Download - THE CRAFTING OF A TALENTED TENORCookie Curci - In a time and place where talent is created a tenor was given the passion of a Mario Lanza, the power of a Luciano Pavarotti and the

Page 1: THE CRAFTING OF A TALENTED TENORCookie Curci - In a time and place where talent is created a tenor was given the passion of a Mario Lanza, the power of a Luciano Pavarotti and the


May, 2011, by Cookie Curci - In a time and place where talent is created

a tenor was given the passion of a Mario Lanza, the power of a Luciano Pavarotti and the voice of an angel. And when he sings his voice is so full of soul, passion and power it lights up a concert hall like an exploding supernova. Christopher Macchio is the name of this exceptional tenor and if you have had the pleasure of hearing him sing be it in person,video, recordings, or PBS television, then you have been privileged to experience a rare and true talent. Upon h e a r i n g C h r i s t o p h e r ’s magnificent voice , I set out to contact him and set up an interview for my column. I caught up with this busy tenor in between guest appearances. And I’m pleased to say he is as congenial as he is talented and he happily agreed to answer my questions.

Cookie: Hello and benvenuti, Christopher.

Christopher: Thank you Cookie, it's my pleasure to meet

with you, as I've heard so many wonderful things about all you do for artists and the wider Italian-American community.

Cookie: Most of the singers I’ve interviewed discovered their talent at a very early age, usually while singing in church they tell me. But your story is a different one. At what age did you discover your talented voice and how did it all come about?

Christopher: Well, I was fortunate to have been born into a family that appreciated music, and grew up being exposed to a broad range of styles and genres. My father and his brother were talented amateur musicians, but despite my deep love for music, I could only muster the courage to sing for my paternal grandmother, who felt my voice was something special. For the first 15 years of my life, I was far more comfortable in my studies, having attended special programs as a child for gifted children, and focused on getting into a top university. It was only after joining my high school chorus, which itself was due to a state art & music graduation requirement, that I was forced,

literally, to sing by myself for a professional evaluation. It was that day 17 years ago, after I refused to be evaluated in front of the entire chorus because of my stage fright, that our director had me formally sing a solo for him after class.

“And when he sings his voice is so full of soul, passion and power it lights up a concert hall like an exploding supernova.”

Almost immediately, he jumped out from behind the piano, grabbed me by the shoulders, and said, "Do you have any idea what kind of voice you have!??" He ran across the room and began pulling tenor songs from his files, with sheet music flying in all directions. When he'd heard enough, he asked me, at last, "What do you intend to do with your life?”, to which I replied, "Well, I had always imagined I'd become an attorney." His reply, I will always

May 2011�1La Voce - Las Vegas

Page 2: THE CRAFTING OF A TALENTED TENORCookie Curci - In a time and place where talent is created a tenor was given the passion of a Mario Lanza, the power of a Luciano Pavarotti and the


remember, as he looked me square in the eye, and said, "You have an obligation to share your voice with the world! It is a gift from god, and you will not let it go to waste!". I have sacrificed a lot in my life to heed his words, and I am hopeful that now, my time to shine has finally arrived. Cookie: You spent your child- hood aspiring to practice law until the day you discovered your incredible singing talent, after that you were inspired to perform on stage. That must have created a profound chance in your life.

Christopher: Well, it was in the space of those precious few minutes of that chorus evaluation that my entire life and identity began to change. I went from being a shy, introverted

" Y o u h a v e a n obligation to share your voice with the world! It is a gift from god, and you will not let it go to waste!".

bookworm, into someone who developed the capacity to connect with people through the gift of music. I believe that because I spent my formative years avoid- ing the spotlight, I

am better able to appreciate the reality that truly great art is not about the artist themselves, but rather their capacity to convey and evoke emotion in others. This connection that I strive to create with my audiences can often connect them to one another as well, so that by the end of the evening, everyone in the venue or hall feels they've collectively experienced something magical, and in so doing, have had our collective humanity reaffirmed.

Cookie: A tenor with such a powerful and gifted voice as yours must go through years of training with voice teachers and instructors. Where did you receive your training and was there a n y o n e person that gave you the best advice?

Christopher: That's a terrific question, because I often encounter s o m e misconceptions about the role of training and in- structors in the p r o c e s s o f honing the craft o f s i n g i n g . When my voice was discovered, I

was advised to audition for the USDAN Center for the Performing Arts, out on Long Island, NY. When the director of the camp heard my voice, he decided that in addition to a scholarship to attend the camp, he wanted to bring out NYU voice professor and NBC Opera star John Kuhn from Manhattan out to Long Island, to provide me with weekly voice lessons at USDAN's expense. After 18 months of study, I was accepted to the Manhattan School of Music Conservatory, where I studied under Metropolitan Opera Baritone Theodor Uppman. I can tell you from experience that formal training is very important to provide the structure and theory of healthy singing. However, there is no substitute for being born with a

gifted voice, and the raw talent for using it to make beautiful music. This is something the conservatories have a vested interest in downplaying,

because no amount of tuition or study will

create a

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beautiful vocal instrument, improve a tone-deaf ear (brain), or imbue in someone the passion to convey the words and phrases that enrich our lives. The best advice is something reaffirmed by most of those I've studied with, and that is to listen to

anyone who has earned the respect of their audiences and colleagues, and take whatever pearls of wisdom that happen to resonate with oneself, and apply it in a unique and individualized way. This is what I have done in my own vocal development, and

I am a firm believer in honing one's voice in a manner that is natural, relaxed, and mindful of what makes one's particular instrument and temperament, special.

Cookie: The great Mario Lanza

was encouraged by his mother who was also a singer, and he inherited some of her skills for performing. Is there anyone in your family who is also musically talented ?

Christopher: My father and my his brother both played the electric and acoustic guitar, though it was my Uncle who had somewhat more developed piano and vocal skills. I have been told, however, that their father, my grandfather, had quite a tenor voice, though he passed away before I reached the age of two. I can say that I am the first member of my family to try and succeed at making a career as a musician, and I thank them and god every day for the strength and encouragement to pursue my dream of reaching millions through my music!

This connection that I strive to create with my audiences [allows our] col lective humanity [to be] reaffirmed.

Cookie: You preformed in the produc t ion of Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story, you’ve appeared in the NYC Opera Nova company in the role of Arturo in Bellini’s , “I Puritani", and you’ve preformed for countless dignitaries and political leaders. Do you have a favorite venue or audience where you feel most comfortable performing ?

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Page 4: THE CRAFTING OF A TALENTED TENORCookie Curci - In a time and place where talent is created a tenor was given the passion of a Mario Lanza, the power of a Luciano Pavarotti and the


Christopher: Over the course of my studies and career, I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to perform a broad spectrum of music, in a variety of venues, and in front of folks form all walks of life. Like all my experiences, I always focus on the positive elements present at that moment. Per- forming for official functions in the presence of dignitaries can add an important emotional element to the proceedings, and fosters a public interest in supporting the arts. The spoken dialogue and english score common to Broadway shows like West Side Story, can be particularly accessible to people, whereas the scope and drama of grand opera

can elevate an entire audience into the sublime. There are certain settings and crowds that can provide the opportunity to perform slightly more nuanced and less frequently produced works, while other venues can offer a more intimate and warm dynamic where all can enjoy timeless old favorites that celebrate our shared values and passions in life. At the end of the day, I enjoy most an audience that is both thoughtfully engaged in the music I'm making, and emotionally open to me and those around them.

Cookie: You are a founding member of the exciting Italian American singing group,

Bell’Aria. A very unique project created by PBS television and EMI records to celebrate the full and rich history of Italian American music. Please tell us more about this wonderful project and your album “Little Italy”

“Our PBS television special "Live from Las V e g a s " w a s t h e i r highest- rated musical show this past holiday season [2010]…”

Christopher: Thank you Cookie, we're very excited about the opportunity this group represents to showcase four

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Italian-American soloists, and the rich musical heritage created by decades of Italian-American musical virtuosity. The group is comprised of four distinct voices, (Soprano, Mezzo, Baritone, and me, the Tenor), hand-picked by Luciano Pavarotti - producer Craig Leon, to span the full breadth of musical legacies left by the likes of Mario Lanza, Dean Martin, Connie Francis, and others. Our debut album, "Little Italy" takes the listener on a sonic journey from the music of old Napoli, through the houses of grand opera, and into the dining rooms of our favorite restaurants and relatives. Our PBS television special "Live from Las Vegas"

was their highest- rated musical show this past holiday season, and showcased our ability to blend as a cohesive ensemble. Now we're looking forward to defining ourselves as individuals, each with our own unique sound and personality. My favorite song in our show is "Be My Love", not only because it was made famous by my hero, the incomparable legend Mario Lanza, but because it expresses the sentiment of the group to- wards it's audience, in that we're

here to offer our love for music, and hope to earn the love of our audience in return.

Cookie: I’m pleased to say you have just recorded your own new CD titled “DOLCI MOMENTI”( sweet moments) produced by grammy winner

Tony Camillo . Your songs encompass a rich halo of music such as “Be My Love”, “Maria” and a favorite of mine,

“Guardian Angels”. How did you come to select these songs for your premier album?

Christopher: As I mentioned before, "Be My Love" is a song

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that means a great deal to me because of it's association with Mario Lanza, and its intrinsic passion and power. The "Maria" track is amongst my favorites, and that's because it shows a broad dynamic range, and reminds me of my role in an off--off-Broadway production of West Side Story. I played the leading role, Tony, which was a lucky break for me in particular, because it's one of the few leading Broadway roles that didn't require any extensive dancing to distract me from singing! The song “O Sole Mio" also means a great deal to me, because it was the very first song I sang as a solo in public. I am pleased to say that the response was overwhelmingly positive, and it was in fact the warmth and enthusiasm I received form this piece that got me over my terrible stage fright in my early years of performing!

“This is the type of young I ta l ian American that the world should be celebrating…”

The rest of the songs on the album were chosen to show what I'm vocally capable of, and to provide familiar listening enjoyment to all who play the disc. The "Guardian Angel"

track was a special addition, at the suggestion of my manager, Vincent D'Angelo, to repurpose an old Mario Lanza classic as a tribute to our police, firefighters, and our service men and women in uniform, who collectively serve as "guardian angels" for the entire American nation. My own cousin, West Point Graduate Captain Richard Macchio, attended a concert of mine the day after safely return- ing from a tour of duty in Iraq. In tribute to this hero, who flew hundreds of missions protecting convoys over hostile territory in his Apache helicopter, I dedicated this song to him, and all such guardian angels, who protect our safety, our freedom, and our very way of life.

Cookie: Whenever I interview an Italian American entertainer I like to ask them one special question...what is your favorite Italian dish and can you prepare it?

Christopher: Haha, I'm glad you asked that Cookie. My favorite Italian dish, as anyone who's dined with me can attest to, is Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken and Broccoli. As for preparing it, I take after my grandfather and enjoy cooking a great deal. However, try as I might, I still have yet to match the culinary prowess of my Nonna, and it's her Fettuccine that I enjoy most of all!

Cookie: Well, Christopher, thank you so much for sharing some time with us and for helping us to know you so much better, it’s been a great pleasure talking with you.

Christopher: It has been a real pleasure Cookie, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. Please don't ever stop doing all that you do for singers, artists, and the greater Italian- American community.

Final Thoughts

The world of music is richer for having this great voice and I look forward to hearing it always and often on video, TV and stage , but especially on my personal


player with the volume cranked way, way, up! Macchio appeared at the UNICO National meeting in Scranton, PA in early November. UNICO National President, Chris DiMattio, of Scranton, was enthusiastic to have Macchio perform. “What a great musical treat for our membership and what a terrific way to support a ta lented, young I ta l ian American.” At the conclusion of

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Macchio‟s performance, DiMattio presented Macchio with a new membership pin, naming him an honorary member. Macchio stated, “I am speechless and so pleased to be part of the UNICO family.” “This is the type of young Italian American that the world should be celebrating, not the disgraceful s tereotypes portrayed on so-called reality shows throughout the media,” DiMino said. “Through our accepting Christopher into our UNICO family, we are again leading the way in supporting those who honor our heritage. We are so pleased to declare that Christopher Macchio is UNICO National’s, “National Tenor”. UNICO National, founded in 1922, is America‟s largest Italian American service organization.

"Its volunteer members support charitable, educational, and community service projects while promoting Italian heritage and combating negative stereotyping■

May 2011�7La Voce - Las Vegas