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Mr. Bowtrol

The Colon Health Report

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The Colon Health Report


Table of Contents

Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................. 4

How the Colon Functions .......................................................................................................................................... 5

How the Colon Functions-The ABC’s .................................................................................................................. 5

Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Colon .......................................................................................................... 6

Best Foods for a Healthy Colon ................................................................................................................................. 7

What is a Healthy Bowel Movement? ...................................................................................................................... 8

Common Bowel Disorders and Their Symptoms ................................................................................................. 10

What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease? .................................................................................................................. 12

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?........................................................................................................................ 13

How to Deal with Inflammatory Bowel Disease ................................................................................................... 14

What is bowel incontinence? ................................................................................................................................... 15

Fight Bowel Incontinence ........................................................................................................................................ 17

Treatment for Constipation in the Elderly ............................................................................................................ 18

Colon Cleanser Benefits ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Cleansing an Unhealthy Colon ................................................................................................................................ 20

Probiotics Can Change Your Life ............................................................................................................................ 22

Probiotics Natural Way to Good Health ................................................................................................................ 23

Probiotics and Their Role in Maintaining Colon Health ..................................................................................... 24

How to Improve Digestion with Bowtrol Probiotics ............................................................................................ 25

Do Probiotics Improve Bowel Function in the Elderly? ...................................................................................... 27

How You Can Benefit by using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser ............................................................................. 28

Visit the Bowtrol Colon Cleanser Official Website ...................................................................................... 29

How Bowtrol Colon Control Can Improve Your Life ....................................................................................... 29

Visit the Bowtrol Colon Control Official Website. ....................................................................................... 31

How Bowtrol Probiotic Can Improve Your Health .......................................................................................... 31

Visit the Bowtrol Probiotic Official Website ................................................................................................. 32

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Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer

This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this Guide to anyone else. If you received this publication from anyone other than, you've received a pirated copy. Please contact us via E-mail at [email protected] and notify us of the situation. Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly. Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms. Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader.

Information in this EBook is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for any medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging and labels. If you have suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your physician or health care provider.

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Bowtrol for general colon health can mean the difference between a healthy you and a chronically ill you. There are some recurring disorders and diseases that you may notice that always attack you. Even after repeated medication, they do not seem to go away. If this is you, you may want to try a Bowtrol product. Being the part where digestion is completed in our bodies, the colon is a very important part to always keep clean. It is the part where the waste matter from digestion collects awaiting removal. Over time, this waste, otherwise called fecal matter, may get stuck on the walls of the colon. The normal body processes may be unable to remove this stuck waste. The other waste matter passing along the stuck waste may also be unable to pull it along.

The result of this, over time, is an unhealthy person, who feels dull and sick. To avoid this, you need to take steps to improve your general colon health.

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How the Colon Functions

Did you know that 95% of all colon cancers can be prevented if they are caught early enough? In this article we will discuss how the colon functions and what diet you should be following in order to keep your colon healthy and free from disease. In fact, the colon is one of four major wastes elimination systems in your body.

How the Colon Functions-The ABC’s

Your colon, along with other vital organs such as the lungs and kidneys have been specifically designed to help your body safely eliminates waste products out of the intestines. The colon consists of the large intestine, rectum and the anus and is the final portion of the G.I. track. The colon extends anywhere from 5 feet to 5 1/2 feet and has a diameter of two a half inches. The colon’s main functions are to absorb water and minerals and create and eliminate feces. Within the colon are vital bacteria that help to aid in digestion, reabsorbing of metabolic fluids, and help your body maintain its normal ph. The colon’s activity is controlled by muscular contractions as it slowly moves waste out of your body. This muscle action is called peristalsis.

Colon health can be aided by eating foods such as whole grains, nuts, and fresh fruits and vegetables. By eating a diet that is high in fiber you can adequately simulator peristalsis and get rid of harmful waste materials that have been absorbed through food and the environment. Eating a diet that lacks in fiber can result in constipation which can be extremely painful and potentially cause disease.

Foods such as refined sugar, meats, and white flour can also slow down peristalsis. If peristalsis slows down too much, constipation occurs and toxic gases which are the result of rotting food in the colon can be released into the bloodstream which have the potential to cause numerous diseases throughout the body. Peristalsis can also be increased by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. Morning exercising such as walking helps to “massage” the colon area helps to stimulate normal colon function. In fact,

morning walks are essential for older individuals in order to stimulate peristalsis.

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Colon cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in the United States. The average American diet is not rich in fiber and thus results in an unhealthy. Those who are at greatest risk of getting colon cancer are sedentary individuals that have a poor diet that is high in sugar and fat. By including a regular exercise routine, eating foods that are high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables and roughage, and making sure you drink plenty of fluids; the risk of common colon ailments can be significantly decreased.

Proper colon health is essential to have a healthy body. Once your colon begins malfunction due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits, disease can work its way through your entire body. The average individual should have 2-3 bowel movements per day, if your frequency is not this high, you can stimulate peristalsis by eating more fruits and vegetables and by including exercise in your daily routine. In fact, understanding how the colon functions is the first step to getting a healthy body.

Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Colon The colon, also known a the large intestine, is the last part of the digestive track, even though it’s not really involved to any large degree in digestion. It’s mainly a holding area for stool before it’s eliminated from the body and also absorbs some water and electrolytes. The colon is about five feet long.

Dietary fiber is crucial to the health and good function of the colon. A diet high in fiber increases the bulk and frequency of bowl movements even as it shortens the time that food passes through the digestive track. Fiber also keeps the body from absorbing toxins and guards against diseases and disorders like constipation, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and even colon cancer.

Dysbiosis is another malady that can be caused when the colon is not healthy. This is a derangement of the ratio of “good” micro-flora in the intestine to “bad” micro-flora. Sometimes this manifests as diarrhea and abdominal pain. Often, dysbiosis can be treated by the person ingesting more probiotic bacteria. Dysbiosis caused by parasites can be treated with other compounds.

Without a lot of fiber in the diet, waste materials accumulate in the colon. This can lead to constipation. Many people with constipation are overly reliant on laxatives, even though their constipation can be eased if they added more fiber to their diet. Other things people can do toward maintaining a healthy colon is drink six to eight glasses of fluid per day, ideally fresh

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water. They should visit the bathroom the same time every day, even if they don’t have the urge to defecate. The best time to do this is right after breakfast or exercise.

The person should also exercise three times a week, in sessions that last at least twenty minutes. They should also restrict the use of laxatives and enemas. This will go a long way in maintaining a healthy colon.

Best Foods for a Healthy Colon It is important to eat the right kind of foods in order to have a healthy colon. Let’s face it, the foods we consume matter so much to our overall health, and not least to colon health. Eating healthy foods ensures that you minimize your chances of catching diseases and even colon problems. Some of the foods we eat can also be helpful in treating colon problems.

Maybe you are wondering what kind of foods to eat for a healthy colon. Well, here are some of the best foods to eat in order to maintain a healthy colon:

Fruits and vegetables Eating all sorts of fruits and vegetables can help you reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, according to various medical studies. Vegetables and fruits also have fiber which is important in your diet as it helps the body in digestion and excretion. When taken with fluids, fiber helps prevent constipation, for proper functioning of your bowels.

Water Needless to say, water has so many benefits to your body which also include constipation relief and improved functioning of the colon. Drink plenty of water every day for a healthy colon.

Whole grains Cereals, whole-grain breads, brown rice, pasta, whole grains such as barley, wheat, and bulgur consist of plenty soluble fiber that assists in moving food through the digestive

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system. It is recommended that when you increase your fiber intake, drink lots of water as well.

Chicken, fish, nuts, beans and soy products Studies have shown that eating a diet high in saturated fats increases the risk of developing colon cancer. You should also cut down your consumption of red meat and instead eat lean meats. Eat beans, nuts, soy products, fish, and skinless chicken breasts instead.

Vitamin D, foods rich in calcium and folate Eating foods low on folate and calcium can increase the risk of developing colon cancer. You should eat healthy foods that are rich in calcium in your diet, including fresh or canned salmon, low-fat dairy products, and fortified foods like orange juice and whole-grain breads. Vitamin D enables the body to absorb calcium, so get some sunshine every day if possible, take calcium supplements that contain vitamin D and consume fortified foods as well. Examples of foods rich in folate include leafy green vegetables, lentils, strawberries, broccoli, and oranges.

Probiotics Basically, living bacteria that help in reducing abnormal cell development among humans and animals are known as probiotics. They can help in prevention of colon cancer. Examples of foods that contain probiotics include yoghurt, kefir, acidophilus milk, and fermented soy products like tempeh and miso.

What is a Healthy Bowel Movement? There is no such thing as a “normal” bowel movement, because they can vary so much from person to person, but there are some basic things that hold true for everyone. Unless there is a health related issue, their consistency and how often you have a bowel movement is determined by what you do and eat each day. A normal movement is brown, not too dark and not too light, and smooth. You must look at your stool frequently to determine whether shows changes based on color, smell, shape, consistency, etc.

You may have heard that the normal person has

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one healthy bowel movement per day. The truth is that the average number is between 2 and 4 times a day. This can vary from person to person. Under this number could mean constipation, and over it could indicate diarrhea. Loose stools can also indicate diarrhea.

The smell of your stool is an indication of what you have eaten throughout the day. A diet with excess protein will produce a strong smell and excess gas. Artificial flavors and non-natural chemicals can produce even worse odors. This can easily be remedied by eating more organic foods, and other foods that contain no additives.

Most experts agree that if your feces float your diet is probably not right. Healthy stools should sink. While not the sign of a serious health problem, floating stools could mean

that there is excess fat in your diet. Extra fat reacts with the bacteria in your stomach, which in turn produces gas that causes your stools to float. Lower the amount of fat you eat, and all should be fine. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. The stool shouldn’t sink like a rock, but it also shouldn’t float like a boat.

Normal feces should be a little less than 2 inches in diameter, and not too hard or soft. If it is too hard you should think about increasing the amount of fiber you

eat. Some good high-fiber foods are: vegetables, fruit, grains and fruit. If your stool is too soft, you may have diarrhea, which could be cause by food, a virus, or another illness.

A healthy bowel movement will be medium brown. Any change in color, other than slight changes due to food eaten during the day, could indicate a health issue. If the stool is very light, contains blood, or is tarry and black, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Finally, you should be able to pass a normal bowel movement easily, but not too easily, without excessive straining. They should not fall apart after leaving the body and should be approximately six inches in length.

It is amazing how many people do not even look at their bowel movements. There is no need to get down and check it out with a magnifying glass, but this can be an important part of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Looking at your feces can help you figure out what is going on inside your body. A healthy bowel movement means a healthy digestive system.

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Common Bowel Disorders and Their Symptoms Bowel disorders are diseases that affect the bowels that consist of both the small as well as the large intestines. These bowel disorders affect adults and children, both male and females alike. Bowel disorders may affect the entire intestinal tract or only a small area of the intestine and may be extremely uncomfortable which ranges from vomiting to severe stomach pain to high temperature and even more.

Some of the common bowel disorders that affect most individuals include.

1. Irritable bowel syndrome: IBS is a chronic disease affecting the large intestine and is one of the frequently encountering intestinal disorders in today’s world causing more nuisances to many people. The food moves through the intestines too quickly or too slowly in people suffering from IBS. Although the cause of IBS is not exactly known, doctors attribute it to stress, anxiety and tension.

Symptoms of IBS include bloating, gas, constipation, mucus in stools, diarrhea, strong urge to have a bowel movement, feeling of incomplete bowel movement after a bowel and abdominal pain, cramps.

2. Diverticular disease: Another common bowel disorders include diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a condition where the diverticula of the intestines get inflamed leading to diverticular disease. Diverticulosis is a condition where many diverticula form along the walls of the intestine.

Common symptoms of the condition include abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, bloating, gas, irregular bowel movements or rectal bleeding. Like IBS, the exact cause of the condition is unknown but certain factors like age, intestinal pressure, low fiber diet, physical abnormalities and movement of waste through colon contributes to the changes in the intestinal walls leading to the condition.

3. Ulcer: Ulcer is formed when the inner lining of the stomach or upper part of the intestine gets damaged. It is mainly caused due to the bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. Other causes of ulcer include the excessive intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac or naproxen.

Symptoms of the disease include persistent nausea and vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, black stools, anemia or sudden abdominal pains.

4. Gastroenteritis:

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Gastroenteritis is the inflammation of GI tract resulting in acute diarrhea and is mainly caused by viruses or bacteria are ingested through contaminated food and water.

Symptoms of gastritis include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, abdominal cramps, weakness, fainting, bloody stools or headaches.

5. Colitis: Colitis is the inflammation of the colon and the most common type of the disease is the ulcerative colitis.

Like many other bowel disorders, the exact cause of the condition is unknown but it usually begins when the individuals are in their 20′s and 30′s. Common symptoms of this disorder include frequent abdominal pain and bloating, chills, bloody stools, fever, diarrhea or dehydration.

6. Crohn’s disease: It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease that usually affects the intestines but also anywhere from mouth to anus. It is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the healthy tissues of the body.

Symptoms of crohn’s disease include abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss and many more.

These common bowel disorders can affect any individual, adult and children both male and female. Most bowel disorders are due to improper diet and unhealthy lifestyle patterns. So, treatment involves understanding the type of bowel disorder the individual is suffering from and then deciding the type of treatment such as medication, surgery, dietary changes, or exercise necessary to cure it.

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What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Inflammatory bowel disease is an idiopathic disease that affects the colon and small intestine. The two major types of the disease are the ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The main difference between the two types is the nature of the inflammatory changes and location. Though Crohn’s disease most often starts at the farthest part of the small intestine, it can affect any part, from mouth to anus, of the gastrointestinal tract. On the other hand, ulcerative colitis most commonly affects the rectum and the colon. Whereas ulcerative colitis is mainly restricted to the gut lining, Crohn’s disease may affect the entire bowel wall. Further, both these types of diseases can present the patient with other problems such as liver and eye problems, skin manifestations and arthritis in varying degrees.

Causes of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diagnosis and Symptoms The cause of inflammatory bowel disease is not known, but a combination of genetic, non-genetic and environmental factors that interfere with the body’s immune system are implicated in the pathogenesis of the disease. Improper functioning of the immune system of the intestine leads to an accumulation of white blood cells in the inner lining of the intestine. The chemicals released by the white blood cells injure the tissues, causing inflammation. The inflammation of the intestinal lining causes diarrhea, the most common symptom of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Other common symptoms presented by this disease include abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, vomiting, severe muscle spasms in the pelvic region and weight loss. Inflammatory bowel disease is diagnosed through colonoscopy and biopsy of pathological lesions or by assessing the inflammatory markers in the stools. The inflammatory bowel disease commonly occurs to people who are in their late teens and twenties, but it can occur in kids as old as five years. Both boys and girls can get affected by this disease.

Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease In the management of inflammatory bowel disease, it is important that those suffering from the disease have healthy foods and consume a lot of fluids to make up for that lost through diarrhea. A dietitian or doctor can recommend the right eating plan for the patients. Patients finding it difficult to maintain their weight may be prescribed nutritional supplementation by doctors. Those who have been diagnosed with a less severe form of Crohn’s disease are found to respond to this treatment as it may remove inflammation causing proteins from the diet. It is essential that patients also get sufficient sleep. This is because sleep deprivation can increase stress levels and flare up intestinal problems. Breathing and relaxation techniques can also be practiced to help reduce stress.

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Medications used for treating inflammatory bowel disease include anti-inflammatory drugs, including corticosteroids. If the symptoms do not subside, doctors may prescribe immunosuppressant’s to alleviate inflammation. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to treat bacterial infections associated with Crohn’s disease. For patients experiencing severe diarrhea, anti-diarrheal drugs are also given by doctors.

In certain cases, surgery is resorted to control the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. The damaged parts of the intestines are surgically removed. Multiple surgeries may be required for patients suffering from Crohn’s disease as other parts of the intestine may be affected over time. For patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, removal of the large intestine cures the bowel problems. However, this is done only if medications have failed, the patients develops a perforation, experiences heavy bleeding or has developed cancer of the intestine.

Summarizing, getting the right kind treatment for inflammatory bowel disease, managing the symptoms effectively and maintaining a positive mental attitude can greatly help to those suffering from the disease.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Irritable bowel syndrome or more commonly referred to as IBS, is an intestinal disorder that affects the colon and causes problems such as cramps and diarrhea. While there are several symptoms that come with having irritable bowel syndrome, there are no harmful effects to the colon.

There is no definitive answer on what causes someone to have irritable bowel syndrome, but it is known that it causes the walls of your colon to contract faster than they normally should creating cramps and other symptoms. Some scientists and doctors believe that IBS is due to abnormal processes in your colon and nervous system. People with IBS also have a lower level of serotonin which plays a part in the normal digestion of food. Abnormal balances of bacteria within the colon can also be the culprit for having IBS.

Symptoms for IBS will vary from person to person. One person may experience all of the symptoms while another one may experience only one of the symptoms. The most common symptoms of IBS are stomach bloating or a bloated gasy feeling, expulsion of uncontrollable gas, cramps and abdominal pain, diarrhea or runny stools, constipation or hard stools, and mucus may also be present in the stools. After stools have been expelled the symptoms of IBS will usually go away.

Each person with Irritable bowel syndrome is different and there are different things that may trigger your symptoms such as the foods you eat, the levels of stress in your life

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and even your hormone levels. While both sexes can have IBS, it is more often seen in women due to the high level of hormones that women have.

While there is no way to completely get rid of the disease there are things that you can do to help control your disease. One way to help control your symptoms of IBS is to keep your stress levels under control. Changing your diet may also help. Do not eat gasy or greasy foods that may upset the intestinal tract. These may include carbonated beverages such as cola and fresh vegetables such as cauliflower. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to help control your symptoms such as fiber supplements like psyllium and diarrheal medications like Imodium. If you have more advanced symptoms your disease may be treated with antibiotics to combat the higher levels of bacteria that may be present in the colon and causing these problems for you. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe IBS medications such as Alosetron or Lubiprostrone for help with the nervous system and increasing fluid secretions. These two medications are usually only used when all other therapies and treatments have been exhausted.

Although, IBS is a chronic disease, there may be times when you have a decrease of symptoms or no symptoms at all. If you notice your symptoms increasing, or any other types of changes in your stool, it is best consult with your doctor so that he can run tests and make sure that you do not have any other types of intestinal diseases.

How to Deal with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease also known as IBD is becoming very commonplace in the United States. In fact, according to some sources, over 600,000 people in United States currently have this condition. Although this disease affects individuals who are over the age of 30, adolescents have also been diagnosed with this disease. Inflammatory bowel disease can lead to many different types of problems because it affects the digestive track. IBD treatment is focused on decreasing the problems associated with symptoms rather than trying to eradicate the disease itself. In this article we will discuss how to deal with inflammatory bowel disease in order to reduce the discomfort that is associated with IBD.

IBD directly affects intestinal tissues. As a result, many people will have problems with bloating, diarrhea, possible vomiting, constipation, and other G.I. related problems. IBD is also found to coexist with chronic fatigue syndrome as well as Lupus. When helping someone deal with IBD, physicians will usually prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as Sulfasalazine

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and Mesalamine. Although the effectiveness of these drugs varies from person-to-person, in some, they have shown to reduce the inflammation in the intestines associated with IBD.

Other treatments prescribed by physicians are anti-diarrhea meds if a person is only experiencing a mild case of IBD. Prednisone, a medication that can help strengthen the immune system, is also given to those who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. In fact, for extreme asthmatics, this medication is often prescribed to help reduce the prevalence of acute asthma attacks because it strengthens the immune system.

For those who suffer with inflammatory bowel disease, a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber is usually prescribed. In fact, those who suffer with IBD will find that fatty foods can often trigger symptoms. For example, foods that are highly acidic such as tomatoes and other citrus fruits such as oranges can cause a host of symptoms. Sufferers of IBD are also encouraged to avoid coffee because it can stimulate bowel movements. Again, Coffee as well as chocolate should be avoided by sufferers of IBD.

Individuals who have IBD and want to learn how to deal with inflammatory bowel disease will do well taking a probiotics supplement. In fact, probiotics can help prevent diarrhea as well as abdominal pain that are usually associated with IBD. Probiotics aid digestion by adding bacteria to the intestines. These bacteria will then help to digest foods while creating a better environment for food to the assimilated into the body. Aside from probiotics, individuals with IBD are also encouraged to increase their intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil and flax can help to reduce the inflammation in the intestinal track.

Learning how to deal with IBD can take time as treatments that work best to reduce symptoms will vary from person to person. The most important aspect of reducing symptoms associated with IBD is to make sure that your diet is low in acidic foods so you can help to reduce symptoms that come with this disease.

What is bowel incontinence? Bowel incontinence, also referred to as fecal incontinent, is the inability of a person to control their bowel movements. This disorder can vary in severity-it can either be partial, where one only loses a little amount of liquid waste, or complete, in which one is unable to control their solid bowel movements.

This problem affects men and women, although it’s more common in the females as they may have nerve or anal injuries during childbirth. Bowel incontinence is also common with the elderly as anal sphincter muscles, which control their bowel movements, become weaker.

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What are the causes of bowel incontinence? There are many factors that can cause fecal incontinence: Injury or damage to anal sphincter muscles or nerves that around these muscles Anal surgery to correct another condition Poor diet Certain medications, for example an anti-seizure medicine like Neurontin or other antibiotics Chemotherapy Radiation treatment on the lower pelvic area Stroke Constipation or chronic diarrhea-related conditions Diabetes or scleroderma Damage to the spinal cord.

Signs/symptoms of bowel incontinence Unless you are experiencing a very severe case of diarrhea, you are unlikely get any fecal leakage. If your condition is chronic, you may have regular or few accidents (of fecal leakage). There are various symptoms of the problem, including the inability to keep hold of gas, silent fecal leakage due to exertion or a normal day’s activities, or failure to reach the toilet in the nick of time.

When talking about bowel incontinence, there are two terms mainly used to describe the condition. The first one is urge fecal incontinence, in which one suddenly gets the urge to visit the toilet but is not able to make it there in time. The second term is passive soiling, whereby one does not feel when they are about to have bowel movements.

When fecal incontinence episodes occur, the kinds of stools passed can vary. The stools might either be solid or liquid and one may break wind and pass small stool at the same time. Episodes of bowel incontinence also vary and one may experience them daily, weekly, or even monthly.

Other symptoms of fecal incontinence may include the following: Abdominal pain and cramping Constipation Bloating Flatulence Diarrhea Irritation and itchiness in the anus Urinary incontinence.

For some people, this disorder is not quite serious as it results in the soiling of their underwear on the odd occasion. But for others, the condition can be very serious as there can be an utter lack of control on their bowel movements.

Treatment for bowel incontinence Once the cause of the problem is found, this condition can be cured or improved significantly in most people. However, treatment methods for this condition will depend on the underlying cause.

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Sometimes making dietary changes or avoiding certain medications can help treat the problem.

Medications can also help to provide relief and change the stool consistency since it easier to control solid stool that liquid one. Some anti-diarrhea over-the-counter medications such as Imodium and prescription medicines like Lomotil can help.

Biofeedback can help you increase the coordination and strength of anal muscles so as to help control your bowel movements. It also makes it easier to for you to know when it is time to go to the toilet.

Kegel or pelvic floor exercises can also help in treatment of bowel incontinence. Doing these exercises for a few weeks should improve or cure the problem.

For those who try various treatments which do not resolve fecal incontinence, surgery may be the only option to cure the condition. Women, in particular those who have had anal muscle injuries during childbirth, should undergo surgery to correct the problem.

Can fecal incontinence be prevented? Yes, fecal incontinence can be prevented or alleviated. If your problem is due to constipation, make sure you avoid it by having more exercises, consuming foods high in fiber and taking more fluids to help alleviate constipation, which in turn can help relieve fecal incontinence.

Eliminating or treating diarrhea can also help prevent bowel incontinence as well as avoiding straining as you pass stool.

Fight Bowel Incontinence Bowel incontinence can have many causes, but Bowtrol Colon Control can help. One cause of bowel incontinence is diarrhea, which itself can have many causes. Diarrhea can be acute or it can be chronic. The latter mostly affects young children between one and a half to three and a half years old. People who are 65 and over are surprisingly susceptible to loss of bowel control, especially women.

Diarrhea and bowel incontinence can be caused by severe emotional stress, food poisoning, infections from viruses, bacteria or parasites, malabsorption, cancers or tumors, including pancreatic tumors and diverticulitis, which is the inflammation of small pouches in the lining of the large intestine. It can be caused by foods like prunes or beans, or food allergies. It can be caused by too much consumption of alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or soft drinks. Many drugs can also lead to bowel incontinence and

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diarrhea, including laxatives, antibiotics, antacids and anticancer drugs. Radiation treatment for cancer can also lead to bowel incontinence. Over the years the colon can be stretched and lose muscle tone from frequent episodes of constipation. This makes it harder to control loose stools. Sometimes there is no identifiable cause for diarrhea, as in irritable bowel syndrome.

Some otherwise healthy children have bouts of diarrhea that seem to have no adverse affect on their health. The child's bowel movements usually become normal by the time they start school.

Bowtrol Colon Control is an all natural solution to loss of bowel control. This product helps with bowel incontinence by allowing the stool to harden. This makes it easier for the person to control when they go to the toilet. Like fiber, Bowtrol causes a gel to form in the lower intestines that gives bulk to the food and helps it move slowly, but not too slowly, down the colon. Bowtrol also helps the intestinal lining absorb nutrients, which also guards against incontinence and diarrhea. It also helps to flush out pathogens like yeast, bacteria like salmonella, shigella and e-coli, viruses and parasites like amoebas, trichomonas, helminths and tapeworms, which also contribute to diarrhea and ill health.

Bowtrol can do all of this because of its ingredients. It has activated charcoal, which sucks up the toxins in the GI track and allows them to be passed safely out of the body. It also has bentonite clay, which is another inert substance that, like plant fiber, absorbs water and turns into a gel which also scrubs unfriendly bacteria and other toxins from the intestines. The user might want to increase their water consumption while taking Bowtrol Colon Control, because of the water the bentonite clay pulls from the body. The supplement also has potassium and iron.

Treatment for Constipation in the Elderly

As the body ages, sometimes it seems as if everything slows down–including the digestive processes. Constipation in the elderly is one of the most frequent complaints as the years go by, and it can be frustrating trying to come up with just the right solution. Do you use natural methods, or is medical intervention a better idea? The answer to these and other questions primarily depends on how each person reacts to various treatment methods. When you are first considering treatment for constipation in the elderly, however, it is a good idea to first start with natural treatments.

Diet A change in diet is sometimes the only thing needed to help an elderly person become more regular. Certain foods, such as prunes, are naturally laxative, while others are naturally binding. Learn which foods produce which results, but remember to take dietary changes slowly. Add a small amount of the particular food to the daily diet of the

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elderly person, and let their stomach become used to that before you increase the amount, or add anything else. As the body becomes used to each dietary change, you may add other items, slowly, and build them up as their body becomes used to each item. A mixture of high fiber foods, as well as constipation-busting fruits and vegetables may be the best solution.

High Fiber Foods Black beans, lentil beans, kidney beans, Whole grains, oats, bran cereal, Dried fruits, fresh fruits, apples, cranberries, raisins, prunes, ripe bananas, Green leafy vegetables. Spinach, collard greens, broccoli, kale

Exercise Mobility is sometimes an issue for the elderly, but many can do more than they think. One of the best natural ways to help prevent constipation in the elderly, or anyone of any age, from occurring, or to help alleviate the symptoms, is to keep moving. If the elderly person is unable to walk well, or at all, there are still exercises that they may be able to do on their own, or with help. Walking, of course, is one of the best exercises. It doesn’t need to be a power walk or anything; just a gentle stroll will do.

Laxatives Over the counter laxatives, whether based on natural or ingredients, should be used sparingly, unless under a doctor’s order. The older person’s body may tend to become dependent on the laxatives, thus making it harder for them to see the benefits of other solutions. The use of these laxatives in combination with dietary changes may also cause stomach cramping and diarrhea, so it’s best to begin slowly with one or the other treatment.

If the constipation is severe, long-lasting, or does not respond to dietary or lifestyle changes, it may be time to consult a doctor. There may be other reasons behind constipation in the elderly that have little to do with what they eat or how often they go for walks. Beyond that, it is wise to consult the medical professionals most familiar with the elderly person’s life, and run the planned changes by them in the first place. Constipation in the elderly can be very uncomfortable, but with everyone working together it is a solvable problem.

Colon Cleanser Benefits If you want to achieve an optimum health, there are several ways to do this. Colon cleansing has become one of the more popular ways to cleanse the body and remove any toxins that could cause all kinds of potential problems. But you may wonder does the colon cleanser work and if it does what benefits does it provide for the body.

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Colon Cleansers can provide the body with many different effects and all of them are good ones. The cleansing will rid the body of hard deposits of waste products such as feces. It effectively removes these same toxins from the bloodstream, organs and the digestive system. It not only removes these toxins but it makes the digestive system run in a more efficient way.

It will also work to strength the muscle in the colon so that waste is easier to expel. It also will restore more regular bowel movements and eliminate some of the more common bowel problems like gas, bloating and indigestion. It can even lessen your chances for hemorrhoids and auto intoxication’s.

Colon cleansing provides many overall body system benefits too. It will cut down on mucus production in the body and fight against bad chemicals that can sometimes attack the colon. Chemical such as parasites, yeast and bad bacteria have no chance in a cleansed colon. It also has the capacity to strengthen your immune system which means that you will not get as sick as often as you used too. It helps strengthen your immunity to bacteria and other harmful agents that may attack the body and keep you well. Colon cleansing will restore your concentration since these toxins can cause memory loss if you have too many of them in your blood system.

Another great benefit that you can get from a colon cleanser program is losing weight. Let’s face it, we all could stand to lose a few pounds and eliminating some of the waste products in your body can help you to shed some of those pounds. It also will increase your energy levels and allow more absorption of vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. This will improve your health and any diet and exercise programs you may be on.

Colon cleansing can even relieve you of some common ailments such as skin problems like acne and eczema and will help to cure you of diverticulitis, acid reflux and colitis. Colon cleansers will also eliminate body odors caused by toxins and give you a clean kidney, colon, lungs and liver.

As you can see, colon cleansers provide amazing benefits for the whole body. They not only rid your body of toxins but they will provide you with an optimum health that you may have never experienced before. You will feel better than you have in years. Taking care of your body and its organs is vitally important in fighting against all kinds of ailments and diseases and a colon cleanse is your first step in the right direction.

Cleansing an Unhealthy Colon The colon is one of the most important body parts, as it will deal with the elimination of toxins and waste. In time, as we eat unhealthy foods and foods that are especially

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damaging for the colon, waste will build up inside it, will start to putrefy and thus cause diseases. This is when the health problems will start to appear, because the toxins cannot be reabsorbed by the body. In order to stay away from An Unhealthy Colon, you need to make sure that you cleanse it properly, but most importantly, you need to be mindful of the foods you are eating.

Cleansing Most of the time when the colon gets blocked diseases will also appear. Even though they are not that severe, in some cases people will also be diagnosed with cancer. To mention some of the symptoms when people have problems with their colon will be; skin problems, poor immunity, fatigue, headaches, stomach pains, constipation and diarrhea.

If you want to make sure that you will keep your colon in good health, you will need to consider eating high fiber herbs, like Flax seeds and Psyllium husk. What they do is they will form a sort of substance in your colon that’s similar to a gel which will act as an intestinal broom, cleansing your color form toxins and waste. Because fiber will drain a lot of water from your body, you will need to make sure that you drink between eight to twelve glasses of water per day.

There is also another very popular way of making sure you will cleanse your colon and that is by drinking vegetable and fruit juice, yet regular vegetables and fruits will also be a good idea. Another way to make sure you will keep your colon in a healthy working condition, entails the use of the lemon honey cleanse. You will practically need to combine one tablespoon of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper into a glass of purified water. If you will drink twelve of these glasses for ten days with no other foods, then you can expect that your colon will actually be cleansed very well.

Maintaining intestinal health Even though fasting is one of the most effective ways of making sure that your colon is cleansed thoroughly, once you will achieve this you will have to ensure that the intestinal flora and the intestines will have to be healthy. This will warrant the fact that your colon will function normally once you will get back to your old eating habits. Make sure that you will eat a lot of yogurts and milk, so that the probiotics in your colon will be restored and thus a healthy functioning of your entire system will be possible.

As you can see, An Unhealthy Colon can be easily put “back on its feet” and all you have to do is be strict with your diet and make sure that you respect your colon. If you want, you can also consider professional colon cleansing methods, so good luck with whatever you decide!

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Probiotics Can Change Your Life Do you suffer from any of the following conditions: acne, allergies, depression, chronic fatigue or headaches? If you do, did you know your bowel could be to blame? It’s absolutely true. However, you are in luck, because Bowtrol Probiotics can help.

Bowtrol Probiotics Can Help Restore Colon Health Bowtrol Probiotics can restore the healthy amount of bacteria in your colon that is necessary for optimal health. Restoring the healthy levels of bacteria and ridding the body of putrefied waste can dramatically decrease symptoms of ill-health.

Our colons were not designed for the modern diet that most of us eat today. Modern diets are often full of sugar, chemicals and additives. Our hectic lifestyles often demand we grab meals on the go, and even though our bellies might tell us we are no longer hungry, we pay for it later on.

All the ingredients we should not eat, or at least only eat in tiny amounts, clog our colons. This mass slows the entire process of waste elimination down. It might not be the most pleasant thing to think about, but remember that proper elimination is key to vigorous health. Why?

Proper elimination rids our body of the harmful chemicals, poisons and byproducts that can cause poor health. Everything is supposed to run smoothly and efficiently, but if you look at the amount of gastrointestinal products that are available both over the counter and by prescription, you will see that there is a dramatic decrease in colon health in this country today.

Bowtrol Probiotic Works Gently One of the things most people who have taken Bowtrol Probiotic say is that they are amazed at how gentle yet powerful this product really is. Many of these folks have tried to restore their colon health by using harsh suppositories or enemas, only to find themselves suffering from cramping and loose stools.

Bowtrol Probiotics is not a harsh laxative. It is not a suppository, either. Instead, Bowtrol Priobiotic is an oral supplement that comes in easy to swallow capsules. It is made of all natural herbs and substances and its mission is to restore the health of your colon.

Bowtrol Probiotics Will Improve Your Health Probiotics are the healthy microorganisms that our bodies need. You have probably seen yogurt manufacturers advertising their probiotic products. In a healthy colon, there are usually about 400 probiotic microorganisms that help maintain bowel health.

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Without the proper balance of probiotics, a human being colon becomes ill. That is how important these tiny organisms are. And that is what Bowtrol Probiotics does: it restores the proper balance of microflora in the colon which results in a decrease in symptoms such as depression, ashy and dry skin, chronic tiredness and acne.

This All-Natural Product Can Change Your Life You won’t just see the difference after you begin taking Bowtrol Probiotics, you will feel it. Energy you forgot you ever had will be restored. Headaches will go away. You are going to feel and look better once you start taking Bowtrol Probiotics.

For absolute optimum health, you should combine Bowtrol Probiotics with Bowtrol Colon Cleanser. Then watch how your life changes because of how good you feel.

Probiotics Natural Way to Good Health We often hear the word probiotics in health products and commercials, but most of the people are still not aware of it. Probiotics got its name from two Latin words: Pro meaning “for” and biotic meaning “for life”. So, from this etymology, we at least get an idea what these probiotics are and how they actually work. Probiotics comprise of bacteria that is beneficial to human health. All products that are termed probiotics have right amounts of these microorganisms, which in one way or the other; provide large number of health benefits to humans. Microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the health are lactic acid bacteria and bifida bacteria. You will find these two microorganisms in various health supplements and yoghurt products.

How Does Probiotics Work? Generally, bacteria are a term that doesn’t have that high reputation in the human world. Actually, bacterium being the main culprit is responsible for various illnesses and even death amongst humans. Due to this, people do everything possible to eradicate the. We use sanitizers, antiseptics and alcohols. We also purify our drinking water and cook our food properly to avoid getting infected with these bacteria.

Though bacteria can cause various types of illnesses and even death, it can also be beneficial for humans and this depends upon the number and type of bacteria. Probiotics contain bacteria that are not harmful to humans, and they are present in limited amounts. Lactobacilli, a bacteria mostly found in probiotics, has been found helpful in improving digestion amongst humans. They convert lactose into lactic acid, which limits the growth of various harmful bacteria. Lactobacillus is present in vagina and gut. These body areas need acidic environment for proper functioning.

Various Health Benefits of Probiotics

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1. Lactose intolerance-Probiotics can be very helpful to the people with lactose intolerance. This health condition occurs when a person has deficiency of a vital enzyme for converting lactose into lactic acid. Certain probiotics like lactobacillus help in this particular problem as they are primarily responsible for this conversion. This is helpful for the suffering people as they become much more tolerant to lactose. 2. Gastro intestinal health-Large amounts of lactobacillus microbe is naturally present in the gut where it is responsible for maintaining the acidic environment. They also prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria. This helps in improving the person’s digestion and resistance to various gastrointestinal infections. Probiotics with bifid-o-bacteria and lactobacillus have also been found helpful in managing diarrhea, which occurs mainly due to certain harmful microorganism that invades the gut. In the presence of probiotics, various harmful agents fail to proliferate and cause any damage. 3. Prevention of colon cancer-Many studies in the past has indicated that probiotics help in the prevention of colon cancer. Some strains of lactobacilli have shown anti-mutagenic effect where they prevent the cells from mutating and thus turning into cancerous cells. This helps in preventing the formation of cancer. Though many people still think that bacteria can only case diseases and illness, but given the facts, it is clear that we also cannot survive without them!

Probiotics and Their Role in Maintaining Colon Health

Probiotics are microorganisms that are believed to have a beneficial effect on our health. Certain bacteria and yeast are perfect examples of probiotics and they are present in foods and supplements. Our digestive system hosts more than 500 types of bacteria, which help in the break down of food and build up the health of the intestinal walls to improve digestion. Probiotics have been attributed to stimulate a healthy immune system too.

Role of probiotics in maintaining the colon health Colon is a major part of our body that requires to be kept healthy for the general well being. Since the colon processes waste, the partial removal of wastes can lead to health problems. People should have one or more bowel movement on a daily basis to eliminate the waste. The colon is home to flora or the beneficial bacteria that help the body to break down the food that is eaten by us and process it. When the level of flora reduces, the body loses its natural ability to break down food and eliminate it. The colon does not work properly any more and this causes digestive ailments. The consumption of probiotics keeps the flora thriving and this improves the colon health to a great

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extent and wastes are eliminated effectively from the body. Probiotics can prevent digestive problems like-

• childhood diarrhea • antibiotic related diarrhea • pouchitis as a result of intestinal surgery • cow’s milk allergy in children • irritable bowel syndrome • colon infection

Even symptoms like cramping in the abdomen, nausea, gas and bloating can be lessened by the inclusion of probiotics in the diet.

Inclusion of probiotics in the diet for colon health Probiotics help to cleanse the colon and keep it functioning properly. So, for overall health and proper digestion we must make probiotics a part of our food routine. This can be done in the following ways-

• Natural foods like yoghurt are a rich source of probiotics. One must consume at least 8 oz of yogurt daily in order to experience the goodness of the probiotics. Natural yoghurt works best and the effects can be experienced fully when the proper digestive balance is established by the daily consumption of yoghurt for about two weeks.

• Kefir, a natural bacterial source, can be included in the daily diet in the form of a smoothie for breakfast. Natural kefir is best for improving colon health. Kefir may have fruits added in ready packs in stores. Even these can be very beneficial and easy to consume. But do remember to avoid sugar or sweeteners in kefir.

• Probiotic supplements can be purchased online or from stores. It is recommended that you take the daily dose to experience results. Be sure to buy a brand that has a large number of probiotics and from 10 different resources.

Probiotics help to replenish the good bacteria in the colon and thereby improve the process of digestion. Diarrhea, lactose intolerance and bloating are considerably reduced when these are used. Probiotics have also been known to boost the immune system of the body along with improving colon health.

How to Improve Digestion with Bowtrol Probiotics

Bowtrol Probiotics is a natural herbal supplement that is used to relieve digestion problems. Digestion problems can cause havoc in our lives since they result in constipation and irritating other conditions. There are medications which can be used but most of them cause side effects. For this reason, it is advisable to use natural digestion remedies which include Bowtrol Probiotics.

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How Bowtrol Probiotics work A product of Ultra Herbals, Bowtrol Probiotics is believed to balance the contents of the digestions system. It prevents microorganisms which can hinder digestion from flourishing and thus ensures that food is digested smoothly. The health supplement is recommended for people who are taking medications which affect digestion to reduce side effects. By introducing it into your diet you can reduce the chances of suffering from gut infections which can affect digestion. Generally, Bowtrol Probiotics improve the immune system to prevent indigestion conditions such as phenomena.

The benefits of taking Bowtrol Probiotics are numerous. The medication is designed to ease bowel movement and at the same time stimulate digestion. But apart from digestion functions it also prevents gas and bloating. You may therefore want to include it in your diet if you are having a bloated stomach. It also prevents muscle spasms to prevent pain during bowel movement. It is also good for your overall health because it is made from all natural ingredients and thus you can be sure there will be no side effects.

How effective is Bowtrol Probiotics? Considered to other Probiotics in the market, Bowtrol Probiotics is more effective. It does not cause bloating as is the case with most supplements. This is because it is strong enough to withstand the bile and acid in the digestive tract to produce the desired results. However, you should not take Bowtrol Probiotics if you are pregnant or nursing. It is also important to see a doctor if you produce bloody stool after consuming the pills. Other side effects include discolored urine, bloating, cramping and abdominal pain.

So, how should you take Bowtrol Probiotics? For effective results, Bowtrol Probiotics should be taken on an empty stomach. Take three capsules with water just before going to bed and after this be sure to eat a healthy mean and lots of water. Water will ease digestion. Sometimes, you may need to increase the dosage to 4 capsules if three fail to work. The amount taken will depend on the severity of the problem but you should not take more than 8 capsules in a day. If the indigestion fail to go away after this then it is good to see a doctor because the problem may be more severe and complications can occur.

What are the side effects of Bowtrol Probiotics? When consuming Bowtrol Probiotics one must careful because it has some side effects. It can cause esophageal and gastrointestinal problems if taken in large amounts. Apart from this, it can result in abdominal pains if taken for more than 7 days consecutively. It is therefore important that you talk to your doctor before consuming it. This way, the doctor can advice you on the best dosage.

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As you can see, Bowtrol Probiotics provide a safe and effective way to get rid of digestion problems.

Do Probiotics Improve Bowel Function in the Elderly?

Constipation affects over thirty percent of individuals over the age of 65. This means that irregular bowel function in elderly individuals is a problem suffered by many. Some elderly do not understand what regular bowel function really is. Many have become accustomed to irregularity or painful elimination. Constipation can be serious if it is caused by a medical condition like hypothyroidism or colon cancer. Some medications can cause constipation too. Elderly people who suffer from this condition need to be checked by a physician to find out what is causing their constipation.

There are several ways to relieve constipation. One of the best ways is to increase fluid intake and fiber consumption. People that have high fiber diets rarely suffer with constipation. There are many over-the-counter medications that can be taken, such as laxatives or stool softeners, but those can be very habit forming. It is better to take a more natural approach to improve bowel function in elderly people.

Probiotics have proven to be very helpful in alleviating constipation. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that are in the human body and they can also be added to food, such as yogurt or cottage cheese. Some people think that all bacteria is harmful but certain bacteria levels are needed for the urinary tract, intestinal tract and other places in the body, to function properly. Though it is true, too much bacteria can make a person ill, but so can low levels of good bacteria. The correct balance of probiotics is necessary for good health. Commercial probiotics products only contain the healthy bacteria. When you take probiotics, you are adding healthy bacteria back into your system.

Bifidobacteria, lactobacillus, and sacchromyces boulardi are common types of probiotics that are often used to relieve constipation. These healthy types of bacteria are also found in foods like yogurt, but also can be bought as probiotic dietary supplements. Probiotics work well for alleviating constipation because they contain the bacteria that are very beneficial for the intestinal tract. When the digestive tract has the good bacteria that it needs to break down food properly, it can result in normal and pain-free bowel movements.

Studies revealed that elderly patients with chronic constipation improved significantly when they took probiotics. These elderly patients had improved digestive health and did not suffer with bloating or gas. They also had no need to take prescription medications for their constipation. The patients that continued using probiotics were able to end the cycle of their chronic constipation in a very natural and healthy manner.

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Probiotic supplements are usually made in capsule form and are very easy for elderly people to swallow. There are many different types available and some of the most popular ones are the multi-probiotic supplements. These usually contain lactobacillus acidophilus, inulin and bifidobacterium bifidum. The label on the supplement bottle will list the number of live bacteria that are contained in the capsules. It is important to take these capsules as directed.

When you use probiotics to relieve constipation you are supporting your body’s natural method of eliminating waste. Many older people who take them to ease their constipation get relief right away. When you take them on a regular basis, your body will get back to its natural rhythm. Probiotic supplements are a very healthy way to get bowel function in elderly individuals back on track and working effectively.

How You Can Benefit by using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser

There are many colon cleansers available today, but not all have the benefits of Bowtrol Colon Cleanser. By using a combination of safe, 100% natural ingredients designed to produce a gentle cleanse, this supplement will give you results.

The major purpose of colon cleansing is to get rid of waste material that has putrefied by remaining in the body too long. Lack of enough fiber in the diet, overeating white sugar and flour, intake of polluted water, stress, caffeine and lack of exercise can all contribute to toxicity. Taking prescription drugs that slow down normal movement of the bowels and antibiotics can cause problems as well.

This toxic build up leads to all kinds of health maladies. Allergies, skin problems, irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, headaches, and compromised immune systems are just a few of the problems that can be alleviated

with Bowtrol Colon Cleanser.

Unlike other colon cleansers, Bowtrol capsules are easy to take. There are no liquids to deal with and no health practitioner visits to fit into your busy schedule. However, it is important to choose a colon cleanser carefully.

There are many products on the market that are too harsh, or that will not work for you. Bowtrol has a gentle but rapid response without side effects. It is designed to promote elimination of accumulated waste material as well as parasites.

You may gasp at the thought of parasites, but they are far more common than most people suppose. During a good colon cleanse, it can be a shock to see what is eliminated. These unwanted visitors in our bodies can cause all kinds of havoc with our health. If you have travelled to third world countries, you should be aware that you may

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have picked up some parasites. Even in the U.S. without travelling abroad, parasite infestation is common. Seasoned travelers know that a good colon cleanse is a must on a regular basis.

If you want the greatest benefit from Bowtrol Colon Cleanser, it is a good idea to watch your diet while taking it. Why work against yourself by taking in toxins and bad food while you are trying to make things better! With the knowledge you are gaining, you may be impressed to make some lasting changes in your lifestyle. By doing so, you will be assured of a healthier colon and body.

There are numerous herbs included in Bowtrol. They are combined to make sure your cleansing experience is comfortable and effective. Senna, one of the ingredients, is known as a safe and mild, but effective herbal laxative. Cascara Sagrada traditionally has been used by Native Americans for bowel stimulation and to aid muscle tone in the colon.

Peppermint has been used in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome because of its ability to relax the smooth muscle of the intestinal wall. Buckthorn bark works to stimulate the nerves of the colon to move its contents along.

Fennel seed combats gas formation and helps expel it. Papaya leaf is often used as a digestive aid because of papain, an enzyme which breaks down protein. It is part of the supplement to help in the waste removal process. Thyme oil is included because it has antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

These ingredients along with others are formulated to give you a comfortable and productive experience. Your health can be dramatically improved by using Bowtrol Colon Cleanse.

1 Month Supply $39.95 2 Month Supply $69.95 3 Month Supply $99.90 6 Month Supply $159.95

Visit the Bowtrol Colon Cleanser Official Website

How Bowtrol Colon Control Can Improve Your Life

Bowtrol Colon Control is an answer for those who suffer from diarrhea and unexpected bowel movements. Also known as bowel incontinence, this inability to control a bowel movement can result in such embarrassment that many sufferers refuse to discuss the problem with anyone or to seek help.

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There are many reasons the malady develops in a person. Through the years, sphincter muscles in the anus can get stretched from chronic constipation and no longer function properly. Nerves can be damaged during surgery in the surrounding area. Although 2% of the population is affected, more women suffer than men, largely because of injury to the area in childbirth.

Other causes include stroke, chemotherapy, medications, improper diet, radiation, and damage to the spinal cord. Diseases affecting the entire body like scleroderma or diabetes can adversely affect the colon.

There is some misunderstanding about lack of colon control that should be cleared up. Commonly called bowel or stool incontinence, this malady is distinguished from urinary incontinence which is the inability to control urinary output. Both can be referred to as incontinence.

There are exercises you can do to strengthen your sphincter muscles. This takes dedication and time, but can be helpful in your overall progress to a healthier colon. The Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, are well known to women who are often advised to use them to cure urinary incontinence.

These exercises can be done sitting down, even while waiting at a stop light. The idea is to tighten your anal and pelvic muscles as much as you can for five seconds. By doing this ten times a session three times a day for just a few weeks you should notice improvement.

Probably, you have known people that can eat anything with no harmful effects. They are often said to have iron stomachs. Perhaps you eat certain foods that trigger your bowels to move uncontrollably. Spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol, to name a few, can be the culprits.

How embarrassing to have such loss of control! Bowtrol Colon Control is designed to give you control over your own body so you can enjoy life again. The combination of ingredients works in your digestive system to gently harden the stool so that it can move more normally.

A gel like substance forms to help your food along. It is much easier to control a firm stool than a loose or watery one.

Traditional medical advice may be to take anti-diarrhea medications to deal with the loose stools. Bowtrol is a far better alternative with a more natural effect on the body.

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This supplement also supports the mucosa of the intestinal lining so absorption of food is easier. Improving the lining of the colon also aids in easier movement of material as it passes through the body.

Finally, Bowtrol Colon Control removes toxins from your digestive tract. With the flushing out of foreign material, you will experience freedom from bloating and gas. You will be on your way to a healthier colon and a better life.

1 Month Supply $39.95 2 Month Supply $69.95 4 Month Supply $119.95 6 Month Supply $159.95

Visit the Bowtrol Colon Control Official Website.

How Bowtrol Probiotic Can Improve Your Health

Probiotic means “for life” and Bowtrol Probiotic truly increases quality of life. By adding friendly bacteria to your digestive tract you will enjoy numerous benefits. You must know by now how good probiotics are for you by seeing ads on TV and in magazines.

You can find these beneficial organisms added to regular milk as well as the traditional yogurt and kefir. Your doctor may have advised you to eat yogurt after a course of antibiotics to treat an infection. The reason behind this is to restore the normal bacterial content of the digestive tract which usually is compromised when harmful bacteria are the target.

Unfortunately, the helpful bacteria in the colon fall prey to the regimen designed to get rid of the infection causing organisms. Unfortunately, there is a problem with eating loads of yogurt.

Probably it would not be so if you could stand to eat plain yogurt. Most of us like tasty yogurt which means lots of sugar. With all the low fat claims that come with most yogurts, little mention is made of the high carbohydrate content. For diabetics or those watching their calories, yogurt is not the best choice. A supplement like Bowtrol Probiotic provides an answer. It comes in easy to take capsules and does not need refrigeration like so many other brands. Aside from regular supplementation to maintain a healthy colon, another good time to use Bowtrol Probiotic is along with Bowtrol Colon Cleanse. When the colon has been cleansed, it is ideal to replenish with a

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good dose of probiotics. You will be certain you are on a new pathway of health by following this guideline.

In addition, those with yeast overgrowth from medication use or other causes will find probiotics effective in restoring balance to the digestive tract. The good bacteria are like little soldiers that overtake the enemy by their sheer numbers. You may be wondering what is so special about Bowtrol Probiotic. It is a powerful combination including 9 billion live cells of probiotics in a formulation that assures delivery to the colon without side effects.

The combination with Lacto-spore, not found in other preparations, and the outer coating protect the cells from harsh stomach acid as they make their way to the colon.

There are other ingredients included that ease the body’s response to the supplement. Other products can be upsetting to the body as they work. Bowtrol is popular because you can count on a good experience.

Users report that there is no gas or bloating like they have found with other supplements. Less constipation and flatulence are welcome results. Digestive problems seem to melt away and overall health is improved. Even skin tone improves, with a new glow being experienced by many.

Regular use of a good probiotic can change your life. In today’s climate with so many pesticides on food, chemicals in water and in the very air we breathe, it is essential to combat these assaults on our lives. Bowtrol Probiotic is the supplement that should be included in everyone’s plan for optimal health.

1 Month Supply $29.95 2 Month Supply $54.95 3 Month Supply $79.95 6 Month Supply $119.95

Visit the Bowtrol Probiotic Official Website