Download - The Cold War. Germany, as well as the capital Berlin, is divided into administration zones.


The Cold War Germany, as well as the capital Berlin, is divided into administration zones. Cold War Beginnings following WWII, US and Soviet Union emerged as superpowers and rivals as they worked to rebuild Europe Potsdam Conference (1945) - July 1945 Truman, Stalin, Clement Atlee (Great Britain) Truman pushed Stalin to allow free elections in occupied Poland but he refused Truman believed in self-determination through free elections Potsdam (Atlee, Truman, Stalin) UNITED NATIONS MEETS FOR THE FIRST TIME, 1945 US vs. USSR US wants to: encourage democracy in other countries gain access to raw materials and markets for its booming industry rebuild European governments to ensure stability and new markets unify Germany US vs. USSR USSR wants to: encourage communism in other countries transfer industrial equipment of Eastern Europe to Soviets to help rebuild economy control Eastern Europe as a balance to US influence keep Germany divided and weak The Marshall Plan Western Europes economy was hurt by war and a rough winter Gen. George Marshall (US Sec. Of State) proposed aiding European countries in need Participating nations had to remove trade barriers and cooperate economically with each other to receive aid The plan was quickly approved in 1948 after Soviet troops took over Czechoslovakia WITH HELP FROM THE MARSHALL PLAN WESTERN EUROPEAN ECONOMIES REVIVE GERMAN CITY OF HAMBURG IN 1947 BEFORE THE MARSHALL PLAN HAMBURG, 1952, AFTER THE MARSHALL PLAN Just two years after MARSHALL PLAN AID Cold War Beginnings Soviets wanted friendly (Communist) neighbors to protect it from future attacks so Stalin set up communist governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland These became satellite nations which were dependent upon and dominated by Soviets..this violated the agreement to assist development and encourage self-determination! On June 23, 1948 the USSR imposed a complete BLOCKADE on railway, road and canal traffic leading to their portion of Berlin (West Berlin)from the allied German zone. No supplies of any type, including food, fuel and consumer goods, were allowed to enter West Berlin. Stalin wanted to starve the city into submission because he desired to control all of Berlin, while the allies called for a separate West Germany and currency reform. OPERATION VITTLES NAME GIVEN TO THE BERLIN AIRLIFT PRESIDENT TRUMAN DECIDED THAT WE WERE GOING TO HOLD ON TO WEST BERLIN AND HE CHOOSE AN AIRLIFT FROM THE OPTIONS PRESENTED HIM. THE AIRLIFT WOULD BE USED FOR KEEPING THE CITY SUPPLIED WITH FOOD, FUEL AND CONSUMER GOODS. BERLIN AIRLIFT: JUNE 1948 TO MAY 1949 EVERYTHING FROM COAL TO CHOCOLATE WAS FLOWN IN BY FLEETS OF AMERICAN AND BRITISH CARGO PLANES LOADING BAGS OF COAL MAKING SMALL PARACHUTES TO DROP CANDY TO BERLIN CHILDREN PRESIDENT TRUMAN MADE IT CLEAR THAT IF ONE CARGO PLANE WAS SHOT DOWN IT WOULD MEAN WAR BETWEEN THE US AND USSR CRASHED CARGO PLANE DUE TO AN ACCIDENT IN MAY OF 1949 THE RUSSIANS ENDED THE BERLIN BLOCKADE By 1949 the portions of Germany controlled by France, the UK and the US are unified into WEST GERMANY. EAST GERMANY remains under the control of the Soviets. Cold War Beginnings Winston Churchills Iron Curtain "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. This term was used throughout the Cold War era to mark the line between capitalism and communism. The Truman Doctrine Containment policies were developed to block Soviet attempts to spread communist influence by creating alliances and supporting weaker countries It was to contain communism where it is and keep it from spreading further. BOTH GREECE AND TURKEY FACED COMMUNIST REVOLTS IN 1947 AND ASKED THE U.S. FOR AID TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM COMMUNIST TAKEOVERS FIGHTING AGAINST COMMUNISTS IN GREECE EASTERN EUROPEAN NATIONS TAKEN OVER BY THE USSR AFTER WW II YUGOSLAVIA, WHILE COMMUNIST, REMAINED INDEPENDENT NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization A defensive military alliance between 10 western European nations, Canada, and US an attack on any member is considered an attack on all The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C. on 4 April 1949 and was ratified by the United States that August. NATO Today FIRST MEMBERS OF NATO BELGIUM, CANADA, DENMARK, FRANCE, ICELAND, ITALY, LUXEMBOURG, THE NETHERLANDS, NORWAY, PORTUGAL, THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES. LATER JOINED BY GREECE, SPAIN, TURKEY AND WEST GERMANY. WARSAW PACT FORMED BY THE USSR TO COUNTER NATO IN EUROPE MAY 1, 1955 TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, CO-OPERATION AND MUTUAL ASSISTANCE BETWEEN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC, THE GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, THE POLISH PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC, THE RUMANIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC, THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS, AND THE CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC. WARSAW PACT MEMBERS HARRY TRUMAN HE WAS THE SURPRISE WINNER IN THE 1948 ELECTION AND SERVED AS PRESIDENT TO HE DECLINED TO RUN AS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE IN 1952 EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONSTITUTIONALLY ALLOWED. The Spread of Communism In Asia the US was making great strides to return Japan and its former territories to well functioning democratic and capitalist societies. OCTOBER 1 ST 1949 THE COMMUNISTS WON THE CHINESE CIVIL WAR AND THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA IS ESTABLISHED WITH THE USSR AS ITS MAIN ALLY. IN THE US, LOSING CHINA BECOMES A POLITICAL ISSUE. MAO ZEDONG, COMMUNIST LEADER OF CHINA IN 1949 THE USSR EXPLODED AN ATOMIC BOMB AND BECAME THE SECOND NUCLEAR POWER President Truman approves the development of the hydrogen bomb. This new type of nuclear weapon is at least 100 times more powerful then the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in THE FIRST US HYDROGEN BOMB WAS EXPLODED IN NOVEMBER OF THE USSR EXPLODED ONE IN 1953. CANDIDATES IN THE 1952 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ELECTION OF 1952: EISENHOWER WON BY A LANDSLIDE EISENHOWER AND VICE PRESIDENT NIXON ON ELECTION NIGHT NOVEMBER 1952 Large crowd waiting to greet Eisenhower Eisenhowers platform was known as KCC: Korea first, Communism and Corruption Brinkmanship John Foster Dulles - Eisenhowers Sec. Of State proposed policy based on threats of massive retaliation keep peace by threatening to use all of force (Brinkmanship constantly being on the verge of war without actually going to war) US increased production of nukes arms race begins (again, race for the H- Bomb) fear of nuclear war a constant in American life THE SECOND RED SCARE: PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S ATTORNEY GENERAL, HOWARD MCGRATH, SET THE TONE WHEN HE ANNOUNCED: THERE ARE TODAY MANY COMMUNISTS IN AMERICA. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE - IN FACTORIES, OFFICES, BUTCHER SHOPS, ON STREET CORNERS, IN PRIVATE BUSINESSES - AND EACH CARRIES IN HIMSELF THE GERMS OF DEATH FOR SOCIETY. McGrath and Truman NO ONE REALLY KNEW HOW MANY AMERICAN COMMUNISTS THERE WERE. IT WAS KNOWN THAT 100,000 HAD VOTED FOR THE COMMUNIST PARTY IN THE ELECTION OF 1932. Paranoia Truman was accused of being soft on communism so he reacts sets up Federal Employee Loyalty and Security Program - March 1947 investigated government employees for disloyalty drew up list of 91 subversive organizations - members considered suspicious 3.2 million employees investigated dismissed, 2900 resigned Paranoia House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) investigated possible communist influence in and out of government investigation of movie industry; 43 subpoenaed in Hollywood Hollywood Ten - refused to testify and were sent to prison - they thought proceedings were unconstitutional blacklist - list of people thought to have communist backgrounds - careers were ruined because they couldnt get work The Hollywood 10 and their supporters Jack Warners (Warner Brothers studios) testimony at a HUAC hearing Paranoia McCarran Internal Security Bill (1950) made it unlawful to plan any action that may lead to the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship in the US Duck and Cover Drills and Bomb Shelters were encouraged to help prepare Americans for nuclear attack. Spy Cases Alger Hiss - former State Dept. official former spy accuses Hiss of spying for Soviets Hiss convicted of perjury and sent to jail Nixon gained national attention for pursuing charges against Hiss 1990's proof he probably was a spy Spy Cases Rosenbergs Klaus Fuchs - British physicist - admitted giving Soviets info about A- bomb and implicated the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in the process Soviets were able to build the bomb years before expected Rosenbergs were 1st Americans executed for espionage electric chair later evidence proves their guilt Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Alger Hiss McCarthyism Senator Joseph McCarthy, Wisconsin, was very anti-communist made unsupported accusations accusations against the Army in 1954 led to televised hearings/investigation McCarthy bullied witnesses and slandered people lost public support; seen as fanatic Left: McCarthy Hearings Below: Senator Joseph McCarthy Right: Nixon and other members of HUAC Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness So, Senator, I asked him to go back to Boston. Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is true he is still with Hale & Dorr. It is true that he will continue to be with Hale & Dorr. It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar, needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do so. I like to think I'm a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me. Army Lawyer Joseph Welch confronts McCarthy on live TV The Korean War ON AUGUST 15 TH 1948 THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA WITH ITS CAPITAL IN SEOUL IS FOUNDED ONE MONTH LATER THE COMMUNIST KOREAN PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC IS FOUNDED WITH ITS CAPITOL IN PYONGYANG NORTH KOREA SOUTH KOREA KOREAN WAR: JUNE 1950 TO JULY 1953 The UN sent in troops as the North Korean forces began moving into South Korea. *** the bulk of the soldiers came from the U.S. Korea Korea was divided along the 38th parallel at the end of WWII The North was supported by the Soviet Union and later China.communist was established in the totalitarian government. The South was supported by the US...democracy and capitalism were established within the government. Korea June 25, Communist North Korea attacked UN sponsored South Korea UN Security Council, urged by America, calls on member nations to help General Douglas MacArthur led the UN and S. Korean troops Korean War ( ) N. Korea makes serious advances until MacArthurs counterattack MacArthur gives order to cross 38th parallel to reunite the Korea China sends in troops and S. Korean troops driven back fighting was fierce with little gains MacArthur argues for permission to invade China and drop nuclear bombs Truman says No! MacArthur continues with plans and Truman fires him REMEMBER.. FORMER GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT IN NOVEMBER 1952 HE PLEDGES TO GO TO KOREA AND END THE WAR. IN MARCH OF 1953 JOSEPH STALIN THE COMMUNIST DICTATOR OF THE SOVIET UNION DIED. AFTER THIS THE KOREAN PEACE NEGOIATIONS TOOK A MORE POSITIVE TURN. On July 27 th 1953, after three years of fighting, an armistice was signed ending the Korean war. Korea remained divided at the 38 th parallel. Korean War (1950 1953) war ends in 3 years - a stalemate Armistice signed - July 27, 1953 Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel with a demilitarization zone along the border which is patrolled by UN soldiers (including Americans) 54,000 Americans dead; $20-22 billion increased fear of communist aggression Cold War Spreads Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used more and more - spies gathered information abroad covert (secret) operations to weaken or overthrow unfriendly gov Geneva Summit Soviets recognize W. Germany and conclude peace treaties with Austria and Japan W. Germany allowed to rearm and joined NATO Soviets form Warsaw Pact with Eastern European satellite nations Eisenhower meets with Soviet leaders in Geneva, Switzerland nothing specific accomplished