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  • 7/31/2019 The Carter Doctrine


    The carter doctrine

    The era of dtente would prove to be short-lived. Challenges to the Nixon

    administration emerged from both the right and left of the American political

    spectrum, questioning the moral basis as well as the geopolitical rationale of

    engaging the Soviets as equal partners. President James Earl Carter was no more

    adept at salvaging the spirit of cooperation than was President Gerald Ford

    before him. Carter's focus on human rights alarmed Soviet leaders, who were

    accustomed to Nixon's disregard for such issues. From Carter's perspective, a

    series of events, including conflict in the Horn of Africa and the discovery of

    Soviet troops in Cuba, led Carter to adopt a more hawkish position toward the

    USSR. Moscow's invasion of neighboring Afghanistan would bring him more

    firmly into the cold warrior camp. The Kremlin's December 1979 push south of its

    border jolted the administration, leading Carter to take several measures that,

    collectively, marked the clearest indication that relations between the United

    States and the Soviet Union were in a free fall.

    The president clarified the new situation one month later in his State of the

    Union Address of 23 January 1980. Referring specifically to the Soviet invasion,

    Carter declared that "an attempt by any outside force to gain control of the

    Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the

    United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means

    necessary, including military force." By the following morning, theNew York

    Times had given that policy a name: the Carter Doctrine.

    Although the Soviet invasion was the proximate trigger for the Carter Doctrine,

    momentum for the president's policy shift had been building over the previous

    two years. Much of that energy flowed from concern over the fate of Iran. One of

    the "two pillars" undergirding America's security structure in the Middle East,

    Iran had been supporting U.S. interests for close to twenty-five years. Its position

    was so vital that the administration rarely, if ever, questioned Iran's ability to

    play that role; Carter himself labeled Iran "an island of stability" as late as

    January 1978. Yet in just over a year, the shah would be deposed, Ayatollah

  • 7/31/2019 The Carter Doctrine


    Ruhollah Khomeini would return from France and transform the country into an

    Islamic republic, and fifty Americans would be taken hostage by Iranian students

    and militants. With the Nixon Doctrine in tatters, U.S. policymakers sought to

    fashion a new strategy for the region.

    Fears of regional instability were only partly responsible for Carter's movement

    toward a new strategic posture. According to the president, an amalgam of three

    distinct forces had combined to prompt his declaration of U.S. policy: "the steady

    growth and increased projection of Soviet military power beyond its own borders;

    the overwhelming dependence of the Western democracies on oil supplies from

    the Middle East; and the press of social and religious and economic and political

    change in the many nations of the developing world, exemplified by the

    revolution in Iran." In all, a host of events had led the administration to conclude

    that American interests in the Persian Gulf were under grave threat. Only a more

    forceful statement of purpose could begin the process of redressing the regional

    andin the administration's calculationglobal balance of power.

    The doctrine also emerged out of a long-running debate within the

    administration over its policy toward the Soviet Union. Carter's principal foreign

    policy aides, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and national security adviser

    Zbigniew Brzezinski, differed over the degree to which Washington should

    confront the Soviets. It was Brzezinski's contention that Moscow had never

    stopped probing for weak spots around the globe; for him, instability in both

    Central America and Africa testified to the Kremlin's continuing desire for

    ideological competition, especially in the developing world. Dtente, he surmised,

    had merely allowed the Soviets to continue their expansionist thrust there under

    the cover of superpower cooperation. In contrast to Vance's preference for

    conciliation, Brzezinski had been lobbying for a more aggressive stance towardMoscow since the earliest days of the administration. A series of developments,

    including the discovery of Soviet soldiers in Cuba and the Soviet invasion of

    Afghanistan, provided further support for Brzezinski's arguments. By the time

    that Carter delivered his State of the Union Address in January 1980, the

    Brzezinski approach had won out.

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    A host of measures associated with the Carter Doctrine followed quickly on the

    heels of its enunciation, signaling a new phase in Carter's approach to the Soviet

    Union and to his overall practice of foreign policy. Within a month of his address,

    Carter sanctioned the creation of a Rapid Deployment Force, a contingent of as

    many as 200,000 troops, designed to expedite the projection of American

    military power around the globe, and especially in the Middle East. He would

    take additional steps to improve America's combat readiness, preparing the

    groundwork for a reimposition of the military draft and asking Congress for a

    sharp increase in defense spending. Other policies would impinge on U.S.Soviet

    relations as Carter enacted a partial grain embargo and boycotted the Moscow

    Olympics. Still further actions, whereby Carter withdrew a second Strategic Arms

    Limitation Treaty from senatorial consideration and extended the number ofSoviet sites targeted by U.S. missiles, recast the nuclear dimension of the two

    countries' relationship. On top of those actions, Carter embraced Pakistani ruler

    Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq, indicating his willingness to subordinate human rights

    concerns to the struggle against Soviet aggression. By and large, those measures

    appealed to a Congress eager for action after the previous year's indignities.

    They also struck a chord with the American public. Opinion polls revealed

    general support for the president's statement, suggesting that Carter hadcorrectly gauged the popular mood. Responding to criticism that Carter had

    engaged in pandering and political grandstanding, Brzezinski defended his

    president, explaining that the administration needed to make such a

    proclamation if only to steel the public for the demands ahead. Journalists,

    however, while hardly indulgent of Soviet behavior, interpreted Carter's speech as

    a fundamentally political move, designed to reshape the president's image at the

    outset of an election year. Scholars, too, have subjected the doctrine to withering

    critiques. Some have described it as little more than empty posturing, crafted

    more to improve Carter's political fortune than to alter Soviet behavior. Still

    others maintain that Carter acted rashly, drawing conclusions about Soviet

    motives based on very little evidencemotives he himself would qualify

    throughout the remainder of his presidency. Still others have faulted the Carter

    Doctrine for its ambiguity, noting that it failed to define, with any sense of

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    precision, the nature of aggression, the characteristics of an outside force, or even

    the boundaries of the Persian Gulf itself.

    Moreover, scholars have argued, the Carter Doctrine and policies associated with

    it offered little in the way of tangible benefits. None of the measures aimed at the

    Kremlinnot the grain embargo, nor the Olympic boycott, nor the curtailment of

    additional tradeforced the Soviets out of Afghanistan. Nor did the president's

    unilateralism sit well with his European allies; only British Prime Minister

    Margaret Thatcher supported Carter's approach. At the same time, however,

    European business capitalized on the chillier relationship as several firms

    concluded lucrative deals at America's expense.

    While the Carter Doctrine secured few if any tangible gainseven its progenitor

    lost at the ballot box that Novemberit would continue to shape U.S. policy

    during the Cold War, largely because subsequent administrations bought into its

    premises. President Ronald Reagan and his advisers regarded the Soviet Union as

    an aggressive, expansionist power; if anything, they, and the Bush administration

    that was to follow, were even more willing to protect U.S. interests in the Persian

    Gulf from Soviet predations and political instability.

    The Carter Doctrine also hastened the buildup of American arms, a process that

    was already under way by January 1980, and for which some historians give him

    high marks. It would be the Reagan administration, however, that would

    capitalize on the perceived need for military expenditures, expanding the size and

    cost, and revamping the shape, of America's military forces.

    In relation to other Cold War presidential statements, the Carter Doctrine fit

    squarely within their rhetorical barriers. It maintained Truman and Eisenhower's

    focus on the Mediterranean and Middle East, a region that had become

    increasingly vital to U.S. officials in the aftermath of the October 1973 Yom

    Kippur War and the ensuing Arab oil boycott. Indeed, it echoed the excited

    language of both the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines, offering to assist those

    nations threatened by totalitarian aggression. And in associating himself with

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    those two statements of national policy, Carter distanced himself from the

    previous two administrations. His willingness to intercede unilaterally in Middle

    Eastern affairs testified to the poverty of the Nixon Doctrine's "twin pillar policy,"

    the very structure of which was now obsolete. Nevertheless, U.S. support for the

    Afghani resistance to the Soviet Union suggests that elements of Nixon's

    approach remained intact; the United States would continue to assist proxy

    forces resisting Soviet advances when such a policy proved fruitful, and would

    seek to impose its own forces when the situation demanded it.

    Read more:The carter doctrine - Doctrines
