learning in Hong Kong, ELT Journal, 55, 2001, p. 55-60


argues the use of popular culture has many benefits for teacher in the classroom if

she/he wants to use it as his/her aids to teach English language.50

Those relevant studies are different one to another but those are showing

the good result by using the same media and it gives many benefits to the writer’s

study. The first and second study showed fun learning activity using English

songs can improve learning process. Moreover, the third study showed the role of

popular culture can improve motivation of students to learn subject that they do

not interest before.

To be compared by the writer’s research. There are similarity between the

writer’s research and those previous researches. First, the media use by the writer

is one of the popular culture products, popular songs. Second, the use of popular

songs in the classroom became the new activities for the students that making

them fun for learning the material. The next similarity is the samples’ age for the

research. They had the same sample for being researched; learners at young age

that who was under 18 years old.

If there are some similarities, it also has the difference between the

writer’s research and those previous researches. The first is focus of the research.

The writer’s research is clearly only focus to know the effectiveness of popular

songs in improving students’ listening skill, not others. Since some previous

researches above that conducted by Ara and Cheung were having general focus

not only about listening skill but also the general of language feature in English.

The second difference is the use of popular songs as the main media in this

research that those previous researches did not use it as a main attention.

Based on the similarities and differences above, the writer found the

research’s strengthens of this research is on its’ variables. The writer use the

specific product from popular culture, popular songs. So, it made the focus of this

research is only the effectiveness of popular songs not popular games, or movies.

The next is the use of listening skill as the dependent variable. Since the language

features of English are too many, the writer strict the problem only about

improvement of students’ listening skill.


I. Conceptual Framework

Listening skill is one of important skill in English Language. Most of the

information got by learners comes from listening. Listening skill can help the

learners receiving much data and input in language learning such as; structure,

vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.

In implementing teaching listening in the classroom, teachers may use any

media, technique, and method to promote their teaching-learning activity. One of

media that can be used in the classroom is popular songs. Popular song is a kind

of songs that commonly written with commercial purpose and to be consumed as

an entertainment commodity by the largest possible audience.

The popular songs in the classroom are possible. Since many researchers

have found the advantages of using songs in the classroom. They can learn the

features of language learning such as structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.

they can also learn the culture, history and sociology from the song. For this

research that set place at junior high school, the selected songs accustom to the

material learning they would learn at the semester. However, it is believed that

there is effect by using popular songs in improving students listening skill.




A. Place and Time of Study

The study was conducted in SMPN 10 Tangerang Selatan. The place and

the time are explained as follows:

1. Place of the Study

The location of SMPN 10 Tangerang Selatan is on Jl. Yaktapena Raya No.

08 Pondok Ranji, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan.

2. Time of the Study

The study started on 22nd August 2016 until 29th September 2016

B. Research Method and Design

Research method that the writer used was a quantitative method.

Quantitative method is officially about collecting numerical data to explain

particular phenomenon.1 Besides, the writer also used experimental study for this

research which was helping the researcher to know the cause and effect between

independent variables and dependent variables.2Fraenkel on their book stated

“the experimental research enables researchers to go beyond description and

prediction, beyond the identification of relationship, to at least a partial

determination of what causes them.” 3

The writer used quasi-experimental study as the design. It is one of

many types of experimental design study. Quasi-experimental design is very

common in educational research field. Because the researcher of experimental

study frequently use intact group in educational field, it makes the quasi-

experimental study easy to be found in educational research area. It also means

1Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, (London: Sage

Publication Ltd., 2004), p.1 2John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research 4th

edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc, 2012), p. 295 3 Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, Helen H. Hyun, How to Design and Evaluate

Research in Education 9th edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015), p.266


that the writer will select the sample from the classes already in the school.

There would show the general overview of quasi-experimental design.4

Table 3.1

Quasi-Experimental Design

Pre- and Post-test Design Time




Pretest No Treatment Posttest




Pretest Experimental



In this study, the researcher used popular songs as the independent

variable and students’ listening skill as the dependent variable. It is one

approaches of research that uses two groups; those are experimental group and

controlled group. The group that receives the new or specific treatment is called

the experimental group and the group that receives no treatment or is treated as

usual is called controlled group5. This study focused on giving treatment to the

experimental group by popular songs in teaching listening skill, and then the

researcher observed and analyzed the result through the test.

There were two variables which involved in this research. They were the

use of popular songs as the independent variable and students’ listening skill as

the dependent variable.

4 John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research, (Boston: Pearson Education, 2012), p. 310 5 Donald Ary, Lucy C. Jacobs, Christine K. Sorensen, Introduction to Research in

Education 8th edition, ( Belmont: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010), p. 270


C. Population and Sample

The population of this study was all of the seventh grade students of

SMPN 10 Tangerang Selatan that consists of 10 classes or 400 students. And the

sample of this study was selected by using purposive sampling technique. As

mentioned by Muijs, in conducting quasi-experimental study, the control and

experimental group must be as similar as possible such as in gender, achievement,

or ability.6

According to the definition above, the writer took VII.5 class and VII.6

class for being the sample in this study because their similarity in their

achievement for English scores at the last test given by their teacher. The average

score for VII.5 class and VII.6 were stabil, between 70 to 80, in twice test that the

teacher gave while others did not. VII.5 which consists of 40 students will be the

experimental group and VII.6 class which consists of 40 students will be the

controlled group. Thus, the total of sample is 80 students.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the researcher used a listening cloze test as the

primary instrument. There are two types of tests; pre-test and post-test. The pre-

test was given in experimental and control class to know how well the students’

listening ability before receiving treatment. The post-test was given to know their

listening ability after the treatment. For collecting the data and gaining

experiment, the researcher had 6 meetings in three weeks which two meet up for a

week with students that began on 29th

Augustus 2016 until 22nd

September 2016.

These are the detailed information for the process:

1. First meeting, experimental and controlled group did pre-test. Before they

started to do the test, the researcher introduced who the researcher is and gave

the simple instruction for filling the test. The test was listening cloze test

which the researcher would read a text and asked the students to listen

carefully while filling the blank words in the text. It took 40 minutes and then

6 Daniel Muijs, op. cit., p. 28.


they collected their paper test to the researcher. Before leaving the class, the

researcher asked for their feedback after did the pre-test.

2. Second until fifth meeting, experimental group did the experiment study

while controlled group did their usual study with their own teacher. In

experimental group, the researcher let the students listened to the popular

songs selected by the researcher before they learnt their main English subject.

It was the main treatment for boosting their mood and made them ready to

study. In the process of study, they asked to peer-work for completing the

lyric of the song that they listened before study. The purpose of this stage was

to train students listening skill by asking them to focus on popular songs they

listened. The researcher gave three repeating times for them to listen while

completing the lyric.

3. At the last meeting, experimental and controlled group faced the post-test.

The form of the test was similar with pre-test, listening cloze test, but had

different contains. They also had 40 minutes for the post-test and after that

the researcher compared the score result of pre-test and post-test.

E. Research Instrument

The instrument was listening cloze test. The test item would present 20

questions. After that, the researcher used the exact method as approaches for

scoring listening cloze test. This is a method that only gave credit or score to the

students who fill the blank with the exact word that was originally deleted by the

researcher.7 The researcher would give score 5 for each correct answer item test in

the listening cloze.

F. Procedure of Intervention

This section explained the process of teaching listening in the

experimental class. During the teaching listening in this class, the students were

learning in different way. They were learning their material using english popular

songs. The researcher were playing the song in every meeting, twice a week.

7 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practice,

(USA:Pearson Education,Inc.,2004), p.202


The popular songs that were used during the treatment in the

experimental class were four songs. The writer prepared four popular songs that

should contain words in their English material during their first term on seventh

grade. The material was about number, time, name of days and months, and

preposition in time. Those songs are Sorry by Justin Bieber, Friday I’m in Love

by The Cure covered by Natalie Imbruglia, Payphone by Maroon 5 feat. Wiz

Khalifa, and Price Tag by Jessie J feat. BoB. Those songs, except Friday I’m in

Love, were famous in the last three years based on search engine machine,, and also based on the observation of the writer. Those songs

frequently played in many radios, fast food reataurant, and shopping mall around

Jakarta, including Tangerang Selatan.

In the first meeting after pre-test, the students listened the song Sorry by

Justin Bieber. By using this song, the researcher would introduce cardinal and

ordinal number that emerged in this song. the next meeting they were listening to

Friday I’m in Love by The Cure covered by Natalie Imbruglia. By this song, they

were learning name of the days in a week. Followed the next meeting in the

second week of research, the students were listening to Payphone by Maroon 5

feat. Wiz Khalifa. In this song the students learned the time such as night,

tomorrow, yesterday, etc. The last song in the last stage was Price Tag by Jessie J

feat. BoB. The students would learn about preposition in time such as at, in, on.

After the whole stages done, the students faced the post-test. The

researcher made the post-test a bit fun to make them relax by playing a song

before they did the test. After the song over, the researcher started to give simple

instruction and gave them some suggestion before did the test.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

On analyzing the data, the researcher used ttest formula through SPSS

(Special Package of the Social Sciences) version 22 software. The t-test is one of

a number of hypothesis tests. Before calculated t-test, the researcher did normality

and homogeneity tests first.


1. Analysis Requirement Testing

a. Testing Normality of the Data

Before the writer decided parametric or nonparametric statistics to

calculate the data to answer the hypothesis of the research, the writer had

to analyze the normality and homogeneity of the data. The examination of

normality was needed to know whether the data has been normally

distributed. The writer used Lilliefors test using SPSS 22 for Windows to

test the normality. This test is used to determine whether the distribution

of the data from the sample is normal. If the normality is more than the

level of significance α (0.05), scores will be normally distributed. The

steps are: Click Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore Fill variable

Score on dependent list and fill variable Class on factor box > Click Plots

> checklist Normality Plots with Tests > Continue > OK. If the significant

value of the normality test is greater than 0.05, the data is normal. On the

other hand, if it is below 0.05, the data significantly far from a normal


The criterion of hypothesis is:

H0: Significant Score > 0.05 means the data is normally distributed.

H1: Significant Score < 0.05 means the data is not normally distributed

8 Adam Lund and Mark Lund, Testing for Normality using SPSS Statistic, retrieved from on October

1st,, 2015.


This is the example of the data using SPSS:

Table 3.2

The example of Normality Test in SPSS 22

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk


c df Sig.


c Df Sig.




nt .170 20 .134 .907 20 .055

Control .174 20 .115 .908 20 .059

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is performed to show whether the data from the two

groups, experimental and controlled class, have the same variant in order

that the hypothesis can be tested by t-test or not. Here is the result of

homogeneity test of the data:

Table 3.3

The example of Homogeneity Test in SPSS 22

Test of Homogeneity of Variances



Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.140 1 38 .711


2. Hypothesis Testing (t-test)

After analyzing the normality and homogeneity of the data, the writer

calculated the data to test the hypothesis that whether there is significant

difference between students’ listening skill in experimental class and

students’ listening skill in control class. The writer calculated the data by

using t-test formula because the data obtained was normal and

homogeneous. T-test is used to know whether listen to popular song

Technique affect students’ listening skill. Two classes were compared, the

experimental class was X variable and the control class was Y variable.

The formula as follows:9


Mx = mean of variable X

My = mean of variable Y

SE = standard error

But before calculate the data using t-test formula; the researcher analyzed

the students’ listening test score by using several processes as follows:

1. Determining Mean of Variable X:

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y:

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:

9 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. (Jakarta: PT. Raja

Grafindo Persada, 2008), p.324.



4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:


5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X:

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y:

7. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and


The last procedure is determining df(degree of freedom) with formula:

( )


M = the average of students score

SD = standard deviation

SE = standard errors

X = experimental class

Y = control class

Nx = number of students of Experiment class

Ny = number of students of Control class


Df = degree of freedom

3. Measure of Effect Size

Calculation of the data for experimental study was not over yet. It

still needed to prove scientiffically how strong the effect of popular songs

on students’ learning skill. The writer was using Cohen’s d to measure this


The formula is:

d= ( )

pooled SD= ( )

After calculate the data by the formula, there are the guideline from

Cohen to determine the size effect of the independent variable of this


0-0.20 = weak effect

0.21-0.50 = modest effect

0.51-1.00 = moderate effect

> 1.00 = strong effect

4. Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis of this study can be seen as:

to > tt, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted

to < tt, Ho is accepted and H1is rejected

And then, the criteria used as follows:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null

hypothesis) is rejected. It means that the rates of the mean score of the

experimental group are higher than the controlled group. The use of


Daniel Muijs, op.cit., p. 136-137 11

Ibid., p. 139


popular songs technique is effective in improving students’ listening


2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null

hypothesis) is accepted. It means that the rates of the mean score of

the experimental group are same as or lower than the controlled group.

The use of popular songs technique is not effective in improving

students’ listening skill.




A. Research Findings

1. Data Description

This chapter presents data collection of experimental class and

controlled class on SMP N 10 Tangerang Selatan where pre-test and

post-test given. The researcher chose class VII-5 as the controlled class

and class VII-6 as the experimental class. Both classes consist of 40

students each. In this section, there are 2 tables presenting test scores of

experimental class and test scores of controlled class. Each table consist

of 3 columns, they are pre-test score, post-test score and gained score.

a. Data of Controlled Class

Table 4.1

Students’ Scores in Controlled Class

Student No. Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

1 50 35 -15

2 20 25 5

3 10 30 20

4 50 55 5

5 45 45 0

6 20 30 10

7 40 45 5

8 70 70 0

9 65 65 0

10 30 45 15

11 10 5 -5

12 5 10 5

13 75 70 -5


Student No. Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

14 70 50 -20

15 95 85 -10

16 45 45 0

17 50 40 -10

18 20 30 10

19 30 40 10

20 45 45 0

21 55 40 -15

22 45 55 10

23 60 70 10

24 90 95 5

25 55 60 5

26 40 30 -10

27 60 50 -10

28 75 60 -15

29 20 60 40

30 45 40 -5

31 55 45 -10

32 25 50 25

33 5 30 25

34 55 55 0

35 75 70 -5

36 35 15 -20

37 35 35 0

38 55 60 5

39 30 30 0

40 85 55 -30

∑ 1845 1870 25

Average Score 46,125 46,75 0,625


In the Table 4.1 above, it was shown that the highest score in

pre-test on Controlled Class was 95 and the lowest score was 5,

furthermore, the highest score in post-test on Controlled Class was

95 and the lowest score was 5. The average score on Controlled

Class was slightly increased by 0,625 points and the total of gained

score was 25.

b. Data of Experimental Class

Table 4.2

Students’ Scores in Experimental Class

Student No. Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

1 25 45 20

2 80 85 5

3 45 40 -5

4 35 75 40

5 30 30 0

6 65 60 -5

7 70 75 5

8 50 35 -15

9 60 80 20

10 25 80 55

11 20 40 20

12 75 70 -5

13 50 45 -5

14 25 45 20

15 25 45 20

16 70 85 15

17 80 85 5

18 60 75 15

19 25 60 35


Student No. Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

20 25 40 15

21 40 75 35

22 50 60 10

23 40 60 20

24 65 60 -5

25 40 45 5

26 45 55 10

27 55 50 -5

28 55 70 15

29 15 50 35

30 80 90 10

31 55 70 20

32 70 85 15

33 40 70 30

34 25 60 35

35 15 70 55

36 55 50 -5

37 45 70 25

38 40 65 25

39 30 55 25

40 35 75 40

∑ 1835 2485 650


Score 45,875 62,125 16,25

From Table 4.2, it was shown that the highest score on pre-test of

Experimental Class was 80 and the lowest score was 15, while in the post

test of Experimental Class, the highest score was 90 and the lowest was

35. In the Table 4.2, it also revealed that the total of gained score was


650 and the average score between pre-test and post-test are different.

The post test score was slightly higher by 16,25.

2. Data Analysis

a. Normality Test

The researcher using Shapiro-Wilk as the normality test testing. It

is because the sample is 40 which is below 50, therefore the hypotheses

are as follows:

H0: Data of X is normally distributed.

H1: Data of X is not normally distributed.

H0 is accepted if the significant value of Shapiro-Wilk Test is higher than

significant value α (0,05).

1) Normality of Pre-test

Table 4.3

Normality of Pre-test

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.



Experimental .114 40 .200* .949 40 .072

Controlled .081 40 .200* .978 40 .624

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The table above shows that the significant value of normality test

in Pre-test on Experimental class was 0.072 while in the Controlled

Class was 0.624. From these scores, it can be concluded that the

significance in Experimental Class is higher than α 0.05 (0.072 > 0.05)

and the significance in Controlled Class also higher than α 0.05 (0.624

> 0.05). Thus, the H0 is accepted and it means the data are normally



2) Normality of Post-test

Table 4.4

Normality of Post-test

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.



Experimental .138 40 .054 .956 40 .125

Controlled .089 40 .200* .982 40 .768

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The table above shows that the significant value of normality

test in Post Test on Experimental class was 0.152 while in the

Controlled Class was 0.768. From these scores, it can be concluded

that the significance in Experimental Class is higher than α 0.05

(0.125 > 0.05) and the significance in Controlled Class also higher

than α 0.05 (0.768 > 0.05). Thus, the H0 is accepted and it means the

data are normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity Test

After calculating data normality, the researcher needs to calculate

the homogeneity of data. Whether it is homogeny or heterogenic, it will

be calculated using Descriptive Statistic formula in SPSS 23 program for

Windows as already been described in Chapter 3. Below are the

hypotheses and results.


H0: The sample of experimental class is not different from

controlled class or the sample is homogeneous.

H1: The sample of experimental class is different from controlled

class or the sample is heterogeneous.


1) Homogeneity Test of Pre Test

Table 4.5

Homogeneity Test of Pre-test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.842 1 78 .362

From Table 4.5 it can be seen that the significance of Pre-

test between Experimental Class and Controlled Class was higher

than significance value (0.362 > 0.05). This means the H0 hypotheses

was accepted, the sample of Experimental Class and Controlled

Class were homogenous.

2) Homogeneity Test of Post Test

Table 4.6

Homogeneity Test of Post-test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances



Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.174 1 78 .677

From Table 4.6 it can be seen that the significance of Post-

test between Experimental Class and Controlled Class was higher

than significance value (0.677 > 0.05). This means the H0 hypotheses

was accepted, the sample of Experimental Class and Controlled

Class were homogenous.

3. Test of Hypotheses

This section is the most important calculation for the research. It is to

determine whether there is a positive effect of popular songs in improving


students’ listening skill or not. The researcher was using t-test Formula to

compare score between Experimental Class (X) and Controlled Class (Y).

Table 4.7 is presented below, consist the calculation of gained score on both


Table 4.7

Statistical Calculation on Gained Score of Experimental Class (X) and Controlled

Class (Y)

No. X Y x y x2


1 20 -15 3,75 -15,625 14,0625 244,1406

2 5 5 -11,25 4,375 126,5625 19,14063

3 -5 20 -21,25 19,375 451,5625 375,3906

4 40 5 23,75 4,375 564,0625 19,14063

5 0 0 -16,25 -0,625 264,0625 0,390625

6 -5 10 -21,25 9,375 451,5625 87,89063

7 5 5 -11,25 4,375 126,5625 19,14063

8 -15 0 -31,25 -0,625 976,5625 0,390625

9 20 0 3,75 -0,625 14,0625 0,390625

10 55 15 38,75 14,375 1501,563 206,6406

11 20 -5 3,75 -5,625 14,0625 31,64063

12 -5 5 -21,25 4,375 451,5625 19,14063

13 -5 -5 -21,25 -5,625 451,5625 31,64063

14 20 -20 3,75 -20,625 14,0625 425,3906

15 20 -10 3,75 -10,625 14,0625 112,8906

16 15 0 -1,25 -0,625 1,5625 0,390625

17 5 -10 -11,25 -10,625 126,5625 112,8906

18 15 10 -1,25 9,375 1,5625 87,89063

19 35 10 18,75 9,375 351,5625 87,89063

20 15 0 -1,25 -0,625 1,5625 0,390625

21 35 -15 18,75 -15,625 351,5625 244,1406


22 10 10 -6,25 9,375 39,0625 87,89063

23 20 10 3,75 9,375 14,0625 87,89063

24 -5 5 -21,25 4,375 451,5625 19,14063

25 5 5 -11,25 4,375 126,5625 19,14063

26 10 -10 -6,25 -10,625 39,0625 112,8906

27 -5 -10 -21,25 -10,625 451,5625 112,8906

28 15 -15 -1,25 -15,625 1,5625 244,1406

29 35 40 18,75 39,375 351,5625 1550,391

30 10 -5 -6,25 -5,625 39,0625 31,64063

31 20 -10 3,75 -10,625 14,0625 112,8906

32 15 25 -1,25 24,375 1,5625 594,1406

33 30 25 13,75 24,375 189,0625 594,1406

34 35 0 18,75 -0,625 351,5625 0,390625

35 55 -5 38,75 -5,625 1501,563 31,64063

36 -5 -20 -21,25 -20,625 451,5625 425,3906

37 25 0 8,75 -0,625 76,5625 0,390625

38 25 5 8,75 4,375 76,5625 19,14063

39 25 0 8,75 -0,625 76,5625 0,390625

40 40 -30 23,75 -30,625 564,0625 937,8906

SUM 650 25 11087,5 7109,375

Average 16,25 0,625 277,1875 177,7344

The procedure of calculation as follows:

1. Determining mean of variable X (Experiment Class):

2. Determining mean of variable Y (Control Class):


3. Determining standard deviation of variable X:


4. Determining standard deviation of variable Y:


5. Determining standard error of mean variable X:

6. Determining standard error of mean variable Y:

7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable x and

mean of variable Y:

= √

= √

= √

= 3,42

8. Statistical t-test formula:

9. Determining in significance level 0.05, with df (degree of


df = (Nx + Ny) – 2 = (40 + 40) – 2 = 78

From the calculation above, the df value is 78 and from degree of

significant value 0.05 or tt is 1,66.

10. Effect Size Measurement

d= ( )


( )


= 1,045

*calculation of pooled:

Pooled SD= ( )


( )

= 14,99


Based on the calculation above, the result of d was 1,045

and compared by Cohen’s guideline became 1,045 > 1,00. It means

that the effect of the independent variable was having strong effect.

11. Hypothesis Testing

From the calculation above, the calculated t-test of t0 was

7.64 and the degree of freedom (df) was 78. Furthermore, the

degree significance that was used for this research is 5 % or 0.05,

therefore from ttable it was 1.66.

By comparing the value of t0 =4.56 and t-table on degree significance

1.66 the writer sump up that t0 is accepted and the null hypotheses (H0) is

rejected. It means that there is positive effect on using popular songs in

improving students’ listening skill at the seventh grade students of SMP N 10


Therefore, the hypotheses are:

H0: The use of popular songs technique is not effective in improving

students’ listening skill

H1: The use of popular songs technique is effective in improving

students’ listening skill

B. Interpretation

The discussion of this research is based on the research question, which

was to know the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of popular songs in

improving students’ listening skill at the seventh grade students at SMP N 10

Tangerang Selatan. Based on the post-test result, it was known that the students’

listening ability showed the differences in both experimental and controlled class.

The mean of pre-test score in experimental class is 45.875. The mean of pre-test

score in controlled class is 46.125. Then, comparing with the mean of post-test in

experimental class is 62.125 and in controlled class is 46.75.

There were 40 students in experimental group and also 40 students in

controlled group. Therefore, the degree freedom (df) is (40+40)-2 =78, it was

found that the value of the t0 was 7.64 with degree of freedom (df) was 78. In this

research the writer used the degree of significance 0.05. It can be seen that the df


and the degree 0.05 = 1.66. The result showed that Tvalue>Ttable(7.64>1.66).

Therefore, tois higher than tt which the null hypothesis (Ho) rejected and

alternative hypothesis (H1) accepted.

From those results, it can be interpreted that post-test score of the

experimental class and controlled class increased better than the pre-test.

Although the mean of post-test score from both class increased, the experimental

class has more improvement than controlled class. Besides, the measurement

effect size shown the strong effect on the state 1,045 1,00 . Thus, it can be

concluded that popular songs are an effective way to be used in improving

students’ listening skill at the seventh grade students at SMP N 10 Tangerang





A. Conclusion

According to the finding described in the previous chapter, it can be

concluded that from the statistic calculation, it is achieved that the value of T0 is

7.64 and the degree of freedom of the hypothesis used is n1-2=78 with the

significance degree 0.05 or 5%. From the result of statistics calculation, it was

obtained that the value of Tvalue was 7.64 and degree of freedom (df) is 78. In the

table of significance 5% the value of the significance was 1.66 (Ttable). Comparing

those values, the result was 7.64 >1.66 which means Tvalue score was higher than

Ttable score. In conclusion, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the

Null Hypothesis (H0) was rejected. Therefore, popular songs are effective on

students‟ listening skill of seventh grade junior high school of SMPN 10

Tangerang Selatan. For the effect size is 1,045 which higher than 1,00- the higher

point from the Cohen‟s guideline.

It can also be seen from the mean of gain score in the pretest both first

scorer (experimental class-red) and second scorer (controlled class-red) were

45.875 and 46.125. Moreover, the posttest score gained were 62.125 and 46.75

scored by first and second scorer. It means that the score after treatment was

higher than before one although it is not too high for the controlled class. In

general the improvement happened for both classes.

Besides from statistical data, the writer also found that the use of popular

songs in the classroom is effective to increase the students‟ interest in learning

English. By using popular songs, they were curious each English time begin. They

interested to what kind of popular songs that will be hear when the class would

begin. Also, They were being fun in the classroom activity. They were learning

while listening to the songs that they like.

Furthermore, they were being motivated to follow the lesson because

every activities ask them to be active and did the best to solve the task given. They


loved to compete each other supportively to prove their ability in English material

given by the researcher. Hence, It was something that should appear in every

subject material, so the students will be easier to understand and absorb the

knowledge given by their teacher.

B. Suggestion

Based on the researcher conducted, the researcher suggests several points:

1. In teaching listening, teacher should be more creative in order to make

students more interesting in learning listening. One of the way by using

popular songs in the classrooom

2. The use of songs and the task must relate one to another. It ask the teacher

to be more creative in creating the instrument of scoring.

3. The teachers also should follow the trend of songs. It will help them to

choose the best and the right songs for their class.

4. For students, now they can train their listening skill with fun way. They

can choose their favorite popular song on their playlist and start to listen

not only just hear. While listening to the songs, they can check what they

listen on the lyric that appear on their smartphone

5. Teacher should be flexible in order to adjust with students‟ mindset and in

real life especially all things related to the development of students‟

learning habit.



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Listening Test

Name :

Class :

Complete the information below by filling in the blank based on the information that you listen.

Dear Celia,

I am sorry for being late to reply ____ email. Two ___ ago the

electricity in my town turned off precisely at six o’clock in the _____.

Unfortunately its hapenned for ______ hours. I and my neighbors did not panic

during ___ day because the sun shone very bright. The chaos and problems

came in the _____. We could not turn on the light and we did not get any light.

Fortunately its on _____ when the season neither on the _____ nor the

______. So, we did not get cold at that time.

The dark moment ended at ______ o’clock in the ______. I cannot

imagine if it happenend for more than _______ hours or until the day after.

Now, I can reply your email and want to tell you that I won the swimming

competition in my town and my cousin is on ____ position. I hope you can come

to my celebration party on next _______. The party will start at ____p.m. in

the ______ and until ____ p.m in the ______. My parents will call your parents

to ask permission on _____. They already booked a plane ticket for you and

your parents at ________of this month. I am waiting for your presence.

With love,



Complete the information below by filling in the blank based on the information that you listen.

Dear Celia,

I am sorry for being late to reply your email. Two days ago the electricity

in my town turned off precisely at six o’clock in the morning. Unfortunately its

hapenned for seventeen hours. I and my neighbors did not panic during the day

because the sun shone very bright. The chaos and problems came in the evening.

We could not turn on the light and we did not get any light. Fortunately its on

July when the season neither on the Autumn nor the Winter. So, we did not get

cold at that time.

The dark moment ended at eleven o’clock in the midnight. I cannot

imagine if it happenend for more than twenty four hours or until the day after.

Now, I can reply your email and want to tell you that I won the swimming

competition in my town and my cousin is on third position. I hope you can come to

my celebration party on next Saturday. The party will start at twop.m. in the

afternoon and until six p.m in the evening. My parents will call your parents to

ask permission on Sunday. They already booked a plane ticket for you and your

parents at eighteenthof this month. I am waiting for your presence.

With love,




Name :

Class :

Instruction: fill in the blank text below with an appropriate word that you hear from the the record.

Marchisalways special for me. There were many moments that happened in this

month, especiallyin 2016. Usually, there are only about I and My cousins’s birthday. I have

three cousins that have birthday in this month -Adilla, Vina, and Nanda-. It starts from me on

2nd date and followed byAdilla on 4th date. After that, Nanda follows on 16th and the last

one is Vina on 25th. We would celebrate together on Sunday at 7 p.m. There would be two

cakes for me and my other cousins. It was my 12th birthday and 10th birthday for others.

Besides our birthday, there was a wedding ceremony of my cousin that live quite far

from my house. He got merried on Fridaymorning but the preparation began on Tuesday

night. The location for ceremony is far away from his house. It made us as family that

accompany him should depart from our house at 4 o’clock in the morning. We were driving

for almost five hours. when we got there at 9 a.m, we were waiting for 30 minutes before

finally the ceremony began.


Name :

Class :

Instruction: fill in the blank text below with an appropriate word that you hear from the the record.

______ is always special for me. There are many moments that happen in this _____,

especially ___ 2016. Usually, there are only about I and My cousins’s birthday. I have ____

cousins that have birthday in this month -Adilla, Vina, and Nanda-. It starts from me on

_____ date and followed by Adilla on _____ date. After that, Nanda follows on _____ and

the last _____ is Vina on ____. We would celebrate together ____ Sunday at 7 p.m. There

would be ____ cakes for me and my other cousins. It was my _____ birthday and ____

birthday for others.

Besides our birthday, there was a wedding ceremony of my cousin that live quite far

from my house. He got merried on Friday ______ but the preparation began on ______ night.

The location for ceremony is far away from his house. It made us as family that accompany

him should depart from our house ___ 4 o’clock ___ the morning. We were driving for

almost ____ hours. when we got there ____ 9 a.m, we were waiting for ____minutes before

finally the ceremony began.





Pertemuan ke-1

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (cardinal and ordinal number)

Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

Alokasi Waktu : 2X40

A. Kompetensi Inti

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa

ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan

kejadian tampak mata

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,

merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,

menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah

dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkanperilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3.4 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks untuk

menyatakan danmenanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu

dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan dan tahun

4.4 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama hari,

bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan, dan

tahundenganunsurkebahasaan yang benardansesuaikonteks.

C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasikata-kata yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaiangka cardinal dan ordinal (C1)


2. Menyebutkan kata-kata yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaiangka cardinal dan ordinal (C1)

3. Mendiskusikanunsurkebahasaanyang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaiangka cardinal dan ordinal pada kegiatan siswa sehari-

hari (C2)

4. Mengemukakanpendapat siswa terhadap lagu yang dipedengarkan (C2)

5. Menentukan kata yang sesuai menurut lagu yang diperdengarkan mengenai angka

cardinal dan ordinal (C3)

D. Tujuan

1. Siswa diharapkan mampumengidentifikasiangka cardinal dan ordinal yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

2. Siswa diharapkan mampu mendiskusikanbersamatemannyamengenaiangka

cardinal dan ordinal yang terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

3. Siswadiharapkanmampumenjelaskan hasil diskusi bersamadidalam

kelasmengenaipenyebutanangka ordinalmenggunkanartikelthedalam pelafalan dan

tanpa artikel the dalam tulisan

4. Siswa diharapkan mampu menunjukkanangka cardinal/ordinal yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

5. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengisi kata-kata yang hilangpadaliriklagu yang


6. Siswadiharapkanmampu menyampaikan pendapat siswa tentanglagu yang


E. Metode

Pendekatan : Scientific

Strategi : Observe Practice – Questioning - Experimenting

Metode : Collaborative Learning and Inquiry/Experencial Learning

F. Media dan Sumber Materi

1. Laptop

2. Speaker

3. Whiteboard

4. Board marker

5. Kertasberisilirik


G. Teaching Activity

Teaching Activities Alokasi


Kegiatan awal:

- Guru memimpin do’a danmenanyakankabarsiswa

- Guru memperdengarkanlagu yang


booster untukparasiswa

- Guru


anmeminta siswa untuk mencari

pasanganbelajarselama proses belajarmengajar,

- Guru menyampaikan tujuan kegiatan belajar kepada

siswa dengan penggunaan lagu yang telah siswa

dengarkan diawal.

- 1




- 4




- 2




- 3




Kegiatan inti:

- Guru


memperhatikan kata yang seringmunculpadalagu yang

- 5





- Guru memulaimemperdengarkankembalilagu yang

samasepertidiawalpembelajaransebanyak 1 x putaran.

- Setiapsiswadanpasangannyadiberikesempatanuntukme

nyampaikanhasilpengamatanmerekaterhadaplagu yang

telahmerekadengardan Guru


- Siswamulaimendengarkankembalilagu yang

sudahdisiapkanoleh guru.

Siswadiberikankesempatanmendengarkanhingga 3 x.


siswadimintauntukmenjawab soal yang



- Guru memintasiswauntukmenyalinliriklagu



an yang ditangkapmasing-masingsiswamengenailagu

yang telahmerekadengarkan.



- 5




- 10




- 25




- 20





Kegitan penutup:

- Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengecek kehadiran


- 5




H. PenilaianHasilBelajar

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh

1. Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan dalam lagu:

angka cardinal, angka


2. Menentukan kata yang

sesuai menurut lagu

yang diperdengarkan

mengenai angka

cardinal dan ordinal.

3. Mengemukakan

pendapat pribadi tentang

lagu yang didengarkan




Unjuk kerja

peer group




Answer the


Fill in the blank

Write sentence(es)

about students’


Scoring criteria:

- Fill in the blank: True answer:2

False answer: 0

- Write sentence(es) about students’ opinion




5 4 3 2 1





Information is very

organized with

well constructed

based on the song

lyric gifted


is organize



didn’t meet

with the song

lyric gifted



appears to be



on is not



zed but





Good arrangment Fairly good arrangment The


ent is


e but too

far from



of the







spelling or



Almost no





A few








al and




So many


ical and


on errors

From three point above, total score maximum x 2. Example: n x 2 = score

15 x 2 = 30

Total akhir nilai siswa adalah : fill in the blank = 14 x 2 = 70

Writing sentence(s) = 15 x 2 = 30


I. InstrumenPenilaian


SORRY by Justin Bieber

I. Rearrange the part of lyric below into good order

1. ____ cause I just need one more shot at forgiveness

2. ____ you gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty

3. ____ I hope I don’t run out of time, could someone call a referee?

4. ____ you know I try but I don’t do too well with apologies

II. Complete the rest of the lyric below

I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice

By once or twice I mean maybe a couple a hundred times

So let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonight

Cause I just need one more shot at second chances


Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?

Cause I'm missing more than just your body

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Yeah I know that I let you down

Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

I'm sorry





Yeah I know that I let you down is it too late to say sorry now?

I'll take every single piece of the blame if you want me to

But you know that there is no innocent one in this game for two

I'll go, I'll go and then you go, you go out and spill the truth

Can we both say the words and forget this?

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Cause I'm missing more than just your body


Is it too late now to say sorry?

Yeah I know that I let you down

Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

I'm not just trying to get you back on me

Cause I'm missing more than just your body

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Yeah I know that I let you down

Is it too late to say sorry now?

I'm sorry





Yeah I know that I let you down is it too late to say sorry now?

III. What the song talks about in your opinion? Share your thought.





Pertemuan ke-2

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (name of the days)

Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X40

A. Kompetensi Inti

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan

yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkanperilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3.4 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

untuk menyatakan danmenanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari,

waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan dan tahun

4.4 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama

hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan,

dan tahundenganunsurkebahasaan yang benardansesuaikonteks.


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasikata-kata yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenainama hari dalam seminggu (C1)

2. Menyebutkan kata-kata padalagu yang diperdengarkan mengenai name of

the days (C1)

3. Mendiskusikan unsur kebahasaan yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenainama hari dalam seminggu (C2)

4. Menentukankata yang sesuai menurut lagu yang diperdengarkan mengenai

name of the days (C3)

D. Tujuan

1. Siswa diharapkan mampumengidentifikasi nama-nama hari yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

2. Siswa diharapkan mampu mendiskusikanbersamatemannyamengenainama-

nama hari yang terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

3. Siswadiharapkanmampumenjelaskan hasil diskusi didalam kelas

mengenaipenyebutannama-nama hari dan Guru menambahkan dengan

mencontohkan juga penyebutan nama-nama bulan.

4. Siswa diharapkan mampu menunjukkannama-nama hari yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

5. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengisi kata-kata yang hilangpadaliriklagu yang


E. Metode

Pendekatan : Scientific

Strategi : Observe Practice – Questioning - Experimenting

Metode : Collaborative Learning and Inquiry/Experencial Learning

F. Media dan Sumber Materi

1. Laptop

2. Speaker


3. Whiteboard

4. Board marker

5. Kertasberisilirik

G. Teaching Activity

Teaching Activities Alokasi


Kegiatan awal:

- Guru memimpin do’a danmenanyakankabarsiswa

- Guru memperdengarkanlagu yang


booster untukparasiswa

- Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa tentang lagu yang

telah mereka dengar tersebut

- Guru menyampaikan tujuan kegiatan belajar kepada

siswa dengan penggunaan lagu yang telah siswa

dengarkan diawal

- 1




- 4




- 2




- 3




Kegiatan inti:

- Guru


- 5



memperhatikan kata yang


masingpadalagu yang akandiperdengarkankembali

- Guru memulaimemperdengarkankembalilagu yang

samasepertidiawalpembelajaransebanyak 1 x putaran.

- Setiapsiswadanpasangannyadiberikesempatanuntukme

nyampaikanhasilpengamatanmerekaterhadaplagu yang

telahmerekadengardan Guru


- Siswamulaimendengarkankembalilagu yang

sudahdisiapkanoleh guru.

Siswadiberikankesempatanmendengarkanhingga 3 x.


siswadimintauntukmenjawab soal yang



- Guru kembali memberikan penjelasan tentang nama-

nama hari dan memberikan tambahan tentang nama-

nama bulan dan bagaimana pelafalannya



- 5




- 10




- 20




- 25





Kegitan penutup:

- Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengecek kehadiran


- 5




H. PenilaianHasilBelajar

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh

1. Mengidentifikasi

kata-kata tentang

nama-nama hari

dalam lagu

2. Mengidentifikasi

unsur kebahasaan

dalam lagu: nama-

nama hari

3. Mengisi lirik lagu

yang kosong dan

mengatur ulang

beberapa bagian

lirik lagu yang di


4. Memberikan

pendapat pribadi

mengenai nama-

nama hari yang

disusun dalam

Observe –





Unjuk kerja

peer group

Peer group

Peer assessment



Answer the



Fill in the blank






Scoring criteria:

- Fill in the blank: True answer: 1

False answer: 0

- True/False : True answer: 1

False answer: 0


I. Put into a good order

(verse one)

Thursday, I don’t care about you ( )

Tuesday’s gray and Wednesday too ( )

It’s Friday, I’m in love ( )

Monday you can fall apart ( )

Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart ( )

I don’t care if Monday’s blue ( )

Thursday doesn’t even start ( )

It’s Friday, I’m in love ( )

II. Fill in the rest blank lyric


And always comes too late

But Friday never hesitate

I don't care if Monday's black

Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack

Thursday, never looking back

It's Friday, I'm in love


Monday you can hold your head

Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed

Oh Thursday, watch the walls instead

It's Friday, I'm in love

__________ wait

And _________ always comes too late

But Friday never hesitate

Dressed up to the eyes

It's a wonderful surprise

To see your shoes and your spirits rise

Throwing out your frown

And just smiling at the sound

And as sleek as a shriek

Spinning round and round

Always take a big bite

It's such a gorgeous sight

To see you eat in the middle of the night

You can never get enough

Enough of this stuff

It's Friday

I'm in love

**back to the verse one**

III. Put “T” for True and “F” for Flalse in the sentence below

1. The day before Sunday is Friday ( )

2. Saturday is a day after Wednesday ( )

3. The day after Monday is Tuesday ( )

4. Thursday in bahasa is Selasa ( )


5. The day between Thursday and Tuesday is Wednesday ( )

6. Monday in bahasa is Senin ( )

7. Fiday is a day before Wednesday ( )

8. There are seven days in a week ( )





Pertemuan ke-3

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (time in a day)

Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X40

A. Kompetensi Inti

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkanperilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung

jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan


3.4 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

untuk menyatakan danmenanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam

hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan dan tahun


4.4 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama

hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal,

bulan, dan tahundenganunsurkebahasaan yang benardansesuaikonteks.

C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasikata-kata yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaiwaktu dalam hari (C1)

2. Menyebutkan kata-kata yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaiwaktu dalam hari (C1)

3. Mendiskusikanunsurkebahasaan yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaiwaktu dalam hari (C2)

4. Menentukan kata yang sesuai berdasarkan lagu yang didengar mengenai

waktu dalam hari (C3)

D. Tujuan

1. Siswa diharapkan mampumengidentifikasiwaktu dalam hari yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

2. Siswa diharapkan mampu

mendiskusikanbersamatemannyamengenaiwaktu dalam hari yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

3. Siswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan hasil diskusi didalam kelas

mengenai waktu dalam hari dan Guru menambahkan beberapa contoh lain

yang tidak terdapat pada lagu yang diperdengarkan agar menambah

pengetahuan siswa

4. Siswa diharapkan mampu menunjukkan waktu dalam hariyang terdapat

dalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

5. Siswa diharapkan mampu memilih kata yang tepat pada lirik yang

diperdengarkan mengenai waktu dalam hari

E. Metode

Pendekatan : Scientific

Strategi : Observe Practice – Questioning - Experimenting


Metode : Collaborative Learning and Inquiry/Experencial Learning

F. Media dan Sumber Materi

1. Laptop

2. Speaker

3. Whiteboard

4. Board marker

5. Kertasberisilirik

G. Teaching Activity

Teaching Activities Alokasi


Kegiatan awal:

- Guru memimpin do’a danmenanyakankabarsiswa

- Guru memperdengarkanlagu yang


booster untukparasiswa

- Guru


anmeminta siswa untuk mencari

pasanganbelajarselama proses belajarmengajar,

- Guru menyampaikan tujuan kegiatan belajar kepada

siswa dengan penggunaan lagu yang telah siswa

dengarkan diawal

- 1




- 4




- 2




- 3





Kegiatan inti:

- Guru


memperhatikan kata yang seringmunculpadalagu yang


- Guru memulaimemperdengarkankembalilagu yang

samasepertidiawalpembelajaransebanyak 1 x putaran.

- Setiapsiswadanpasangannyadiberikesempatanuntukme

nyampaikanhasilpengamatanmerekaterhadaplagu yang

telahmerekadengardan Guru


- Siswamulaimendengarkankembalilagu yang

sudahdisiapkanoleh guru.

Siswadiberikankesempatanmendengarkanhingga 3 x.


siswadimintauntukmenjawab soal yang



- Guru menambahkan penjelasan dan pengetahuan

tentang materi yang tidak terdapat pada lagu mengenai

time in a day.

- 5




- 5




- 10




- 20





- 25




Kegitan penutup:

- Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengecek kehadiran


- 5




H. PenilaianHasilBelajar

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh

1. Mengidentifikasi

unsur kebahasaan

dalam lagu; waktu

dalam hari (night,

morning, dll)

2. Menentukan kata

yang sesuai

berdasarkan lagu

yang dengarkan

mengenai waktu

dalam hari




peer group



Answer the




stimulus order

Scoring criteria:

- Word(s) stimulus order: True answer: 10

False answer: 0





I'm at a payphone trying to call home

All of my change I spent on you

Where have the times/a time gone? Baby, it's all wrong

Where are the plans we made for two/too?

(verse one)

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember

The people we used to be...

It's even harder to picture,

That you're not here next to me.

You say it's too late to make it,

But is it too late to try?

And in/on our time that you wasted

All of our bridges burned down

I've wasted my night/nights,

You turned out the lights

Now I'm paralyzed.

Still stuck in that time/times

When we called it love

But even the sun sets in paradise

Back to the *bridge*

If "Happy Ever After" did exist,

I would still be holding you like this


All those fairy tales are full of it.

One more stupid love song, I'll be sick

(verse two)

Oh, you turned your back on/in tomorrow

'Cause you forgot Saturday/yesterday.

I gave you my love to borrow,

But you just gave it away.

You can't expect me to be fine,

I don't expect you to care

I know I've said it before

But all of our bridges burned down.

I've wasted my night/nights,

You turned out the lights

Now I'm paralyzed.

Still stuck in that time/times

When we called it love

But even the sun sets in paradise

Back to the *bridge*

If "Happy Ever After" did exist,

I would still be holding you like this

All those fairy tales are full of it.

One more stupid love song, I'll be sick. now/know I’m at a payphone

(Wiz Khalifa)

Man, fuck that shit

I'll be out spending all this money

While you're sitting round wondering

Why it wasn't you who came up from nothing,

Made it from the bottom

Now when you see me I'm stunning,


And all of my cars start with a push of a button

Telling me the chances I blew up

Or whatever you call it,

Switch the number to my phone

So you never could call it,

Don't need my name on my shirt,

You can tell it I'm ballin.

Swish, what a shame could have got picked

Had a really good game but you missed your last shot

So you talk about who you see at the top

Or what you could have saw but sad to say it's over for.

Phantom pulled up valet open doors

Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for

Now it's me who they want, so you can go and take

That little piece of shit with you.

Back to the *bridge*





Pertemuan ke-4

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 10 Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (prepotition in time)

Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X40

A. Kompetensi Inti

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan

yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkanperilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3.4 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

untuk menyatakan danmenanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari,

waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan dan tahun

4.4 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama

hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, bulan,

dan tahundenganunsurkebahasaan yang benardansesuaikonteks.


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasikata-kata yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaipreposisi dalam waktu (C1)

2. Mendiskusikanunsurkebahasaan yang terdapatpadalagu yang

diperdengarkanmengenaipreposisi dalam waktu (C2)

3. Menentukan kata yang sesuai berdasarkan lagu yang didengarkan mengenai

preposisi dalam waktu (C3)

D. Tujuan

1. Siswa diharapkan mampumengidentifikasipreposisi dalam waktuyang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

2. Siswa diharapkan mampu

mendiskusikanbersamatemannyamengenaipreposisi dalam waktu yang

terdapatdalamlagu yang diperdengarkan

3. Siswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan hasil diskusi didalam kelas mengenai

preposisi dalam waktu dan Guru menambahkan serta mencotohkan juga

penggunaan preposisi dalam waktu tersebut.

4. Siswa diharapkan mampu menunjukkan preposisi dalam waktu yang

terdapatpadaliriklagu yang diperdengarkan

5. Siswa diharapkan mampu melengkapi kalimat sederhana dengan

menggunakan preposisi yang tepat

E. Metode

Pendekatan : Scientific

Strategi : Observe Practice – Questioning - Experimenting

Metode : Collaborative Learning and Inquiry/Experencial Learning

F. Media dan Sumber Materi

1. Laptop

2. Speaker

3. Whiteboard

4. Board marker

5. Kertasberisilirik


G. Teaching Activity

Teaching Activities Alokasi


Kegiatan awal:

- Guru memulai kelas dengan memperdengarkanlagu



ood booster untukparasiswa dan sambil

menanyakan kabar siswa hari itu

- Guru menanyakanperasaan dan


ta siswa untuk mencari pasanganbelajarselama

proses belajarmengajar, dilanjutkan menyampaikan

tujuan pembelajaran dengan lagu yang tersebut

- 4


- 6


Kegiatan inti:

- Guru memberikan sedikit penjelasan dan gambaran

mengenai lagu yang telah didengarkan pertama kali

mengenai preposisi yang digunakan dalam waktu;

jam, hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun. Setiap siswa

diminta untuk memperhatikan dengan baik dan

diminta untuk mencatat kekurangan informasi yang

ada pada buku paket yang mereka miliki. Siswa

juga persilahkan untuk turut memberikan pendapat

serta pengetahuannya mengenai preposisi dalam


- Siswamulaimendengarkankembalilagu yang

sudahdisiapkanoleh guru.

Siswadiberikankesempatanmendengarkanhingga 3

- 20



x. selamamendengarkanlagu,

siswadimintauntukmenjawab soal yang



- Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kalimat

sederhana menggunakan preposisi untuk waktu

secara individu sesuai dengan yang sudah

dijelaskan di awal pembelajaran,

- 25


- 15


Kegitan penutup:

- Guru menyampaikan kepada siswa bahwa

pertemuan belajar dengan lagu ini adalah

pertemuan terakhir dan pertemuan selanjutnya

siswa akan menghadapai post test

- Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengecek

kehadiran siswa

- 5


- 5


H. PenilaianHasilBelajar

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh

1. Mengidentifikasi

unsur kebahasaan

dalam lagu:




peer group

Answer the

teacher’s question


2. Mengisi lirik lagu

yang kosong dan

mengisi kalimat

yang tidak lengkap







Fill in the blank

Scoring criteria:

- Fill in the blank : True answer: 1

False answer: 0


Price Tag"

(feat. B.o.B)

I. Complete the lyric below.

[Jessie J]

Okay, Coconut man, Moon Head and Pea

You ready?

Seems like everybody's got a price,

I wonder how they sleep ___ night

When the sale comes _____

And the truth comes ______

Just stop for a ______ and smile

Why is everybody so serious?

Acting so damn mysterious?

Got your shades ___ your eyes


And your heels so high

That you can't even have a good ____


Everybody look to their left (yeah)

Everybody look to their right

Can you feel that (yeah)

We're paying with love tonight?


It's not about the money, money, money

We don't need your money, money, money

We just wanna make the world dance,

Forget about the price tag

Ain't about the (uh) ch-ch-ching ch-ching

Ain't about the (yeah) bl-bling-bl-bling

Wanna make the world dance,

Forget about the price tag (OK)

[Jessie J]

We need to take it back ___ time,

When music made us all unite!

And it wasn't low blows and video hoes,

Am I the only ____ getting tired?

Why is everybody so obsessed?

Money can't buy us happiness

Can we all slow down and enjoy right now?

Guarantee we'll be feeling alright

back to [Pre-chorus:] and [Chorus:]



Yeah, yeah

Well, keep the price tag

And take the cash back

Just give me ____ strings and a half stack

And you can, can keep the cars

Leave me the garage

And all I, yes, all I need

Are keys and guitars

And guess what? In 30 ______

I'm leaving to Mars

Yeah, we leaping across

These undefeatable odds

It's like this, man

You can't put a price on a life

We do this for the love

So we fight and sacrifice

Every night

So we ain't gon' stumble and fall


Waiting to see or send a sign of defeat

Uh uh

So we gonna keep everyone

Moving their feet

So bring back the beat

And then everyone sing

It's not about the money

[Chorus 2x]


[Jessie J ‒ Outro]

Yeah, yeah


Forget about the price tag, yeah

II. Fill the following sentences with an appropriate preposition

1. The party will be held ____ Sunday morning

2. He used to come back from school _____ 2 p.m

3. Sally’s birthday ____ June

4. The shop always closes ____ midnight

5. My father reads a newspaper ___ the morning

6. She takes a rest from her work ____ noon

7. My grand mother passed away ___ 1998 when my sister was born

8. My uncle is going to marry his fiance ____ March

9. English examination starts ___ Nine o’clock this morning

10. She will go to study abroad ___ 2nd of May next year





Output Created 14-OCT-2016 23:58:02


Input Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data

File 80

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for

dependent variables are treated as


Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no

missing values for any dependent

variable or factor used.










Resources Processor Time 00:00:04.70

Elapsed Time 00:00:02.56



Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Pretest Experimental 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Controlled 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%


Kelas Statistic Std. Error

Pretest Experimental Mean 46.00 3.029

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 39.87

Upper Bound 52.13

5% Trimmed Mean 45.83

Median 45.00

Variance 366.923

Std. Deviation 19.155

Minimum 15

Maximum 80

Range 65

Interquartile Range 38

Skewness .216 .374

Kurtosis -1.024 .733

Controlled Mean 46.13 3.662

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 38.72

Upper Bound 53.53

5% Trimmed Mean 45.83

Median 45.00

Variance 536.522

Std. Deviation 23.163

Minimum 5

Maximum 95

Range 90

Interquartile Range 30


Skewness .098 .374

Kurtosis -.535 .733

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Pretest Experimental .114 40 .200* .949 40 .072

Controlled .081 40 .200* .978 40 .624

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Pretest Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Kelas= Experimental Frequency Stem & Leaf 2.00 1 . 55 8.00 2 . 05555555 4.00 3 . 0055 8.00 4 . 00000555 7.00 5 . 0005555 4.00 6 . 0555 4.00 7 . 0005 3.00 8 . 000 Stem width: 10 Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Pretest Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Kelas= Controlled


Frequency Stem & Leaf 2.00 0 . 55 2.00 1 . 00 5.00 2 . 00005 5.00 3 . 00055 7.00 4 . 0055555 8.00 5 . 00055555 3.00 6 . 005 5.00 7 . 00555 1.00 8 . 5 2.00 9 . 05 Stem width: 10 Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots


Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots







Output Created 15-OCT-2016 00:05:49


Input Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>


Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data

File 80

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for

dependent variables are treated as


Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no

missing values for any dependent

variable or factor used.










Resources Processor Time 00:00:05.08

Elapsed Time 00:00:03.48


Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Posttest Experimental 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Controlled 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%


Kelas Statistic Std. Error

Posttest Experimental Mean 62.13 2.544

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 56.98


Mean Upper Bound 67.27

5% Trimmed Mean 62.36

Median 60.00

Variance 258.830

Std. Deviation 16.088

Minimum 30

Maximum 90

Range 60

Interquartile Range 29

Skewness -.134 .374

Kurtosis -1.052 .733

Controlled Mean 46.75 2.999

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 40.68

Upper Bound 52.82

5% Trimmed Mean 46.53

Median 45.00

Variance 359.679

Std. Deviation 18.965

Minimum 5

Maximum 95

Range 90

Interquartile Range 29

Skewness .154 .374

Kurtosis .362 .733

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Posttest Experimental .138 40 .054 .956 40 .125

Controlled .089 40 .200* .982 40 .768

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction



Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Posttest Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Kelas= Experimental Frequency Stem & Leaf 2.00 3 . 05 8.00 4 . 00055555 5.00 5 . 00055 7.00 6 . 0000005 11.00 7 . 00000555555 6.00 8 . 005555 1.00 9 . 0 Stem width: 10 Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Posttest Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Kelas= Controlled Frequency Stem & Leaf 1.00 0 . 5 2.00 1 . 05 1.00 2 . 5 8.00 3 . 00000055 10.00 4 . 0000555555 7.00 5 . 0005555 5.00 6 . 00005 4.00 7 . 0000 1.00 8 . 5 1.00 9 . 5 Stem width: 10 Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots



Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots





ONEWAY Pre_test BY Kelas





Output Created 15-OCT-2016 00:32:22


Input Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data

File 80

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are

treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based

on cases with no missing data for any

variable in the analysis.

Syntax ONEWAY Pre_test BY Kelas



Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.05

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.05


Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.842 1 78 .362




Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 1.250 1 1.250 .003 .958

Within Groups 35068.750 78 449.599

Total 35070.000 79

ONEWAY Post_test BY Kelas





Output Created 15-OCT-2016 00:32:53


Input Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data

File 80

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are

treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based

on cases with no missing data for any

variable in the analysis.

Syntax ONEWAY Post_test BY Kelas



Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.05

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


.174 1 78 .677



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 4727.813 1 4727.813 15.288 .000

Within Groups 24121.875 78 309.255

Total 28849.688 79






1. Menghargai dan

menghayati ajaran

agama yang dianutnya

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.

2. Menghargai dan

menghayati perilaku

jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong

royong), santun,

percaya diri, dalam

berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan


2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan

cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3. Memahami

pengetahuan (faktual,

konseptual, dan


berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu


teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan

kejadian tampak mata.

3.1 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada ungkapan sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan

permintaan maaf, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks


3.2 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada ungkapan perkenalan diri, serta responnya, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

3.3 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama hari, bulan,

nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal,

dan tahun.

3.4 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan



dari teks pemaparan jati diri, sesuai dengan konteks


3.5 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama dan jumlah

binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat dengan

kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

3.6 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari teks label nama (label) dan daftar barang (list), sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.7 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan sifat orang,

binatang, benda sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.8 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tingkah laku/

tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan konteks


3.9 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari teks instruksi (instruction), tanda atau rambu (short notice),

tanda peringatan (warning/caution), sesuai dengan konteks


3.10 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang

deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.11 Memahami fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam lagu.

4. Mencoba, mengolah,

dan menyaji dalam

ranah konkret


mengurai, merangkai,

memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah

abstrak (menulis,

membaca, menghitung,

4.1 Menyusun teks lisan sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan

merespon sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan permintaan

maaf, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana untuk menyatakan,

menanyakan, dan merespon perkenalan diri, dengan sangat

pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai




menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari

di sekolah dan sumber

lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang/teori.

4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu

dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, dengan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.4 Menangkap makna pemaparan jati diri lisan dan tulis sangat

pendek dan sederhana.

4.5 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk memaparkan dan

menanyakan jati diri, dengan sangat pendek dan sederhana,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.6 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan nama binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.7 Menyusun teks tulis label nama (label) dan daftar barang (list),

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.8 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan sifat orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.9 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan tingkah laku/tindakan/fungsi dari orang, binatang,

dan benda, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai


4.10 Menangkap makna teks instruksi (instruction), tanda atau rambu

(short notice), tanda peringatan (warning/caution), lisan dan

tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana.

4.11 Menyusun teks instruksi (instruction), tanda atau rambu (short

notice), tanda peringatan (warning/caution), lisan dan tulis,

sangat pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.



4.12 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat

pendek dan sederhana.

4.13 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.14 Menangkap makna lagu.

Mengetahui, Bakongan, Juli 2014 Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Jijim Rustaman,S.Pd.,M.Pd Resa Silvia A,S.Pd NIP. 193601251984121001