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THE DROP of alcohol

Limiting your alcohol intake: reasons to start today

of alcohol

We change behaviour

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How much can you drink without having to worry?

These are general standards for acceptable alcohol consumption:● For women, it's best not to drink more than 1 standard glass per day.● For men, it's best not to drink more than 2 standard glasses per day.

Mind you:● Reserve at least 2 alcohol-free days in a week: you avoid getting into the habit and

allow your body to recover.● A special occasion is a situation where you allow yourself a little extra: for example

when you have something to celebrate, when you go out with friends, a holiday... in short, an event that is out of the ordinary.

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Alcohol and its effects

Both for men and women, after 2 glasses, power of judgment and speed of reaction are already impaired. Even if you don’t notice it, it becomes harder to assess a situation.The more people drink, the less they are able to think critically, and the more they will tend to overestimate their capacities.

The speed of reaction for someone who is used to drink (a lot), declines as quickly as for someone

who hardly ever drinks.

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Alcohol = relaxation?

Having difficulty relaxing? Many people turn to alcohol as a solution. This may, however, backfire, as an alcoholic drink or two helps to relax, but drinking more does not help at all to deal with stress. Quite the contrary: alcohol reinforces the negative effects of stress. That's because excessive drinking results in the release of more stress hormones.

There are better and healthier ways to relax:relaxation exercises, sitting comfortably in a chair with

a good book, watching a movie or having a pleasant conversation.

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Watch out for fast waiters :)

At a party, you're enjoying your wine. Your second glass is almost empty, and you start to feel a little tipsy. This is where you should stop. But before you realize it, the waiter pops up again to refill your glass. What to do now?

It's not because your glass has been filled, that you need to drink it... So feel free to just leave it untouched.

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Alcohol behind the wheel!

One of the effects of alcohol is that it greatly impairs your driving ability, even if you don’t feel drunk. Responses are slower, concentration is reduced, eyesight decreases and your power of judgment is impaired. It becomes harder to assess individual traffic situations, but also to judge whether you are still capable of driving properly, which could induce further risk-taking.

Drinking alcohol and driving a vehicle don’t go together at all!

Set a good example.

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Alcohol: a good night cap?

Alcohol is different from caffeine, in that it has a relaxing effect and makes one fall asleep more easily. That’s why a ‘night cap’ is so popular with many bad sleepers. HOWEVER, a lot of people don’t realise that alcohol alters the structure and quality of their sleep. During the 2nd half of the night they may wake up and have trouble falling asleep again. Their sleep wil be a lot more superficial too.

It’s smart to limit your alcohol consumption. Avoid drinking alcohol 4 hours before going to sleep.

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Non-alcoholic alternatives

Non-alcoholic drinks don’t need to be boring at all. Try one of the many recipes for a non-alcoholic aperitif, a delicious smoothie or a suave cocktail!

AmbrosiaIngredients:150 ml of coconut milk, 1 sliced banana, 2 tablespoons of honey, pineapple juice ,(amount to your own taste)

Preparation:Put all the ingredients, apart from the pineapple juice, in the blender and mix until you get a smooth mass. Bring to taste with pineapple. Serve in chilled wine glasses. Top off with some slices of banana and chocolate flakes.

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1. To enable people to live a longer and happier life.

2. Because we believe everybody is capable of taking up a healthier lifestyle.

3. To curb rising health-care costs and keep health-care affordable.

4. To boost productivity.

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