Download - The ECHO of ECCE Newsletter.pdf · values and beliefs have been put to the test. The second part – of “Testimonies” is one where employees


The ECHO of ECCE HOMO 25 years Jubilee -October 2015-

In October, „Ecce Homo” celebrated 25 years of existence and activity – years that have been incredibly blessed with God’s grace. It is remarkable to look around and see things and situations that speak about Him; when everything, event and person has their own history, in which you can always see God’s touch!

These 25 years were proof that God has solutions and answers to all the world’s issues! Drawing the line and looking back to these years, we can say a lot about “Ecce Homo” – He who called us to carry on our frail shoulders burdens that can only be bore if you take them up on a Calvary, to the cross. There’s always a price to pay, but the prize is too big not to worth the cost. Christ was our teacher, the Bible – our manual, each day was an exam and we wanted to learn and grow in His knowledge.

One of the long-awaited events within the Jubilee was the book launch - “Organizatia Crestina Ecce Homo 1990-2015 A (different kind of) tale”, written by Liviu Balas. The first chapter – “Diary and Events”, takes us through an analysis of every year, implicitly presenting the successes, joys, challenges, turmoil and moments when our values and beliefs have been put to the test. The second part – of “Testimonies” is one where employees and collaborators describe some of their experiences. The last c h a p t e r s t a n d s a s “ E v i d e n c e ” : a retrospective in pictures, of the 25 years.

The book launch was another occasion to praise God – the motto “From Him, through Him and for Him” being reinforced by the sculpture of Liviu Mocanu, the artist naming his work “Ecce Homo” – it displays Jesus, the embodiment of the “perfect man” – ladder from humanity to the heaven. On Sunday we ended our celebration in prayer and fellowship – people from different countries, speaking different languages and having various ways of expression and worship – animated by the “kingly law”: to love God and your neighbour!

Our jubilee celebration took place between the 16th and 18th of October, bringing together some of those who’ve had their contribution over the years, in this ministry (partners from abroad and from Romania, former colleagues and friends) – a total of 130 persons. We sought to reminisce about situations and memories, to share the values formed by God during these years, to recall important events and through all these, to declare that “from Him, through Him and for Him are all things”.

We would like to mention some of those who came from abroad, valuable and dear partners who God brought in this work with us. From UK: Chris Hands – from Chipping Campden Baptist Church; Rosemary and Tony Coote from “Friends of Ecce Homo Trust”, Jersey; Niall Barry and Carol Hennessey – representing “Team Hope”, Ireland; from Holland: Wim Klippel and few other members from “Draagt Elkanders Lasten”; from Stichting “Zie de Mens”, Jaap and Wili Terlouw, Louise and Arnold Schipper; Jose and Arie Stout from Stichting “Stout and Partners”; From USA: Emilia and Stefan Banc from the Romanian Baptist Church – Chicago, Nelu Sinitean from Logos Romanian Church, plus many others who God called to enrich our lives and expand our horizons, so that we can understand a new way to be, or a new dimension of what it means to be Christian, to care for others – not just in the spare time, but all the time – with devotion, without rest, with joy and hope for change. Thank you once again!

The mission of each Christian stands in this “race” to identify with Christ; in the growth – a continuous process to know Christ, but not on a theoretical, informational level, but on an intimate, practical one. “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death” – as Paul the apostle was defining the purpose of his own life (Philippians 3:10).

The Seven PillarsAnalysing the Organization and its activity on this anniversary time, caught in the vortex of

life we realize we’ve been living an experience based not on a very elaborate plan we made, but it’s getting more obvious we’re part of a large-scale opera, developed according to a wisdom that’s beyond our comprehension. For example, there have been laws issued, which we were already applying without being aware; other times – we were having an idea or would figure a solution to things that seemed impossible – all these were signals that the beginning and those 20 years that followed, have been somehow staged. We didn’t feel like robots or puppets – but part of a plan, having a purpose and value. “Cause we are God’s handiwork, created in Jesus Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).

We honestly declare that in all these years we’ve been humbled, yet enriched – through gestures and deeds, attitudes and multiple sacrifices, that we’ve either seen or discreetly heard of, coming from those who did not owe us in any way, but whose’ sacrifices were sanctified with great price.

We believe that, on our turn, we enriched many, offering them a credible and steadfast partnership, an open and honest relation, even when we’ve been less “comfortable” for some. The experiences shared – either joyful times or troubled, brought us more together, despite the cultural differences or communication deficits, so we built together on behalf of eternal values. We got the point where we our bond goes beyond the aid or money offered, but it is rather based on the brotherly relations. We build not for transiency, but for an everlasting Kingdome, and together we believe that “by giving, you acquire” and that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. Many times when we thought we gave, we were actually the ones receiving more – feelings and states that we believe were also experienced by those who truly offered.

Wisdom – first of God’s works – has built her house on 7 pillars and she’s calling! We’ve discovered ulterior, and learned from others that an Organization is built up on 6 pillars. It seems the world is missing its 7th pillar. Social Sciences have made available a grid to help us measure our activity, not for us to take pride in it, but rather to improve. The 6 pillars are: the governing system, operating system, human resources, foreign relations, services offered and financial resources. The 7th pillar is about God: “From Him, through Him and for Him!” In other words, start with God and you will find Him in all the other 6 pillars – giving them essence and value. Then, ended and perfected by Him, things will gain eternity. Seeking God is the begining of wisdom, and when the finding begins the rest is constant discovery. We want our vision, mission and values be filled with this Holly seeking.

Qvo vadis, Ecce Homo?We leave our future – of those in Ecce Homo and of the Organization itself, in God’s

hand. For nothing happens without His will, His inspiration, guidance and grace. Our future is exclusively at His discretion. For as long as He keeps working through us, one or another, it’s still up to Him to decide who will carry on the Vision, the enthusiasm, dedication and who will continue or rise to different levels the work, the mission of Ecce Homo. We are entrusted that He doesn’t “despise the day of small things” and He “who began a good work, will carry it on to completion”! I have a strong belief that others will be encouraged to soar in new investments, with the unlimited resources that God provides, based on His unfailing love for those who are still bounded and helpless. Even more, if some of those who’ve been fed and comforted will remember to do the same, the cycle will be complete and blessed!

The Bible speaks about how everything has it’s time! What will 2016 bring? - New laws? - Certainly. - New challenges? - For sure! New events, circumstances… to which of these will we be able to respond in such way that God will add grace? Please pray that we will seek and be given the light, to spread the blessings according to His riches in Grace!


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