Download - The Box Zine Issue 7

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Byyue Yesek Tfe Teog @efbkd Tfe @mv Zbke




    BHHUYTPOTBMK: Yog Torhmp




    MF FER \M\







    Gbne \ehlok


    Huir Pekdhe





  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Deop @mv peodepy

    \e ope ifoklbkl tfe dotey |fek tfe golozbke by mut( |e |bhh km| `e dbypuqtbklopmukd tfe gbdhokdy gbd gmktf Km| `oin tm |foty bk tfby gmktfy byyue Tfby

    gmktf |e evqhmped tfe `eyt tfot Gohsepk okd \mpieytep fod tm mccep cpmg yosmupbkl

    o yeheitbmk mc peoh ohey ot Tfe Gmplok |fbhe `ebkl ekteptobked `r o cmhn bkyqbped

    Mqek Gbi Kblft tm ok ekhblftekbkl ceytbsoh mc qepcmpgokiey cpmg tfe mplokbyepy mc

    Ohmke tm sbybtbkl mup cpbekdy ot tfe 40 esekt kmt cmplettbkl mup mhd cosmupbte ceotupeyyfm| ioybkl optbyt okd ipeotbse bkdbsbduohy+

    \e |ehimge gmpe okd gmpe qemqhe tm let bksmhsed |btfbk tfby qu`hbiotbmk okd km|

    evqokdbkl bktm Gohsepk( Nbddepgbkytep okd mtfep opeoy mc tfe gbdhokdy tmm( ym

    qheoye imktoit uy |e ope fepe tm fehq rmu let gmpe evqmyupe oc tep ohh+ \e ope bk


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    40 foy `eek ipeoted `r Lhekk okd Okleho Jogey

    tm ekimupole lmtfbi( yib'cb okd coktoyr coky(

    |pbtepy okd qepcmpgepy tm yfm| ioye tfepe tohekty

    bk cpmkt mc o hbse oudbekie+

    Tfe yuiieyy mc 40 foy ytopted o iu ht cmhhm|bkl bk \mpieytep okd

    `ermkd( tfe esekbkl ottpoity |pbtepy oy cop oy cbehd oy Ogepbio+

    Tfe @mv Zbke foy `eek tfepe cpmg tfe sepr `elbkkbkl okd oh|ory

    tpuhr ekjmry okd foy `eek ekhblfteked `r tfe 40 esekty+ Mk tfe9?-16-?? Tfe @mv Zbke ottekded okmtfep coktoytbioh 40 kblf ot

    Tfe @mytmk Teo Qoptr+ Tfe kblft |oy bktpmduied `r im'cmukdep

    Lhekk Jogey |fm |oy ohym iehe`potbkl fby 40kd `bptfdor+ \bke bk

    fokd okd iogepo qmyed |e yetthed bktm okmtfep kblft cmp tfe

    ipeog mc ohtepkotbse cbitbmkoh dehblfty+

    Cbpythr tm lpoie tfe ytole |oy Okdpe| M|eky qmet-|pbtep |fm

    tmhd tfe tohe mc o rmukl lbph okd fep pehotbmkyfbq |btf ir`ep yqoie

    okd tfe doklepy mc fm| imgqutep lekepoted |mphdy iok fose

    ukcmptukote imbkibdekiey bk tfe peoh |mphd+

    Gp M|eky |oy cmhhm|ed `r tfe imgbiohhr bkyqbped

    qmetpr okd yfmpt ytmpbey cpmg Cepluy GiLmkbloh+

    Yuz \bkyqeop &|fmye ytmpry ceotupe

    bk tfby gmktfy golozbke"yioped uy |btf fep

    ifbhhbkl ytmpr o`mut

    fep ceop mc dmhhy okd

    evqhmpbkl tfe yu`jeit

    gottep fugok tpoky'


    By tfe geokbkl mchbcetfe kug`ep 40=

    Yib'cb ot bty dopneyt okd eyt |oy dehbseped tm uy r Pbifopd Ihor |btf

    tfe tohe mc Gp Lpbseytbin okd tfe Lmd @mtfepy evqhmpbkl tfe tfempry mc

    pehblbmk okd qmhbtbiy yet bk tfe cutupe bk tfe dopneyt deqtf mutep yqoie+

    Octep tfe `peon Cepluy cmhhm|ed okd peod o yeheitbmk mc sbsbdhr

    deyipbqtbse okd egmtbmkoh qmegy |pbttek r Ogepbiok Goyyoifuyetty

    |pbtep JoinbeYuggepy+ Gbifoeh P @puyf gode ok bgqoit |btf fby

    coktoyr ytmpr oyed mk grytbioh ipeotupey okd d|opcy bkyqbped r

    ifbhdfmmd bgolbkotbmk okd gedbesoh tbgey+

    Okd o tmuif mc imgedr okd coktoyr |oy `pmulft m tfe ytole `r Dogmk

    Hmpd sbybtbkl mtfep gedbesoh peohgy okd cbpe peotfbkl dpolmky okd`otthey mc Hmpdy okd |oppbmpy+ Tm imgqhete tfe esekbkl Bok \opd peod osopbed yeheitbmk mc qmegy cmpg fby imhheitbmk o`mut sogqbpey okd

    |epe|mhsey deeq deybpey okd Opgoleddmk+

    40 ekimupole ohh qemqhe mc ohh dbyibqhbkey okd evqepbekiey tm jmbk bk okd

    qepcmpg ym dm kmt fmhd `oin bc rmu ope o `uddbkl |pbtep okd imktoit 40 ot


    Tfe kevt 40 |bhh `e mk tfe 06-12-?? cmp gmpe bkcmpgotbmk odd 40 mk

    coie `mmn mp sbybt Tfe @mv Zbke |bhh neeq rmu bkcmpged+

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7



    elkokt Cbyf








    l O|





    l t

    m \m







    Qpelkokt Cbyf Tfeotpe Imgqokr ope pbklbkl tfebp evtpegehr bktbgote

    okd bktekye sepybmk mc tfe oht'pmin guybioh Yqpbkl O|onekbkl tm

    \mpieytep ot tfe Okleh Iektpe cpmg tfe 91tf Yeqteg`ep0kd Mitm`ep

    ot dbygbyybkl tfe evqekybse yqeitoihe mc tfe \eyt

    Ekd( okd cmiuybkl mk bktepeytbkl ifopoitepy( ytmprhbkey( okd tfe

    imkkeitbmk |btf tfe oudbekie+

    Ymmk octep tfebp imkieqtbmk bk Gopif 01?1( Qpelkokt Cbyf tmmn o

    gbkbgohbytbi( oimuytbi sepybmk mc Y|eeker Tmdd: Tfe Degmk @op`ep

    mc Cheet Ytpeet tm tfe Edbk`uplf Cpbkle tfot reopmccepbkl bt tm ygohh

    oudbekiey( bk tfe oin mc o kblftihu`( imgqhetehr cpee mc ifople+

    Tfer |epe tfek egqhmred r tfe \mpieytep Yqeiyosepy pokif tfby

    Gor tm qpmgmte tfebp Imktoit Heky Cpee Tpboh Yuqep Yotupdor |btf

    yqeibohhr |pbttek( ybkl'o'hmkl ymkly qepcmpged bk tfe fblf ytpeet |btf

    kmtfbkl ut luytm okd o unuhehe+

    Tfebp qpmjeity ohym bkihude o yqeibohhr imggbyybmked qbeie cmp

    ifbhdpek ot tfe Doptgmmp Cmhn Ceytbsoh tfby Ouluyt oyed opmukd

    pesbsbkl hmioh Desmk cmhnhmpe cmp o ke| lekepotbmk tfpmulf bgolbkotbse

    okd bktepoitbse ytmprtehhbkl( ymkly okd quqqetpr( okd o ke|(

    bktepoitbse ifbhdpeky lfmyt'|ohn cmp tfe Pmroh Fmptbiuhtupoh Ymibetr bk

    Fohhm|eek fohc'tepg 01?0+

    Km|( fm|esep( Qpelkokt Cbyf petupk fmge |btf Yqpbkl O|onekbkl: O

    Ke| Guybioh+Ok uqdoted sepybmk mc Cpokn \edenbkdy qhor Cpfhbkly

    Ep|oifek( |fbif |oy okked cmp o iektupr due tm bty cpokn qmptporoh

    mc teekole yevuohbtr

    \foty tpmu`hbkl by tfot tfeye byyuey( tfot ope ytbhh ym pehesokt tm

    rmukl qemqhe( ope ytbhh ebkl blkmped okd puyfed ukdep tfe

    iopqet o iektupr hotep( yory Tmg Dportmk( Gokolbkl Dbpeitmp

    mc Qpelkokt Cbyf ybkie bt lobked ytopt'uq uybkeyy cukdbkl

    tfpmulf tfe YQEED|g qpmjeit tfby Ce`puopr+ Tfepey km cmiuy

    mk imqbkl |btf pehotbmkyfbqy |btfbk yifmmh yev eduiotbmk( okd

    lor yev eduiotbmk by ytbhh imgqhetehr blkmped+ \edenbkd |pmte

    Yqpbkl O|onekbkl tm egqfoybye tfe keed cmp oduhty tm ytmq

    blkmpbkl tfeye rmukl qemqhey byyuey( okd tohn |btf tfeg o`mut

    tfeg( |fbif ytbhh bykt foqqekbkl o fukdped reopy hotep+

    Qpelkokt Cbyf ope sbybtbkl hmioh imhheley( bkihudbkl \mpieytep

    Ybvtf Cmpg( \mpieytep Teifkbioh( okd Lhmuieytep Imhhele( tfe

    |een ecmpe tfe qpmduitbmk tm tohn |btf ytudekty o`mut tfe

    byyuey bk tfe qhor( okd ohym tfebp m|k evqepbekiey |btfbk

    Dpogo ot \mpieytep Ukbsepybtr( okd pukkbkl tfebp m|k tfeotpe


    Bty kmt ohh dmmg okd lhmmg tfmulf Yqpbkl O|onekbkl by

    fepohded tfe guybioh tfot ifokled guybiohy( juvtoqmybkl tfe

    ?2tf iektupr yifmmh yiekey |btf gmdepk dor teekole p min

    guybi> ymkly cpmg o teekolepy bqmd( kmt tfe ihoyybi guybioh

    sbkrh imhheitbmk mc tfebp qopekty+ Tfe Cbyfy qpmduitbmk mc tfe fbt

    guybioh qpmgbyey tm e ekepletbi( pecpeyfbklhr bktbgote( okd

    evtpegehr bktekye+

    Tbinety ope 3 &5 cmp ytudekty" okd ? mc esepr yohe by lmbkl tm

    petfbkn+mplo gektoh bhhkeyy ifopbtr oyed ot Tfe Okleh

    Iektpe+ @mv mccbie bkcmpgotbmk iok e cmukd ot





    r t



  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Peipeotbkl Fbytmpr |oy heod `r @ein okd@upkett+ Tfe lbphy cpmg Hmkdmk tpokycmpgedtfe o ihoyy pmmg bktm o golbioh tfeotpe yet|btf o dpeyybkl pmmg+ Tfe bdeo by tm peipeoteo gegmbpey uybkl tfe qpmqy okd imytugeytfot ope osobho`he+ Tfe qoptbibqokt by tfek

    oyned tm |ope okd qepcmpg uybkl tfegyehseyokd qpmqy mp hor mut qpmqy bk mk tfe tfeotpeyet |btf `oin dpmq+ Tfek tfe kogey |muhdtone o qfmtm+ Tfeye qfmtmlpoqfy ope tfegode bktm o imhheitbmk tm tehh ytmpbey opepeipeoted sbyuoh gegmpbey tm cmpg gokrdbccepekt koppotbsey+Tm sbe| tfe bgolbkotbse |mpny mc PeipeoteFbytpmr sbybt+


    Ohmke |oy mplokbyed tm yfm|ioye tfe |mpn mcbggepybse tfeotpe qpoitbtbmkepy cpmg opmukd tfe|mphd+ Bk gokr |ory bt |oy bkyqbped `r o sbybt tm

    tfe @ottepyeo Opty Iektpey Mke mk Mke ceytbsoh bkOqpbh okd Ohmke |oy yet uq tm `pbkl ybgbhop |mpntm \mpieytep+

    Ym |e |epe goyybsehr qheoyed tm yfm| |mpn cpmgohh msep tfe |mphdcpmg Oplektbko( cpmgDekgopn okd( mc imupye cpmg tfe UN+ Oy tfeCeytbsoh Dbpeitmp okd o imktpb`utmp tm tfe |mpnyfm|k( bty o cobphr egqtr leytupe tm yor tfot Btfbkn tfe |mpn |oy peohhr ytpmkl( fm|esep tfeytokdopd |oy tpuhr |mphd'ihoyy okd tfmye mc rmu|fm imkybdeped imgbkl okd deibded olobkyt btpeohhr gbyyed ymgetfbkl sepr yqeiboh+ Rmup hmyy+

    Ym |fot kevt cmp bggepybse qepcmpgokie bk\mpieytepyfbpe= \ehh Imhheitbse Ukimkyibmuyope yfm|bkl Tfe Mrytep okd tfe Odmpep mkYotupdor 02tf Mitm`ep ot \mpieytep Opty\mpnyfmq+ Bty o Fohhm|eek dbkkep tfeotpeevqepbekie |btf o t|byt+ Tbinety ope ?5 &|fbifbkihudey dbkkep" okd osobho`he cpmgfttq:--imhheitbseukimkyibmuy+im+un+

    \mpieytep Opty \mpnyfmq+ Bty o Fohhm|eekdbkkep tfeotpe evqepbekie |btf o t|byt+ Tbinetyope ?5 &|fbif bkihudey dbkkep" okd osobho`hecpmg fttq:--imhheitbseukimkyibmuy+im+un+Tfepey hbgbted qhoiey okd tbinety ope yehhbkl mutcoyt ym `mmn eophr tm osmbd dbyoqqmbktgekt+\ese ohym `eluk TFE LOGE+ Oqepcmpgokie'`oyed evqepbgekt oiieyyed `rbksbtotbmk mkhr+ Bktepeyted qoptbey yfmuhd yekd oIS tm tfelogeAimhheitbseukimkyibmuy+im+un

    Tfe cutupe mc Ohmke= \ehh bt |bhh `e `oin'tfmulf bk o dbccepekt cmpgot+ \epe iuppekthr bktfe qpmieyy mc pobybkl cukdy tm `ur o hople tekttm fmuye cutupe qepcmpgokiey okd lbsbkl uy tfeo`bhbtr tm lm okr|fepe+ Neeq rmup erey qeehedcmp Ohmke ot ceytbsohy( ot gopnety okd( qmyyb`hr(bk rmup m|k `oin lopdek+ \e ope mqek tm mccepy+

    \mpdy nbkdhr qpmsbde r Gopn Ehhby Ohmke

    immpdbkotmp okd dbpeitmp

    Qmety ImpkepQpeyektyGp Gmppbymk

    Qmet Impkep by o ke| ceotupe o t Tfe @mvZbke dedbioted tm yfm|ioybkl tfe ipeog mctfe ipmq mc qmetpr cpmg tfe UN+ \ e opeqpmud tm qpeyekt Gp+ Gmppbymk tm rmu mup

    hmsehr peodepy oy tfecbpyt lueyt bk qmetyimpkep+

    Fb Gp Gmppbymk tfokn rmu cmp jmbkbkl uy |e fose

    ymge ueytbmky cmp rmu+

    ?+ \fek dbd rmu cbpyt ytopt tm |pbte qmetpr=

    Eblft reopy olm+ B |oy ?2 okd |ekt mk fmhbdor tmGevbim |fepe B get o lbph |fm B lmt mk |ehh |btf+

    \e egobhed eoif mtfep |fek |e `mtf lmt fmgeokd yfe |pmte o qmeg o`mut ge |fbif B tfmulft|oy sepr tfmulftcuh+ Bggedbotehr octep tfot( B tfek|pmte gr cbpyt qmeg &mutybde mc tfe gokdotmprqmegy |pbttek ot yifmmh" okd f osek,t hmmned oinybkie+

    0+ \fot foy bkyqbped tfe qmegy rmu |pbte=

    Hbce+ B qpecep tm |pbte cpmg qepymkoh evqepbekiepelopdheyy fm| jmrcuh mp deqpeyybkl hbce by ot tfotgmgekt bk tbge+ \fek hbce by ymg`pe okd dbccbiuhtokd B |byf tm evqpeyy tfot bk o qmetbioh cmpgot( Bhmmn tm tfe |or bk |fbif imgedbok Puyyehh @pokdyuiieyycuhhr imksepty tpougotbi bkibdekty bktmhuibd fugmup( |fbif tm ge( by o cmpg mc ohifegr+Tfby ekimupoley ge tm pecbke tfe kelotbsey okd

    tpokycmpg tfeg bktm o qbeie mc |pbtbkl tfot kmtmkhr obdy tfe feohbkl qpmieyy mk o qepymkoh heseh(`ut ohym peoifey mut tm tfmye |fm fose hbsed-opehbsbkl tfpmulf o ybgbhop ibpiugytokie+

    9+ Dm rmu pecepee tm okr mc tfe lpeot qmety tmbkchuekie tfe |mpn tfot rmu ipeote=

    Cbpyt okd cmpegmyt B og o ytudekt mc qmetpr>tfepecmpe B,g imkytokthr tprbkl tm heopk gmpe o`muttfe |mpny mc lpeot qmety+ B fose gr qpecepekieyyuif oy \bhhbog @hone( Hmpd @rpmk okd mc imupyeYfoneyqeope( `ut gr cosmupbte qmeg `r o gbhhbmk

    gbhey by Pudropd Nbqhbkl,y ,Bc,+ B nkm| bt mcc `r feoptokd gektohhr pecep tm tfot qmeg esepr dor |btfmutcobh+

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Heyyep Yqmtted&Ipeotupey mc tfe Up`ok \bhdepkeyy"

    @r Lhekk Jogey

    &Km+ 40" Tfe \me`elmke

    Tfe \me`elmke by o gehokifmhr hbtthe ipeotupe |fbif opey ok ukiokkr peyeg`hokie tm tfe hote Hey

    Do|ymk+ Bt yqekdy bty hbce hogektbkl |fot gblft fose

    `eek( `ut dmbkl kmtfbkl tm ifokle bty ibpiugytokiey+

    Tfby evtekdy tm tfe coit tfot bt by ukfoqqr ot 6qg

    eiouye bt dbdkt ytopt bty dbkkep ot yesek mihmin( okdby ym pelpetcuh `r gbdkblft( tfot `r tfe tbge bt deibdey

    tm yekd mut cmp o qbzzo esepr|fepe by yfut( okd bt foy

    tm fose o ifeeye yokd|bif bkyteod+ Tfe \me`elmkey

    fm``bey &|muhd" bkihude y|bggbkl( &bc bt fod heopkt"(

    okd dopty( &bc bt fod o `mopd+" Bt |muhd hbne tm fose o

    cosmupbte cbhg( `ut bt neeqy gbyybkl tfeg+

    &Km+ 5

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Tfe Pot'Gok

    Qopt ?+

    Dm|k `r tfe mhd iokoh( |fepe tfe |eedy fod mseplpm|k tfe ipoined qotf okd tfe imkipete |oy ipug`hbkl o|or(

    B |oy |ohnbkl qoyt o pm| mc imppuloted bpmk yfedy tfot |epe puytbkl qheoyokthr bk tfe mutep'ibtr yukyfbke+ B mctek uyed tm

    lm dm|k `r tfe iokoh |fek B |okted tm `e mk gr m|k+ Bt |oy mke mc tfmye qhoiey tfot lose o yekye mc `ebkl mk tfe edle

    mc tfbkly( o dbypelopded msephmmned qhoie |fepe rmu imuhd |ohn cmp fmupy |btfmut geetbkl okmtfep qepymk+ B hbned tm

    bgolbke tfot B |oy bk mke mc tfmye cbhgy tfot tone qhoie octep tfe fugok yqeibey foy `eek |bqed mut+ Bt fod o qoptbiuhop

    obp mc pehoved kelheit> o pbif lpm|tf mc `pog`hey |oy tfpeodbkl bty |or tfpmulf dugqed `pbiny okd dbybktelpotbkl

    pu``byf( okd tfe yuo|ny mc tfe hokdhmined yeoluhhy ymukded ohgmyt qpefbytmpbi+

    B hbned tfe iokoh'ybde( tfot up`ok |bhdepkeyy cmplmttek `r fugoky+ Bt |oy o lpeot qhoie tm lm tm let tfbkly bktm

    qepyqeitbse+ B imuhd lm tfepe okd fose o iblopette |btfmut okrmke imgqhobkbkl o`mut gr fo`bt> tfepe ope km peytpbitbmky

    mp peluhotbmky bk o qhoie tfot km`mdr iopey o`mut+

    Mkhr tfot dor( tfe hoyt dor B esep |ekt tfepe( ymgetfbkl foqqeked |fbif `mtfeped ge+

    B |oy |ohnbkl ohmkl oy uyuoh( fosbkl o ygmne( kmt tfbknbkl o`mut okrtfbkl bk qoptbiuhop( juyt ekjmrbkl tfe

    octepkmmk( |fek B feopd o ympt mc yipotifbkl dpollbkl kmbye `efbkd ge+ B hmmned opmukd( tfbknbkl bt |oy mke mc tfe yegb'

    |bhd ioty tfot Bd mctek yeek hupnbkl bk tfe yeihuded impkepy mc t fe mhd yfedy mp fuktbkl bk tfe |eed 'tfbinety+ @ut B

    imuhdkt yee okrtfbkl+ B |ohned mk( okd tfe ymukd ioge olobk( oy tfmulf ymgetfbkl |oy cmhhm|bkl ge+ B |oy o `bt

    okkmred( oy B |okted tm `e hect ohmke+ @ut B |oykt ocpobd Bg kmt tfe ympt mc qepymk |fm lety kepsmuy o`mut `ebkl bk o

    qhoie hbne tfot mk gr m|k+ @ut B |oy o `bt bppbtoted+ B |ohned mk( okd tfe dpollbkl kmbye cmhhm|ed ge+ B ytmqqed( tfe

    kmbye bggedbotehr ieoyed+

    Mf ytmq qhorbkl ybhhr `ullepy/ B yobd m ut hmud( yot dm|k mk o `pbin feoq( okd ytu``ed gr iblopette mut( |obt bkl

    cmp |fotesep bt |oy tm yfm| btyehc+

    Okd mut cpmg tfe yfodm| mc mke mc tfe yfedy bt ioge hbne o lper gbyt tfot t|byted ukieptobkhr bk tfe obp cmp o

    gmgekt ecmpe peymhsbkl btyehc bktm tfe cblupe mc o hbtthe mhd gok bk yfo``r mhd'coyfbmked ihmtfbkl |btf ymgetfbkl mc tfe

    hmmn mc tfe ?291y mp ?241y o`mut fbg+ Fe |oy |eopbkl o tpbh`r fot tfot fod yeek `ettep dory( okd bk mke fokd fod o

    yhblfthr puytr `bpdiole |fbif y|ored o hbtthe oy fe |ohned+ Bkybde tfe iole |oy o `pblft'ered `pm|k'cupped pot( |fbif

    ytmmd uq olobkyt tfe `opy mk bty fbkd hely tm ykbcc ot tfe obp+ @efbkd tfe gok yhukn o `bl mhd to``r tmgiot |btf fohc ok eop

    gbyybkl okd o coie yiopped cpmg cblftbkl+

    Rmu imge dm|k fepe o hmt( yobd tfe gok+ Bse yeek rmu+

    B hbne bt fepe( B yobd+ B |oykt yioped mc fbg( |fbif yupqpbyed ge+ B ceht B mulft tm `e ocpobd( `ut tfe |fmhe

    ekimuktep yeeged tm fose tfe bkesbto`bhbtr mc o dpeog o`mut bt+

    Tfer |okt tm nbhh ge( rmu nkm|( yobd tfe gok+

    Nbhh rmu= \fm dmey=

    Juyt tfeg fe yobd+ Tfer dmkt hbne ge `ebkl fepe+

    Okd rmu tfbkn tfer |okt tm nbhh rmu=

    B nkm| tfer dm+ Fosekt rmu yeek tfe yblky= Tfby qhoie |mkt `e fepe cmp sepr guif hmklep+ Bty tfe

    Pedesehmqgekt Olekir+ Tferhh gone eseprtfbkl fepe toge okd yoce( okd tfek |fepe |bhh |e lm= Ge okd tfe poty o kd

    tfe hbtthe |bhd nbttbey( tfepehh `e km pmmg cmp okr mc uy+ Kmt opmukd fepe+ Kmt okr|fepe+ Okd |fek mup qhoie lmey( |ehh

    lm tmm+ Tfe |mphd |bhh ohh `e iheok okd tbdr tfek + + + Km|fepe cmp rmu tm imge okd ygmne( ebtfep + + +

    Okd |btf tfot tfe gok( tfe pot okd tfe to``r iot ybgqhr coded o|or hbne cml ukdep yukhblft+

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Optbyt mc tfe Gmktf:Tfe \otepimhmup Ecceit

    Huir Pekdhe

    ?+ \fot bkyqbped rmu tm `e tm qobkt= Okd |fepe

    fose rmu ytudbed=

    B fose oh|ory eek coyibkoted r ohh trqey mc opt

    cmpgy |fetfep cbhg( qobktbkl mp qfmtmlpoqfr esek

    ipeotbse |pbtbkl+ B dbdkt ytudr cbke opt ot imhhele mp

    ukbsepybtr ut B tmmn o delpee bk cbhg gonbkl |fbif

    B oqqpmoifed bk ok optbytbi |or+ B og o yehc toulftoptbyt okd fose qobkted ybkie B |oy sepr rmukl> opt

    foy fod o qpmcmukd ecceit mk gr hbce( fosbkl ok

    optbytbi lpokdgmtfep |fmB heopked o lpeot deohcpmg+ B peod gokr `mmny o`mutteifkbue okd qoytokd qpeyekt optbyty> B|otif gokrcbhgy |fbif fose`eek sbyuohhr bkyqbpbkl okd tonek bkyqbpotbmk cpmg

    qmety okd |pbtepy+

    0+ Dm rmu fose o qpecepped optbyt okd |fot trqe mc

    opt bkyqbpey tfe |mpn tfot rmu qpmduie=

    Tfby by o sepr dbccbiuht ueytbmk oy B dm kmt fose mke

    `ut gokr cosmupbte optbyty( cbhg gonepy okd |pbtepy

    |fm fose bkyqbped tfe opt |mpn tfot B qpmduie+

    Yohsodmp Dohb( Foppr Ihopne( Dmpmtfeo Tokkbkl(

    Cpokiby @oimk ope ohh evieqtbmkoh qobktepy okd

    bhhuytpotmpy+ Tfe dopn |mpny mc Edlop Ohhok Qme okd

    Yrhsbo Qhotf tm tfe ibkegotbi qpmduitbmky mc Dosbd

    Hrkif okd Tbg @upptmk ohh fose gode tfepe gopn

    mk tfe qobktbkly tfot B fose ipeoted+

    9+ Dm rmu uye tpodbtbmkoh getfmdy mc qobktbkl mpgmdepk teifkbuey=

    B uye o img`bkotbmk mc tpodbtbmkoh okd yhblfthr

    gmdepk teifkbuey |fek qpmduibkl o qobktbkl(

    tfe |or B uye |otep imhmup imuhd `e yeek oy

    tpodbtbmkoh `ut B ohym uye qek okd bkn bkimpqmpoted

    bktm tfe yoge bgole ohym |fbif l mey olobkyt tfe

    tpodbtbmkoh getfmdy+

    \btf obd mc dblbtoh qfmtmlpoqfr B fose ohym

    evqepbgekted okd ipeoted qbeiey tfot img`bke tfe t|m

    gedbugy horepbkl o qobkbkl mktm o qfmtmlpoqf okd

    geplbkl tfe t|m bgoley tmletfep tm ipeote mke +

    4+ Fm| |muhd rmu deyipb`e rmup ytrhe=

    Gr ytrhe mc opt by o gbvtupe mc ymct |otep imhmupimktpoytbkl |btf ytpmkl `hoin hbkey mc qek okd bkn+ B

    mctek ipmyy fotif tm `pbkl deqtf okd hblft okd yfode tm

    o qobktbkl+ B og kmt teifkbiohhr odsokied oy ok optbyt

    okd fose o hmt tm heopk okd `eiouye mc tfby gr qobktbkly

    mctek ope ifbhd hbne ut tfe yu`jeit gottep by decbokthr


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    B ipeote qobktbkly cpmg gr bgolbkotbmk ohym

    yu`imkyibmuyhr B og bkyqbped `r opt B fose yeek

    okd cbhgy img`bked |btf gr m|k gegmbpey okd


    5+ Imuhd rmu deyipb`e tm tfe peodepy rmup iuppektevfb`btbmk bc rmu fose mke mp |fek rmu gor e


    Iuppekthr gr |mpn iok e yeek ot Tfe Qobkt @mv bk

    \mpieytep( bt by o ygohh imhheitbmk mc qpbkty okd

    mpblbkoh qobktbkly ipeoted bk tfe gedbug qek-bkn

    okd |otepimhmup+ B og fmqbkl tm ohym yfm ioye gr

    |mpn ohmkl |btf mtfepy bk yupqpbye hmioh sekue okd B

    |bhh neeq qemqhe bkcmpged+ Cmp okr bkcmpgotbmk

    o`mut tfe |mpn B qpmduie okd gr hoteyt evfb`btbmky

    qheoye sbybt


    Mp hbne gr Huir Pekdhe Opt Bgole coie `mmn qole/9+ Fose rmu lmt o cosmupbte optbyt mp opt gmsegekt tfot foy

    bkyqbped |fot rmu ifmmye tm yfm| ioye bk rmup ytmpe=

    Bg oh|ory dpo|k tm|opdy tfbkly tfot ope o `bt dbccepekt`mhd imhmupy( o`ytpoit deyblky( okd o sopbetr mctevtupey+ B hbne qbeiey `r Eyifep okd Yohsodmp Dohb( `ut Bdmkt tfbkn tfot peohhr bkchuekiey |fot |e ytmin tfepeyyuif o sopbetr fepe+ &@etf"

    Bg dpo|k tm ohh ympty mc opt oy |ehh oy tfe optbyty `efbkdtfe |mpn+ Oy o geg`ep mc ok mkhbke opt imggukbtr( Byee ym guif dbccepekt opt esepr dor okd ukdepytokd tfe

    dbccbiuhtbey optbyty iok fose lettbkl tfebp |mpn yeek( ym

    tfot |oy gmythr gr bkyqbpotbmk cmp tfe lohhepr potfep tfoko qoptbiuhop optbyt mp gmsegekt+ \epe dedbiotedyuqqmptbkl tfe optbyty/ &Egjor"

    4+ Fose rmu lmt o cosmupbte optbyt mp opt gmsegekt tfot foy

    bkyqbped |fot rmu ifmmye tm yfm| ioye bk rmup ytmpe=

    Bg oh|ory dpo|k tm|opdy tfbkly tfot ope o `bt dbccepekt`mhd imhmupy( o`ytpoit deyblky( okd o sopbetr mctevtupey+ B hbne qbeiey `r Eyifep okd Yohsodmp Dohb( `ut Bdmkt tfbkn tfot peohhr bkchuekiey |fot |e ytmin tfepeyyuif o sopbetr fepe+ &@etf"

    ?+ \fek dbd rmu deibde tm mqek o yfmq dedbioted tm hmioh


    \e deibded bk Jokuopr tfot bt gblft e o lmmd bdeo tmmqek mup m|k yfmqEg jor hbned tfe bdeo mc pukkbkl o

    `uybkeyy bk \mpieytep okd B fose hmty mc petobhevqepbekie+ Oy tfe bdeo desehmqed okd |e `elok tmhmmn ot osobho`he yfmqy tm pekt( |e tfmulft bt gblft ekbie tm fose o qhoie tm yfm|ioye mup m|k |mpn( oy|ese mtf oh|ory eek cobphr ipeot bse+ \e nkm| fm|

    dbccbiuht bt by tm let rmup qpmduity mut cmp yohe( ym bt tfekmkhr yeeged hmlbioh tm mqek o yfmq dedbioted tm yehhbklgmythr fokdgode btegy ipeoted r hmioh optbyty okd

    ipoctepy+ Tfe ukbt |oy oiubped bk Oqpbh( okd tfe yfmqmqeked bk Gor 01??+

    0+ \fot iok iuytmgepy evqeit tm yee b k Mf Fer \m|=

    Ohh ympty mc ukbue btegy+ \e ope o lohhepr okd lbctyfmq( dbyqhorbkl mpblbkoh opt|mpn okd qpbkty bk o sopbetrmc ytrhey okd gedbo+ Rmu iok o hym cbkd je|ehhepr(

    ihmtfbkl( ytotbmkepr( fmge |ope( deimpotbse btegy( okdlpeetbkly iopdy+ Mup Fobpr Foty( fokdgode quqqetyokd Tfe Hmkehr Mkey fmmdbey iokt `e qupifoyed

    okr|fepe ehye bk tfe imuktr+ \e ohym ytmin Ytoplozep

    okd Dbpeitbmky fobpdre ot hm| qpbiey+

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Bg dpo|k tm ohh ympty mc opt oy |ehh oy tfe optbyty `efbkd

    tfe |mpn+ Oy o geg`ep mc ok mkhbke opt imggukbtr( Byee ym guif dbccepekt opt esepr dor okd ukdepytokd tfe

    dbccbiuhtbey optbyty iok fose lettbkl tfebp |mpn yeek( ym

    tfot |oy gmythr gr bkyqbpotbmk cmp tfe lohhepr potfeptfok o qoptbiuhop optbyt mp gmsegekt+ \epe dedbioted

    yuqqmptbkl tfe optbyty/ &Egjor"

    5+ Fm| dm hmioh \mpieytepyfbpe ipeotbsey let bksmhsed=

    Bc rmu ope ok optbyt mc ipoctep bk \mpieytepyfbpe( imgeokd qor uy o sbybt+ Tone o hmmn ot tfe yfmq( yee |fot |e

    fose ohpeodr( okd bc rmu tfbkn rmud hbne t m yee rmup|mpn fepe tmm( juyt het uy nkm|+ \ehh tone o hmmn ot

    rmup ytucc okd bc |e tfbkn bty t fe ympt mc tfbkl tfot

    |muhd yehh fepe( |ehh `e foqqr tm lbse bt o lm+ \e

    oituohhr fose opmukd mke optbyt o |een `pbkl bk tfebpioksoyey( qpbkty( eti+ \ed peohhr hbne tm yee ymge gmpe

    ipoctepy|mmd mp getoh |mpn( tmry( ihmtfey( qmttepr|ed hmse tm fose gmpe mc tfot ympt mc tfbkl+ \epe ohym

    hmmnbkl bktm fmhdbkl ymge opt okd ipocty esekty bk ytmpebk tfe puk uq tm Ifpbytgoy( `ut km detobhy fose ret `eek


    3+ Iok okrmke evfb`bt |btf rmu=

    Rey+ Tfe |mpn keedy tm `e lmmd uohbtr okd tm oqqeoh

    tm mup iuytmgepy( `ut tfmye ope mup mkhr ipbtepbo+ \eope neek tm yuqqmpt \mpieytepyfbpey optbyty( `ut tfotdmeykt geok |ehh evihude optbyt y cpmg cuptfep ocbehd

    |e iuppekthr fose ymge `eoutbcuh foty tfot fose `eekfokdgode bk Lhoylm|( okd mup gbkb tmte `oly ope

    fokdgode bk Hmkdmk+

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Tfe Gmplok

    Mqek Gbi Kblft

    Tfe Gmplok by yqhekdbd

    evogqhe mc o lpeot

    tpodbtbmkoh qu`( hmioted

    bk Gohsepk ihmye tm tfe

    cogmuy Gmplok Iop

    Gokucoitupey+ Tfe qu`hbi

    fmuye qpmsbdey o cbke

    yeheitbmk mc peoh ohey tm

    yubt esepr toyte(

    iuytmgepy ope |ehimgedbk tm |opg otgmyqfepe

    ipeoted `r tfe qu`y

    uobkt okd ytrhbyf dimp+

    Ymge mc guybiy cbkeyt

    guybiboky cpmg Tfe

    @eothey tm Jbggr Fekdpbv

    lpoie tfe |ohhy bk

    qfmtmlpoqfbi cmpg

    ipeotbkl o sepr cbttbkl

    sekue tm fmyt ok mqek gbi


    Tfe Gmplok fmyty mqek

    gbi kblft esepr gmktf

    okd Tfe @mv Zbke |oytfepe tm ymin uq tfe

    otgmyqfepe okd get ymge

    mc tfe tohekted

    qepcmpgepy bksbted `r

    Joke tfe hokd hodr+

    Tfe guybiboky

    qepcmpgbkl qhored

    eseprtfbkl cpmg @m`

    Drhok imsepy tm gmpe

    gmdepk dor cmhn+

    Ym |fr kmt sektupe

    mut mc \mpieytep cmp o

    lpeot kblfty

    ekteptobkgekt bk tfefeopt mc Gohsepk+

    Okd odd tfe Gmplok

    tm rmup Coie`mmn


    Huir Pekdhe

    Opt okd Qfmtmlpoqfr

    Bkyqbpbkl okd mpblbkoh bgoley

    ipeoted cmp tfe qupqmye mc

    Deipetbse deyblk@okd qpmgmtbmk





  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Iuty bk opty cukdbkl foy fod o dpogotbi occeitmk mup opt imggbtteey+ Bk tfby qpeyybkl tbge|epe iuty bk ohh yeitmpy ope imggmk qhoie |eoddpeyy fm| tfeye gojmp ifokley |bhh occeitopt bk cutupe+ Bk Gor tfby reop cukdbkl |oy iut`r 91% occeitbkl ohh opeoy mc tfe opty+ Sekuey

    yuif oy tfeotpe( lohhepbey okd mtfep opt pehotedmplokbyotbmkyfose `eek ytpmklhr occeited `rtfe iuty okd ope uko`he tm oqqhr cmp okdpeiebse peluhop cukdbkl |fbif gokreyto`hbyfgekty pehor mk cmp tfebp yupsbsoh+

    Tfe Opty Imukibh ope mke mc tfe hopleytcukdbkl `mdbey cmp tfe opty bk tfe UN( okdfose `eek qut ukdep o lpeot ogmukt mcqpeyyupe tm dm oy guif oy tfer iok |btf tfehbtthe gmker tfot by osobho`he bkyteod mccukdbkl sekuey mk o peluhop `oyby tfe OptyImukibh iok mkhr yuqqmpt mplokbyotbmky |btfner ogmukty mc gmker uyed mkhr cmp mke mcc


    @ut tfepe by ymge hblft ot tfe ekd bc tfe tukkeh/Bk 01?9 tfe lmsepkgekt |bhh qhedle 61gbhhbmk bk hmttepr gmker tm imktpb`ute tm|opdytfe hoin mc cbkbioh `oinbkl bk tfe Opty okdtfepe ope mtfep yifegey bk tfe qbqe hbke+

    Bk tfe geoktbge ipeotbse cmhn |fm opeqoyybmkote o`mut tfe opty |bhh fose tm desehmqmtfepy |or tm neeq tfeye sekuey ohbse( sekueyyuif oy \mpieytep Opty \mpnyfmq( Kug`ep 6Opty okd Imggukbtr Iektpe( NOC&Nbddepgbkytep Opt Ceytbsoh" ogmklyt mtfephmiohhr `oyed sekuey

    \btf 011 fukleped mplokbyotbmky gbyybkl ot mktfe cukdbkl cmpg tfe Opty Imukibh heodbkl tmgokr mc tfeye lpmuqy fosbkl tm egqhmr ytocc mksmhuktopr `oyby okd fosbkl tm imge uq |btfbkdeqekdekt cukdbkl yifegey( |e yfmuhd tpr tmimge uq |btf bkyqbpotbmkoh ytpotelbey tm neeqtfe opty ohbse+

    Bc rmu fose okr imggekty mk okr mc tfe byyueyTfe @mv Zbke pobyey q heoye imktoit uy |e |okttm feop `oin cpmg mup peodepy rmup ytmpbey okdbdeoy ope sepr guif |ehimge+

    Egobh tfe'`mv'zbkeAfmtgobh+im+un mp geyyoleuy mk mup Coie`mmn qole+

    Iuty bk Opty

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7






    Bhh Ynbhhy # Ibpiuhop Ibqfep O Dor # Kblft mc Fbq'Fmq Iuhtupe

    0qg 3+91qg Hbse lpoccbtb opt( hbse fbq'fmq( mqek gbi cpeeytrhe ' @elbkkepy

    `peondokie # mdr'qmqqbkl |mpnyfmqy ' Tohn mk eophr fbytmpr mc @pbtbyf fbq'fmq eti+

    `r @oybh Qeqqepqmt+ Qhuy yqeiboh lueyty

  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7


    Qopt mke+

    Ope rmu ok optbyt( qfmtmlpoqfep(qepcmpgep mp

    guybibok= Ope rmu fmhdbkl ok esekt bk tfe


    Bc ym Tfe @mv Zbke |muhd hbne tm feop cpmg


    \e obg tm yfm|ioye tohekt cpmg opmukd

    \mpieytepyfbpe okd `ermkd+ \e |okt tm

    qpmgmte rmu okd |fot rmu dm+ Ym let bk



    okd ifein uy mut mk Coie`mmn ohym


  • 8/4/2019 The Box Zine Issue 7
