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  • 8/9/2019 The Crystal Realm 4 Chapts


    The Crystal Realm

    Krytors Return

    Christopher James Ballantyne

    78 Dripstone Road, Nakara NT 0810

  • 8/9/2019 The Crystal Realm 4 Chapts


    The Crystal Realm


    The battle for Thuromests freedom had raged across the entire land, killing

    thousands until finally, a warrior was chosen to wield the great Keys. Using the

    power of the Keys, Kenroth imprisoned Krytor, the dread of all life, in the depths of a

    mountain tomb. Sealing him in an impenetrable crystal prison, Kenroth left the ruby

    Key of Knowledge buried at the foot of Krytors eternal resting place, to hold him and

    to serve as a warning to all. As Kenroth returned down the tunnel to Thuromest he

    could only pray he had done the right thing.

    The years passed slowly and still Krytor struggled. Crusted with rage and filled with

    growing hatred, he fought against his crystal prison, his mind ever probing, seeking a

    way to escape. Gradually though, his thoughts darkened and slowed, until at last he

    felt nothing, and two thousand years went by, as if in a heartbeat.

    It was the steady beating of his heart that Krytor first became aware of as a spark of

    consciousness returned to his mind. Then he felt weak vibrations pulsing through

    the rock that was his tomb. Sensations rushed back into his legs and hands, and

    Krytor struggled to open his eyes.

    Pushing his mind past the darkness surrounding him, he became aware of a

    presence in the cavern. It was faint and unfamiliar, so he probed further, a small

    flicker of expectation causing his hand to twitch.

    A dark-skinned human male was kneeling in front of the rock that encased his

    prison. The man was digging in the ground, using his hands as tools. It was this

    mortal, alone in the blackness of the very cave where Krytor had fought desperately

    for his survival so long ago, who had woken him. The digging continued, until finally,

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    the man rubbed at kink in his back and, with a groan, stood up slowly, holding the

    Key in his hand. The Key was pulsating with a light that escaped in red beams from

    between the mans dark fingers. Krytor opened his cruel mouth in a roar but no

    sound came out. His loathing for the Key held no bounds. Struggling, he pressed

    against the inside of the hollow crystal as the human turned and walked back along

    the path that lead through the dark tunnels to the surface, taking the glowing Key

    with him. Between two protruding fangs, Krytors mouth stretched into a malevolent

    smile. The fool of a human had taken the Key away! Without it, nothing could

    contain him. Humans were such weak creatures, it would be an easy matter to

    pursue the mortal and terrify him into giving it up. Then, with the Key in his control,

    Krytor knew he would have nothing to fear from anyone. The same could not be

    said about the people of Thuromest though, they would learn the meaning of fear

    soon enough.

    Fully alert now, and with strength slowly increasing throughout his body, Krytor

    waited. Hours passed, and then it happened. The great power of the Key trembled,

    faded and, finally failed. Flexing his mighty muscles, Krytor summoned all his

    strength against the crystal that had been his prison for two millennia. With a

    cracking sound that resonated throughout the dark cavern, the outer shell of rock

    fractured, splitting it from top to bottom. Roaring in jubilation he pushed the two

    halves aside and straightened, rising to his full height. He drew in a deep breath,

    relishing the cold cavern air that filled his lungs. Sensing immediately that the

    human had moved beyond his reach, Krytor gave a roar of fury and despair that

    echoed and bounced off the rocks around him. Unfurling his mighty wings, he

    stretched the leathery skin to its utmost, and then a triumphant realization filled his

    mind. There would be no need to pursue the human; by removing the Key from the

    cave and taking it to the surface, the mortal had unwittingly given him the greatest

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    gift he could have hoped for. With the Key above the world of Thuromest, the

    possibility of it returning to the realm would be negligible. Without the Key, he would

    never be imprisoned again. There would be no hope for them. He would be

    unstoppable. This time, there would be no Kenroth and no Keys to prevent him from

    getting what he wanted.

    Moving slowly downward through the inky darkness of the cavern, Krytor started his

    long trek back to Thuromest, back to his realm and kingdom.

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    Chapter One

    A Man Called Michael

    Nathan Shepparton stood gasping and out of breath just inside the cave

    opening, the light from his lantern only slightly penetrating down the three separate

    tunnels before him. His mind and body exhausted, he shook his head in a vain

    attempt to clear the fogginess clouding his thoughts.

    Shining the lantern across the shadowy openings again, he grimaced. What a

    choice! One of these paths would either save or kill him. At seventeen years of age

    he was normally not a reckless person. Nathan would have liked more time to weigh

    his odds, but already the muffled cries of the mob hunting him were growing louder

    and he didn't want to think about what would happen if they caught up with him.

    Raising the lantern above his head, he could just make out a sign in front of the

    centre opening. Although it was faded with age and leaning on a precarious angle,

    the large red writing painted on rough wood was not hard to decipher.



    The letters were still clear enough to provide an adequate warning of the dangers

    facing any person foolish enough to proceed. Nathan smiled grimly as the cries of

    his hunters became clearer, rising in frenzy.

    Theyd discovered his trail and would certainly discover him if he remained here

    much longer. Definite death behind, probable death in front, no choice at all really.

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    Nathan decided he would follow the centre path and if luck were with him, the men,

    now very close behind, would never dare to follow. He read the sign again. No,

    theywouldnt think Id be that stupid! Gingerly untying a strip of cloth wrapped

    around his arm, he winced as part of the flesh came away with the material. Blood

    still oozed from the wound. Dropping the stained cloth near a rock just inside the

    first passageway, Nathan quickly turned and stepped into the darkness of the

    forbidden tunnel.

    Four days earlier, Nathan had stepped into a different darkness, which although

    similar in its lack of light, at least did not hold the threat of death. The Brownsville

    Night Club was not a place Nathan would usually frequent, but it was close to the

    bus stop. The dim atmosphere welcomed obscurity, and he relished the chance to

    retreat from life behind its walls.

    Leaving New York, fired from yet another job, Nathan finally decided it was the

    crushing sameness of city life that was holding him back, although exactly from what,

    he didnt know. It wasnt that he didnt work hard; it was more the fact that, sooner or

    later, each new job lost its shine.

    He would start a new position with great ideas, with the sense that, finally, hed found

    what hed been looking for; then inevitably, he would slow down, become

    disillusioned and, as his last boss put it, he would lose focus, and it wouldnt be long

    before he began looking for a new job.

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    Nathan had been toying with the idea of starting a new life for some time, and losing

    his job as caretaker of a small apartment block now provided the perfect excuse.

    The freedom of being out of the city was exhilarating, and he hoped it would bring

    the change into his life that he was so desperately seeking. Long weeks of being on

    the road had taken their toll, and Nathan wanted to pause for a while, to put a stop to

    the restless agitation that kept him moving. So when the Greyhound bus stopped in

    Brownsville, he jumped off, surprised at himself for acting on a whim. Buttoning his

    jacket against the chill he watched the bus pull away, and wondered what hed got

    himself in to.

    Forty minutes later, after securing a room in a cheap motel nearby, Nathan opened

    the glass-panelled door of the Brownsville Workers Club and walked in out of the

    cold. Holding a tall glass of Lemon, Lime and Bitters, he made his way to an empty

    booth and sat down wearily. Absentmindedly running his fingers over the small scar

    on his chin, he looked through the fly-spotted window. The town gave the

    impression of being pleasant and unhurried; a lot different from city life. Maybe I will

    stay here a while, he thought. The sound of a breaking glass followed by peals of

    raucous laughter brought his thoughts back to the present and he examined his

    surroundings contentedly.

    The room was warm and homely and crowded with anonymous faces, most people

    happily enjoying the company of their friends in small groups, caught up in private

    conversations and laughter. Although, Nathan noted wryly, there were one or two

    people who appeared more caught up in their drinks than what was going on around

    them. Then there was the group sitting at a table near the far end of the bar.

    Theyd been watching him since he arrived and Nathan studiously ignored them,

    even though he couldnt help noticing they kept up with the steady supply of alcohol

    delivered to their table. Every now and then, the largest of the men, a hulking man

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    with a sullen face and square jaw line, would lean towards the others and say

    something, and the five of them would all glance in his direction, scowling. Nathan

    had seen men like that before and they usually didnt cause trouble as long as

    people stayed out of their way. He sighed, resolving to ignore them and, finally

    allowing his body to relax against the red padded back of his chair, he watched the

    sun make its way beneath the horizon, leaving behind washes of red streaks that

    tinted the darkening sky. The previous occupants of his table had left behind a

    greasy and slightly creased tourist pamphlet. Nathan picked it up and browsed

    through it curiously.

    Welcome to the Mammoth Cave National Park

    The Mammoth Cave National Park opened on 1stJuly 1941 and is the longest

    recorded cave system in the world. Although over 348 miles have been explored

    and mapped, the total size of this water-formed labyrinth remains a mystery.

    Geologists estimate there could be as many as 600 miles of passageways waiting to

    be discovered! Beneath the surface of the Mammoth Cave National Park the

    intrepid tourist will find a world that is virtually unparalleled. It is a labyrinth

    characterized by mile upon mile of dark, seemingly endless passageways.

    Intrigued, Nathan put the pamphlet back on the table. This looks promising, he

    thought. Tourist caves need tour guides and grounds men. He would have to see

    about that in the morning. The prospect of finding work in this new town lifted his

    spirits, and Nathan let the nameless voices and drunken laughter wash against him

    as he willed his mind to stillness.

    Please dont! A shrill cry broke through the haze of Nathans thoughts. Looking

    across the overfilled room, he saw an African girl with heavily beaded hair attempting

    to clear away empty glasses from the table at the far end of the bar. One of the men

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    hed noticed earlier had his coarse hand on her arm, stopping her from leaving. She

    juggled the tray she was carrying and tried again to twist away.

    Youre hurting me, she complained loudly. Looking around, Nathan quickly

    ascertained that no one was moving to help her.

    Dont be in such a hurry, darlin, the man said in a drunken slur. The other four

    men at the table sniggered. Nathan watched as the drunken man pulled the girl

    down into his lap, and played with her hair as she squirmed anxiously. Except for a

    mouse of a woman with red dyed hair serving behind the bar, who looked at her

    friend nervously, no-one paid any attention to the harassment. Everything in Nathan

    protested at the arrogance he was witnessing and finally, with a slow burn of

    indignation, he stood up and made his way through the maze of tables. Why did he

    always seem to find trouble? No, correction. He didnt find trouble, it ran out and bit

    him. He reached the table.

    Come on buddy, why dont you let her go? Youve had your fun, he said, keeping

    his voice low and measured.

    The man holding the girl released her with a shove and turned around in his chair to

    face Nathan.

    Well, just look here! I think we have us a Nigger lover. What do you think boys?

    asked one of the other men in a mean tone.

    The men erupted in laughter. Nathan looked across the table at the broad-

    shouldered man who just spoke and deliberately met his hostile glare. The square

    jaw line of the mans shaven face tensed into a scowl as he stared coldly back at

    Nathan. His hair was cut close to his head and he carried himself with the self-

    possessed air of someone used to commanding others.

    Why dont we teach him a lesson then, Karl? asked a thin man with a pock-marked


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    Seeing the girl was now behind the safety of the bar, Nathan raised his hands in

    mock resignation as the five men stood up threateningly.

    Dont worry, no harm done. You just get back to your drinking, Im out of here.

    A few people at nearby tables now watched the scene with growing interest; it was

    obvious these men had a reputation. As Nathan turned to leave, the man closest to

    him swung around and punched him hard in the stomach. Doubling over with pain,

    Nathan cried out. Everyone watching suddenly found their drinks to be very

    interesting and all eyes turned away.

    Good one, Lenny! growled the man called Karl, his voice low and raspy. Four pairs

    of hands grabbed Nathan and dragged him across the floor towards a large, single

    pane window. Lifting him by his arms and legs, they spoke in unison.


    Crashing through the window in a storm of shattered glass Nathan landed heavily on

    the pavement outside. Groggily, he sat up, trying to pull the shards of broken

    window from his clothes and hands.

    The men followed him outside, staggering in the chill of early evening. A vicious kick

    to his lower ribs found its mark and the air exploded from Nathans lungs as he

    sprawled face down on the ground again. The men lashed out like wild animals,

    kicking and punching him without mercy. Curling up in a ball, Nathan tried to protect

    his head with his arms. He had never known such pain. Then, suddenly growing

    bored, the attackers stopped.

    Lets go, weve done our civic duty for the night and I need a drink, said Karl.

    Yeah, thats a lesson he wont forget. Dont think well see him back here in a

    hurry! Laughing drunkenly and congratulating each other on a job well done, the

    group walked inside, leaving Nathans torn and bruised body behind them.

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    It was fully dark now and the streetlights cast their shadows onto the nearly deserted

    street. Above him, over the club entrance, a neon sign flickered to life. Straining to

    bring himself to his bloodied knees, Nathan retched violently into the gutter. The

    sounds of traffic and laughing voices sounded far away and Nathan opened his

    swollen eyes in time to see the shadowy shapes of a group of people walking around

    him, leaving him to his fate.

    A firm touch on Nathans shoulder made him glance up into the face of an African

    man, his kind eyes looking at him with concern.

    Youre blocking the path here young man. I think youd better come with me!

    Without waiting for a reply, he reached down and helped Nathan rise to his feet.

    Then lifting him up across his shoulders with ease, the stranger carried him off into

    the dark night.

    Nathan groaned as he opened his eyes, the dull ache in his head turning into a

    stabbing pain. He raised his head from a white frilled pillowcase, fighting off a

    sickening wave of nausea as he tried to piece together what had happened. A faint

    smell of perfume and hair spray tickled his nostrils and pink over-bright curtains

    framed a large sunny window on one side of the room. Gritting his teeth, Nathan

    rose up on one elbow and caught sight of a spreading purple bruise on his arm and

    another on his chest where his shirt should have been. Next to the bed he was lying

    on was a small table covered in a bright pink cloth and on it was an ornate hand

    mirror. Carefully reaching for the mirror, Nathan held it up in front of him with

    shaking hands and gingerly scrutinised his facehe was not in good shape. Two

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    bloodshot eyes stared woefully back at him. His normally straight brown hair was

    sticking up at all angles, and there was a long jagged cut near his hairline that had

    obviously been bleeding and was now dry, matting the front of his hair in a large dirty

    clump. The excruciating pain in his head wouldnt go away and Nathan let the mirror

    drop from his hands onto the bed. A faint noise caught his attention. He blinked to

    clear his eyes and a shadowy form standing near the side of the bed took on human

    proportions. An extremely indignant girl looked back at him. Feeling it was the best

    thing to do in the situation, Nathan attempted to speak, but by the look of contempt

    on the girls face, he guessed he wasn't very successful.

    Opting instead for a bit of sympathy, Nathan softly let out what he hoped was a low,

    pitiful moan. This obviously didn't have the desired effect either, as the strong dark

    face did not soften.

    It's three in the afternoon and about time you came around, she snapped, thumping

    a small tray of food onto the bed.

    It hit his swollen knee and Nathan winced. Delicia Swanson allowed herself a slight

    twinge of satisfaction at Nathans discomfort. Standing at nearly six feet tall, without

    shoes, she was often mistaken for being a lot older than her eighteen years. With

    flawless dark skin and thick black hair that reached nearly to her waist, she

    presented a striking figure in any sense of the word.

    The union of Delicias parents had not only provided her with (what she considered

    to be) her superior good looks, but also with a passionate character, which unlike her

    Mothers, had a certain edge of coldness to it.

    When Delicias father had arrived home the previous night with a blood-stained

    stranger and insisted, quite forcefully, that he be placed in her room, she erupted

    with indignation, ensuring her parents understood she wouldnt give up her room to

    anyone, especially not to someone who was filthy and who stank as much as he did.

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    Waiting for them to see her point, Delicia was furious when her normally pliable

    father ignored her complaints and mildly suggested she sleep on the lounge.

    Looking now at her soiled bed and smelling the sour odour invading her room,

    Delicia felt the anger from the night before rising in her again, and she pointedly

    disregarded Nathan's moans. Her gaze challenged him and then flicked deliberately

    to the mirror, the handle now grimy with dirt. Nathan realised with some discomfort

    that he was obviously not welcome.

    Licking his lips quickly he tried to speak but his mouth felt like it was full of cotton

    wool, so he coughed and gestured helplessly.

    I'm sorry, whoever you are, he croaked. My name is Nathan Shepparton and I

    have no idea how I got here.

    He sat up slowly and swung his legs over the side of the bed, still fighting the urge to

    throw up. Waiting until the room stopped spinning, Nathan looked up at the girl

    standing near the side of the bed.

    That's easy. Delicia's tone was silky and flashed with annoyance. You are a

    drunk who got himself beaten up at the Club last night and my Daddy scraped you

    off the road.

    Painful memories began pushing through the haze and Nathan winced. Rather a

    racist place I was in, he said, as images of the previous night came flooding back to

    him. A bitter smile lashed across her face.

    That's nothing new for this town! Theres a clean shirt on the chair over there, and

    the bathroom is next door. Fix yourself up, Daddy is waiting downstairs. The door

    shut firmly and unsympathetically behind her.

    When discussing any matter of importance, the Swansons headed for their kitchen.

    A large fireplace dominated one wall and now, with her back to this, stood Alice

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    Swanson, her hands clenched tightly as she faced her husband who had just

    entered the room. As usual, Alice was impeccably dressed. The ends of her

    straightened black hair rested lightly on her shoulders and framed her high cheek

    bones. The deep blue of the dress she wore suited her dark complexion, which was

    now slightly flushed.

    Normally composed and self-disciplined, Alice was a woman who was not used to

    having her judgment questioned. Her parents left their homeland when she was

    eleven-years-old with the dream of making a new life in the Land of Prosperity.

    At least that was what the propaganda specialists called it. Instead, what the small

    family found on their arrival at Brownsville was a group of hard-core racists who were

    not impressed with their new neighbours. The animosity that flowed through the

    town was an undercurrent, weaving its way through the mainstream of life, talked

    about in whispers and found in hooded glares filled with hatred. Alice spent her

    adolescence defending her family and race, her determination rigid, no room for

    compromise in her heart and no room for pity in her soul. One particularly cold year

    Michael Swanson passed through the town, met Alice and stayed.

    After a violent uprising that killed his family when he was a young man, Michael left

    Africa only to find he was unable to grow roots in this strange land called America,

    the land of the free. Alice had provided him with what he needed, in more ways than

    one, and so for thirty-five years he had lived in peace. Or so it seemed until now.

    Michael sat heavily upon a chair, remembering the sickening astonishment hed felt

    the night before when he came to the realisation that the past years had not been

    filled with living, but with an empty routine of merely existing. By stubbornly refusing

    to acknowledge the thinly veiled racism within his community, Michael had been

    lingering, living a life of his own choosing, a life of make-believe.

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    But last night all his protective layers had been painfully ripped away as he watched

    the teenager being thrown onto the street outside the club. He saw people he knew

    hurry past with their heads turned and eyes low.

    Somehow, a fuse was lit within him that refused to go out. He heard the

    condemnation; the screams of uncontrollable rage that the men hurled at this boy

    and felt, rather than saw, the blows and kicks that rained down on his defenceless

    body. For a while Michael had remained motionless, stunned by the violence he was

    witnessing and the indifference of the people he called friends, then, as the group of

    men drunkenly praised each other and went back into the club, something deep

    inside of him changed and he knew he couldnt hide any longer. Deliberately

    walking to where the boy had been tossed, Michael lifted him from the road and took

    him to his own house.

    What possessed you, Michael? Alice asked, not for the first time that day, glaring at

    her generally passive husband. Theyd been married for twenty-three years and this

    was a side of him shed never seen. Why didnt you take him to Doctor Miller or

    simply call an ambulance? Havent we got enough trouble in this place without you

    bringing it to our front door? Youve heard the rumours about that place and about

    that man. What have you done? Alice shook her head in disbelief and lowered her

    voice to an urgent whisper. You've got to get rid of him!

    I'm sorry, Alice, Michael said resolutely, running his fingers through the lightly

    greying hair around his temples. He rose and stood next to her, placing an arm

    around her shoulder. Once the doctor found out what happened to that boy and

    who did it, he wouldnt have helped, and you know it. If I left him on the street, that

    boy would be back in their hands by now.

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    Michael paused to collect his thoughts and continued gently. I understand what

    youre saying and I know we've had problems in this town, but this time its not about

    the town or its people, its about me!

    Alice raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. She wasnt sure where this new side to her

    husband would lead.

    Well, Ill admit I haven't done much to fight it before, Michael said with a shrug, but

    for goodness sake, Alice, I'm not blind! Dont you realise that I just couldn't walk

    past! When I saw him lying there all I could think about was . Michael stopped

    and Alice knew what he would say next.

    Please Michael, dont do this, she sighed, feeling her resolve weakening.

    I haven't thought of it in years, Alice, Michael continued, ignoring her pleading look.

    I was only eight. Can you imagine it? An eight-year old child watching his parents

    being shot and left on the road to die, and no one so much as lifted a finger to help

    them. They were just some black people, dead.

    Alice opened her mouth to reply but Michael put a finger over her full lips. I wasnt

    going to let that happen again, Alice, not this time.

    She looked affectionately into Michaels dark serious eyes; she knew every line on

    his face, every change of expression and moodhow she loved this quiet gentle


    You know yourself, Alice, that when the Klan turns against someone, white or black

    its the same, so this boy is going to get our help.

    Alice could tell this was one battle she was not going to win and she sighed loudly,

    slowly unclenching her hands as she weighed the possibilities of this newly

    discovered layer to her husband.

    Although she would never admit it, she was proud of him. He had shown unforeseen

    courage in rescuing the boy, but there was still a very real risk.

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    Michael, the demons behind those people scare the life out of me sometimes, you

    must ... but her plea remained unuttered as their daughter swept into the room.

    Pushing through the tension, Delicia went and stood at her Mother's side.

    I've had enough! she cried. Theres blood all over my bed and he's been touching

    my things. Do we really have to let him stay here, Ma? Its crazy after whats


    Michael turned to his daughter and said sharply, There will be no more of this! That

    boy is in deep trouble with some of the worst people in this town. Those people still

    hate him for some reason and he needs help.

    Michael looked firmly at his wife and daughter. We are finished. He stays here until

    we figure out what can be done.

    Alice felt a knot of fear tighten inside her. The town had always battled a racial

    problem and as each year passed, tensions seemed to increase. Alice could feel it

    seeping into the ground when she passed the local shop with the women gossiping

    outside; she saw it in the eyes of her neighbours, and she smelt it in the school

    clothes of her crying daughter.

    Those caught up with the Klan took great pains to remain hidden and no one was

    quite sure who was involved.

    Alice had her suspicions, of course, along with everyone else, but she kept them

    silently to herself, wound up in the ever-growing knot inside her. She looked from

    the flashing eyes of her daughter and met her husband's steady gaze, for a long

    moment neither of them spoke.

    Youre right Michael, she finally decided. If we abandon him now, well be no

    better than they are. But you must realize what these people can do. You can be

    sure therell be a powerful lot of trouble over all this, and we will be in the middle of


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    Nathan found his way to the kitchen by following the sound of angry voices. The

    shower had washed away the film of grime covering his body, revealing a few more

    bruises and an ugly-looking swelling near his ribs, but at least his dizziness had

    gone. He pushed open the solid oak door, determined he would not stay where he

    was not wanted. Delicia was standing near the door, her mouth open with a scathing

    comment ready for her Mother when she saw Nathan and clamped her teeth

    together in a frown. Moving toward Nathan, Michael cast a glance at his seething

    daughter, signalling her to silence.

    Glad to see youre ok, we were all worried there for a while. He gestured towards

    one of the wooden chairs huddled around the kitchen table.

    I think you should sit down. If you dont mind me saying, you still look quite a


    Thank you, but Ill be going now, Nathan replied stiffly. Im grateful for your

    hospitality and I guess Ive put you out a fair bit, he nodded deliberately towards

    Delicia, but I'm fine now, really. Thanks for the clean shirt, I'll return it.

    Ignoring her parents protests, Delicia glided across the kitchen to a side door and

    held it open. Looking through the open doorway, Nathan saw a red brick path

    weaving oddly away from the house towards a low hedge that was changing colours.

    A flock of red dots flew across the sky.

    His ears filled with a loud rushing noise and Nathan realised regrettably that he was

    about to faint. He heard an urgent voice that seemed to come from far away and felt

    hands seizing him and forcing him down onto a chair. Wiping beads of sweat out of

    his eyes with the back of his hand, Nathan looked up and met the anxious eyes of

    Alice Swanson.

    You really must rest. Please, feel welcome to stay here ... uh, do you have a


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    Gathering what remained of his dignity, Nathan rose and stumbled towards

    the door again as he spoke his name, adding feebly, ... really I am quite fine now.

    Michael laughed with a quick genial sound and, grabbing his reluctant visitors

    arm, led him out of the kitchen towards a large over-filled sofa in the next room.

    Nathan is it? Well, we always have room for guests in this house, Nathan,

    especially those who collapse on us! Michael edged past Delicia standing in the


    She glared after them for a few moments and then turned on her heel and pointedly

    stalked out of the room, leaving her father fussing like a mother chicken.

    Michael wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Finding Nathan had brought back a

    flood of memories, very painful memories. The attic was quiet and peaceful in the

    early hours of night. Tiny fragments of dust played in the weak beams of light that

    came from two bulbs hanging near the centre of the room.

    Dust covered everything; it had been months since anyone had been up here.

    Carefully, Michael made his way past boxes of books and broken furniture covered

    in sheets, to the furthermost corner. Kneeling down on the dusty wooden floor, he

    touched the lid of a small metal trunk. It was unlocked and the brass hinges creaked

    awkwardly as he opened the lid. His hands moved with easy familiarity as he

    rummaged through his most personal possessions until he found an envelope,

    yellowing with age. Breathing deeply, Michael took out a small photo and then sat

    on the edge of a nearby box.

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    He looked down at himself, staring out with wide and serious seven-year old eyes,

    his Mother holding one of his hands, his Father smiling at him affectionately.

    Michael wished he could remember them as they were in this photo. Instead, his

    visions were of his Mother, lying dead in a warm pool of blood, his Father rushing to

    her aid and then more gunfire and people stepping over their dead bodies. With

    damp eyes, Michael wondered why it had taken him so many years make a stand.

    Of the two, Alice was the vocal one, always quick to defend her beliefs, but when he

    witnessed that young man crushed and humiliated, Michael knew now was the time

    to actno more would Michael Swanson bow to the likes of those animals.

    Placing the photo back in the aged envelope, he noticed a faint red glow inside the

    trunk. It was coming from a tightly wound strip of calico. Astonished, Michael picked

    it up. It was shining brighter now, making the cloth appear almost translucent.

    Slowly unwrapping it, Michael gazed at the crystal pendant with awe.

    The only other time hed seen it glow like this was when he first found it, but a few

    hours after hed left the cave, the red light faded and the crystal became dull and

    lifeless. Finally, hed put it in the trunk for safekeeping and had all but forgotten it.

    Taking the unwrapped pendant downstairs with him, Michael wondered what had

    happened to cause this change. He quietly moved through the still house and came

    into the living room where Nathan was sleeping fitfully, tangled in one of Alices

    handmade quilts. As he drew closer to Nathan, the crystal on the end of the gold

    chain became brighter and started emitting a low insistent humming noise.

    Fearful of disturbing the sleeping form on the sofa, Michael quickly dropped the

    pendant in his pocket. Gazing intently at Nathan, he knew what he had to do.

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    Earlier that night, as they were all sitting around the kitchen table during the evening

    meal, Michael proudly explained to Nathan about the caves he loved.

    Daddy! We are not on one of your tours, Delicia protested petulantly between

    mouthfuls of soft yellow cornbread.

    I know sweetheart, but Nathan doesnt know anything about them, do you Nathan?

    Nathan shook his head obediently and took the opportunity to study the man who

    had so boldly rescued him. Michaels hands moved enthusiastically as he spoke, the

    habit of punctuating his words becoming more animated as he warmed to his


    Nathan smiled at his hosts buoyant mood. Michael was four inches shorter than

    Nathans six-feet, and had dark, slightly greying hair that covered his head like a

    woolly cap. His face was slightly rounded and the corners of his mouth turned

    upwards giving him a youthful look that belied his fifty years. Michael had worked as

    a tour guide in the caves ever since arriving in Brownsville and loved his job with a


    Alright! Alright! Michael gave in, brandishing his fork rapidly in front of him, but this

    is the longest cave system ever found and there are still hundreds of miles that

    havent been explored yet.

    Delicia and Alice continued to eat in silence and for a moment there was quiet

    around the table as Michael concentrated on a mouthful of food.

    Nathan turned to Alice and changed the subject politely. Have you any idea who

    those men were who attacked me? Im thinking of reporting it to the police


    Alice glanced quickly at her husband before she answered. I would say you had the

    pleasure of meeting Karl Schneider, our wonderful mayor, along with his hard-

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    working gofers, she answered sarcastically. Putting down her fork, she looked

    squarely at Nathan. Mayor Schneider has been behind a lot of bad happenings in

    this town, but because of his position he has managed to stop any mud sticking.

    Now Alice, you know as well as I that there has been no proof, just a lot of rumours

    doing the rounds, said Michael, slipping into his habitual role as devils advocate.

    But, you know that Im right! protested Alice.

    Be that as it may, answered Michael. Turning to look at Nathan, he said seriously,

    It would be for the best if you just let things lie. Karl Schneider holds a lot of power

    in this town and most of the police are in his pay.

    You just let us work out what to do. Besides, youll find there will be no one coming

    forward as a witness to what happened.

    Do you think they saw you bring him here, Pa? questioned Delicia.

    Oh, you can be sure of that. But dont worry, well work through it. Now, Nathan, as

    soon as you are feeling up to it, I want to show you where I work. There is

    something important you need to see.

    Michaels comment was spoken in earnest and as the meal concluded Nathan was

    left wondering what could be so important that Michael felt he needed to show a

    complete stranger.

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    Chapter Two

    The Story Retold

    A few days later, Michael was driving Nathan and Delicia along the road that led to

    the Mammoth Caves. For most of the twenty-minute trip, they travelled in

    companionable silence. Delicia, in the front of the car next to her father, was staring

    moodily down at her lap and Nathan was glad he didnt have to sit near her. Shed

    barely spoken to him during the past few days and hed sensed an unmistakable

    aura of anger coming from her that he found particularly unpleasant, especially since

    she was directing it at him. Michael and Alice seemed oblivious to their daughters

    attitude, or else they were used to it, Nathan thought. Hed been very surprised that

    morning when he overheard Delicia asking her father if she could join him in the

    drive to the caves.

    Now, in the cool and fresh late morning air, Nathan felt good after days of inactivity.

    He flinched as the old blue car hit a bump. Most of his injuries were healing well, but

    a few deep bruises still made sitting uncomfortable. They were getting closer to the

    main cave entrance and Michael, who was seemingly unaware of any discord

    between his passengers, was explaining his role as the head guide. The caves were

    a well-known tourist attraction and Michael seemed to know more about the endless

    tunnels than anyone else in the area.

    Ive got a story youll be interested in, Michael said eagerly.

    Delicia gave an audible sigh and Michael smiled tolerantly.

    I know Ive told you before, Delicia, but Nathan hasnt heard about it. A year ago

    one of the tourists in my group, a Russian man, strayed from the main path and

    wandered through a roped-off area, part of an unexplored section. Said he didnt

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    understand the warning signs, and do you know, once we worked out where he

    went, it took three days to find him. There were so many caves that the rescue team

    never even reached the end of that tunnel system!

    Michael continued talking, holding onto the cars steering wheel with one hand,

    moving the other hand up and down as he filled the air between them with flowing

    descriptions of the caves and Nathan was glad for an excuse not to speak. As he

    listened, his thoughts wandered, imagining the fame he would receive if he

    discovered a new cave, perhaps with dinosaur bones or some unknown species

    fossilised among the stalagmites. He stared dreamily out of the car window, lost in

    his thoughts, until Michael turned in through the main gates at the entrance to the


    After parking and getting out of the car, Michael showed them the tourist area, where

    a few people were milling around, buying food and postcards. He then led them on

    to his office and handed out hard hats with lights on the front, and bulky luminescent-

    yellow jackets. Nathan expected Delicia to complain about wearing them, but she

    put the protective clothing on without a word.

    They followed Michael into the main central cave, walking past a group of

    Japanese tourists, all wearing the same yellow jackets, waiting in line for the next

    tour. After briefly showing them parts of the cave, Michael glanced at his watch.

    Ive got something else I want to show you, he said calmly, leading them away from

    the main exit.

    They dumped their hats and jackets in one of three large plastic boxes placed near

    the stairs for that purpose, and were walking back to the main entrance, when

    Michael started acting secretively, quickly directing them away from the general

    crowd of tourists and guides, and into the nearby bush of the National Park.

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    The spring day was becoming warmer and it was past noon by the time they finally

    reached a mound of large boulders clustered together in a rough horseshoe shape.

    Michael had refused to answer any of their questions along the way.

    Just you wait and see, was all Delicia and Nathan could get out of him.

    Nathan was looking forward to resting. Hed seen enough caves for one day and

    was getting quietly annoyed at Michael who was still refusing to answer any

    questions. Delicia was showing no signs of fatigue and occasionally looked back at

    Nathan, as if to challenge him to keep up with her. His injured ribs were burning with

    the strain of walking uphill and a blister was forming on his right heel but Nathan

    would not give Delicia the satisfaction of seeing his discomfort.

    Finally, Michael called for a halt and Nathan sat down gratefully on one of the

    smaller boulders, trying to catch his breath.

    Tired? Delicia asked sweetly.

    Of course not, Im just admiring the scenery, replied Nathan, ignoring the sharp

    pain in his foot.

    Good, said Michael, because I want to show you both something that I havent told

    another living soul about.

    Delicia looked surprised. Why haven't you told me about it? she asked crossly.

    Well, your Mother knows of course, but you werent even born at the time and its

    not something to tell too many people.

    Nathan stood up, and intrigued, he and Delicia followed Michael as they turned onto

    a narrow path that wound its way behind the boulders and pushed through a large

    clump of heavily foliaged buttonbush and mountain laurel growing on the north side

    of the hill. The thick trunks of large yellow Poplar trees surrounded them and within

    moments the boulders vanished from view. The land sloped downward as Michael

    led Nathan and Delicia over a narrow stream and towards an overgrown pile of

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    rocks, smeared with a dirty green stain of moss. He stopped and only then did

    Nathan see a small cave entrance. The opening was on the down side of the hill

    and nearly completely covered with sprawling vegetation that sprang up wildly,

    forming a natural barrier that hadnt been disturbed for years.

    Pushing aside the undergrowth, Nathan followed Michael and Delicia into the cave.

    When his eyes adjusted to the soft dim light, Nathan saw he was standing in a small

    chamber, the ceiling only a foot above his head. Completely enthralled, Nathan and

    Delicia stood in open-mouthed silence while Michael watched their reactions with a

    satisfied smile.

    In front of them were three tunnel openings. Fallen rocks almost completely blocked

    the mouth of the tunnel to Nathans left; anyone wanting to enter it would have to

    turn sideways to access the passageway beyond.

    The middle and right tunnel openings had no obstructions and Nathan moved closer,

    trying to peer into the inky darkness beyond.

    Michael looked about him and nodded in a satisfied sort of way.

    Rummaging through the backpack hed been carrying, he brought out a large torch.

    As the beam of light moved across the chamber, Nathan noticed a warning sign near

    the opening of the middle tunnel. He looked at the faded red letters and turned

    questioningly to Michael.

    It was thirty years ago that I first stepped foot in here, Michael said in a respectful

    whisper, and then raising his voice as if to break the spell they were under, he

    asked, Did you know there are one hundred and twenty caves in this system of

    hills? Well, thats how many weve found so far. There are parts of the main system

    we still haven't finished exploring. Some of them branch out under the town. This

    particular cave is especially long and complex.

    Delicia looked around in amazement. I had no idea this cave was here!

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    Not too many people do.

    This is really incredible! said Nathan.

    Michael shone the torch down the middle tunnel. Lets go.

    Um Pa? Should we be going down here? Delicia asked nervously, bending

    closer to look at the smaller letters on the warning sign.

    This tunnel is permanently closed to the public.

    No access allowed - hazardous conditions.

    No liability will be accepted for any injury or death.

    Its fine, Delicia. That sign is there to keep people out if they accidentally found the

    cave entrance. Just wait and Ill show you, said Michael with a secretive smile.

    The middle tunnel was wide and high, and they found no difficulty in walking three

    abreast as the yellow light from Michaels torch bounced ahead of them. After a few

    minutes Michael stopped. This main part of the tunnel ends about fifty feet further

    on. He shone his torch slowly along the walls until the beam of light came to rest on

    a huge shawl to their right, reaching almost to the floor. Delicia breathed in sharply,

    Oh, how beautiful!

    With the light shining on it, the shawl glowed as if powered by its own source and

    shades of red and orange danced across the smooth surface.

    Yup, its a nice one, Michael agreed, but it also hides another passageway ...

    follow me. He moved the light away and the shawl was once more plunged into

    darkness. Turning sharply, he disappeared behind the rock.

    Nathan and Delicia followed, and to their astonishment found a narrow gap behind

    the shawl and the main cave wall, just wide enough to squeeze through. The tunnel

    was much narrower now and Nathan could clearly see the natural beauty of the

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    rough stone walls. It was like walking through an isolated magical land that made

    the world above seem somehow far away and less important. After about ten

    minutes, Michaels voice broke through Nathans train of thought.

    Do you know much about cave formations, Nathan?

    Nathan had been on quite a few cave tours as a child, but Michaels knowledge still

    intimidated him.

    Trying to impress his companions, he put on his best impression of an

    intellectual voice. Over time, water seeping through the ground removes limestone,

    which starts the formation of a cave. Its the limestone that is deposited in various

    areas of the floor, walls and roof that create cave decorations called speleothems.

    Although they seem to grow magically, they are actually formed by the processes of

    dissolution and precipitation. The two most common types are stalactites and

    stalagmites. Nathan paused and then added feebly, Stalagmites grow up with all

    their might and stalactites hang on tight.

    Hey! cut in Delicia, how does someone like you know all that stuff?

    Michael shone his torch at Nathan, creating ghostly shadows on his face. Yes, I

    was wondering that too. That was quite a speech. I especially liked the last part,

    stalactites hang on tight, hmmm, very professional. He smiled.

    Well, Nathan said, looking at them sheepishly, I do like going through caves and I

    used to collect rocks and minerals, but I think its more because I read this

    brochure from the tourist centre. He grinned mischievously while pulling out a

    glossy information brochure from his pocket.

    Oh, very funny, smart boy, snapped Delicia, you just laugh it up at our expense.

    Well were not laughing.

    Michael let out a muffled chuckle. Looking from Nathan to her father, Delicia

    realized they were laughing at her.

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    Pa! How could you? she screeched indignantly.

    Sorry, but your face chortled Michael, trying to hold in his laughter. You should

    have seen your face!

    Delicia stared at her father in rage. How dare he make fun of her in front this big-

    headed pig of boy! The torch light jumped across Nathans face as Michael laughed,

    distorting his features.

    Dont worry, Delicia, he had me going for a while too, said her father, wiping his

    eyes. Delicia relaxed as the humour hit her and the corners of her mouth twitched.

    Nathan held out his hand to Delicia, still chuckling. Friends? he asked hopefully.

    Yeah, youd like to hope, she began and then, looking at the sincerity in Nathans

    eyes, Delicia softened and grasped his hand. Ok, friends, she muttered, noting

    that even in torchlight those eyes were still very attractive.

    They continued walking, amazed at every turn with the untouched magnificence and

    beauty around them. The air was getting moist now and whenever the light from

    Michaels torch wavered across the walls, the formations shone back at them as if

    they were covered with glitter. Shimmering pools of water frequented the sides of

    the tunnel floor, and Nathan could hear the constant dripping of water as droplets hit

    the small pools and other structures.

    Delicia decided shawls were her favourite, while Nathan was fascinated with the

    formations that looked like layers of a wedding cake. The more they saw, the more

    they wanted to see, and they continued to let out cries of admiration and wonder as

    they pointed out the next striking formation that caught their eye.

    Michael grinned, he was pleased that his daughters animosity had gone, so far

    everything was going well; he just hoped it would remain like that once he shared his


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    Slow down you two. This part of the tunnel gets a bit tricky soon. Sections of the

    floor are pitted with holes, and it is wet and slippery. Just as long as youre careful it

    won't cause any problems.

    Seeing Nathan's dismayed look, Michael added, Dont worry, we dont have much

    further to go. Actually, we never did reach the end of this tunnelit was decided to

    close the whole system to the public.

    But this is fantastic, Pa! Everyone would love it and you could call it ... The Hidden

    Cave or something like that.

    Well, so far weve managed to keep the tourists to the main system, that's big

    enough. It costs a fortune to fit-out a cave for people to visit: handrails, proper

    entrances and, of course, all the lighting. We didnt even bother to survey this one

    properly; I told people it was too dangerous."

    But, you said it wasn't that bad, Delicia interrupted.

    Holding up his hand as a signal to stop, Michael pointed to a large flowstone with a

    flat surface. Lets sit here for a minute, he suggested, leading the way. Im sure

    you wont mind a damp seat. He waited until they were sitting. "Let me explain

    what I mean, Delicia, because this is part of what I wanted to tell you. A few days

    after George Henderson and I found this system of caves, I came back by myself. I

    walked past this point here," he said, shining the torch on the damp walls, "and for

    an hour or so I followed the tunnel as it sloped down. Those holes I told you about,

    well, I dropped stones down some of them and didn't hear a thing. Not a splash or a


    Wow!" exclaimed Delicia, they must be endless.

    Michael looked at her and nodded. Well at least very, very deep, but theres not too

    many and you can easily avoid them if you watch your step. The holes are not the

    problem though; its what comes after that.

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    Finally, I came to what I thought was the end. I reached a magnificent cavern,

    much larger than the one we entered by. I couldnt go any further because the way

    ahead was blocked by an immense boulder and ..., Michael paused and took a

    breath, gauging his listeners reaction. You might not believe this, but under that

    boulder I saw a red glowing light. It seemed to come right out of the earth. So, I

    started digging.

    There was a lot of loose dirt there, and as I took the dirt away, the glow increased,

    until I saw what was making it.

    Nathan glanced across at Delicia, it was quite apparent that shed never heard this

    story before. Her face had lost all its aloofness and she was quite literally and

    probably for the first time, Nathan thought, at a loss for words. Michael stopped

    talking, as if hed forgotten for a moment that he had an audience. He stood up and

    started walking away from them, shining his torch at the ground and stepping

    carefully over a few loose stones on the tunnel path.

    Hang on a minute, Pa," Delicia cried. What happened next?

    Michael walked back to where they were sitting and looking at him, Nathan could

    imagine a younger Michael, walking with trepidation past this very same formation as

    he explored the remarkable cave.

    I then reached down and prised from beneath the boulder the largest red crystal I

    had ever seen.

    Its light was so bright that I could actually see by it when I turned off my torch. It

    was set in a fine triangular-shaped frame and attached to it was a long gold chain. I

    don't know how long I stood there, just looking at it, but I slowly became aware of

    something. A ... a feeling, Michael groped for words, struggling to control his

    features. I felt something unspeakably evil and malicious, something that felt like an

    immense uncontrollable power. It seemed to me as if a chill had come upon the air

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    and as I glanced up at the boulder; I thought I saw a dim light glinting through the

    unsealed cracks behind it.

    I hadnt noticed it before and I considered that perhaps the tunnel ahead went right

    back to the surface. The appalling feeling of evil grew stronger until I was filled with

    panic. Well, I just pocketed that pendant and got out of there as fast as I could. Ive

    never told anyone besides your Mother, what I felt in that cavern and shes the only

    other person who has seen the crystal. When I got back, I persuaded the council that

    this whole system was unstable. At the time, they were seeking funding for

    exploration of a new cave system discovered near the main site, so no one was

    interested in this one. The warning sign is there as a caution but the entrance is

    pretty well concealed, as you saw, and to my knowledge, no one has been back here


    Michael stopped speaking and Nathan and Delicia sat in silence.

    From a hidden recess of the tunnel, there was a slow steady dripping noise.

    Well, that's all that happened, said Michael, breaking into the stillness, but I tell

    you, that feeling of evil and dread has never left me, not in all these years.

    Did you ever come back in here, Michael? Nathan asked intently.

    No, and I wouldnt have come here today, if it werent for what I found.

    Delicia, who had been sitting motionless, suddenly came to life. "What about

    that jewel, Pa? Where is it now?"

    That jewel, as you call it, is the main reason Ive brought you here, Michael

    answered in his gentle voice. He spoke slowly, weighing each word carefully.

    You see, once I took it out of the caves, and up until a few nights ago, it never

    showed any spark of light at all. It was like it just died. But the night after I found

    you, Nathan, something changed. I was in the attic and there was a red glow

    coming from the bottom of my old trunk. The crystal was glowing through the cloth I

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    had wrapped around it. Not as bright as when I first found it, but glowing all the

    same. Its my belief, Michael said, looking evenly at Nathan, that somehow it has

    reacted to your presence in our house, and now I have to decide what to do about it.

    Nathan looked uncomfortably from father to daughter. Delicia, obviously trusting her

    father completely, was looking at him with an almost reverent awe. Michael sighed,

    correctly interpreting the look on Nathans face. I had a feeling you might not

    believe me.

    "Oh, its not that, its just ... well you've got to admit it sounds pretty farfetched. Im

    sure you saw something here, Michael, but really ..., Nathan paused, appealing to


    Delicia flushed. "Whatever you might think of us, she snapped back at him, my

    Daddy would not have made this up!

    I dont want to give the impression of being ungrateful, said Nathan warmly. I

    mean, I appreciate all that your family has done for me, I really do, but this is like

    fairy tale stuff. Why on earth would your crystal thing react to me? Im nobody. I

    think you are mistaken!

    Delicia started to berate Nathan. You insensitive little

    Michael cut in putting his hand lightly on his daughters arm. Its all right Delicia, I

    anticipated this, which is why handing the torch to his daughter and digging deep

    in his backpack, I brought this. Holding up a folded cream-coloured cloth with a

    frayed hem, he took back the torch and shone it on the object in his hand. Delicia

    reached out, but her Father passed it to Nathan instead.

    Please take it, he said earnestly. Ive never done anything with this and you seem

    to be the only person its reacted to, so perhaps you can find out its purpose.

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    Nathan opened the cloth, keeping his eyes on Michael. Delicia stifled a gasp as

    Nathan slowly brought his hands closer to the torchlight. Lying between them,

    looking somehow indecently revealed, was a multi-faceted red crystal about the size

    of a silver dollar. It was set in a thin triangular frame of gold. Within the frame lay an

    intricate and delicate lace pattern, which wove around the crystal and the three small

    gold clasps that held it in place; leaving the gem otherwise unattached in the middle.

    Connected to the base of the triangle was a flat biconcave-shaped extension, with a

    hollow tube at the top end through which a sturdy gold rope chain was attached.

    It was just as Michael described, except for the absence of any light. The crystal was

    as dead as the rocks around them.

    There isnt any light in it now. Are you sure you saw ? Nathan caught sight of

    Delicias face; she looked like she had bitten down on something sour.

    Well, even without any light this thing is fabulous. But I can't take it from you, he

    said awkwardly, passing the pendant back to Michael. Im sure its a real ruby and

    must be worth a fortune!

    Delicia snatched the pendant from its wrappings and before Nathan or Michael could

    respond, she slipped it over Nathans head. It fell lightly behind his shirt and settled

    comfortably onto his chest. For a brief moment, Nathan had a curious feeling that it

    belonged there, sitting warmly against his skin as if hed somehow been incomplete

    without it.

    Well, if you are really certain then. Nathan felt as if he was somehow being

    manipulated. I mean you've had it all this time.

    Look, stupid Delicia paused, willing herself to be nicer. She took a breath and

    began again. Nathan, if my Father thinks it's important and you can find out what to

    do with it, then believe me, you need to take it. I trust him more than anyone else I

    know, so just accept the pendant and shut up about it will you.

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    "Ok, ok, if it matters that much to you, but I dont know how I'm going to find out what

    its supposed to do, said Nathan with a shrug. I presume it must have some use,

    especially if it glows like you said it does.

    Delicia, Nathan, Michael interrupted them. I've kept it all these years and I havent

    the slightest idea who it belongs to, or why it was hidden in this cave. It was

    obviously special to somebody once and I don't think it's meant to be kept in an old

    trunk in an attic! Just take care of it Nathan, thats all I ask.

    No-one knows I have it or knows the story behind it, and now we need to make our

    way back, or your Mother will send a search party out for us, he gave Delicia a quick


    Nathan fastened the top button of his shirt over the chain. It was deceptively lighter

    than it looked, and as they made their way back to Michaels car he kept touching it

    to make sure it was still there.

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    Chapter Three

    Enemy Exposed

    Nathan was glad of the silence in the car as they drove back to Brownsville. It was

    late afternoon and the golden setting sun seemed to be taking all the warmth of the

    day with it. He shivered as his fingers traced the outline of the crystal pendant

    underneath his shirt. Although it was undeniably beautiful, the crystal he was

    wearing was just that, a crystal. Or was it? Could there possibly be some truth to

    Michaels astounding tale?

    For as long as Nathan could remember, hed been searching for something that

    would provide a reason for his existence; something to give a purpose to the

    accident that had killed both his parents and left him behind, five-years-old and

    orphaned. As a child, he would often invent complicated quests and adventures for

    himself. He would make up almost impossible tasks and each time he fantasized

    that if he succeeded, his parents would miraculously return and he would reunite his

    family. But the quest that would carry such a reward had to be uncompromising, he

    imagined, something forceful and legendary; something worthy of the reward and it

    seemed he could never find the right task. Now, sitting alone in the backseat of

    Michaels car as the colourful Beech trees in the National Park flashed past the

    window, Nathan was gripped again with the same childhood illusions. Was it

    possible that there was a purpose to this pendant, that maybe hed been chosen for

    some unknown reason?

    Nathan realised both Michael and Delicia believed unquestioningly that the

    crystal he now wore had a mysterious power. While he couldnt doubt the sincerity

    of Michaels tale, the more he thought about it, the more unlikely it seemed. There

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    had to be a logical explanation for what Michael experienced, and one which had

    nothing to do with him. Nathan shoved his hands in his pockets, refusing to entertain

    any more childish thoughts. He was in this place to make a new start, not to become

    caught up in another mans delusion. When they got back to the house he would

    return the pendant to Michael and that would be the end of it. Staring determinedly

    out of the car window, Nathan cleared his mind with practiced ease, not realising that

    he was the product of his formative years. Opposition seemed so much a part of his

    life that at times it almost appeared to become his life. He seemed to be constantly

    struggling against something: the religious fanaticism of his Aunt and Uncle, the

    street gangs of his area and even the dreams that kept him searching. Often Nathan

    felt that just defying the injustices of life was as much as he would ever achieve. But

    was that much of an achievement? After all, it was fighting against injustice that got

    him mixed up with Mayor Schneider. Nathan shifted his position as the car went

    around a curve in the road and the pendant brushed against his skin. He thought

    about taking it off and moved his hand up to the gold chain, but then decided against

    it. Somehow he felt good with it on. He hoped Michael wouldnt be offended when

    he gave it back.

    Maybe, instead of returning the gift, he could just put it in the corner of one of his

    own bags, and then if it ever started glowing again he would be ready.

    No! What is wrong with me? The pendant is a plain crystal, and crystals do

    not glow.

    Nathan sighed deeply; no matter how hard he tried he could never completely get rid

    of the feeling that sooner or later he would have to do something great. It was

    always there, waiting the ultimate test, the purger's fire that would decide


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    So many questions needed answers and these were answers he couldnt provide.

    Why did the crystal in the pendant glow when Michael found it and for that matter,

    what was it doing buried in a cave? What made it come to life on the very night that

    hed come to the Swanson home? Did it have a purpose? Nathan knew Michael

    wasnt the type of person who would invent something like this and there was no

    denying that Delicia had faith in her father. Perhaps everything did happen just as

    Michael described it, after all, there was some proof he did have the crystal


    The sun was sinking behind the trees as Michaels car approached the ridge

    about a half -mile from his house. The Swansons home was on the northern

    outskirts of the town. Situated in the middle of an acre-and-a-half block and edged

    on three sides by large evergreen trees, it was a piece of paradise that Michael and

    Alice had worked hard to make their own.

    The land around them was undulating, and from inside the small, hedged kitchen

    garden, the illusion of isolation was complete.

    The house itself was modest and well built and Michael was looking forward

    to being within the safety of its walls. He was feeling unusually weary; visiting the

    cave and re-living the events from so long ago had taken its toll. Delicia and Nathan

    had not spoken the entire trip and Michael wondered what was going on in Nathans

    mind. At least hed kept the pendent, Michael had half expected him to throw it down

    and walk away, laughing, and he wouldnt have blamed him if he had, it was a

    strange story.

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    The evening sky was brilliant and great sunset arms reached out to give the whole

    area a reddish blush as Michaels car reached the top of the rise. Without warning,

    Michael slammed his foot down on the brakes, bringing them to an abrupt stop.

    Delicia, half-asleep and taken by surprise, looked up with a gasp as her seatbelt

    tightened against her. Scrambling out of the car, Michael gave a short, sharp yell,

    and without an explanation started running down the side of the ridge towards the

    direction of his house. Nathan opened the back door of the car and jumped out.

    The choking smell of smoke was hanging in the air.

    Come on! Nathan yelled at Delicia, who was standing near the car in shock,

    watching the orange haze of flames flickering against the deepening hue of the sky.

    Muffled shouts and voices drifted on the smoke towards them as they raced after

    Michael, who was now out of sight in the thick grove of trees that stood behind his


    The flames on the burning roof leapt noisily, spreading upwards, meeting the fiery

    sky and highlighting the grotesquely silhouetted crowd of white hooded figures

    gathered on the small lawn. Nathan and Delicia found Michael behind a large tree,

    his shoulders heaving as he gasped for air.

    Hearing their approach, he turned and frantically signalled for them to stay where

    they were and hide. He then quickly set off down the hill, bending low to conceal

    himself amongst the heavy undergrowth. The Swansons house was burning fiercely

    and in the still air the smoke pressed down on them like a great choking hand. With

    stinging eyes, Nathan grabbed Delicia and yanked her down into the shrubbery at

    the base of the tree.

    What are you doing? she protested tearfully. Thats my home!

    A thin terrified scream pierced the tumult below them. Nathan and Delicia wriggled

    their way forward and watched in horror as two figures wearing white robes and

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    pointed white hoods dragged Alice into the middle of the group. Michael also saw

    the danger his wife was in and let out a strangled cry. A few of the hooded figures

    broke away from the group surrounding Alice and moved out of Nathans line of

    sight. Frustrated, he squirmed around Delicia, trying to peer through the green

    bushy camouflage. Suddenly, Delicia gave a stifled sob and clutched at Nathan.

    The figures had reappeared and were dragging Michael between them. Rough

    hands grabbed Michaels struggling form and threw him onto the ground near his


    Sobbing, Delicia let go of Nathan and scrambled to her feet. Nathan reached up and

    grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back down.

    Let me go, she wept, shaking uncontrollably. They have my parents. She kicked

    out at him as he dragged her back deeper within the bushes.

    Don't be stupid, Delicia. If they see us, well be in the same predicament and you

    won't be able to do a thing. Just shut up and keep down. Let me think!

    You idiot! she hissed. What can you possibly do? You have no idea what these

    people are like, and that's my parents they have down there.

    Another scream rang out.

    Mother! Delicia cried, fighting to get away.

    Nathan caught her ankles. Are you crazy? Youll get us both caught! he said

    fiercely, shaking her hard and looking in her panic-stricken eyes. Ive got an idea.

    You run back to the car and go and get help. Ill distract them away from your

    parents until you get back.

    If she was wondering what one person could possibly do against a frenzied mob,

    Delicia didnt ask. With a final glance at the scene playing out in front of the burning

    house, she moved back to the cover of the trees and bolted away.

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    A cold revulsion slowly licked the edges of Nathans heart as he crouched

    motionless near the edge of the ridge, and he was glad Delicia wasnt with him to

    witness the sight of her fathers prostrate body being beaten and kicked. A group of

    twenty people stood laughing and taunting as the blows hailed down on Michael.

    Alice was hidden from his view but her screams rose above the wild flames and the

    sound pierced Nathans heart like knife. He felt like he was drowning in an ocean of

    rage. Leaping to his feet in an uncontrollable explosion, he moved away from the

    tree and held his hands up to his mouth like a megaphone, yelling out with such

    blood-curling ferocity that his voice spread over the hill.

    Leave those people alone!

    The effect was electric!

    The Klan members beating Michael whirled around and Alice flung herself next to

    her husband, weeping passionately. The hooded figures gathered together

    menacingly, scanning the trees for the source of the challenge. Through a red haze

    of anger, Nathan thought quickly. He remembered Alice saying that a lot of the

    Brownsville Clubs patrons belonged to the Klan. If that was the case, one of them

    might be the bar-tender who served him before he ran into the trouble that led him to

    Michael, and it was just possible that man was among this maddened crowd.

    Raising his voice again, Nathan roared out.

    Hey! Dave Henderson, I know youre there!

    The Klan's strength lay in their concealment. They met secretly, their identities

    protected by white hoods, and while the rest of the town might suspect, no one could

    be certain who was involved, and there was none brave enough to point a finger.

    Nathans accusation was greeted with silence. One of the figures pushed its way

    through the crowd and shone a torch up the darkening hill.

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    Its beam played with the shadows but was not bright enough to reveal Nathan,

    standing with his back pressed into the grey bark of a gnarled tree. A harsh mocking

    voice rang out from one of the hooded men.

    And just who do you think you are?

    What's the matter? Nathan flung back. Don't you remember the people you beat

    up? I remember you, Dave.

    There was silence for a moment, and then above the steady crackle of the flames a

    plaintive wail spread into the night.

    I don't know how he knows who I am, Karl, I didn't say anything, honest.

    The man with the torch spun around. Shut your trap! Everyone shut up, don't say

    anything, he hasnt a clue who we are.

    The white figure turned back slowly and faced towards the direction of Nathans

    voice, his searching eyes narrow and hard behind his mask.

    Look boy, whoever you are, youd better come down if you want your nigger friends

    to live. He shouted an order, and Nathan saw someone grab Alice savagely by her

    hair. He could sense her fear as she looked up at her captors. Michael's bloodied

    form was sprawled lifeless on the ground and there was no sign of Delicia or the help

    she was bringing.

    She's as good as dead and you'll never know who killed her! The voice sounded

    closersome of the men were moving up the hill towards him.

    Well, let them come! Nathan stepped out from the protection of the trees and strode

    to the edge of the rise.

    Any thought of uncertainty and fear fled, replaced by a white-hot fury at the injustice

    he saw playing out below him.

    I'll find out, you can count on that! bellowed Nathan. Help is on the way and then

    this whole town will know you for who you really arenothing! Nothing but a lot of

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    cowards hiding behind white hoods. Show your faces, or are you all scared? Time

    was running out for Delicias parentshe had to do something that would draw

    attention away from them. Despite his anger, Nathan had been formulating a vague

    plan of drawing the men away from Michael and Alice by taunting them and then

    slipping out of their reach, keeping them busy hunting for him until Delicia returned

    with the much needed help.

    He screamed out again, his voice rising to fever pitch. Not so brave now, are you?

    Come on, I dare you, show me, who you are!

    An evil sneer reached him as one of the men called out. The time is well past for

    introductions boy, hope you enjoy watching your friend die.

    The man made a quick hand signal and immediately one of the men forced a gun

    between Alice's teeth, another raised his hand to strike her and then it happened.

    Blinding light exploded from Nathan's chest where the crystal pendant lay. It ripped

    through the front of his shirt, leaving a tattered hole. Blood-red streaks flashed

    through the darkness in all directions, striking the terrified figures below him. The

    man pointing the gun at Alice sank to the ground. His weapon fell from his grasp

    and he clutched his eyes as the burning rays pierced his hood.

    One by one, the fabric of the hoods blackened and disintegrated. Screams and

    howls of fright filled the air as the men tried in vain to escape the light that was

    revealing their shaken, disorientated faces, leaving them unharmed, yet naked and


    While this was happening, Nathan felt strangely tranquil. His anger was gone and

    he was watching everything happen as if he were in two places at once. He calmly

    observed the panic-stricken shapes below him and yet at the same time it was as if

    he could see out from their eyes as they watched the light bursting forth from the top

    of the hill. Nathans clothes were glowing as the unbelievable power from the crystal

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    continued. Unable to speak or move, he felt suspended in the moment, powerless

    and unsubstantial. Then the light stopped as suddenly as it started, the darkness

    seeming at once thicker in contrast, and he collapsed to the ground. Nathans face

    pressed into the cool leaf litter that lay like a thick earthy blanket and he listened as

    the men called out frantically to each other.

    In front of the burning house the members of the Klan were confused and dazed.

    Still half-blinded from the light, they clawed at their faces and staggered around. The

    seven men, who had been trying to surround Nathan, came crashing down the hill

    through the trees and joined their friends, their faces clearly showing the fear they all

    felt. Nathan pulled himself to his feet and gingerly touched the chain around his

    neck. The crystal pendant was still there, betraying no sign of the great power it had

    displayed a few moments before.

    On shaking legs, Nathan ran down towards Michael, trying to fight off the icy shock

    threatening to overwhelm him as he realised what just happened. In the confusion

    and panic, the attackers had forgotten Michael and Alice for the moment, and

    Nathan reached his friends easily.

    Breathing heavily, he rushed to where Michael lay. Sparks and cinders were

    scorching the ground around them as part of the burning roof collapsed. Alice was

    kneeling over Michael, stroking her husbands bloodied and bruised face.

    Get out of here, Nathan, now! Michael coughed hoarsely through swollen lips.

    Ignoring him, Nathan clutched Michaels arm and helped Alice lift him to his feet.

    Come with me, both of you, quickly, Nathan cried urgently as he helped to support

    Michaels weight.

    Alice looked at her battered husband as he struggled to get out of Nathans grip.

    Go! Leave us! she said to Nathan, her dark eyes wide and frantic. Well be all

    right; its you theyll be after now. They will kill you for what youve done.

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    Michael groaned painfully. Wheres Delicia?

    I'm right here, Pa, came a whispered voice, and Delicia materialized from the

    flickering shadows. She looked squarely at Nathan and pushed him away from her

    father. I'll get them out," she said. Take our car; I left it running just up the road

    behind the house, now go, get away!

    Don't be a fool, boy, Michael groaned through gritted teeth as Nathan hesitated.

    Go! We'll be fine, think about yourself. The wail of sirens echoed in the distance.

    Suddenly, a shout rang out.

    Here he is, over here!

    A thin wiry man with deep pock-marks on his face grabbed Nathan from behind,

    while men with blackened, scorched cloaks and wild desperate eyes started coming

    out of the darkness, running from all directions towards them. Delicia swiftly pulled

    her parents away as hands reached for Nathan and a vicious punch slammed in his

    stomach. Nathan gasped, doubling over. Struggling to get free from the man

    holding him, Nathan saw a brief glint of light as a knife blade slashed through the air

    and struck his arm. There was no pain, but the terror added strength to his legs and

    he tore his way through the group and ran into the night.

    Michaels car was exactly where Delicia said. Quickly, Nathan jumped into the

    drivers seat, pushed his foot down and sped away to the only safe place he knew.

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    Chapter Four

    The Chase

    Rage! Uncontrollable fury and acid hatred engulfed Karl Schneider.

    He had been Mayor of Brownsville and leader of the Klan in this area for over five

    years, and in all that time, he had never witnessed such a bungling fiasco, or such a

    strange power. His campaign to drive the Swansons out of town had been planned

    in great detail. Over the last five years, Karl had been building up the Klan in this

    area using his own personal wealth as backing and he was finally ready to bring the

    Klan out into the open and crush the irrational fears and crippling superstitions

    surrounding it. Standing at six foot four inches and with biceps of steel and a

    personality to match, Karl knew there were not too many people who would disagree

    with the Mayor of Brownsville. He could be charming when the occasion required,

    but even during his pleasant times, Karls military training was always with him and

    most people were aware of a lurking hardness in their mayor and never completely

    relaxed in his presence. His only weakness was for his daughter, Axel, but even

    here he had compensated by raising her to be fiercely independent.

    A product of a sweetheart romance, Axel possessed a surprising level of self-

    discipline and maturity from an early age and by the time she was fifteen she held a

    double black-belt in the art of Karate. No one messed with Mayor Schneiders

    blonde-haired daughter.

    Karl was well aware Axel disapproved of his goal to bring the Klan back to its

    former glory, but he didnt care, he knew his daughter would see reason soon


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    But now, in a space of minutes, everything hed worked so hard for was destroyed.

    As the red glare and flashing lights in front of his eyes slowly faded and his sight

    returned, Karl saw that each of his men had been attacked in the same way. Some

    still clawed at their faces in a panic-stricken state, while others were standing like

    dumb animals, their identities revealed in the fiery light of the burning house.

    Standing near a side fence, Karl was completely taken aback at the unexpected

    arrival of the boy hed thrown onto the road a few nights ago. He watched as the boy

    came out of nowhere, darting around his men, vanishing in and out of the smoky

    murk before reappearing at Michaels side.

    What was he doing here?

    Apparently, he hadnt learnt his lesson from the thrashing outside the club. Karls

    hands clenched into fists and as he took the first threatening step towards the boy,

    who was now bending over Michael, desperately trying to lift him, a flash of red and

    gold froze him in his tracks. A pendant from around the boys neck had swung free

    from the tattered shirt and was reflecting small streaks of red light from the burning

    sparks flying around them. Instantly Karls mind became sharp and focussed as he

    calculatingly began pulling in the corners of everything that just happened.

    He could not have survived fifty-three years and reached the prominent position he

    was in without trusting his instincts, and now all of Karls gut feelings were telling him

    the boy and that pendant were somehow responsible for the destruction of

    everything hed worked towards. Karl knew with every fibre of his being that he must

    possess that power. He grinned triumphantly as a few of his men surrounded and

    grabbed the boy, but his victory was short lived.

    The whining noise of sirens startled the attacking men and sent two of them scuttling

    for the cars. Karl brought his attention back to the boy and leapt forward but it was

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    too late, he was already running up the hill. Karl looked around quickly for his men

    as the sound of the sirens grew louder. Three more white-clad figures were fleeing

    and others would soon follow if he didnt do something fast. How he hated cowards!

    Red-faced with rage and frustration, Karl spun around to face the rest of his men

    who were starting to gather uncertainly behind him.

    You morons! he spat, shaking his fist towards the darkness that had swallowed

    Nathan. One kid and you let him get away.

    An angry crowd was beginning to gather at the edge of the fire and Karl was well

    aware the white robes of the Klan members would further incite those watching.

    Karl, they've seen us, whined a voice near him.

    I know that! Karl snapped forcibly. All right then, everyone get out of here while

    we still can, and were going after that kid. NOW! he shouted urgently, as a few of

    the men faltered. By this time tomorrow all of your ugly faces will be on every police

    list in this country. You can stay and take your chances if you like, but the way I see

    it, the only thing that can save us is to get hold of whatever it is that kid has. Lenny,

    Dave and Troy, you lot are with me. The rest of you get to your cars quickly and

    follow, we cant afford to lose him.

    Karl led his convoy away from the flurried confusion behind them. The boy

    had stretched out his lead but the tell-tale rear lights could occasionally be seen in

    the distance as his car went over a rise along the road to the Mammoth Caves.

    Brownsvilles Mayor bared his white teeth in an exultant smile and he glanced

    sideways at the narrow-eyed man sitting in the front seat next to him.

    Hes going to the caves; well get him now, Lenny! Those caves are a dead

    end. The entrances will all be locked and hell be trapped. Even if he manages to

    break in, he cant hide for long, youll see.

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    Lenny Davis heard the tremor of excitement in Karls