Download - The Competing Mechanisms of Phosphate Monoester ...1048829/...rate constant for the hydrolysis of alkoxy phosphate dianions of 2 × 10−17 s−1 at 39 C.8 Unlike the other data, this

Page 1: The Competing Mechanisms of Phosphate Monoester ...1048829/...rate constant for the hydrolysis of alkoxy phosphate dianions of 2 × 10−17 s−1 at 39 C.8 Unlike the other data, this

The Competing Mechanisms of Phosphate Monoester DianionHydrolysisFernanda Duarte,†,§ Alexandre Barrozo,† Johan Åqvist,† Nicholas H. Williams,*,‡

and Shina C. L. Kamerlin*,†

†Science for Life Laboratory, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, BMC Box 596, SE-751 24 Uppsala,Sweden‡Department of Chemistry, Sheffield University, Sheffield S3 7HF, United Kingdom

*S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Despite the numerous experimental and the-oretical studies on phosphate monoester hydrolysis, significantquestions remain concerning the mechanistic details of thesebiologically critical reactions. In the present work we constructa linear free energy relationship for phosphate monoesterhydrolysis to explore the effect of modulating leaving grouppKa on the competition between solvent- and substrate-assistedpathways for the hydrolysis of these compounds. Throughdetailed comparative electronic-structure studies of methylphosphate and a series of substituted aryl phosphatemonoesters, we demonstrate that the preferred mechanism isdependent on the nature of the leaving group. For good leavinggroups, a strong preference is observed for a more dissociativesolvent-assisted pathway. However, the energy difference between the two pathways gradually reduces as the leaving group pKaincreases and creates mechanistic ambiguity for reactions involving relatively poor alkoxy leaving groups. Our calculations showthat the transition-state structures vary smoothly across the range of pKas studied and that the pathways remain discretemechanistic alternatives. Therefore, while not impossible, a biological catalyst would have to surmount a significantly higheractivation barrier to facilitate a substrate-assisted pathway than for the solvent-assisted pathway when phosphate is bonded togood leaving groups. For poor leaving groups, this intrinsic preference disappears.


Phosphoryl transfer is one of the most broadly occurringreactions in biology, playing a central role in cellular signaling,protein synthesis, and energy production, among other lifeprocesses.1,2 The biological hydrolysis of phosphate esters is, inturn, facilitated by a diverse group of enzymes, which utilize avariety of chemical strategies to accelerate these reactions.3−7

From a conceptual point of view, the uncatalyzed hydrolysis ofa phosphate ester should be straightforward, as it only involvesa nucleophilic displacement reaction to yield inorganicphosphate and the corresponding alcohol. However, theseesters are among the slowest reacting biologically relevantfunctional groups,8,9 making the enzymes that facilitate thesereactions some of the most proficient catalysts known to date.Following from this, despite the considerable body ofexperimental and theoretical data accumulated over the pastdecades (for reviews, see, e.g., refs 5 and 7 and references citedtherein), just how these reactions proceed in solution and thecorresponding enzyme-catalyzed processes remain controver-sial, with proposals of multiple mechanisms for the samereaction5,7 (Figure 1) and the suggestion that these transferreactions may display considerable plasticity in their charac-ter.10

For example, in the case of phosphate monoester dianionswith good leaving groups, experimental evaluation of kineticisotope effects (KIE),11 linear free energy relationships(LFER),12,13 and entropic effects12 have been interpreted interms of a reaction proceeding through a concerted pathwaywith a dissociative transition state (TS), i.e., a TS that has littlebonding to the nucleophile and leaving group, in contrast to themore associative TSs expected for the hydrolysis of phosphatedi- and triesters (see discussion in, e.g., ref 5). On the otherhand, computational studies have suggested two viableconcerted pathways with TS that are either dissociative orassociative in nature, depending on the pKa of the leavinggroup.14−17 These pathways can be viewed as extremes on arelatively flat potential surface, where the TS structure changesextensively as the nature of the leaving group is changed, orcompeting processes, where the TS structures for each pathwayare similar regardless of the leaving group (and there is a largeenergetic penalty if the structure is distorted).18,19 Finally, it hasbeen suggested that the qualitative interpretation of traditionalexperimental markers such as LFER,15,20,21 activation en-

Received: June 17, 2016Published: July 29, 2016


© 2016 American Chemical Society 10664 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673

This is an open access article published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY)License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,provided the author and source are cited.

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tropies,17 and KIE15 can be ambiguous, with different pathwayspotentially giving rise to similar experimental observables.20

Of the range of experimental approaches that can be used todistinguish different pathways, LFER have proven to beparticularly useful for probing the bonding patterns and chargedistributions of the TSs across a series of homologoussubstituted compounds.22 Specifically, by examining the effectof adding electron-donating or -withdrawing groups to theleaving group of a reactant on the corresponding reaction rate,LFER measure the sensitivity of the reaction to charge changesat the position of bond cleavage during the reaction. Thesteeper the correlation between the rate constant and the pKaof the leaving group (or, more formally, the equilibriumconstant of the reaction for a fundamental step), the moreadvanced bond cleavage is likely to be at the TS, provided thatthe variations in structure are sufficiently far from the reactioncenter to avoid changes caused by steric effects and that thetotal electronic changes are not so large as to cause a largevariation in TS structure.24

There exist several LFER for phosphoryl and related grouptransfer reactions in the literature;5 however, most of theexperimental data used to analyze LFER for phosphoryl transferreactions have been obtained using good leaving groups. Forexample, Kirby et al.13 examined the LFER for the cleavage ofboth phosphate ester mono- and dianions at 39 °C. In doing so,they obtained a steep leaving group dependence with aBrønsted coefficient (βlg) of −1.23 for phosphate monoesterdianions using leaving groups with pKas <7.2 (βlg = −1.26 if thevalue for phenol from Lad et al.8 is also included) and very littleleaving group dependence (βlg = −0.27) for phosphatemonoester monoanions (the insensitivity to the leaving groupallowed these data to include substrates with relatively poorleaving groups, such as methyl phosphate). They also observeda small (but systematic) deviation from the original straight linefor ortho-substituents, with o-nitro groups being hydrolyzedmore quickly and o-chloro substituents being hydrolyzed moreslowly than would have been expected from the originalrelationship. The high sensitivity of the rate of hydrolysis of thedianions to leaving group pKa was interpreted as resulting froma loose TS with extensive bond cleavage to the leaving group,which is corroborated by the KIE studies of Hengge and co-workers.11

As ref 13 considered only good leaving groups, Lad and co-workers8 later extended the range of compounds studied to alsoinclude phenyl phosphate (pKa = 10) and alkoxy phosphates asleaving groups. The corresponding thermodynamic parametersfor phenyl phosphate, i.e., an enthalpy of activation of 38 ± 2kcal·mol−1 and slightly positive activation entropy of 7 ± 2 cal·mol−1·K−1, were interpreted as evidence that the reactionproceeds via a loose TS as proposed for other aryl phosphatedianions (although the complications with inferring mechanismfrom activation entropies have been discussed below). Using anArrhenius plot to extrapolate the observed rate constants to 39°C gives an estimated rate constant of 1 × 10−12 s−1, which is ingood agreement with the LFER prediction of the previous data(Figure 2). Similarly, measuring the hydrolysis of methyl andneopentyl phosphate at high temperature led to an estimated

Figure 1. Hypothetical pathways for the hydrolysis of phosphate monoester dianions considered in this work. (A) A concerted pathway withsubstrate-assisted nucleophilic attack, in which the attacking water molecule is deprotonated by the substrate at some point along the reactioncoordinate. (B) A stepwise pathway in which proton transfer from the nucleophile to the substrate is concerted with nucleophilic attack, leading to apentacoordinate intermediate that breaks down with concerted proton transfer to the leaving group. (C) A concerted pathway with solvent-assistednucleophilic attack, in which there is no proton transfer from the nucleophile in the rate-limiting step. This figure was adapted from ref 23.

Figure 2. Observed βlg for the spontaneous hydrolysis of phosphatedianions: benzoyl phosphates (gray, data from ref 25); monoarylphosphates with no ortho substituents (black); monoaryl phosphateswith 2-nitro groups (red); monoaryl phosphates with 2-chloro groups(blue). Data from ref 13 at 39 °C except for phenyl phosphate, wherethe value was extrapolated from measurements at higher temperature,as reported in ref 8). The green circle is for methyl phosphate in 1 MKOH, where the value was extrapolated from measurements at highertemperature as reported in ref 8. The data used to create this figure aregiven in Table S1.

Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673


Page 3: The Competing Mechanisms of Phosphate Monoester ...1048829/...rate constant for the hydrolysis of alkoxy phosphate dianions of 2 × 10−17 s−1 at 39 C.8 Unlike the other data, this

rate constant for the hydrolysis of alkoxy phosphate dianions of2 × 10−17 s−1 at 39 °C.8 Unlike the other data, this datuminvolves the specific acid-catalyzed reaction of the phosphatedianion and so represents an upper limit for the spontaneousreaction (see discussion below). The LFER predicts a value of 5× 10−19 s−1 at 39 °C for methoxide as a leaving group, which isconsistent with this observation and provides the currentexperimental estimate for the reactivity of a phosphate dianionwith an alkoxy leaving group.We have recently performed a detailed study of the

mechanisms of phosphate monoester hydrolysis in aqueoussolution, considering the competition between a solvent-assisted pathway with a loose TS and a substrate-assistedreaction pathway with a more compact TS, comparing theirenergetics and using calculated KIEs as a tool to discriminatebetween different pathways.23 Experimental evidence that wedid not consider in detail in this work was the leaving groupdependence of the hydrolysis of these compounds, as we onlyconsidered the two extremes of a very good and a very poorleaving group. It has been suggested, from extensive densityfunctional theory (DFT) calculations of the energy landscapesfor the hydrolysis of a range of phosphate monoester dianions,that the choice of reaction mechanism is dependent on the pKaof the leaving group,15,16 whereby the better the leaving group,the more dissociative the TS. However, a limitation of the studyin ref 15 is that it only considered the pathways directlyobserved on the calculated 3D energy landscapes (defined interms of bond making and bond breaking coordinates and theassociated energy changes). While this provides some insightinto potential choices of mechanism, examining only thecalculated 3D energy landscapes can miss the preferred reactionpathways23,26,27 when more complex reaction coordinates areinvolved, e.g., with multiple bonds being formed and brokensimultaneously.The purpose of this work is to complete the mechanistic

picture for aryl phosphate monoester hydrolysis by examiningthis central piece of experimental evidence, namely, the LFERfor the hydrolysis of these compounds, to explore how theleaving group affects both the solvent- and substrate-assistedpathways for the hydrolysis of phosphate monoester dianions.This, in turn, leads to greater insights into the likelycompetition between these processes for compounds withdifferent structures. We have analyzed the energetics for each ofthe two pathways by DFT calculations using the M06-2X28 andωB97X-D29 functionals. Our results show that while there is aclear preference for a dissociative, solvent-assisted pathway forthe hydrolysis of compounds with good leaving groups, thisgradually diminishes such that a crossover to a more associative,substrate-assisted pathway becomes increasingly plausible withpoorer leaving groups. We discuss the implications of thisobservation for understanding the mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed phosphoryl transfer reactions.

■ MATERIALS AND METHODSThe different reaction pathways analyzed in this study are schemati-cally presented in Figure 1. In our recent work23 we obtained TSs for4-nitrophenyl hydrolysis through both solvent- and substrate-assistedpathways, in the presence of eight water molecules, optimized at theM06-2X/6-31+G(d) level of theory. These structures were used asstarting points to obtain TSs for the hydrolysis of all other compoundsshown in Figure 3, by perturbing the initial TS through replacement ofthe substituent and reoptimizing the resulting structures using the 6-31+G(d) basis set with either the M06-2X28 (Tables S2−S3) or theωB97X-D functionals29 (Tables S4−S5). Both are dispersion

corrected functionals and have been successfully applied to the studyof a wide range of mechanistic questions.30−32

Solvation was accounted for by using a mixed explicit/implicitsolvent model, comprising of eight explicit water molecules (notincluding the nucleophilic water molecule) and the solvent modeldensity (SMD) implicit model,33 as in our recent work.23 We note thatwhen using only a limited number of explicit water molecules, thecalculated energetics are strongly dependent on the precise positioningof the water molecules, as different stabilizing interactions will becreated based on where they are placed. However, we demonstrated inref 23 that once a sufficient number of explicit water molecules areadded, this problem is mitigated as potential interaction partnersbecome saturated with explicit hydrogen-bonding interactions, and thecalculations become less sensitive to the precise number of watermolecules included in the model. We found that for simple phosphatemonoester dianions, eight explicit water molecules provided a goodcompromise between the computational cost and reliability of thecalculations. In particular, the results we obtained for methylphosphate hydrolysis with eight water molecules included in thecalculation (in addition to the nucleophile) where very similar to thoseobtained by Schlitter34 using full explicit solvation, increasing ourconfidence in the reliability of the model. Water molecules were addedto the system symmetrically (alternately adding one to the leavinggroup or the nucleophile side of the central PO3 group at the TS) toavoid overstabilizing one side of the reacting system compared to theother.

Finally, the resulting TS were characterized by frequencycalculations, as well as by following the intrinsic reaction coordinate(IRC)35,36 to minima in both directions, followed by unconstrainedgeometry optimizations at the same level of theory. In all cases, theoptimization was performed using an ultrafine numerical integrationgrid and tight optimization criteria (as implemented in Gaussian 09),37

with the exception of a few stationary points, mainly in the productstates, where it was impossible to obtain a convergent structure withtight optimization criteria. Additional single point frequencycalculations were performed on the key stationary points using thelarger 6-311+G(d,p) basis set and a scaling factor of 0.970 by analogyto related basis sets,38 in order to correct for zero-point energies andentropies and obtain the final free energies for these reactions. Finally,in all cases we compared the energetics of the final optimized reactantstates obtained from following the IRC for each pathway, and thelowest energy of these was used as a reference state for both pathwaysas this is closer to the global minimum on the energy surface andallows us to compare both TSs relative to the same reference state (seeref 23). All electronic-structure calculations presented in this workhave been performed using the Gaussian 09 simulation package(revision D.01).37

■ RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONLeaving Group Effects and the Competition Between

Substrate- and Solvent-Assisted Mechanisms. Figure 1provides an overview of the different possible mechanisms forphosphate monoester hydrolysis, which could be very close inenergy, as suggested in refs 14, 15, 17, 23, and 34. To assesshow changing the leaving group affects the competition

Figure 3. Aryl phosphate monoester dianions examined in this work.These were selected to give a wide range of pKa values, ensuringhydrogen is in the ortho positions to avoid direct interactions betweenthe reaction center and the substituents.

Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673


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between substrate- and solvent-assisted pathways, we examinedthe hydrolysis of a series of aryl phosphate monoesters witheight different leaving groups (Figure 3), spanning a pKa rangefrom 6.7 to 10, as well as the hydrolysis of methyl phosphate. Ineach case, two potential pathways were studied: a substrate-assisted mechanism, in which nucleophilic attack occurs ineither a concerted or stepwise fashion and is coupled withproton transfer from the attacking water molecule to one of thenonbridging oxygens of the phosphate, and a solvent-assistedmechanism, in which the nucleophile is not deprotonated in therate-limiting TS but is stabilized by the solvent (see also Figure1 for details).A comparison of the calculated energetics of the two different

pathways obtained at the SMD-M06-2X/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-M06-2X/6-31+G(d) and SMD-ωB97X-D/6-311+G-(d,p)//SMD-ωB97X-D/6-31+G(d) levels of theory are illus-trated in Figure 4, with the corresponding data shown in Table1. All calculations were performed with eight explicit watermolecules in order to solvate the reacting fragmentsappropriately, as discussed in our previous work.23 Additionally,our reference state for both mechanisms is the reactant complex

with the lowest absolute energy obtained from following theIRC on the two different pathways, to allow for directcomparison between the two pathways from the same referencestate. The absolute energetics of each species is also provided asSupporting Information for comparison.The trends in these data show that the mechanistic

preference between the two pathways changes across theseries, with the solvent-assisted pathway being preferred for thebest leaving groups and the substrate-assisted pathway beingpreferred for poor leaving groups. For both functionals, thecalculated change in energy across the series for the solvent-assisted pathway is substantial, with the energetics increasing byabout 7 kcal·mol−1 upon moving from the best to the poorestleaving group in the series of aryl phosphates. In contrast, thecalculated energetics of the substrate-assisted pathway are moreconstant and do not change by more than 2 kcal·mol−1 acrossthe series. Both functionals give a similar set of absolute valuesfor the solvent-assisted pathway, but give significantly differentvalues for the substrate-assisted pathway (by almost 6 kcalmol−1). This leads to quite different predictions for where thecrossover between the two pathways will occur. For the M06-

Figure 4. Calculated activation energies for the addition of water to the aryl phosphate dianions shown in Figure 3 as well as to the methyl phosphatedianion via either a solvent (blue solid circles) or substrate-assisted (black solid circles) pathway. The energies were obtained at the (left) SMD-M06-2X/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-M06-2X/6-31+G(d) and (right) SMD-ωB97X-D/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-ωB97X-D/6-31+G(d) levels of theory,respectively, with the corresponding numerical values presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Energetics for the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of the Aryl Phosphate Monoesters Shown in Figure 3, through EitherSubstrate- Or Solvent-Assisted Pathwaysa

systems substrate-assisted pathway solvent-assisted pathway

M06-2X ωB97X-D M06-2X ωB97X-D

pKa ΔGstep1⧧ ΔGstep2

⧧ ΔGstep1⧧ ΔGstep2

⧧ ΔG⧧ ΔG⧧

3,5-NO2 6.68 28.3 − 31.5 − 25.9 25.24-NO2 7.14 28.8 − 31.7 − 27.1 24.8

3-NO2, 4-Cl 7.78 29.4 25.7 32.3 − 28.7 27.93-NO2 8.35 29.6 26.7 34.2 − 29.8 29.23,4-Cl 8.63 29.4 26.1 32.6 − 30.6 28.73-Cl 9.02 30.0 27.6 34.2 31.1 31.1 31.24-Cl 9.38 30.7 29.0 34.9 30.8 32.5 31.3H 10.0 30.6 29.4 33.7 30.7 33.0 32.5

methyl 15.5 33.1 35.6 35.3 40.1 44.1 43.8aIn the case of the substrate-assisted pathway, ΔGstep1

⧧ and ΔGstep2⧧ correspond to the activation free energies of the addition and elimination steps,

respectively. In cases where the energy of the elimination step is represented as “−”, the reaction proceeds through a concerted pathway with a singleTS. In the case of the solvent-assisted pathway, the reaction also proceeds through a single TS throughout, the activation free energy of which isrepresented by ΔG⧧. Frequency calculations were performed at 312 K. A more detailed energy decomposition for each pathway is presented inTables S2−S5. All energies are presented in kcal·mol−1 at the SMD-M06-2X/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-M06-2X/6-31+G(d) and SMD-ωB97X-D/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-ωB97X-D/6-31+G(d) level of theory relative to the lowest-energy reactant state for the two pathways.

Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673


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2X functional, this occurs at pKa of 8.4 (i.e., at the 3-nitrophenyl leaving group), but for the ωB97X-D functionalone would expect a crossover between the two pathways at apKa ∼ 11. Overall, both sets of calculations provide a consistentpicture of the trends in reactivity with changing leaving groupfor both pathways, but provide different predictions of theirrelative importance.These data can also be expressed as Brønsted plots for the

hydrolyses of these compounds to allow comparison with theexperimental data (Figure 5). In the case of the solvent-assistedpathway, a steep linear correlation is obtained with βlg values of−1.42 ± 0.03 (M06-2X) and −1.51 ± 0.07 (ωB97X-D), aswould be expected from a TS with extensive cleavage to theleaving group and is in good agreement with that obtainedexperimentally (βlg value of −1.26 ± 0.07).8,39 For thesubstrate-assisted pathway, an intermediate forms for com-pounds with pKa <7.5 (M06-2X) or 9.0 (ωB97X-D); forcompounds with lower pKas, the intermediate becomes ashoulder on the potential energy curve, and the reaction isconcerted but dominated by bond formation to thenucleophile, i.e., the TS is similar to the formation of theintermediate when the reaction is stepwise. The steepness ofthe correlation depends on which step is rate limiting. Whenthis is bond formation, βlg values of −0.37 (M06-2X) and−0.28 (ωB97X-D) are obtained; when the second step is ratelimiting, βlg values of −0.89 (M06-2X) and −1.05 (ωB97X-D)are obtained. These are combined in Figure 5 to show thepredicted values of the observed rate constant for eachcompound. The point at which the rate-limiting step changesdiffers slightly depending on functional (12.1 for M06-2X and11.8 for ωB97X-D, respectively), which is well before thenucleophile and leaving group have similar leaving groupabilities. This may be due to the fact that the proton that istransferred from the nucleophilic water to the nonbridgingoxygen is still in position to make the nucleophile behave as amuch better leaving group through intramolecular general acidcatalysis. For example, our data (Tables S2−S5) show that thestatus of any intermediates appears to be marginal, with evenrotation of the P−OH group being potentially too slow tointervene in the reaction. It has been argued that a substrate-assisted pathway involving an additional water molecule thatacts as a bridge between the nucleophile and the nonbridging

oxygens of the phosphate has a lower energy than direct protontransfer from the nucleophile.40,41 However, in our previouswork, the presence of intervening water molecules to facilitateproton transfer did not enhance proton transfer betweenbridging and nonbridging positions.23 In addition, the nonlinearBrønsted plot may have similarities to the behavior of RNAmodels under basic conditions, which are also nonlinear, butwhere the dianionic intermediate is believed to have marginalstability and only partitions between substrate and product. Inthat case, the break in the plot is much closer to the pKa of theincoming nucleophile, but no proton transfers are involved.42

The similarities in both the trends and the energetics for thesolvent-assisted pathway obtained using two different func-tionals and the good agreement with the experimental datasuggest that this is a sufficient explanation of the observed datafor the spontaneous hydrolysis of aryl phosphate dianions,although it does not preclude a contribution or nearcontribution from the substrate-assisted pathway. Our previouswork strongly suggests that the 4-nitrophenyl phosphatedianion reacts primarily through the solvent-assisted pathwaydue to the KIE that has been measured and calculated for thiscompound. The substrate-assisted pathway also shows aconsistent trend for both functionals, but there is a muchweaker dependence of the activation energy on the pKa of thearyloxide leaving group when the reaction is dominated bynucleophilic attack (and a weaker dependence when leavinggroup departure is rate limiting). As the correlations betweenthe energy and pKa for the two pathways are significantlydifferent, this leads to the conclusion that there will be someleaving groups where the two pathways have a similar energybarrier, and, after this point, there will be a change in thedominant mechanistic pathway for the reaction from solvent- tosubstrate-assisted. However, the absolute activation energies ofthe substrate-assisted pathway do appear to be sensitive to thefunctional, and this means that the predicted crossover pointdiffers for the two sets of calculations. To try and refine wherethe crossover may occur, we also consider the kinetic andthermodynamic experimental data that exists.Thermodynamically, Guthrie has measured parameters for a

series of phosphorane species, leading to estimates of the likelyrelative stabilities of the key intermediates for the twopathways.43 For a fully dissociative pathway involving the

Figure 5. Brønsted plots for the spontaneous hydrolysis of the aryl phosphate monoesters shown in Figure 3 and for methyl phosphate. For thesubstrate-assisted pathway, steps 1 (black) and 2 (blue) are plotted individually (dotted lines), and combined to show the predicted overall rateconstant (solid black line). The solvent-assisted pathway is shown with a linear least-square fit (red). Energy calculations were performed at 312 K atthe SMD-M06-2X/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-M06-2X/6-31+G(d) and SMD-ωB97X-D/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-ωB97X-D/6-31+G(d) levels of theory.Rate constants were obtained from the calculated activation free energies, using TS theory.

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formation of metaphosphate, the free energy of the equilibrium,where an ethoxy anion is fully dissociated from the dianion ofethyl phosphate, is 37 ± 3 kcal·mol−1. This figure was derivedfrom kinetic data for phosphate monoesters with good leavinggroups by assuming the formation of metaphosphate followedby rate-limiting attack of water, which was estimated to have arate constant of 10−9 s−1. This corresponds to an additionalbarrier of ∼5.4 kcal·mol−1, leading to an overall barrier ∼42kcal·mol−1 for forming the initial product on the solvent-assisted pathway, which is in very good agreement with ourcalculated values for the solvent-assisted pathway. We note thatour calculations do not predict the formation of a formalmetaphosphate intermediate, in keeping with the conclusionsfrom additional experiments involving stereochemicalprobes;44−46 the difference in the two analyses is whetherthere is any bonding to the leaving group in the TS (seebelow). Guthrie also combined thermochemical data for ethoxyphosphoranes with estimated pKas to calculate the enthalpy ofaddition of water to ethyl phosphate dianion,43 and the value is33 ± 4 kcal·mol−1, which is in very good agreement with thecalculated energy for the formation of the intermediate formedin the substrate-assisted pathway. Thus, for the methoxy leavinggroup, the thermodynamics suggest that both pathways involvespecies that have comparable stabilities. For these poor leavinggroups, the difference between the two pathways depends onthe intrinsic barrier for the reactions, which has been assumedto be more substantial for phosphorane formation due to themovement of more heavy atoms. Our calculations suggest thatthere is not a large intrinsic barrier to the decomposition of themarginally stable dianionic phosphorane, which is why thispathway appears to be competitive with the solvent-assistedpathway for these leaving groups. This may be because theinitially formed intermediate has a phosphoryl proton (receivedfrom the nucleophile) poised to allow intramolecular generalacid catalysis of the departure of the leaving group in a processsimilar to that suggested for the reactions of phosphatemonoester monoanions.As noted above, the dianion of phenyl phosphate appears to

have a rate constant that is consistent with the experimentalLFER obtained for lower pKa leaving groups and to beaccounted for by the solvent-assisted pathway. Thus, thesubstrate-assisted pathway does not appear to be dominant forthis compound, although it could be similar energetically. Thedata for phosphate monoester dianions with much poorerleaving groups (methanol or neopentyl alcohol) are evensparser. The data revealed this even in 1 M KOH, the dominantreaction involves specific acid catalysis, which is kineticallyequivalent to the reaction of the very small amount ofmonoester monoanion present. Extrapolating these data to 100°C agrees very well with predictions from the pH rate profilefor methyl phosphate at this temperature (Figure 6A). In thisfigure, the circle is the datum extrapolated from hightemperature in 1 M KOH. The limiting values at high pH(dotted lines) are the estimates of the dianion reaction from theLFER, assuming a similar entropy of activation to the phenylphosphate dianion. These data show that the spontaneousreaction is even slower over the range these data weremeasured. Similarly, extrapolating the data for the reaction ofthe monoanion to 39 °C and combining this with the secondpKa for methyl phosphate also agree with predicted rateconstant derived from the data measured in 1 M KOH at hightemperature.

Adding the rate constant for the spontaneous reaction of thedianion predicted by the Brønsted plot at 39 °C shows that thisreaction is expected to be about 300-fold lower than thatderived from the Arrhenius plot of the reaction in 1 M KOH.This means that a mechanistic change is only expected whenthe pH is >16 and indicates that the spontaneous reaction ofthe dianion is invisible over the usual pH range at thistemperature. The observed value for the enthalpy of activationfor this reaction (44.7 kcal·mol−1) is very similar to the valuewe have calculated for the solvent-assisted reaction 44 kcal·mol−1), slightly higher than derived from Guthrie’s data43

(above; 42 kcal·mol−1) and slightly lower than the valueobtained (46 kcal·mol−1) by combining the value from theBrønsted plot at 39 °C with the measured entropy of activationfor phenyl phosphate.8 Using any of these estimates that thedifference between the two pathways will remain about 2 ordersof magnitude at any temperature where experiments can becarried out and the direct observation of the solvent-assistedpathway is not possible.

Figure 6. (A) pH dependence of methyl phosphate hydrolysis. Theblack line (39 °C) was obtained by using the data reported for thehydrolysis of the monoanion at 100 °C and the reported activationparameters and a value of 6.3 for the second pKa of methyl phosphate.The blue line was obtained from the data reported for the hydrolysis ofthe monoanion at 100 °C, and the circle is the datum extrapolatedfrom high temperature in 1 M KOH. (B) Temperature dependence ofmethyl phosphate hydrolysis. The black circles and line are theexperimental data reported for methyl phosphate in 1 M KOH. Thered point is the predicted rate constant for the solvent-assistedmechanism according to the Brønsted plot at 39 °C. The blue dashedlines illustrate the predictions for a potential substrate-assistedmechanisms with the entropy of activation fixed at −12 eu. For thecorresponding temperature dependence, see Figure S1.

Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673


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The experimental data from high temperature measurementsand the Brønsted plot have been the basis of the best estimatefor the spontaneous hydrolysis of the methyl phosphate dianionand provide a lower limit for the reactivity for the spontaneoushydrolysis of the methyl phosphate dianion. However, as shownin Figure 6B, it is possible that a slower reaction at highertemperature with a lower enthalpy of activation could becomethe dominant reaction at ambient temperature. Such a reactionwould be invisible to extrapolations from the Arrhenius (as thereaction of a different ionic species is dominant) and Brønstedanalyses (which predicts the rate constant for the solvent-assisted pathway). Thus, the experimental data available do notrule out a transition to a substrate-assisted pathway for leavinggroups with higher pKa than phenol. Figure 6B illustrates somelimiting cases for methyl phosphate hydrolysis, assuming that a10% or lower contribution to the observed rate constant for thelast experimental data point would not be detectable in anArrhenus plot (i.e., no detectable deviation from linearity in thedata; it is likely that a greater contribution would also beundetectable). In this figure, the upper line is for a reaction thatcontributes 10% of the observed rate constant for theexperimental data point at the lowest temperature and has anenthalpy of activation of 36.5 kcal·mol−1, which predicts a rateconstant of 4 × 10−16 s−1 at 39 °C (∼1000 fold greater thanpredicted by the Brønsted plot). The lower line is for a reactionwith the same rate constant at 39 °C as the solvent-assistedreaction predicted by the Brønsted plot, but an enthalpy ofactivation of 40.7 kcal·mol−1. This lower line would contribute<0.1% of the experimentally observed rate constant at thelowest temperature.These limiting cases show that an alternative reaction

pathway with an enthalpy of activation between 36.5 and40.7 kcal·mol−1 has a rate constant at least as large as thatpredicted by the Brønsted plot at 39 °C, but is experimentallyinvisible under any accessible conditions or practical timescales.These estimates are based on an entropy of activation of −12eu, as a plausible value for the addition of solvent to thephosphate dianion. We note that intepreting and predicting theentropy of activation is difficult, as this measurement includeschanges in both the reacting system the solvent environment,and so this value is merely a conventional approximation for areaction between a substrate and the solvent. If the entropy ofactivation is closer to zero, then the enthalpy of activationwould need to be closer to the experimental value for analternative reaction to be both dominant at lower temperatureand undetectable at higher temperature. We also note that theexperimental data for methyl phosphate at high pH indicatethat it is an acid catalyzed reaction between the dianion andacid and has an observed entropy of activation of +6 eu andthat 4-nitrophenyl sulfate undergoes a solvent-assisted,dissociative reaction with solvent, and has an entropy ofactivation of −18.5 eu. Thus, this parameter should beconsidered with caution and preferably in conjunction withother observables for diagnosing mechanisms.Interestingly, the intermediate formed is similar to that

obtained from hydroxide addition to a phosphate diester(where the equatorial proton is replaced by an alkyl group, seeFigure S2 for the Brønsted plot of the second-order rateconstant for hydroxide-promoted hydrolysis of phosphatediesters). The comparison between spontaneous reaction of adianion and hydroxide attack at the monoanion presents somedifficulties as it involves the use of model reactions and theattendant assumptions to be made.47,48 Using dimethyl

phosphate as a model compound for the reaction of hydroxidewith methylphosphate monoanion and calculating the fractionof methyl phosphate in the correct ionic form to react by, thismechanism reaction predicts that the overall reaction (∼3 ×10−20 s−1) is slightly slower than for the solvent-assistedpathway predicted by the LFER extrapolation (∼5 × 10−19 s−1).This assumes that the ionic form as a pair of stable species is onthe reaction pathway and that their reaction is similar to theequivalent reaction of a diester. If proton transfer only occurswithin the reactant complex (i.e., general base catalysis by thesubstrate of addition by water), then this assumption is notnecessarily applicable and the barrier for the addition may belower that that obtained from this extrapolation.The relative merits of the two pathways have also been

considered by Vigroux et al.,16 who studied the substrate-assisted pathway for a series of aryl and alkyl phosphatemonoester dianions using computational methods andcompared them with the experimental LFER. The authorsconcluded that while this pathway was unlikely to apply to arylphosphates, it was feasible for the hydrolysis of alkyl phosphateesters. They predicted a crossover at pKa = 13 based oncomparison between their calculated alkyl compounds and theavailable experimental data for aryl compounds, which wasassumed to proceed by a dissociative pathway (but was notexplicitly modeled). The substrate-assisted mechanism pro-ceeded through concerted pathways and was sensitive to thepositioning of the proton on the monoester. In this andprevious work, these authors suggested that although an alkylgroup was a reasonable substitute for a proton on thenonbridging phosphoryl oxygen, the protonated species wasslightly more reactive.Overall, based on this analysis, the available experimental

data suggest that mechanistic ambiguity is plausible forphosphate monoester dianions with poor leaving groups,although the energetic preference for the solvent-assistedpathway is likely to be strongly preferred for substrates withvery good leaving groups.

Corresponding Transition-State Geometries. As a finalnote, Figures 7 and S3 show comparison of changes in P−Obond orders and geometries at the TS to the incomingnucleophile (P−Onuc) and departing leaving group (P−Olg)upon changing the pKa of the leaving group. From these figures,it can be seen that changing the nature of the leaving group haslittle effect on the TS structure for either pathway across theseries (apart from becoming slightly tighter with poorer leavinggroups) and with either functional. Using M06-2X, thesubstrate-assisted process becomes stepwise at a pKa of 7.78,but with ωB97X-D, an intermediate only forms when theleaving group pKa is 9.02. In both cases, nucleophilic attackremains rate-limiting as the barrier to subsequent elimination ofthe leaving group is very low. In contrast, for the solvent-assisted pathway, the process is always concerted. As can beseen from Figure 7, upon moving from good to poor leavinggroups, there is a small increase in the P−Onuc bond order anda very small decrease in the P−Olg bond order at the TS, suchthat the overall bonding in the TS does not change much acrossthe series. Therefore, despite the uncertainities about thecrossover point between the substrate- and solvent-assistedpathways, the energetic trends presented in Figure 4 are ingood qualitative agreement with the rate-limiting TS structuresobtained for each pathway: the solvent-assisted mechanisminvolves greater bond cleavage to the leaving group than the

Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673


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substrate-assisted mechanism, and so a corresponding greatersensitivity to the leaving group is observed.

■ OVERVIEW AND CONCLUSIONSIn this study, we have explored leaving group effects on thecompetition between solvent- and substrate-assisted mecha-nisms for phosphate monoester dianion hydrolysis. As well asbeing a valuable mechanistic probe, these effects are importantto understand, given the wide variety of leaving groups that arefound in natural phosphates. We demonstrate that themechanistic choice between the two pathways is dependenton the nature of the leaving group, with good leaving groupspreferring a more dissociative solvent-assisted TS. However,moving to poorer leaving groups gradually reduces the energydifference between the two pathways and will ultimately lead toa preference for the substrate-assisted pathway, with thecrossover point likely to occur for simple alcohol leavinggroups.There have been extensive computational studies of the

uncatalyzed hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters with poorleaving groups,14,16,34 but very few of the correspondinguncatalyzed hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters with goodleaving groups.23,49 In accurately reproducing the LFER forphosphate monoester hydrolysis, we demonstrate how thecompetition between the possible pathways varies with theleaving group. A detailed analysis of the available experimentaldata suggests that the competition between the two pathways is

plausible for simple alcohols but also demonstrates that directkinetic characterization of these reactions is not accessible dueto competing processes and experimental limitations onmeasuring extremely slow reactions.The possibility of such competition between two pathways

has implications for our understanding of enzyme-catalyzedphosphoryl transfer reactions, that is, while the relevantenzymes would have to overcome a larger energy barrier tofacilitate the hydrolysis of a phosphate monoester with a goodleaving group (such as for instance GTP or ATP) through asubstrate-assisted pathway, such a pathway would be viable forenzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphate esters withpoor leaving groups (such as serine/threonine or possibly eventyrosine phosphatases), and such a mechanistic possibilityneeds to be seriously considered. Irrespective of the preferredpathway in aqueous solution, it is of course feasible that thispreference could be changed in the nonhomogenous environ-ment of an enzyme active site or a synthetic catalyst, providedthat the intrinsic energy difference between the two pathways issufficiently small.Furthermore, we note that if an enzyme has evolved to

catalyze phosphate hydrolysis with a poor leaving group, thiscould reasonably occur through either pathway, presumablywith different local interactions. When presented with asubstrate with a better leaving groups, both sets of interactionswould lead to faster turnover of this substrate, although theassociative pathway would reduce the rate less if the sameamount of TS stabilization is achieved. In contrast, if an enzymehas evolved to stabilize the dissociative reaction of a monoesterwith a good leaving group, the transition to a poor leavinggroup would have a higher penalty. Finally, if an enzyme hasevolved to stabilize the more compact dianionic TSs apparentlyfavored in the alkaline hydrolysis of phosphate diesters,5,7 itmay be feasible to transfer sufficient activity toward phosphatemonoester dianion hydrolysis through a substrate-assistedpathway to provide an evolutionary beneficial function. Thisis reflected by/in line with the high promiscuous phosphomo-noesterase activities observed in a number of promiscuousphosphodiesterases,50−52 suggesting that these enzymes canhydrolyze phosphate monoester hydrolysis through compactsubstrate-assisted TSs that are similar in geometry and chargedistribution to those of the reactions of their diestercounterparts. In contrast, an active site that has evolved toaccommodate a loose solvent-assisted pathway for phosphatemonoester hydrolysis is not well equipped to facilitate reactionsthat require tighter TSs (with different charge distributions)such as either substrate-assisted phosphomonoesterase activityor phosphodiesterase activity. This is again reflected in the factthat the discrimination between phophomono- and diesteraseactivity is much larger when the enzyme is a nativephosphomonoesterase53,54 than when it is a phosphodiesterase.In summary, our calculations demonstrate that catalyzing the

hydrolysis of phosphate monoester dianions with good leavinggroups is far more energetically demanding for an associativepathway than for a dissociative one. However, the energydifference between the two pathways decreases as the leavinggroup pKa increases, leading to mechanistic ambiguity in thecase of poor leaving groups. This creates different mechanisticpossibilities for the reactions of alkyl phosphates and theircorresponding enzyme-catalyzed reactions, as both pathwaysare apparently plausible. Finally, detailed analysis of the existingexperimental data defines what is and can be known fromexperimentation: direct kinetic characterization of these

Figure 7. Calculated Wiberg bond indexes to the incomingnucleophile (P−Onuc, solid squares) and departing leaving group(P−Olg, solid circles) at the TS of the rate-limiting step for the (A)substrate- and (B) solvent-assisted hydrolysis of the compoundsshown in Figure 3 at the SMD-M06-2X/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-M06-2X/6-31+G(d) (black) and SMD-ωB97X-D/6-311+G(d,p)//SMD-ωB97X-D/6-31+G(d) (blue) levels of theory. For the correspondingnumerical values see Table S6. The corresponding distances arepresented in Figure S4 and Table S7.

Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673


Page 9: The Competing Mechanisms of Phosphate Monoester ...1048829/...rate constant for the hydrolysis of alkoxy phosphate dianions of 2 × 10−17 s−1 at 39 C.8 Unlike the other data, this

reactions is not accessible, and so computational approaches arecentral to understanding these reactions.

■ ASSOCIATED CONTENT*S Supporting InformationThe Supporting Information is available free of charge on theACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277.

Summaries of relevant experimental data from theliterature to further support our computational con-clusions. Energy breakdown for the different mechanismsstudied in this work. Key distances, absolute energies inHartrees and Cartesian coordinates of key stationarypoints (PDF)

■ AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Authors*[email protected]*[email protected] Address§Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford, 12Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TA, United Kingdom, andPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University ofOxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QZ, UnitedKingdom.NotesThe authors declare no competing financial interest.

■ ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe European Research Council has provided financial supportunder the European Community’s Seventh FrameworkProgramme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement no.306474. S.C.L.K. is a Wallenberg Academy Fellow. The authorswould also like to acknowledge support from the SwedishFoundation for Internationalization in Higher Education andResearch (STINT 2012-2097) for facilitating the Uppsala-Sheffield collaborative aspects of this work. Finally, we wouldlike to thank the Swedish National Allocations Committee(SNAC) for the generous allocation of computer time throughSNAC projects SNIC 2015/16-12 and 2016/1-293. EuropeanResearch Council (ERC), Knut and Alice WallenbergFoundation, and the Swedish National Allocations Committeefor Supercomputing Resources (SNAC).

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Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b06277J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 10664−10673